The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Rocky Horror Middle School Show

Posted on | August 15, 2018 | Comments Off on The Rocky Horror Middle School Show


The town of Achille, Oklahoma, has a population of less than 500. For unknown reasons, a woman who is raising her son to believe he’s a girl decided that this tiny community in rural Bryan County was where they needed to live. Problems inevitably ensued:

Several law enforcement agencies have stepped in after parents made threats to harm a 12-year-old Achille Public Schools student on social media last week.
12-year-old Achille Schools transgender student Maddie’s mother Brandy Rose says her family moved to Achille from Sherman when Maddie was in 5th grade.
“She’s been living as female for years — she started at Achille as Maddie,” Rose said. “We had no problems when we first started.”
Trouble started when Maddie was accused by another student peeping under a bathroom stall.
“My daughter leans very far forward to use the bathroom,” Rose explained. “I can understand why someone seeing her lean forward would think, ‘Oh my gosh, she’s trying to look under.'”
Maddie didn’t get in trouble, but started using the staff bathroom, and had been doing that for the past two years.
That is, until the first day of school Wednesday in the middle school they reopened.
“She hadn’t been told where the staff bathroom was. Before she was able to be told, she had to pee, so she used the girls bathroom one single time.”
One parent found out, and took to a private Achille Facebook group to complain.
That’s where the threats started. Adults called Maddie by “it” and “thing.” Some said she should be stabbed or beat up. One even suggested it was open hunting season for transgender people.
“That’s a threat against her life — that’s scary,” Rose said. “These are adults making threats — I don’t understand it.”
Rose said her usually upbeat and positive daughter is afraid for her life.
“She’s an awesome kid. To see any fear in her,I can’t explain how bad that hurts me for them to hurt her.”
As a precaution, the Bryan County Sheriff suggested closing campus Monday and Tuesday. . . .
The sheriff said the mother filed a protective order against one parent but no other arrests have been made, however several agencies including the FBI are stepping in to see if any comments constitute a hate crime.

Adults making violent threats against a 12-year-old is bad and wrong. Parents teaching their children to be perverts is also bad and wrong.

Child Protective Services
Program Information
Child Protective Services (CPS) are provided through Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) to identify, treat and prevent child abuse and neglect. The two purposes of CPS intervention are to protect the safety of children and to provide services to help families with any difficulties that cause the safety of their children to be at risk. Services are provided either through community resources or through DHS. While every attempt is made to preserve the family, if a child’s safety cannot be controlled, then court intervention, including removal of the child, may be necessary.
If you believe a child is being abused or neglected, you have a legal responsibility to report it. Reports can be made at any time to the DHS Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 1-800-522-3511. The hotline is available 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week.

Just some helpful information you might want to share with folks in Bryan County, Oklahoma, who are concerned about this boy whose crazy mother is training him to believe he’s a girl named “Maddie.”


The Rocky Horror Democrat Party Show

Posted on | August 15, 2018 | Comments Off on The Rocky Horror Democrat Party Show


Vermont Democrats nominate a transgender socialist for governor:

Christine Hallquist, who is running as a progressive Democrat in Vermont, made history on Tuesday as she became the first transgender gubernatorial candidate nominated by a major political party.
Advancing a progressive platform focused on economic and social justice, including a $15 minimum wage, environmentally sustainable rural development and expanding access to internet services, Hallquist edged out challengers in a crowded primary. She led the field with 39 percent of the vote, according to unofficial results from the secretary of state at the time of The Associated Press projection.
“I am so proud to be the face of the Democrats tonight,” Hallquist said, addressing supporters at a victory party Tuesday night.


Yes, this is “the face of the Democrats” — a man in a dress who wants to impose $100 million in new taxes on Vermont. Kind of like the pro-abortion lesbian feminist the Democrats nominated for Congress in the 23rd District of Texas. Also in Texas, Democrats have nominated a lesbian named Lupe Valdez for governor, because “blue wave,” you see?


Democrats: Not the Party for Normal People!

If that’s their slogan for 2018, how do you think it will work out?


Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | August 15, 2018 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous


News from New York:

A Long Island woman who claimed she needed to rid her home of “evil” allegedly stabbed a British woman to death after their lunch together, Nassau County police officials said Tuesday.
Faye Doomchin, 66, of Great Neck, was charged with second-degree murder for the fatal Monday knifing of the 60-year-old victim, whom Doomchin had met earlier that day through a mutual friend from Queens, cops said.
Doomchin, the victim and the pal had lunch and went back to Doomchin’s home on North Road to play piano and have cake and coffee before Doomchin plunged a kitchen knife into the woman’s chest at around 3:50 p.m., police said.
“Sometime during while they were sitting in the living room, they were talking and the [Doomchin] made statements that she did not like the woman from England,” Nassau County Police Det. Lt. Stephen Fitzpatrick said at a press conference.
“She claimed she needed to rid the house of evil,” Fitzpatrick said of Doomchin. “She then appeared from the kitchen with a kitchen knife, walked right over to her and stabbed her in the chest.”
The victim, whose identity was not released, was rushed to a local hospital where she was pronounced dead.
“There was no premeditation to that. There were no incidents prior to that,” Fitzpatrick said. “We’re still looking to find out what may have precipitated this as the investigation continues.”

Why is it that kooks never manage to kill anyone I’d like to see dead? Like, if you’re a homicidal maniac looking for “evil” people to kill, I could give you a long list of names, OK? But no, these murderous lunatics always choose their victims more or less randomly.

However, I can save the police some time in their investigation of this woman’s motive. It’s very simple: Crazy People Are Dangerous.


CNN’s Chris Cuomo Goes Full Antifa

Posted on | August 15, 2018 | 1 Comment


Never go full antifa:

CNN’s Chris Cuomo argued Monday night Antifa protesters are wrong to hit people, police, and reporters, “but fighting hate is right” and in a clash between hate and those who oppose it, “those who oppose it are on the side of right.”
Cuomo said “all punches are not equal morally” when it comes to bigots. However, he acknowledged that two punches are actually equal “in the eyes of the law.”
“People who show up to fight against bigots are not to be judged the same as the bigots, even if they do resort to the same petty violence,” Cuomo said.
“Fighting against hate matters,” he added.
“I argue to you tonight, all punches are not equal morally,” he said. “In the eyes of the law, yes. But in the eyes of good and evil, here’s the argument: if you’re a punk that comes to start trouble in a mask and hurt people, you’re not about any virtuous cause. You’re just somebody who’s going to be held to the standard of doing something wrong.”
“But when someone comes to call out bigots and it gets hot, even physical, are they equally wrong as the bigot they are fighting? I argue, no. Fighting against hate matters,” Cuomo concluded.

On the remote chance that Chris Cuomo might actually be reading this blog, I must ask: Who gets to define “hate,” Chris? Who is in charge of deciding who the “bigots” are? Because while it may seem obvious to you in this particular case, it is by no means always obvious.

Perhaps, Mr. Cuomo, you are not familiar with the history of fascism, and how the Communists circa 1930, having determined that bourgeois liberals and democratic socialists were their real enemies, pursued a strategy that enabled the Nazis to gain power in Germany. All during the so-called “Popular Front” era, of course, Communists made “anti-fascism” their slogan, up until August 1939, when Stalin and Hitler reached an agreement for the partition of Poland (the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact), which precipitated World War II.

Endorsing mob violence in the name of “fighting against hate,” Mr. Cuomo, not only raises the question of what constitutes “hate,” but amounts to an endorsement of a might-makes-right ideology, where political decision-making becomes a matter of numerical superiority and the willingness to employ violence to obtain power.

Where does this lead? Cambodia under Pol Pot. Genocide in Rwanda.

No borders! No wall!
No USA at all!

That’s what your antifa buddies were chanting Sunday, Chris. Do only “bigots” disagree with them? Is it “hate” to love America? Are patriotic Americans expected to surrender our country to an anarchist mob?

Nobody here — not me, nor any of the conservatives I know — is endorsing Nazis. We may sometimes joke about helicopter rides for Commies, but we hope this Pinochet-style solution will be unnecessary. We hope that it will be possible to preserve constitutional liberty despite the mob mentality you endorse, Mr. Cuomo, and despite CNN’s dishonest partisan propaganda that portrays all 63 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump as “bigots” who deserve to be attacked by antifa thugs.

We should thank you, Mr. Cuomo, for taking off the mask, exposing yourself as a dangerous totalitarian who endorses lawless violence, so long as the criminal perpetrators are on your side — i.e., on the side of CNN and the Democrat Party. As law-abiding citizens who are not on your side, we hope that America will not descend into the chaos of mob violence that you and your antifa allies advocate, but if worse comes to worse, we have the means to defend ourselves and our families.



Sudanese Immigrant, 29, Identified as Perpetrator of London Terrorist Attack

Posted on | August 15, 2018 | Comments Off on Sudanese Immigrant, 29, Identified as Perpetrator of London Terrorist Attack


“Rivers of blood” update:

The man being held on suspicion of terrorism after the Westminster car attack on Tuesday has been named as Salih Khater by British newspapers.
The event, in which 15 cyclists and pedestrians were reportedly struck before Khater’s silver Ford Focus hit the Palace of Westminster anti-terror barrier just before 07:40 BST, is being investigated by British counter-terror police. He has been arrested under the 2006 terrorism act.
Police said in a statement that “Given that it appears to have been a deliberate act, the method used and the iconic location, it is being treated as a terrorist incident and the investigation is being led by officers from the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command.”
Described by police at the time of his arrest as a male in his late 20s, the terror suspect has now been named by British newspaper the Daily Mail as 29-year-old Sudanese immigrant Salih Khater, now a British citizen living in Birmingham.
Apparently uncomfortable in identifying the terror suspect using the common nomenclature as an ‘immigrant’, government security minister Ben Wallace instead called Khater a “British citizen [who] came from another country originally” when he spoke Tuesday evening.
According to reports, Khater lived in the Birmingham suburb of Sparkhill in a flat just minutes walk from the address of Islamist terrorist Khalid Masood, the radical who rammed a hired car into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge and stabbed a police officer to death moments later. Masood’s attack took place just yards from where Khater crashed into cyclists and pedestrians — injuring three but causing no fatalities.

Her Majesty’s government does not wish to admit that England has a terrorism problem because it has an immigration problem.


In The Mailbox: 08.14.18

Posted on | August 14, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Westminster Terror Attack
Twitchy: J.R. Salzman Torches “Shitbag Journalist” Who Crapped On Jesse kelly’s Military Service
Louder With Crowder: Suspects In NM Muslim Compound Released Against Sheriff’s Wishes

Adam Piggott: The Definition Of Hypergamy
American Thinker: Defend Conservatism By Going On The Attack, also, Trump Haters Meet The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Higher Education News
BattleSwarm: Mickey Kaus On Ann Coulter On Immigration, also, Persuasion, Ritual Magic, & The Kek Wars
CDR Salamander: Why Ghazni Matters
Da Tech Guy: Ten One Line Thoughts Under My Fedora, also, Slouching Toward Damascus
Don Surber: Why Did We Name A Bill After John McCain?
Dustbury: They Missed “BFD”
The Geller Report: Muslim Migrants Set 100 Cars Aflame In Swedish “No Go” Zones, also,  Muslim Migrant Gets Death Penalty In Texas For Multiple Honor Murders
Hogewash: That’s Not Funny, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Legal Insurrection: Amid Turkey’s Meltdown, Erdogan Announces Boycott Of American Goods, also, Ben Carson To Tackle Onerous Zoning Regulations That Stymie Development
The PanAm Post: US Government Investigating Maduro & Stepsons For Malta Money Laundering
Power Line: Is It “Fa” Or Is It Antifa? also, Take Me Out To Kavanaugh’s Ball Game
Shark Tank: Governor Scott Points Out Florida Has Reduced State Debt
Shot In The Dark: This Should Be A Surprise To Nobody
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday
The Political Hat: What’s Not Beyond The Pale Is Within It
This Ain’t Hell: Sam Adams Still Kicking Ass, also, Florida Man Charged In Stand Your Ground Shooting
Victory Girls: The Most Stupid Meme On The Internet
Volokh Conspiracy: Antifa As Antipasto
Weasel Zippers: Dem Senator Bill Nelson Goes Silent Amid Charges Of Fabricating Russian Hacker Claim, also, Omarosa Was A Horrible Employee For The Clinton Administration Too
Megan McArdle: An Encouraging Sign Of Waning White Nationalism
Mark Steyn: There’s Something About Mary, also, On A Slow Boat To China

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Ruby Rose: Not Lesbian Enough for SJWs

Posted on | August 14, 2018 | 1 Comment


In case you don’t know, The CW is a cable network, jointly owned by CBS and Warner Brothers, that has a demonstrable pattern of putting homosexual characters into all its shows. Like, there was a lesbian character named Lexa on The CW’s show The 100 who had a romance with another of the female characters, spawning about a zillion GIF-filled posts on the Tumblr fandom for this obscure show, which never ranked above 150 in Nielsen ratings. Micro-targeting niche audiences is now a cable trend. Like, in a nation of 325 million people, a TV audience of 1.5 million isn’t even half of 1% of the population, yet The 100 was recently renewed for its sixth season. Meanwhile, The CW keeps putting gay characters into shows like Supergirl (two lesbian police detectives, plus Lena Luthor, who obviously has the hots for Kara) and now, they’ve announced, Australian lesbian actress/model Ruby Rose will be cast as the title character in Batwoman. You’d think the Left would be happy, but there’s no pleasing the Internet mobs of Social Justice Warriors:

Ruby Rose has quit Twitter after a backlash over her casting as lesbian superhero Batwoman in The CW’s Arrowverse.
Rose’s casting is set to make her the first LGBTQ lead in a live-action superhero series. Two days after the announcement, the Australian actress deleted her Twitter account and limited comments on her Instagram account to only people she knew after some fans took to social media to express their anger . . .
Rose is the latest star to be hounded off social media after a fan backlash. Stranger Things star Millie Bobby Brown, Star Wars actresses Kelly Marie Tran and Daisy Ridley have all deleted their social media accounts following harassment, threats and relentless negativity.

Ace of Spades nails it here:

SJWs’ entire sense of self-worth and “accomplishment” depends on being aggrieved by literally anything. So attempting to appease them is useless; they must have something to bitch and whine about.
Apparently among the grievances is that Ruby Rose, though identifying as a lesbian since age 12 (which is another matter I won’t bother with), also says she’s “gender-fluid,” which means she’s not a perfectly lesbian lesbian therefore cannot play a lesbian.
Also, “straight girls” like her, and she’s “well-known,” so she can’t play a lesbian.
Also she’s “hot,” so that takes this particular lesbian out of contention to play a lesbian.


By the way, if you spend some time looking at the social-media presence of SJW types leading this outrage mob, you realize that a lot of them are just lonely introverted fat girls who call themselves “lesbian” (or “queer”) as a sour-grapes rationalization because cute boys don’t like them. They’re the female equivalent of the lonely Beta-male losers who populate “incel” forums, raging against the women who’ve rejected them.

Not everything in life is political, but “social justice” ideology appeals to frustrated losers who imagine their sense of victimhood entitles them to lecture the rest of us about our “privilege” — by which they mean, in this case, just not giving a damn about TV shows we don’t watch.

Really, what kind of pathetic loser do you have to be in order to care so intensely about “diversity” issues in the casting of TV shows? You’re just advertising to the world: “I DON’T HAVE A LIFE!”

It’s the same kind of people who spend all day every day obsessed with President Trump — “Russia! Russia! Russia!” — as a substitute for doing anything useful or meaningful in their own lives. If you’ve read Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer, you recognize the type: “The Role of the Undesirables in Human Affairs (p. 24), in particular “The Misfits” (p. 46). SJWs are the miserable dregs of society, the kids who weren’t popular in school and have spent the rest of their lives brooding over their unhappy childhood, seeking some form of emotional revenge.

There is no point trying to appease SJWs. Grant them every demand they make today, and tomorrow they’ll return with a new list of demands.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)


Russia! Russia! Russia!

Posted on | August 14, 2018 | 1 Comment

More evidence that the Obama administration collaborated with Fusion GPS to create a phony “Russian collusion” narrative in the media:

Veteran GOP lawyer Cleta Mitchell suddenly found her name mixed up in the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
The first public mention of Mitchell came in a March 13 report released by Democrats on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. The report listed Mitchell, a partner at the firm Foley & Lardner, as one of the “individuals or groups who were involved in or may have knowledge of third-party political outreach from the Kremlin to the Trump campaign.”
Two days later, McClatchy newspapers cited two anonymous sources who claimed that Mitchell expressed concerns just after the election that Russians had funneled secret cash to the National Rifle Association.
The origin of the claims about Mitchell, which she says are a “complete fabrication,” have remained a mystery for months. But notes taken during a meeting between Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr and Glenn Simpson, the founder of Fusion GPS, could shed light on how the allegations made their way into the public sphere.
The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned that during a Dec. 10, 2016, meeting in Washington, D.C., Simpson told Ohr that Mitchell learned of and was troubled by Russian funding for the NRA.
“An NRA lawyer named Cleta Mitchell found out about the money pipeline and was very upset, but the election was over,” Simpson said, according to Ohr’s handwritten notes, which were read to TheDCNF by a government source.
Simpson and Ohr were meeting to discuss Fusion GPS’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Ohr had been in contact with Christopher Steele, the former British spy was working for Simpson on the Trump dossier.
Ohr’s wife, a Russia expert named Nellie Ohr, also worked for Simpson and Fusion GPS, which worked for the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee to dig up dirt on then-candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 election.

Read the whole thing. Cleta Mitchell had nothing to do with the NRA in 2016 and says this claim was manufactured out of thin air.



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