The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

No, Our Boys Are Not ‘Broken’

Posted on | February 21, 2018 | 1 Comment


Talk about “toxic masculinity” interests me, because I know very well what that looks like — the domineering behavior of the brittle ego, the obnoxious braggart who feels that every social encounter is a contest in which he must demonstrate his superiority. Nobody likes a bully, and if the critics of “toxic masculinity” were serious about addressing such problems, I would be happy to suggest experience-based solutions.

Michael Ian Black is a comedian who hates Donald Trump and who used the Parkland shooting as a pretext to launch a Twitter lecture about masculinity that was, in fact, irrelevant to what happened last week. The shooter in Parkland was psychologically disturbed, the product of an unusual family background. He was adopted at age 2 by a middle-aged couple. His adoptive father died when he was 5, and his mother died last year. The shooter was diagnosed with depression, autism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. To make such an obviously damaged person — who was recognized by school officials and his fellow students as having profound personal problems — symbolic of an allegedly pervasive “crisis in masculinity” is not a logical inference.


As I said yesterday, the Parkland massacre raises “serious questions about adolescent mental health — why were so many red flags about this teenager’s dangerous behavior ignored?” However, the media avoid these questions, instead offering formulaic liberal “solutions” while ignoring evidence that such “solutions” are part of the problem:

Broward County used to lead the state of Florida in sending students to the state’s juvenile justice system. County leaders responded with a perfectly progressive solution: “lower arrests by not making arrests.” . . . One particular motivation behind programs like Broward County’s was the pressure from multiple sources to reduce the statistical disparity between black and Hispanic student arrests on one hand and white and Asian student arrests on the other. . . .
By virtue of his name alone, Nikolas de Jesús Cruz, the adopted son of Lynda and Roger Cruz, became a statistical Hispanic. As such, authorities at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland had every reason not to report his troubling and likely criminal behavior to the police.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.) Whatever policy changes might be suggested in response to the Parkland massacre, the liberals who caused the problem have discredited themselves as a source of “solutions.” Yet the media continue to pretend that liberals have a monopoly on wisdom, so that Michael Ian Black’s Twitter rant earned him an interview on NPR:

What do I mean by boys are broken? I think it means that there is something going on with American men that is giving them the permission and space to commit violence. And one of the main things we focus on correctly is guns and mental health, but I think deeper than that is a problem, a crisis in masculinity. . . .

(Question: Was the ISIS-inspired Orlando gunman Omar Mateen, whose family is from Afghanistan, part of “something going on with American men”? Or what about Syed Rizwan Farook, perpetrator of the San Bernardino massacre? Why is it that only “American men” are considered appropriate subjects of discussion about a “crisis in masculinity”? But please continue your lecture, Mr. Black.)

I also think that masculinity doesn’t have a language in the way that femininity has come to have a language. We understand that femininity can be much more broadly encompassing than masculinity now. When you think of a strong woman, that doesn’t rob her of any of her femininity. But when you think of a fragile man, that has the effect culturally, I think, of neutering that guy. And so much of masculinity is rooted in sexuality. . . .

Blah, blah, blah — it’s the same tired old Freudian nonsense, recycled in the jargon of postmodern feminist “social justice” wokeness. Stuart Schneiderman is not deceived by such rhetoric:

If leftists believe that feminism is the solution, the truth is that feminism is the problem. If you ask who broke boys or why boys are broken, you might turn to Christina Hoff Sommers’ book The War Against Boys.
Thanks the feminist schoolteachers, in particular, boys have been beaten down at school.

One of the most important aspects of healthy masculinity is that a good man must be able to endure pain, to shrug off insults, and to avoid complaining about his suffering. When I’d take my sons on mountain hikes, the younger ones would sometimes get tired and start whining. “There is no crying on the Bataan Death March,” I’d say, and tell them about how soldiers survived that brutal ordeal. Also, I’d point out to them that the greatest triumph of Muhammad Ali’s career was a fight he lost, when Ken Norton broke his jaw, and yet Ali still went the distance, fighting on to finish the 12th round and lose a split decision. Take the pain and keep going — that’s what a man has to do.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”

“Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.”

“I don’t believe in God. How can I say the Pledge of Allegiance if I don’t believe in God?”
Michael Ian Black

Michael Ian Black is an atheist, and thus lacks the wisdom necessary to advise anyone about anything, especially about “the duty of man.”

As a child, I was taught to “turn the other cheek,” to resist the temptation to wrath, because “vengeance is mine . . . saith the Lord.” Mercy ought not to be confused with weakness, and only “the fear of the Lord” can make a man truly courageous. Knowing that “the wrath of God” is directed against the “unrighteousness of men” should inspire in us a spirit of humility, because “the judgment of God” condemns us all: “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”

The Rev. Billy Graham died today at age 99, and I think his ministry was far more helpful in teaching non-toxic masculinity than anything a Hollywood liberal like Michael Ian Black might say. Being conscious of our own sinful nature, and our need for divine mercy, is the only possible solution to every evil temptation in our lives. While probably few of my acquaintances would say I am a good Christian, I married a godly woman, who never ceases praying and who has been a tremendous force for good in the lives of all our children. It is an insult — and one I deeply resent — for Michael Ian Black to suggest that my sons are “broken,” trapped inside a “rigid, outdated model of masculinity.” Oh, really?

Godless atheists like Michael Ian Black know they can insult Christians — disparaging even honorable men like my son — because they know that “the fear of the Lord,” and a concern for doing “the whole duty of man,” requires us to “turn the other cheek.” Yet the truth has not changed in the past 2,000 years, and when hateful degenerates like Michael Ian Black mock God, they invite God’s wrath against themselves. Selah.



In The Mailbox: 02.21.18

Posted on | February 21, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.21.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #173
EBL: Billy Graham, RIP
Twitchy: Charles C.W. Cooke BLASTS Chris Cuomo Over Bogus AR-15 “Purchase” Story
Louder With Crowder: Ted Cruz Owns Celebrities On Gun Control In TMZ Video
Medium: Ex-CIA Director Thinks US Hypocrisy About Election Meddling Is Hilarious (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: Pass Me The White Rose, also, Podcast #75 – The Star Wars Episode
American Power: Collapse Of The Global Elite, also, President Trump’s Surprising Grand Strategy
American Thinker: Did The Progressive “Broward County Solution” Cost 17 Students Their Lives?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Nork GULAG News, also, Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Trump Derangement Syndrome, Max Boot Edition
BLACKFIVE: Sarah Sundin, The Sea Before Us
Bring The HEAT: Army Officially Honoring Three Slain JROTC Cadets For Heroism During Parkland HS Shooting
CDR Salamander: Obama’s Syria Blink
Da Tech Guy: The Daily Kos And Its Fellow Travelers, also, Why I’m Against Black History Month…And For It Part III
Don Surber: Another Anti-Trump Olympian Crashes
Dustbury: Does Porn Make You Stupid?
Fausta: Peru’s Fujimori Going On Trial…Again
The Geller Report: Nikki Haley Tells Abbas US Won’t Chase Him For Mideast Deal
Hogewash: Grace’s Law 2.0 Or Brett’s Bill? also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Joe For America: Democrat/Russian Collusion – Michael Moore Involved In Russian-Sponsored Anti-Trump Rally
JustOneMinute: Liberal Fascism, also, Breaking News From 2015
Legal Insurrection: Pelosi Heckled While Criticizing Tax Reform, also, The Diseased Streets Of San Francisco
Michelle Malkin: The War On JROTC Resurrected – By Unhinged Liberal Media
Power Line: Gun Control Hysteria Sweeps The Left, also, California Suicide Watch, Part II
Shark Tank: Trump Pushes Low-Cost Obamacare Alternative
Shot In The Dark: Walz’s Waffles
STUMP: Around The Pension-O-Sphere – Multiemployer Plans, Illinois, Kentucky, & New York, also,  Taxing Tuesday – DOOOOOM And More DOOOOOM
The Jawa Report: He Lied! He Lied To US! also, Bahmp Dahmp Ba Ba Ba Badubump
The Political Hat: Unqueering The Cake…In California?
This Ain’t Hell: Cadet Peter Wang Posthumously Appointed To USMA, also, Russian Contractors Test US Forces In Syria
Victory Girls: Black Panther – Proud, Patriotic, And Powerful
Weasel Zippers: Sheriff Offers Free CHP Class to Teachers – Filled In 20 Minutes, also, Parkland Shooting Survivor Accuses Media Of Using Tragedy To Push Gun Control
Mark Steyn: A Smackin’ Corker, also, Guns Gays Gaelic & Gloom

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No, Russia’s ‘Rinky-Dink Troll Operation’ Did Not Change the 2016 Election Result

Posted on | February 20, 2018 | Comments Off on No, Russia’s ‘Rinky-Dink Troll Operation’ Did Not Change the 2016 Election Result

The simple fact behind last week’s indictment of 13 employees of a Russian outfit is that, if this is the sinister “collusion” that the liberal media have been warning us about, there’s no way such a miniscule effort could have cheated Hillary Clinton out of the presidency.

Ace calls it a “rinky-dink troll operation” and Da Tech Guy asks, “Where’s the beef?” Honestly, it’s laughable. Adrian Chen, the reporter who first called attention to the Russian firm behind the online effort, dismisses it as “ineffective” and derides as “paranoia” the fear-mongering portrayal of the operation as an “immense propaganda machine.” Rick Moran reminds us that “the total expenditure from both parties (campaigns, SuperPACs, etc) in 2016 was well over $2 billion dollars,” so that a handful of Twitter and Facebook accounts could not have made a significant impact. We must therefore ask, why have the media and the Democrats spent more than a year shrieking about the alleged “collusion” (of which we have seen exactly zero evidence so far) between Russia and the Trump campaign? Daniel Flynn has some thoughts:

An administration siccing the surveillance state on the opposition party’s presidential candidate based on dubious reports compiled by the favored presidential candidate’s campaign ranks as a terribly reckless strategy risking the future freedom of its architects for their future power, no?
“Not if you think you will win the election and no one will ever find out,” an animated Joseph diGenova tells The American Spectator. “That’s why they did it. They thought she would win and no one would ever find out.”
Alas, Hillary Clinton did not, as so many expected, win the presidency. So, the incoming administration, investigated by dubious means, got to see what the Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and various Justice Department officials believed it would never see. . . .
Specifically, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence memo’s finding that the Justice Department knew that the information justifying its application for a FISA warrant to obtain electronic surveillance came from a Hillary Clinton campaign opposition research operation, i.e., Christopher Steele’s “dossier,” yet withheld that information, possibly constitutes a legal problem for James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and others involved in applications to the court. Beyond this, reports that the Justice Department relied on a second dossier compiled by Cody Shearer, a political hatchet man without the pretense of credibility that Steele, a longtime British intelligence agent, provided for his “dossier,” further complicates legal matters for government employees involved in what increasingly looks like partisan work done on the federal government’s dime.

Now, hold that thought — the Obama administration illegally obtaining warrants to spy on Trump’s campaign, based on bogus information provided by Fusion GPS and Cody Shearer — while you consider this: In March 2017, Professor Glenn Reynolds intuited exactly why Democrats started pushing the “collusion” narrative after the election:

The spying-on-Trump thing is worse than we even imagine, and once it was clear Hillary had lost and it would inevitably come out, the Trump/Russia collusion talking point was created as a distraction.

What this means, of course, is that President Trump is absolutely right in calling the media’s “collusion” narrative “fake news.” But what it also means is that the Mueller investigation is actually part of an ongoing attempt to cover-up wrongdoing by the Obama administration!


A Nation of 327,000,000 People

Posted on | February 20, 2018 | 1 Comment

Three hundred twenty-seven million is a large number. Keep that in mind when you see news coverage or commentary that portrays social problems as a “trend” or an “epidemic.” In a nation of 327 million people, it is always easy to find a dozen examples of any phenomenon that a reporter, a politician, or an activist might wish to highlight.

People having sex with dogs, for example. It didn’t take very long, in December 2016, for me to do a bit of Googling and compile a year-end digest of people arrested for having sex with dogs, and the bestiality “epidemic” continued in 2017:

  • MISSISSIPPI, Feb. 21Amy Graves was arrested and charged with unnatural intercourse with a dog after videos and images of her crime were uploaded to the Internet. Graves, 43, pleaded guilty in March.
  • OHIO, April 10Amber Finney was charged with performing sexual acts on a dog after employees at a drugstore called 911, recognizing her from TV news reports about a video of a woman engaged in sexual conduct with animals. Finney, 33, subsequently pleaded no contest.
  • PENNSYLVANIA, Aug. 26Rachael Harris, 20, was sentenced to jail and four years of probation after pleading guilty to ” producing an obscene performance.” Police had obtained video of Harris attempting to have sex with a dog. Her husband also pleaded guilty in the incident. Under the terms of her sentence, Harris will not be “permitted to have any pets or work in a job that involves animals.”

How can we keep our pets safe from sex-crazed freaks? Shouldn’t Congress pass a law to protect America’s canine companions? Why isn’t President Trump doing something to stop these dog-rapers?

Well, don’t expect to see these stories reported on CNN anytime soon, because bestiality is not (yet) a partisan political issue. In the months leading up to the 2016 election, however, CNN devoted many hours of coverage to the Black Lives Matter movement, which claimed that police brutality against innocent black people was a major national problem.

Heather Mac Donald, author of The War on Cops, pointed out that a police officer is 18.5 times more likely to be killed by black man than the other way around. This fact did not prevent CNN and other left-wing media organizations from promoting the Black Lives Matter narrative, presenting the public with “a mirror-reverse image of reality — bogus anti-police propaganda.” The reason for this deliberate distortion was simple: Democrats were trying to motivate and mobilize black voters for the 2016 election. “Just think of the media as Democratic operatives with bylines and it all makes sense,” as Professor Reynolds often says.

It is very easy to allow the media to distort our perceptions in this way, because they are very good at crafting narratives like this, where the partisan objectives are not apparent to people (a) who are not conscious of the historic pattern of liberal media bias, and (b) who are not knowledgeable about the techniques of propaganda. The media’s tactic of finding examples of unusually bad things happening, and then portraying these shocking incidents (which are statistically rare) as a trend — a “growing problem,” perhaps even an “epidemic” — is what I’ve called the Atrocity Narrative tactic of propaganda. One of the classic examples of this was the 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard. Those of us old enough to remember how that story was reported can recall network TV coverage of candlelight vigils that portrayed Shepard as a martyred saint, a victim of homophobia that was, allegedly, a widespread problem in American society. The way this story was told in the liberal media, an unsuspecting person might have believed that the two young men who killed Shepard were members of the “Religious Right,” whose crime was inspired by the rhetoric of Republican politicians. In fact, the murderers were a couple of petty criminals with prior records for drug possession and burglary, and the media’s depiction of Shepard’s death as a homophobic “hate crime” was essentially false. By the time reporter Stephen Jimenez exposed the truth in The Book of Matt in 2013, however, the myth of Shepard as an innocent victim of homophobia had long since become an unquestionable article of faith among liberals. This myth was simply too valuable to gay activists, and to the Democrat Party, for liberals to report the truth.

This has been going on for decades. The issues change, but the tactics are predictably familiar. In a nation with hundreds of millions of people, all the media needs to do is wait for that one story that perfectly embodies some liberal theme, or which advances the Democrat Party’s agenda, and then pound on that story hour after hour, day after day.

After a teenager went on a shooting rampage at a Florida high school last week, the Democrat-Media Complex sprang into action, falsely reporting that the killer was a “white nationalist,” and spreading other disinformation — e.g., the bogus claim that there have been 18 school shootings so far this year — to advance a gun-control narrative. This required ignoring key questions about this specific incident, perhaps most importantly, why was the deranged teenager not already in custody, either as a prisoner or a psychiatric patient, given that police had been called to his home 39 times in the span of seven years?

What such agenda-oriented media coverage fails to do is to put these tragedies into context. For example, more than 300 people in Chicago have been shot, 60 of them fatally, so far this year. On average, another person is shot in Chicago every four hours. However, this daily carnage goes unnoticed in the national media because (a) more than 80% of the Chicago shooting victims are black or Hispanic, and (b) Chicago is a Democrat Party stronghold that already has strict gun-control laws. Hillary Clinton got 74% of the vote in Cook County, Illinois, and there is thus no partisan advantage to be gained by highlighting the ongoing violence in Chicago, so CNN and other liberal media outlets ignore it.

By contrast, the scene of last week’s school shooting — Parkland, Florida, about 20 miles from Fort Lauderdale — is 84% white and the median household income is nearly $130,000. The facts about violent crime in America make clear why people in such a community believe (correctly) that their children are safe. Nearly 70% of murders in the United States are concentrated in just 5% of counties, and more than half of American counties have zero murders in a typical year. There is also a stark racial disparity in violent crime — black males, who constitute barely 6% of the U.S. population, are about 44% murder victims in the country, and are also about half of those arrested for murder. Just like the 1999 massacre at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado — a prosperous suburb 10 miles from Denver — the Parkland massacre happened in the kind of community where murder is extremely rare.

This was a statistically abnormal event, but in a nation of 327 million people, statistical abnormal events happen often enough that dishonest propagandists in the media can turn these unusual incidents into a “national conversation” about gun control. However, there are about 17,000 murders in America every year, and the majority of those homicides are treated by the media as strictly local news. Ghastly atrocities like the one in Parkland raise serious questions about adolescent mental health — why were so many red flags about this teenager’s dangerous behavior ignored? — but the media won’t address that issue. Why? Because the media don’t see a “national conversation” about mental health as beneficial to the Democrat Party.

Nobody on CNN is asking why, in 2009 and 2010, when President Obama was in the White House and Democrats controlled both houses of Congress, they never passed any gun-control legislation, nor did they do anything to address the immigration issue. Now that there is a Republican in the White House, however, there is suddenly a demand for action on these issues, to which CNN gives round-the-clock attention, when they’re not too busy hyperventilating about Russian “collusion.”

Americans are being deliberately misinformed by a media establishment which cares more about partisan politics — electing Democrats — than they care about reporting the facts. This undermines public trust and causes a sense of paranoia, as more and more people wonder what else the “fake news” industry is lying about. Why is CNN ignoring the epidemic of dog-rapers? I don’t know, but I have my suspicions, and I wouldn’t trust any CNN staffers around my pets, IYKWIMAITYD.



In The Mailbox: 02.19.18

Posted on | February 19, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.19.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Proof Positive: A Primer On Common Sense Gun Laws
EBL: Black Panther – A Review
Twitchy: #FakeNews – CBS Claims It’s Easier To Buy Guns Than Cold Medicine In Florida
Louder With Crowder: Florida Teacher Speaks On School Schooting, And The Left’s Gonna Hate It
Shaun Connell: Three Disturbing Facts About Mass School Shootings (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: Hey, Team USA, How’s That Diversity Working Out For You?, also, You Know You’re A Beta When…
American Power: Leftists Turn To Connecticut In Wake Of Parkland Massacre, also, James Forman Jr., Locking Up Our Own
American Thinker: Time To Rebrand The Democratic Party As Socialists
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Why You Can’t Have A Debate On Gun Rights With Liberals
BLACKFIVE: Karen Ross, Edge of Darkness
CDR Salamander: See WESTPAC From The Chinese Shore
Da Tech Guy: Why I’m Against Black History Month…And For It, Part II, also, Mueller’s Search For “Monsters” Yields 13 Indictments, also also Is Social Media Working For You Or Against You?
Don Surber: Al Capp Nailed This 50 Years Ago, also, Skier Lindsey Vonn 44th To Feel The Trump Effect
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, No Magic Wands Here
Fausta: In Argentina, Inflation Is Bad News For Macri
The Geller Report: UN’s Top Children’s’ Rights Campaigner Was A Pedophile, also, Hungarian PM Orban Calls For Anti-Migrant Alliance
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also also, Blognet
Joe For America: GOP Megadonor & Jeb! Supporter Says No More Money Until “Assault Weapon” Ban
JustOneMinute: Find The Fake News, also, Failure To Orient Horse & Cart
Legal Insurrection: John Podesta Asked How Russian Trolls Knew to Focus On Purple States, But Hillary Didn’t, also, Trump Supportive Of Efforts To Improve Background Checks
Power Line: Repeal The Second Amendment? Yes, Please Try, also, Alex Acosta Refuses To Disturb Obama/Perez Pro-Illegal Immigrant Policies
Shark Tank: FL Senate Panel To Take Up School Guns Proposal
Shot In The Dark: Ripping The “F” From DFL
STUMP: Memory Monday – Current Flu Cases & Third Week Of February 1918
The Jawa Report: Peter Wang, An American Hero
The Political Hat: The Venezuelan Wasteland & The Ignoble Savage
This Ain’t Hell: Classmates Want Military Funeral For Cadet Peter Wang, also, Monday Morning Feelgood Stories
Victory Girls: Progs Smear JROTC for Parkland Shooting Because NRA
Weasel Zippers: MN Reporter Goes Rogue, Tells Truth About Guns, Enrages Libs On Air, also, Military Rallies To Honor Hero Cadet Peter Wang
Mark Steyn: Provocations & Transgressions, also, Trending Authoritarian

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Rule 5 Monday: Mash Note

Posted on | February 19, 2018 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Sometimes the inspiration tank runs dry, and I have to spend an hour or two racking my brain for an appropriate subject for the weekly Rule 5 post. At first, being mindful that Valentine’s Day was just a few days ago, I was going to go with this sad scene:

A loyal waifu callously abandoned for a “real girl”

Then I decided that instead, I’d go with the lead character from the mobile phone game Fate/Grand Order, Ms. Kyrielight. It’s worth noting that, contrary to the assertions of butthurt Tumblrinas (who often don’t play the games they criticize, e.g. Anita Sarkeesian) Japanese video games commonly depict powerful female characters as sexy, as part of an esthetic which believes internal character is reflected in outward appearance.

Your shield and companion through the many adventures of Fate/Grand Order, Mash Kyrielight.



Besides, I’m pretty sure y’all didn’t want me to run with that graphic showing gender-swapped Presidents, just because it’s Presidents’ Day, right?

Leading off, we have Ninety Miles From Tyranny with Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #167, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. Animal Magnetism checks in with Rule 5 Love Hotel Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

Outstanding in her field, EBL contributes Marley Shelton, Rule 5 Goofups, Ida Lupino, Mardi Gras, Edge of The Falls, Chinese New Year, Lindyhopping, Kate Upton, Lupita Nyong’o, and Karen MacDougal.

A View From The Beach offers Straight from Sin City Caroline KelleyJudge Rules Taylor Swift Lyrics Too Boring for ProtectionMikaela Schiffrin Skis into Olympic GoldTurning the Crank on the Way Back Machine . . .Maryland Striped Bass Regs Change (Again)Tragedy Averted! Kate Upton Nearly Washed Away in ArubaWe Have the Best Slackers in the World!The Whole World Was WatchingTerror Attack on First FamilyThose Dutch Girls Sure are FastShockingly, Scandinavian Women Excel at Cross County Skiing#NotHerToo! Kate Upton Fondled by CEOShe Skis, She Shoots, She Scores – Laura Dahlmeier and  Russian Dossier Special Olympics.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Deborah Anne Woll, his Vintage Babe is Lona Andre, Sex in Advertising is covered by Calvin Klein, and there’s also Women of PETA LVII. At Dustbury, it’s Rae Sanni and Rene Russo.

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!
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‘Europe’s Last Hope’

Posted on | February 19, 2018 | 1 Comment

The trumpet sounds in Hungary:

Hungary’s prime minister says that “Christianity is Europe’s last hope” and that politicians in Brussels, Berlin and Paris favoring migration have “opened the way to the decline of Christian culture and the advance of Islam.”
Viktor Orban said Sunday during his 20th annual state of the nation speech that his government will oppose efforts by the United Nations or the European Union to make migration acceptable to the world.
He conjured the image of a Western Europe overtaken by Muslims, saying that “born Germans are being forced back from most large German cities, as migrants always occupy big cities first.”
Orban claimed that Islam would soon “knock on Central Europe’s door” from the west as well as the south.

UPDATE: Turns out this was a timely warning:

ISIS has claimed responsibility for a gun rampage at an Orthodox church in Russia that left five women dead.
Khalil Khalilov screamed ‘Allahu akbar’ as he opened fire with a hunting rifle before he was shot dead by police in Kizlyar, a town in the mainly Muslim region of Dagestan.
Chilling footage shows the bearded 22-year-old attacker walking to the church on Sunday and a terrified woman fleeing the scene.
ISIS claimed one of its ‘soldiers of Islam’, who they referred to as Khalil Daghestan, carried out the attack using his gun to ‘kill five of them and wound four others’.

People need to wake up to this threat, and start praying.


Transgenderism: ‘Equality’ for the Insane

Posted on | February 18, 2018 | 1 Comment


Nearly 10 years ago, after gay activists launched hateful attacks on supporters of California’s Proposition 8, I explained that the LGBT movement’s “vitriolic rage highlighted how the progressive rhetoric of ‘rights’ undermines and destabilizes political consensus”:

Seizing on the triumphant narrative of the black civil-rights movement, liberals adopted the habit of framing political debates in terms of minority “rights” versus majority “discrimination.” That this tactic involves a species of moral and emotional blackmail should be obvious. . . .
If all legal and political conflicts are about “rights,” there is no need to argue about the specific consequences of laws and policies. Merely determine which side of the controversy represents “rights” and the debate ends there. . . .
If homosexuality is a right, and denying legal recognition to same-sex marriage is a violation of that right, then the rage of gay activists against their opponents is entirely justified. . . .
Gay activists do not construe their “rights” in terms of liberty, but in terms of radical and absolute equality. They insist that same-sex relationships are identical to — entirely analogous to and fungible with — traditional marriage.

Once the Supreme Court decisions in Windsor (2013) and Obergefell (2015) imposed this “radical and absolute equality” nationwide, the question for the LGBT movement became, “What next?”

An Ohio couple has temporarily lost custody of their 17-year-old daughter after refusing her transgender hormones prescribed by doctors who claim she suffers from gender dysphoria and will commit suicide without the drugs. . . .
In 2016, the unnamed girl was hospitalized and diagnosed with depression, anxiety disorder, and gender dysphoria, which the American Psychiatric Association defines as “a conflict between a person’s physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/they identify.” Doctors claim that the parents’ treating the girl as a girl has triggered suicidal feelings.
Temporary custody has been granted to Hamilton County Job and Family Services, which has placed the girl with her maternal grandparents, who support the transgender identity. The medical team from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center testified that the girl is improving because her grandparents are treating her like a boy. They argued that she should immediately start treatment to decrease the risk of suicide, however.

This is the next phase of the LGBT agenda: Convincing kids they are transgender and getting them into “treatment” (synthetic hormones), using the threat of suicide to blackmail the medical community, legal authorities and parents into cooperating with what is, in reality, kidnapping. There has been an alarming increase in this phenomenon, with the Internet helping to fuel a social contagion of “rapid onset gender dysphoria,” especially among teenage girls. Feminists are angry about this, and it has created a schism within the LGBT coalition. Lesbian activists in New Zealand protested at a “pride” parade in Auckland:

[Saturday], feminist activists Charlie Montague and Renée Gerlich dropped a banner at the front of the Auckland Pride Parade. The banner read:


“Organisations like RainbowYouth and InsideOut, as well as the Pride Parade, must stop endorsing medical experimentation, child abuse, sexist stereotyping, and the destruction of female-only and lesbian spaces,” says Gerlich, who reached out to RainbowYouth and InsideOut with an open letter in 2016.
Montague adds that, “Lesbians around the world are trying to draw attention to the harm of gender identity on lesbians, and we are being silenced.”
Between 2009-16, the number of women and girls in Wellington being referred to endocrinologists for medical gender transition increased twelvefold: from three to forty-one referrals. Sex hormone prescriptions are forecast to continue rising, and are not leading to decreasing suicide statistics or increased wellbeing. Studies also show that globally, disproportionate numbers of young women being medicated are lesbian.
Throughout the West, children as young as three are being encouraged to undergo gender transition. The prescription of puberty blockers to children as young as ten, followed by sex hormones in adolescence is sterilising children. Children as young as six are being given genital tuckers and prosthetic dildos, and RainbowYouth in New Zealand has been distributing free breast binders in schools.

What we see is that the ideology of “rights,” having obtained supreme political power, has now slipped the leash. The gay agenda is actually destroying segments of the gay community, and the feminist ideal of “gender equality” has been hijacked to erase womanhood. After all, if men and women are exactly the same — “equality” requiring that they be treated identically as a matter of law — there can be no legal argument against men being women or vice-versa. Disapproval of transgenderism is now therefore an illegal prejudice. The lunatics are running the asylum, and the rest of us are required to comply with their bizarre whims.

Cynthia Yockey examines the phenomenon of autogynephilia:

Autogynephilia is a self-induced, chronic, progressive disorder that is almost exclusively a male condition. . . .
Sexual fetishes occur almost exclusively in men, and men who have one sexual fetish usually have several . . .
The seeds of autogynephilia are sown shortly after puberty when a teenage boy realizes he is aroused by female undergarments, usually belonging to his mother or sister. When he has the privacy to do so, he steals the undergarments, strips naked, and masturbates while looking at himself in the mirror. This becomes a ritual and by his mid-twenties the effect is that his primary sexual and romantic feelings are directed at the thought or image of himself as a woman.
As the autogynephile continues his masturbation ritual and elaborates on it in his thirties and forties, he begins to think he IS a woman. Anne Lawrence, an autogynephile, psychologist, sexologist, and anesthesiologist, who writes about autogynephilia, calls this process, “becoming what we love,” since the autogynephile has both sexual and romantic feelings toward the image or thought of himself as a woman. . . .

Read the whole thing. The narcissistic delusion involved — the autogynephile’s arousal toward an eroticized vision of himself as a woman — is symptomatic of a profound psychiatric disturbance. Crazy people have a right to be crazy, so long as they harm no one else with their perverse delusions, but they do not have a right to compel the rest of us to participate in their sexual fantasies, by forcing us to pretend that they actually are what they fantasize about becoming.

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