The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Fat Lives Matter

Posted on | July 22, 2020 | 1 Comment


How is it that we now have 25-year-old Instagram influencers lecturing the world about the “social construction” of “norms”? And why is it that everything — absolutely everything — in 2020 ultimately comes around to “white supremacy” as an explanation?

How “woke” are you? No matter how attuned you may be to social-justice ideology, you’re probably not as woke as Maxine Ali. She is the kind of young feminist who spells “women” as womxn while slinging around academic jargon about “normative gender binaries.” Ms. Ali does most of her “activism” on her Instagram account, which, until a few years ago, was a typical sort of “influencer” account about food and exercise. But that was before Ms. Ali got herself a master’s degree from King’s College London, where critical theory is a central component of the curriculum. Critical theory is to cultural Marxism what a hammer is to carpentry; Ms. Ali is now qualified to identify systemic oppression wherever it may be found, which is to say, everywhere.
“The social construction of the ‘healthy’ body promotes norms that preserve white supremacy,” Ms. Ali proclaimed last month in an Instagram post, which detailed at length how BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color) are oppressed by the “white normativity” involved in “discourses of health” . . .

Read the rest of my latest column at The American Spectator.


Blame New York

Posted on | July 22, 2020 | Comments Off on Blame New York


What counts as “success” in fighting a pandemic?

Last week, Dr. Anthony Fauci, made a controversial assessment of New York’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. “We know that, when you do it properly, you bring down those cases. We have done it. We have done it in New York,” he told PBS’s Judy Woodruff. “New York got hit worse than any place in the world. And they did it correctly.”
Fauci was thoroughly mocked for his praise of New York, and not just by me.
“New York did it right by forcing thousands of highly infectious patients into nursing homes and running the subways 24-7 with no cleaning and no masks for months,” said Phil Kerpen, the president of American Commitment and The Committee to Unleash Prosperity.
“These comments by Dr. Fauci are a slap in the face to the thousands of New Yorkers who suffered immensely due to the inept and fatal policy errors from Governor Andrew Cuomo,” said Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona.
“The media informs me repeatedly that Dr. Anthony Fauci has never been wrong about anything and is above criticism,” mocked Ben Domenech of The Federalist. “He just hailed New York for their response to coronavirus. Are we allowed to call out a degree of bulls**t that monumental?”

New York alone has more than one-fifth of all U.S. coronavirus deaths, and when you combine the tri-state area (New York, New Jersey and Connecticut), that’s more than 36% of U.S. deaths. Comparing the per-capita death rates, you find that Florida’s rate is 86% lower than New York, and the rate in Texas is 92% lower than New York.

Hey, did you know that The American Spectator still publishes a print magazine and that you can suscribe for $10.99 a month or $69.99 a year? I mention this because the most recent print edition includes my article about how badly Cuomo screwed up on COVID-19:

On March 2, the day after New York reported its first coronavirus case, Gov. Andrew Cuomo appeared on CNN, where he declared that he was “mobilizing the public health system to contain the spread.” In an interview with CNN’s John Berman, the Democratic governor said his state was “ramping up our testing capacity,” but assured viewers that “we have no reason for concern” that the COVID-19 patient, a 39-year-old woman who had just returned from Iran, had spread the virus to anyone else in New York. Cuomo added, “What I am concerned about, if anything, more than a health issue, is the perception issue and the fear issue. I understand diligence and I understand anxiety and let’s do everything we can. But you can’t allow the fear to outpace reality, right?”
The grim reality of New York’s coronavirus outbreak soon outpaced the worst fears anyone might have imagined in early March. By mid-April, Cuomo’s state was reporting as many as a thousand deaths a day, mostly in New York City and its suburbs, with the city’s pandemic also driving up the death tolls in neighboring New Jersey and Connecticut. By late May, those three states accounted for 45 percent of all U.S. coronavirus deaths. . . .

Read the whole thing. The time-lag in print publication meant that the statistical comparisons were based on data from late May and June, but even with the recent “second wave” surge in other states, New York has still not lost its place atop the coronavirus death totals.


In The Mailbox: 07.21.20

Posted on | July 21, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.21.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: Chicago Continues Its Slide Into The Abyss
EBL: Greyhound – A Review
Twitchy: MSNBC Analyst Claims President Sending “Paramilitary Units” Into Cities Is “Trial Run” To Steal The Election
Louder With Crowder: The Mask Nazis Are Coming After Ric Flair
Vox Popoli: Betting On A Trumpslide, also, No [More] Anonymous Defamation

Adam Piggott: Kristina Karen Keneally Just Misses Home
American Conservative: The Transgender Craze Is Creating Thousands Of Young Victims
American Greatness: Wicked Whitmer v. The Enchanted Land Of Self-Government, also, Soros Prosecutor Files Charges Against St. Louis Couple
American Thinker: No Longer Possible To Be A Democrat & Support Free Speech
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Racist Assumptions News
Babalu Blog: Cuban State Security Out In Force As Regime Opens “Dollars Only” Stores, also, Unemployed Kenyan Doctors Protest Hiring Of Cuban Slave Doctors
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm Jr. For July 19, also, Soros-Backed STL Prosecutor – How Dare You Try To Defend Your Home! Have Some Felony Charges! MO AG – Slow Your Roll
Cafe Hayek: Having Written A Book About The Scottish Enlightenment, He Should Know Better
CDR Salamander: If You Speak, You Can Be Heard
Da Tech Guy: Trust Our Pollsters, They Won’t Dox You Like Tucker Carlson, also, COVID, The Campaign, & A Conspiracy
Don Surber: Chaos Brings A Second Term, also, Congress Failed The Mom & Pops
First Street Journal: Surrendering On Language
The Geller Report: Chicago’s Mayor Threatens To Fight To Keep The Administration From Helping End Violence In Her City, also,  Star Of David Deemed “Hateful Imagery” By Twitter
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, And In Other Election News
Hollywood In Toto: Nine Lessons Learned From Rewatching Classic Star Trek, also, Red Pill Promises Get Out On Woke Steroids
The Lid: Thomas Sowell – U.S. Past The Point Of No Return If Biden Elected
Legal Insurrection: ANTIFA “Moms” Provide Human Shield Against Federal Law Enforcement, also, Tucker Carlson Accuses NYT Of Doing Story On His House To Hurt Wife & Kids
The PanAm Post: Colombian Criminal Gangs Unleash Violence During COVID-19 Pandemic
Power Line: WuFlu Infections In The NBA & MLB, also, Blois Olson – The Line On MN-05
Shark Tank: Palestinian Media Praises Deutch, Occasional Cortex For Promoting Anti-Israel Policy
Shot In The Dark: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday – Back To The Same Old
The Political Hat: Social Justice – The Presumption of Guilt
This Ain’t Hell: Navy Says The First Of Its New Frigates Will Be USS Brooke, also, Fundraiser Part II
Victory Girls: Victim Of Chicago Police Is Hardly Innocent
Volokh Conspiracy: #MeToo, #TheyLied, & Pseudonymous Litigation
Weasel Zippers: “Peaceful” Portland Protesters Destroy Plywood Protecting Federal Courthouse, also, Dem Rep Blumenauer – “Portland Is Not Out Of Control”
Megan McArdle: Trump’s Jedi Mind Tricks Aren’t Working Any More
Mark Steyn: The Race So Far, also, Whisper If You Dare

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A Little Chin Music for the NY Times

Posted on | July 21, 2020 | 3 Comments


Baseball fans are familiar with the term “chin music,” otherwise known as the “brushback” pitch. If a batter is crowding the plate, the pitcher brings a fastball “high and tight” — an inside pitch, aimed at about chin level — to convey the message, “Back the f–k up, buddy.”

In the etiquette of baseball, this is fair play, understood as part of the game by all players. And this is analagous to what Tucker Carlson did to the New York Times last night:

The New York Times is threatening Tucker Carlson with publicizing where his family lives. In his most recent segment of “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Fox News, Carlson announced The New York Times is set to release an “intrusive” story about where he lives to demonstrate that they “want this show off the air.”
“As a matter of journalism, there is no conceivable justification for a story like that,” he said. “So why is the New York Times doing a story on the location of my family’s house? Well you know why: to injure my wife and kids so that I will shut up and stop disagreeing with them.”
According to Carlson, the paper assigned “political activist” Murray Carpenter and photographer Tristan Spinski to follow him and his family and publish a “where are they now?” story after violent protesters harassed them and sent them death threats for a year after discovering their previous home address. Carlson attempted to talk with the Times about the potential danger that might come with the release of his home’s location, but to no avail.
“Editors there know exactly what will happen to my family when it does run. I called them today and I told them but they didn’t care,” he said. “They hate my politics. They want this show off the air.”
Carlson has good reason to fear. In 2018, his family faced a slew of attacks on their home after a “left-wing journalist” released the address to his house in Washington, D.C. One night, Antifa members “vandalized” Carlson’s home and “threatened” his wife while he was away. The Carlson family also received death threats via mail and more Antifa visits, which eventually forced them to move.
“It felt cowardly to sell our home and leave…but in the end, that’s what we did,” Carlson explained.
Despite his concerns about his family’s safety, Carlson made a point to call out the hypocrisy of the “soulless robot editors” at the Times for trying to call this “incitement to violence” journalism. He noted The New York Times would not stand for the same kind of action from him or other conservative journalists, yet they continue to pursue it.
“They would call it criminal behavior if we did it. And that tells you everything,” Carlson said.

Oooh! That’s a fastball high and tight, and liberals are now whining that Carlson encouraged his fans to “dox” the reporters trying to dox him.

Shut up, you whiners. There’s no crying in baseball.


In The Mailbox: 07.20.20

Posted on | July 20, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: Lake Delhi Dam Breach – July 2010
EBL: The Business Of Drugs
Twitchy: Brian Stelter Admits There’s “Real Problems” In Portland, Criticizes Right-Wing Coverage, Gets Rekt 
Louder With Crowder: NYPD Commissioner Goes Off On City Leaders, also, Charles Barkley Blasts Antisemitic Athletes & Rappers
Vox Popoli: The Evil Of The Devil Mouse, also, Deconverging Red Bull

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The Woodpile Edition, also, Podcast #149 – The State Of The Manosphere
American Conservative: 2020 America Or 1935 Spain?
American Greatness: Will 2020 Be 1984? also, Black Woman Throws Paint On Multiple #BLM Murals In NYC
American Power: Andrew Sullivan To Revive The Dish, also, Latinos Now The Majority At The University Of California
American Thinker: Media Malpractice On COVID Numbers, also, Democrats Are Forcing A Civil War
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: “What A Fool Believes”, INDEED!
BattleSwarm: Detailed Analysis Of MI Police Shooting, also, BidenWatch For July 20
Cafe Hayek: If You’re Against Racism, You Should Be A Capitalist, also, Why I Repeat Myself
CDR Salamander: The Future Of Australian National Security – On Midrats, also, The Secrets We Forgot To Tell Ourselves
Da Tech Guy: What If We Applied The Left’s Woke Rules To The NBA & NFL Rosters? also, Feds Hit Illinois Democrat Corruption On Two Fronts
Don Surber: Democrat-Sanctioned Riots, also, Journalism’s Big Problem Is Conformity
First Street Journal: Due Process Of Law? What Due Process?
The Geller Report: Joe Biden Speaks To Million Muslim Votes Summit, also, Portland Riot Organizer Says Mission Is “The Abolition Of The United States As We Know It”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Step By Step
Hollywood In Toto: Uncle Tom Soars On IMDB, Ignored On Rotten Tomatoes, also, Adam Carolla On Occasional Cortex – “Insane, Maniacal”
JustOneMinute: We Are Ruled By Children, And Owned By Them
The Lid: Jews And Supporters Of Israel Have Only One Good Choice In 2020
Legal Insurrection: 20% Of Mail-In Ballots Tossed In Tight Congressional Primary, also, CT Pathologist’s Study Shows CDC COVID-19 Test Generates 30% False Positive Results
Michelle Malkin: Calling Out Cancel Culture King Ben Shapiro
Power Line: Shocking Leftist Violence In Denver, also, Soros Comes To The Aid Of Rogue STL Prosecutor
Shark Tank: Trump Campaign Pushes Back Against Anne Delgado’s Bigotry
Shot In The Dark: The Unmarked Van Of Remorseless Logic
The Political Hat: The Cancelling Of America & The Rough Woke Future Slouching To Be Born
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Vulture Paul Rieckhoff – Still Aiming Low & Left, also, Texas Couple Defrauded Army Of Millions
Victory Girls: Denver Back The Blue Rally Attacked, also, Portland Officials & Media Still Defend Antifa
Volokh Conspiracy: Indian Tribes, Like Other Government Entities, Can’t Sue For Libel
Weasel Zippers: MN AG Keith Ellison Doesn’t Think The Police Should Respond To Rape Cases, also, #BLM Lunatics Show Up At MN Republican State Senator’s House, Refuse To Leave
Mark Steyn: The Male Animal, also, From Longleat To Amity Island

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Just a Coincidence, I’m Sure

Posted on | July 20, 2020 | 3 Comments

Last week, U.S. District Judge Esther Salas was assigned to preside over a lawsuit brought by Deutsche Bank investors claiming financial fraud related to the bank’s dealings with Jeffrey Epstein. Four days later — Sunday evening — a man dressed as a FedEx delivery man showed up at Salas’s home in New Jersey and shot her son and husband. Her son was killed, but her husband survived. Because I’m not a paranoid conspiracy theorist, I’m going to assume that this crime is merely a random coincidence, absolutely unconnected to Hillary Clinton.

Your mileage may vary.


Death of a White Man

Posted on | July 20, 2020 | 1 Comment

Probably no one will mourn the passing of Sean Ruis, who flipped out last week in a Michigan convenience store when the clerk refused him service because he wasn’t wearing a mask. Ruis reacted by stabbing a 77-year-old man, and was subsequently gunned down by a sheriff’s deputy:

For her part, Gov. Whitmer said she was “incredibly sad” about the incident. “I cannot ever pretend that I understand someone who would become murderous over wearing a piece of cloth on your face,” Whitmer told reporters Wednesday. “But what I can say is that violence is never the solution.”
Because the knife-wielding dead man was white, nobody rioted after he was shot to death. No statues were toppled, no stores were looted, no sports teams were renamed. White people getting shot by cops doesn’t interest the national media or arouse the outrage of “social justice” activists, so there were no angry protest mobs chanting outside Gov. Whitmer’s office, blaming her for Sean Ruis’s death.
Crime is only of interest to the national media when such stories can be used to advance the political agenda of the Democratic Party. . . .

You can read the rest of my latest column at The American Spectator.


Rule 5 Sunday: Toni McBride

Posted on | July 19, 2020 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Our spotlight this week is on LAPD officer Toni McBride, who Stacy mentioned last week in connection with the shooting of a meth-addled idiot. Predictably, the Coalition of the Damned is out there howling for officer McBride’s head, and given the feckless morons in charge of LA these days, they may well get it regardless of the facts of the matter, at which time McBride will probably go on to a decent career doing something else somewhere else. In the meantime, we can appreciate that not only is she a crack shot with nerves of steel, but a fine looking lady besides.

Toni McBride on the range

Ninety Miles From Tyranny opens up with Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1048, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. At Animal Magnetism, it’s Rule Five What Makes A Nation Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s heifers & opry roster this week includes Amber Heard, Manon Lescaut, Steve Bing, La Traviata, Turandot, Wozzeck, La Cenerentola, Le Nozze de Figaro, Toni McBride, and La Boheme.

A View From The Beach serves up Two Things to Know about Kat DenningsNational Tattoo Day!Fish Pic Friday – Happy PayneWuFlu Creates New Threat to Chesapeake BayThursday Truckin’Forgive My SkepticismSome Hump Day RussiagateWednesday WetnessAnother Tattoo TuesdayYour Monday Motivation, and Palm Sunday and Garden Post.

Proof Positive’s Vintage Babe this week is Susan Heyward, and Red Pilled Jew has Women Across The Table. (No, not like that.)

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

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