The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 10.30.17

Posted on | October 31, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Due To Terrible Ratings, NBC Is Going To Rename Megyn Kelly Today
Twitchy: Pro-Life Tweeters Take Over @PPact’s #ScaryStats And It’s GLORIOUS
Louder With Crowder: #252 – DNC Trump/Russia Dossier Backfires Bigly!, also, Did Family Guy Warn us About Kevin Spacey In 2005?

Adam Piggott: The Art of Consistency And The Riot Act
American Power: Rash of “Knockout” Attacks has NYC On Edge, also, Laura Ingraham Brings Populist Fire To Fox
American Thinker: Implausible Deniability, also, Koskinen Should Be Imprisoned, Not Just Removed
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Random Tweets On Hillary Clinton
BLACKFIVE: Iris Johansen, Mind Game
CDR Salamander: NavyCon – SF’s Important Role In National Security – On Midrats
Da Tech Guy: Where Are The Warner Todd Huston Stories In The MSM?, also, If You’re Sick Of Liberals Hiding Behind The Media, Do Something About It
Don Surber: My Case For Keeping Mueller, also, Experts Say If He’d Listened To Experts, Trump Would Have Won
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, Not Even A Two-Peat
The Geller Report: Australian “Millionaire Muslim” Ripped Off Taxpayers For Eighteen Years Posing As Single Mom, also, French Sharia – Court Orders Cross On Statue Of Pope John Paul II Removed146
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, I’m Not Making This Up, You Know
Jammie Wearing Fools: Paul Manafort, Who Once Ran Trump Campaign, Told To Surrender
Joe For America: Angry Dad’s Eight Words Shut Down School Board For Teaching Sharia
JustOneMinute: Andrew McCarthy On The Manafort Indictment, also, Are You Ready For Some Standing/Sitting/Talking & Maybe Football?
Legal Insurrection: Plan To Split California Into Three States May Be On Next Ballot, also, Virginia Church Announces It’ll Remove Plaque Honoring George Washington
Power Line: Investigate This (5), also, How Churches Die
Shark Tank: The Florida Senate – Sexual Affairs, Coverups, And Gubernatorial Candidates
Shot In The Dark: Open Letter To Melvin Carter, also, Never Let It Be Said…
STUMP: Geeking Out (And Illinois Pensions) – Fixing A Graph And Assigning Blame For Underfundedness
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – Victory For First Galactic Empire, also, I Told You They Would Never Consciously Betray The Rebellion
The Political Hat: Why Hate Speech IS Free Speech
This Ain’t Hell: Convicted Murderer Infiltrates Bergdahl Hearing, also, More Beret Kerfluffles
Weasel Zippers: CNN Failed To Disclose Close Ties To Firm Behind Bogus “Trump Dossier”, also, New Book Reports Berkeley Antifa Worked With ISIS, FBI Confirms
Megan McArdle: So What If You Can’t Join A Class Action?
Mark Steyn: The Blair Witch Project, also, Blueberry Hill

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No Mercy for @KevinSpacey? Welcome to the Sexual Harassment Apocalypse

Posted on | October 30, 2017 | 5 Comments


First, the news:

In an interview with BuzzFeed News, [Star Trek Discovery actor Anthony] Rapp is publicly alleging for the first time that in 1986, [Kevin] Spacey befriended Rapp while they both performed on Broadway shows, invited Rapp over to his apartment for a party, and, at the end of the night, picked Rapp up, placed him on his bed, and climbed on top of him, making a sexual advance. According to public records, Spacey was 26. Rapp was 14.
For years, Rapp, now 46, told no one about his experience, and he has never spoken with Spacey since. But as Spacey’s star began to rise through the 1990s and 2000s — including a Tony Award, two Oscars, a decadelong run as the creative director of the Old Vic theater in London, and six seasons and counting on the hit Netflix series House of Cards — Rapp’s frustration, anger, and incredulity with the sexual boundary he said Spacey crossed with him grew as well. Seeing Spacey now, “My stomach churns,” Rapp said. “I still to this day can’t wrap my head around so many aspects of it. It’s just deeply confusing to me.”

Needless to say, this is what you’d call a “troubling” accusation. And the reaction from Spacey could also be called “troubling”:

Kevin Spacey is being criticized for “hiding under the rainbow” after he came out in the same statement in which he apologized for alleged unwanted sexual advances towards actor Anthony Rapp when Rapp was just 14. . . .
After apologizing for the alleged incident — “if I did behave as he describes, I owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior,” Spacey, 58, wrote — the House of Cards star came out as gay.
“This story has encouraged me to address other things about my life,” Spacey’s statement continues. “I know that there are stories out there about me and that some have been fueled by the fact that I have been so protective of my privacy. As those closes to me know, in my life, I have had relationships with both men and women. I have loved and had romantic relationships with men throughout my life, and I choose now to live as a gay man. I want to deal with this honestly and openly and that starts with examining my own behavior.”

Translation: “I was too drunk to remember and, now that I’ve cleared that up, you can applaud my courage for being homosexual.”

The Internet was not buying that story. Not at all.

Gabriel Malor, a gay conservative, was particularly merciless:

The “stereotype for the gay predator” is arguably the worst of it because, if you believe everything you read on the Internet (which I don’t) this wasn’t just a one-time drunken mistake on Spacey’s part. There is, and has been for a long time, much chatter about Spacey’s predatory habits. While it is impossible to know whether any of this chatter is accurate, there are those who say Spacey more or less routinely solicited oral sex from young guys who worked on the House of Cards crew. These were reportedly guys in their 20s and, while it is alleged that many of them were willing to accommodate Spacey’s requests (in his trailer on the set, or in the back of his limo), it’s still a pattern — if this chatter is true, which I cannot verify. However . . . Read more

Manafort and Associate Indicted in Mueller’s Russia Investigation

Posted on | October 30, 2017 | Comments Off on Manafort and Associate Indicted in Mueller’s Russia Investigation


First, the news:

Donald Trump’s former presidential campaign manager, Paul Manafort, has been charged with conspiring to defraud the US in his dealings with Ukraine.
The 12 charges brought against Mr Manafort and one of his business associates, Rick Gates, include conspiracy to launder money.
Mr Manafort and his lawyer have arrived at an FBI office in Washington.
The charges are the first to stem from an inquiry into alleged Russian meddling in the US 2016 election.
However, they do not relate to Mr Trump’s campaign but to the two men’s Ukrainian business dealings up to 2015.
An investigation headed by special counsel Robert Mueller is looking into any links between Russia and the Trump campaign. Both sides deny any collusion.

When news of this indictment was leaked Friday, my initial hunch was that it involved a minor figure — and that was wrong, because Manafort is a big deal. Also, my hunch was that the charge would be lying to investigators, which is a typical thing in an investigation like this, because a lot of people just don’t understand their Miranda rights, so they say something wrong to FBI agents and — boom! — hello, Scooter Libby. But that hunch was also wrong, and the actual story is something I didn’t expect: Manafort was charged for his business deals in Russia going back to years before he joined the Trump campaign.

CNN calls these indictments “a dramatic new phase of Mueller’s wide-ranging investigation” except (a) it’s not actually “dramatic” and (b) the investigation is apparently so “wide-ranging” that it includes stuff completely unrelated to the Trump campaign. While the charges against Manafort are serious, and it definitely looks bad that such a key figure had shady foreign business dealings, this doesn’t prove “collusion” with Russia. It’s not about Russia “interfering” with the election or “influencing” Trump’s policy. In other words, even if Manafort is guilty as hell — which has yet to be proven — it’s still a big zero, as far as the heart of the matter that Mueller is supposed to be investigating.


#NeverTrump: Double-Secret Head Fake?

Posted on | October 30, 2017 | Comments Off on #NeverTrump: Double-Secret Head Fake?

by Smitty

Taking in the NRO’s latest ritual Trump denunciation:

Trump’s substitution of sneering for analysis, his shallow anti-“elitism,” his attacks on free trade and on freedom of the press, his adolescent social-media habit: Republicans have not rallied behind him in spite of these things, but because of them.

. . .one is inclined to wonder if it’s all been a role.

Forced to take a label, I’d say I’ve been a “Trump skeptic”. His out of the NY-blue yonder campaign seemed (and no refutation has ever been offered) an ersatz Romney offering, suitable for the framing using the 2012 Mitt’s-an-elitist framework. Trump gets the nomination; the Trump University and parade of sexual harassment accusers demolish Donald’s numbers; Her Majesty puts the hurt on another case of chardonnay.

But like some Roadrunner of the citrus orchard, Donald of Orange keeps forgetting to fall prey to these traps. At some point, his ‘sneering’, ‘shallow’, ‘adolescent’ approach starts to look more methodical than mad. Which invites the question: just exactly how sincere is this NRO “Against Trump” business?

There are certainly quite a few #NeverTrump idealists who are as serious as lung cancer in their opposition to Tribble-head. He was certainly the penultimate choice, just ahead of JEB, during the primaries for quite a few conservatives. Trump had zero conservative history; he was contemptuous of the Tea Parties during the Obama Insurrecti–I mean, Administration; his pageants and ex-wives collection raised moral questions. And so forth.

And the temptation to post hoc reasoning should be avoided. We have as much evidence of a grand plan for a Glorious MAGA Revolution as we have evidence that Barack Obama ever delivered any academic work in college. This post is not me saying “OK, I get it. It’s obvious in retrospect.”

Instead, it just seems that:

  • Altering course from the “Hope & Change” malarkey of the last decade wasn’t going to be easy.
  • The Left was braced to neutralize any traditional candidate, including the ones (a lot of) conservatives favored.
  • Lesser mortals would’ve melted in the napalm shower delivered by the Left, and finally:
  • They may never admit it, but, if the NRO were secretly, deliberately driving the conversation toward #MoarTrump, I would not be surprised.

Rule 5 Sunday: No, Not That Asia

Posted on | October 29, 2017 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I readily admit that when it comes to actresses named Asia, my first thought is of the piano-playing MENSA member and former porn star Asia Carrera. That’s not the one we’re looking at; rather, actress and director Asia Argento wound up in the news this week when hostile reactions to her Harvey Weinstein accusation forced her to flee Italy. Took a little work to find a good picture of the young lady that didn’t have fifty million tattoos in it, but here she is.
As usual, most of the following pictures would be considered NSFW, so exercise discretion in your clicking. The management is not responsible for any consequences should you fail to do so, and will deny all knowledge of your existence.

Asia Argento

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off this week with the Hot Pick Of The Late Night – Drop Dead Red, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #55, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. Animal Magnetism spent the week hunting, but somehow managed to post the Saturday Gingermageddon on his return. If that’s not enough, he provided a work week’s worth of Hunting Season Totty starting here.

EBL’s herd of heifers (and other critters) this week included Chloe Little and INHEAVEN, Megyn Kelly, Elise Chappell, Heather Lind, Emily Miller, Hollywood Halloween, Annabelle Sciorra, and Princess Daphne of Monaco.

A View From The Beach serves up Caroline KellyFeminist Prof Finds Coeds Insufficiently Angry#MeToo Hits BottomGreat Tits Evolve in Response to Pressure from ManReason #5753 That Trump Was ElectedWeinstein Controversy Not Selling Well in ItalyEmergency Sunday Morning Eye Opener, and Reason #5751 That Trump Was Elected.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Meredith Eaton, his Vintage Babes are Halloween Babes, Sex in Advertising is covered by Katy Perry, and there’s also The Women Of NCIS. At Dustbury, it’s Monica and Kaitlyn Leeb.

Thanks to everyone for all the linkagery!
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FMJRA 2.0: Deep Dark Depression, Excessive Misery

Posted on | October 29, 2017 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Actress Flees Italy as ‘Sophisticated’ Europeans Side With Harvey Weinstein
The Political Hat
The Pirate’s Cove
Rotten Chestnuts
A View From The Beach

FMJRA 2.0: Wolf Creek Pass
A View From The Beach

Corporation Promotes Lesbian Feminist Slogan Expressing Anti-Male Rage
Welcome To My Playpen

In The Mailbox: 10.23.17
Proof Positive

The Sexual Harassment Bonfire Continues in the Wake of the Weinstein Scandal

In The Mailbox: 10.24.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Late Night With Rule Five Tuesday:
Rebel Girls

Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 10.25.17
Proof Positive

The Case of @radicalbytes and the Suspiciously ‘Progressive’ Male
Adam Piggott

Violence Against Women Update

‘Unwanted Sexual Advances’: Harassment Bonfire Torches NBC’s Mark Halperin
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 10.26.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Soros Connection in Halperin Scandal?
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 10.27.17
Proof Positive

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (13)
  2. Proof Positive (7)
  3. A View From The Beach (6)

Thanks to everyone for all their linkagery!

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Never Talk to @NicoleStamp (and Other Advice for Men Confused by Feminism)

Posted on | October 28, 2017 | 3 Comments






Nicole Stamp is a Canadian queer feminist who has been marching in gay pride parades since she was a teenager. She is currently appearing in the lesbian TV series Carmilla. To put it as bluntly as possible, if you are male, the smart thing to do is to avoid Nicole Stamp completely (as if you needed another reason to stay away from Canada).

On Oct. 16, Ms. Stamp wrote a Facebook post about the #MeToo hashtag in reaction to the Harvey Weinstein scandal. Her post began:

Today my timeline is full of decent men asking, “How can I help?”, in the wake of the viral #MeToo movement created by
I’m going to take this question as sincere, and give a few suggestions. . . .

Here’s some Latin for you — mala fides.

Ms. Stamp is arguing in bad faith because she is a feminist, a member of a totalitarian anti-male hate movement. Her reference to “decent men” is dishonest. Feminists condemn all men as participants in, and beneficiaries of, the systemic oppression of women, i.e., “patriarchy.” Therefore, when a feminist like Ms. Stamp speaks of “decent men,” she is speaking of a category that is non-existent, according to her ideology.


What does Ms. Stamp mean, then, in asserting that “a small group of my own male friends . . . were explicitly asking for advice”? Can we expect her to give us a list of the names of these idiots, just so we could ascertain their existence? Don’t hold your breath. While I doubt any man could be so foolish as to seek Ms. Stamp’s advice, she lives in Canada, where idiots are quite numerous, so we’ll stipulate she has “male friends.”

What sort of “advice” does Ms. Stamp offer men? She accuses them of “male privilege,” invokes “marginalized groups” and “oppressed persons,” and urges men to “Google ‘kyriarchy’ and ‘intersectionality’ to learn more.” In other words, Ms. Stamp delivers the same jargon-filled Third Wave SJW sermon you’ve heard a million times, if you’ve paid any attention at all to feminism in the past five years. How is it that Ms. Stamp’s “male friends” — the “decent men” who, she says, desperately solicited her advice — have missed this? Yet we already stipulated, arguendo, that these men actually exist (because Canada is full of idiots), so let’s move on. Ms. Stamp’s Facebook post “went viral,” and this resulted in it being republished at CNN’s Web site.


So here we have Ms. Stamp at CNN advising men on “consent”:

During sex, seek enthusiastic consent. If your partner hesitates, stops reciprocating, avoids eye contact, becomes quiet, tense or frozen, or otherwise slows the tempo of any sexual encounter, then you should STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING.
Revise your idea of consent. The old model is, essentially, “go for it, until someone yells stop”. But having a history of trauma, (like, say, a #MeToo story) can actually cause people to freeze up in response to stress. This makes it difficult for them to say “no,” even when they want to stop. So keep in mind that no means no … and frozen silence also means no.
Flip the paradigm. Instead of charging ahead until you hear “no,” pay attention and proceed only when you receive a clear “yes.” Yes can be verbal — or it can be an enthusiastic action, like ripping off an item of clothing — together.

When reading this sermon on consent, of course, you must keep in mind the facts about Ms. Stamps cited above, e.g., her celebration of the Toronto Dyke March and her evident devotion to lesbianism. CNN didn’t inform its readers of this, nor did they otherwise indicate skepticism about Ms. Stamp’s sincerity. (Who are those “male friends”?)

Insofar as Ms. Stamp has an opinion on heterosexuality, she seems to be against it. Certainly, I would not accuse her of participating in it. Ms. Stamp would probably be offended if anyone suggested she had ever felt sexual attraction toward a male, nor would I dare imply she might give “enthusiastic consent” to heterosexual intercourse.

“I loved how many strong female characters there were. I loved that there were so many queer relationships.”
Nicole Stamp, on being cast in Carmilla

You see the problem here. If men are seeking advice on how to have sex with women, they should seek it from women who like sex with men. Heterosexuality isn’t necessarily so difficult to understand that you need a college education to figure it out — humans have been doing it successfully for thousands of years — but one ought to have an established record of success before offering advice on the subject.

Feminists in general despise men as inferior. The feminist movement is not about “equality,” and it isn’t about “consent.” Feminists like Nicole Stamp consider all males loathsome and contemptible, and she would never advise any woman to “consent” to sex with a male. The very idea of heteorsexual intercouse fills her with dread and horror.

Although I’ve never been published at, nor do I claim that any men (“decent” or otherwise) have begged me for advice — “How can I help?” — I will nonetheless offer this bit of wisdom:


The whole damned country is full of queer Third Wave feminists babbling on about “intersectionality” and “kyriarchy.” As dangerously crazy as American feminists are, Canadian feminists are far worse. And if, by some misfortune, a young man should ever find himself in Toronto, beware! If you see Nicole Stamp, do not speak to her. It may not be illegal for a man to talk to a feminist in Canada, but it’s definitely unwise.


Further Evidence That Deranged SJWs Have Taken Over Women’s Magazines

Posted on | October 28, 2017 | 1 Comment


The headline at Ace of Spades HQ:

Childless Weirdoes at Cosmopolitan Who Advocate
Sex Without Procreation Insist, For Some Reason,
on Giving Social Justice Warrior Orders to Parents

Never take advice from feminists, unless your goal in life is to be a crazy cat lady living in a tiny apartment in Brooklyn, which is where the writers for women’s magazines live. Oh, sure, some of them have dogs instead of cats, but they’re all crammed into those tiny Brooklyn apartments, with their Gender Studies diplomas hanging on the wall right next to their “Smash Patriarchy” banner and their rainbow flag.

Feminists have spent the past half-century advocating abortion and homosexuality, while condemning marriage and motherhood, yet these enemies of the family now presume to tell parents how to raise children. Having taken over the women’s magazines, these left-wing fanatics now use them as platforms for lectures on “intersectional” themes, e.g., proclaiming that it’s racist “cultural appropriation” for any white child to wear a costume inspired by Moana. This social justice warrior (SJW) mentality, which is always on the hunt for “microaggressions” and “privilege,” is a guaranteed formula for insanity. The Left has taken over women’s magazines, and Iowahawk explains what that means.



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