The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Transgender Supremacy: Understanding the Ideology of a Totalitarian Menace

Posted on | May 5, 2018 | 3 Comments

Clinton James Crawford, a/k/a “Char Vortryss” a/k/a “Char the Butcher.”

Nobody actually believes in “equality.” No such thing as “equality” has ever existed in human history, nor is there any policy agenda which could feasibly bring about “equality” in the future. (You could read Thomas Sowell’s The Quest for Cosmic Justice, which has a chapter entitled “The Mirage of Equality,” if you are unclear on this subject, but if everyone read Sowell, we wouldn’t be having these arguments, would we?)

Everyone has their own hierarchy of values, and humans are naturally concerned for their own selfish interests, so it is absurd to think that anyone would propose a policy of “equality” with the intent that this would harm their interests, or negate their preferred values. When we see people advocating “equality,” therefore, we know that they are either deluded or dishonest, or perhaps both. So-called “social justice warriors” (SJWs) are not to be trusted, because their egalitarian “progressive” ideology is based upon false beliefs. To claim that the existing social order is inherently unjust requires the claimant to offer a feasible proposal for a more just society. Students of history know that such schemes have a sordid and blood-soaked record. During the 20th century, Marxist-Leninist regimes killed an estimated 100 million of their own citizens in pursuit of “social justice” and, if these regimes could not bring about a condition of “equality” despite exercising all the powers of totalitarian dictatorship, should we suppose “social justice” could be implemented through the less rigorous measures of democratic governments?

Cynic that I am, it is always my suspicion that those who speak of “equality” and “social justice” seek some personal advantage by such advocacy, if only to enhance their reputations by putting themselves on “the right side of history.” The question of motive always comes to mind when we encounter leftist arguments, and the title of this blog post might well have been, “Why Does Yonatan Zunger Hate Lesbians?”

In January 2017, a couple of weeks before President Trump’s inauguration, Zunger wrote an article entitled “Tolerance is not a moral precept.” This was essentially a clumsy restatement of the arguments that Herbert Marcuse notoriously made in “Repressive Tolerance” (1965), i.e., that the Left should not extend “tolerance” to the Right. Keep in mind, of course, that scarcely 10 years earlier, the Left had demanded (and liberals had defended) “tolerance” for Communists who were, after all, pawns of Stalin’s brutal dictatorship. By the mid-1960s, however, especially after LBJ’s crushing landslide re-election, the Left decided that liberal “tolerance” was now a hindrance to its ambitions, as opponents of the Left might have equal right to assert that their opinions and beliefs also deserved a fair hearing and protection against reprisal.

The subtext of Zunger’s article was, of course, that the Left should not extend “tolerance” to supporters of President Trump, and he chose to illustrate his argument with a curious photo.


This photo of a radical transgender activist with a baseball bat, Zunger captioned “perhaps the perfect summary of the appropriate limits of tolerance,” and it must be noted that the person in the photo is a member of a San Francisco group called “The Degenderettes.”

The Degenderettes slogan “Die Cis Scum” was popularized in 2012 by transgender White Nationalist “Char The Butcher”.

So says the feminist blog Gender Trender in reporting on a recent controversy at the San Francisco Public Library, which hosted an “art exhibit” put together by this bizarre gang of demented freaks:

The San Francisco Public Library unveiled an exhibit [in April] featuring blood stained t-shirts encouraging patrons to “punch” feminists, along with several installations of deadly weapons painted pink: baseball bats covered in barbed wire, axes, among others, all designed by men to kill feminist women.
The male creators of the exhibit also included a helpful manifesto, blaming lesbians, feminists and other uppity women for causing more deaths (by “harassing” men with their dastardly opinions!) than all the actual real murders committed by violent men.
The display, launched mere days after the mass murder of women in Toronto by “incel” terrorist Alek Minassian and echoing his philosophy, was funded by the non-profit Friends of The San Francisco Public Library and created by The Degenderettes, led by Scout Tran Caffee, founder of Trans Dykes: the anti-lesbian Antifa.  The group specifically targets lesbians as “oppressors” of men — because they exclude males from their dating pools. The men in the group identify as transgender and consider themselves to be male lesbians. . . .

You can read the rest of that at Gender Trender. Because I have been writing about the conflict between transgender activists and their feminist critics (“TERFs,” trans-exclusive radical feminists) since January 2014, I am quite familiar with this ideological dispute and its participants. Although I am an outspoken opponent of feminism, this is a controversy in which any sane person must agree with radical feminists. There is no such thing as a “male lesbian” and, whatever else one might say about the phenomenon of transgenderism, it is wrong for men who enjoy pretending to be women to accuse people who actually are women of “hate” for not wanting to date so-called “transwomen.”


“Would you date a trans person? Honestly? . . . Well, if you said ‘no,’ I’m sorry, but that’s pretty discriminatory.”
Riley J. Dennis, November 2016

Accusing people of bigotry because they don’t want to date you? If that’s not a textbook definition of “entitlement,” I don’t know what is. If a Chinese man prefers to date only Chinese women, this doesn’t make him a racist, nor does it make him a homophobe but, according to Riley Dennis, heterosexuality per se is a form of unjust discrimination. More to the point, however, homosexuality — specifically, lesbianism — is condemned as “discriminatory” because, like nearly all autogynephiles, Dennis considers himself/“herself” a transgender “lesbian.”

This is absolute insanity, and the totalitarianism of the transgender cult consists of (a) their effort to compel others to participate in their delusions and (b) their attempts to silence anyone who criticizes this agenda. Meanwhile, back in San Francisco . . .

Evidently, the Degenderettes “art show” generated some bad publicity, because the library was forced to make changes:

SFPL exhibits are intended to address social issues of the time. We do not endorse nor advocate the viewpoints of the exhibits. Due to concerns raised by library patrons, we are altering the degenderettes antifa art exhibit at the Main Library to remove a shirt, a piece of artwork that could be interpreted as promoting violence, which is incompatible with our exhibitions policy.

And in announcing these changes on their Facebook page, the library attached a copy of a poster for the exhibit, which included a quote from Yonatan Zunger’s January 2017 article about “tolerance.”


Why does Yonatan Zunger hate lesbians? Why does he support these baseball-bat-carrying freaks who want to inflict violence on feminists? Because they align themselves with “Antifa”? Because they don’t like Republicans? By the obverse of that logic, I should be celebrating neo-Nazis. On the contrary, however, I find myself defending lesbian feminists who, whatever their other errors may be, at least understand that the categories of “male” and “female” are biological facts, and not political ideologies or fashion statements which can be claimed as “identities” by anyone on the basis of any whim that suits them.

We must think back to 1938, when Hitler demanded the Sudetenland. The question at issue was not whether one liked Germans, or whether one thought that the lines on the map of Central Europe as drawn in the aftermath of the First World War were ideal. No, what was at issue — Churchill saw this clearly, as Chamberlain did not — was Hitler’s implacable aggression. Hitler had not been subtle in Mein Kampf about the scope of his ambitions, and his totalitarian regime was devoted to military conquest. All radical movements are like this: One is never confronted by their final demand. Give them everything they demand today, and tomorrow they will return with a new list of demands.

Chamberlain and the appeasers never understood this about Hitler, but Churchill saw it quite clearly: To appease such an aggressor, he said, was to feed the crocodile, hoping to be eaten last.

We need not speculate why the bullies with baseball bats imagine they can impose their will on us, and silence all opposition by accusing their critics of “hate.” Anyone who has paid attention to the Culture War knows very well what inspired them to this aggression, and it is intensely ironic that lesbian feminists are the ones now manning the front-line trenches against the bizarre ideology of the transgender cult. Yet it will do little good to recount the history which has brought us to this desperate predicament, or to scorn alliance with those who, in some sense, were complicit in the decades-long descent into the ungodly madness of “gender theory.” No, let us make no recriminations nor indulge any I-told-so lectures now, when we are confronted by the implacable foe. All who fight on the side of truth are our allies, so long as the battle rages.


Nobody actually believes in “equality,” and the transgender cult’s rhetoric is an implausible farrago of nonsense. “Transwomen are women” is one of their oft-repeated slogans, which no honest and intelligent person could possibly believe. Hormone injections and surgery can turn a man into a simulacrum of a woman, but this artificial creation is not actually the same thing as a woman, and everybody knows this. In arguing for “equality” based on such fraud, what the transgender cult is actually doing is asserting their own superiority. These deranged fanatics claim the authority to decide who is or is not a woman and, if you deny that they have such authority, they will accuse you of “hate.”

This non-negotiable demand of transgender ideologues — that everyone else must defer to their authority — is totalitarian, an imposition of power, as dishonest as Hitler’s claim to the Sudetenland.

If we wish to be free — to defend our liberty, including our right to speak the truth — we must reject the transgender lie of “equality.”

Like I keep saying, people need to wake the hell up.





In The Mailbox: 05.04.18

Posted on | May 4, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.04.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: The Pooperintendent Of Schools
Twitchy: J.R. Salzman et al. Bust Vet, House Candidate For Lying About Guns
Louder With Crowder: Democrat Proposes Forcing Gun Owners To Give Up “Assault Weapons”
According To Hoyt: Heinlein Was An Optimist
Monster Hunter Nation: Further Examples Of Why, In My Opinion, Mike Glyer Is A Scumbag And File 770 Is Evil
Vox Popoli: A Bureaucratic Approach To Literature

Adam Piggott:
American Power: The Redistribution Of Sex
American Thinker: Terms of Entrapment
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five CDC Lies By Omission Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For May 4
BLACKFIVE: James Phelan, The Agency
Da Tech Guy: Last Man Standing and The Hill
Don Surber: Sermon From Our Lady Of Never Trump
Dustbury: AAA Is Very Narrow
The Geller Report: 200 German Migrants Attack Police, Force Retreat, also, Parents Accuse CAIR Of Lying In “Islamophobia” Lawsuit
Hogewash: Europa Rising, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: Cornell U Offering Course On “Overwhelming Evidence” That Global Warming Is Real
JustOneMinute: Yet More On Trump And Campaign Finance Violations
Legal Insurrection: Manafort Judge Says Mueller Only Cares About Impeachment Or Prosecution Of Trump, also, Wanna Join Us For Cultural Appreciation Day?
Power Line: Our Deranged White House Press Corps, also, “White Privilege” And “Toxic Masculinity”
Shark Tank: Gillum Voted For A Coal Plant
Shot In The Dark: Nick Coleman Is Still A Monkey
STUMP: Alternative Assets & Pension Performance
The Jawa Report: The Forth Will Be With You Always
The Political Hat: How To Solve Britain’s Bladed Weapon Epidemic
This Ain’t Hell: Friday Morning Feelgood Stories, also, Hayden Says Jade Helm Hysteria Generated By Russian Bots
Victory Girls: Redskins Cheerleaders Are Boarding The #MeToo Bus, And I Don’t Care
Weasel Zippers: Federal Judge Allows Two Illegals To Get Married So One Can Ride The Other’s Asylum Application, also, CNN Writer Says Kanye Should Be No-Platformed
Mark Steyn: The Process Is The Punishment (As Always)

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Some Advice for You ‘Incel’ Losers

Posted on | May 3, 2018 | Comments Off on Some Advice for You ‘Incel’ Losers


Never give your enemy a reason to celebrate. Nothing gives a feminist more sadistic pleasure than making fun of guys who can’t get laid. For a bunch of pathetic losers to organize a “movement” on the basis of their inability to get laid is, to put it as mildly as possible, not helpful.

When that autistic Canadian plowed down more than 20 people, killing 10 of them, on a Toronto sidewalk last month, it inspired dozens of columns by feminists who seized upon the loser’s pre-massacre Facebook post: “The Incel Rebellion has already begun! We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys! All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!”

How about not doing stuff like that? Because, as I say, it’s not helpful.

The autistic Canadian apparently didn’t expect to survive his rental-van rampage and, when a police officer confronted him, the loser was captured on video begging: “Shoot me in the head!”

Whenever we see a story about a mass-murder rampage that ends with suicide — the Columbine massacre, for example — the obvious question occurs: “Why mass murder? Why not just kill yourself first?”

It’s the go-out-in-a-blaze-of-glory revenge fantasy.

The loser considers himself a victim. He feels humiliated by his insignificance, and he wants to die in a way that will “make news.” So, rather than jumping off a bridge or swallowing a bottle of sleeping pills, the suicidal loser rents a van and runs over random people because, in his warped mind, this will avenge the wrongs he feels he has suffered.

Except, of course, these random people had nothing to do with why the autistic Canadian couldn’t get laid, and the same thing can be said for every other “involuntary celibate” loser on Reddit. The only person to blame for your problems is you. It’s not the fault of Sohe Chung, the 22-year-old student who was the youngest victim of last month’s Toronto rampage, nor was it the fault of Betty Forsyth, 94, the oldest victim. None of the people who got run over by that addled freak had anything to do with him or his problems. So how could this be counted as “revenge”?

This is sad testimony to how pathetic you “incel” losers really are. Your revenge fantasies are as ill-conceived as all your other fantasies.

‘Incels’ are almost always men, often young, who can’t find sexual relationships — but blame the behaviour of women for this. . . .
Incels blame feminists for having destroyed the chances of ‘ordinary’ men. The Reddit Incel group R/Incels was banned after becoming a haven for misogynist content. Articles posted to the subreddit included, ‘All women are sluts’, ‘reasons why women are the embodiment of evil’ and ‘proof that girls are nothing but trash that use men.’ . . .
‘Incels’ describe sexually active women as ‘Stacys’ who have sex with brainless ‘Chads’ — many blame feminism for their predicament. . . .
A ‘Chad’ is a sexually active ‘alpha male’ type who has sex with women — and is thus hated by ‘incels’.

Speaking as a “Chad” named Stacy, I would advise losers who actually want to solve their problem to begin by rejecting the “Alpha/Beta” categorization as useless for this project. Your problem is not Chad or Stacy, your problem is you. Unless and until you can accept the reality of your own incompetence as the cause of your failure, there is no point even giving you any further advice. You are the problem, not them.

And you know something? Confessing your own inept helplessness might be your best line. Think of yourself as a Harmless Lost Puppy, and try to convey that impression in your approach to women. Develop a way of talking that conveys a cheerful but clueless demeanor. Because every woman wants to help a Harmless Lost Puppy, right?

See, the thing is, there is no One Right Way to get laid. You can read a million blog posts at pickup artist (PUA) sites, but think about this: If those guys are really getting so much action, how come they’ve got so much time to write long lectures about how to get laid? Like, if you’re hooking up with bikini models on a regular basis, why even bother logging onto the Internet? And if your tactics are so perfect, do you really want to share your pickup secrets with the whole world? Heck, no.

My own success baffled everyone, myself included. Was I an “Alpha male”? Was I tall and muscular with a dominant personality? No, I was a akinny clown, as homely as the north end of southbound mule. But I have a few redeeming traits, and was keenly observant. The problem with losers, generally, is that they tend to get obsessively fixated on one girl (the “rifle” approach) rather than talking to every girl they meet (the “shotgun” approach), which is how you get the Law of Large Numbers working to your advantage. Also, stop being distracted by beauty. If you are a total loser, you can’t afford to be picky. Operate on the assumption that any obviously attractive girl is out of your range, and instead concentrate on finding an ugly girl who might actually like you.

Griselda Hoggface may be your only hope to avoid Darwinian extinction, and you should be nice to her. A complete loser like you should be grateful that any woman can even stand to be in the same room with you. You’re a disgusting excuse for a human being, and everybody hates you.

The basic problem with guys like “the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger” is that their self-esteem is too high. They are arrogant fools who don’t hate themselves as much as they should, and therefore fail to understand why they deserve to be rejected. Unable to accept the reality of their own pathetic condition — vile scum, deserving nothing but contempt — they engage in the exact same reversal rationalization that is the basis of feminist ideology: “I’m unhappy and nobody likes me and, because this cannot be my own fault, therefore I am a victim of oppression!”


Feminism is an anti-male hate movement, based on the belief that there are two things wrong with men:

  1. Everything men say;
  2. Everything men do.

So-called “men’s rights activists” (MRAs) make the mistake of believing feminists are actually sincere in their rhetoric about “equality.” This is rather like Chamberlain believing Hitler would be content with acquiring the Sudetenland. Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It, and if there were only one male left alive on this planet, feminists would accuse him of “oppressing” them.

The good news is that most women aren’t feminists, otherwise Hillary Clinton would be president, right? Certainly the Chads of the world don’t bother kowtowing to feminist demands, and no “incel” loser should imagine he could benefit from a feminist regime of “equality.”

Feminists hate you and they want you dead. Or locked away in prison, which is where Alek Minassian will spend the rest of his miserable life.

Running over random people in downtown Toronto isn’t going to solve any problems and, as I said, never give your enemy a reason to celebrate, which is what feminists are doing in the wake of the autistic Canadian’s rampage: “See? We were right! Male violence! Misogyny!”

You idiot “incel” losers are your own worst enemies. It would be wrong for me to give you any useful advice, because if you ever got a clue, you might reproduce, and your DNA would continue polluting the gene pool. You’re a failed specimen, an error of evolution, a Darwinian mistake, and it’s probably best for you to delete your account and kill yourself.

“The Incel Rebellion has already begun!”

What a sick joke. You’re a disgrace, even by Canadian standards.


In The Mailbox: 05.03.18

Posted on | May 3, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.03.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Wobblies Take Over Oregon Burgerville
Twitchy: Ellen Pao Tweets Tech CEOs About Employing Incels And WHOA NELLY
Louder With Crowder: Rapper T.I. Comes To Kanye’s Defense

Adam Piggott: Throwing Away A Perfectly Good Black Boy
American Power: When Old Left And Far Right Share A Bedroom
American Thinker: A Leftist Core Belief – Denying Evil
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Fusion News
BattleSwarm: Islamic State-Inspired Mall Attack Thwarted
Bring The HEAT: Here, Have Some Warthog
CDR Salamander: Aucoin Rediscovers His RIO Instincts, also, Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: Saturday At The Defund PP Protest, also, Cecile’s Legacy
Don Surber: Kanye Just Doubled Trump’s Support Among Black Men
Dustbury: Help Like This I Don’t Need
The Geller Report: Swedish Toddler’s Mom Gang-Raped & Filmed By “Child” Refugees, also, Facebook Enlists Eric Holder’s Law Firm To “Advise” On Anti-Conservative Bias
Hogewash: Another Excuse, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Joe For America: Trump To Cut “Family Planning” Money From Family-Killing Abortionists
JustOneMinute: Giuliani Indulging In Ex Post Rationalization
Legal Insurrection: Norks Reportedly Free Three American Detainees, also, We Can Now Conclusively Say The Iran Nuke Deal Was Induced by Fraud
Power Line: Caputo’s Complaint, also, A BRIDGES Too Far
Shark Tank: Police Union Endorses Putnam & Graham In Governor’s Race
Shot In The Dark: An Idea Whose Time Must End
STUMP: Happy Public Finance Story – The Detroit Bankruptcy
This Ain’t Hell: PR ANG C-130 Crashes In South Carolina, also, Navy’s Newest LPD To Be Named For WW2 Medal Of Honor Recipient
Victory Girls: CIA Wrong On Russian Pro-Trump Interference
Weasel Zippers: Students Across America Walk Out In Support Of 2A, also, Barron Trump Reportedly Bullied At School
Mark Steyn: Post-Boy Scouts And Forever First Ladies

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‘Big Brother’ Gets a Sex-Change

Posted on | May 3, 2018 | 3 Comments


The pervasive surveillance of the totalitarian police state — “Big Brother” as George Orwell described it in Nineteen Eighty-Four — has developed in ways Orwell almost certainly never imagined. Who could have predicted, after all, that the powers of the state would be mobilized to suppress opposition to transgender ideology by intimidating critics? British feminist Linda Bellos describes the tactics used against her:

On Saturday the 21st of April 2018 I drove to King’s Lynn to meet, voluntarily 2 Police Officers who wished to interview me under caution regarding words I spoke at a meeting on the issue of Trans Women in York on the 8th November 2017. What I found out during the course of the interview was that my brief contribution to the discussion was being broadcast on the Internet when I thought that my words were simply being recorded. The police implied that my statement implied or stated I would strike back if attacked are being interpreted as capable of being for a threat to Trans women, that is people who hitherto had been defined as men.
I did say that I would fight back, as I had had to do when I was a small child in London in the 1950’s and 60’s when racists attacked my brother and me. The fight back I was referring to was against those people who attacked Maria McLachlan, though I did not know her full name at the time but I had seen the recording of that attack in October at Speakers Corner and it had made we very angry and distressed, especially when I read the increasing demands that some trans young ‘women’ were making within the Labour Party and elsewhere to be considered women and to silence any biological women who are critical of the growing politics of ‘gender’.
On the 8th of November I had driven from my home just outside Norwich and had gone to what I believed was the venue of the Meeting I was to speak at, I found the venue at about 4pm and had given myself enough time to find a place to buy food and relax before the meeting was to start. What I found instead was that the venue had been threatened and that the organisers were about to travel around York to find an alternative venue. I parked my car and joined them in the trip this was necessary because I did not know York and would have found it almost impossible to know where to go.
We did find a Hotel Meeting room available for hire and we went back to the rendezvous point where attendees had been asked to gather before they were told of the new venue. If I was briefed about who else was speaking or that the meeting was being live streamed I did not register these facts. The only relevance was that I would not have spoken about Maria McLachlan had I known she was speaking at the event. As for the live streaming, I had no idea that this could be done. I say this because I thought that I was speaking only to those present in the room.
I make this latter point because the Police in interviewing me advised that I may have caused alarm to those not in the room who might have interpreted my words as a threat to them, or perhaps as an incitement to harm Trans women. What seems to be forgotten is that physiologically trans women have grown up as to be boys and men, with both male strength and sense of entitlement. I can defend myself if attacked and thankfully have not needed to do so for many decades, but it is important to my independence and autonomy that I feel free to be in any space and situation to express my views. That is what I believed our ‘freedom of expression‘ refers to. So my time and money are being spent on defending false claims against me and to taking not only my time but that of the police.

(Hat-tip: 4th Wave Now.)

Linda Bellos is a black lesbian radical feminist “who has committed her adult life to liberation politics,” but has been forbidden to speak at British universities — a policy called “no-platforming” — because of her criticism of transgender ideology. Note well that it is not right-wingers or fundamentalist Christians who are seeking to silence and intimidate Ms. Bellos, although she has advocated many things that conservatives adamantly oppose. Rather, she and other feminists find themselves threatened by their alleged “allies” on the Left who, having sold their souls to the cause of transgender “inclusion,” are thereby obligated to suppress all dissent. How bad has it gotten in England?

As radical as the transgender agenda has become in the United States, it’s gone even further in Great Britain, where the taxpayer-funded healthcare system now encourages “transition” for children as young as 12. The number of minors being referred to NHS gender clinics has quadrupled since 2012, raising widespread concern about “social contagion” as a factor in so-called “rapid onset gender dysphoria” among British youth.

This agenda includes vehement denunciation of feminist critics, as in the example of a 44-year-old Indiana man named Steven who calls himself “Sammy,” and was caught earlier this year posting transvestite selfies taken in his teenage step-daughter’s bedroom:

When confronted on Tumblr, “Sammy”/Steven responded: “F– your dead grandma,” and declared: “I owe little anti trans bitches no explanation or apologies. F–k off and die.” He/“she” then changed his/“her” profile to a slogan against “TERFs” (trans exclusive radical feminists).


The activists promoting transgenderism are dangerous perverts. Cynthia Yockey has explained the phenomenon of autogynephilia:

Autogynephilia is a self-induced, chronic, progressive disorder that is almost exclusively a male condition. . . .
Sexual fetishes occur almost exclusively in men, and men who have one sexual fetish usually have several . . .
The seeds of autogynephilia are sown shortly after puberty when a teenage boy realizes he is aroused by female undergarments, usually belonging to his mother or sister. When he has the privacy to do so, he steals the undergarments, strips naked, and masturbates while looking at himself in the mirror. This becomes a ritual and by his mid-twenties the effect is that his primary sexual and romantic feelings are directed at the thought or image of himself as a woman.
As the autogynephile continues his masturbation ritual and elaborates on it in his thirties and forties, he begins to think he IS a woman. Anne Lawrence, an autogynephile, psychologist, sexologist, and anesthesiologist, who writes about autogynephilia, calls this process, “becoming what we love,” since the autogynephile has both sexual and romantic feelings toward the image or thought of himself as a woman.

It should be obvious why the transgender movement is so intolerant of criticism. If their opponents have the freedom to speak the truth about who transgender activist are, what they do and what they believe, this will inspire public opposition to their agenda — particularly their efforts to promote transgenderism in elementary-school curricula. The truth is not on their side, and so transgender activists are anti-truth.

We return, then, to the situation of Linda Bellos. In September 2017, transgender activists made worldwide headlines when they attacked 60-year-old feminist Maria MacLachlan at a Hyde Park speak-out.


It was this attack which prompted the November meeting in York, with Linda Bellos and radical feminist Sheila Jeffreys leading a discussion entitled “We Need to Talk About the GRA,” i.e., 2004 Gender Recognition Act, a British law dealing with transgenderism. Proposals to update this law have included the suggestion that individuals be able to change their legal status from male to female (or vice-versa) simply by claiming they “identify” as the opposite sex. In other words, not only should transgender delusions be the basis of legal identity, but all it would take to change your legal status is the mere assertion of identity.

As I have said, this agenda is about “equality” for the insane. Feminists are understandably concerned about what this means for the safety of women and girls. Speaking at the York event in reference to the attack on Maria MacLachlan, Linda Bellos said she is willing and able to defend herself: “I play football and I box, and if any one of those bastards comes near me I will take off my glasses and thump them.”

The event was being livestreamed on video, and transgender activists quickly posted clips of this remark with titles like “Linda Bellos threatens violence against trans women.” These video clips, of course, did not explain that Ms. Bellos was speaking about self-defense in response to transgender activists engaging in violence against women.

Having seen radical insanity at close-range, when an enraged “Occupy” mob tried to storm a Tea Party summit in 2011, I understand exactly what Linda Bellos intended by her York remarks. If the police fail to protect the right of law-abiding citizens to engage in free speech, citizen have the absolute right to defend themselves against the violent mob. Anyone who says otherwise is not a friend of liberty, and is an enemy of truth.

Yet what do we see now in England? The police have taken sides, acting as ideological enforcers to intimidate critics of transgender bullies.

Like I keep saying, people need to wake the hell up.


What the Democrat Party Wants to Teach America’s Children About ‘Gender’

Posted on | May 2, 2018 | 1 Comment


Say hello to “Ezra” Morales:

Towards the end of my sophomore year, when I first came out as transgender, I identified as gender-neutral or androgynous. Basically, I wasn’t a boy or a girl; I was simply genderless. Coming out felt as if the weight of the world had been lifted off my shoulders. At first, everything was fine: My friends accepted me with open arms, and I began to socially transition.
My understanding of my identity continued to evolve after I first came out. Later, I thought, “I know for sure I’m a boy.” And then even later, “Maybe I don’t identify with any gender.” Finally, after months of wrestling with how to articulate who I truly was, I discovered that I identify as a trans, gender non-conforming boy. To me, this means that I am a boy, but my gender expression doesn’t align to traditional gender norms for boys.
But it is important for me to recognize how my gender identity is intertwined with other identities that are important to me, like my racial identity. I identify as Latinx and Black. . . .
Since European colonization, white people have actively erased examples of Indigenous and other non-white cultures having various sexual orientations and non-binary gender identities and expressions. . . .
White people have used the gender binary to force white-focused gender norms on people of color — one of the many ways that white people have controlled people of color. This means that no matter how hard I try to fit into the label of “boy” or “girl,” I will never be afforded the same status as a white person of that gender.
Although I identify as a trans, gender non-conforming boy, my identity is rooted in a racist and binary system that is not made for me. To truly feel liberated, I cannot be confined by the gender binary, which means I’m constantly pushing back against white gender norms. To support me in school, educators and my fellow students must fight all ways white supremacy shows up in our lives. Because only through dismantling white supremacy can we destroy systems like the gender binary.

“Ezra” Morales is a teenager in Austin, Texas, who is a member of the National Student Council of GLSEN, an extremist group that seeks to gain control of the public school system to indoctrinate children with LGBTQ propaganda. How influential is this radical organization within the Democrat Party? In 2009, President Obama appointed GLSEN’s founder Kevin Jennings as Assistant Deputy Secretary of Education.

If you want taxpayer money spent to teach your children how to become blue-haired “gender-nonconforming” weirdos who don’t know if they’re boys or girls — and who think the solution to their confusion is “dismantling white supremacy — you should vote for Democrats.



‘Preying on Vulnerable Teenagers’?

Posted on | May 2, 2018 | Comments Off on ‘Preying on Vulnerable Teenagers’?

“Remarkable” is the word Professor David Bernstein charitably uses to describe a blog post by a University of Southern California Law School professor who argues that left-wing student protesters are being victimized by advocates of free speech:

“When students are goaded into tactical mistakes, journalists should ask themselves whether mean-spirited provocations by seasoned political operatives preying on vulnerable teenagers and inexperienced young adults genuinely deserve news coverage. The United States faces serious economic challenges which get far less attention than this stage-managed political theater.”

This is not merely remarkable, it’s astonishing, and not in a good way. These “vulnerable teenagers” are engaged in political activity of a very public and controversial sort, i.e., attempting to suppress dissent against their own radical ideology. For this professor to argue that journalists should ignore the riotous behavior of far-left campus mobs — as if intolerant extremists taking over our universities are not inherently newsworthy — is a dangerous attempt to deprive the public of valuable knowledge.  These universities are supported by taxpayer subsidies, and parents are expected to fork over tuition money to send their “vulnerable teenagers” to these schools. As such, what happens on campus deserves news coverage so that the public at large can make informed decisions in terms of how our children are educated.

By the way, who is the USC professor making this argument? Professor Michael Simkovic has been called the “‘Everyone Should Go To Law School’ Poster Child” for attacking anyone who dares suggest that a law degree might not be worth the staggering student-loan debt that many acquire in pursuing such degrees. The simple fact, which Professor Simkovic stubbornly refuses to face, is that the Internet (particularly LegalZoom) has significantly lessened the demand for lawyers. Simple contracts, wills, incorporating an LLC, etc. — a lot of stuff that used to generate billable hours for attorneys can be done competently by anyone smart enough to log onto LegalZoom. A smart, aggressive, hard-working lawyer can still land a job and make a career for himself, but the prospects for a mediocre law-school graduate are not so promising that going heavily in debt to get that degree is a smart move.

Profesor Simkovic doesn’t want journalists to tell the truth about student riots — enraged mobs of “vulnerable teenagers” — for the same reason he doesn’t want journalist to tell the truth about what a law degree is worth. He doesn’t want parents to get a whiff of the rotten stench of decadence emerging from American higher education. As Scott Greenfield says, Professor Simkovic’s “crazy polemic is complete bullshit.”

And also, remarkable.


In The Mailbox: 05.02.18

Posted on | May 2, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.02.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #243
EBL: Another Woman Accuses Tom Brokaw Of Sexual Harassment
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Adam Piggott: Podcast #82 – The Whole Lotta Heart Episode
American Power: Fear Of The Left Is The Most Powerful Force In America
American Thinker: The Sanders Plan To Impoverish America
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Da Tech Guy: Did Michelle Wolf Sign The Brokaw Letter?
Don Surber: Experts Gave Us The Korean War
Dustbury: Actual Qualifications
The Geller Report: Iran Ordered To Pay $6 Million To 9/11 Victims, also, Obama Administration Misled U.S., Promoted Iranian Lies
Hogewash: What’s Up For May 2018, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Joe For America: States Say Enough Is Enough, Sue To End DACA
JustOneMinute: Take The Fifth (And Pass Another Over Here)
Legal Insurrection: Illegal Immigrants Block Traffic In Grand Rapids, also, “We Are Entering Revolutionary Times”
Michelle Malkin: The “Uncle Tom” Card Is Dead
Power Line: Is Facebook Institutionalizing Leftism? also, Four More Years!
Shark Tank: Grayson Makes His Comeback
Shot In The Dark: Benderisma
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – Stupid Still Most Plentiful Thing In Universe
The Political Hat: The Presumptions Of The Left
This Ain’t Hell: Salt Lake City VA Apologizes, also, PX Ends Sales Of Chicom Cell Phones
Victory Girls: I’m A Bad Mom Because I Let My Daughter Appropriate Another Culture
Weasel Zippers: Muslim Group Calls Trump “Uncivilized” After Call To End Christian Killing In Nigeria, also, The End of The “Boy Scouts”
Mark Steyn: Last Laughs, also, Live Around The Planet

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