The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 11.06.17

Posted on | November 6, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Kinda stressed out and disoriented last week, so you get your SF author linkagery today instead of Friday. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #67
EBL: Ivanka – Big In Japan
Twitchy: Blindsided – Senator Rand Paul Assaulted In His Bowling Green Home
Louder With Crowder: Berkeley Students Accuse Professor Of White Supremacy Over A Midterm Exam
According To Hoyt: They Walk Like Men
Monster Hunter Nation: Brief Update Post
Vox Popoli: The Failing U.S. Military

Adam Piggott: The Very Real Black Privilege
American Power: Democrats Poised For Complete Dominance In The West, also, Pamela Geller, Fatwa – Hunted In America
American Thinker: The Right’s War On Milo Yiannopoulos
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Deir Ez-Zor Falls
BLACKFIVE: Sally Cabot Gunning, Monticello
CDR Salamander: USS Fitzgerald & McCain Collisons On Midrats
Da Tech Guy: Dear Gun Grabbers – It Was Illegal For Devin Kelley To Own A Firearm, also, Opinion Puppeteering – Also, I Told You So
Don Surber: Gun Control Failed In Texas, also, 20 Who Feuded With Trump – And Lost
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, Schedule A Takes A Hit
The Geller Report: Incest In Islam, also, Imam Comments On Harvey Weinstein – Women Need To Wear Hijab So Men Can Control Sexual Urges
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also also, The Cabin Boy Discovers Gab
Jammie Wearing Fools: John Kerry Blames Trump For Giving Norks A Reason To Build Nukes
Joe For America: Stacy’s Crazy Cousin John Blasts U.S. In Annapolis Speech – “No More America First”
JustOneMinute: York On The Steele Dossier
Legal Insurrection: DNC/Hillary Collusion Bombshell Ignored By Major Networks, also, Red Cross Admits $6 Million In Ebola Fight Funds Stolen Through Fraud
Power Line: Fake News About Koi – Why Nobody Trusts The Press, also, More On The Democrat’s Attack On Rand Paul, also also, Is It OK To Be White?
Shark Tank: Big Abortion Backs Gwen Graham For Florida Governor
Shot In The Dark: Buying Popcorn Stock
STUMP: Movember Campaign – Prostate Cancer And Suicide Prevention
The Jawa Report: TweeterGate, also, Sandcrawler PSA – Russian Trolls And You
The Political Hat: Charter Of The Forest – Still Relevant After 800 Years
This Ain’t Hell: Nurse Burner Clifford Currie Gets 20 Years, also, DRG Behind Bars
Weasel Zippers: Actor Michael McKean Attacks Sutherland Springs Victims, also, Venezuelans Now Eating Their Pets To Avoid Starvation
Mark Steyn: V For Vendetta, also, The Triumph Of Amoral Will

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TEXAS CHURCH MASSACRE: ‘Creepy’ Atheist Was Stopped by Armed Citizen

Posted on | November 6, 2017 | 4 Comments

Atheist murderer Devin Kelley (left); Texas hero Stephen Willeford (right).

Crucial facts about the shooting at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, are beginning to emerge. The perpetrator, 26-year-old Devin Patrick Kelley, was given a bad-conduct discharge from the Air Force three years ago after he assaulted his wife and infant child in 2012. Acquaintances of Kelley told the Daily Mail that he was “creepy,” “crazy” and “weird,” with a habit of posting atheist rants online. In interviews this morning, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said that Kelley had been denied a state permit to carry a weapon, and Abbott also said he believes the investigation will show that the Sutherland Springs church was not a target that Kelley chose at random. The Daily Beast reported Sunday that Kelley’s estranged wife’s mother listed a Sutherland Springs address, which seemed to indicate a motive of personal revenge.

The slaughter at the church was stopped by an armed citizen:

Two quick-thinking locals have been hailed as heroes for stopping the man responsible for the worst ever mass shooting in Texas which left 26 dead.
Stephen Willeford, 55, confronted gunman Devin Patrick Kelley, 26, when he was leaving First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, wounding him, before he and Johnnie Langendorff, 27, chased him in a car after he fled.
During the 95mph car chase, Kelley lost control of his vehicle and ran off the road, before shooting himself in the head. He called his father shortly before to say he had been shot and didn’t think he was going to make it.
Texas Department of Public Safety Regional Director Freeman Martin said Willeford ran out his home barefoot with his rifle and ‘engaged the suspect’. . . .
Willeford, a local plumber with no military experience, is however an excellent shot . . . and when he came face to face with Kelley, he shot in between his body armor, hitting him in his side.
At this point Langendorff . . . came across the exchange of fire.
When Kelley dropped his Ruger assault rifle and fled in an SUV, Willeford came up to Langendorff and hopped in his truck.
‘The neighbor with the rifle came to my truck and he opened my door and said, “He shot up the church”, and got in, Langendorff told Good Morning America. ‘He said, “Chase him” so that’s what I did. I just chase him.’ . . .
Langendorff told KSAT 12 that he’d been speeding at 95mph, while on the phone to dispatch, while Willeford kept his rifle trained on the gunman’s car.
As they approached a sharp curve in the road, near the 307 and 539, he said Kelley appeared to lose control and his car swerved off the road.
‘That’s when I put the truck in park,’ he said. ‘The other gentleman jumped out, and had his rifle on him. He didn’t move after that.’
Kelley was already dead when they found him inside his vehicle having shot himself dead. Police revealed during a press conference on Monday that the gunman called his father to let him know he had been shot and he didn’t think he was going to make it.
‘At this time we believe that he had a self-inflicted gunshot wound,’ Wilson County Sheriff Joe Tackitt told CBS News on Monday.

We can expect to learn more about the gunman’s background and motive in the coming days, while Democrats demand new gun-control laws, but the reality here is that the Good Guy with a gun stopped the Bad Guy with a gun, and what Democrats want is to disarm the Good Guys.


Rule 5 Sunday: Whatever Happened To…

Posted on | November 5, 2017 | 3 Comments

– compiled by Wombat-socho

…the young lady who graced the cover of Playboy with Donald Trump back in March of 1990? Brandi Brandt was named Playmate of the Month in October 1987 and went on to other modeling gigs and small parts in various movies, while being married to Motley Crue drummer Nikki Sixx, with whom she had three kids. Unfortunately, she got busted by the Aussies for cocaine trafficking and spent some time in prison, but she’s been out on parole since 2016, and appears to have aged quite nicely.
As usual, many of the following links are to pictures normally considered NSFW, The management is not responsible for any personal problems caused by your failure to exercise discretion in the clicking. Don’t start none, won’t be none.

Brandi then…

Leading off this week is Ninety Miles From Tyranny with Hot Pick of the Late Night, 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #62, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns; Animal Magnetism bats second with Rule 5 Civil War Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s thundering herd this week includes a Fishy Tale, Halloween 2017, Astros Win!, Angharad Rees, Ivanka Trump, Maria Miri Domark, and Happy Birthday U.S. Marine Corps!

…and now (2015)

A View From The Beach graces us with From Austria, Nadine LeopoldFish Pic Friday – FlattiesThe Wisdom of the Hollywood CrowdFemen Piles On PolanskySome Halloween VisitorsHappy Halloween!A Little Hair of the DogYes Virginia, There is a Rape Culture and How to Piss Off a Liberal.

Proof Poisitive’s Friday Night Babe is Rachel Keller, his Vintage Babe is Nina Foch, and Sex in Advertising features a vintage Halloween ad. Also, Women of NCIS and Your Schadenfreude NFL/Niners Report. At Dustbury, it’s Annabella Lwin* and Tabu.

*Formerly of the Malcolm McLaren band Bow Wow Wow, in case you forgot – or weren’t born yet.

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery! I’m open to suggestions for a topic for next week’s Rule 5 Sunday, if anyone wants to step up and offer one. Links are due no later than midnight on November 11.

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MASSACRE: 26 Killed at Texas Church; Gunman ID’d as Devin Patrick Kelley

Posted on | November 5, 2017 | 1 Comment

A horrific crime was committed this morning when a gunman opened fire at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. The gunman is reportedly dead; at least 25 people were killed and 20 others wounded, but we don’t know the killer’s identity or his motive.

UPDATE: The gunman has been identified as Devin Patrick Kelley, 26, a U.S. Air Force veteran. Kelley lived in New Braunfels, a suburb of San Antonio, about 35 miles from Sutherland Springs. According to the Daily Beast, Kelley’s mother-in-law listed an address in Sutherland Springs, which suggests a possible motive of personal revenge stemming from a domestic dispute. While this is mere speculation, of course, it does seem safe to rule out a political or terrorist motive.

UPDATE II: The question of motive is essential to understanding any atrocity like this and, as I often caution in the immediate aftermath of such events, it is important not to jump to conclusions on the basis of our political prejudices. When the news broke that a Baptist church had been attacked, I’m sure some people suspected an anti-religious motive. If the shooter had been identified as a guy named Mohamad or Abdul, this would have suggested Islamic terrorism. If the shooter had been an LGBT activist, this would have suggested a different type of political terrorism. If this had been a church with a black congregation, the motive might have been racial terrorism. As it is, however, we have reason to guess that Devin Kelley was having personal problems, that his marriage may have been unraveling, and that he targeted this church based on motives of personal revenge. This is only guesswork, based on the available information, but we can probably rule out ISIS, neo-Nazis, Antifa or any other sort of terrorism.

UPDATE III: In a press conference, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott reports that 26 people are dead, although he did not say whether this total includes the gunman.

UPDATE IV: Kelley “was court-martialed in 2012 for assault on his spouse and their child and received a Bad Conduct Discharge,” NBC News has reported.

UPDATE V: An armed citizen ended the massacre:

A concerned neighbor who heard the Texas church massacre unfolding on Sunday went and grabbed his rifle and tried to stop it — opening fire on the shooter and chasing him down in a stranger’s truck, a report says.
The man, who has not been publicly named, is being hailed online as a “hero” after state officials described his actions during a press conference.
A resident told the local ABC affiliate KSAT that he teamed up with her boyfriend and the two gave chase for several minutes inside his truck before the alleged gunman, Devin Kelley, eventually crashed the car he was in.
Authorities said the armed neighbor may have saved countless lives by opening fire on Kelley and forcing him to flee the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs during his 11:30 a.m. massacre.

Kelley was found shot to death in his vehicles, but authorities said they did not know immediately whether Kelley shot himself or died from a wound inflicted by the rifle-wielding neighbor.


Best. Headline. Ever?

Posted on | November 5, 2017 | 1 Comment

Teen Vogue Shutters Shortly After
Publishing ‘Guide to Anal Sex’ for Teen Girls

In the months leading up to the 2016 election, Teen Vogue (at least in its online version) was taken over by left-wing political operatives. The magazine’s partisan shift became infamous after its writer Lauren Duca justified personal attacks on President Trump’s daughter Ivanka, which led to a memorable interview with Tucker Carlson.


That the politicalization of journalism has reached fashion magazines — which exist as advertising vehicles for cosmetics, clothing brands, etc — shows that the radical Left’s influence in academia cannot be restricted to university campuses. Young people who are indoctrinated with feminism and other “social justice” ideologies in the classroom will take those ideas with them into the workplace after they graduate. The academic Left is intolerant of dissent, and intellectual conformity is enforced on campus, so that even if Teen Vogue had wished to hire college graduates who are critical of feminist ideology, they would have had difficulty finding them. So why did the editors of Teen Vogue wish to tutor young girls about anal sex? Perhaps because the magazine’s digital director is a young gay man, Phillip Picardi and, beginning in 2015, the magazine deliberately decided to shift its focus to “activism” and identity politics:

“I am an activist [said the magazine’s editor Elaine Welteroth]. And I think the readers that we reach would all consider themselves activists, too.”
What issues are most important to their young readers? “Identity is big. We want to help make them feel better about themselves, whether that’s giving beauty tips, or empowering them with political information to have smarter conversations and feel they can stand up for themselves.”

That identity-politics activist mentality worked out about as well for Teen Vogue as it did for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. If you want to talk about empowering women, you must talk about Elizabeth Johnston, “The Activist Mommy” who led the boycott against Teen Vogue:

I was beyond thrilled to learn today that Teen Vogue magazine will no longer be in print. The publisher, Condé Nast, has shuttered the print publication, while other Condé Nast publications will remain in print. Operation Pull Teen Vogue was a grassroots campaign by concerned parents who don’t believe anal sex and sex toys should be peddled to their children under the guise of a fashion magazine. Teen Vogue editors Elaine Welteroth and Phillip Picardi ignored our concerns and mocked our campaign, but we gave them a black eye from which they never recovered. Let the watching world take note: If you pander obscenity to our kids, especially for a profit, we will destroy you.

When this controversy erupted in July, Teen Vogue‘s Picardi openly boasted of his pro-homosexuality agenda: “Gen Z will be our queerest and most fearless generation yet,” and posted this to Twitter:


This is the consensus attitude of the New York-based media establishment, whose radical politics are rooted in a complete antipathy toward Christian morality. Print journalism was already circling the drain due to declining advertising revenue, and turning a magazine for girls into an “activist” publication featuring an instruction guide for anal sex was obviously not the solution to this problem, as Megan Fox writes:

Maybe American parents don’t want their teen girls being fed propaganda dressed up as a fashion magazine. Had they considered that at all? What used to be a magazine about lipstick and prom dresses is now just regurgitated Democrat talking points. Who the heck is going to buy that? No one, apparently.



FMJRA 2.0: Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?

Posted on | November 4, 2017 | 2 Comments

– compiled by Wombat-socho

TFW when you’re a third of the way through the daily linkagery and you suddenly realize it’s Saturday…

Rule 5 Sunday: No, Not That Asia
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny

Never Talk to @NicoleStamp (and Other Advice for Men Confused by Feminism)
The Pirate’s Cove
Welcome To My Playpen
The Political Hat

FMJRA 2.0: Deep Dark Depression, Excessive Misery
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

#NeverTrump: Double-Secret Head Fake?

Manafort and Associate Indicted in Mueller’s Russia Investigation

No Mercy for @KevinSpacey? Welcome to the Sexual Harassment Apocalypse
IGF Culture Watch
The Pirate’s Cove
Adam Piggott

In The Mailbox: 10.30.17
Proof Positive

Democrats: Proud to Be the Anti-White, Anti-Male, Anti-Heterosexual Party
BattleSwarm Blog

UPDATE: ‘This Was an Act of Terror,’ NYC Mayor Says; 8 People Killed in Attack
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 10.31.17
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

NYC Terrorist Got ‘Diversity’ Visa in Program That Democrats Still Support

In The Mailbox: 11.01.17
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 11.02.17
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 11.03.17
Proof Positive

Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It
Welcome To My Playpen
Politics Et Al
Adam Piggott

Hiroshima for the DNC: @DonnaBrazile Devastates Democrat Corruption
A View From The Beach

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (16)
  2. Proof Positive (6)
  3. A View From The Beach (5)

Thanks to everyone for all their linkagery! Thought we might have a couple of challengers to Rule 5 Sunday for the most-linked post this week, but I thought wrong. Don’t forget to have your links in for this week’s Rule 5 Sunday by midnight!

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The Sexual Harassment Apocalypse: More Accusations Against Kevin Spacey

Posted on | November 4, 2017 | 2 Comments


Folks, the bonfire of sexual harassment accusations — in Hollywood, in the news media, in politics — is now an inferno raging out of control. There are so many women accusing so many men of so many wrongdoings that it’s impossible to keep up. Dustin Hoffman? That one shocked me, but it’s 2017, and maybe nothing is really shocking anymore.

As disappointing as the Hoffman story was, Kevin Spacey’s situation is far more serious. Sunday, Spacey was rocked by actor Anthony Rapp’s accusation that Spacey attempted to sexually assault him when Rapp was only 14. That was very bad, and in commenting on it, I noted that there was a lot of online chatter to the effect that Spacey was promiscuous, with a predilection for younger men and was said to solicit sex from male crew members on House of Cards more or less routinely. At the time, that was merely chatter, but Friday morning it became actual news:

Kevin Spacey made the set of Netflix’s “House of Cards” into a “toxic” work environment through a pattern of sexual harassment, eight people who currently work on the show or worked on it in the past tell CNN. One former employee told CNN that Spacey sexually assaulted him.
The former production assistant, whose account has never previously been disclosed, told CNN that Spacey sexually assaulted him during one of the show’s early seasons. All eight people, each of whom spoke to CNN on the condition of anonymity for fear of professional repercussions for speaking out, described Spacey’s behavior as “predatory,” saying it included nonconsensual touching and crude comments and targeted production staffers who were typically young and male.

This confirms the online chatter and, just in case Spacey’s career had not yet been completely destroyed, another man came forward to say that in 1983, when he was 14, he had a sexual affair with Spacey. This ended, he said, when Spacey, then 24, attempted to anally rape him.

OK, how many more teenage victims are there? It doesn’t matter. No matter how many Oscars you’ve got, one 14-year-old exceeds the limit. And have I mentioned lately that Kevin Spacey is a close personal friend of Bill Clinton? Because this probably ought to be mentioned.


Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, Anthony Weiner . . . Do the Clintons have any close personal friends who aren’t sexual predators?


In The Mailbox: 11.03.17

Posted on | November 3, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.03.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Mother Jones/MSNBC’s David Corn – Serial Sexual Harasser?
Twitchy: Dems Freak The F**k Out Over Donna Brazile Tweeting About Division
Louder With Crowder: Leftist Teacher Rants About “White Supremacy”, Gets Pwned By Student

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Links & Chicks – The Burn Hollywood Edition
American Power: Hailey Clauson In Paradise
American Thinker: The Left’s Long Goodbye
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Civil War Friday
BattleSwarm: Donna Brazile Admits Hillary Gutted The DNC, Wore Its Skin To Shovel More Cash Into Her Gaping Maw
Bring The HEAT: Bergdahl Escapes Prison Time
CDR Salamander: The Fitzgerald/McCain Memo – The Problem Is Us, also, Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: We Interrupt Politics On The Blog For A Quick NH Keepsake Quilting Interlude, also, Papa John’s Says It Out Loud (And Pizza Hut Confirms It)
Don Surber: Veterans Group Exec Turns Down The NFL
Dustbury: Boom Goes The Car
The Geller Report: NYT – Don’t Be Afraid Of “Allahu Akbar”, It’s An “Everyday Phrase”, also, Muslim Rapist In Ireland Appeals Verdict, Too Many White Catholics On “Islamophobic” Jury
Hogewash: Asteroid Photobombing, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Soros Fund Manager Accused Of Brutal Rapes
Joe For America: NFL Receives Devastating Blow As Boycott Over Protests Grows
JustOneMinute: Off To A Slow Start
Legal Insurrection: Some People Upset Trump Demanded Death Penalty For NYC Jihadi But Not Las Vegas Shooter, also, Fauxcahontas Didn’t Back Bernie When It Counted, But Now Leaps On “Rigging” Bandwagon
Power Line: Did The Clintons Turn The DNC Into A Criminal Conspiracy? also, Thoughts From The Ammo Line
Shark Tank: President Trump’s Twitter Account Taken Down By “Rogue Employee”
Shot In The Dark: Facts Are No Impediment
The Jawa Report: Feelgood Video Of The Day, also, Sandcrawler PSA – Why We Won’t Talk About Sayfullo Saipov Anymore
The Political Hat: There Can Be Only One (Galaxiegender)
This Ain’t Hell: No Jail Time For Bergdahl, also, Legion Press Conference On Medical Marijuana
Weasel Zippers: LA Times Fat-Shames Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Calls Her A Nazi, Puts Down Moms, also, Northam Campaign Caught Lying About Approving Race-Baiting Ad In VA Governor Race
Megan McArdle: Republicans Turned The Tax Code Into A Weapon
Mark Steyn: Dual To The Death! also, A Fistful of Knighthoods

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