The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Democrats Use Kavanaugh Nomination in Congressional Fundraising Efforts

Posted on | July 11, 2018 | 1 Comment

Many years ago, I checked a box on a website to get email updates from the Democrats and, of course, they sell their email lists, which means that my email inbox is filled up with liberal fundraising appeals, like this one from North Carolina congressional candidate David Brown:

Hi Robert,
Donald Trump just announced that he will nominate Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. This nomination is a calculated political decision which will have a deeply negative effect on the lives of working people for decades to come if Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed.
Brett Kavanaugh’s record has made it clear he will use his position on the court to protect corporations at the expense of workers, to allow wealthy donors to buy elections and to further dismantle voting rights. The fact that Donald Trump stated repeatedly during the campaign that any nominee of his would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, I have no doubt that is exactly what Brett Kavanaugh will do.
Simply put, nothing is more important now than doing everything in our power to elect me as your Congressman to put laws into place to protect the most vulnerable before Kavanaugh and the other conservative justices strip all the protections and rights away from us while standing on the Constitution.
Donate $5, $10 or more to help elect a community-centered leader to Congress.
Together we must do everything we can to win back the House, the Senate and the presidency to stop further disastrous nominees. But right now, we work to elect true representatives of the 10th district who will work every day to build our communities up and protect the people who live in them.
Join me on a better road forward.

Brown is running against GOP Rep. Patrick McHenry in North Carolina’s 10th District, in the Appalachian hills west of Charlotte. In 2016, McHenry easily won re-election with 63% of the vote, and Trump carried some counties in that district with more than 70% of the vote. It isn’t likely Brown can actually win NC-10, but you could kick a few bucks toward McHenry’s re-election campaign by clicking here.

Maybe you should also give a contribution to the National Republican Congressional Committee, which is fighting in districts all across the country to stop Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in November. During the Tea Party years of 2009-2010, this blog helped raise lots of money for conservative candidates, and with Pelosi now desperate to take back the speaker’s gavel, I guess it’s time to we went back to campaign mode.


Rhetorical Escalation

Posted on | July 11, 2018 | 1 Comment


After President Trump announced Brett Kavanaugh as his nominee to the Supreme Court on Monday, Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) spent all day Tuesday engaged in a competition to demonize Kavanaugh. If you believe what Democrats tell you, Kavanaugh is the most extreme extremist in the history of extremism. How extreme is he? Extremely extreme! He’s not just a right-winger, he’s “far-right.” How far? Extremely far! He’s so extremely far right as to “threaten the lives of millions of Americans for decades,” to quote Clinton crony and former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe. (Hat-tip: Hogewash.)

The reader who isn’t tuned into the CNN/MSNBC/Democrat hysteria may wonder, how does a federal judge threaten millions of lives? On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Chuck Schumer said: “I will oppose this nomination with everything I’ve got. . . . This man should not be on the bench. . . . I believe he is far, far right on so many issues.” Schumer repeatedly asserted that the Kavanaugh nomination is somehow a threat to ObamaCare. Exactly how the Supreme Court affects healthcare legislation, Schumer didn’t specify, but he said that coverage for “pre-existing conditions,” which he described as “very popular” with the Democrat Party’s base, would be jeopardized if Kavanaugh is confirmed.


Because I don’t pay much attention to the paranoid fears of Democrats, it’s possible that Schumer is actually right about this. For all I know, there are cases pending in lower courts challenging elements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which Democrats rammed through Congress on a party-line vote just a few months before they lost their majority in the 2010 midterm elections. The ACA’s mandate of coverage for “pre-existing conditions” was one of the worst job-killers in the bill. Requiring employers to provide insurance that covered whatever health problems the employee might have had before being hired meant that a lot of people simply couldn’t get hired, and this measure also sent health insurance rates skyrocketing, as insurers sought to compensate for the (often very expensive) treatments they were now required to cover.

One reason the economy started booming — and unemployment started declining — as soon as Trump was elected was that he promised to repeal ObamaCare and, by executive action, was able to limit the job-killing impact of this badly constructed legislation. If somehow the Supreme Court could render the entirety of ObamaCare null and void, good, although as I say, I’m not aware that this is likely, or even possible.

Employer-provided health insurance is a benefit, and not a “right.” Does saying this make me an extremely extreme extremist? Maybe, by Chuck Schumer’s standards, but do we want to permit the leaders of the Democrat Party to set the limits of acceptable political beliefs? Do we want to make “pre-existing conditions” such a burden on employers that it drives up unemployment because millions of people can’t get hired?

Ask yourself why this “pre-existing conditions” aspect of ObamaCare is, as Schumer says, so popular with the Democrats’ base. What “conditions” are so prevalent among Democrats that they don’t care about the harmful economic impact of imposing this mandate on employers?

My extremely extremist readers are free to speculate on this subject, and I won’t specify my own far-right suspicions, except to point out that behavioral problems (e.g., promiscuous anal intercourse) sometimes cause medical problems (e.g., HIV infections). It’s homophobia to mention this, and it’s transphobia if you suspect that Democrats want to make gender dysphoria one of the “pre-existing conditions” that employers must cover, so everybody pays higher insurance rates to provide some people with free hormones and sex-change surgery.

There were reasons, you see, why Democrats rammed ObamaCare through Congress without permitting debate. There was a reason why Nancy Pelosi (whose constituents have a lot of pre-existing conditions) said “we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it.”

“Free” methadone for heroin addicts! “Free” gastric bypass surgery for fat people! “Free” psychotherapy for neurotics! Everything must be “free” —free! free! free! — and employers must be required to provide insurance coverage for all these “pre-existing conditions.” That was the basic idea of ObamaCare, a piñata full of “free” benefits for every hypochondriac and malingerer in America, and if you’re concerned about the impact on the economy, this makes you a right-wing extremist, according to Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and their Democrat buddies.

Democrats don’t want to talk about the costs — in terms of taxes and lost jobs — of all the “free” stuff they give their constituents, and so they engage in rhetorical escalation, accusing their opponents of racism, sexism, homophobia and other kinds of “extremism.” This is true not only of healthcare, but of every issue, from immigration to education. Whenever common-sense suggests Democrats are wrong, they come up with some new way to label common sense “extremism.”

If Americans ever wake up and smell the aroma of bovine excrement exuded by Democrat rhetoric, Chuck Schumer will be out of a job. Compulsive dishonesty is a pre-existing condition for Democrats.


In The Mailbox: 07.10.18

Posted on | July 10, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.10.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Feminist Apparel CEO Fires Entire Staff After They Ask For His Resignation Over Sexual Abuse Allegations
Twitchy: Ezra Klein Brings Up Visual Of Five Men Overturning Roe v. Wade, Gets History Lesson
Louder With Crowder: A’ja Wilson Slams WNBA Pay Discrepancy, Clay Travis Explains Math

Adam Piggott: Breaks And Hibernation
American Power: Kavanaugh Could Cement Conservative SCOTUS Majority For Decades, also, Francine Prose – What To Read And Why
American Thinker: Democrats Endorse Judicial Tyranny
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily German Meltdown News
BattleSwarm: Brett Kavanaugh For SCOTUS Roundup
CDR Salamander: Alliances Are Partnerships, Not Quasi-Imperial Legions With Auxiliaries
Da Tech Guy: Sex And Journalism, also, Britannia’s New Baby Balloon Precedent
Don Surber: Trump Hater Just F’d Himself
Dustbury: A Record It Would Be Hard To Break
The Geller Report: Jihad Welfare – 50% Of UK Muslims & 70% Of Muslimas On The Dole, also, Gal Gadot Takes Time Off DC Filming To Visit Childrens’ Hospital As Wonder Woman
Hogewash: Tuning In On Saturn, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
JustOneMinute: Thai Cave Rescue – Soccer Team & Coach Out
Legal Insurrection: Progressive Outlets Claim #WalkAway Movement Driven By Russia, also, Trump Pardons Two Ranchers Who Inspired 2016 Oregon Armed Protest
The PanAm Post: Superman Was An Undocumented Alien
Power Line: Against XX [Updated], also, Today’s Crash At The Four-Way Intersectionality
Shot In The Dark: Divisible
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday
The Jawa Report: Breaking! Civilization Ends! Trump Nominates Kavanaugh! Jews Promptly Take Over Moon!
The Political Hat: Shut Up H8er, California Explained
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Thief Pleads Guilty To Defrauding VA, also, Labor Dept. Issues $47 Million In Grants To Employ Homeless Veterans
Victory Girls: Teresa May’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Brexit Day
Volokh Conspiracy: Judge Kavanaugh And The Second Amendment
Weasel Zippers: University of Wyoming Profs Protest “Cowboys” Slogan, also, 39 Arrested As Police Clear Protesters & Encampment Outside San Francisco ICE Offices
Mark Steyn: O Sole Mio

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The Confirmation Circus Begins

Posted on | July 10, 2018 | 2 Comments


President Trump has announced Brett Kavanaugh as his choice to replace retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court, and the political circus of confirmation now begins, a public spectacle coordinated by the Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself). Kavanaugh is “a politically connected member of Washington’s conservative legal establishment,” the New York Times declares in the lead paragraph of its front-page story today, a sort of sigh of relief.

Democrats had greatly feared (and conservatives had hoped) that Trump would choose Amy Coney Barrett, whose pro-life views — she’s a Catholic mother of seven — would have forced Democrats into a battle to defend Roe v. Wade. An open public fight over abortion, with a Catholic mom facing off against Democrat senators, would have been the kind of “wedge” move that conservative strategists like Steve Bannon or Newt Gingrich might relish — excellent optics, as they say, reminiscent of the Clarence Thomas hearings, where a black conservative faced a “high-tech lynching” by Democrats in a confrontation that galvanized the Right.

David French mourns Trump’s failure to choose Barrett, and I suppose many other conservatives will second-guess Trump’s decision to go with Kavanaugh, an “establishment” pick, a “safe choice,” the kind of choice “any Republican president would have nominated,” as French says.

Maybe if French hadn’t cast his lot with the #NeverTrump brigades during the 2016 primary campaign, he would have been able to influence the President’s choice, but hindsight is 20/20, and we can’t let ourselves get bogged down in the wishful thinking of “what if” scenarios.

You go to war with the army you’ve got, and you have to fight the fight you’re in, rather than bemoaning the tactical situation. Despite the “establishment” nature of Trump’s choice — Kavanaugh is a former clerk of Justice Kennedy, and we are unlikely to be blindsided with any shocking revelations in his confirmation hearings — the liberal media are ginning up their predictable demonization campaign.

“Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s Supreme Court Pick, Is Probably the End of Abortion Rights and Same-Sex Marriage,” the Daily Beast declares, labeling the nominee “a hard-core conservative” to whom they attribute opinions perhaps as extreme as my own. The Daily Beast story is nothing but liberal clickbait, of course — political pornography, irresistible to the typical MSNBC viewer who has been in a helpless condition of Fear and Loathing ever since Nov. 8, 2016. This kind of fear-mongering clickbait is entirely speculative, based on the writer’s creative guesswork about how Kavanaugh (and at least four other justices) would rule on imaginary cases that do not yet actually exist, but which might theoretically be appealed to the nation’s highest court in the future, thereby resulting in the reversal of previous rulings.

Such reversals are extraordinarily rare, of course, and exactly how these imaginary cases would make it all the way to the Supreme Court, the media’s liberal fear-mongers do not bother to specify. What they know is that it was the Supreme Court, and not the elected members of Congress, who created the “right” to abortion in 1973. Similarly, it was not Congress but the court which manufactured the “right” to same-sex marriage, and imposed it nationwide over the explicit opposition of voters in more than 30 states which had expressly prohibited such recognition by passing state constitutional amendments. Because this top-down imposition of “rights” bypassed and negated the normal electoral and legislative processes, liberals rightly fear that a backlash could develop sufficient force to reverse these exercises of centralized elite authority.

As much as I might relish the fulfillment of every liberal’s worst nightmares — Oklahoma state troopers being dispatched to shut down the only abortion clinic in Tulsa, while Cecile Richards weeps helplessly on MSNBC — it’s probably never going to happen, but that won’t stop Senate Democrats from conjuring up spectral fears in Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings. Democrats are obliged to carry on the disgraceful legacy of Ted Kennedy, who led the campaign of character assassination against Clarence Thomas in 1991, as he had previously done against Judge Robert Bork in 1987:

“Robert Bork’s America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists could be censored at the whim of the Government, and the doors of the Federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens.”

It is seldom now remembered, and Americans under 40 have probably never learned, how we reached our current political climate. There was a time when federal court nominations weren’t a 24/7 circus of televised punditry and Judiciary Committee theatrics. But the collapse of the New Deal liberal consensus in the 1960s, during LBJ’s catastrophic tenure in the White House, eventually led to Ronald Reagan’s landslide election in 1980. After Reagan was re-elected in a second landslide, the Democrats who controlled Congress began resorting to increasingly desperate measures to thwart the conservative mood of the electorate. Ted Kennedy wasn’t just trying to stop the confirmation of Bork and Thomas, nor was he merely opposing the Reagan and Bush administrations, rather the senator from Massachusetts was fighting against the American people.

Ted Kennedy was a profoundly dishonest man, whose shameful career left a permanent stain on the Senate and on his party. It was he who bequeathed to us this inheritance of evil, which such immoral monsters as Chuck Schumer are proud to continue. Let us pray that Schumer and his Democrat colleagues go “fully Teddy” against Judge Kavanaugh, and that the American people will reject their hateful lies. Selah.


In The Mailbox: 07.09.18

Posted on | July 9, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.09.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

For the Progressives wailing and gnashing their teeth over Brett Cavanaugh:

EBL: National Dive Bar Day
Twitchy: Liberal Tears – Kamala Harris, Shannon Watts, Other Lefties Melting Down Over Kavanaugh Pick
Louder With Crowder: Dave Chappelle Defends His “Controversial” #MeToo/Transgender Jokes

Adam Piggott: We Don’t Need No Help From Women
American Power: Boris Johnson Quits, also, The Rebirth Of Socialism In American Politics
American Thinker: Did Hillary, Obama, And Sanders Save America?
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: On The Madness of Max Boot And #NeverTrump, also, Will Democrat Calls To Eliminate ICE Alienate Their Black Base?
CDR Salamander: Keeping An Eye On The Long Game, Part LXXV
Da Tech Guy: Patrons, Serfs, And Turf, also, Ten Thoughts Under My Fedora
Don Surber: Exports Hit A Record High Under Trump, also, A World So Crazy, The Onion Must Lay Off Satirists
Dustbury: California Screaming, also, Strange Search Engine Queries
First Street Journal: Media Bias – There They Go Again!
Fred On Everything: The View From Wheeling – A Twelve-Toed Analysis
The Geller Report: INVASION – 700,000 Migrants Wait In Libya To Cross The Mediterranean, also, ROK Resists Muslim Migrants
Hogewash: Olympus Mons, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
JustOneMinute: And The Winner Is…
Legal Insurrection: Trump Nominates Brett Kavanaugh For SCOTUS, also, Cook Report Shifts GOP Rep Dave Brat’s Virginia District To “Tossup” From “Leans Republican”
The PanAm Post: Ecuador & Venezuela Heading Toward Diplomatic Crisis
Power Line: Brett Kavanaugh – An Excellent Beginning, also, Actually Socialism Does Work
Shark Tank: Is The Fat Lady Singing In Florida’s Senate Race?
Shot In The Dark: A Cold Caracas
STUMP: Mornings With Meep – Dystopias, also, Memory Monday – First Week Of July 1918
The Jawa Report: Fatwa Mitch!
The Political Hat: California Can’t Force (Some) Employers To Resist Federal Immigration Laws
This Ain’t Hell: RIP 1/SGT Eatman, 102, also, Church Shooting Averted In Alabama
Victory Girls: Alyssa Milano, You Have No Idea What “Rock Bottom” Looks Like
Volokh Conspiracy: The Hereditary Aristocracy Of Citizenship
Weasel Zippers: Mexi Prexy Proposes Border Force To Stop Illegal Immigration Into Mexico, also, Ex-Sailor Pardoned By Trump Sues Obama & Comey For Failure To Prosecute Hillary For Same Offense
Mark Steyn: Bette Davis Lies, also, George III Wouldn’t Have Done This To You

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Notorious Cyberstalker Deborah Frisch Is Out of Jail, and Cyberstalking Again

Posted on | July 9, 2018 | 1 Comment

Deborah Ellen Frisch, Ph.D., after her Jan. 5 arrest in Bend, Oregon.

“While I am not qualified to make a professional diagnosis, it has long been my personal opinion that Doctor Frisch is deranged, demented, bonkers, wacky, off her rocker, and cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.”
Robert Stacy McCain, Sept. 24, 2016

When last we had occasion to notice the ongoing legal problems of former psychology professor Deborah Ellen Frisch, Ph.D., it was January and she jailed was in Oregon, awaiting extradition to Colorado, where she faced charges related to her ongoing harassment of Jeff Goldstein.

Longtime readers are familiar with Dr. Frisch, whose notorious career I will summarize briefly for anyone who’s never heard of her: Dr. Frisch was a tenure-track professor at the University of Oregon who was denied tenure, and subsequently joined the University of Arizona as an adjunct instructor. In 2006, Dr. Frisch began posting hostile comments at Goldstein’s Protein Wisdom blog. Some of these comments appeared to threaten Goldstein’s young children. When her identity was discovered, Dr. Frisch lost her university job and, apparently, developed an obsession with destroying Goldstein. In the past 12 years, Dr. Frisch has periodically engaged in online harassment of Goldstein, and has also had other legal problems as a result of her antisocial behaviors.

Dr. Frisch’s mental illness manifests itself in fixations and compulsive behavior, rooted in a false sense of victimhood that resembles the delusions of persecution typical of paranoid schizophrenics. When her harassing behavior results in predictable problems, Dr. Frisch imagines that she is a victim of her “enemies,” the list of which continues growing as she adds the names of judges, police and others whose jobs have required them to intervene in her case. Because she refuses to accept responsibility — to admit that she is the cause of her own problems — Dr. Frisch must scapegoat others, in a way similar to a syndrome called DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender).

A few years ago, my name somehow got added to Dr. Frisch’s enemies list and she began to CC me on the emails full of lunatic ravings she would send out to lists of various people, some of whom would reply to me asking basically, “Who the hell is this psycho woman?”

After about four months in a Colorado jail, Dr. Frisch was reportedly transferred to psychiatric care last month and then, for some unfathomable reason, turned loose. It appears she immediately got back on the Internet and resumed her harassing behavior, including an email to me (CC’d to 18 other people) accusing me of “a hate crime inciting violence” against her. To this I replied to the entire CC’d list:

To Whom It May Concern:
Deborah Frisch is a mentally ill criminal who, to my knowledge, is currently out on bond while awaiting trial on charges in Colorado.
Her communications with you are part of a pattern of harassing behavior that has gone on for a dozen years. In 2006, Frisch lost her job as an adjunct instructor at the University of Arizona as a result of her harassment of blogger Jeff Goldstein and his family. Since then, Frisch has repeatedly had incidents that landed her in trouble with the law. Last year, while wanted on warrants in Colorado, Frisch fled to Oregon, where she was arrested in January.
Frisch’s mental illness seems to involve a sort of psychological reversal (similar to what what psychologists have called DARVO) in which she imagines that she is the victim of wrongdoing, rather than the perpetrator.
It goes without saying that Frisch’s slanders of me and others are false, and may constitute violation of her bond conditions. Obviously, I have never incited violence against Frisch. I am BCC’ing this message to someone who may be able to report her harassing behavior to the proper authorities.
My apologies to anyone inconvenienced by Frisch’s behavior. She hates me because I’ve occasionally reported on her harassment of Goldstein and others. She has apparently emailed you in an attempt to garner sympathy for herself, and CC’d me in an effort to cause me emotional distress.
Robert Stacy McCain

Since sending that email this morning, I’ve learned that Dr. Frisch has apparently been found guilty by a court in Weld County, Colorado, and awaits sentencing at a hearing scheduled for October. As I consider the emails she CC’d to me to constitute criminal harassment, the thought has crossed my mind that I might contact law enforcement in Colorado to see if new charges could be filed against Dr. Frisch. After all, if she is trying to inflict emotional distress on me by these slanderous communications falsely accusing me of “hate crime,” isn’t it my duty as a citizen to make law enforcement aware of this? But as I say, I merely BCC’d the email “to someone who may be able to report her . . . to the proper authorities,” and I strongly suspect that Dr. Frisch will soon be back in jail.

Remember: Crazy People Are Dangerous.



Rule 5 Sunday: Crystal Hefner

Posted on | July 8, 2018 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

The oldest “beach club” in Vegas, Rehab at the Hard Rock, is celebrating its fifteenth anniversary next week, and as part of the celebration they’re doing the annual Bikini Invitational party. Looking back at previous iterations of the party, one name jumped out: Crystal Hefner (nee Harris), former Playboy centerfold and last wife of Hugh Hefner. I guess you could put her in the same category as Paris Hilton, a reasonably good-looking celebrity who can imitate the action of a DJ. Here she is at the 2015 Bikini Invitational.

Probably just presses “Play” on her laptop, but who really knows?

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick Of The Late Night – July 4th Edition, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #307 (Independence Day Edition), Morning Mistress (July 4th Edition), and Girls With Guns. Animal Magnetism strides into the weekend with Rule 5 Walk Away Friday and the 200th Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s patriotic parade of pulchritude includes Socialist Bogarting Tips, Viola Brand, The Manslator, Vintage Hollywood July 4, National Bikini Day, Scarlett Johansson, National Fried Chicken Day, Hot Brazilian Soccer Fans, Sweden v. England, Smooth & Not So Smooth, and Croatia v. Russia.

A View From The Beach’s up overfloweth this week with A Mighty Woman, Sandahl Bergman, Russiagate Today, Racing into Friday, Largemouth Bass Virus Linked to Susquehanna Smallmouth Bass Disease, Your Acquiescence is Mandatory, Post Fireworks Russiagate, Your Thursday Morning Wake Up, Revolution Day Russiagate, Happy Fourth of July!, Rage Against the Russiagate Machine, I Wonder How Many Skinned Knees and Elbows This Took, Down Under Damsel Finds Out About Sharks the Hard Way and  I’ll Bet You Could Run These Out of Washington D.C. Everyday.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Scottie Thompson, his Vintage Babe is Evelyn Keyes, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Joi Lansing. At Dustbury, it’s Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, and Pat Hitchcock.

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

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Feminism and the Darwinian Dead End

Posted on | July 8, 2018 | Comments Off on Feminism and the Darwinian Dead End

“I don’t want a baby. . . . Nothing will make me want a baby. . . .This is why, if my birth control fails, I am totally having an abortion.”
Amanda Marcotte, March 14, 2014

“The United States is in the midst of what some worry is a baby crisis. The number of women giving birth has been declining for years and just hit a historic low. If the trend continues . . . the country could face economic and cultural turmoil.”
Washington Post, June 30, 2017

What happens to people who embrace the Culture of Death? It should be obvious that feminism’s hatred of motherhood — the anti-maternal bias that expresses itself as a celebration of “choice” — must ultimately lead all those who embrace this ideology down the road toward extinction.

Even before I began the Sex Trouble project four years ago, this was already apparent to me, as it must be to any intelligent person who takes time to seriously examine contemporary cultural trends:

Low birth rates lead to economic stagnation and other social and political problems, which pro-life activists have been warning about for years. . . .
For the past half-century, our elite culture has been dominated by the neo-Malthusian “overpopulation” myth popularized by Paul Ehrlich, a myth fostered by a eugenics cabal led by David Rockefeller (see Donald Critchlow, Intended Consequences: Birth Control, Abortion, and the Federal Government in Modern America, 2001). Progressive feminists like Amanda Marcotte refuse to acknowledge that their “pro-choice” ideology wasn’t developed with an eye toward the rights of women, but instead originated with a racist billionaire who was worried that poor brown people were having too many babies.

In a free society, people can have as many babies as they want, and if Amanda Marcotte doesn’t want to have any babies at all, far be it from me to try to change her mind. Would anyone want to place a helpless infant in the care of a soulless atheist monster like Amanda Marcotte?

The real problem arises, however, when feminism’s cultural influence encourages other women to believe that they can embrace this warped belief system without any negative consequences. Half a century since the start of the modern feminist movement, the secondary and tertiary effects of this destructive ideology are scattered about our society, like the fragmented artifacts of ancient Rome overrun by barbarians. Young women today, born in the 1980s or ’90s, have little if any knowledge of the world their grandparents grew up in, which was blasted out of existence by the radical upheavals of the 1960s. Many problems now affecting young women are, in fact, a direct result of feminism’s “success” in destroying the moral infrastructure of our society, and yet they are told that the solution to their problems is — of course — more feminism.

What we are witnessing in the 21st century are the late-stage effects of cultural decadence, where children raised in chaotic environments — with divorced or never-married parents, no religious influence, surrounded by drug abuse and other social pathologies — grow up to become dysfunctional adults who exercise toxic influence in the lives of others. Institutional commitments to “inclusion” and “diversity” make it difficult to avoid these dysfunctional people, and we are forced to tolerate deviant behavior in our midst. Whether it’s riots on university campuses, drug addicts encamped on the streets or deranged lunatics threatening violence against us, citizens are expected to adapt to the increasing prevalence of antisocial behaviors, which become normalized.

“Oh, look — it’s a gender-fluid bisexual seventh-grader leading a gay-pride parade through the streets of the state capital!”

“Oh, look — a state university faculty member tortured to death by a gay Hollywood executive in a basement BDSM dungeon!”

“Oh, look — an Ivy League student arrested for child pornography!”

These tip-of-the-iceberg occasions — when unquestionably weird behavior makes headlines — are becoming so frequent we might not even notice, because we may be too busy dealing with the larger submerged mass of this iceberg of weirdness as it affects our own lives. A friend, a neighbor, a co-worker or a relative might go off the rails, requiring us to cope with the collateral damage of their antisocial behavior.

The cultural elite consider themselves our moral and intellectual superiors, and if you ask for actual evidence of their presumed superiority — something other than their diplomas from prestigious universities — you’ll find they have nothing to offer. They want to tell you how to live, and what your opinions should be, but beyond their academic credentials (and their careers in positions of cultural influence, for which such credentials are a prerequisite) there is no real evidence they are qualified to exercise the authority they claim. What makes Amanda Marcotte qualified to speak as the Official Arbiter of Correct Womanhood? Nothing, except that she is a feminist, and therefore her authority cannot be questioned. Disagreeing with her makes you an Enemy of Women.

If you consider yourself superior to others, and you want to make the world a better place, shouldn’t you have lots of children? One might suppose that, as an atheist proponent of Darwinism, Amanda Marcotte would subscribe to a survival-of-the-fittest mentality, wherein reproductive success is considered proof of superiority. From a Darwinian perspective, shouldn’t Marcotte’s superiority make her more desirable as a mate? And wouldn’t her offspring, inheriting her superior traits, be a beneficial influence to the future of humanity? Read more

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