The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

As ‘Blue Wave’ Collapses, Desperate Democrat Denounced by Women

Posted on | October 17, 2018 | 1 Comment


Democrat Sen. Heidi Heitkamp voted against confirming Justice Kavanaugh, and her poll numbers in North Dakota, which had never been very good, took a sharp turn for the worse. It appears that most voters in North Dakota don’t share Sen. Heitkamp’s anti-male ideology and the desperate Democrat has now made her problems even worse:

In her zeal to use the #MeToo movement against her Republican opponent, Sen. Heidi Heitkamp’s (D-ND) campaign placed an ad purporting to be from victims of sexual assault calling out challenger Kevin Cramer for being insensitive.
But several of the women named in the ad say they did not consent to having their name used in this manner, and at least one says she isn’t even a victim.
The ad, which ran in several North Dakota newspapers including the Bismarck Tribune and the Wahpeton Daily News, was framed as an “open letter” to Rep. Cramer, criticizing his comments that the #MeToo movement was “a movement toward victimization.”
“We are here to let you know that we have all suffered from domestic violence, sexual assault, or rape — and that yes, we expect somebody to believe us when we say it,” the letter states. A disclaimer that this was paid for by the Heitkamp for Senate campaign is featured at the bottom of the letter.
Shortly after the ad ran, women who say they were named as signers began posting on Facebook that the campaign did not have their permission to publish their information. . . .
One woman posted in a Facebook group . . . . that not only did she not give permission for her name to be used by the campaign, but that she doesn’t support Heitkamp and is not even a domestic abuse survivor.
“This was posted in the Bismarck Tribune,” The woman says in her post, which contained a photo of the ad. “A lot of these people listed, including me, did not give anyone permission for our names to be posted. I don’t even support Heidi Heitkamp and I am not a domestic abuse survivor. Should this even be legal?? Using people’s names as part of your campaign??”
Another woman said the campaign was “literally sharing false information.” She wrote a response to the campaign saying she “NEVER gave my consent or permission, written or verbal, to be involved in anything like this: for, against, or personally affected.” She also said some of the names are spelled wrong and that some are listed twice.

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.)

Heitkamp looks set to lose a seat Democrat have held since 1960 and why? Because in the post-Obama era, Democrats have made identity politics the sole basis of their electoral appeal. Democrats are the anti-white party and the anti-male party. Common-sense people outside the coastal urban bubbles reject this ideology of hatred, and yet the more they register their opposition to the Democrat agenda, the more the Democrats double down. If you opposed the dishonest smear campaign against Justice Kavanaugh, you’re a “rape apologist,” guilty of defending “white male privilege.” The possibility that Christine Blasey Ford was lying (which is what the preponderance of evidence indicates) was automatically excluded from discussion, and anyone who argued on behalf of due-process rights was accused of “misogyny.” In essence, Democrats made the Kavanaugh hearings a referendum on radical feminist ideology, and were shocked they lost.

Prospects for a Democrat “blue wave” on Nov. 6 are looking increasingly dim, and even the New York Times is becoming skeptical:

The fight over Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court seems to have contributed to polarizing the electorate, helping Republicans gain in red states and districts even as Democrats cement their strong position elsewhere. The trend might fade, but if it holds it will be an abrupt change from earlier polls and last year’s special election results, which indicated that Democrats were highly competitive in red areas.
Instead, the district and state polling raises the possibility of an election more like last year’s Virginia elections or the 2010 midterm elections. Both were strong results for the party out of power — but the big numbers came mainly on home turf. A similar result this year would tend to lock the Democrats into their single biggest disadvantage: the map.
The Democratic geographic disadvantage is so severe that it gives the Republicans a chance to survive a so-called wave election, like the 1994, 2006 and 2010 elections that flipped control of the House.

Remember this when you look at the so-called “generic” congressional polls: Currently, Democrats enjoy an advantage of about 7 points on the generic ballot question, but much of that margin involves voters in deep-blue urban districts — New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, etc. — represented in Congress by Democrats. While billionaires like Tom Steyer and George Soros are pouring tens of millions of dollars into campaigns to flip GOP-held House seats, voters in Kansas or Kentucky aren’t automatically going to switch from Republican to Democrat because of attack ads on TV. Common-sense voters are smart enough to understand that no matter how “moderate” the Democrat candidate in their district may try to seem, a vote for Democrats is a vote for Nancy Pelosi and the left-wing mobs that tried to destroy Brett Kavanaugh.


In The Mailbox: 10.16.18

Posted on | October 16, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Welcome Bob Belvedere & The Camp of the Saints to the list!

EBL: Sen. Claire McCaskill Thinks Her Constituents Are Rubes
Twitchy: Slate Tries To Rescue Fauxcahontas From Pouncing Conservatives, Faceplants Instead
Louder With Crowder: Top Ten Hilarious Reactions To Sen. Warren’s DNA Test Results

Adam Piggott: Nobody Must Suffer The Awfulness Of The Feel Bads
American Thinker: Dr. Ford’s Willfully Tangled Web
Animal Magnetism: Hunting Season Totty II
BattleSwarm: Google Introduces New Room 101 App In China, also, Dangerous Flooding Along The Llano River
Camp Of The Saints: The Coming Calamity, also, On Pocahonky’s DNA And The Bigger Issue
CDR Salamander: Shock Early – But Not Often
Da Tech Guy: Gates Dreams Of An Africa Without Africans, also, Twitter Responses Under The Fedora
Don Surber: Salena Zito Sees A Red Wave
Dustbury: A Shot Or Two Of Barbasol
First Street Journal: An Incomplete Report From The Archdiocese Of Washington
The Geller Report: Hate Charges Dropped Against Muslim Who Brutally Beat Hasidic Jew In Brooklyn, also, GOP Candidate For MN House Punched In The Face
Hogewash: In Other Lawfare News, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
JustOneMinute: Is Avenatti Getting Sick Of Winning Yet?
Legal Insurrection: Warren DNA Test Response To Trump’s Mocking Solidifies Her Brand As A Fake, also, Prof Offers Students Extra Credit For Attending Democrat Campaign Event
The PanAm Post: Twenty “Ladies In White” Arrested For Public Prayer In Cuba As Regime’s Persecution Exposed
Power Line: Sinema/Ellison 2020, also, Political Violence Comes To Minnesota
Shark Tank: Mayor Gillum Lies About Florida’s Economy, Unemployment Rate
Shot In The Dark: Tag It & Bag It
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday – The SALT Cap & The Quest For Trump’s Tax Returns
The Jawa Report: Well, F*ck Me A Running
The Political Hat: Euthanizing Kids Without Parents Knowing
This Ain’t Hell: Trump Signs “Right To Try” Legislation For Experimental Medicines, also, “Mr. Secretary, Are You A Democrat?”
Victory Girls: Roseanne Deleted – Five Reasons Not To Watch The Conners, also, NYT Leaker Wolfe Pleads Guilty
Weasel Zippers: Orrin Hatch Trolls Fauxcahontas – He’s The Same % T-Rex As She Is Indian, also, FBI Raids Municipal Offices In San Juan Puerto Rico
Megan McArdle: Will The Blue Wave Collapse Before It Reaches The Shore?
Mark Steyn: Questioned To Death, also, How Now, Pow Wow Chow?

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Why I Still Twitter

Posted on | October 16, 2018 | 1 Comment

by Smitty

The sheer blarney of it all:

New Jersey ‘Rape Culture’: Democrat Says She Was Raped by Governor’s Aide

Posted on | October 16, 2018 | 1 Comment

Al Alvarez (left) allegedly raped Katie Brennan (right) in 2017.

Everybody involved in this story is a Democrat:

The woman who accused a senior staffer in Gov. Phil Murphy’s administration of sexually assaulting her while he worked for Murphy’s campaign last year is a state official who says she is now telling her story because she has “received no justice.”
Katie Brennan, who later volunteered for the campaign and is now the chief of staff at the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency, detailed her allegations against Albert J. Alvarez publicly for the first time in a story published by the Wall Street Journal on Sunday afternoon.
After the report was published Sunday afternoon, Brennan said in a statement: “On April 8th, 2017, Al Alvarez raped me. On April 9th, 2017 I learned that the system is broken.”
“I have pursued every form of justice available,” Brennan, 31, of Jersey City, continued. “But it has become clear that this system is not built for survivors.”
Brennan said she “decided to come forward because I know that Al Alvarez, and all perpetrators, must be held accountable, must never rape again, and the justice system needs a complete change with regard to sexual violence.” . . .
Multiple media outlets . . . published reports this week citing anonymous sources saying Alvarez faced allegations of sexual assault while he worked as director of Latin and Muslim outreach for Murphy’s campaign in April 2017. Alvarez, 44, of Wood-Ridge, was never charged with a crime.
Alvarez, a fellow Democrat, later worked as deputy of personnel for Murphy’s transition team and then as chief of staff of the New Jersey Schools Development Authority under Murphy’s administration. He resigned Oct. 2, the same day the Journal contacted him seeking comment.

Look, I’d argue that Alvarez has the right to be presumed innocent, but Democrats have been lecturing us that we must #BelieveWomen. If Democrats are raping Democrats in New Jersey, this is a good argument for women to avoid Democrats, or maybe just avoid New Jersey.

(Hat-tip: Stephen Green at Instapundit.)


How White Is Elizabeth Warren?

Posted on | October 16, 2018 | Comments Off on How White Is Elizabeth Warren?


She is at least 98.4% Caucasian:

Senator Elizabeth Warren has released a DNA test that provides “strong evidence’’ she had a Native American in her family tree dating back 6 to 10 generations, an unprecedented move by one of the top possible contenders for the 2020 Democratic nomination for president.
Warren, whose claims to Native American blood have been mocked by President Trump and other Republicans, provided the test results to the Globe on Sunday in an effort to defuse questions about her ancestry that have persisted for years. She planned an elaborate rollout Monday of the results as she aimed for widespread attention.
The analysis of Warren’s DNA was done by Carlos D. Bustamante, a Stanford University professor and expert in the field who won a 2010 MacArthur fellowship, also known as a genius grant, for his work on tracking population migration via DNA analysis.
He concluded that “the vast majority” of Warren’s ancestry is European, but he added that “the results strongly support the existence of an unadmixed Native American ancestor.”
Bustamante calculated that Warren’s pure Native American ancestor appears in her family tree “in the range of 6-10 generations ago.” That timing fits Warren’s family lore, passed down during her Oklahoma upbringing, that her great-great-great-grandmother, O.C. Sarah Smith, was at least partially Native American.
Smith was born in the late 1700s. . . .
The inherent imprecision of the six-page DNA analysis could provide fodder for Warren’s critics. If O.C. Sarah Smith were fully Native American, that would make Warren up to 1/32nd native. But the generational range based on the ancestor that the report identified suggests she’s between 1/64th and 1/1,024th Native American.

Notice the word “suggests.” At most, Warren has less than 1.6% Native American ancestry and, as for “family lore,” this test indicating the possibility of a very distant non-white ancestor — she’s so white, she would have qualified for membership in the Bund Deutscher Mädel — absolutely does not confirm the tales Warren has told. She claims that her parents eloped because of anti-Indian prejudice in Oklahoma: “My daddy’s parents, the Herrings, were bitterly opposed to their marrying because my mother’s family, the Reeds, was part native American.” Whether or not her paternal grandparents were “bitterly opposed” to her father marrying her mother, it could not have been because the Reeds were “part native American,” as a 1/32nd non-white ancestry (i.e., 96.9% white) would not be apparent and, contrary to her telling, the remote ancestor she claimed was Cherokee was identified as white in census records. If the Senator is asserting that her father’s parents were extraordinarily ignorant, we’ll take her word for it, but this tells us nothing about the alleged ancestry of her mother’s side of the family.

Professor William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has covered this dispute longer and in more detail than anyone else:

Elizabeth Warren is not Native American. Her ancestry has been traced by Cherokee genealogists back to the early 1800s, as far back as there are records, and there are no Native American ancestors.
The one potential Native American ancestor was Warren’s great great great grandmother, Sarah O.C. Smith, but an initial 2012 report about that was debunked and The Boston Globe was forced to issue a retraction. . . .
Trump and others have been demanding Warren take a DNA test. I wrote previously that this was not dispositive. . . . There is more to being Native American than DNA, both legally and from a tribal point of view:

This claim that all Warren need do is show any Native American DNA, no matter how small, reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of Warren’s claim to be Native American for employment purposes. Under clear EEOC and Harvard standards, Native American ancestry would not be sufficient to claim Native American status for employment purposes, which is what Warren did. . . .
Regardless of DNA, Warren cannot show cultural identification. . . . Warren never associated with Native Americans. . . .
A negative result would completely eliminate her claim to be Native American.
But a positive DNA result would not retroactively justify Warren misusing Native American identification to try to advance her career.

For more than five years, Professor Jacobson has focused on this central point of the controversy: Warren’s DNA is irrelevant both to her claims of being a Cherokee and to the indisputable evidence that she exploited this claim to have herself listed as a “woman of color” for employment purposes, “to advance her career.” By checking the box for “Native American” on her employment forms, the blue-eyed blonde Warren unintentionally called into question the entire purpose of “diversity” quotas in academia. Going back to 1965, when President Lyndon B. Johnson first used the phrase “affirmative action” to describe federal policy to require employers to take measures to remediate past policies of discrimination against African-Americans, the idea was to compensate for past wrongdoing. Elizabeth Warren cannot show that she herself, or her parents or grandparents, suffered employment discrimination on the basis of alleged Native American ancestry and, because none of her known ancestors was ever officially enrolled as a member of the Cherokee Nation (or any other recognized Native American group), she could not lawfully check that box on employment forms.

The mere possibility that, at some point prior to the 1790 Census, one of Warren’s ancestors was non-white, does nothing to confirm her claim to a specifically Cherokee ancestry — there were many different native tribes in the Eastern U.S. — and it certainly doesn’t show that this blonde woman suffered any discrimination, in Oklahoma or anywhere else.

Cherokee Nation officials are angry at Warren, and rightly so, and she has no one but herself to blame, as David Harsanyi points out:

It was Warren who made it all an issue. We don’t fully know how important Warren’s claims were in her career. There is, however, much evidence that her self-driven minority claims in the 1990s were helpful. Warren . . . was listed as a “minority faculty member” by The University of Pennsylvania. She had the school switch her designation from white to Native American. Warren self-identified as a “minority” in the legal directory, and Harvard Law School preposterously listed her as one of the “women of color” the school had hired. On job applications, Warren was very specific in claiming that she had Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry.
When her supposed Native American heritage came under scrutiny during her first Senate bid, Warren presented a recipe she had published in her cousin’s cookbook as evidence of her background. It was signed “Elizabeth Warren — Cherokee.” Later we learned that even the recipe was taken verbatim from an article in The New York Times five years earlier.

She plagiarized a recipe in an effort to “prove” her Cherokee ancestry!

By the way, it’s important to realize that the only reason this story is making headlines now is because Elizabeth Warren intends to pursue the 2020 Democrat Party nomination for president. If she were successful in that pursuit, she would then take on President Trump in the general election and, even the staunchest Republican must admit, Trump has an unfortunate tendency to boast and brag in a manner as dishonest as Warren’s. The difference is, Warren’s lying was about claiming victimhood in order to exploit affirmative-action policies, whereas Trump lies about things like sexual affairs with Playboy models. Can you guess whose lies the average American is more likely to shrug off?

Here is video of Professor Jacobson on Tucker Carlson last night:


“She tried to get an advantage over other people by claiming a status to which she’s not entitled. It’s the worst form of cultural appropriation, or misappropriation, which is a very hot topic in progressive circles. She tried to misappropriate the identity of one of the most victimized people in history, or at least in recent history, which is Native Americans. And progressives seem not to care.”

Will Democrats nominate this liar in 2020? Let’s hope so.


In The Mailbox: 10.15.18

Posted on | October 15, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.15.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Petting Zoo Conservatives – S.E. Cupp
Twitchy: Benny Johnson Lays Out Every Time Elizabeth Warren Has Lied About Her Heritage In Epic Thread
Louder With Crowder: Podcast #402 – Democrats Push Mob Rule

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – Slippery Slope Edition, also, A Woman’s Greatest Enemy Is Other Women
American Power: Why China’s Rise Won’t Happen, also, What The Establishment Misses About Trump’s Foreign Policy
American Thinker: Blacks Like Trump? Don’t Blame Kanye
Animal Magnetism: Hunting Season Totty I
BattleSwarm: The Project Veritas Deep State Videos, also, Gosnell Opened Yesterday
CDR Salamander: Maritime Insurgency & Counterinsurgency With Hunter Stires – On Midrats
Da Tech Guy: My First Race In Eight Years Might Offer A Lesson To You, also, That Prepper Mentality
Don Surber: Trump Owns 60 Minutes, also, You Are #FakeNews And You Bore Me
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, Nobody Puts Shetland In A Corner
First Street Journal: The Gender Gap May Not Go Quite The Way The Democrats Like
The Geller Report: Canadiam PM Justin Trudeau Pledges $38 Million To Pro-Jihad UNRWA, also, Letter Threatens Rape, Murder Of Female Republican Candidate
Hogewash: The Other Podcast, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, and Fauxcahontas’ DNA Test
JustOneMinute: We March To War, also, Red Storm Rising
Legal Insurrection: Fauxcahontas’ DNA Test Does Not Prove She’s Native American, also, Betomania Is Sucking The Life Out Of The Blue Wave
The PanAm Post: In Peru, Odebrecht Strikes Again As Fujimori Dynasty Teeters On Brink Of Collapse
Power Line: Who Wants A Pro-Crime Attorney General? also, The Khashoggi Slaying, The Anti-Trump Media, And American Foreign Policy
Shark Tank: Broward Sheriff’s Deputies Union Breaks With Sheriff, Endorses DeSantis
Shot In The Dark: Why We Need Money In Politics, also, The Twin Cities Media Won’t Cover This…
STUMP: What Percentage Of Public Pension Income Is From Investment Returns?
The Political Hat: The Coming Judicial Unswitching
This Ain’t Hell: Six EOD Soldiers Awarded For Actions In Afghanistan, also, The North Had Hanoi Jane, But We Had Chris Noel
Victory Girls: Mayor Ted Wheeler Backs Antifa In The People’s Republic Of Portland
Volokh Conspiracy: Don’t Take Too Much Comfort In Surveys Showing Widespread Opposition To “Political Correctness”
Weasel Zippers: Cherokee Nation Official Says Fauxcahontas’ DNA Test Is “Useless, Inappropriate, & Wrong”, also, Antifa Thug Tries To Sucker Punch Patriot Prayer Member – It Doesn’t Go As Planned
Megan McArdle: The Best Sears Product Was Its Gift For Reinvention, With A 126-Year Warranty
Mark Steyn: Strangers On A Train, also, For Whom The Dog Tolls

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Arizona Democrat ‘Summoned Witches’ to Attend 2003 Anti-War Protest Event

Posted on | October 15, 2018 | Comments Off on Arizona Democrat ‘Summoned Witches’ to Attend 2003 Anti-War Protest Event


Further evidence that Democrats are servants of the forces of darkness:

Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, the Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate in Arizona], is not a witch. But she has been known to hang out with witches. It was during the height of the Iraq War when Sinema, then a far-left protest organizer, summoned supernatural help to stop the Iraq War.
Emails obtained by the Washington Examiner show Sinema inviting a prominent coven of feminist witches in Arizona called Pagan Cluster to celebrate International Women’s Day and to protest the war in March of 2003. Code Pink protesters wore pink, obviously enough, and the Women in Black wore black. But Sinema encouraged the witches to wear “colorful clothing and come ready to dance, twirl, and stay in touch with your inner creativity and with the Earth.”
The Sinema campaign would not say why she invited the witches or clarify why she thought members of the occult deserved a seat at the table during discussions concerning war and peace. . . .
Out of the broom closet and into the public square, the Pagan Cluster focuses “sharing spiritual insights and participating in direct democracy.” Their visions are decidedly liberal and many of their coven “have roots in the Reclaiming Tradition of feminist Witchcraft.” . . .
Later that year, in November, Sinema attended a similar anti-war rally, this one in Miami and with other pagans. In emails . . . she writes about “singing and spiraling in the pagan’s circle only 5 rows back from the police line.”

The “Reclaiming Tradition” was started in San Francisco circa 1979 by Miriam Simos, a/k/a “Starhawk,” an associate and disciple of lesbian feminist witch Zsuzsanna Emese Mokcsay, a/k/a, “Z Budapest.”

The significance of Sinema’s association with neopagan witches is as an expression of her anti-Christian worldview. Democrats hate Jesus.

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.)




Rule 5 Sunday: Salma Hayek

Posted on | October 14, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

While I’m waiting to move into my new place, I’m shuttling between a lot of Las Vegas hotels; for the next couple of days, I’m at the El Cortez, the oldest continually-operating hotel here. It’s a pretty nice place, with its own unique vibe, and for no good reason I can think of, it reminds me of Mexican actress Salma Hayek, also known for her work in Austrian school economics…oh, wait. Wrong Hayek. Anyway, here she is in a Quentin Tarantino movie that doesn’t suck (at least not that way) because she kills Mr. Tarantino’s character about a minute after this shot, From Dusk Till Dawn.

Right after the snake dance, which is pretty awesome.

Leading of we have Ninety Miles From Tyranny with Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #405, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

EBL’s herd this week includes Alexa Davalos, National Farmers Day Rule 5, Louise Bourgoin, Martha McSally, Claire Foy & Olivia Hamilton, and Ines Melab.

A View From The Beach offers Marathon Woman – Chase CarterTrick Shot FridayCan Natty Boh Save the Bay?High Fashion ThursdayTaylor Swift Gets PoliticalSo This Is a Hoot!Wind Power Linked to WarmingJust In Time for the Kavanaugh Court and Fat Comedienne, Nasty Grandmothers and Topless Dancer Fail to Stop Kavanaugh

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Hannah Lee Fowler, his Vintage Babe is Janet Munro, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Calvin Klein. At Dustbury, it’s Annika Sorenstam and and Tisha Campbell-Martin.

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

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