The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Late Night With In The Mailbox: 09.13.18

Posted on | September 14, 2018 | Comments Off on Late Night With In The Mailbox: 09.13.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Convicted Sex Offender Dori Myers Keeps Her Teaching Certificate?
Twitchy: Looks Like Dianne Feinstein’s Big Kavanaugh Gamble Didn’t Pay Off After All
Louder With Crowder: That Dystopia Everyone Fears? It’ll Come From The Left

American Power: California Democrats To Ban Gas-Powered Internal-Combustion Vehicles By 2035, also, Raw Tensions Over Race & Gender Shape Midterms
American Thinker: Trump Voters & The Bitter Elites
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Gun Advertising News
BattleSwarm: SDF Begins Final Assault On Hajin, also, Twitter Suspends Bosch Fawstin
CDR Salamander: The Depot Dearth
Da Tech Guy: Rick Green & The Latest Ad In MA-3, also, Is Judge Kavanaugh A True Originalist?
Don Surber: Democrat Senate Candidate Defended Men Who Get Underage Hookers
Dustbury: The End Of The Long & Winding Road
First Street Journal: The Problem With The Catholic Priesthood
The Geller Report: Feds Discover More Victims of Muslim Doctors In Detroit FGM Case, also, UK Muslims Brutally Attack Boy While Insisting He Pray To Allah
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day (plus Bonus), also, “Don’t Be Evil”
Legal Insurrection: Democrats Lob A Hail Mary Shot At Kavanaugh With Laundry List of Questions, also, Nevada Professor Shoots Himself In Arm To Protest Trump
Michelle Malkin: The Post 9/11 Cycle Of Cynicism – Remember, Forget, Repeat
The PanAm Post: What’s The Answer To The Current Brazilian Prison Crisis?
Power Line: On Puerto Rico, Trump Is Right, also, Justice Department Considering Breaking Up Big Tech
Shark Tank: Gov. Scott Slams Sen. Nelson As “A Vote For Government Waste & Debt”
Shot In The Dark: Inexorable
The Jawa Report: Ministry Of Health PSA – Take Two Of These And Call Me In The Morning
The Political Hat: Unconstitutional Denial Of A Constitutional Right – From Illinois & California To Vermont & Florida
This Ain’t Hell: Trailblazing Female Gets The Boot For Fraternization, also, A Very Special Feelgood Story
Victory Girls: Yes, Nearly 300 Died After Hurricane Maria. No, Trump Isn’t To Blame, also, Google Laments All The Dummies That Didn’t Follow Their Instructions
Volokh Conspiracy: Speech Codes And “Twisting Title IX”
Weasel Zippers: Notorious RBG Calls Dems’ Treatment Of Kavanaugh During Hearings “Wrong”, “Highly Partisan Show”, also, Millions Of Water Bottles Found Rotting In Puerto Rico As San Juan Mayor Continues To Bash Trump
Megan McArdle: What Jamie Dimon And Other New Yorkers Don’t Grasp About Washington Politics
Mark Steyn: High School Confidential

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Big Trouble at the ‘Tiffany’ Network: Another ‘Get Woke, Go Broke’ Lesson?

Posted on | September 13, 2018 | Comments Off on Big Trouble at the ‘Tiffany’ Network: Another ‘Get Woke, Go Broke’ Lesson?


The top of the stack this morning at Drudge:

CBSNEWS On-Cam Ambush Of Own Exec!
Network Airs Disturbing Fager Text...
Allegations of inappropriate conduct...
Threats and Deception: Why Board Turned On Moonves... 

The takedown of CBS boss Les Moonves was followed immediately by the takedown of 60 Minutes producer Jeff Fager, the latest casualties in the #MeToo crusade against men in the media. Let’s not kid ourselves about what’s happening here. When this began back in October 2017, it was possible to imagine that Harvey Weinstein was an isolated problem, an unusually bad person engaged in unusually bad behavior. As the list of targets lengthened beyond a few bad apples in Hollywood to include the news media, however, #MeToo brought to light a toxic culture in the world of big-time journalism, in which a sort of sexual pay-for-play ethos had long prevailed. If former Today show anchor Matt Lauer — a handsome and popular personality — could turn his NBC office into an upscale rape dungeon, was it possible to enforce standards of decency elsewhere in these organizations? That is to say, if the network’s multimillionaire on-air talent is engaged in predatory behavior, doesn’t that send a signal to all the lower-echelon personnel?

Something has gone terribly wrong in the TV industry, for the #MeToo scandal to have reached as high as the CEO of an organization once known as the “Tiffany Network.” It is perhaps impossible for young people to imagine the enormous prestige enjoyed by CBS during the life of its founder William S. Paley. CBS was the network of Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite, of Lucille Ball and Ed Sullivan, of Perry Mason, Gunsmoke and The Waltons. Starting with a few Philadelphia radio stations in the 1920s, Paley more or less invented the concept of a nationwide broadcasting network, and insisted on the highest-quality programming. One measure of his success was that, during World War II, President Roosevelt tapped Paley “as director of radio operations of the Psychological Warfare branch in the Office of War Information at Allied Force Headquarters in London” with the rank of an Army colonel. Did I mention that CBS also owned a record company, the one that invented the 33 RPM album? Do you know who sang for Columbia Records? To quote 60 Minutes creator Don Hewitt, “Paley was the guy who put Frank Sinatra and Edward R. Murrow on the radio and 60 Minutes on television.” Yep — CBS owned Sinatra back in the day, and stars don’t come any bigger than Sinatra, except maybe The Beatles, who made their U.S. television debut on . . .? Yep, CBS, Ed Sullivan.

Something else about CBS: It was a great network for women, both in terms of audience and performers. My mother was a big fan of the detective programs that CBS did so well, with handsome leading men like Mike Connors on Mannix, and there was perhaps never a cowboy the ladies loved more than James Arness as Marshal Matt Dillon on Gunsmoke (with the possible exception of Michael Landon as Little Joe on NBC’s Bonanza). Paley seemed to have an innate understanding that attracting female viewers was crucial to success in the entertainment business. After all, who attracted women better than Sinatra? And beginning with Lucille Ball’s smash hit with I Love Lucy, CBS was always had the best female-led programming, as the TV home of Mary Tyler Moore and Carol Burnett. What went wrong at CBS?

Part of the answer may be found in a Hollywood Reporter column by Linda Bloodworth Thomason, one of CBS’s most successful producers in the 1990s, when Designing Women was a huge hit. Thomason describes how, after Les Moonves became president of CBS Entertainment in 1995, his personal hostility toward her essentially destroyed her career:

I was immediately concerned when I heard that Mr. Moonves was rumored to be a big fan of topless bars. Then, someone delivered the news that he especially hated Designing Women and their loud-mouthed speeches. . . . I was at the pinnacle of my career. I would not work again for seven years. . . .
Then, I began to hear from female CBS employees about his mercurial, misogynist behavior, with actresses being ushered in and out of his office. His mantra, I was told, was, “Why would I wanna cast ’em if I don’t wanna f–k ’em?” And he was an angry bully who enjoyed telling people, “I will tear off the top of your head and piss on your brain!”

That’s no way to treat a lady, sir.

Of course, I am not a fan of Thomason’s feminist politics, but you can’t succeed in show business by killing off successful shows, and if Moonves put his personal prejudice ahead of his business interests, he was cheating the shareholders out of profit. In short, he lacked integrity.

What went wrong at CBS? Is it possible that the “Tiffany network” fell victim to a “Get Woke, Go Broke” problem? Politically, CBS was always generally liberal (see Bernard Goldberg’s 2001 blockbuster Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News), and both Moonves and his boss, Viacom CEO Summer Redstone, were Democrats. In much the way Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez shoved aside Joe Crowley in the Democrat primaries, powerful liberal men in media are now being destroyed by their feminist allies, who are no longer content to be quiet about the abusive behavior they were forced to endure as part of the bargain in the “progressive” coalition of Democrat Party interests.

What happens next? If men can no longer get rich (or get laid) by parroting whatever the latest liberal mantra may be, isn’t it possible that some men in the media will have a “Red Pill” awakening? Couldn’t the spectacle of careers being destroyed by the #MeToo movement yield a new awareness of the ugly reality hidden behind the hypocritical veneer of “progressive” solidarity? Think back to the Access Hollywood audio, where Trump bluntly described the situation of a network TV star: “It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the p–y. You can do anything.” Wasn’t this the honest truth about the way some women react to men who are major stars, as Trump was when The Apprentice was a Top 20 hit in 2005? “You can do anything” if you’re a star.

Wasn’t the same thing true of Les Moonves, who as CEO had the power to make or break the careers of women at CBS? Moonves was a liberal Democrat, and if he ever had anything negative to say about the womanizing behavior of Donald Trump (whose show ran on rival NBC), Moonves never said it until Trump ran for president as a Republican.

Women are attracted to men with money and power. This isn’t exactly a revelation to anyone who knows anything about women. What is happening with the #MeToo movement is that women have weaponized sex as a means of taking away men’s money and power — not in the old-fashioned transactional quid pro quo manner, but as a one-sided extortion racket. It’s like Stalin robbing banks to fund the Bolsheviks.


Guys like Les Moonves need to take the Red Pill and wake up to the reality of what feminism means in terms of changing social incentives. The fallout from #MeToo will not be limited to the destruction of a handful of personalities in show biz, journalism and politics. Wise men (and women) ought to consider what the consequences might be.


In The Mailbox: 09.12.18

Posted on | September 12, 2018 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box – Episode #376
Proof Positive: The Least Serious President In The History Of The Republic And His Contribution To Our Booming Economy
EBL: Florence Is Coming
Twitchy:  Google’s Statement About Leaked Video Of Senior Execs’ Reaction To Trump’s Election Sparks MAJOR Skepticism
Louder With Crowder: Jimmy Fallon Cowers To Outrage Mob, Cancels Norm McDonald Interview

Adam Piggott: Podcast #90 – The Floorboards Episode
American Power: “Racist” Serena Williams Cartoon
American Thinker: The Once “Golden State” Is Badly Tarnished
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Houston Chronicle Reporter Resigns Under Suspicion Of Making Things Up
CDR Salamander: Aviation Degradation Doesn’t Happen By Accident
Da Tech Guy: Under The Fedora – 9/11 Thoughts, Kaepernick & Dems, Trump As Wile E. Coyote, & More
Don Surber: Let Me Explain, Mr. President
Dustbury: Remember The Public Domain?
First Street Journal: The Problem With The Catholic Church Is At The Top
The Geller Report: Illegal Immigrants Cited In Theft Of 39 Million Social Security Numbers, also, French Education Minister Says French Kids Should Learn Arabic
Hogewash: Dwarfs That Can Punch Above Their Weight
JustOneMinute: The Dreadful Police Shooting In Dallas
Legal Insurrection: Populism Is Dangerous – Taco Bell Voted Best Mexican Restaurant, also, Activists Threatening, Trying To Bribe Senator Collins Into Voting Against Kavanaugh
The PanAm Post: Calls To Dollarize Argentinian Economy Grow
Power Line: It’s Official – Google Is A Democratic Party Front, also, Hassett Has It!
Shark Tank: DeSantis Is A Constant Conservative
Shot In The Dark: Dispatches From Never-Never Land
STUMP: Trying To Deflect The Blame – CALPERS, The Catholic Church, & Trump
The Jawa Report: 17
The Political Hat: Pledge To Global Society
This Ain’t Hell: Washington Post Declares Trump Is Complicit For Dangerous Storm, also, One Of The Last WW2 Soldiers To Make 4 Combat Drops Into Europe Has Died
Victory Girls: The Primary Season Ends & The Real Push Begins
Volokh Conspiracy: Speech Code Hokey Pokey
Weasel Zippers: Washington Post Blames President Trump For Hurricanes, also, Google Execs Caught On Video Bashing Trump Supporters After 2016 Election
Mark Steyn: The Endless War & The Battle Unfought, also, The Word That Can’t Be Questioned

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Another ‘Red Pill’ Exit: Fools Rush In, But Wise Men Don’t Marry Crazy Women

Posted on | September 12, 2018 | 1 Comment


Wise men say, only fools rush in,
But I can’t help ….


More than 10,000 people have read last week’s post (“Exit Strategy: Did This Guy ‘Red Pill’ His Way Out of a Doomed Relationship?”) about a guy whose live-in fiancée moved out after he said something that seemed almost perfectly calculated to offend her. While feminists were applauding that woman’s Twitter thread about her exit, none of them seemed to consider the possibility that he wanted her to leave, and had cleverly used a so-called “Red Pill” tactic to get rid of her. We haven’t heard the guy’s side of the story, so we don’t know his motives, but feminists never seem to consider the possibility that a man might be smart enough to escape plans for his destruction.

Consider this recent news article about a crazy woman in France:

A woman decided she would marry herself in her dream wedding after being dumped three months before the big day.
Laëtitia Nguyen, from France, had been with her fiancé for three years and the pair had spent a lot of time planning their $40,000 (£22,000) wedding.
However, the 38-year-old was left heartbroken when her fiancé left her just three months before the ceremony was due to take place on the picturesque island of Santorini on 27 May 2017.
That didn’t stop Laëtitia from going through with the ceremony that she’d spent so long planning and so she walked down the aisle to marry herself.
“I am amazing, and I know it,” she said.
The wedding was attended by eight people, and Laetitia kept a lot of the details the same as what she had planned with her then-fiancé.
She has since frozen her eggs in the hope she will one day have children.
[The crazy woman and fiancé] were very equal minded about how they wanted the ceremony to play out, however just months before they were going to tie the knot, her fiancé became distant, before eventually walking out in February.

Again, notice how the guy’s side of the story is missing, leaving us to speculate about what it was that inspired his exit, although it seems obvious enough: If a 38-year-old woman wants you to spend $40,000 — FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS! — on a wedding, get the hell out.

Let me dub this “The Princess Diana Rule.”

Ever since Prince Charles married Diana on worldwide TV in 1981, the expensive “Dream Wedding” has become a sort of entitlement in the minds of delusional young women who can’t be bothered to consult tradition or use ordinary common sense in matrimonial custom.

Customarily, the wedding is a display of the bride’s family status — a party thrown in her honor by the paterfamilias. If her father is fairly wealthy and wishes to indulge his princess, he’ll pull out all the stops, paying for the designer dresses of his daughter’s five bridesmaids, hotel rooms for out-of-town guests, rehearsal dinner at a luxury restaurant, limousines for the wedding party, a lavish reception with a live band and an open bar, the two-week all-expense-paid honeymoon to an exotic locale, etc. He’s a big-shot lawyer, a banker, a CEO, whatever, and nothing is too good for his precious princess, who might suffer a loss of social status (however slight) if her wedding wasn’t the most extravagant gala event her hometown had seen in recent memory.

On the other hand, if her folks are regular middle-class folks, custom certainly does not require them to bankrupt themselves — and it would be considered gauche, a tacky pretension — to give their daughter a lavish wedding. Common sense informs this customary attitude. Because the newlyweds cannot rely on generous parental subsidies as they commence upon married life, the daughter of a less-than-wealthy family should not wish for such an extravagant wedding, an irresponsible expenditure that does not betoken the kind of frugality that a middle-class wife needs, if she and her husband hope to prosper together.

Wedding etiquette used to be well-understood by ordinary Americans, back in the day when common sense was actually common. The wedding is a party in honor of the bride, and thus her family is responsible for the expense, with the groom or his family expected only to pay for the wedding rings and whatever his groomsmen might require. (I remember being fitted for a tuxedo rental as a groomsman when my friend Patrick Carter got married in the Heinz Chapel in Pittsburgh circa 1990. His folks were fairly well-off, and covered all my costs. Of the bride’s family, the less said, the better.) Once upon a time in America, parents took pride in raising daughters who were sensible and practical, and who had that old-fashioned sense of Protestant decency that frowns upon the ostentatious display of wealth. Even more than that, decent Americans once would have been horrified at the idea that a woman who had reached her late 30s before marrying would expect her wedding to be anything extravagant. Until the late 1980s, median age at first marriage for U.S. women had never been higher than 23, so that a woman who hadn’t married by age 25 was typically such a low-status social misfit as to have few friends who might RSVP to her wedding invitation.

Times change, but human nature is permanent.

There has never been (nor will there ever be) any society in which a 38-year-old woman is considered prime “wife material”; any unmarried woman that old should be extraordinarily grateful to find a husband. But no wise man would marry the kind of fool who would waste $40,000 — FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS! — for a wedding “on the picturesque island of Santorini.” Of course, this story happened in France, and thus Laëtitia Nguyen’s pretensions might tell us nothing about the decline of American marital customs, but the way her story is told as some kind of feminist triumph of empowerment indicates that we are expected to celebrate how “amazing” she is. Except she’s not amazing at all, except as an example of the increasing craziness of women in an era of decadence.

Note also: “She has since frozen her eggs in the hope she will one day have children” — having lost the Darwinian lottery, she expects technology to help her cheat nature, employing some sort of medical intervention like IVF with donor sperm to conceive a Frankstein baby.


Let’s think about this, shall we? You are a woman so undesirable that it was not until you were 35 that you met a man willing to marry you. Having spent three years planning a $40,000 wedding, your undesirability was confirmed when your would-be husband escaped your trap. What next? She decides to freeze her eggs and “marry herself,” expecting that at some point in the future she’ll have those eggs fertilized, giving birth sometime in her 40s (with or without a husband/father) and what sort of child might we expect such a mother to produce? Imagine the Frankenbaby offspring of Laëtitia Nguyen, reaching high school circa 2035. This child will likely be fatherless, with a 55-year-old mother who is obviously neurotic. What sort of 15-year-old will Ms. Nguyen’s offspring grow up to be? Will her child be a healthy, attractive, popular, outgoing, emotionally well-adjusted teenager? Don’t bet on it.

There is a correlation between parental age and autism-spectrum disorders and, while the question of causality is still being debated and researched, doesn’t it make sense that those who are so disadvantaged in the mating process that they don’t produce offspring until they are past their reproductive prime would, in turn, find that their children are likewise disadvantaged? We don’t need to consult any scientific research into the nature/nurture aspect of this phenomenon when common sense tells us that the acorn seldom falls far from the oak. Behavioral patterns replicate themselves in successive generations, and if you couldn’t find a mate until you were 35, it’s probably not likely that your only child (born when you were 37 or 38) will be married at age 25.

What’s that? You hope to see grandchildren in your lifetime? That’s a long-shot bet for older parents, as simple arithmetic will demonstrate. Keep in mind, as I say, that autism-spectrum disorders are more common among the children of older parents and, in most cases, the older the parents, the smaller the number of offspring. If you had your first child at 20, there’s a chance they might have two, three or more younger siblings, so that your children gain the benefits of greater socialization within the family. But if you don’t have your first offspring until you’re 37, the chances are that this will be your only child, and if this child repeats your pattern, 37 + 37 = 74, so live to be a septuagenarian and maybe your semi-autistic child will provide you with a grandchild. Considered objectively, however, the odds don’t favor older parents living to hear themselves called Grandpa or Grandma, and you might think that the atheistic young proponents of Science™ would be perspicacious enough to foresee this. If they are Our Moral and Intellectual Superiors, as they imagine themselves to be, shouldn’t these devotees of Darwinian theory act in such a way as to favor “the survival of the fittest”?

Oh, you shouldn’t be judgmental, they tell us. We are expected to ignore our own common sense and instead sit silently while all these advocates of Scientific Progress and Social Justice — acolytes of The Vision of the Anointed — tell us what opinions are permissible. The liberal media tell this tale about Laëtitia Nguyen in such a way as to persuade fools that she really is “amazing” and her solo wedding is empowering.

No, she’s pathetic, and her Santorini “wedding” is a travesty.

She deserves to be mocked, and often, and by someone who knows how.


What shall become of us, if we are taught to celebrate such folly? When did it become “hate” to speak the truth? Why is it that, even as Darwinism has become a quasi-religion in the West, we aren’t allowed to discuss the way in which certain choices (e.g., women postponing marriage and motherhood until they are well past their peak reproductive years) have harmful consequences for individuals and society as a whole?

Also, why has no journalist interviewed the guy who dumped Laëtitia Nguyen just three months before the $40,000 wedding she’d planned? Because that guy’s probably got a great story to tell — first, how did he stumble into her web, and second, what inspired his nick-of-time escape? “When did you realize she was batshit crazy, sir? What advice would you give to other men to help them avoid crazy women like Laëtitia?”

Here’s the thing: By the time a guy gets desperate enough to hook up with a crazy 30-something woman who thinks a $40,000 wedding is a good idea, he’s probably already made a lot of mistakes in life. You don’t get to coffin corner because you made the right moves as a teenager. Probably he had some not-too-bad options in high school or college where, if he’d played his cards right, he could have married a sane woman. Instead, he wanted to “play the field,” so he ditched his first girlfriend, then things “just didn’t work out” with his next girlfriend. Tempus fugits, but he didn’t realize he was wasting valuable time until he reached that point, many years later, when he was like, “Wait a minute — I’m going to marry this woman? This wacko who thinks a picturesque island wedding is a smart way to spend $40,000?” And then au revoir, Miss Nguyen.

What causes such blunders? Bad advice.

The blogger Dalrock calls attention to three “Christian dating experts” — Mandy Hale, 39, Wendy Griffith, 54, and Lisa Anderson, 46 — who have one thing in common: None of them have ever been married. What this indicates is that secular ideas of feminist “empowerment” have been baptized, so to speak. When the church attempts to emulate the latest worldly trends, it becomes “conformed to this world” (Romans 12:2) and the salt loses its savour (Matthew 5:13).

“In view of questionable sociological, psychological, and political theories presently permeating our culture and making inroads into Christ’s church, we wish to clarify certain key Christian doctrines and ethical principles prescribed in God’s Word. . . . Specifically, we are deeply concerned that values borrowed from secular culture are currently undermining Scripture in the areas of race and ethnicity, manhood and womanhood, and human sexuality.”
“Social Justice and the Gospel”

If you’re a parent, do yourself a favor and send this post in an email to your kids (or print it out and read it aloud to them) so that if they become fools and Darwinian failures, they can’t say you never tried to warn them. We have a responsibility as adults to steer young people away from the path of decadent madness that leads down to destruction. Selah.


Late Night With In The Mailbox: 09.11.18

Posted on | September 12, 2018 | Comments Off on Late Night With In The Mailbox: 09.11.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Song Of The Day

EBL: Never Forget – September 11, 2001
Twitchy: Twitter Rando Threatens To “Collect Bloodstained MAGA Hats” At Trump Hotel Meetup
Louder With Crowder: New Documentary Features Transgenders Who Regret Switching Genders

Adam Piggott: You May Not Criticize A Black Woman
American Power: Republican Insiders Prepare For Electoral D-Day, also, The Circus Of Resistance
American Thinker: Obama Vs. The Nation
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Colorpuncture News
BattleSwarm: Texas in Driver’s Seat of U.S. Oil Revival
CDR Salamander: Yes, Every Year
Da Tech Guy: School Daze, also, Taking It To The Street
Don Surber: Trump Gets Media To Admit He Cured The Economy
Dustbury: The Original Money Honey
First Street Journal: I’m Baaaaack!
The Geller Report: Terror-Tied Muslims Proselytizing At California School Assemblies, also, George W. Bush After 9/11 – “Islam is Peace”
Hogewash: The Party Of Kaepernick Vs. The Party Of King, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
JustOneMinute: Back At It!
Legal Insurrection: Barbershop Workers Quit After CA Supremes Redefine “Independent Contractor”, also,  Joe Scarborough Claims Trump A Greater Threat To America Than 9/11
Michelle Malkin: 9/11 Flashback – Spitting On Their Graves
The PanAm Post: A Libertarian Lament – With Bolsonaro’s Rise In Brazil, Where Do We Turn?
Power Line: Remembering “Whitewater”, also, Memo – Google Tried To Help Hillary By Driving Latino Vote
Shark Tank: Trump Waves “Magic Wand” And Clowns Obama
Shot In The Dark: Tongue Tied
Sister Toldjah: Never Forget – Remembering 9/11 Victim Peter Mardikian
STUMP:  Taxing Tuesday – Democratic Tax Ideas For An Election Year
The Jawa Report: PLO? What PLO?
The Political Hat: Seventeen Years Ago Today – NEVER FORGET
This Ain’t Hell: No, Trump Is Not Going Away, also, Nike & The NFL “Just Blew It”
Victory Girls: Photographs & Memories – September 11, 2001
Volokh Conspiracy: CA Ban On Handgun Ads At Gun Stores Violates 1st Amendment
Weasel Zippers: WI College Bans 9/11 Memorial Because It Might Offend Muslims, also, Federal Grand Jury Indicts NM Muslim Compound Suspects – Alleges They Plotted Terror Attacks
Megan McArdle: The Collapse Of Lehman Brothers Changed Everything & Nothing
Mark Steyn: All Or Nothing At All, also, Infame And Great Place

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Late Night With In The Mailbox: 09.10.18

Posted on | September 11, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Meet America’s Preeminent Right-Wing Guerrilla Street Artist
Twitchy: LGBT Student Group Argues GULAG Was Good, Anti-Trans Bigots Literally Kill & Must Be Re-Educated
Louder With Crowder: Mike Rowe Ignores Kaepernick, Shares Story Of Real Sacrifice

Adam Piggott: Attention Whoring On Twitter, also, Sweden Votes For Cultural Suicide
American Power: Alternative For Germany (AfD) Surges In Popularity, also, “Straight Outta Caracas”
American Thinker: Obama’s Benghazi Body Bags No Mere Conspiracy Theory
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: American Flag 1, Beto O’Rourke 0, also, The Five On Democrats’ Fake Civility
CDR Salamander: Hospital Ships – Open Your Intellectual Aperture
Da Tech Guy: My Thank You Note To Barack Obama, also, The Modern Courage, Truth, & Friend Deficit
Don Surber: Parents Don’t Want Their Immigrant Kids Back
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, Have One For Lois
First Street Journal:
The Geller Report: Muslim Migrant Charged In Brutal Murder Of 13-Year-Old Canaidna Girl Marrisa Shen, also, Bolton Says We’ll No Longer Cooperate With The International Criminal Court
Hogewash: Spartacus And Marcus Crassus, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
JustOneMinute: College Football
Legal Insurrection: Naomi Osaka Should Be Earning Headlines, Not Serena Williams, also, 700 Parents Show Up At California School Board Meeting In Show Of Force Against Sex Ed Policies
The PanAm Post: Venezuelan healthcare Shutdown Leads To Measles Epidemic In Brazil, also, Nike Icon Fights Oppression In U.S., Celebrates It In Cuba
Power Line: Return Of The Hypocrite, also, Hillary, Sacked!
Shark Tank: DeSantis Resigns From Congress To Focus On Run For Governor
Shot In The Dark: Gör Sverige Bra Igen
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – Snooze
The Political Hat: No Dissent From Diversity!
This Ain’t Hell: HMS Queen Elizabeth Sailors Arrested On Ship’s First Visit To U.S., also, PLO Gets The Boot
Victory Girls: Mike Rowe Says Flight 93’s Tom Burnett Is Hero, Not Colin Kaepernick
Volokh Conspiracy: A Mathematics Paper Two Journals Were Mau-Maued Into Suppressing
Weasel Zippers: Obama Trashes 63 Million Americans As Paranoid, Divisive, & Resentful For Electing Trump, also, Strzok-Page Texts Reveal Coordinated FBI Leak Strategy To Damage Trump
Megan McArdle: Welcome To The Tournament Of Champion Creeps
Mark Steyn: Deliverance, also, Google Out The Vote

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Florida Woman Makes Headlines in Pretty Much the Way You’d Expect

Posted on | September 10, 2018 | Comments Off on Florida Woman Makes Headlines in Pretty Much the Way You’d Expect

Danielle Delores Teeples was high on drugs, allegedly.

If you ever see “Florida Man” in a headline, you know the story’s going to be crazy, but “Florida Woman” gives him a good run for his money:

A woman in St. Petersburg, Fla., reportedly told authorities she took her clothes off and ran through a park naked in an attempt to get away from a “giant spider.”
The woman, identified as 40-year-old Danielle Delores Teeples, also admitted to police she had taken drugs, such as crystal meth and crack cocaine, prior to taking off her clothes, WFLA-News reported.
Witnesses who observed Teeples on Sunday told police the woman was “acting erratically,” rubbing her hands through her hair and on parts of her body while running through the park.
Teeples, who allegedly refused to put her clothes back on initially, was later arrested and charged with indecent exposure, the station reported.

Was the giant spider real, or just a figment of her drug-addled imagination? Probably the latter, although for all we know, Florida could be suffering an invasion of giant spiders, the same way the Everglades are now crawling with Burmese pythons. It’s a crazy place, Florida, and the residents often resort to illegal narcotics in an effort to cope with the craziness that surrounds them everywhere. However, the drugs only make the problem worse. What you need to cope with craziness is some kind of depressant — Xanax, maybe, or Oxycodone — whereas methamphetamine and crack cocaine are stimulants, and you don’t want to be jacked up on that stuff while trying to cope with Florida-level craziness. This is an amateur mistake, and Florida Woman is lucky she got away with nothing more than an indecent exposure charge.

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers, and thanks to Ed Driscoll for this brilliant Gonzo lead-in: “We were somewhere around St. Petersburg, on the edge of Bartlett Park, when the drugs began to take hold.” If there is anything in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge, it’s a blogger reminding you of the Five Most Important Words in the English Language:



American History 101: No, Emma Lazarus Did Not Write the U.S. Constitution

Posted on | September 10, 2018 | 1 Comment


How many times have you heard the “nation of immigrants” line deployed by the advocates of amnesty and open borders? How often have you seen liberals (including some Republicans) invoke the Statue of Liberty, and the famous words about the “wretched refuse,” as somehow mandating a policy of unrestricted immigration? This involves a synthetic mythology that I’ve refuted at length previously (see “About Those ‘Huddled Masses’,” April 14, 2016), and which I don’t wish to rehash here, except to reiterate something so obvious it should not be necessary to say: The poetry of Emma Lazarus does not have the force of law.

Vox Day quotes a comment by a reader of Steve Sailer’s blog:

298 years after the first English colony, Roanoke Island, was established in the current US…
276 years after the first permanent English settlement in the current US… [i.e., Jamestown, Virginia, 1607 — RSM]
107 years after the Declaration of Independence was written… [1776]
100 years after we won our independence from the United Kingdom…
95 years after the US Constitution was ratified… [1788]
88 years after the Naturalization Act of 1795 (‘naturalization is reserved for free white persons) was passed…
3 years after the 1880 Census found the US to have a population of over 50 million…
And 1 year after the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act (passed in the House by a margin of 5.5 to 1, and US law for 61 years)…
Emma Lazarus comes along to tell us what the United States is *really* about. Thank God we had her instead of 298 years of law and history to draw from.

Is this point clear enough? While I don’t think any of my ancestors were FFVs (First Families of Virginia, i.e., among the original settlers of Jamestown), all of my ancestors were here when America declared its independence in 1776, and were among the “We the People” in whose name the Constitution was “ordained,” with the express purpose of securing “the blessings of liberty” to “ourselves and our posterity.”

There was no American nation prior to 1776. Until then, my ancestors had been subjects of the British crown, residing in a colonial territory. Attaining nationhood required these English colonists to fight a long war against the mightiest military power in the world, and it was not until the Treaty of Paris was signed in 1783 that the United States of America finally had the lawful status of a sovereign nation.

That the ancestors of those earliest American citizens had come to this country from Europe as pioneer settlers, establishing a civilization in what had been a wilderness populated only by scattered tribes of savages scarcely past the Neolithic stage of development, is a fact of history. “We the People,” in ordaining a permanent form of common government between the several states, anticipated the arrival of new immigrants to our nation, empowering Congress to develop laws for the naturalization of citizens. But we were not “a nation of immigrants,” because America was not a nation until we had won our independence.

Does this need further clarification? There would not have been a nation for anyone to immigrate to, had it not been for (a) the colonial settlers, who labored more than 150 years to turn the wilderness into farms, towns and cities; and (b) the patriot army that fought the British empire to a standstill, thus making the Declaration of Independence more than just a bit of clever prose on parchment. Had it not been for (a), some other European power might have made North America its colonial possession, and had it not been for (b), we’d still be subject to Her Majesty’s royal prerogative. Leaving aside hypothetical alternatives to return to historical fact: Having obtained our status as a sovereign nation, “We the People” had the right (which we have never abjured) to establish laws regulating immigration to our nation. Various changes in our immigration policy over the past 200-plus years might be criticized in retrospect, but what is causing controversy in the here and now, in 2018, is whether our existing laws should be enforced.

There are exactly two sides in this controversy:

  1. “We the People”;
  2. Advocates of an anti-American policy who claim that somehow we have forfeited our sovereignty, and no longer have the right, as a nation, to make and enforce our own laws regarding immigration.

It is the anti-American side which, by a deceptive trick of rhetorical prestidigitation — with Emma Lazarus’s poem as their “abracadabra!” — seek to transform the Statue of Liberty from a patriotic symbol into a weapon for the subversion of our national sovereignty.

This deceptive mythology is an insult to “We the People,” an attempt to defraud us of a legacy our ancestors earned for us by their labor, and by their blood shed for our benefit. Furthermore, by hijacking the poetry of Emma Lazarus for this purpose, these subversives have unjustly (and I would hope, unwittingly) incited anti-Semitism.

Oh, yes — I know what’s up with this (((Emma Lazarus))) thing, and I don’t like it one bit. Patriotic Jews ought to be concerned for their reputation, and perhaps also for their future safety, if the American people begin to heed the anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists who exploit the unfortunate appearance that the JJOOOZZZ are determined to turn America into a corrupt Third World socialist hellhole.

Hello, George Soros?


How long can the American people ignore the elephant in the room? God knows, I hate even to raise this topic, but the longer intelligent, reasonable and articulate conservatives keep biting our tongues, the more opportunity there will be for Jew-haters to keep whispering about such things, to foment suspicion, until perhaps it will no longer be possible to hold back the surging floodwaters of deranged hatred.

No one can accuse me of being an anti-Semite — indeed, I’m quite the opposite — but my efforts to suppress the conspiracy theorists will be futile unless conservative and patriotic American Jews take alarm, speak out, and make it clear that they are on the side of “We the People.”

Merely wishing the problem would go away — the idiotic bipartisan pipedream of “comprehensive reform” — is not just wasted time, it’s actually hastening the oncoming Culture War crisis. It is abundantly clear, and has been since long before Trump’s stunning 2016 victory, that a majority of Americans are sick and tired of this ceaseless influx of illegal aliens. They want the laws enforced and, insofar as legislative “reform” is contemplated, they want less immigration, not more.

To label opponents of amnesty as “racists,” haphazardly throwing around accusations of ignorance and xenophobia every time someone dares to speak on behalf of enforcing our immigration laws, is to fiddle while Rome burns. It’s irresponsible, and if this open-borders propaganda campaign “succeeds” (i.e., obstructing the immigration enforcement Americans want), the ultimate consequences could be frightening.

Like I keep saying, people need to wake the hell up.


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