The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 12.09.19

Posted on | December 9, 2019 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Two bits of administrivia for your Monday enjoyment: first, I dropped Shark Tank from the list because I’ve been getting security cert errors on Firefox, and I can’t find an e-mail link to inform Javier Manjarres, the main man over there, that he’s got a problem. If someone has that and can send it to me, I’d be much obliged; alternately, a recommendation for a good Florida-centric conservative blog would be good too.

Secondly – Help me, commentariat, you’re my only hope. The credit union dropped me a line to let me know that I need to give them $135 by Friday so they don’t repossess my Kia. This will, not coincidentally, keep them off my neck until January when I’ll be back in the tax mines generating regular paychecks again. Please, please hit the tip jar at the end of this post, and thank you in advance for your generosity.

OVER THE TRANSOM The Culpeper Minuteman Flag
EBL: Did Matt Drudge Sell The Drudge Report?
Twitchy: Mollie Hemingway’s IG Report Thread Paints A Very Different Picture From The MSM
Louder With Crowder: Sir Anthony Hopkins On Politics – “Actors Are Pretty Stupid”

Adam Piggott: A Review Of Roosh’s Babylon Road
American Conservative: The Campaign To Lie America Into World War II
American Greatness: Our Elites Have Learned Nothing
American Power: Pensacola NAS Jihadi Watched Shooting Videos Before Attack
American Thinker: Pro-Abortion Pelosi’s Convenient Catholicism
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Ladies In White Violently Arrested In Another Sunday Of Brutal Repression In Communist Cuba
BattleSwarm: Our Stupid Media – An Update, also, Democratic Presidential Clown Car Update
Cafe Hayek: The Hubris Of Such People Is Appalling
Camp of the Saints: December 7, 1941 – “The Unprovoked & Dastardly Attack”
CDR Salamander: Holding The Line With Guy Snodgrass On Midrats, also, France’s Long War
Da Tech Guy: That Such Men Lived, also, Mrs. Maisel Goes Full Alinsky On Phyllis Schlafly
Don Surber: The Best Political Consultant In America, also, No Excitement Without An Indictment
First Street Journal: Nancy Pelosi Is Riding The Tiger, also, Wrongthink Must Be Punished!
The Geller Report: Muslim Who Stabbed Jews At Amsterdam Market Ruled Unfit To Stand Trial, also, Two Teens Beat, Tase Israeli Tourists In Brooklyn Robbery
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Breaking – WaPo Discovers The Government Lies
Hollywood In Toto: Seven Uncomfortable Questions Bombshell Cast Should Answer, also, John Legend Virtue Signals While Defending Virtue Signaling
Joe For America: Portland Wants Private Property Owners To Add “Mandatory Rest Spaces” For The Homeless
JustOneMinute: Something For Everyone In The IG Report On Crossfire Hurricane
Legal Insurrection: Liz Warren Admits She Pocketed $2 Million From Law Practice Which Included Anti-Consumer Representation, also, Dershowitz – Democrats Found The Man, Now They’re Looking For The Crime
Michelle Malkin: Where Are All The AWOL Muslim Military Trainees?
The PanAm Post: Exclusive Interview With Juan Guaido’s Former Ambassador To Colombia
Power Line: Impeach Trump Because Of…Slavery? also, When You’ve Lost The Intelligent Voices On The WaPo’s Op-Ed Page…
Shot In The Dark: Misleading Advertising
This Ain’t Hell: Marine’s C-4 Joke At Airport Bombs, also, John DeSomer – Fake POW, Eight Bronze Stars, Four Purple Hearts
Victory Girls: Pensacola – NYT Sats Don’t Call It Terrorism Yet, also, Virginia AG Herring – They’re Really Not Going To Defy Us
Volokh Conspiracy: Impeachment Based On Improper Motives
Weasel Zippers: Pete Hegseth Banned From Twitter For Sharing Pensacola Shooter’s Manifesto, also, Nadler – Anyone Who Votes Against Impeaching Trump Is Not A Patriot
Mark Steyn: Ace In The Hole, also, Sleigh Ride

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The Democrats and Their Narrative

Posted on | December 9, 2019 | 1 Comment

Watching the impeachment hearings this morning — Democrat lawyer Daniel Goldman is “testifying,” which is to say lecturing, uninterrupted by questions — one gathers the impression that Democrats believe (a) nothing Hunter Biden did in Ukraine was wrong, (b) it was perfectly OK for Ukraine to “meddle” in the 2016 U.S. election, and (c) it was therefore wrong for President Trump to urge Ukraine to investigate corruption.

The argument Goldman is making is that Trump (and his lawyer, Rudy Giuliani) wanted Ukraine to do something that would be politically beneficial to the president’s 2020 re-election campaign — and, according to Democrats, anything that is good for Republicans is inherently wrong.

It is important to Democrats that they keep repeating this narrative of how wrong it would be to investigate Burisma (and Alexandra Chalupa, etc.) because they can’t give the American people a minute’s peace in which to think about all of this and to say in reply, “So what?”


Gunmen in Florida Hijacking/Shootout Were Cousins and Career Criminals

Posted on | December 8, 2019 | Comments Off on Gunmen in Florida Hijacking/Shootout Were Cousins and Career Criminals


Thursday afternoon, a rush-hour traffic jam in Broward County, Florida, brought an end to a high-speed pursuit of two gunmen who had attempted to rob a jewelry store in Coral Gables and then hijacked a UPS truck in an incredibly stupid escape attempt. In a shootout with police in Miramar, both criminals were killed, along with a bystander and the kidnapped UPS driver. We now know the names of the robbers:

The FBI has identified the two armed robbers who were killed Thursday after police say they ripped off a jewelry store, stole a UPS truck and kidnapped the driver, then led police a pursuit through two counties which led to a deadly shootout.
They are Lamar Alexander, 41, and Ronnie Jerome Hill, 41, both of Miami-Dade County, according to the FBI.
CBS4 News spoke to Alexander’s brother, Corey Smith who said about his brother, “Make better choices in life. Your decisions affect more than just you.”
Smith says Alexander had three children.
The men, who are cousins, both have criminal histories.
Court records show Alexander was sentenced to probation for a 1996 robbery and 1997 burglary. Five arrests in the 2000’s resulted in no convictions before he served a lengthy stretch in prison for a 2008 armed robbery conviction in southwest Florida, gaining his release in 2017.
Florida Department of Corrections records show Hill served time in prison twice: in the 1990s on burglary and robbery convictions and more recently for five burglary-related convictions.
Naomi Hill, the aunt of both suspects, said Alexander was “a good boy — he had changed his life around.” She said he was married with three children and working for a garbage-collection company. . . .
April Wyche, the sister of Ronnie Hill, said he was the father of two young children, one with special needs, and was working as a driver for a cabinetry company. She said she has no idea why he would have committed the robbery, saying he could have turned to her or their mother for help if needed. . . .
Alexander, Hill, UPS driver Frank Ordonez, and innocent driver Richard Cutshaw, were all killed in the shootout which took place in a busy intersection in Miramar.

What did I tell you Friday?

[Y]ou know doggone well that this was not their first time at the rodeo. You don’t begin your criminal career by robbing a jewelry store. No, these guys had almost certainly been perpetrating since they were teenagers, and when we finally learn their identities, we’ll discover that they had extensive criminal records and yet, for some reason, were not in prison. This is predictable, to anyone who pays attention to news about crime, and yet somehow our criminal justice system hasn’t figured out that it’s a bad idea to turn these animals loose.

Exactly as I said, these guys have criminal records dating back more than 20 years, and both had gotten out of prison less than two years ago:

Lamar Alexander went to prison for nearly a decade for robbing a jewelry store in Lee County. Ronnie Hill spent most of his adult life locked up for a string of burglaries and holding a postal clerk hostage during a robbery in Miami.
Both walked out of state prison in 2017, only to engineer one final heist that left two innocent people dead and cost them their own lives. . . .
“I didn’t know he was living like that,” said Alexander’s brother, Corey Smith, a well-known football coach at Miami Senior High School. “In life, you gotta make better decisions. We weren’t raised like that. I love my brother, but he’s been making bad decisions his whole life.”
The FBI, which is leading the investigation, is examining whether the two men were connected to prior robberies in South Florida, according to one law-enforcement source. . . .
Alexander and Hill had long histories of arrests, smaller crimes that foreshadowed Thursday’s jewelry heist and hostage-taking.
Records show that Alexander’s first arrests for burglary and robbery in Miami-Dade happened in 1996, when he was in his early 20s. He was entered into a boot camp program. But he eventually flunked out of his probation when he was arrested again for a burglary — a judge sentenced him to 364 days in the county jail.
Alexander, who sports tattoos of clowns on both forearms and has three children, racked up another minor conviction for trespassing in 2000. Eight years later, he was arrested on an allegation he punched his pregnant wife in Overtown. She filed for a restraining order, which was eventually dismissed. The criminal charge was later dropped.
That was the same year that Alexander was one of four men arrested in Lee County for robbing a Mayors Jewelers in Fort Myers. He admitted he’d rented a car in Miami to serve as a getaway driver.
Alexander was sentenced to 10 years in state prison. He walked out of prison in September 2017. A Lee County judge lifted his probation a few months later after Alexander, in a court motion, wrote he was “ready to move forward with my life as a citizen.”
Hill had a similar history of arrests.
He picked up his first adult arrest, for burglary with a battery, in Miami-Dade in December 1993. He was only 15 years old. Court records don’t show if he served any prison time, but he was convicted and sentenced as a “youthful offender.”
When he was 20 years old, authorities said, Hill was arrested after he and another man robbed a female postal clerk in Liberty City. Inspectors said the men handcuffed the woman as she arrived to work, forcing her to open safes and cash drawers.
Federal authorities indicted Hill in 1998. He went to trial, lost and was sentenced to 151 months in prison. He walked free from prison in 2010. He could not stay out of trouble.
Over the next couple of years, he was arrested on a slew of minor charges, including loitering and dealing in stolen property. He was finally sent to Florida prison for a series of car burglaries in Miami-Dade and Palm Beach, between 2014 and 2016.
He got out in February 2017 — and within months was arrested again.
Police said he and another man broke into a car outside the Robert is Here fruit stand in South Miami-Dade. The State Attorney’s Office, however, did not press charges because the victims failed to cooperate, according to state records.

Well, they’re dead now, which is the only way to stop the criminal careers of such characters. As long as they’re breathing and not behind bars, habitual offenders will continue committing criminal violence.


Rule 5 Sunday: Monica Ruiz

Posted on | December 8, 2019 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

The UCSB graduate has appeared in minor roles in a few movies and TV series, but what’s catapulted her to fame (or maybe infamy) is her role in the recent Peloton ad that apparently triggered a whole bunch of idjits on the intertubes. Well, if nothing else, she got an immediate role in an ad for Ryan Reynolds’ Aviation Gin. Here she is aggressively flaunting her navel in a red bikini.

Before Peloton and Aviation Gin. Doesn’t look like she needs an exercise bike to me…

Ninety Mils From Tyranny presents Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #825, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. At Animal Magnetism, it’s Rule Five Climate Apocalypse Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL brings us Vanessa Kirby, Kelly Loeffler, Neko Case, Shonen Knife, Rachel Brosnahan, WWII Pinup Girls, and Peloton Wife Monica Ruiz.

A View From The Beach nets Goliath Girl, Tania Raymonde, Eagle Attacks H&R Block Office, Fish Pic Friday – Black DrumTattoo ThursdayWater Bottles for WednesdayI Didn’t Know We Had ‘Em, Tattoos for Tuesday, “Bring a Torch Janette Isabella”Award Winning Journalist Loses Job to Severe Case of TDS and Another Palm Sunday.

Proof Positive’s Vintage Babe of the Week is Mamie Van Doren.

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

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FMJRA 2.0: Snowing

Posted on | December 8, 2019 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Snowing

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Getting closer to having everything done on time…

Rule 5 Tuesday: D.C. Fontana
Bacon Time
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

FMJRA 2.0: Neuronengesang
A View From The Beach

There Is No Substitute for Victory
Dark Brightness

Young Climate Change Maniacs
Pushing Rubber Downhill
A View From The Beach

Barr Disputes IG Horowitz Report
A View From The Beach

Black Woman’s Presidential Campaign Rejected by Racist Sexist Democrats
Pushing Rubber Downhill
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 12.03.19 (Leftovers)
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Against Extremism

Pedophiles for Hillary: Mueller Source Indicted for Campaign Finance Fraud
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach

Professor Demands Censorship
357 Magnum

Attention Republicans: Stop Scapegoating Others for Your Own Personal Failures
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 12.04.19 (Afternoon Edition)
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 12.05.19
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

When the NPC Asks, One Must Deliver

Four Dead After Florida Jewelry-Store Robbery Leads to High-Speed Pursuit

The Total Florida Woman Story

Aniah Blanchard Murder Suspect Blames His Victim: Teenager ‘Went for the Gun’

His Name Was Mohammed Alshamrani
Dark Brightness

In The Mailbox: 12.06.19 (Afternoon Edition)
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 12.06.19 (Evening Edition)
A View From The Beach
EBLProof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending December 6:

  1.  EBL (20)
  2.  A View From The Beach (10)
  3. Proof Positive (6)
  4.  357 Magnum (5)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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Pat Buchanan Nails It

Posted on | December 8, 2019 | Comments Off on Pat Buchanan Nails It

You just need to go read this column. Years ago (it was around the time of the Iraq War, as I recall), William F. Buckley Jr. wrote a column in which he declared that it was no longer possible to defend Patrick J. Buchanan against accusations of anti-Semitism. Buckley’s mastery of forensic method is not to be disputed, but the targeting of Buchanan is an example of the “urge to purge” that has so often damaged the conservative cause. Buchanan’s decades of loyal service to the Republican Party — he was a key adviser to both Nixon and Reagan — ought to have entitled him to a certain amount of deference, even from such an eminent figure as Buckley, and as I’ve often said, you cannot build a successful movement by a process of subtraction. When the conservative movement was on the upswing in the 1960s, it’s understandable why Buckley felt a need to repudiate the John Birch Society. Since the end of the Reagan presidency, however, we have seen the emergence of division between the leadership of the movement and the rank and file. Buchanan has always represented the populist side of conservatism and if, in channeling the spirit of the disgruntled masses, he has been guilty of playing footsie with Jew-haters, this is a grievous fault, and grievously hath Buchanan answered it. His value as an analyst and strategist is undiminished by his faults, however.

Buchanan has the old-fashioned idea that politics is about people — identify the key voter groups, determine what interests motivate them, and from this process you can find a way to engage and persuade them. Buchanan is credited with coining the phrase “Silent Majority” to describe the middle- and working-class Americans who were weary of the chaotic turmoil of the 1960s, and he offers similar insights in analyzing developments in the Democratic Party coalition leading up to 2020:

The “diversity is our strength!” party is starting to look rather monochromatic in its upper echelons these days.
The four leading candidates for its presidential nomination — Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Pete Buttigieg — are all white.
The six candidates who have qualified for the December 19 debate—the front four, plus Amy Klobuchar and Tom Steyer—are all white.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democratic Majority Leader Steny Hoyer are both white, as are Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and Whip Dick Durbin.
The chairs of the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees managing impeachment, Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler, are both white. And as Congressman Al Green noted Wednesday, all three experts Nadler invited to make the Democrats’ case for impeachment were white law professors. How come?
Absent affirmative action by the DNC, neither Cory Booker, the leading black candidate for the nomination, nor Julian Castro, the leading Hispanic, will be on the stage December 19. . . .
African Americans are a bedrock constituency of the Democratic Party. In recent presidential elections, they have voted 90 percent for the party’s nominee, and even higher for Barack Obama.
How is Mayor Pete doing with this constituency?
While running first in some polls in Iowa, his share of the African-American vote in South Carolina, in a recent poll, was zero. Buttigieg had no black support in a state where African Americans constitute more than 60 percent of the Democratic vote. . . .

Read the whole thing. There is an obvious disconnect between what the Democrats say they stand for and what they actually do. If you were paying attention to Kamala Harris’s supporters the past couple of weeks, you know that (b) they feel she has been cheated by the process, and (b) they hate Pete Buttigieg with the heat of ten thousand suns. All the Hollywood money pouring into Buttigieg’s coffers is an ill omen for Democrats — their elite have lost touch with the party base, much like happened to the GOP in 2012, when the Republican establishment backed Mitt Romney over the protests of the Tea Party grassroots.

So now Democrats have the #PrimarySoWhite for a party whose most loyal constituents are “people of color,” and this does not bode well for their effort to defeat Trump next year.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)


FBI Probes Belgian Terrorist Threat

Posted on | December 7, 2019 | Comments Off on FBI Probes Belgian Terrorist Threat


As I’ve previously explained, Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs first alerted America to the danger of Belgian extremists, and whenever The Flemish Menace™ makes another terrorist attack, it’s important to give Charles credit. Consider the latest news from Pensacola:

The F.B.I. was investigating but did not confirm a report that the Saudi trainee had watched videos of mass shootings at a dinner party sometime this week, according to a senior American official who was briefed on the investigation but not authorized to speak publicly.
The gunman, who killed three people and injured eight others, did not have any apparent ties to international terrorist groups and appeared to have radicalized on his own, according to the official.
The gunman, identified as Second Lt. Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, was killed by a sheriff’s deputy who responded to the attack. Lieutenant Alshamrani was training to become a pilot and initially entered the United States in 2018, according to the official. But at some point Lieutenant Alshamrani returned to Saudi Arabia and then re-entered the United States in February 2019, the official said. . . .

OK, they haven’t gotten to the part about the Belgian connection yet, but I’m sure if we keep reading, everything will become apparent:

Six other Saudi nationals were detained for questioning near the scene of the shooting, which took place over two floors in a classroom on the base. Three of the Saudis who were detained had been seen filming the entire incident, according to another person briefed on the investigation.
It was not known whether the six Saudis detained were students in the classroom building, and there was no immediate indication that those filming the incident were connected to the gunman, the person said. . . .

Seriously, there must be a Belgian angle to this, although the motive is apparently still mysterious to these New York Times reporters:

Investigators were trying to determine what motivated the gunman.
Senator Rick Scott, Republican of Florida, and Representative Matt Gaetz, a Republican whose district includes Pensacola, both described the shooting as an act of terrorism.

(Of course, these Republicans are RAAAAACIST!)

But federal law enforcement officials said it was too early to establish the gunman’s motive.
The SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors jihadist activity, cited a Twitter account with a name matching the gunman that had posted a “will” calling the United States a “nation of evil” and criticizing its support for Israel.

(Because we know how much Belgians hate the Jews.)

SITE said the account had also quoted Osama bin Laden, the former Qaeda leader, and was critical of United States foreign policy.
“I’m not against you for just being American,” the posts said. “I don’t hate you because your freedoms, I hate you because every day you supporting, funding and committing crimes not only against Muslims Belgians but also humanity.”

(Obviously a typographical error, which I’ve corrected.)

The account could not be independently verified, and law enforcement officials did not confirm that it was connected to the gunman.
The gunman was a member of the Saudi Air Force.
The lieutenant was a trainee with the Saudi Air Force. Saudi pilots have trained at the Pensacola base since 1995.
The gunman used a locally purchased Glock 45 9-millimeter handgun with an extended magazine and had four to six other magazines in his possession, according to one of the people briefed on the investigation.

Remember, you should always trust the FBI:

During a news conference Friday night, the FBI declined to release the shooter’s identity and wouldn’t comment on his possible motivations.
“There are many reports circulating, but the FBI deals only in facts,” said Rachel L. Rojas, the FBI’s special agent in charge of the Jacksonville Field Office.

Well, I think we’ve got enough information now to know the gunman’s motive, despite the reluctance of federal officials and the New York Times to jump to any hasty conclusions. Charles Johnson and his LGF readers all understand that Belgian crypto-Nazis are to blame.


The Impeachment Circus Continues, But Does Any Sane Person Actually Care?

Posted on | December 7, 2019 | Comments Off on The Impeachment Circus Continues, But Does Any Sane Person Actually Care?


I’ve spent the past week ignoring the impeachment circus, but did you know that “the Trump campaign took in $15 million in small-dollar donations in the first three days after Pelosi announced the inquiry”? Did you know that Trump’s approval rating has gone up since the Shifty Schiff UkraineGate hearings began last month? Not to dismiss the seriousness of all this — the fact that Nancy Pelosi believes she has a mandate for impeachment is disturbing, even if you think it’s absurd — but it is difficult to see how this is going to be anything other than a political catastrophe for Democrats. And CNN, but I repeat myself:

If Democrats and their media allies thought that the impeachment of President Trump would be his undoing, I’ve got bad news for them: it’s actually undoing them. The Democrats’ favorite (fake) news channel CNN is suffering from a three-year low in ratings.
According to Disrn, CNN “reached a three-year low in ratings over the Thanksgiving holidays, averaging 643,000 primetime viewers. The news outlet also saw its worst week for viewers among the 25-43 demographic.” In that group, CNN only pulled 138,000 viewers. That’s pathetic.
Fox News, on the other hand, “posted higher ratings than CNN and MSNBC combined, averaging nearly 2.2 million viewers during primetime last week. The network also pulled in 303,000 viewers ages 25 to 54,” which is the most important target group for advertisers.
In other words, Fox News is utterly and completely destroying the competition. Now, there’s nothing new about that in itself, but what is new is CNN’s complete and utter irrelevance in the news world. If you’re thinking to yourself, “CNN? I never watch it!”, you’re not only talking for yourself but for just about every single American. There’s literally just about nobody watching any of its programs — let alone those scheduled outside of primetime.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.) To have an audience of less than 700,000 viewers, in a nation of 325 million, in the midst of what the media keep calling a “historic” impeachment proceeding — well, look up the word “pathetic” in the dictionary and you’ll find it illustrated with a photo of Don Lemon.

Look, I hate to break it to King Creole‘s viewers — whoever they are, trapped in an airport somewhere — but most Americans don’t give a crap about U.S. policy toward Ukraine, and most Americans are also smart enough to figure out that Hunter Biden never would have gotten that Burisma gig if his name had been “Hunter Smith” or “Hunter Jones.”

With Cocaine Mitch running the Senate, there is no way this impeachment will result in President Trump’s removal from office, so that the American people will decide the issue next November, and who are the Democrats going to nominate against him? Not Kamala Harris — because Democrats are racist sexists who hate black women.

If I were asked to wager on the Democrat nomination, my money would be on Elizabeth Warren, the fake Cherokee Harvard professor, and if you think working-class voters in Wisconsin are going to dump Trump to elect Warren, you need to turn off MSNBC, sit down and contemplate how you’ve reached this nadir of bleak desperation.


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