The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Poor Wee Paul Ryan

Posted on | April 11, 2018 | Comments Off on Poor Wee Paul Ryan

by Smitty

So the Speaker is ejecting. Along with guys like Trey Gowdy. Podhoretz is a doom-peddler, all emphasis mine:

John Boehner, his predecessor, quit rather than suffer through a challenge from the bomb throwers in the Republican House conference. There’s no precedent for this in American history. The Speakership has been one of the most powerful offices in the world. Now it’s apparently more agony than ecstasy for a Republican. It’s true Ryan never wanted the job, but power is usually its own reward. The problem is that the job is far less powerful than it ever was before. The nature of the Tea Party and post-Tea Party GOP caucus is so fundamentally anti-institutional that the prerogatives of leadership are nothing now in the GOP.

So. Jolly. What? There is nothing in the Constitution about these political parties that have put this country in debt well past the power of humans to imagine it. The US debt clock rolls on. The purported tax cut probably helped someone somewhere, I suppose. I broke even.

Ryan’s decision suggests he and others have seen enough internal data to know their capacity to hold their 23-seat majority is slipping away.

Really. The economy up; unemployment down; the U.S. making headway on foreign policy; I guess ejecting at the top of the game makes some twisted sense. It’s certainly easier than heeding the Tea Parties and doing any hard work to, you know, reform anything!

The bitter irony here is that the Tea Party–whose ab nihilo existence began the Republican resurgence in the House and Senate, and whose anti-Establishment ethos was the precursor to Trump–was obsessed with the idea that Barack Obama was breaking the bank, and rightly so. Now, the Tea Party forms the hard schist of the Republican base, and it’s clearly decided not to hold Trump accountable for his stewardship of budgetary matters. That means their concern for the issue is now just a vague talking point every once in a while.

It remains to be seen if the Tea Parties don’t conclude that the New York billionaire elected on the Republican ticket, alongside Ryan’s RINO Rangers that served the recent budget steamer aren’t, essentially, a copy of the Carter-era Democrat party. Especially in light of Ryan’s non-commitment to winning in November.

If the House has become an inhospitable place for a Paul Ryan, who actually cared about national matters more pressing than his next Fox appearance, then woe betide us all.

The sun has set on the Progressive Era. Social Media killed it. The time has come for our national come-to-Beevis moment, when we ask ourselves if the Progressive nannyism of the last century is still required.
All of the worshippers of Baal-Progress, turning the future into power for themselves and debt for their grandchildren, are cordially invited to join Ryan in heading for the exit.

Weird Beyond Words: An Online Transgender Blackmail Conspiracy?

Posted on | April 11, 2018 | Comments Off on Weird Beyond Words: An Online Transgender Blackmail Conspiracy?

The 4chan community has been buzzing for the past two days over an intensely weird story: A person using the handle “Reiko” was allegedly the ringleader of a group on a board called “r9k” that convinced vulnerable young men to engage in online transvestite roleplaying.

It is alleged that “Reiko” and his crew would seek to get the targets to send photos of themselves dressed in female clothing, and then use those photos for blackmail, threatening to “dox” and expose the targets unless they cooperated with a sick agenda. Earlier this year, one of the alleged victims of this ring committed suicide, shooting himself in the head with a shotgun in a livestream video.

Trying to get solid facts on this story is difficult. This post seems to have the best aggregation of the relevant evidence. Nowhere in the several posts I read did anyone name the victim who committed suicide, and until we can identify the victim, it is impossible to investigate whether these bizarre allegations of transgender blackmail are actually true.

So, in an effort to kick something loose, I’ll just crowdsource it, and see if any of the commenters can dig up some facts.

UPDATE: Thanks to the commenter who linked to this discussion on Kiwi Farms which includes comments about “an organized conspiracy to convert bitter autistic outcasts into feminized trap [i.e., transvestite] sex slaves; and, at the center of this plan, is Reiko.” Also, this video:


So we seem to be developing further confirmation that this scenario was actually happening. It involved outcasts known by the sociological acronym NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training”).

UPDATE II: Here is a discussion of “r9k” whose participants refer to themselves as “Robots” and who despise “Normies” or “Normalfags,” i.e., “individuals who in their eyes are deemed as traditionalist or boring, normally the stereotype of a socially active and fitting person that easily blend with society.” And there’s this:

On March 14, 2018, an /r9k/ user known by his online handle Shuaiby live streamed his suicide on YouTube, holding up a note written “Bye R9K 3/14/18”, and then shot himself in the head with a shotgun. A woman then enters the rooms and calls the authorities. The video was later taken down from YouTube, although several mirrors still exist online.
The earliest 4chan thread discussing this video was shortly after the stream, on the same day around 10:24 PM in the /pol/ board, along with a LiveLeak reupload which was also taken down. At 11:50 PM, a friend of Shuaiby posted on /r9k/, stating that his suicide was caused by issues with his mother. He also confirmed that the stream was real, the girl was neither his ex nor his mother, and that the board itself did not lead to his suicide.

So while it was claimed this suicide was not caused by online activity, now a conspiracy theory has developed, linking it to “Reiko.”


In The Mailbox: 04.11.18

Posted on | April 11, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.11.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

First Street Journal: Hold Them Accountable!
Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #222
EBL: CBS Freaking Out About Charlie Rose (Again)
Twitchy: Women Pose For Open Carry Pics In Solidarity With Brenna Spencer
Louder With Crowder: President Trump Signs Executive Order Requiring Work For Welfare

Adam Piggott: Podcast #80 – The Survivor Episode
American Power: Laura Ingraham Blasts “Stalinist” Left In Return To Fox News, also, Glenn Reynolds, The K-12 Implosion
American Thinker: Guess Whose House Wasn’t Raided By The FBI
Animal Magnetism: Rule, Britannia No Longer, also, Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Instead Of Actual Content, Enjoy Some Facebook/Mark Zuckerberg Hearing Memes & Links
CDR Salamander: Turkey Moves In The Syrian Civil War
Da Tech Guy: CPAC 2018 – The Data Points & My Conclusions
Don Surber: My White House Correspondents Dinner Routine
Dustbury: The First Merch Of Equestria
The Geller Report: Facebook Has Dozens Of Former Obama & Hillary Staffers In Senior Positions, also, In Australia, Murder Charges Dropped Against Muslim Who Stabbed Two While Yelling “Allahu Akbar”
Hogewash: NGC 3185, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Joe For America: Boehner Backs Righteous Buds – Marijuana Buds
Legal Insurrection: FBI Reportedly Looking For Info On “Access Hollywood” Tape In Cohen’s Office, also, Speaker Ryan Not Running For Re-Election
Michelle Malkin: The Student Data-Mining Scandal Under Our Noses
Power Line: What is The FBI Hiding? (4), also, In Twitter Diplomacy, China Is Up, Russia Down
Shark Tank: “Fake News Nelson” Twitter Targets Bill Nelson
Shot In The Dark: The Ultimate Urban Progressive Privilege
Sister Toldjah: The MSM Owes Apologies In The Wake of Noor Salman’s Trial
STUMP:  Around The Pension-O-Sphere, also, Mornings With Meep
The Jawa Report: Israel Bombs Iranians In Syria, also, Coming Soon! Scruffy Looking Nerf-Herder
The Political Hat: Republicans Should Be Hitting The Panic Button
This Ain’t Hell: This Man Is Not A Vietnam Vet, also, Phony SEAL
Victory Girls: Rapper Cardi B Refuses An Abortion, Says Pregnancy Won’t Hurt Her Career
Weasel Zippers: Bank Of America Won’t Lend To Some Gun Makers, also, Satellite Photos Show Russian Ships Leaving Syrian Ports
Megan McArdle: Bias Against Conservatives Works Like Any Other Prejudice
Mark Steyn: Holden On, also, Flacks & Flicks

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Get Woke, Go Broke: #MeToo Movement Seeks to Destroy Black Texas Professor

Posted on | April 11, 2018 | Comments Off on Get Woke, Go Broke: #MeToo Movement Seeks to Destroy Black Texas Professor


To be “woke,” in the lingo of social-justice warriors (SJWs), is to be conscious of the various oppressions and privileges of “intersectionality.” When corporations embrace the SJW worldview, they lose money, thus inspiring the classic Instapundit headline “Get Woke, Go Broke” (referencing the NFL’s decline in the Colin Kaepernick era).

Academia is usually immune to the consumer market influences that make “Get Woke, Go Broke” happen, but the dangers of embracing SJW values are not negligible, even on university campuses. Case in point, University of Texas assistant professor Robert Reece.

It would be difficult to imagine a more “woke” faculty member than a black sociology professor who writes for the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), who got his Ph.D. at Duke for a dissertation entitled “Legacies of Slavery: An Analysis of the Dimensions of Slavery’s Post-Emancipation Effects,” who has published such research as “Sex as Subversion: The Ethnosexual Protestor and the Ethnosexual Defender,” and who taught a course called “Masculinities in America” devoted to “topics like trans men, female masculinity, men’s place in feminist discourse, and, finally, sexual violence, assault, and consent.” As my friend Matthew Vadum observes, “Reece checks so many politically correct boxes that he’d normally be immune from criticism.”

Ah, but it’s 2018, and nobody is immune to criticism. Lie down with SJWs, wake up with Antifa demanding your resignation:

Late last month, a group of students at the University of Texas (UT) called for “revolutionary violence” against a black feminist professor who has been accused of rape. While he admitted to being “coercive” in sexual situations in the past, he also said he had gone to counseling and apologized to the woman many times. . . .
The Revolutionary Student Front (RSF) quoted professor Robert L. Reece, who wrote in a story for Vox that “the search for the type of sustainable solutions and cultural changes necessary to ensure the safety and pleasure of intimate encounters remains elusive.” The RSF, which proudly displays the Communist hammer and sickle in its logo, took matters into its own hands.
“Change is not elusive to us. Reactionary violence, like rape and domestic abuse and torture, can only be responded to with revolutionary violence,” the RSF declared. “We are inspired by women across the world from revolutionary moments who have turned on abusive husbands and serial rapists, reclaiming violence and wielding it against their oppressors.” . . .
“In a capitalistic system, men will always be granted some ownership over women and will feel entitled to much more,” the RSF added. “A feminist movement for working women must be created, one that intends to topple not only patriarchy, but capitalism imperialism as well.”
The RSF insisted on “revolutionary violence” against Reece because he has been accused of sexual “coercion” against a few women. When Reece’s Vox story went live, one of his former girlfriends, Jazmine M. Walker, a Washington, D.C. abortion activist . . . came out with allegations against him.
Walker posted allegations on Twitter, saying she and Reece were in an emotionally unhealthy relationship as graduate students in sociology at the University of Mississippi six years ago. According to Walker, Reece was chronically unfaithful and lied about it, but when she slept with someone else, he responded with aggressive sex. . . .
Since Walker made her allegations, she said “multiple” other women have reached out to her to say that Reece mistreated them as well. She posted screenshots of allegations from an anonymous accuser who claimed Reece pressured her into having sex, filming it, and agreeing to allow other “womxn” to take part.


Reece’s career is clearly in jeopardy:

Walker has tweeted, tagging the university’s official Twitter account, to say that Reece is a potential safety risk to the Texas community. She said she’s received no response thus far. J. B. Bird, university spokesperson, said via email that Texas “takes all accusations of sexual misconduct seriously and follows up on accusations through its Title IX office and the Office of Inclusion and Equity, following established procedures, as it will do in this case. Sexual harassment or violence in any form is unacceptable and in contradiction of our core values.”
Walker said some of what she’s heard about Reece from other women since tweeting about week allegedly involves his time at Texas.

Reece only joined the UT faculty last August, so he doesn’t have tenure protection and, in the current #MeTo climate, he’s likely to be unemployed very soon. “Get Woke, Go Broke,” indeed!


K-12 Implosion Update

Posted on | April 11, 2018 | 1 Comment

Good teachers are leaving the public education system:

A teacher has slammed her ‘disruptive’ students and their ‘rude’ parents over their lack of respect for her ‘poorly paid’ profession in a Facebook rant that’s gone viral.
Julie Marburger, 45, a mother-of-eight who works at Cedar Creek Intermediate School in Texas, said she had been pushed to quit her role as she feels as though she has ‘no way to do the job I was hired to do… teach kids.’
Along with her status, which has had 322,000 likes and more than 400,000 shares, she posted images of her messy classroom, showing broken shelves, books and even an iPad, explaining that many of the items destroyed by the children were paid for out of her own pocket as she has no budget.
Julie, who is originally from Utah and teaches students aged between 11 and 12, revealed she had been pushed to the brink of quitting that day by a ‘disrespectful’ parent who shouted at her in her classroom for holding her son to account.
In the post, she wrote: ‘I left work early today after an incident with a parent left me unable emotionally to continue for the day.
‘I have already made the decision to leave teaching at the end of this year, and today, I don’t know if I will make it even that long.
‘Parents have become far too disrespectful, and their children are even worse.
‘Administration always seems to err on the side of keeping the parent happy, which leaves me with no way to do the job I was hired to do… teach kids.’
Julie, who has four daughters, and four stepchildren, then shared a stream of classroom pictures taken over the past few days of her messy classroom, including broken shelves, broken books and even an iPad discarded on the floor.
‘I have finally had enough of the disregard for personal and school property and am drawing a line in the sand on a myriad of behaviors that I am through tolerating,’ she added.

To borrow a feminist slogan: “Blame the system, not the victims.” My aunt Barbara Ellis was a science teacher at LaGrange (Ga.) High School, recognized and awarded for her excellence, but toward the end of her career, she became profoundly disillusioned with the system. There were pressures to “dumb down” the curriculum and lower standards. This was even before the nightmare of the Bush administration’s misguided “No Child Left Behind” policies, but it was already apparent during the 1990s that discipline was becoming impossible because the system undermined teachers’ classroom authority. When we see how “red flags” were ignored in the case of Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz because of Obama-era policies and Broward County’s PROMISE (Preventing Recidivism through Opportunities, Mentoring, Interventions, Support & Education) program, we recognize that the decline of discipline has become a crisis.

Somebody ought to write a book. Oh, wait . . .



Zuckerberg and the Trump Exception

Posted on | April 11, 2018 | Comments Off on Zuckerberg and the Trump Exception


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was “grilled” in front of a Senate committee Tuesday about his company’s violations of privacy, and Toni Williams at the Victory Girls blog reminds us that Facebook’s role in electing Barack Obama president was not controversial. In fact, Obama’s use of Facebook was celebrated by the media:

U.S. News & World Report, Nov. 19, 2008
Barack Obama and the Facebook Election
We know that Obama’s landmark victory was due, in part, to a groundswell of support among young Americans. Early in his campaign, political pollsters were observing that Obama was “rocking the youth vote.” This proved true: Exit polls revealed that Obama had won nearly 70 percent of the vote among Americans under age 25 — the highest percentage since U.S. exit polling began in 1976.
Obama enjoyed a groundswell of support among, for lack of a better term, the Facebook generation. He will be the first occupant of the White House to have won a presidential election on the Web. . . .
It has even been called the “Facebook election.” It is no coincidence that one of Obama’s key strategists was 24-year-old Chris Hughes, a Facebook cofounder. It was Hughes who masterminded the Obama campaign’s highly effective Web blitzkrieg — everything from social networking sites to podcasting and mobile messaging. . . .
Obama was by a long stretch the most effective online politician during the presidential campaign—not only against John McCain but also against his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. For the past two years, Facebook has overwhelmingly been pro-Obama virtual territory. Some have attributed Obama’s victory to a “Facebook effect.”

Ten years later, of course, your Grandma is on Facebook, but in 2008, online social media was a new phenomenon, and Team Obama exploited it to maximum effect. Nobody in the media questioned this at the time, and it wasn’t until Donald Trump was elected that we heard complaints against Facebook because of “Russian bots” and “fake news.”

It was the need to make excuses for Hillary Clinton’s defeat that inspired this conspiracy theory. Somehow, the pro-Clinton media suggested, the Trump campaign had done something illegal to win the election, and it was this claim which inspired both the Mueller special-counsel investigation and the outrage over the revelation that Cambridge Analytica leveraged Facebook data on behalf of the Trump campaign.

Was the data-mining done by Cambridge Analytica illegal? Was it unethical, was it immoral, was it wrong? From the perspective of the liberal media, anything is wrong if it helps Trump, but it is far from clear that Cambridge Analytica did anything with Facebook data that the Obama campaign had not previously done with Facebook data.

Meanwhile, of course, conservatives have complained that Facebook has penalized right-leaning sources on its pages — Diamond and Silk being one obvious case — and so Zuckerberg not only had to face Democrats angry about the Trump campaign’s use of Facebook, but also from Republicans demanding that Facebook treat conservatives fairly:

Cruz raised a number of issues during his questioning, including the recent censorship of Diamond & Silk on Facebook, the controversial firing of Oculus VR founder Palmer Lucky, and the question of Facebook’s legal status as a neutral public forum.
Sen. Cruz started by asking if Facebook considers itself to be a “neutral public forum.” . . .
Zuckerberg avoided giving Cruz a direct yes-or-no answer, despite the Senator asking numerous times.
“We consider ourselves to be a platform for all ideas” said Zuckerberg.
“Are you a First Amendment speaker expressing your views, or are you a neutral public forum allowing everyone to speak?” pressed Cruz.
Zuckerberg went on to list some of the things that are banned from the platform, including “hate speech, terrorist content, nudity” and “anything that makes people feel unsafe in the community.”
Accusing Facebook of giving “conflicting answers” on whether they are a neutral public forum, Cruz went on to outline voters’ concerns about political censorship.
“There are a great many Americans who I think are deeply concerned that Facebook and other tech companies are engaged in a pervasive pattern of bias and political censorship.”
Cruz went on to cite the trending news scandal of 2016, in which it was reported that Facebook “routinely suppressed” conservative stories from its Trending News feature.
“In addition to that, Facebook has initially shut down the ‘Chick-fil-A appreciation day page,’ has blocked the post of a Fox News reporter, has blocked over two dozen Catholic pages, and most recently has blocked the Trump supporters Diamond & Silk’s page – with 1.2 million Facebook followers – after determining that their content and brand were ‘unsafe for the community’.”
In response, Zuckerberg said concerns over political bias were “fair,” and conceded that Silicon Valley is an “extremely left-leaning place.”

The question is why Silicon Valley is so left-leaning, and I’ve answered that question in relation to James Damore’s firing from Google:

What happened at Google, I suggest, is that decades of (federally mandated) “diversity” policies in higher education have replicated, in workplaces where university education is a prerequisite for employment, the campus climate of intolerant political correctness. . . . No young graduate of an elite university leaves campus without knowing that racism is the worst thing in the world, an unforgivable sin, and that the only things that are even remotely as evil as racism are sexism and homophobia. Because companies like Google are staffed almost exclusively by alumni of elite schools — the Ivy League, M.I.T., Stanford, Cal-Berkeley, etc. — the politically correct attitudes promulgated on campus are inevitably imported into the workplace.

Liberal bias at Facebook, like liberal bias in the news media, does not simply materialize as a naturally occurring phenomenon. Both are largely byproducts of the Left’s hegemonic control of higher education. And it is this bias which has inspired the paranoid attitude toward the Trump presidency. Recall that students at Yale University were reportedly “traumatized” by Trump’s electionwhy? Who taught these privileged youth that Republicans are evil monsters, that Trump’s election meant the dawn of a nightmare era of racism, sexism and homophobia?

“I cannot even function right now. As a queer, black woman, I feel unsafe in this country.”
Isis Davis-Marks, Yale sophomore, Nov. 10, 2016

“You’ve got to be carefully taught” — what Rodgers and Hammerstein said of racial prejudice is true also of political prejudice, and it is obvious what Yale and other elite schools are carefully teaching students.

In point of fact, 15 months into the Trump presidency, nothing remotely resembling the prophesied fascist nightmare has transpired. There is no more reason for a “queer black woman” to “feel unsafe” in America today than there was when Obama was in the White House, but Democrats and the liberal media refuse to recognize this reality. They cling to their paranoid delusion that Trump is a “threat to our democracy,” because this was the message promoted by Hillary Clinton, and the media are still fighting the 2016 campaign. But if you say this on Facebook, you’ll probably be suppressed. Liberals are engaged in an attempt to turn social media into an online cocoon, replicating the stifling environment of political correctness on elite university campuses where no student is ever exposed to any information that contradicts the liberal narrative.

(Hat-tip: Sarah Hoyt at Instapundit.)



In The Mailbox: 04.10.18

Posted on | April 11, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.10.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

First Street Journal: What To Do When There Are No Good Options
EBL: Zuckerberg Almost Passes Turing Test
Twitchy: Dana Loesch Takes On Broward County Superintendent Over “Massive Errors” As School Board Meets
Louder With Crowder: Ted Cruz Hammers Zuckerberg For Facebook’s Anti-Conservative Bias

Adam Piggott: Blog Update (NSFW)
American Power: Divided Americans Can Unite, also, Among The Abortion Extremists
American Thinker: Will Wyoming Get A New Governor – And Conservatives A New Superstar?
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday, also, Animal’s Daily Second Amendment Scholar News
BattleSwarm: Texas Democrat Lawyer Benadvides Gets 80 Years For Sex Trafficking
Bring The HEAT: Here, Have Some 1960s Splodey
CDR Salamander: A Whiskey On The Rocks Chaser’s Hangover In Sweden
Da Tech Guy: No Godless Chaplains In The Navy – Yet, also, IL Democratic Governor Candidate Mum On Details Of Proposed Pension Bailout Tax Hike
Don Surber: China Surrenders Its Auto Tariffs
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, Distance Worth Keeping
Fred On Everything: In Search Of Intelligent Latin Policy
The Geller Report: Twitter CEO Praises Article Calling For Extermination Of Republicans, also, UK Christian School Hosts Islamic Workshop
Hogewash: Adjourned Sine Die, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: Vicious Russian “Hooli-Girls” Training To Brawl With English Soccer Fans
JustOneMinute: A Big Deal
Legal Insurrection: Geoffrey Berman Recused From Michael Cohen Investigation, also, So You Want To Delete Your Facebook Account
Power Line: The FBI Escalates Its War On The President, also, What Is To Be Done?
Shark Tank: Rubio Asks Floridians To Support Scott
Shot In The Dark: I Wonder If Lori Sturdevant Has Read This?
STUMP: Memory Monday – Flu Season Ain’t Over & First Week of April 1918, also, Taxing Tuesday – NY Tries Its “Fix”, Married Couple Base Scenario For Tax Calculator
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – The Rolling Stones Are Haram, also, Damascus Chemical Attack
The Political Hat: Mandatory Trans In Sweden
This Ain’t Hell: Military Religious Freedom Foundation Assaults POW/MIA Table In Okinawa, also, Brenna Spencer’s Graduation Photo
Victory Girls: Thoughts On Zuckerberg’s Testimony
Weasel Zippers: Mueller Investigating Trump Over $150K Donation From Ukrainian Who Gave Hillary $13 Million, also, WI Democrat Berates Bank Teller As “House N****r” For Refusing To Cash Check
Megan McArdle: Some of Us Are Drowning In Social Capital, Others Are Quite Parched
Mark Steyn: An Englishman’s Home Is His Proportionately Responsive Castle, also, Take Me Out To The Ball Game

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TRIUMPH: Orban Wins Big in Hungary

Posted on | April 8, 2018 | 2 Comments


Ten days ago, I advised “Keep an Eye on Hungary’s Election.” President Viktor Orban stood up against the European Union’s open-borders plan to flood the continent with Muslim “refugees.” He was targeted for defeat by left-wing activists funded by George Soros. Orban didn’t back down. Instead, he told the truth about the “invasion” of Europe and called out Soros by name. Voters just re-elected him by landslide:

Hungary’s conservative-populist premier Viktor Orbán has won a third term in office in a landslide election victory.
With 85 per cent of the votes counted, Europe Elects is sharing stats which suggest Fidesz, the party founded by Prime Minister Orbán while he was a young anti-Communist dissident, has won 134 seats, along with his coalition partners — which would give him with not merely a decisive majority but an outright super-majority, allowing changes to the national constitution. . . .
The results will be extremely disappointing for top bureaucrats in the European Union and activists working for so-called civil society NGOs funded by billionaire open borders campaigner George Soros, who had been hoping for an upset defeat, or for Fisesz to lose its super-majority, at least.
Prime Minister Orbán has been the most determined foe of the compulsory migrant quota regime the EU has attempted to impose at the behest of pro-migration NGOs, and served as the focal point for an increasingly influential eurosceptic, anti-mass migration bloc within the EU centred on the Visegrád Four countries.

Orban supporters celebrate the election victory.

The Guardian reports from Hungary:

“We have won.” With these three words Viktor Orbán began to address the crowds outside Fidesz headquarters.
He starts by congratulating the voters for turning out to vote. “Thank you for having placed your faith in us; thank you for having stuck with us.”
Viktor Orbán continues by thanking “all the people who prayed for us and prayed for me personally”. Also on the list of thanks are the party volunteers and his wife.
He says we now have a major battle behind us. “This has been a decisive win… in the future we are going to be able to defend our mother country.”
Orbán is leading the crowd in song — it is the anthem of the revolution from 1848, Euronews says. He finishes by saying “long live Hungary, thank you for everything.”

Gosh, it’s as if standing up for your country is popular, or something.



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