The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 01.11.18

Posted on | January 11, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Les Parapluies De Cherbourg
Twitchy: Looks Like Peter Thiel’s Getting Some Poetic Justice (And Glenn Greenwald Can’t Deal)
Louder With Crowder: Seal Blasts Oprah’s Harvey Weinstein Hypocrisy On Instagram
Medium: How A Cult Infiltrated The California Institute Of Integral Studies (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: The Solution To African Gangs Terrorizing Melbourne? Crack Down On Far-Right Racial Hatred
American Power: Laura Ingraham Warns Trump – You Promised A Wall, Not A Fence, also, James Agee, A Death In The Family
American Thinker: Killing Trump Is The Deep State’s Plan C, Stone Claims
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Bat-Guano Crazy News
BattleSwarm: Engineer James Damore Sues Google
Bring The HEAT: French To Deploy On US Carrier This Spring
CDR Salamander: REFORGER – Now More Than Ever
Da Tech Guy: The Self-Identification Retirement Plan, also, What You Already Knew About Twitter Is Worse Than You Thought
Don Surber: Doesn’t Look Like Amnesty Is Happening
Dustbury: Gawker To Remain Dead
The Geller Report: Greece Limits Sharia Law After European Court Challenge, also, US Jewish Leadership Ignores Catastrophic Effects Of Hijra On European Jewry
Hogewash: A Changing Comet, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Liberals Outraged As Walmart Increases Wages & Benefits In Response To GOP Tax Bill
Joe For America: LA Teacher Cuffed, Removed From board Meeting For Asking Questions, also, Chicagoans Not Happy About Obama’s Presidential Library Plans
JustOneMinute: Add This To “Frequently Unasked Questions”, also, Irrigate The Swamp?
Legal Insurrection: Psychiatrists Who Targeted Trump Face Backlash, also, Undercover Video Ensnares Twitter
Power Line: FBI Reportedly Used Trump Dossier To Obtain FISA Warrant, also, Google “Fact Checks” The Right
Shark Tank: 66% Of Americans Feel Trump’s Economy Is “Excellent Or Good”
Shot In The Dark: MSGA, also, After All These Months…
STUMP: Centless In Seattle – The New Soda Tax Saga
The Political Hat: Blame The White People, Blame The Republicans, Blame The Christians
This Ain’t Hell: CSM Troxell To ISIS – Surrender Or Die, also, Army Recruit Fitness Fails
Weasel Zippers: Spokane WA Decides To Outlaw Jailing Of Illegals By Police, also, Meghan McCain Destroys Michael Wolff And His Book On The View
Megan McArdle: Saving Hollywood From The Chinese Box Office
Mark Steyn: Of Sellouts, Sepoys, and Superheroes, also, The Pleasure Of His Company

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Violence Against Women: Convict Kills His Mother’s Girlfriend and Her Daughter

Posted on | January 11, 2018 | Comments Off on Violence Against Women: Convict Kills His Mother’s Girlfriend and Her Daughter

Marlin Larice Joseph is accused of murder in Florida.

Marlin Larice Joseph, 26, has tattoos on his face. In 2013, he was charged with “lewd behavior” involving a 13-year-old girl, and was sentenced to prison. He served less than a year of that sentence, and was living with his mother, Robin Denson, in West Palm Beach, Florida:

Wearing a black baseball cap and a gray T-shirt that says “Ben Hustlin All My Life,” Robin Denson spoke to her missing son.
“Marlin, son, I love you,” Denson said, standing in front of the West Palm Beach Police Department on [Jan. 1]. “You know I love you, but please, turn yourself in. If you’re scared to do so, call me.” . . .
She said she’s had no contact with Joseph since he vanished. Denson has no idea where he is.
“We’re all he’s got,” she said as her two other children, Pop and Annie, stood next to their grieving mom for six minutes.
Denson says Marlin was a good kid. He played high school football. He read his Bible every day. “I just don’t know what went wrong,” she said.

Police say where Joseph went wrong — besides his stint in prison and his face tattoos — was murdering his mother’s lesbian girlfriend, Kaladaa Crowell, 36, and Crowell’s 11-year-old daughter, Kyra Inglett:

Upset over an 11-year-old’s “bad attitude,” Marlin Larice Joseph gunned down the girl’s mother, then chased the elementary-school student outside and killed her, recently released West Palm Beach police records show.
Joseph, 26, was arrested [Jan. 2] in Lake Worth on two first-degree murder charges about two hours after authorities caught his 27-year-old cousin using his credit card at a Lantana gas station. Javarie Williams was arrested for reportedly hiding Joseph for days and lying to authorities about his whereabouts. . . .
Joseph’s mother, who was dating the woman her son reportedly killed and considered herself a stepmother to the girl, tearfully pleaded for her son to turn himself in the day before his arrest.
Robin Denson said she was outside the West Palm Beach home [Dec. 28] when her son allegedly fired fatal shots into Kaladaa Crowell, 36, and her 11-year-old daughter, Kyra Inglett.
Police records indicate Crowell and Joseph, who also lived in the 822 Third St. home, had argued that day about the way Kyra “was not getting along with the other children who lived in the home.”
Joseph claimed the 11-year-old, a fifth-grade student at Northboro Elementary School in West Palm Beach, “had a bad attitude,” according to an arrest report.
Shortly after 7 p.m. Joseph’s brother said Joseph walked out of the bedroom they shared. Seconds later, the brother heard a gunshot and found Crowell sitting on the ground.
“Please call 911,” the mother pleaded, according to the police report.
Joseph’s brother ran out the front door and saw another brother wrestling with Joseph.
The second brother told authorities he heard gunfire, then saw Joseph run out of the home behind Kyra and shoot her. Police say the 11-year-old was shot in the head and the right forearm.
The brother grabbed Joseph, trying to keep him from running off, according to a police report.
A third brother, who also saw Joseph shoot Kyra, said Joseph ran back inside the home, fired at least two more shots, then fled in Crowell’s car.

And you thought your family was “dysfunctional”? Here you have two women living together with their five children, and none of the news stories about this case contains a single word about who were the fathers of these various children. Considering Joseph’s criminal record, I’m going to guess his father isn’t exactly a model citizen. One notices that there were at least four different surnames (Denson, Joseph, Crowell, Inglett) among the seven residents of 822 Third St. In this disorderly household, the convicted felon with face tattoos considered himself fit to pass judgment on the “bad attitude” of his mother’s girlfriend’s daughter, a fifth-grader who “was not getting along with the other children who lived in the home.” He decided to settle this domestic conflict with a pistol.


Trish Bendix, who for nearly 10 years was editor of the lesbian news site, connects this South Florida murder to an upstate New York case we previously covered here, and provocatively asks: “Why Are Black Lesbians And Their Children Being Targeted For Murder?”

The similarities in these two cases are too hard to ignore — black lesbians and their children killed by men who knew them and their families. In 2014, James Larry Cosby was convicted of murdering his daughter, Britney Cosby, and her girlfriend, Crystal Jackson, in Houston. During his trial, friends and family testified that Cosby was vocal about his problem with their relationship and his daughter’s homosexuality, though he never went on record to state his motive.
“These are the things we know. He had resentment. They had a better life. They were being treated differently at [Jackson’s family’s] house,” Capt. Barry Cook, an investigator with the Galveston County Sheriff’s Office said. “He didn’t agree with their lifestyle, but neither did the Jacksons. Were they killed for being gay? Who knows? He’s the only one who knows and he’s not talking.”
While certainly not explicitly specific to black families, familial homophobia is often ignored when it comes to law enforcement declaring something a hate crime. It seems, for some reason, that an anti-lesbian motive isn’t one worth bringing up by anyone other than the prosecution or people that knew the victims well, at least in Cosby’s case. But with what seems like a tragic trend of black lesbians and their children being murdered in their own homes, it’s past time to acknowledge that their being targeted was very specific.

Except correlation is not causation, Ms. Bendix. What you are doing here is what I’ve called the Atrocity Narrative method of propaganda. In a nation of 320 million people, it’s possible to collect a handful of examples of almost any unusual phenomenon (e.g., people having sex with dogs) and portray this as a social “trend.” This was how, for example, the Black Lives Matter movement ginned up a firestorm of anti-police anger, claiming a pattern of racist brutality by white cops, even though as a matter of statistical fact, a police officer is more likely to be killed by a black suspect than vice-versa. Selective media attention to relatively rare incidents — cops shooting unarmed suspects, or lesbians being murdered — can create distorted public perceptions. Yet such distortions are often deliberately created by activists and journalists seeking to promote “social justice” narratives about racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.

Are black lesbians being “targeted” because of their sexuality? Perhaps, but what do we know about the sexuality of the 624 people shot to death last year in Chicago, of whom 78% (502 victims) were black? So far as I know, no one has ever analyzed Chicago’s crime epidemic in terms of its impact on the LGBT community, but what we do know is that 91% of the victims are males, and most of the perpetrators were also male. Chicago is a microcosm of violent crime in the United States, which is disproportionately committed by black males, who are about 6% of the U.S. population, but commit nearly half the country’s violent crimes.

For more than half a century, dating back to “The Moynihan Report” of 1965, social critics have tried to call attention to the correlation between family breakdown in the black community and the problem of poverty and violence. Unfortunately, these concerns have been shouted down with accusations of racism by liberals who insist that, somehow, the prejudices of white people must be to blame for every problem that affects black people. This scapegoating explanation is used by liberals to excuse and justify irresponsible behavior by black people, who are portrayed as helpless “victims of society,” without moral agency over their own individual lives. This belief begets the Officer Krupke syndrome: “I’m depraved on account I’m deprived.”

To explain the murders of Kaladaa Crowell and Kyra Inglett as a consequence of “familial homophobia,” as Ms. Bendix does, you must ignore a whole lot of contrary evidence. You must ignore, for example, the question of why Marlin Joseph, a sex offender with tattoos on his face, was living in the same household with an 11-year-old girl and, also, why this convicted criminal had possession of a pistol. Just ask a few questions: What percentage of the population of West Palm Beach is on probation or parole? What’s the violent crime rate there? How many sex offenders live in the community? Wouldn’t such facts be more relevant than speculation about the influence of “familial homophobia”?

Here’s a fact: Hillary Clinton got 57% of the vote in Palm Beach County. Is there any reason to suspect Marlin Joseph voted for Trump? Of course not, but Trish Bendix is a liberal and liberals don’t care about facts:

In 2017, more LGBTQ people were killed in hate-violence-related homicides than previous years. . . . Of the total number of LGBTQ homicides in 2017, 75% of the victims were people of color; 20 (56%) of the victims were Black. . . .
Researchers posited that Trump’s election and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric coming from his administration, as well as other far right conservatives in states like North Carolina and Texas, had made it somehow more acceptable for some to act on their hatred or dislike for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, trans men or women, and other members of the queer community.
But should those who are motivated by hate crimes are not charged for them, and if the identities and relationships of the victims are ignored as they can often be not just by law enforcement but by the press as well, it will be harder for the community to qualify an epidemic that could threaten to keep growing during a time of civil unrest inspired by those currently in power.
In Trump’s America, black lesbians and their children are being murdered; trans women are being murdered; hate crimes are rampant and can’t and shouldn’t be ignored, especially if this kind of hate is coming from inside our own homes.

So, a convicted sex offender with tattoos on his face kills two people in his mother’s home in the Democrat stronghold of West Palm Beach and, according to Trish Bendix, this is evidence of an “epidemic” of hate crimes caused by “anti-LGBTQ rhetoric” from Trump administration and “far right conservatives.” Meanwhile, in upstate New York, the apparent motive for the December murder of two lesbians and two children was — wait for it — stealing a flat-screen TV. Blame Trump!





Google Lawsuit Exposes Stalinist Climate Protecting Anti-White, Anti-Male Bias

Posted on | January 10, 2018 | Comments Off on Google Lawsuit Exposes Stalinist Climate Protecting Anti-White, Anti-Male Bias


We tend to use the phrase “political correctness” as a joke, without acknowledging its blood-soaked historical origins. However, I’ve spent the past couple of weeks reading  Robert Conquest’s The Great Terror, a history of the darkest era in Stalin’s murderous dictatorship, and I cannot overlook the parallels between Stalinism and the so-called SJW (social-justice warrior) mentality exposed by James Damore’s lawsuit:

James Damore, the Google engineer who was fired after arguing that the gender gap in tech may be partially explained by sex differences among men and women, just filed a class-action lawsuit against Google in the Santa Clara, Calif., Superior Court.
Damore came to fame after he wrote the now-infamous “Google Manifesto,” where he pointed out that “differences in distributions of traits between men and women may in part explain why we don’t have 50% representation of women in tech.” . . .
Filed Monday morning, the class-action lawsuit argues that Google discriminates against white conservative men on the basis of their “male gender” and “Caucasian race,” further alleging that there is “open hostility for conservative thought” in the Google workplace.
Damore is joined by another former Google engineer named David Gudeman, who faced “wrongful termination” in 2016 after three years as a software engineer. Both are represented by the Dhillon Law Group.
The lawsuit also alleges that Google employees were awarded bonuses for arguing against Damore’s views. In one example of this, a female employee was awarded a bonus for speaking out against the “wretched hive of scum and villainy” allegedly represented by Damore’s memo.

You can read the whole thing. To those who have studied Soviet history, it is evident that in the quasi-Stalinist atmosphere at Google, heterosexual white males became the “class enemy,” like the kulak peasants annihilated during the forced collectivization of Soviet agriculture. Denounced by Lenin as “bloodsuckers, vampires, plunderers of the people and profiteers,” these were peasant farmers who were demonized for being slightly more prosperous than their neighbors. The Bolsheviks made kulaks the scapegoats for the failures of Soviet policy. Bread shortages were blamed on the kulaks — a slur which in Russian implied greed — and when Stalin came to power, a campaign of genocidal violence was unleashed against these scapegoats, a policy that resulted in the notorious terror famine known as the Holodomor.

Why is Soviet history so relevant to what happened at Google? How could far-left “social justice” ideology have become institutionalized at what is, after all, a powerful (and enormously profitable) communications conglomerate valued at more than $400 billion? This is explained by the fact that, during the past decade, identity-politics grievance groups began eyeing Silicon Valley as a target for class-action lawsuits alleging discrimination against women and minorities. At companies like Google, slogans of “diversity” and “inclusion” were used to disguise what were, in reality, defensive measures against such accusations. In April 2017 — four months before Damore’s “manifesto” went viral — the Labor Department accused Google of “extreme” discrimination against women:

Google has discriminated against its female employees, according to the US Department of Labor (DoL), which said it had evidence of “systemic compensation disparities”.
As part of an ongoing DoL investigation, the government has collected information that suggests the internet search giant is violating federal employment laws with its salaries for women, agency officials said.
“We found systemic compensation disparities against women pretty much across the entire workforce,” Janette Wipper, a DoL regional director, testified in court in San Francisco . . .
Janet Herold, regional solicitor for the DoL, said: “The investigation is not complete, but at this point the department has received compelling evidence of very significant discrimination against women in the most common positions at Google headquarters.”
Herold added: “The government’s analysis at this point indicates that discrimination against women in Google is quite extreme, even in this industry.”
Google strongly denied the accusations of inequities, claiming it did not have a gender pay gap.
The explosive allegation against one of the largest and most powerful companies in Silicon Valley comes at a time when the male-dominated tech industry is facing increased scrutiny over gender discrimination, pay disparities and sexual harassment.
The allegations emerged at a hearing in federal court as part of a lawsuit the DoL filed against Google in January [2017], seeking to compel the company to provide salary data and documents to the government.
Google is a federal contractor, which means it is required to allow the DoL to inspect and copy records and information about its its compliance with equal opportunity laws. [In 2016], the department’s office of federal contract compliance programs requested job and salary history for Google employees, along with names and contact information, as part of the compliance review.

If you read that carefully, you understand that this “compliance review” of Google’s hiring policies was begun by the Obama administration. The officials pushing this — Wipper and Herold — are bureaucratic holdovers from the previous administration, who filed a lawsuit in January 2017 (i.e., before Trump was inaugurated) at a time when Silicon Valley firms were “facing increased scrutiny over gender discrimination.” Under those circumstances, Google managers were obviously feeling pressure to demonstrate that they were not engaged in discrimination against women, which is the most obvious motive for the attitude of anti-male discrimination that the Damore lawsuit alleges:

Damore, Gudeman, and other class members were ostracized, belittled, and punished for their heterodox political views, and for the added sin of their birth circumstances of being Caucasians and/or males. This is the essence of discrimination — Google formed opinions about and then treated Plaintiffs not based on their individual merits, but rather on their membership in groups with assumed characteristics.
Google employees and managers strongly preferred to hear the same orthodox opinions regurgitated repeatedly, producing an ideological echo chamber, a protected, distorted bubble of groupthink. When Plaintiffs challenged Google’s illegal employment practices, they were openly threatened and subjected to harassment and retaliation from Google. Google created an environment of protecting employees who harassed individuals who spoke out against Google’s view or the “Googley way,” as it is sometimes known internally. Google employees knew they could harass Plaintiffs with impunity, given the tone set by managers — and they did so.
Google employs illegal hiring quotas to fill its desired percentages of women and favored minority candidates, and openly shames managers of business units who fail to meet their quotas—in the process, openly denigrating male and Caucasian employees as less favored than others.
Not only was the numerical presence of women celebrated at Google solely due to their gender, but the presence of Caucasians and males was mocked with “boos” during company-wide weekly meetings. This unacceptable behavior occurred at the hands of high-level managers at Google who were responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of hiring and firing decisions . . .

Damore vs Google Class Action Lawsuit by zerohedge on Scribd


There are some genuinely mind-boggling examples cited in that complaint and, as lawyers like to say, “discovery is a bitch.” If Google doesn’t settle this lawsuit, or if they can’t get it dismissed in the early preliminaries, they’re going to be forced to hand over a lot of internal emails and other communications that could be very embarrassing. The Stalinist climate at Google exists because the company’s executives don’t want to tell the truth about their company’s personnel policies. The actual facts about who gets hired or promoted and why — the reality behind those slogans of “diversity” and “inclusion” — would be a shattering blow to the utopian illusion of “social justice.” Just as the Soviet dictatorship blamed the kulaks for food shortages, rather than acknowledge the failure of their own misguided policies, so also has Google made heterosexual white males the scapegoats for their managerial failures.

James Damore refused to play along with the social-justice game, and his truth-telling courage made him the Solzhenitsyn of the Google gulag.

Like I keep saying, people need to wake the hell up.

Also, as I keep saying, Hit the Freaking Tip Jar!



In The Mailbox: 01.10.18

Posted on | January 10, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.10.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: ROK President Moon Praises Trump For Getting The Norks To Negotiate
Twitchy: James Woods Obliterates Kamala Harris’ DREAMer Fixation With Constitutional Truth Bomb
Louder With Crowder: Birth Tourism? Russians Vacation In America To Give Birth…And Get Green Cards, also, Immigration Agents Raid Dozens Of 7-11 Stores

Adam Piggott: It’s Time To Get Our Womenfolk In Order, also, Podcast #71 – The Misery Loves Company Episode
American Power: Wave Of GOP Retirements In California, also, Ralph Peters On The Nork Nuke Crisis And Diplomatic Negotiations
American Thinker: Why Liberals Need To Look Down On Conservatives
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Involuntary Servitude News, also, Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Democrats Threaten To Shut Down Government Because They Need Illegal Alien Votes, also, David Brooks Finds Half A Box Of Clues
CDR Salamander: Chinese History You Need To Remember
Da Tech Guy: Border Wall Mind Games, also, #OprahKnew But Was Silent When It Counted, also also, Your Lyin’ Eyes
Don Surber: Trump Just Showed Congress It’s His Town, also, Can Democrats Survive 2018?
Dustbury: It Seemed Funny At The Time, also, Inverse Catering
Fred On Everything: A Dubious Patriotism – On Accommodating Reality
The Geller Report: Fusion GPS Admits They Used Stacy’s Crazy Cousin John To Pass Anti-Trump Dossier To Obama’s Intel Agencies, also, Lawless London – At Least Six Fatal Stabbings In Last Ten Days
Hogewash: NGC 7027, also, Team Kimberlin Posts Of The Day (Tuesday & Wednesday)
Jammie Wearing Fools: ROK President Moon – Trump Deserves “Big Credit” For Talks With North Korea
Joe For America: Texas Judge Caught Forging Dozens Of Ballot Petition Signatures
JustOneMinute: If You Can Keep Your Head… also, The Reality TV Star Takes On Reality, TV
Legal Insurrection: Judge Blocks Trump From Reversing Obama DACA Policy, also, Investigation Of Jane Sanders & Demise Of Burlington College Continues
Power Line: Climate Change – California Hypocrisy Turned Up To 11, also, Mueller Lays A Trap
Shark Tank: Soros Enters Florida’s Congressional Fray
Shot In The Dark: A Sign You’ve Solved All The Serious Crises, also, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
STUMP: Federal Tax Avoidance Follies – A Splash of Reality, also, Mortality – Watching The Spanish Flu In Old Newspapers
The Jawa Report: Feelgood Story Of The Day – Hamas Dude Offs Himself
The Political Hat: Drag Club For Kids, also, Canada Channels Monty Python
This Ain’t Hell: Tuskegee Airman SGM Thomas Ellis, RIP, also, Marine 1LT Aaron Cranford Saving The World, also also, Felonious Manning – F*** The Police
Weasel Zippers: Leaked Memo – DREAMers Crucial To Future Dem Electoral Success, also, Huma Abedin Backed Up Classified Emails To Weiner’s Laptop, Even Though She Told FBI She Didn’t
Megan McArdle: The #MeToo Movement Has Worked
Mark Steyn: I Wish You Love, also, State Of The Oprah Address

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Violence Against Women Update: Louisiana Murder Suspect Arrested

Posted on | January 9, 2018 | 1 Comment

Deaundrey Cole was arrested Sunday in Portland, Oregon.

On the day before Mother’s Day last year, two women were murdered in Monroe, Louisiana. Deborah Collins, 60, and Florica Green, 36, were killed in a drive-by shooting, along with 17-year-old Darvis Jones. Police say neither of the women had anything to do with the dispute that led to their deaths. According to an arrest warrant for Qatarrious Dean, he and Jones had robbed a drug dealer named Deaundrey Cole:

Two witnesses told officers they saw Cole with an assault rifle in a SUV on the Saturday in question. They told officers Cole was aggravated and stated “those little n—– got me.” They later saw Cole exit the same vehicle with the rifle and say, “I told them little n—– I was going to get them,” the warrant states.
On Wednesday, MPD officers took Qatarrious Dean, 20, into custody on multiple charges, including resisting a police officer and warrants for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and armed robbery. . . .
Dean discussed the May shooting with officers after signing a form discussing his rights. He said he was at the corner of South Third and Plum streets with Jones when they saw Cole, who was attempting to sell powder cocaine.
Per the warrant, when Cole saw Jones had a pistol, he wanted to buy it. Jones then told Dean he was about to make a move on Cole, and Dean told officers he knew Jones was about to rob Cole.
Dean told officers Jones pointed the pistol at Cole and that he also pulled out a pistol to back up Jones. The warrant states Jones took cash from Cole and an undetermined amount of powder cocaine estimated at a couple of grams. Cole then left the area driving a gold SUV.
As Jones and Dean were later walking to 1400 South Third, Dean said he saw the same SUV driving south and Cole in the back passenger seat, per the warrant. He said Cole was holding a long gun and fired it once. Dean said Jones fired a pistol at the truck twice, and they ran towards the alley as the SUV drove off.
The warrant states Dean and Jones ran toward the front of the home and the same SUV pulled back and fired numerous shots. Dean said they ran toward the alley and Jones fell down, bleeding. Dean ran away.

Cole was a fugitive for more than six months, until he was arrested Sunday in Oregon after a domestic dispute led to a car crash:

Portland police on Sunday arrested a man wanted in a triple murder in Louisiana, records show. . . .
Portland police didn’t appear to know about the allegations when they first responded to a “mobile domestic disturbance” that involved a car crash, according to a probable cause affidavit filed in Multnomah County Circuit Court.
He initially gave police a false name, according to the court document, and the driver of the car he hit told an officer that he had a murder warrant from Louisiana. He insisted his name was Demetrius Jenkins and had a driver’s license and birth certificate in the name, but officers ran his fingerprints and confirmed he was the man wanted out of Louisiana, according to the affidavit. . . .
He had been arguing over the phone with the driver of the car he’s accused of hitting, according to the affidavit.

Feminists have ignored this violence against women, for some reason.





Oregon Judge Releases Deborah Frisch

Posted on | January 9, 2018 | 1 Comment

“While I am not qualified to make a professional diagnosis, it has long been my personal opinion that Doctor Frisch is deranged, demented, bonkers, wacky, off her rocker, and cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.”
Robert Stacy McCain, Sept. 24, 2016

Last week, notorious cyberstalker Deborah Frisch was arrested in Oregon, a week after a judge had released her from jail, where she was being held for extradition to Colorado on a no-bond warrant. When someone becomes a fugitive from justice by fleeing to another state — Frisch is charged with felonies in Weld County, Colorado — it is obviously unwise to release them from custody. When Frisch was re-arrested Friday, she must have caused quite a scene, as she was charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. In a hearing Monday, a judge in Deschutes County, Oregon, inexplicably turned Frisch loose again.

Where is the justice here? As soon as Frisch was set free, she immediately got back online and began engaging in the same type of behavior that led Weld County authorities to charge her with felonies.

Jeff Goldstein, whose family has been terrorized by the former university psychology professor since 2006, wrote on Facebook:

What would YOU do with your temporary gift of freedom?
Well, if you’re Deb Frisch and you’ve learned that the Oregon Courts are essentially toothless, you rush home after posting bond with the money the state gives you, then use your time to continue stalking and harassing.
Think of it as Frisch’s job. That the government is paying her to do. And that Oregon judges must deem necessary to the health of the common weal, lest they’d be willing to let a few days go by without it.

Jeff’s remark about “the money the state gives” Frisch refers to the fact that she receives disability payments because of her mental illness. Thus, taxpayers are subsidizing her insane behavior, and Oregon courts seem to believe Frisch has a right to behave this way.

Why are some judges unable to recognize the seriousness of this kind of harassment, which Jeff and his family have endured for nearly 12 years?


Alabama Wins National Title 26-23

Posted on | January 9, 2018 | Comments Off on Alabama Wins National Title 26-23


Tonight I told my 19-year-old son Jeff, “You’ll tell your grandchildren about this game. You’ll tell them you watched this game with your Dad.”

It was insane. At halftime, Alabama trailed 13-0 at the half, and my older brother Kirby texted me: “It’s over.” I replied: “It’s bad.”

Our offense was anemic. Four times in the first half, Alabama was three-and-out. Another possession ended in a missed 40-year field goal try. Meanwhile, Georgia’s freshman quarterback Jake Fromm was looking like a future #1 NFL draft pick. We were doomed, but then . . . Tua.

I can’t spell his last name or pronounce it, but he won:

Tua Tagovailoa threw a 41-yard touchdown to DeVonta Smith to give No. 4 Alabama a 26-23 overtime victory against No. 3 Georgia to win the College Football Playoff national championship Monday night.
Tagovailoa entered the game at halftime, replacing a struggling Jalen Hurts, and threw three touchdown passes, including the game-ender to give the Crimson Tide its fifth national championship since 2009 under coach Nick Saban.
After Alabama kicker Andy Pappanastos missed a 37-yard field goal that would have won it for the Tide (13-1) in the final seconds of regulation, Georgia (13-2) took the lead with a 51-yard field goal from Rodrigo Blankenship in overtime.
Tagovailoa took a terrible sack on Alabama’s first play of overtime, losing 16 yards. On the next play he found Smith, another freshman, streaking down the sideline and hit him in stride for the national championship.
This game will be remembered for Saban’s decision to change quarterbacks trailing 13-0.
“I just thought we had to throw the ball, and I felt he could do it better, and he did,” Saban said.

That final touchdown — where Tua looked-off the safety and then hit Smith (also a freshman) — was a thing of beauty, and a joy forever.

This is right up there with “The Stop,” when Alabama linebacker Barry Krauss made the crucial hit that prevented a Penn State touchdown, to clinch the National Championship in the 1979 Sugar Bowl. I watched that game with my Dad, and so the Crimson Tide legacy continues.


In The Mailbox: 01.08.18

Posted on | January 9, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.08.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: OPRAH 2020?
Twitchy: Yale Psych Professor Who Wanted @POTUS “Contained” Vanishes From Twitter
Louder With Crowder: Feel The Bern! This “Pay Your Fair Share” Cafe Proves Socialism Is The Worst
Business Insider: Author Of Explosive New Trump Book Says He Can’t Be Sure If All Parts Are True

Adam Piggott: Australia’s Regulatory Nightmare In Two Pictures, also, Bachelor Cooking – Cooking With Bacon
American Power: Yvette Felarca Ordered To Pay $11,000 For Filing Fraudulent Restraining Order, also, John Putnam Demos, Entertaining Satan
American Thinker: The Clock Ticks For The Clinton Foundation
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Pat Condell On Britain’s Hate Speech Police, also, Liberals And Trump’s Twitter Traps
Bring The HEAT: RIP Capt. John Young
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday, also, Maybe The Germans Are On To Something
Da Tech Guy: Democrat Candidates For IL Governor Resort To Scapegoating, also, Libyan Slave Markets And Jumping Into The Fire
Don Surber: Oprah’s Fake Cry Of Racism, also, The Left’s Gift To The Donald
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, The Sound Never Quite Dies
The Geller Report: Another Imam, This Time In NC, Calls For Slaughter Of The Jews, also, Polls Show 52% Want Merkel Off The Ballot In New Election
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also also Blogsmoke
Jammie Wearing Fools: We’re Still Better Off With Trump Than Clinton
Joe For America: Costco Manager Shows Just How Ridiculous New Seattle Sugar Tax Is
JustOneMinute: Resistance Madness, also, This Is NOT How Twitter Works
Legal Insurrection: Judge Drops Charges In Bundy Ranch Standoff Case, also, Democrats Holding Spending Bill Hostage Over DACA
Power Line: Blue States Search For Ways To Preserve Subsidies, also, German Energy Policy On The Rocks
Shark Tank: Miami Congressional Republicans Unhappy Over Trump’s Ending Salvadoran TPS
Shot In The Dark: The CIA’s Fiendish Plan To Kill Off Hipsters
STUMP: More Soda Tax Idiocy – This Time, It’s Seattle
The Jawa Report: John The Force Ghost McLaughlin
The Political Hat: The Socialist Dictatorship Of Venezuela Does What Socialist Dictatorships Do
This Ain’t Hell: SGT Kyle LaFlore Murdered On Leave, also, Jerry Van Dyke, RIP
Weasel Zippers: British SAS Soldier Beheads Jihadi With Shovel, Uses Terrorist’s Gun To Kill The Rest, also, Sabo Trolls Golden Globes With “We All Knew” Art
Mark Steyn: Darkest Hour, also, The Endless Night Of The Long Knives

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