The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Surprising Plot Twist in Atlanta: ‘Girlfriend’ Is Suspect in Wendy’s Arson

Posted on | June 21, 2020 | 2 Comments


Absolutely did not see this coming:

Atlanta police issue arrest warrant
for Rayshard Brooks’ ‘girlfriend’, 29,
for burning down the Wendy’s where
he was shot and killed by cops

That’s the Daily Mail headline (via Ed Driscoll at Instapundit).

When I first saw this angle tipped yesterday by Wayne Dupree, I couldn’t believe it. If you saw the video on social media, you probably guessed that the white girl setting fire to Wendy’s was some kind of Antifa radical. To discover she may be Rayshard Brooks girlfriend? Whoa!

It was reporters in Atlanta who first noticed that the name of the arson suspect matched the name Brooks told police was the girlfriend who dropped him off at Wendy’s, as captured on bodycam video:

During the incident, Brooks suggested to officers that he could go to his girlfriend’s house nearby. In the footage, Brooks names White.
“You know, Natalie White, she’s my girlfriend. She left. I said, ‘Baby, I’ll get Wendy’s and then I’ll go back …'” he can be heard saying.

But that was a lie. Natalie White is from Gwinnett County, on the other side of the city from the Wendy’s where Brooks was shot.

If this woman was his girlfriend, what does that tell us about the relationship between Brooks and Tomika Miller, the mother of his three children, who has made so many media appearances lamenting the death of the man she calls her “husband”? Not that running around on your baby mama ought to be punishable by death, but considering how the media have depicted Brooks as a saintly martyr, this information does seem relevant. Although I’m sure it’s racist to question the beatification of St. Rayshard of the Blessed Bacon Double Cheeseburger.



Posted on | June 20, 2020 | 5 Comments

Whenever it comes time to, uh, celebrate shameless capitalism here, the suggested donation is $17.76, because we love America.

Of course, our patriotic readers know what happened in 1776, and also know that this is why the Fourth of July is celebrated annually.

Because we love America. And we love tradition. So our family has a traditional celebration of our national independence. Which is to say that we shoot off a metric buttload of fireworks. Read more

Didn’t We Try to Warn You?

Posted on | June 20, 2020 | 3 Comments


When last we took notice of Portland, Mayor Ted Wheeler had decided there were limits to coddling Antifa, namely when they tried to set up an “autonomous zone” in front of his apartment building.

Nothing can appease the vandal horde:

A statue of George Washington, the first president of the United States, was toppled and draped in a burning American flag by protesters in Portland, Oregon, on Thursday evening.
KOIN 6 reports:

Thursday marked the 21st day of protests in Portland sparked by the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police. Two groups — Rose City Justice and Lavender Caucus — hosted a sit-in rally at Jefferson High School in the evening where community members shared their experiences with racism to a crowd of a few hundred. The group did not hold a march.
A separate group of about 20 people met at NE Sandy Boulevard and NE 57th Avenue around 10 p.m. at the site of a large bronze statue of George Washington. Some wrapped the statue’s head in an American flag and lit the flag on fire. Their numbers grew over the next hour until there were enough people to pull the statue to the ground. They quickly scattered. A KOIN 6 News crew found the statue face down and covered in graffiti. Portland police arrived a short time later. . . .

The monument and its base were covered in vandalism, including the phrases: “Murder,” “Big Floyd,” “1619,” “Fuck Cops,” “BLM,” “Land Back,” “White Fragility,” and “You’re on Native Land.”
On Sunday, a statue of Thomas Jefferson, the United States’ third president and author of the Declaration of Independence, was defaced and torn down outside a Portland high school.
Photos obtained by Oregon Live show the base of the monument was spray-painted in black with “slave owner” and “George Floyd.”

Back in the 1990s, when activists began declaring the Confederate flag to be “controversial,” I recall leaders of the Sons of Confederate Veterans warning that this malicious spirit would not stop with dishonoring our Southern ancestors. Rather, these “activists” were inspired by demonic forces of racial hatred toward all white people, so that once they were through trashing the memory of the Confederacy, next they would turn to destroying the memory of the Founding Fathers and momunuments to other famous figures of American history. Does this sound familiar?

The term Year Zero . . . applied to the takeover of Cambodia in April 1975 by the Khmer Rouge, is an analogy to the Year One of the French Revolutionary Calendar. . . .
The idea behind Year Zero is that all culture and traditions within a society must be completely destroyed or discarded and a new revolutionary culture must replace it, starting from scratch. All of the history of a nation or people before Year Zero is largely deemed irrelevant, because it will ideally be purged and replaced from the ground up.

Do not mistake their purpose. Stigmatizing our nation’s past as stained by oppression, radicals seek not only to destroy symbols of our history, but also to destroy all laws, customs and traditions that might obstruct the totalitarian regime they intend to impose upon us.

The toppling of monuments to Washington and Jefferson came at a most inconvenient time for Rich Lowry, who just the other day had assured us that there was no such “slippery slope” ahead. The shallow, corrupt and cowardly editor of National Review wrote a column with the headline “Conservatives Should Feel No Investment in Confederate Monuments,” in which he basically celebrated the vandal horde.

Friday night in D.C.’s Judiciary Square, police stood by and did nothing while an Antifa mob tore down the statue of Albert Pike, who not only led Native American troops who fought for the Confederacy, but was a leading figure in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

Also Friday night the vandal horde in Raleigh, N.C., destroyed a monument to North Carolina’s Confederate troops. Anyone who applauds these acts of deliberate destruction now will have no logical grounds for complaint when the mob goes after some other “offensive” historical figure. And make no mistake, they will not stop at destroying monuments to dead white men, but will soon bring a campaign of organized and systematic violence against living white people.

Not only did the San Francisco mob topple the statue of a Catholic missionary, but also statues of U.S. Grant and Francis Scott Key.

Left-wing white “allies” of this racial terrorist movement are like the Girondists in the French Revolution, who were happy to overthrow the monarchy, but then found themselves sent to the guillotine by the more radical Jacobins. The Reign of Terror did not stop until it had consumed the lives of even its original authors, and this is the story of all radical movements in every age since. Only the most ruthless fanatics obtain power in radical regimes, because no rational or moderate person would be part of such a movement. Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) are now happy to incite this hateful radicalism because they believe it will help them defeat President Trump in November.

Long before Election Day arrives, however, I expect that this movement will boomerang back against the Democrats somehow. I cannot predict what manner this ironic self-inflicted injury will take, because there are so many possibilities. For example, did you know that the mayor’s residence in New York City was built by and named for a slave-owner?

Burn it down, baby. Burn it all down.


In The Mailbox: 06.19.20

Posted on | June 19, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Deadline to submit links for the FMJRA is tomorrow at noon; links for Rule 5 Sunday should be in by midnight. All times Pacific.

Pagan Vigil: Politics In 2020
EBL: Why Juneteenth?
Twitchy: RIP Eskimo Pie, 1919-2020
Louder With Crowder: Aunt Jemeima’s Great-Grandson OUTRAGED Over White Liberals Cancelling Her Legacy
Vox Popoli: An Experiment In Community Non-Policing, also, Corruption & Convergence
According To Hoyt: The World Is Not Ending

American Conservative: SCOTUS Could Cost Trump The Election
American Greatness: John Roberts & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamer Robe
American Thinker: Free Speech Is Under Full Assault
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Berkeley Friday
Babalu Blog: Rep, Gaetz Reveals He Has An Adopted Son From Cuba
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For June 19
Cafe Hayek: Government Power Is Not An Obedient Servant
CDR Salamander:  Civ-Mil Crisis? If So, It’s On The Civs, also, SECNAV & CNO On TR & Captain Crozier
Da Tech Guy: A Chair & a Sign & A Little Courage Is All It Takes
Don Surber: Cancel Culture Just Got Fun
The Geller Report: White Antifa Girl Busted In Seattle After Lighting Five Police Cars On Fire During #BLM Riots, also, People Already Lining Up/Campring Out For Trump’s Tulsa Rally – One Million Tickets Requested
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Don’t Know Much About History
Hollywood In Toto: Heroism Gets Cross-Examined In Superego Sequel, also, Here’s Why Cancel Culture Spared Howard Stern & Jimmy Kimmel (Again)
Legal Insurrection: Klobuchar Withdraws From VP Consideration, also, Rioters In Portland Burn American Flag On George Washington Statue Then Tear It Down
The PanAm Post: Maduro Buys Avior Aircraft To Avoid Sanctions, Fly Nonstop To Iraq
Power Line: They’ve Come For Washington, also, DOJ Defends Fairness In Sports
Shark Tank: New Internal Poll Shows Tight Race Between Cammack & Sapp For FL-03 Primary
Shot In The Dark: Cultural Appropriation
STUMP: STUMP Classics – Public Pensions “Truths” & “Myths” Now Exposed
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday – Vietnam Protests
This Ain’t Hell: Protests & Riots Good, Opening America Bad, also, Valor Friday
Victory Girls: Stepmother Of Accused Atlanta Officer Fired From Her Job
Volokh Conspiracy: On Cancel Culture & Civil Liberties
Weasel Zippers: CNN Builds A Wall, also, Johnson & Johnson To Stop Selling Whitening Cream
Megan McArdle: We Can’t Bear The Truth Of COVID-19, So We’ve Just Decided To Forget
Mark Steyn: The Rhodes Not Taken

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Violence Against Women Update

Posted on | June 19, 2020 | 1 Comment

Derrick Lashun Hobbs was probably an honor student.

Not all murders of black people make national news. Despite their devotion to #BlackLivesMatter, CNN will never mention this crime:

DOUGLASVILLE, GA — A Douglasville man who authorities say murdered his mother and niece is in the Douglas County Jail as of Thursday afternoon.
Derrick Lashun Hobbs, 37, was arrested Sunday night after the bodies of Lawanda Barrows, 59, and Layla Hobbs, 4, were found in a burning vehicle behind a residence on Colquitt Street. Hobbs was charged with two counts of aggravated assault in connection with their deaths. He was denied bond.
The Douglas County Sentinel reported Hobbs is the only suspect in the case. No motive or other details were provided by police.
The Douglasville Police and the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office are investigating the deaths.

Curiously, no media outlet reporting this story included a mugshot of the suspect. The only way I found a photo of Hobbs was from a Google search that turned up notice of his status as a sex offender, having been convicted of felony statutory rape in 2003. So he raped a minor when he was 20, and then murdered his own mother and niece last weekend — allegedly, I hasten to add. I wouldn’t want to libel someone who was probably an honor student, and might yet become a civil rights hero, if he somehow manages to get himself shot to death by a white cop.


‘It’s Table-Tossing Time’

Posted on | June 19, 2020 | 2 Comments


The decision of the Fulton County District Attorney to charge Officer Garrett Rolfe with felony murder in the shooting of Rayshard Brooks has driven many conservatives to the point of despair. How could anyone looking at the facts of the case think this charge was appropriate?

As a native of Atlanta, this case has been emotionally disturbing to me. And as I’ve said, this incident was stupid from start to finish. Brooks was stupid to pass out drunk in the Wendy’s drive through, and the cops were stupid not to be prepared for him to resist arrest.

After watching all the videos, and learning that Officer Rolfe was a decorated member of the High Intensity Traffic Team (HITT), it occurred to me that, because he had arrested dozens of drunk drivers, this was more or less a routine event. Had any of his previous DUI busts tried to resist arrest? I don’t know, but Officer Rolfe is a tall, muscular man, and he had perhaps never encountered someone who fought him as desperately as Brooks did. Keep in mind, there were two cops holding him when Brooks started fighting, and yet they were unable to control him. What could inspire such ferocious violence?

Rayshard Brooks was on probation and faced going back to prison if he was charged with a DUI, can reveal.
It was the fear of incarceration that likely caused Brooks to panic in the face of imminent arrest and caused him to make a break for it. . . .
The charges to which Brooks pleaded guilty and for which he was still on probation dated back to August 2014 when he was convicted on four counts – False Imprisonment, Simple Battery/Family, Battery Simple and Felony Cruelty/Cruelty to Children.
He was tried in Clayton County and sentenced to seven years on the first count, with one year in prison and six on probation and 12 months for each of the other three counts, sentences to be served concurrently.
His sentence was revised, and he was sent back to prison for 12 months in July 2016 when he violated the terms of his probation.
Brooks had not been in trouble since that year until last December when he went to Ohio without informing his probation officer and a warrant was issued for his arrest.
That warrant was revoked and the case dismissed when he returned to Georgia on January 6.

Have you ever been on probation? Once I got six months probation for driving on a suspended license and it was a bummer. You have to pay a monthly maintenance fee and meet with your probation officer. Talk about feeling like the man is keepin’ you down.

Most middle-class, college-educated people have never had that kind of involvement with the criminal justice system, and can’t relate to what it’s like, but I can. And because of my habit of high-speed driving, I also know the paranoia of a traffic stop when you’re not sure if there’s a warrant out for you because of a ticket you forgot to pay. So imagine what it was like for Rayshard Brooks being on probation for six years, and having just recently gotten past a hassle over a violation for traveling out of state without informing his probation officer.

The mainstream media have ignored Brooks’ prior criminal history, and indeed have depicted him as a devoted family man, despite his record of domestic violence and cruelty to children. In other words, there is a narrative they’re promoting, and this narrative requires omission of the facts of Brooks’ criminal record. The same liberals who deplore “violence against women” are now eager to avoid any discussion of what Brooks did that resulted in his felony convictions, because they are determined to make this a story about racial injustice in which Brooks is an innocent victim. Never mind if he was also a wife-beater and child-abuser.

Daniel Horowitz argues that Officer Rolfe’s shooting of Brooks “was clear self-defense, and had the suspect been white, we would never have heard of it. The cop wouldn’t have been fired and rioters wouldn’t have burned down the Wendy’s”:

I’m seeing some commentators who clearly concede the self-defense point but lament that something so low-level, such as a drunk driver blocking the Wendy’s drive-through, could result in a death. Yes, it is tragic. This is what many cops have to deal with regularly. Many violent career criminals are often caught committing low-level crimes. Cops approach them as if they are innocuous, just as in this case, where clearly the cops treated him as just someone who had too much to drink. But there’s something interesting about violent criminals who barely serve time for past offenses: They are not deterred from acting violent again. Cops never know when someone is going to turn violent on them.

This is true, and it’s what is so wrong with the interpretation of the encounter made by the District Attorney, where he talked about Brooks being “jovial” while talking to the officers. Yes, we can see that on the video — Brooks was trying to talk his way out of a DUI bust that he knew could send him back to prison for violating his probation. His “jovial” demeanor was intended to convince police to let him go, and when that didn’t work? Had he planned to try to escape? Was his fight with the cops something that Brooks had been thinking of the whole time he was being “jovial” with the police? We will never know, because Brooks is not here to tell us, but the suddenness with which this situation went from being an ordinary DUI bust to become a life-or-death struggle was shocking.

Keep in mind that this is really all about politics. It is an election year. Democrats and the media are trying to “energize” black voters by inflaming racial animosity. There was no other reason to make George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks the most famous black men in America. Once you realize that the media is engaged in deliberate distortion, and once you realize the motive for this distortion, this can help you maintain emotional equilibrium among all the craziness.

Or, you could just explode in rage:

Steven Crowder’s rant expresses what a lot of Americans are feeling right now. America seems to have gone completely crazy, so crazy that Officer Rolfe’s stepmother got fired from her job.


In The Mailbox: 06.18.20

Posted on | June 18, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.18.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Red Pilled Jew: Wednesday Whittle
357 Magnum: Historic Moments In Chicago Policing
Twitchy: Speaker Pelosi Finally Rids The Capitol Of Former Speakers Who Were Confederates (And Democrats)
Louder With Crowder: Three Things You Need To Know About Fulton County DA Paul Howard
Vox Popoli: Atlanta Police Stay Home, Mayor Shocked, also, Antifa’s Minneapolis AAR

Adam Piggott: A Few Good Men
American Conservative: Another General Wants Forever War In Iraq
American Greatness: The Democrats’ Corruption Of America’s Inner Cities
American Thinker: How To Fight The Woke & Win
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Extra-Terrestrial News
Babalu Blog: Florida Senators Rubio & Scott Introduce Bill Aimed At Cutting Off Cuba’s Slave Doctor Profits
BattleSwarm: Our Horrible Media – A Triptych
Cafe Hayek: Signifying Nothing
CDR Salamander: Disintegrative Phase II Is Nigh
Da Tech Guy: Society Without Police – Blue State, Red Rules, also, A Modest Proposal To End The National Anthem Kneeling Conundrum
Don Surber: Chief Justice Roberts Voids Nation’s Immigration Laws
First Street Journal: Philly Cancels Police Budget Increase
The Geller Report: Atlanta Cops Walk Out, also, Canada Loses UNSC Bid Despite PM Zoolander’s Relentless Israel-Bashing
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Four Comets Out Of Four Thousand
Hollywood In Toto: Elvis Brought Together Two Wyatt Earps For 3000 Miles To Graceland, also, Mr. Jones Speaks Directly To Our Fake News Age
Legal Insurrection: Michigan Gives Barber Back His License, also, Celebrity-backed Jail Fund Has Spent Less Than 1% Bailign Out Protesters & Rioters
The PanAm Post: Gramsci, The Joker, & Protests In The U.S., also, Hispanics Fight Back Against #BLM Attacks
Power Line: Big Tech Goes To War Against The Right, also, Banality Brushback
Shark Tank: Mucarsel-Powell Accuses Gaetz, GOP Of Human Trafficking
Shot In The Dark: Mark Your Calendars
The Political Hat: Trial Balloon For Tyranny
This Ain’t Hell: Rolling Back Big Tech’s Legal Immunity, also, No Surprise Here
Victory Girls: CHOP Seattle – No Trader Joe’s For You!
Volokh Conspiracy: SCOTUS Holds Trump Administration’s Recission Of DACA “Arbitrary & Capricious”
Weasel Zippers: Police Take Down Portland Autonomous Zone Because It Was Outside Mayor’s House, also, “Cream Of Wheat” Owner To Launch “Immediate Review” Of Brand
Megan McArdle: Liberals Might Have Gotten A Taste Of What Makes Trump So Popular
Mark Steyn: Breaking All Records! also, “Creating” Slavery – And Ending It

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Mayor Ted Discovers Law and Order

Posted on | June 18, 2020 | 3 Comments


You know how obnoxious the anarchist scum in Portland must be when they managed to turn Mayor Ted Wheeler into Dirty Harry:

Portland protesters on Wednesday night followed in Seattle’s footsteps and attempted to build an autonomous zone in the city. That effort, however, was broken up by police.
Unlike Seattle, where protesters cordoned off multiple blocks around a police precinct evacuated during the protests, demonstrators in Portland barricaded off two blocks in front of what was said to be Mayor Ted Wheeler’s apartment building.
According to videos posted online, a group of protesters arrived at Wheeler’s NW 10th Avenue and Glisan Street apartment early in the evening where they set up tents, played music and blocked the streets.
Shortly before 11 p.m., the modest crowd swelled in size as a few hundred protesters arrived from the Multnomah County Justice Center, the epicenter of nightly protests against police brutality and racism for the past three weeks.

(Really? Is Portland — Multnomah County, which voted for Hillary in 2016 by more than a 4-to-1 margin — really such a swamp of racism that you need three weeks of protests against it?)

With live music, chants and laser pointers lighting up the largely dark apartment building, protesters set about erecting barricades on the blocks around the building. It was a considerably smaller area than the community built in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood. Seattle’s zone has drawn considerable ire from right wing media and President Trump, though reporters in the area have described it as a peaceful gathering.

(Notice how they had to bring Trump into this. Because reasons.)

At 11:30 p.m. Portland protesters had named their area the Patrick Kimmons Autonomous Zone, after a young Black man who Portland Police Sgt. Garry Britt and Officer Jeffery Livingston shot and killed in 2018.

(Patrick Kimmons was a convicted dope dealer with ties to the Crips street gang, who got into a gunfight with rival hoodlums, then ran toward police with a pistol in his hand. But never mind . . .)

By 1 a.m., elaborate barricades had been erected. But in the early hours of Thursday morning, police moved into the area, declaring it an unlawful assembly. Portland Police estimated about 50 people were in the area when they dispersed the autonomous zone.

Wheeler goes out of his way to express his sympathy with the Antifa mob, but he doesn’t want them messing around in his neighborhood.


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