The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 02.14.18

Posted on | February 14, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.14.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Ash Wednesday
Twitchy: The New York Times‘ Bari Weiss Must Be Destroyed For THOUGHTCRIME!
Louder With Crowder: Suck It, Nancy! House GOP Introduces CRUMBS Act
National Review: When Border Searches Become Unreasonable

Adam Piggott: Introducing My New Podcast – “The Greasy Pole”
American Power: Chicago Police Commander Shot & Killed During “Tactical Chase” Of Armed Suspect, also, Joy Behar Mocks VP Pence’s Christian Faith
American Thinker: A Democrat Year? Don’t Count On It
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Baldilocks:  I Don’t Miss George W. Bush Any More
BattleSwarm: US Blows Up Russian Tank In Syria
CDR Salamander: What The Pros Study
Da Tech Guy: The End of DaTechGuy’s Blog Exile, also, All In A (Valentine’s Day) Work
Don Surber: Trump Recruiting For The Senate
Dustbury: Game of Thrown Up
Fausta: Yet Another Oil Industry Corruption Scandal
The Geller Report: Pro-Refugee Left Wing German Activist Gets #WOKE, also, Obama Cash Traced To Iran-backed Jihadis
Hogewash: R Sculptoris, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: Duke Professor Asserts That Libertarians Are Autistic
JustOneMinute: Resistance Terror
Legal Insurrection: Fauxcahontas Doubles Down On Indian Ancestry Claims, also, Judicial Resistance – Another Judge Claims Trump Can’t End DACA On March 5
Michelle Malkin: Science, Secrecy, And Lies In Oklahoma
Power Line: Why Susan Rice Wrote An E-Mail To Herself, also, Pretending Our Way To Decline
Shark Tank:  Gillum & Corcoran Face Off Over “Sanctuary Cities”, Immigration
Shot In The Dark: As Long As You Want To Crush The Constitution To “Save Lives”…
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday – OHNOES! The Proles Get More Money!
The Jawa Report: Cornhole Watch – Ahmed Khan Rahimi
The Political Hat: The New Academic Soviet
This Ain’t Hell: Gregory Salcido Refuses To Resign, also, LTC Larned Saving The World
Victory Girls: Megadonors To International Abortion Funds Bill & Melinda Gates Worry Trump’s Infrastructure Plan Will Kill Millions Worldwide
Weasel Zippers: Comey Held Secret Obama White House Meeting Before Inauguration, Lied About It To Congress, also, CNN Laying Off Dozens After Missing Revenue Targets
Mark Steyn: Rarefied Airwaves, also, Yuge Luge

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UPDATE: Suspect in Florida School Shooting Identified as Nicholas Cruz; Death Toll 17 in Broward Massacre

Posted on | February 14, 2018 | 2 Comments

A 19-year-old former student went on a shooting rampage today at a high school in Broward County, Florida. At least one person was killed and more than a dozen others injured.

UPDATE: The suspect, Nicholas Cruz, was a known threat:

The former student suspected of opening fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland may been identified a potential threat to fellow students in the past, according to one teacher.
The 19-year-old ex-student, who has been detained by Broward police, has not been publicly identified as a suspect. But a law-enforcement source identified him as Nicolas Cruz.
“We were told last year that he wasn’t allowed on campus with a backpack on him,” said math teacher Jim Gard, who said Cruz had been in his class last year. “There were problems with him last year threatening students, and I guess he was asked to leave campus.”


UPDATE II: Nicholas de Jesus Cruz had posted pictures of himself holding guns and knives on his Instagram account.

UPDATE III: “Everyone predicted it,” one student said in a TV interview. Cruz seems to have been rather notorious:

“I stayed clear of him most of the time,” said one teen, who spoke to WSVN, but didn’t give his name.
“He’s been a troubled kid, and he’s always had a certain amount of issues going on,” the boy explained. “He shot guns because he felt it gave him, I guess, an exhilarating feeling. He showed me [his guns] personally through his phone.”
The alleged shooter == identified as Nikolaus Cruz, 19 — had even “joked” about taking out his schoolmates on several occasions, the student said.
“He played around with the joke multiple times,” the teen said. “You know, he knows the layout of the school. He can actually go ahead and he can pinpoint where all the students would be. He’s been through the drills multiple times.”

The death toll is 17, according to Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, who said Cruz had been expelled from the school “for disciplinary reasons.” Israel said law enforcement has begun to investigate the suspect’s social media and described it as “very disturbing.”


In Praise Of Obama’s Portrait

Posted on | February 14, 2018 | 1 Comment

by Smitty

The newly unveiled Presidential portrait of BHO affords this blog a rare opportunity to praise the “fundamental transformation” that His ‘Pretty Sharpness’ wrought:

The Left’s Make-Believe Victimhood

Posted on | February 13, 2018 | 1 Comment


Does everyone remember “TrigglyPuff,” the obnoxious feminist who repeatedly disrupted a 2016 event at the University of Massachusetts? While claiming to be a victim of oppression, Cora Segal was attending elite private Hampshire College ($63,512 a year, including room and board) and is, in fact, the daughter of a Harvard professor. Her sole claim to victimhood is her evident inability to say “no” to second helpings.

The phenomenon of privileged young people claiming to be oppressed by social injustice is a product of what Robert Hughes called the Culture of Complaint, “in which seemingly everyone claims victim status.” Since the election of President Trump, liberals have ludicrously compared Trump to Hitler, claiming that America is now a “fascist regime.” The absurdity of these claims is apparent to anyone with two eyes and a brain, so why do liberals keep playing this make-believe game?

The left is playing at being oppressed and being brave resisters because they know they aren’t. They know they’re not in any way threatened, even if they’d probably rather die than admit it to themselves. They know they can go around sloganeering and screaming and calling a freely elected president a tyrant and the equivalent of Hitler, and no one will do anything. People won’t even be rude to them. They certainly won’t be as rude to them as they’d be to anyone who so much as dares to express a conservative opinion in liberal circles.

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.) What these spurious claims of oppression do is to justify the Left’s efforts to deprive their opponents of freedom of speech. Feminists are absolutely the worst in this regard. As I have said, feminism is a synonym for “shut up”:

A major goal of feminism is to silence opposition. Because their ideology cannot withstand informed and articulate criticism, feminists therefore require a dishonest vocabulary of jargon that functions to disqualify and discredit their opponents. A man expressing disagreement with a feminist will invariably be accused of “sexism” or “misogyny,” and if he persists in his criticism, he will be accused of “harassment.” . . .
Feminists have used this kind of dishonest rhetoric for so long that it is seldom recognized as what it is, a propaganda tactic of psychological warfare.

Feminism is always a lecture, never a debate. Accusations of “harassment” are automatic as soon as anyone tries to engage a feminist in debate. However, when a feminist like “TrigglyPuff” deliberately disrupts a conservative event, this is justified as a protest against sexism, so that the claim of oppressed victimhood — the premise of the feminist syllogism — always serves the same rhetorical function: “Shut up!”

You might think that’s just a joke, but fat feminism is a real thing:

So-called “fat-positive feminism” is a movement that “addresses how misogyny and sexism intersect with sizism and anti-fat bias.” While feminists blame “anti-fat bias” on male supremacy, the health risks of obesity are serious, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): “Obesity is a national epidemic and a major contributor to some of the leading causes of death in the U.S., including heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some types of cancer.”
Obesity is such a serious problem among lesbians that the National Institutes for Health funded a $3 million study to determine why “nearly three-quarters of lesbians are overweight or obese.”
When that study made headlines in September 2014, Mari Brighe wrote at the lesbian blog Autostraddle that lesbians “tend to be less critical of their bodies than straight women,” because they don’t “suffer the incessant, unreasonable pressure of the male gaze.”

Their victimhood is tautological, both the first premise and the conclusion of their circular argument, and there is thus no hope of persuading a feminist that she is not a victim. Her cult mentality — her fanatical devotion to “social justice” ideology — makes her incapable of comprehending such a possibility. By obverse implication, if you are male (particularly if you are a heterosexual white man) the feminist automatically categorizes you as “privileged,” and deserving of hatred as a perpetrator of oppression. Feminists hate all males. Your mere existence as male is sufficient to condemn you, according to feminist ideology.

You see, then, that the feminist’s claim of victimhood is necessary to justify her hatred of the demonized male enemy. Feminists treat men — yes, all men — as scapegoats, to be blamed for everything.

Donald Trump is a perfect symbol to such people, and it doesn’t matter what he actually does (or doesn’t do), they will continue to demonize him, because they have a psychological need for a scapegoat.


‘Anglo-American’? RAAAAACISM!

Posted on | February 13, 2018 | Comments Off on ‘Anglo-American’? RAAAAACISM!


Generation Woke has a habit of substituting suspicion for knowledge. Indoctrinated to believe that sexism, racism and homophobia are lurking everywhere, the juvenile social justice mobs have a predictable habit of pouncing on anything that looks like evidence of Thoughtcrime.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions gave a speech Monday to the National Sheriffs’ Association in which he made these comments:

I want to thank every sheriff in America. Since our founding, the independently elected sheriff has been the people’s protector, who keeps law enforcement close to and accountable to people through the elective process. The office of sheriff is a critical part of the Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement. We must never erode this historic office.

This was a statement of historical fact. The word “sheriff” is a compound of “shire” (the English equivalent of a U.S. county) and “reeve,” meaning a representative of the king. The sheriff was originally the local agent of royal authority, charged with keeping the peace. This term crossed the Atlantic with the English colonists and, as the American democratic tradition developed, the sheriff became a locally elected official. So to speak of the office of sheriff as “a critical part of the Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement” is simply to state a fact.

Jeff Sessions Let His Racism Peek Through
a Little More Than He May Have Intended To

Facts don’t matter to SJW journalists like Emma Roller, senior politics reporter at, who took this as an opportunity to accuse Sessions of “pushing an industry already imbued with its fair share of white supremacist sentiment in an even darker direction”:

When you are Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, and are viewed as a racist by a wide variety of people, one would think you might consider the optics of praising “Anglo-American heritage” in front of a largely white crowd of cops.

Ms. Roller makes the “Republican = racist” connection the premise of her suspicion, for which she offers no actual evidence.


Being a liberal journalist means that you simply assume that every Republican is “viewed as a racist by a wide variety of people,” and expect your readers to share that assumption. Like all other white liberals, Ms. Roller considers herself equipped with radar that enables her to detect evidence of racism in everything a Republican says or does.

Remember: There are five A’s in “RAAAAACISM!”

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)


In The Mailbox: 02.13.18

Posted on | February 13, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.13.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Fat Tuesday Mardi Gras Carnival
Twitchy: Chris Cillizza Busted For Yet Another Embarrassing Mistake
Louder With Crowder: Painter Of Obama Portrait Likes To Paint Black Women Decapitating White Women
Wired: Inside The Two Years That Shook Facebook – And The World (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: I’d Rather Be Lifting, also, The Bell Curve Of Life
American Power: Leftist Obsession With Russia Is The New McCarthyism, also, Howard Kurtz, Media Madness
American Thinker: The Great Flynn Case Mystery
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Blue Flight News
Baldilocks: Great Black Patriots In The House Of Representatives
BattleSwarm: Israel Hits Multiple Targets In Syria
BLACKFIVE: Charles Todd, The Gate Keeper
CDR Salamander: A Long, Irregular And Forever War – On Midrats
Da Tech Guy: Report From Louisiana  – Are Indie Bookstores Coming Back? also, Fake News & Vietnam
Don Surber: Vanessa Trump Hospitalized – Enough. End The Resistance.
Dustbury: They Do Not Choose To Run
Fausta: In Mexico, CJNG Kidnaps Two Special Agents
The Geller Report: Welfare For Foreign “Refugees” Costs US Over $870 Million Annually, also, Qaisar Mahmood, New Head of The Swedish Heritage Board
Hogewash: Yours Truly Johnny Atsign, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Joe For America: Snowflake Soldiers – Army Going Back To Basics To Instill Discipline On “Entitled” Enlisted
JustOneMinute: Winning The Gold Medal For Stupid
Legal Insurrection: Obama’s Presidential Center Facing Environmental Impact Lawsuit, also,  Senate Judiciary Committee Has Questions About Bizarre E-Mail Susan Rice Sent To Herself
Power Line: The Weak In Portraits, Obama Edition, also,  Did Michael Flynn Actually Do Anything Wrong?
Shark Tank: Democratic Lawmaker Is No “Drug Czar”
Shot In The Dark: They Just Keep On Ticking
STUMP: Memory Monday – Current Flu Hospitalizations & Second Week Of February 1918
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler Intermission
This Ain’t Hell: Remington To File For Bankruptcy, also, Ranger Dies During Training
Victory Girls: Pleasant Surprise? Buried Within The Trump Budget Is An Obamacare Repeal
Weasel Zippers: Pelosi Tells Democrats Fight Anything Trump & GOP Bring Forward, also, More Proof Liberal Media Bias Is Just A Myth – Oh, Wait.
Mark Steyn: Judging Us

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In The Mailbox: 02.12.18

Posted on | February 12, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.12.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: The Grassley Memo Shows How Bad Things Really Are
Twitchy: Thread Featuring Brutal Illustrations by Former Nork Prisoners Kicks Fawning Media Right In The Teeth
Louder With Crowder: Bill Murray Masterfully Picks Apart Liberal Identity Politics
The Week: Is America Having Second Thoughts About Free Speech? (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: Parents Want Their Kids Labeled Autistic To Excuse Their Own Failings
American Power: Worst Flu Season In Almost A Decade? also, We All Live On Campus Now
American Thinker: Our Radicalized Media – A Clear And Present Danger
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Baldilocks: I Don’t Miss George W. Bush Any More
BattleSwarm: Russian Collusion CONFIRMED – With Democrats And The CIA
BLACKFIVE: Kristin Hannah, The Great Alone
CDR Salamander: Those Are Not Simple Sand Bars China Is Building
Da Tech Guy: Let’s Try That German Leftist Who “Evolved” On Refugees Again
Don Surber: Illegal Calls 911, ICE Provides It
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, You Call This Conservative?
Fausta: Brazil – Carnival Week
The Geller Report: In Libya, Black Africans Are Being Sold By Arabs In The Slave Market
Hogewash: 18 USC 1001, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Joe For America: Conservative DREAMer Slams Democrats – “They Use Us As Pawns”
JustOneMinute: All He Was Saying Was “Give Peace A Chance”
Legal Insurrection: Iran Uses Stealth Drone Against Israel #ThanksObama, also, CNN Fawns Over Nork Dictator’s Sister At Olympics
Power Line: Is California Starting To Circle The Drain? also, “I Was Wrong”
Shark Tank: Obama & Holder Target Key States In 2018 – Including Florida
Shot In The Dark: The Higher Education Butane Balloon
STUMP: Illinois Idiocy – Projecting Potential Cash Flows For Proposed Pension Obligation Bonds
The Jawa Report: ISIS Sh*tbags Alexanda Kotey & El Shafee El-Shaikh Captured
The Political Hat: To Be Or Not To Be – Contrasting Euthanasia Laws In Two States
This Ain’t Hell: Failing The Combat Endurance Tests No Longer Disqualifies Infantry Officers, also, Cayleigh And The First Sergeant
Victory Girls: Movie Review – The 15:17 To Paris
Weasel Zippers: Senator Gillibrand (D-NY) Says Her Constituents Outside NYC Are “Wrong” And “Racist” About Guns & Immigration, also, America Still Has No Ambassador To Germany, Thanks To Senate Democrats
Mark Steyn: Motherlode Of Moxie, also, Green-Eyed About Brown Eyes

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The Kinky Queer Intersectional Feminist: Empowerment by Sado-Masochism?

Posted on | February 12, 2018 | 2 Comments


Suz Ellis (@redhotsuz on Twitter) is a Canadian sex blogger who is “currently pursuing a double major in Communications and Multimedia, and hope to one day work within the sexuality industry.” What? You had not previously realized that “sexuality” is now an “industry” in Canada? Welcome to the 21st-century, where every Canadian college girl can aspire to a career in the “sexuality industry” thanks to the empowering influence of feminism. It’s right there in Ms. Ellis’s bio:

I started this blog in January 2016 as an outlet to practice my writing and to create a space to talk about sex openly. I lacked a sense of a sex-positive community in my life, so I created Red Hot Suz as a way to connect to the existing one online, and to help spread the word about sex-positivity and safe sex toys. . . .
I’m a curvy, ­­kinky, cis-female . . . I’m queer, specifically bisexual and heteromantic. . . . I am sex-positive, body-positive & an intersectional feminist.

If you have difficulty processing that information, don’t worry. Feminism in the 21st century is beyond logical analysis or moral judgment. Any woman can do whatever she wants to do and, by calling herself a “feminist,” she thereby silences all criticism or disagreement, because anyone who disagrees with a feminist is anti-woman, a misogynist.

Suz Ellis at a “Take Back the Night” rally.

The label “feminist” is like a magic talisman, which can negate any common-sense objection to whatever it is that a woman wishes to do. This magical power is particularly helpful to the emotionally unstable woman, who can make excuses and offer self-justifying rationalizations for her toxic behavior by employing feminist jargon like a ritual incantation, casting a protective spell to ward off patriarchal spirits. Anyone with common sense sees her as a deeply troubled person in need of psychiatric care, but should you voice concern about her problems, she just says the magic words (e.g., “sex positivity”) and your criticism of her harmful behavior is nullified. You’re “slut-shaming” her or stigmatizing her gender identity or whatever, and therefore your common-sense advice is an ignorant expression of woman-hating bigotry.

Consider, for example, Ms. Ellis’s decision to publicly identify herself as “queer,” despite the fact that she is mainly interested in men. Perhaps I’m not qualified to speak for the tastes of young Canadian men, but how many guys are interested in dating a “queer . . . intersectional feminist” who has made a career of blogging about dildos and lube? Even if we acknowledge that many guys like women who are, shall we say, adventurous in the bedroom, do they want a partner who is so public about her adventures? The “sex-positive” feminist would, no doubt, justify this as “de-stigmatizing” bisexuality, but is it wise to sacrifice one’s privacy for the sake of a political agenda? Insofar as bisexuality is stigmatized, do you suppose your personal life will be improved by publicizing your bisexuality? Or is it more likely (as I suspect) that you will find yourself ostracized by decent people, and thus forced to choose your partners from among the outcasts, freaks and weirdos?

Such common-sense objections to the “intersectional feminist” agenda are seldom heard nowadays because no one wants to be accused of sexism, homophobia or some other Thoughtcrime, which might be considered a human rights violation under Canadian law, for all I know. Ms. Ellis is a student at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, where certainly none of her professors would dare criticize her aspirations to “work within the sexuality industry.”


Did I mention Ms. Ellis is fat? It’s kind of an issue for her:

Conventionally attractive and popular girls in my classes wouldn’t want to make a connection with me even in terms of casual friendships. Guys in my classes would treat me differently too, either seeing me as the “funny, fat, undateable friend” or asking me out as a joke. Everywhere I looked, I felt excluded from what was supposed to be considered the mainstream high school experience. . . .
I stayed single, waiting and yearning for love and kisses.
I lost weight in between my first year of college, had sex for the first time, and moved to Ontario to start university, giving me a new found confidence in my body and myself. I was still an XL, but I was much more ready to take on the dating game and . . . dive into the sex world. But even with the newly gained boost of appreciation for my body, I still had some hangups about how other people, specifically men, would view my plus sized self.

Question: Are there any fat male “sex-positive” bloggers? No, because women don’t like fat guys. Nobody wants to hear fat guys talk about sex. As a matter of fact, I’d be willing to wager money that Ms. Ellis herself avoids dating fat guys. But the feminist victimhood complex justifies such double standards. Women are oppressed by patriarchy and therefore, the particular disadvantages experienced by fat women are a feminist issue, whereas the problems of fat men don’t matter. Identity politics becomes a rationalization of total selfishness and your membership in a collective class of victims exempts you from criticism. Consistency? Anyone who expects consistency of a feminist is sure to be disappointed.

Let us ask, for example, how does Ms. Ellis rationalize as “feminist” her desire to be sexually dominated by a male partner?

I don’t particularly remember the first time someone choked me in bed. Looking back with my bad memory, I could honestly just assume everyone I slept with had choked me at some point. It started with a [penis] in my throat, and that lead to hands squeezing my neck. I liked the sensation that someone was controlling my breath, choosing when I got to breath and when I had to shut the f–k up. If I was making out with someone and their hand started to lead from my [breasts] to my throat, my moans would get louder, muffled only by the other person’s mouth as they tested my boundaries of how far they could go. . . .

(Permit me to interrupt here and say I assume that anyone who enjoys this kind of behavior has got a serious porn problem. The connection between the BDSM “kink” scene and hard-core pornography is so obvious I wouldn’t even mention it, but pornography use among young people has become so common that many of them would freak out if they ever met anyone who’s normal. But continue, Ms. Ellis . . .)

My first serious friends with benefits was a dominant guy . . . We had rough sex; sex that made me feel good, submissive and pleasured to my soul. He coaxed me into trying [anal sex], and did so in a way that made me feel seductively coerced (now a big kink of mine) and like such a good girl for trying progressively bigger things in my butt. . . .

(Again, the influence of porn is apparent in the way anal sex, a degrading and unsanitary practice, has now evidently become routine for many heterosexuals. Continue, Ms. Ellis . . .)

Within the past year . . . my urges to be more submissive were starting to ramp up. With spankings, deepthroating, any and all aggressive sex acts, I would be waiting for partners to push me over the edge, to make me really feel it. . . .
Luckily I met a wonderful daddy dom at Woodhull [a “sexual freedom” conference] during a chance elevator ride that has been slowly bringing back my submissive confidence. We didn’t get to connect that weekend, but have been having phone sex a lot since then and have developed a lovely daddy dom/baby girl relationship.

Far be it from me to say that people shouldn’t be free to do whatever it takes to achieve mutual satisfaction in such matters, but excuse me if I fail to see how this qualifies as “intersectional feminism.” What sort of feminist “empowerment” does Ms. Ellis achieve by getting spanked, choked, deep-throated and sodomized by a dominant “daddy”?

Sado-masochism has never appealed to me, and I have a difficult time imagining how or why anyone could enjoy such behavior. It’s like people with foot fetishes — what kind of freak gets off on that stuff?

How these deviant urges develop is something that students of abnormal psychology might explain, but why would someone advertise their perversion the way Ms. Ellis does? She justifies this by calling herself a “sex-positive . . . intersectional feminist,” but how is she advancing the cause of “gender equality” by publicly humiliating herself?

As I said, feminism is like a magic talisman by which a woman can justify whatever she wants to do, while silencing all criticism.


Yes, of course! Ms. Ellis only wants to be spanked, choked, deep-throated and sodomized by a dominant progressive “daddy”:

My politics are the reason I haven’t been hooking up with as many people lately. Up until now, I had blamed it on not wanting to risk bad sex (which still is true), but because of my recent push to become more political, the men I’m choosing to casually f–k must meet intersectional feminist criteria. . . .
One could argue that I could put effort into separating sex and politics, which I’ve done in the past, but can’t and won’t do anymore. See sex-positivity, my lifestyle, my queerness, aren’t allowed in Trump’s America or in a conservative world. . . .
The slut in me is becoming ever more frustrated at the lack of current Left-wing [males] in my area.

Ms. Ellis’s intersectional feminist boycott of right-wing males in Ontario is, perhaps, the best thing that ever happened to Canada.

You can thank President Trump for that.


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