The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: Day Late & A Dollar Short With Astrix

Posted on | July 8, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Late Night With Rule 5 Monday: Kaya Jones
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Radical Feminists: Right and Wrong

FMJRA 2.0: Station To Station
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

SJW Self-Destructs
American Digest

Good-Bye, #NeverTrump!

Unexpectedly: ‘Get Woke, Go Broke’ Meets ‘The Higher Education Bubble’ at Mizzou
The Political Hat

Germany Silencing the Jews?

Please Help My Brother Kirby: Strange and Savage Tales of ‘Backroads’ McCain

Toxic Intersectionality Syndrome
The Pirate’s Cove

Late Night With In The Mailbox: 07.02.18
Proof Positive

Bisexual ‘Gender-Fluid’ 7th-Grader Leads Pride March in Maryland Capital
Darkness Over The Land
A View From The Beach
Pushing Rubber Downhill

In The Mailbox: 07.03.18
Proof Positive

Murder, Lies and Feminism

Flashback: Feminists Hate ‘Nice Guys’

In The Mailbox: 07.04.18
Proof Positive

The Canadian Menace: Facebook Censors Critics of CBC’s Homosexual Propaganda
A View From The Beach
Pushing Rubber Downhill

‘Her Body, Her Choice’?

World’s Angriest White Man Dies

In The Mailbox: 07.05.18
Proof Positive

More From the Hollywood Rape Machine
Dark Brightness

The Maxine Waters Democrats: Texas Teen Attacked for Wearing ‘MAGA’ Hat
A View From The Beach

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (20)
  2. (tied) A View From The Beach and Proof Positive (5)

Thanks to everyone for the links!

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In The Mailbox: 07.06.18

Posted on | July 8, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

First I post things unintentionally, then I fail to post things after pushing the correct buttons. WTH.

EBL: Fauxcahontas Friday – Elizabeth Warren Could Win ONE MILLION DOLLARS!
Twitchy: Anti-Trump Former GOP Congressman Gets Brutal Lesson On “Co-Equal” Branches Of Government
Louder With Crowder: SJWs Came After William Shatner – He Set His Tweets To “Kill”
According To Hoyt: What Shall Always Be With Us
Monster Hunter Nation: Gritty Cop Show Test Game Episode 4 – Axel F’d
Vox Popoli: Never Listen To Trotskyites

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The Smart People Only Edition
American Power: Feminism, “Intersectionality”, And Violence Against Women
American Thinker: Here’s Why Hillary Is Running Again In 2020
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Walk Away Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For July 6
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Senator Collins And The Imaginary Roe Decision, also, Introducing The Cracker Barrel “Trigger A Woke Liberal College Student” Game
Don Surber: Merkel Caves On Trade
Dustbury: Genocide Lite
First Street Journal: The WaPo’s Full-Court Press Against The President’s Still-Unnamed SCOTUS Nominee
The Geller Report: UK City With Large Muslim Population Passes Resolution To Boycott Jewish Businesses; Court Upholds Resolution, also, Democratic Party Now Openly Embracing Socialism
Hogewash: Programming Note, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
JustOneMinute: Another MAGA Jobs Report
Legal Insurrection: Oberlin College Subpoenas Journalist’s Communications (Ours), also, BDS Supporter Scott Wallace Sinking In Polls – Cook Moves PA-01 To “Leans Republican”
The PanAm Post: In Ecuador, The End Of Rafael Correa’s Era of Socialist Corruption
Power Line: The Democrats Freak Out Over Jobs, also, Jim Jordan And His Accusers
Shark Tank: Scott Attacks Nelson As Party-Line Voter In New Ad
STUMP: At The Half – Updating The 80% Funding Hall Of Shame
The Political Hat: Trump’s Greatest Asset
This Ain’t Hell: AP Reports Army Quietly Discharging Immigrant Recruits, also, CT Convicts Assault Victim Jeffery Sumpter
Victory Girls: NYT Begs Collins & Murkowski To Defect Because Trump, And Roe v. Wade
Volokh Conspiracy: Short Circuit – A Roundup Of Recent Federal Court Decisions
Weasel Zippers: Poll Shows Majority Of Americans Oppose Dem Plans To Abolish ICE, also, 30-Year-Old Loser Who Stole Boy’s MAGA Hat Arrested On Felony Charges
Megan McArdle: Why Do The Left And Right Spend So Much Time Firing Into Their Own Ranks?
Mark Steyn: The Return Of Fauxcahontas

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SJW Self-Destructs

Posted on | July 7, 2018 | 2 Comments




Jessica Price was working for ArenaNet, a videogame company that produces Guild Wars. Like other videogame companies, ArenaNet has partnerships with some players who help promote their products online. One of ArenaNet’s partners is a Danish player who goes by the handle “Deroir,” who has a YouTube channel. So, Price posted a thread on Twitter about character development in role-playing games, to which Deroir responded with his own thoughts, and Price totally lost it.

She seemed to have the seized on the idea that Deroir was engaged in some kind of sexist behavior, and that she was a victim of mansplaining, and insulted Deroir as a “rando asshat,” complaining that she was being treated like an “emotional courtesan.” This was not cool, considering that Deroir is in a partnership with Price’s employer. The situation escalated. One of Deroir’s defenders accused Price of playing the “gender card,” and one of her ArenaNet co-workers, Peter Fries, responded by saying Deroir’s comments were unsolicited feedback from an ignorant “layman” that showed a lack of “respect” for Price’s work.

Apparently, neither Price nor Fries realized that Deroir wasn’t just a “rando asshat,” but someone valued as a partner by ArenaNet. The result was unemployment for both Price and Fries:

ArenaNet has fired two writers ostensibly for their reactions to Twitter comments from a partnered Guild Wars 2 YouTuber.
“Recently two of our employees failed to uphold our standards of communicating with players,” announced ArenaNet co-founder and president Mike O’Brien in the Guild Wars 2 forum. “Their attacks on the community were unacceptable. As a result, they’re no longer with the company.
“I want to be clear that the statements they made do not reflect the views of ArenaNet at all. As a company we always strive to have a collaborative relationship with the Guild Wars community. We value your input. We make this game for you.”

ArenaNet elaborated in a later official statement:

“We strive to cultivate an atmosphere of transparency around the making of our games and encourage our teams to be involved in open, positive discussion with our community. Earlier this week, two of our employees failed to uphold our standards of communication with our players and fans, and they are no longer with the company.”

In other words, the company that makes the games considers itself part of a community with the people who play the games. Employees of the company cannot go around insulting their customers. This is a basic business concept — Customer Relations 101 stuff — which ought not require explanation, but the feminist “social justice warrior” (SJW) mentality has never really been compatible with capitalism. Third Wave feminism originated in academia, and flourishes on university campuses under the protection of “diversity” policies that have the effect of silencing any criticism or opposition to feminist ideology.

Good luck trying to make that attitude work in the real world, where customers are routinely rude to employees who must endure such behavior and keep smiling because the customer is always right.

Predictably, the SJWs are still ranting on Twitter about how wrong it was for Price and Fries to get fired over this incident, but I doubt this was the first problem they’ve caused for the company. People don’t just one day suddenly start ranting on the Internet, insulting customers and spewing social-justice rhetoric. The bad employee causes problems more or less routinely, and by the time they get fired they’ve usually burnt enough bridges behind them that nobody is sad to see them go.



The Maxine Waters Democrats: Texas Teen Attacked for Wearing ‘MAGA’ Hat

Posted on | July 6, 2018 | Comments Off on The Maxine Waters Democrats: Texas Teen Attacked for Wearing ‘MAGA’ Hat


Hunter Richard, 16, was wearing a pro-Trump “Make America Great Again” hat in a San Antonio hamburger restaurant Tuesday night when a man snatched the hat off his head and threw a drink in his face. Video of the incident went viral and the man, identified by police as Kino Jimenez, was arrested Thursday, Megan Fox at PJMedia reports:

In recent days open hostility, including violence and denial of service to Trump supporters, has put the country on edge. Congresswoman Maxine Waters made headlines by appearing to condone protesters assaulting Trump supporters wherever they may be.
Waters said to a crowd, “No peace no sleep! If you see anybody from [President Trump’s] cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them! And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere!”
It didn’t take long for #Resistance supporters to apply those words to average Trump supporters, just as predicted. Not even minors are safe from the left’s unending rage. Unfortunately for the man who attacked a teen, he committed a crime and now he will have to face the consequences.

This is a public-relations disaster for Democrats. Incited by CNN’s 24/7 propaganda against Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy of strictly enforcing U.S. immigration laws, Democrats believed they had a winning issue, but polls indicate Trump’s policy is widely popular with voters:

The new survey is a Harvard-Harris Poll, by former Clinton pollster and strategist Mark Penn. It was conducted in late June with 1,448 registered voters.
On the issue of separations, Penn began with a threshold question: “Do you think that people who make it across our border illegally should be allowed to stay in the country or sent home? Sixty-four percent said they should be sent home. Thirty-six percent said they should be allowed to stay.
Then Penn asked: “Do you think that parents with children who make it across our border illegally should be allowed to stay in the country or sent home?” The presence of children made little difference in the result: 61 percent said they should be sent home, while 39 percent said they should be allowed to stay.

Even when poll respondents were prompted to consider the “family separation” issue, Trump’s zero-tolerance policy still won by a 22-point margin over the Democrats’ open-border position. Now factor in the dangerous behavior of hooligans like Kino Jimenez — attacking teenagers for supporting the President — and it seems unlikely Democrats will see a “blue wave” surge of support in the November midterms.



More From the Hollywood Rape Machine

Posted on | July 6, 2018 | 1 Comment


In December, I wrote about some of the revelations of Hollywood sex scandals from the blog “Crazy Days and Nights” (CDAN) which has an uncanny record of accuracy with its “blind items.” Thursday, the blog revealed the names on several of its earlier blind items from which we learn that, for example, oil tycoon J. Paul Getty was a pedophile who basically bought girls from the Philippines in exchange for propping up the Marcos regime. The comedian Charles Nelson Reilly was a gay pedophile, singer Katy Perry likes cocaine, somebody’s trying to sell Michael Jackson sex tapes, Bruce/”Caitlyn” Jenner can’t find work, and the director Stanley Kubrick raped little girls. Whether you believe all that is up to you, but as I say, CDAN’s got an uncanny record of accuracy.

The most intriguing item, however, is this one:

This mogul was an investor in a pedophile-front entertainment company back in the day.
A few years ago, he financed a film. The film has the sort of story you would expect. The film was written and directed by former lovers / current friends of that disgraced A-list director.

The disgraced director is Bryan Singer, a frequent CDAN target, whose alleged interest in teenage boys has made scandalous headlines. The film with “the sort of story you would expect” is Geography Club, about a bunch of gay teenagers. It was written by Edmund Entin and directed by Gary Entin who are indeed former protégés of Bryan Singer.

What makes this item so intriguing, however, is the identity of the “mogul” who financed Geography Club — Michael Huffington, the gay ex-husband of Arianna Huffington. Michael Huffington was an investor in the notorious Digital Entertainment Network (DEN), a failed video streaming service that was, in effect, a scheme by Marc Collins-Rector to lure young would-be actors to a gay party scene. Huffington has claimed he was the victim of a scam by the DEN gang, the investors in which also included Singer and entertainment mogul David Geffen.

OK, so if Huffington got burned by DEN’s shady operators, why was he investing in Geography Club, a film project by two of Singer’s protégés that had practically zero commercial value? Wouldn’t you suppose that, having once been scammed, Huffington would have avoided any future ventures of this sort? Is it possible that there was some non-commercial explanation for Huffington’s investment in this film? Certain possibilities spring to mind, e.g., “hush money.” It would be unpleasant for the multimillionaire heir to an oil fortune if he were implicated in any kind of Hollywood jailbait activities, so maybe help out a couple of Bryan Singer’s young buddies and everything stays quiet? Just a guess.

Hollywood’s Gay Mafia casts a long shadow, and the most powerful figure is allegedly untouchable. David Geffen’s got so much money he can hire armies of lawyers and detectives and, careful readers of CDAN have surmised, people who cause Geffen trouble might end up dead. CDAN reader @JohnDoe78359022 connected some of the dots in a Twitter thread that’s worth studying. After the Harvey Weinstein scandal broke in October 2017, for example, CDAN had a blind item about “minions” making death threats to prevent any bad publicity for a certain somebody. And a November blind included this:

There needs to be an independent investigation into the recent suicide of this actor. It was way too much of a coincidence that he was talking to reporters about the permanent A+ list producer/icon and the A list mostly movie director and ended up dead a few days later. He had been involved with them from an early age.

The actor was Brad Bufanda and @JohnDoe78359022 guesses the two men Bufanda was talking to reporters about were Geffen and Singer. This seems a bit far-fetched, and I can’t find corroboration of any “early age” involvement between Bufanda and Geffen or Singer, so I don’t want to convey the impression that I personally believe these dots connect in a sinister conspiracy. Stranger things have happened, though.

One thing’s for sure: Hollywood is a very wicked place.



In The Mailbox: 07.05.18

Posted on | July 5, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Democrat Pundit Ed Schultz, RIP
Twitchy: Jon Lovitz Smacks Down Frothing SJW Horde Shaming Scarlett Johansson For Trans Role
Louder With Crowder: Liberals Protest ICE – While ICE Is Busting  Sex Trafficking Ring

Adam Piggott: I’ll Have A VB, Thanks Mate, also, No Backup Plan
American Power: Facebook Flags, Removes Declaration of Independence As Hate Speech, also, The Democratic Party Is Killing Itself
American Thinker: Dems On SCOTUS – Catholics Need Not Apply
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Venezuelan Meltdown News
BattleSwarm: Democrats’ Hispanic Panic Fizzles
CDR Salamander: So, How Did We Find Ourselves In This Pickle?
Da Tech Guy: There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch, also, Reality Check – Murkowski & Collins Have No Leverage
Don Surber: Kennedys Say Break Bread Not Familes – Including Sarah Sanders?
Dustbury: Desperately Seeking Assistance
First Street Journal: Don’t Tell Me How You’ve “Left The Right” When You Were Never A Conservative In The First Place
The Geller Report: France In Flames – Second Night Of Violence & Chaos, also, London’s Muslim Mayor Allows Protesters To Fly “Trump Baby” Blimp Over Parliament During President’s Visit
Hogewash: Don’t Know Much About History, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
JustOneMinute: Meanwhile, Back In San Antonio
Legal Insurrection: EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt Has Resigned, also, Migrant Riots In France
The PanAm Post: Arrested In Cuba For Celebrating The Fourth Of July
Power Line: Voters Overwhelmingly Reject Socialism, also, Poll Says Americans Approve Of Trump’s Handling Most Key Domestic Issues
Shark Tank: Graham Bets It All On Abortion
Shot In The Dark: “Common Ground”
The Jawa Report: Iraqi Hanging Judge Is Hanging UK ISIS Losers, also, Good Gun Control – Right In The Cranium Edition
The Political Hat: Crazy – Coathangers, Mobs, And Decapitation
This Ain’t Hell: Thursday Morning Feelgood Stories, also, Thank You
Victory Girls: The Bullying Left Goes After A Teenager
Volokh Conspiracy: Federal Court Rules Against Administration On Most Issues In CA “Sanctuary State” Case
Weasel Zippers: Woman Who Scaled Statue Of Liberty Is Congolese Immigrant With Prior Arrests, also, Madeline Albright Says U.S. Needs Open Borders So It Can Demand Same From Europe
Mark Steyn: These Pretzels Are Making Me Frisky

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World’s Angriest White Man Dies

Posted on | July 5, 2018 | Comments Off on World’s Angriest White Man Dies


Ed Schultz was everything liberals typically claim Republicans are — a fat, angry, middle-aged white loudmouth seething with resentment. He was hired as an MSNBC host in 2009, but his show was never popular, because nobody liked Ed, the most obnoxious personality on cable news, a guy who made Bill O’Reilly seem charming and humble by comparison. How he remained on the air as long as he did is a mystery, as I commented in 2013:

He was a sportscaster until he was 38 and began his talk-radio career attempting to be a conservative Rush Limbaugh imitator, failed at that and then re-invented himself as a “progressive” host, which provided the platform by which Ed got an MSNBC show in 2009. . . .
Anyone who has ever watched or listened to Ed Schultz understands that he is a very angry man — he reminds you of every angry drunk you ever knew — and this is basically the selling point of the shtick. If you are the type of person who hates Republicans and rich people and “Corporate America,” then Ed Schultz will give voice to your anger.
Did I mention that Ed Schultz failed at MSNBC, too? Yeah, he started out in the 6 p.m. time slot, then moved to 10 p.m. after Keith Olberman quit in 2011, before moving to the 8 p.m. slot, where he accomplished the remarkable feat of actually placing fourth — behind Bill O’Reilly on Fox, behind Anderson Cooper CNN and even behind Nancy Grace on HLN — and was eventually bumped to the weekend shift.


Ed’s long list of resentments — it seemed he had some reason to hate everybody — included his bosses at MSNBC. After he finally got the ax from the network, he claimed they were biased:

Ex-MSNBC host Ed Schultz in [an April 2018] interview ripped his former network as “in the tank for Hillary Clinton” and suggested he was fired in 2015 because of his support for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.).
Schultz, who now anchors a show on RT, told National Review‘s Jamie Weinstein . . . that MSNBC chief Phil Griffin was a “watchdog,” and he said he was often given direction on what stories to cover.
Sanders gave his official campaign launch speech in Burlington, Vermont on May 26, 2015, and Schultz said he was the only cable news host planning to air it live. He had also taped an interview with Sanders at the lawmaker’s home ahead of the speech.
However, he said Griffin called him five minutes before air time at 5 p.m. EST, and he said, “You’re not covering this.”
“It got rather contentious,” Schultz said. . . .
Schultz opined he was forced out at MSNBC because of his support for Sanders and MSNBC’s water-carrying for Clinton. His final day on the air was July 29, 2015. . . .
“I think the Clintons were connected to [NBC News chief] Andy Lack, connected at the hip,” Schultz said. “I think that they didn’t want anybody in their primetime or anywhere in their lineup supporting Bernie Sanders. I think that they were in the tank for Hillary Clinton, and I think that it was managed, and 45 days later I was out at MSNBC.”

The first rule of being in the tank for Hillary is, nobody talks about being in the tank for Hillary. If you sign up to work for a network that is basically 24/7 Democrat Party propaganda, you more or less forfeit any claim to journalistic integrity from the outset. After he got the boot from MSNBC, Ed signed up with a Russian propaganda outfit, which is deeply ironic, all things considered, but I don’t suppose a Kremlin-funded network is less trustworthy than MSNBC, really.

Anyway, Ed died today and his obituary is full of people saying what a wonderful sweetheart of a guy he was. That’s the thing about being a liberal — no matter how much of a selfish, obnoxious jerk you are, everybody’s required to pretend otherwise after you die. At least Ed never left a girl to die in the back of a submerged Oldsmobile.


‘Her Body, Her Choice’?

Posted on | July 5, 2018 | Comments Off on ‘Her Body, Her Choice’?


If abortion isn’t wrong, nothing is wrong, and we cannot expect any feminist to criticize this woman’s exercise of her “rights”:

A Texas mother has been arrested for allegedly selling her young children.
Esmeralda Garza, 29, was arrested by Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) officials on Friday after she allegedly sold her 7-year-old boy to two men, KRIS-TV reported. Garza was also in the process of selling two other children — a 2-year-old girl and a 3-year-old girl — as well, officials said.
The arrest occurred after DPS officers executed a drug search warrant, according to KIII-TV.
Garza, of Corpus Christi, was charged with the sale or purchase of a child, which is a third-degree felony. She is being held on a $100,000 bond at the Nueces County Jail, KRIS reported.

Really, if it’s legal for a woman to kill her babies in the womb, why should it be illegal for her to sell her kids for meth money? That 2-year-old is just a an overgrown “clump of cells,” right? Didn’t Amanda Marcotte tell us babies are “time-sucking monsters with their constant neediness”?

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)


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