The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Adolphology for the Godwin-Win

Posted on | June 24, 2018 | Comments Off on Adolphology for the Godwin-Win

by Smitty
Soopermexican was riffing on the Sarah Sanders ejection story. But if you’re going to cross the line on Godwin’s Law, why not broad jump the thing?

Immigration Facts the Media Ignore

Posted on | June 24, 2018 | Comments Off on Immigration Facts the Media Ignore

In January, Attorney General Jeff Sessions gave a speech in Norfolk, Virginia, and shared some facts that the media habitually ignore:

Any crime committed by improperly vetted immigrants — and especially illegal aliens — is, by definition, preventable. Even one victim of a crime committed by an illegal alien is too many. Criminals have no right to demand entry to the United States. We should strive to never admit criminals. And yet thousands of Americans across our country have suffered because of decades of lax immigration policies and even more lax enforcement.
Last month, we released another report with the Department of Homeland Security, which revealed that there were nearly 40,000 known or suspected aliens in the custody of the Bureau of Prisons. That’s roughly one in five federal prisoners. That means that the immigrant share of the federal prison population is nearly two-thirds greater than their share of the general population.
Out of those in custody of the U.S. Marshals Service, which is responsible for housing those awaiting trial, nearly 20,000 were foreign-born. That is more than one third. And nearly triple their share of the general population.
I’m sure you’ve heard that immigrants are less likely to commit a crime than average. But one study that just came out looked at the prison population in Arizona and found that illegal aliens are more than twice as likely to be convicted of crimes as Arizonans.
They’re more likely to be convicted of sexual assault, robbery, and driving under the influence. They’re more than twice as likely to be convicted of murder.
Tens of thousands of crimes have been committed in this country that would never have happened if our immigration laws were enforced and respected like they ought to be.
Just three days ago, an illegal alien from Mexico living in Southern California was charged with rape of an intoxicated victim and first-degree burglary. He’s a driver for a ride-sharing company. He allegedly took advantage of intoxicated female passengers who got into his car. Under the laws of this country, he shouldn’t even be here.

Do we have a shortage of criminals in the United States? Do our prisons have empty cells because we don’t have enough rapists and murderers? Are our police officers sitting around bored, with nothing to do all day, because not enough people are breaking the law to keep the cops busy?

You see that the Attorney General is not suggesting that all, or even most, immigrants are criminals. The point is that, when we compare two groups — people born in the U.S. versus immigrants —  the latter group has a higher rate of crime, which might lead us to a simple conclusion: More immigration means more crime. Such a simple conclusion may be true, without being either fair or accurate. Let me explain . . .

If we have a large number of illegal aliens (who have shown a willingness to break the law simply by being here) who are lumped into the larger category “immigrants,” along with people who have obeyed the laws and followed the rules, then we may suspect that it is the illegals who are most responsible for the higher categorical crime rate. If this suspicion is correct, stricter enforcement of immigration laws, by reducing the number of illegals, would also lower the overall rate of crime among all immigrants, including illegal aliens, because they would have fewer law-breaking associates with whom to engage in drug trafficking, etc.

If the American people were made aware of facts like those reported by the Attorney General, every intelligent person would understand this. You don’t need a Ph.D. in sociology, but just basic common sense, to see why stricter enforcement of immigration laws would yield benefits for everyone, including immigrants themselves. Wouldn’t the average Hispanic citizen encounter less prejudice if, because of strict enforcement, his neighbors didn’t have a reason to suspect he might be here illegally? Wouldn’t residents of predominantly Hispanic neighborhoods be safer if there were fewer illegal aliens among them?

Conservatives would gladly welcome a discussion of immigration based on a full consideration of facts, but liberals don’t want such a discussion. Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) are engaged in promoting dishonest partisan propaganda, falsely smearing Republicans as “racist,” and many Republicans are so afraid of this smear that they will do anything to appease the open-borders lobby. America is therefore having a fact-deficient political screaming match about immigration, rather than the kind of discussion that might lead to policies that would benefit everyone, including immigrants. One thing is clear, however: Democrats are no more interested in improving the lives of foreign immigrants than they are in improving the lives of Americans. Democrats care only about gaining power (i.e., winning midterm congressional elections) and they are willing to tell any lie, or suppress any fact, to achieve that goal.



No Republicans Allowed: Restaurant Owner Ejects WH Spokeswoman

Posted on | June 24, 2018 | 2 Comments


White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders was asked to leave a Virginia restaurant where Republican customers are not welcome:

Stephanie Wilkinson, co-owner of The Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Va., told The Washington Post on Saturday that Sanders’s support of President Trump’s desire to ban transgender people from the military, in particular, was antithetical to her beliefs.
The restaurant employs several LGBT employees, Wilkinson said, some of whom voiced concerns over serving Sanders because of her previous comments defending Trump’s proposed ban.
“I’m not a huge fan of confrontation,” Wilkinson added. “I have a business, and I want the business to thrive. This feels like the moment in our democracy when people have to make uncomfortable actions and decisions to uphold their morals.”
Wilkinson told the Post Sanders worked in an administration that is “inhumane and unethical.”
She added that the Trump administration’s policy of separating migrant families who are apprehended illegally entering the U.S. also contributed to her staff’s concerns. . . .
“Tell me what you want me to do. I can ask her to leave,” Wilkinson said she told her staff. “They said yes.”

Ms. Wilkinson is a Democrat who hates Republicans so much that she does not want to serve any Republican customers. Could I offer an intelligent discussion of the Trump administration policies that Ms. Wilkinson criticized? Yes, but you cannot argue with hate. No amount of facts or logic can persuade someone like Ms. Wilkinson, whose beliefs are based in an irrational prejudice. She hates all Republicans, and there is no point wasting your time by arguing with partisan fanatics.

A basic principle of courtesy is that one should never go where one is unwelcome. This is why, for example, I have never participated in any kind of “counter-protest,” although I’ve covered quite a few during my journalism career. When the Revolutionary Communist Party held a protest at the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, I was there with my camera and notebook, but I certainly did not argue with that ranting mob of anti-American extremists.


Sometimes, courtesy is just smart business. If I had told those Commies what I really thought of them (i.e., “the only good Communist,” etc.), this might have interfered with my ability to get the story, and perhaps endangered my personal safety. So I just kept my mouth shut and did the job I was there to do. And this has been my practice at all manner of events. Covering Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail in 2008, for example, I was unctuously polite to her staff, and even met Chelsea Clinton, who struck me as very nice young lady.

If a right-winger like me can be courteous to Communists and Democrats, why can’t Ms. Wilkinson be courteous to Republicans?


Like all Americans, Ms. Wilkinson and her employees at the Red Hen restaurant are entitled to their opinions on matters of public policy, but her rudeness toward Republicans is not smart business. Lexington, Virginia, is in Rockbridge County, which voted 62% for Trump in 2016. Lexington is also home to Virginia Military Institute, where the corps of cadets are legendary for their patriotic courage. For a restaurant owner in Lexington to insult the President of the United States, by refusing service to a member of the White House staff, is not likely to help Ms. Wilkinson’s business, to say the least. Would I want any of the 6,671 Rockbridge County residents who voted for President Trump to protest the Red Hen, or to say mean things to Ms. Wilkinson or her staff? No, of course not. Such behavior is rude, and also unnecessary.

Because a courteous person would never go where he is unwelcome, and because Republicans are unwelcome at the Red Hen restaurant, the polite thing for Republicans to do is to avoid Ms. Wilkinson’s establishment. Fortunately for Republicans in Rockbridge County, downtown Lexington offers many other excellent dining choices, including Niko’s Grille, Salerno Pizzeria and the Southern Inn. No courteous Republican would ever protest at the Red Hen, for the simple reason that no Republican should ever go near the Red Hen, where the owners and staff hate Republicans so much they would not serve dinner to Sarah Sanders.

Also, courtesy would solve both of the policy issues Ms. Wilkinson mentioned in justifying her “no Republicans allowed” attitude. If the U.S. military does not want transgender troops in its ranks, a courteous transgender person would simply not volunteer for the military, and if the United States doesn’t want foreigners to cross its borders without legal permission, no courteous person would be an illegal alien.

Good manners solve many problems in life, and let’s hope courtesy will soon solve the problem of Ms. Wilkinson’s anti-Republican restaurant.



FMJRA 2.0: Desert Plains

Posted on | June 23, 2018 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Wow! For the first time in a long time, we actually had a post other than the weekly Rule 5 extravaganza lead the link parade! Read and enjoy!

Tip: Pentagon Covering Up Fact That Female Officers Nearly Sank Navy Ship
Inoperable Terran
The Political Hat
Never Yet Melted
David Knight
Anonymous Conservative
Barrel Strength
Kim Du Toit
The Lexicans
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive
Pushing Rubber Downhill

Rule 5 Monday: Shakira Law And The Rock Sharky
Animal Magnetism
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive
Ninety Miles From Tyranny

The Freedom to Hate
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

The Ivy League Is Decadent and Depraved: White Self-Hatred as ‘Social Justice’

FMJRA 2.0: Rubycon
The Pirate’s Cove
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach

The Democrat Immigration Agenda
Ordinary Citizen

Preferences Are Not Oppression
Proof Positive

SPLC Busted for Lying, Pays $3.3 Million

In The Mailbox: 06.18.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Democrats and Media Are Lying: Behind the Phony ‘Family Separation’ Propaganda
A View From The Beach

Autistic Teenage Neckbeard Charged With Raping and Murdering Australian Woman
Pushing Rubber Downhill

In The Mailbox: 06.19.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Fat, Gay and Stupid: Update

In The Mailbox: 06.20.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Transgender Totalitarianism
Living In Anglo-America

Transgender Vagina Envy and the SJW Campaign Against @JesseSingal

In The Mailbox: 06.21.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Death by Social Justice: Transgender Scammer ‘Chloe Sagal’ Commits Suicide

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

In The Mailbox: 06.22.18
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week 6/16-6/23:

  1. EBL (17)
  2. A View From The Beach (9)
  3. Proof Positive (8)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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Media Publishes SJW Lies About Violent Transgender Psycho’s Public Suicide

Posted on | June 23, 2018 | 1 Comment

BEFORE: John Paul Neumann (left); AFTER: ‘Chloe Sagal’ (right).

Just a quick follow-up on the suicide of John Paul Neumann, a/k/a “Chloe Sagal,” who lit himself/“herself” on fire Tuesday in a public park in downtown Portland, Oregon. Recall that Neumann/“Sagal,” a freelance videogame developer, had already wrecked his/“her” personal finances by trying to launch a startup that went bust before the 2013 incident in which Neumann/“Sagal” falsely claimed to be the victim of an auto accident in order to scam money for sex-change surgery on IndieGoGo. A reporter named Allistair Pinsof was fired from his job, and blacklisted by fellow videogame journalists, because he reported the truth about Neumann’s/“Sagal’s” scam. This was one of the scandals that preceded the 2014 #GamerGate controversy, and showed how so-called “social justice warriors” (SJWs) were helping distort coverage of the videogame industry. What the SJWs did, you see, was to portray Neumann/“Sagal” as a victim of “transphobia,” and to accuse Pinsof of “harassment” simply for telling the truth about a fraudulent misuse of online fundraising by a member of the game-development community.

“Chloe Sagal” was not a victim of wrongdoing, he/“she” was a perpetrator, and the SJWs can’t erase that truth, although they have spent the past five years trying to do so, by demonizing the people who blew the whistle on a deranged liar’s shabby scam. You cannot excuse what Neumann/“Sagal” did by saying he/“she” was mentally ill and therefore not responsible for his/“her” actions, because that might then encourage other crazy people to imitate his/“her” wrongdoing.

Crazy People Are Dangerous, as I keep saying, and we aren’t “helping” the mentally ill by pretending that someone who created an elaborate online fraud didn’t know that what they were doing was wrong. Still less are we “helping” crazy people by claiming that anybody who calls attention to their craziness is engaged in “harassment.”

Suppose, for example, that your neighbor is going through a stressful situation — he lost his job, his wife left him, whatever. One day you drop in to check on him, and find him snorting meth and jabbering incoherently about the Bavarian Illuminati. Is it wrong to call 911? No, and what happens if you find out this person has created an online fundraiser telling people he needs money to help orphans in Uganda, but he’s actually spending the proceeds to supply his meth habit? Are you guilty of “harassment” if you warn people not to donate? No.

That, in a nutshell, is what’s wrong with the way SJWs tried to depict Neumann/“Sagal” as a victim and smear Pinsof for “transphobia.” You might think that the suicide of Neumann/“Sagal” would cause people to stop trying to exploit his/“her” story as a “social justice” narrative, but there is no bottom limit to how low SJWs will go. They started emailing the reporter for the Oregonian who reported on Tuesday’s suicide, and she followed up with a story reflecting the SJW victimhood narrative:

Sagal was a game developer and artist who struggled with mental illness for many years. Her friends say she loved dogs, forged authentic weapons and made haunting music when she was able to. They say she was proud of her Romani heritage and an active socialist.
They also say she was the target of an online bullying campaign that derailed her. . . .

(No, damn it, Neumann/“Sagal” was clearly “derailed” long before 2013, and how many people of “Romani heritage” are named “Neumann”?)

And in 2013, Sagal, a transgender woman, became the target of hate mob Kiwi Farms, an online group New Yorker magazine described as “the web’s biggest community of stalkers” that “specializes in harassing people they perceive as being mentally ill or sexually deviant in some way.”

(Look, there are untold millions of mentally ill and/or sexually deviant people who never get noticed on Kiwi Farms, which only pays attention to people whose online behavior makes them a nuisance. There must be a demonstrable pattern of such behavior for someone to gain notoriety as a “Lolcow” in the KF discussion forums, which have in some cases done valuable work in helping expose sexual predators online. To dismiss KF as a “hate mob,” in order to depict Neumann/“Sagal” as a victim, is just dishonest.)

The harassment began after it was revealed a crowdfunding campaign to raise money for Sagal to deal with metal poisoning was actually raising money for her gender surgery.
Friends say Kiwi Farms followers harassed her on a variety of platforms.

(Telling the truth is “harassment”? Welcome to 2018. Words mean nothing.)

A friend who chose not to give his name, fearing repercussions from Kiwi Farms, said her livelihood and mental stability were destroyed by the attacks.
Suicide, said Sagal’s friend Jasmine Barlow, “was constantly on her mind. She even attempted once live on streaming video. It was a constant shadow over her art.”
“One factor that made it much harder for her to get help was that whenever she talked about suicide,” Luxton said, Kiwi Farms members “would report her Facebook page and get it locked down. This had happened multiple times in the month prior to her death.”

All right, enough of the italics fisking mode. You see how this reporter repeats the claims about “attacks” and “harassment” as the cause of the problems experienced by Neumann/“Sagal,” when in fact he/“she” was experiencing consequences of his/“her” own deranged behavior. Nobody would have paid attention to Neumann/“Sagal” had it not been for his/“her” 2013 fundraising scam (and SJWs blacklisting Allistair Pinsof), but having become notorious, Neumann/“Sagal” then continued his/“her” bizarre online antics. Notice how Luxton dishonestly claims it was “harassment” for KF members to report Neumann’s/“Sagal’s” Facebook suicide threats. If someone is publicly threatening to kill themselves, should witnesses do nothing? But in the upside-down logic of “social justice,” lunatics must be permitted to engage in whatever dangerous behavior might occur to their disordered minds, and sane people are guilty of “harassment” if they say anything about it.

So (the sane man says, after smoking a cigarette while struggling to restrain his righteous indignation), the Oregonian reports this:

Several days before, on Saturday [June 16], police had taken her into custody after responding to a report that she wanted to harm herself.
She had a machete when officers arrived, but they defused the situation, according to Sgt. Chris Burley, Portland Police Bureau spokesman.
The police report for Saturday’s incident has not been released, but Burley said Sagal was taken by ambulance to Unity Center for Behavioral Health. . . .
Luxton, who spoke to Sagal on Monday over the phone, said Sagal “spent two days sitting in triage at the Unity Center; she was never properly hospitalized.”
When she was released, Sagal apparently had nowhere to go. The people who had been letting her live with them since March had decided they could no longer take care of her. . . .

(Yeah, start waving a machete around until the cops show up, and you might not be welcomed back after your stay in the psych ward.)

Friends say she was autistic, had physical difficulties, and struggled with mental illness. . . .
Monday was the last day many of her friends heard from her. She spoke with several friends and left two notes at the house where she had been staying.
One of those notes, the text of which was sent to The Oregonian/OregonLive, appears to be a suicide note.
“Whoever needs my van and the things in it should have it,” the note reads. “It’s parked around the corner … the keys are in the mailbox and the title is in the van.”
“My death cannot be silent,” it continues. “It has to be loud and political. My entire life, my experience, my education has led up to this moment. I can only expect trauma and death from my existence.”

Live like an autistic Lolcow, die like an autistic Lolcow.

Remember the movie Rainman, with Dustin Hoffman as the autistic? Remember how he was portrayed as harmless and lovable? If you were remaking that movie today, the autistic character wouldn’t be institutionalized, instead he’d be blabbering deranged nonsense all over the Internet — Tumblr, YouTube, Twitter — and making accusations of “harassment” if anybody said, “Hey, this dude’s some kind of wacko.”

(Hey, whatever happened to Bill Schmalfeldt, anyway?)

You don’t need a Ph.D. in psychology to know Crazy People Are Dangerous, and trying to invert the moral order by scapegoating sane people for calling out craziness when they see it isn’t “social justice,” it’s just a political “gotcha” game played by irresponsible people who want to make excuses for their own failure to do the right thing.

If your autistic son moves to Portland, starts calling himself “Chloe,” scams $30,000 for a sex-change operation and repeatedly threatens suicide, SJWs will find a way to blame the “hate mob” at Kiwi Farms, and then convince a reporter to pretend this is a story about “harassment.” If instead you think it’s a story about SJWs encouraging vulnerable people to indulge in deviant and irresponsible behavior, you’ll be accused of “hate” for sharing your opinion. Sanity must be silenced, so the lunatics can run the asylum. Until they light themselves on fire.

R.I.P., “Chloe Sagal.”


Trump Titanium
Testicle Territory
Treads Triumphantly

Posted on | June 23, 2018 | Comments Off on Trump Titanium
Testicle Territory
Treads Triumphantly

by Smitty

Having lived on the edge of the Beltway Singularity nearly two decades, there is a unique perspective that one can bring. Around the 2006 election that put Princess Pelosi in as Screecher of the House, there was a growing concern about whether there was something Really, Truly Wrong in the U.S. I saw an Instapundit link on Slashdot, which led me to Stacy McCain.

2008 ushered in #OccupiedResoluteDesk, and his famous “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Apologists can try to spin that as some positive sentiment. The behavior of Democrats in the years 2006-2016 belies any effort to walk Obama back: they seriously thought they had the whole thing gamed, across all branches of the government and media.

2009 saw the Tea Party uprising. It’s with some satisfaction that one recalls the excitement of being an engaged citizen (“activist” is a nebulous Commie insult), culminating in the Tax Day Tea Party on the Mall. There is a clip of me asking Andrew Breitbard a question that made the “Hating Breitbart” documentary. Uncredited; don’t care; doesn’t matter.

Conspicuous in his absence around this time was Donald Trump. Scroll forward to 2016, and his non-support of Tea Parties meant that I had a hard time taking him seriously. I was a Cruz guy, and still support him fully. Trump, in my estimation (possibly I helped him in this) was a wrecking ball to split the Right. If DJT took the nomination in Cleveland, then Gloria Allread and the Bimbo Bombers would begin explosive landscaping in earnest. Or the TrumpU lawsuits, or some other noise would take him out. He was Mitt Romney without the Ward Cleaver charm. A strange fusion of Archie Bunker, Billie Mays, and Tommy Boy.

Along comes Conrad Blacks little 213 page treatment of Trump, which I just finishied reading:
This is the part where I eat some crow. The book starts with a biographical sketch. Trump is the embodiment of Protestant Work Ethic. In his younger days, Trump was something of a reckless risk-taker, and nearly suffered a total wing-meltdown getting his Icarus on with the casinos.

Trump was always politically curious, and seems to have viewed politics as another market and set of incentives to master. He did the reality-TV think with The Apprentice (I’ve seen perhaps half an episode) and did the homework. Which Her Majesty was far too cool to do, obviously.

Always considering myself more Tea Party than GOP, all I can say is three cheers for Donald. Black’s book offers a useful summary of both the campaign and the skullduggery of the Deep State through Spring, 2018.

The thing that bothers me about Trump is that, yes: we need thir virtuouso NOW. However, virtuosos are a Highlander lot. If we ejoy another 6 years of Trump, and then have to endure another Deep State tool like the predecessor, then Trump shall have seemed an exercise in delaying our decline at best. What do we do for a Keep America Great encore?

In The Mailbox: 06.22.18

Posted on | June 23, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.22.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: A Guinspen Tribute To The Fallen Feminist Bookstore In Portlandia
Twitchy: After Lying To NBC News About Michael Cohen, Tom Arnold Tells More Lies To CNN
Louder With Crowder: Nancy Pelosi In 2014 – Don’t Politicize Child Detention Centers
According To Hoyt: What We’re Made Of
Monster Hunter Nation: I Went On The Tom Woods Show Again
Vox Popoli: So Much For The American Way

Adam Piggott: Not Every Woman Is A Feminist, But All Women Can Prevent It – Including You
American Thinker: The Real Lesson Of The Inspector General’s Report
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Campaign Speech Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For June 22
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: The Red Sox & Mariners Prove Why Baseball Is The Best Sport – Again
Don Surber: Trump Prepares To Pull A Rabbit Out Of His Hat – Again
Dustbury: I Should Have Bought Her A Drink
First Street Journal: The NYC Public Schools & Affirmative Action
The Geller Report: ABC’s Roseanne Spinoff A Go – Without Roseanne, also, Judge Refuses To Dismiss Mom’s Suit Against School District For Proselytizing For Islam
Hogewash: Blognet, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
JustOneMinute: Now What?
Legal Insurrection: Iconic Image Of Crying Child Separated From Parents At Border Is #FakeNews, also, Fauxcahontas’ Academic Claim To Fame No More Real Than Her Native American Heritage
Power Line: NBC News – “We” Have A Great Opportunity To Hurt Trump, also, Thoughts From The Ammo Line
Shark Tank: Trump Gives DeSantis “Full Endorsement”
Shot In The Dark: The Manhattan Civil Liberties Privilege Union
The Jawa Report: Who’s A Good Boy? Who’s A Very Good Boy!
This Ain’t Hell: Reality Winner And Her Guilty Plea, also, Sam Lavigne – Doxxing ICE
Victory Girls: Separating Kids From Parents, Separating Fact From Hysteria
Volokh Conspiracy: First Thoughts On Carpenter v. United States
Weasel Zippers: Mother Of Crying Child Deported In 2013, also, Leading Mexican Presidential Candidate Calls On Mexicans To Flood The U.S.
Megan McArdle: Is Initiative 77 The Death Knell For Fine Dining In Washington DC?

Hans Schantz’ A Rambling Wreck 99 Cents!
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Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Posted on | June 22, 2018 | Comments Off on Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty

Look at the young “family”.
“We frome Venezuela,” says the “father”, haggard. Woman carrying one baby and with a small, thin waif clinging to a leg.
Shove off the wall, walk toward the large sedan.
Rooftop lookout signals safety with the laser pointer. Open the door, in they go.
Guy’d been a Department Head at the Uni in Caracas. Wife, perhaps lovely with another 20 pounds on her; oil baron’s daughter.
Near a gated location some distance from Vegas, where these “lucky” ones will “enjoy” avoiding starvation, heat and ICE. Stop.
Butler opens door. Cargo tumbles out.
Wasn’t paid to talk.

via Darleen

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