The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Sunday: Carole King

Posted on | February 9, 2020 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Today’s appetizer is folk/pop singer Carole King, who was quite a dish back in the day if you liked that pseudo-peasant folkie hippie girl look. I personally didn’t, but that’s no reason for me not to post someone the Loyal Readers might have fancied when “It’s Too Late” was on all the Top 40 radio playlists.

The chanteuse dressed in the style of her people.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick Of The Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #888, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Divestment Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: Groundhog Day, Brittany Matthews, Shakira, Elizabeth Lail, Sophie Skelton, Kirk Douglas RIP, Joan Baez, Lynda Kay Parker, Savi Levensart, and the Garoppalo Girlfriend Mystery.

A View From The Beach: All the News That’s Fit to Post – Chloe MelasFish Pic Friday – Red GrouperRIP: Kirk DouglasTanlines ThursdayProgress on Maryland Striper RegsAnd #HerTooShe’s Not Spoiled or Anything, But . . .Don’t Throw It Away – Let Us Do ItStupor Monday ShampeachmentAnother Muddy Monday, The Big Question? and Super Bowl Palm Sunday

Proof Positive: Bette Davis

Red Pilled Jew: Women With Braids

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

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Never Trust a Bisexual

Posted on | February 9, 2020 | 1 Comment


In 2010, when she was 24, actress Amber Heard publicly “came out” as a lesbian. but a year later seemed to reconsider her identity, saying “I don’t label myself one way or another.” Gosh, what could have prompted such a reconsideration? Heard had been in a relationship with an older woman, Tasya van Ree, since 2008, so why did she suddenly become uncomfortable with the word “lesbian”? Ah, she had a target in her sights: Johnny Depp, with whom she co-starred in The Rum Diary. At the time Heard expressed her disdain for labels, Depp was 47 and in a relationship with Vanessa Paradis, with whom he had two children. Depp was also one of the most successful actors in Hollywood, the star of Disney’s lucrative Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. In 2012, Heard dumped her girlfriend, Depp split with the mother of his children, and they became a couple, marrying in 2015.

This would prove to be the worst mistake of Johnny Depp’s life.


How many times do I have to explain this? Barely a year after their wedding, Heard filed for divorce, then filed for a restraining order, accusing Depp of domestic abuse, and I wrote at the time:

Anyone who was surprised by this simply hasn’t been paying attention to the many omens of doom surrounding their relationship. . . . 
Three words: Borderline personality disorder.
It was my lesbian friend Cynthia Yockey who pointed out the substantial overlap between bisexuality and borderline personality disorder. People with BPD notoriously have “boundary issues.” They can’t stand to be told “no,” and don’t think the rules should apply to them. They love to cause drama, and would rather have negative attention than to be ignored. BPD is “characterized by extreme fear of abandonment; unstable relationships with other people, sense of self, or emotions; feelings of emptiness; frequent dangerous behavior; and self-harm.”
Does that fit Amber Heard? I’m not qualified to offer a clinical diagnosis, but her “no labels” attitude struck me as symptomatic, and it seems as if the “unstable relationships” factor was evident in her marriage to Johnny Depp. There are reports that Ms. Heard never fully let go of her relationship with Tasya van Ree, and that this created problems.
Depp’s friend Doug Stanhope says he never liked Ms. Heard, and accuses her of blackmailing Depp. We cannot know the whole truth of two people’s private relationship, so I’ll reserve judgment as to the details, but let me say this in general: I don’t trust bisexuals.

If Johnny Depp had asked for my advice, I’d have told him not to go near that dangerous lunatic, nor any other “bisexual,” for that matter. But he made a fool of himself, as I wrote in June 2018:

He’s wrecked. He’s ruined. The Pirates of the Caribbean star has utterly destroyed his career and reputation, and is rapidly approaching financial ruin. The drug-addled 55-year-old actor is living out a 21st-century version of Hogarth’s A Rake’s Progress.
Do you realize that the five Pirates films grossed a combined $4.5 billion? And that Depp’s cut of that gold mine was $600 million? Basic arithmetic tells you that Depp was making $40 million a year — about $750,000 a week — for more than a decade, and there is no logical explanation for why he should be teetering on the brink of bankruptcy now, except for the unfortunate fact that Johnny Depp is a fool.

Depp has pursued a defamation suit against his “bisexual” ex-wife, and last week, after audio emerged of Heard admitting she had hit Depp, the hashtag #JusticeForJohnnyDepp trended on Twitter. Alas, the damage  Amber Heard inflicted on Depp’s reputation and finances cannot be undone, and guess what she’s up to nowadays?


Yep, got herself a 38-year-old lesbian girlfriend. She just destroys a man’s life and moves on, because that’s what bisexuals do.

Of course, you guys are free to do whatever you want to do, but don’t say nobody warned you. Leave those crazy bisexual women alone.


FMJRA 2.0: Monolight

Posted on | February 9, 2020 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Monolight

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Monday: A Fine Pair
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Senate Votes 51-49 Against Witnesses; Impeachment Circus Will End Wednesday
A View From The Beach

Violence Against Women Update: Strangled Victim He Met on a Dating App

Jenn Rubin: QED A Bigger #LiberalHack

DNC Sold Out to Bloomberg ‘Because He’s Got a Billion F***ing Dollars!’

‘Blade Runner’ in San Francisco
357 Magnum
Animal Magnetism

FMJRA 2.0: As Falls Wichita, So Falls Wichita Falls
A View From The Beach

Chiefs Come Back to Win Super Bowl; Halftime Show Unexpectedly Goes NC-17
A VIew From The Beach

Terrorist in London Stabbing Attack Had Just Been Released From Prison

Argument by Assertion
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 02.03.20
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Disaster in Iowa: The Democratic Party Is Decadent and Depraved

In The Mailbox: 02.04.20
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Violence Against Women Update: Two Killed in Texas Campus Shooting

Nancy Pelosi Is Tearing Apart America
Transterrestrial Musings

Trump Acquitted, Romney Guilty

In The Mailbox: 02.05.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Wednesday: Have Democrats Finished Stealing Iowa From Bernie Sanders Yet?
357 Magnum
Pushing Rubber Downhill

Violence Against Women Update
357 Magnum

Crazy People Are Dangerous: Are ‘Incels’ Now a ‘Domestic Terrorism Threat’?

In The Mailbox: 02.06.20
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

$300 by 5 p.m.

Trump Does Impeachment Victory Dance, Slams Democrats, Media as Liars
Pushing Rubber Downhill
A View From The Beach

‘Blank-Slate Equalism’
Dark Brightness

In The Mailbox: 02.07.20
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending February 7:

  1.  EBL (25)
  2.  A View From The Beach (10)
  3.  357 Magnum (7)
  4.  Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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Not Surprisingly, Populism Is Popular

Posted on | February 9, 2020 | 1 Comment


My post yesterday about the situation in the Philippines, where President Rodrigo Duterte’s right-wing populist government is cracking down on drug dealers, Communists and other troublemakers, got the attention of Australian blogger Adam Piggott:

Duterte has been in office for roughly the same time as Trump has been president, but we can call Duterte the forgotten man. When he first gained power the western press was all over him, how he was a horrible individual who was guilty of “human rights” abuses, blah blah blah, you know the drill. This went on for some time until suddenly it didn’t. From rather a lot of coverage the news went deathly quiet on the subject of the Philippine’s far-right leader.
The reason for the absence of news is down to how effective his policies have been, particularly as regards law and order. . . .
A couple of months ago I spent a few days on a couple of offshore energy support vessels for work. On both vessels the catering crew were Filipino. . . .
I was speaking to one of the Filipinos in a private conversation when he brought up the subject of his president. He was most fulsome in his praise. Under Duterte the streets are now safe. His kids can happily play on the streets. Business is going well, and particularly without the criminal element extorting money from small family concerns. The man was so enthusiastic that I decided to ask a few other of the Filipino crew what they thought. . . .
To a man they love Duterte. One guy said that in the beginning he didn’t like the president; he had not voted for him and he considered him to be a bad guy. But now he was most enthusiastic in his support. Their quality of life has improved immeasurably under their leader’s policies. . . .

You can read the rest. The populist trend has become an international phenomenon — Trump in the U.S., Boris Johnson in the U.K., Orban in Hungary, Bolsonaro in Brazil, Duterte in the Philippines, etc. — to the consternation of the sponsors of the globalist “progressive” agenda. There is a worldwide elite of billionaires, bureaucrats, academics and journalists committed to the vision of a one-size-fits-all world in which ordinary people are powerless to resist whatever policies are favored by the kind of “influential” people who gather annually at Davos and Aspen.

Just as Trump’s success in America has reduced Democrats to deranged impotence, so also has the rise of populism elsewhere frustrated the ambitions of the elite who, just a few short years ago, believed they had created a New World Order, manipulating public opinion to elect their chosen candidates and implement their preferred policies.


Obama Was Really the Smart One

Posted on | February 8, 2020 | Comments Off on Obama Was Really the Smart One

During the Obama era, there was a lot of noise about why his student record at Columbia University and Harvard Law was off-limits. Some conservative complaints about the secrecy surrounding Obama’s transcripts may have been intended to suggest he wasn’t all that bright — a beneficiary of Ivy League “diversity” initiatives or whatever. My hunch, however, was that Obama’s transcripts, in terms of the courses and professors he chose, might have given some indication of his early radicalism. At any rate, I avoided impugning Obama’s intelligence not because I feared the accusation of racism — like my friend Barbara Espinosa often said, “I’m not racist; I hate his white half, too!” — but simply because he didn’t seem at all stupid to me.

Arrogant? Yes, but not stupid. In his official public appearances, Obama generally avoided anything that would make him seem too much of a radical extremist. Knowing it would be difficult to persuade middle-class white voters to elect a black man with a Kenyan name, Obama shrewdly recognized that being a Jesse Jackson-style rabble-rouser was not going to get him to the White House. Instead, he maintained a low-key demeanor that inspired the nickname “No Drama Obama.”

Hillary Clinton? Not so smart. Obama didn’t play the race card much — he knew he didn’t have to, as his race was obvious enough — but Hillary and her allies deliberately played the gender card to such an extent that people got fed up with that “First Woman President” business. And the Clintons habitually overestimated their popularity. Most people have forgotten that Bill Clinton got only 43% of the vote in 1992, and in 1996, he still got only 49% — less than a majority of the popular vote. While Hillary did get a popular-vote majority, her support was unusually concentrated in deep-blue Democrat strongholds like California, Illinois and New York, whereas Obama got much broader support.

In the aftermath of Hillary’s 2016 defeat, her allies resorted to the “Russian collusion” hoax to explain how she lost, and have kept pushing that narrative even after the Mueller investigation failed to find evidence to support their conspiracy theory. Now, after trying to revive that hoax as the “UkraineGate” justification for impeachment, and failing again, Democrats have become completely deranged. Their 2020 presidential candidates are kooky, as James Carville complains:

“We just had an election in 2018. We did great. We talked about everything we needed to talk about and we won,” he said in a Vox interview published on Friday. “And now it’s like we’re losing our damn minds. Someone’s got to step their game up here.” . . .
“They’ve tacked off the damn radar screen,” he said when asked if the party moved too far left. . . .
According to Carville, both Sanders and Sens. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., were pushing “stupid” ideas about higher education.
“Democrats talking about free college tuition or debt forgiveness. I’m not here to debate the idea. What I can tell you is that people all over this country worked their way through school, sent their kids to school, paid off student loans. They don’t want to hear this s–t. And you saw Warren confronted by an angry voter over this. It’s just not a winning message,” he said. . . .
At one point, Carville took aim at a New York Times writer, who posted a “snarky tweet” about Louisiana State University (LSU) — Carville’s alma mater.
“You know how f—–g patronizing that is to people in the South or in the middle of the country? First, LSU has an unusually high graduation rate, but that’s not the point. It’s the goddamn smugness. This is from a guy who lives in New York and serves on the Times editorial board and there’s not a single person he knows that doesn’t pat him on the back for that kind of tweet. He’s so f—–g smart.
“[Binyamin] Appelbaum doesn’t speak for the Democratic Party, but he does represent the urbanist mindset,” he said. “We can’t win the Senate by looking down at people. The Democratic Party has to drive a narrative that doesn’t give off vapors that we’re smarter than everyone or culturally arrogant.”

One of the smartest things you can do in politics is to play dumb. It is better to let your opponents underestimate you than to act as if you believe you’re superior to ordinary voters. James Carville understands that. Obama understood that. Does any other Democrat understand it?


Ed Driscoll Misses the Lead

Posted on | February 8, 2020 | 4 Comments


Did you know that the European Union is funding a Communist insurgency in the Philippines? Did you know that more environmental activists were killed in the Philippines than in any other country?

I didn’t know this either, but Ed Driscoll linked an article with the headline, “The climate movement is overwhelmingly white. So I walked away.” And I read that article by Karin Louise Hermes, a mixed-race (German-Filipina) activist who complains about being treated as a token by her fellow Greens in Germany. That’s an interesting angle, but way down in the story, I spotted this paragraph:

In recent years, the Philippines has had the highest number of environmental defenders murdered, where arrests and disappearances have been attributed to combating “communist insurgency.” Targeted groups include the Filipino research NGO I volunteered with during the UN climate conference in Bonn, Germany, and the Filipino women’s collective Gabriela, which I also worked with in Berlin before I stepped back.

Whoa! This is news, and I don’t know how Ed Driscoll missed it, except maybe he was in such a hurry that he didn’t read the whole article.

Communists in the Philippines? A news article from March 2019:

The Philippine government has asked the European Union and Belgium to cut funding for certain groups the Duterte administration alleges are “fronts” of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP)-New People’s Army (CPP-NPA).
Posing this plea to European officials was among the objectives of the February 17 to 20 visit of military and Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) officials to Bosnia, Switzerland, and Belgium.
Brigadier General Antonio Parlade Jr, among the members of the delegation, said they asked the EU and the Belgian Foreign Ministry to stop financing around 30 groups claiming their funds are being used to fuel terroristic acts by the CPP-NPA.
“Maybe with the large amount they are getting, the insurgency we wish to end will be prolonged,” Parlade said in Filipino in a Palace press briefing on Wednesday, March 13.
Parlade claimed that the Rural Missionaries of the Philippines (RMP) was among these CPP fronts receiving EU and Belgian funding. He described it as a group of nuns who supposedly “radicalize” children. . . .
Parlade claimed the EU had released P32 million to the RMP in December 2018 and is set to release another 2 million euros this year.
The Belgian Foreign Ministry, meanwhile, supposedly said it was providing funds to 7 Belgian groups who work with groups the military says are CPP-NPA fronts. Among these groups are RMP, Ibon Foundation, Karapatan, and Alcadev (Alternative Learming Center for Agricultural and Livelihood Development).
According to Parlade, Belgium has been providing 3 million euros for 5 years to the 7 groups.
The EU and Belgian officials were supposedly “surprised” to hear they were funding supposed “fronts” of the “terrorist” CPP-NPA, said Undersecretary Severo Catura. Catura is the executive director of the Presidential Human Rights Committee Secretariat.

Yes, of course, the Belgians are up to their eyeballs in this subversive activity, funding Communist front groups in the Philippines. But the thing is, until I read that article yesterday, I had no idea that the Philippines was dealing with a Communist insurgency. Here’s a report from last month:

Anti-communist groups, local government units and other non-government organizations denounced the violence and atrocities committed by the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army-National Democratic Front (CPP-NPA-NDF) and its allies as they staged a rally on Wednesday outside the Mendiola Peace Arc in Manila.
Julius Ursua, League of Parents of the Philippines (LPP) and Liga Independencia Pilipinas member, said protesters marched from the University of Santo Tomas going to Mendiola Peace Arc to condemn the alleged recruitment of minors by the leftist organizations and the killings of the innocent individuals.
The groups also expressed support to Angela Aguilar, a former CPP cadre, after she filed a petition before the poll body in April last year to revoke the registration of members of the Makabayan bloc.
“We are here to call for peace. The long-term violence brought by the communist groups and its allies is too much. We want to end terrorism to achieve a lasting peace because the future generation deserves it,” he added.

Communists! Recruiting minors! Committing violence and atrocities! And the Commies are being bankrolled by the European Union?

How has Fox News missed this story? Why isn’t Rush Limbaugh on it? And what about all those murdered environmentalists?

In 2018, 30 land and environmental defenders were killed in the Philippines, making it the country with the highest number of such killings in the world. As our new investigation shows, despite his election promises, Duterte’s administration is leaving defenders at the mercy of corporate greed.
Mining, agribusiness, logging and coal plants are driving attacks against environmental activists — with household brands such as Del Monte Philippines and Dole Philippines, and Filipino giants like San Miguel Corporation linked to local partners accused of attacks and murders of protestors.
Upon becoming President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte promised to safeguard the country’s rural and indigenous communities, tackle corruption, and protect the environment. Yet our research shows how Duterte has categorically failed to keep these promises, allowing business to continue as usual. And in the Philippines, this means business at all costs. Our report documents a trashing of indigenous rights, endemic corruption, and continued environmental damage — all with impunity
Furthermore, we show how internationally recognised firms including Del Monte Philippines, San Miguel Corporation, Standard Chartered, Dole Philippines, and the World Bank are connected to attacks against defenders through their business activities in the Philippines.

Oh, “corporate greed,” huh? Would it be too much of a stretch to speculate that these “environmental activists” are actually Communists? Because, really, what’s the agenda of environmentalism? In a country where you have a Communist insurgency, on the one hand, and environmentalists getting murdered on the other hand, it’s not a conspiracy theory to suspect there must be some kind of connection.  The Philippines are a U.S. ally, a nation of more than 100 million people, and I apologize for neglecting them so long until Ed Driscoll’s link brought this situation to my attention. What can Wikipedia tell us about this?

Rodrigo Roa Duterte . . . is a Filipino politician who is the 16th and incumbent President of the Philippines . . . He is the chairperson of PDP–Laban, the ruling political party. Duterte took office . . . on June 30, 2016 . . .
He . . . was a prosecutor for Davao City, before becoming vice mayor and, subsequently, mayor of the city in the wake of the Philippine Revolution of 1986. Duterte won seven terms and served as mayor of Davao for over 22 years.
Frequently described as a populist and a nationalist, Duterte’s political success has been aided by his vocal support for the extrajudicial killing of drug users and other criminals. Human rights groups have documented over 1,400 killings allegedly by death squads operating in Davao between 1998 and May 2016 . . . A 2009 report by the Philippine Commission on Human Rights confirmed the “systematic practice of extrajudicial killings” by the Davao Death Squad.

Ooh! “Death squads”!

It all makes sense now. The Philippines needed somebody to deal with a Communist insurgency, and so they elected the guy who has expressed “vocal support for . . . extrajudicial killing,” because when it comes to getting rid of Commies, you’re gonna need some “death squads.” And if a few environmental protesters start causing trouble . . .

Look, I’m all about the Rule of Law, due process, etc., but things always get messy when you’re dealing with Communist insurgents. Filipinos have been trying to get rid of these Commies for decades, so if they finally got frustrated enough to elect Mayor Death Squad as president, can you really blame them? Now that I’m thinking about it, maybe we can send some American environmental activists to the Philippines to . . . uh, investigate “human rights” under the Duterte government. Let these campus Antifa types see what real fascism looks like, and if some of them fall afoul of Duterte’s “death squads,” well, that would be bad.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


In The Mailbox: 02.07.20

Posted on | February 7, 2020 | 2 Comments

– compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: Germany’s War On Gold
EBL: Trump Acquitted
Twitchy: Occasional Cortex, Omar, & Pressley Become The Butt Of Their Own Joke About Being Radicals
Louder With Crowder: Leftist Student Loses His Mind At Trump Acquittal News
According To Hoyt: Socialism & The Democratic Dictatorship
Vox Popoli: Okay, That Would Be Bad, also, Fake Impeachment Fail

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The Donald Edition
American Conservative: Seattle’s Liberal Reckoning
American Greatness: The Political Genius Behind Trump’s SOTU Theatrics, also, Starbucks Coffee Campaign Promotes Sex Change For Teens
American Power: The Big Winner Of Impeachment – Partisanship
American Thinker: Global Warming’s 50 Years Of Fraud
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Divestment Friday
Babalu Blog: Hundreds Of Chinese Remain Stranded In Cuba Because of Coronavirus
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For February 7 
Cafe Hayek: ECON 101 Teaches Humility
CDR Salamander: Even In The Most Autocratic Nations, You Can Find Heroes
Da Tech Guy: Donald Trump & Discovering The Third Book Of Reagan
Don Surber: Highlights Of The News
First Street Journal: Saira Sameera Rao Respects All Races Equally…
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: Trump Admin Kills Two More Of The World’s Worst Jihadis, also, #JeSuisMila
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, The Art Of Computer Programming
Hollywood In Toto: Birds of Prey Keeps Its Feisty Feminism On A Leash
JustOneMinute: Don’t Stop Smiling (Unless You Start Laughing)
Legal Insurrection: Van Jones Hits The Panic Button, also, Another One Bites The Dust
The PanAm Post: We Had A Deal
Power Line: Virtue Signaling Carries A Cost, also, Thoughts From The Ammo Line
Shark Tank: DeSantis Signs Parental Consent Abortion Bill
Shot In The Dark: Watching The Ivy League Go Full-On Toxic Weed
The Political Hat: Pushing Back Against The Transgender Agenda – Banning Trans Surgery For Juveniles, Quitting Over Violence Against Actual Women, & An Honest Voice, also, Firing Line Friday: Extremism
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, also, Man Offers Burger For Sex, Gets Neither
Victory Girls: Democrats Have The Worst Week Ever
Volokh Conspiracy: Elizabeth Warren Slanders AIPAC
Weasel Zippers: Joe Walsh Drops Out, Would Rather Help A Socialist Win Than Have A “Dictator”, also, LTC Vindman & Twin Brother Escorted Out Of White House, Reassigned
Mark Steyn: Live Around The Planet

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‘Blank-Slate Equalism’

Posted on | February 7, 2020 | 1 Comment

“Equality as a moral or political imperative, pursued as an end in itself — Equality, with the capital ‘E’ — is the antonym of every legitimate conservative principle.”
M.E. Bradford, 1976

Readers know that I’ve recommended Rollo Tomassi’s book The Rational Male as the basic text of a “Red Pill” understanding of male-female differences, and I make that recommendation knowing that many will find some aspects of Rollo’s worldview offensive. Of course, it’s impossible to find anyone who ever agrees with me 100% — no two people ever have exactly the same opinions — but Rollo deserves credit for his willingness to criticize directly the errors of egalitarianism. As I’ve been saying for more than a decade, insofar as men and women are different, they are not equal, because equality implies fungibility, i.e., that one can be substituted for the other without loss of value.

Why is this obvious truth so difficult for some people to accept? In this video, you’ll find Rollo discussing with Rich Cooper how our culture is influenced by what he calls “blank-slate equalism.”


If you’ll watch the video, you’ll see that Rollo recommends Steven Pinker’s 2002 bestseller The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature. Here is an excerpt from that book:

Our theory of human nature is the wellspring of much in our lives. We consult it when we want to persuade or threaten, inform or deceive. It advises us on how to nurture our marriages, bring up our children, and control our own behavior. Its assumptions about learning drive our educational policy; its assumptions about motivation drive our policies on economics, law, and crime. And because it delineates what people can achieve easily, what they can achieve only with sacrifice or pain, and what they cannot achieve at all, it affects our values: what we believe we can reasonably strive for as individuals and as a society. Rival theories of human nature are entwined in different ways of life and different political systems, and have been a source of much conflict over the course of history. . . .
Bertrand Russell wrote, “Every man, wherever he goes, is encompassed by a cloud of comforting convictions, which move with him like flies on a summer day.” For intellectuals today, many of those convictions are about psychology and social relations. I will refer to those convictions as the Blank Slate: the idea that the human mind has no inherent structure and can be inscribed at will by society or ourselves.
That theory of human nature — namely, that it barely exists — is the topic of this book. Just as religions contain a theory of human nature, so theories of human nature take on some of the functions of religion, and the Blank Slate has become the secular religion of modern intellectual life. It is seen as a source of values, so the fact that it is based on a miracle — a complex mind arising out of nothing — is not held against it. Challenges to the doctrine from skeptics and scientists have plunged some believers into a crisis of faith and have led others to mount the kinds of bitter attacks ordinarily aimed at heretics and infidels.

As a description of egalitarianism’s influence in our culture, “the secular religion of modern intellectual life” is dead on-target, and I’ve been among the “heretics and infidels” for more than 20 years.

The dogma of egalitarianism, its denial of human nature, has the effect of devaluing the actual differences between us, as if we all are (and should be) identical cookie-cutter replicas of each other. This is absurd and insulting, but if you try to argue against this “secular religion,” you’ll find yourself accused of hate. Instead of denying such an accusation — trying to convince your liberal accuser how much you agree with his egalitarian worldview — you might wish to try asking, “Why?” To say that a Norwegian is different than a Nigerian does not imply hatred of either, nor are you guilty of hate (“misogyny”) for saying that men and women are different. The amazing thing, of course, is that the typical Nigerian is more likely to agree with me than to agree with the liberal because, like me, the Nigerian is typically more traditional than modern.

Liberalism is the political shadow of modernism, and the conservative must acknowledge that his belief system involves loyalty to ancient values that existed long before the Industrial Revolution.


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