The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 10.19.17

Posted on | October 19, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.19.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: So W, Now You Decide To Speak Out?
Twitchy: Frederica Wilson’s Response To John Kelly’s Remarks Is “Unspeakably Ugly”
Louder With Crowder: Transexual Now On Trial For Raping Little Girl In The Girls’ Bathroom

Adam Piggott: Tinder’s Anti-Male Commercial Is Fantastic
American Power: President Trump Slams Stacy’s Crazy Cousin John, also, Hannah Arendt, The Origins Of Totalitarianism
American Thinker: How Much Did Mueller And Rosenstein Know About Uranium One?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Conspiracy News
BattleSwarm: Guns, Tyranny, and Asymmetrical Warfare
Bring The HEAT: When You Are Killed In Action…
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: Massachusetts Liberal Morality – Sreynoun Lunn Good, Dave Ratner Bad, also, Media Needs To Stop Giving Credibility To SPLC
Don Surber: Democratic Ghouls, also, Bill Clinton Defender Rips Trump
Dustbury: The Science Is Unsettled
Fred On Everything: The Military Instinct – The Human Race As Feral Dogs
The Geller Report: What Really Happened At Fort Jackson?
Hogewash: Useful Idiots 2.0, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Democrat Implies Women At Fault For Sexual Assaults
Joe For America: Teacher Suspended, Escorted Off Campus For Disrespecting Flag During School Assembly
JustOneMinute: Tackling The Big Issues
Legal Insurrection: Grassley & McConnell Need To Get Moving On Judicial Confirmations, also, White House Chief Of Staff Kelly “Broken-Hearted” Over Dem Rep Wilson’s Criticism Of Trump’s Call To Soldier’s Widow
Power Line: General Kelly Speaks, also, The Uranium One Scandal Is Exploding
Shark Tank: “Murder Insurance”, Or Protection In Self-Defense Cases?
Shot In The Dark: Speaking Entitlement To Power
STUMP: State & Local Tax Deduction – Who Wins? Who Loses?
The Jawa Report: Cornhole Watch – Ahmed Khan Rahimi, also, Live Brooklyn Cowstream!
The Political Hat: Progressive Utopia – Fake Science, Evil Words, And Authoritarian Tolerance
This Ain’t Hell: 4th Circuit Says Bladensburg “Peace Cross” Unconstitutional, also, PC Craziness, US Air Force Edition
Weasel Zippers: Dem Rep Who Attacked Trump Over Phone Call Consistently Voted Against Bills To Help Military & Military Families, also, Playboy Reveals First Transgender Playmate
Mark Steyn: What Happens At The Mandalay Bay Stays At The Mandalay Bay

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BOOM! Anti-#GamerGate ‘Male Feminist’ @Sam_Kriss Accused of Sexual Assault

Posted on | October 19, 2017 | 2 Comments


Anti-GamerGate Journalist for Vice,
Guardian Fired for Sexual Harassment

One Angry Gamer

VICE Journalist Commits Career Suicide Following
Sexual Harassment And Assault Allegations

Ian Miles Cheong, Daily Caller

Breitbart-Hating Writer Who Ranted
Against ‘Misogynists’ Forced
to Apologise for Sexual Harassment

Virginia Hale, Breitbart


Live by the “social justice,” die by the “social justice”:

A prominent backbench Labour MP has called on a freelance journalist accused of sexual harassment to be sent to prison.
Jess Phillips, the MP for Birmingham Yardley, said that Sam Kriss, a writer for publications including Vice and The Atlantic, should be punished after he admitted to his “unacceptable behaviour”.
Kriss was the subject of a lengthy post published on Facebook, where a woman recounted how he had repeatedly groped her while they were on a date.
After Sam Kriss began trending on Twitter, he issued a statement attempting to explain his behaviour but Ms Phillips dismissed his “backhanded apology”.
She wrote on Twitter: “I didn’t know who Sam Kriss was before today but his admission of sexual assault means he belongs in prison, a casual backhanded apology is not a thing.”

As I remarked after Rose McGowan went thermonuclear last week, “the bonfire begun by the Weinstein scandal won’t end in Hollywood.”

The woman who accused Kriss wrote: “Sam and I know lots of mutual people, we both exist on the Marxist far-Left . . . Sam is, by his own words, from an incredibly wealthy, well-connected background, and therefore compared to me, very powerful.” An “incredibly wealthy” Marxist? Why does the Left attract so many spoiled brats like that? Also, why does the Left attract women so bad at making logical inferences?

In our society women are not thought to have sexual autonomy, or deserving of choices, bar those men give them. We have a choice of how to react to boundary-breaking men, who believe domination and subservience is the natural way of social relations between men and women.

She makes the behavior of Sam Kriss the basis of a critique of “domination and subservience” which she blames on “our society.” Whose society is she talking about? The Marxist far-Left? She’s surprised that a man who worships totalitarian mass-murderers doesn’t respect women? Like the rapes in the “Occupy” encampments, disregard for the “sexual autonomy” of women goes hand-in-hand with the Left’s contempt for private property and “bourgeois morality.” The Left has always attracted degenerate scum (e.g., Lavrenti Beria, Ted Kennedy, Anthony Weiner) which is why smart women avoid associating with the Left.



Like other “male feminists,” Sam Kriss mocked #GamerGate as a movement of nerds, misogynists and racists. There is a long list of these anti-#GamerGate guys who have been exposed as creeps, hypocrites and/or criminals: Matt Hickey, Devin Faraci, Sunil Patel, Robert Marmolejo, Glenn Fleishman, Jamie Kilstein, Juan Thompson, Christopher Goldberg, Stuart Campbell, Andy Signore . . .

You can add Sam Kriss’s name to the list. He’s been dumped by BuzzFeed, and his journalism career is probably over. Also, in all likelihood, no woman will ever voluntarily have sex with him again.

Once an SJW loses his “male feminist” card, he’s utterly doomed.


In The Mailbox: 10.18.17

Posted on | October 18, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #47
Proof Positive: Colin Kaepernick – Call Earl Scheib For Collusion Repair
EBL: Prince & Tom Petty – “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”
Twitchy: Sarah Silverman’s New Show Aims To Do WHAT?
Louder With Crowder: Democrat Ralph Northam Removes Black Running Mate From Campaign Flyer

Adam Piggott: White Men Are Indeed The Problem, But Not In The Way You Think
American Power: Molly Ringwald Speaks Out, also, Epidemic Of Sexual Harassment At California State Capitol
American Thinker: The Left’s Last Spasm
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Raqqa Liberated
CDR Salamander: So, How Is Your Cruiser Going?
Da Tech Guy: The Original Russia Collusion Story – Uranium, also, Without An Abject Apology To Fans, No Meeting Will Solve The NFL’s Greatest Problem
Don Surber: Advice For Trump From National Review, also, Poll – Trump 46%, Media 37%
Dustbury: MStakes Were Made
The Geller Report: Muslim Convert Found Guilty On All Counts In Plot To Behead Pamela Geller
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Legal LULZ Du Jour
Jammie Wearing Fools: Team Obama’s Stunning Coverup Of Russian Crimes
Joe For America: Bannon & Ingraham Team Up to Help Outsider Unseat Anti-Trumper Jeff Flake
JustOneMinute: Firmly On Both Sides
Legal Insurrection: Liberals Push New Fantasy To Install Hillary As President, also, FBI Informant In Russia Case Alleges Obama’s DOJ Blocked Him From Congress
Michelle Malkin: Beware The Rape Allegation Bandwagon
Power Line: The Important Story You’re Not Hearing Much About, also, Samantha Power Denies Serial Unmasking
Shark Tank: Trump Reverses Course On Emerging Senate Healthcare Deal
Shot In The Dark: Oesterreich Wieder Gross Zu Machen
STUMP: Public Finance – Guys, It’s Not A Competition As To Who Is The Worst
The Jawa Report: Taliban Deny Raping American Hostage, Killing Baby, also, Where’s Dr. Rusty? The Krispy Kreme Incident
The Political Hat: The Great Australian Cultural Swindle
This Ain’t Hell: Marine Colonel Kevin Scott Arrested, also, David Meier, Lying Politician
Weasel Zippers: Oliver North – A Faulty Retelling Of The Vietnam War, also, Kaepernick Reportedly Blames Trump For His Unemployment
Megan McArdle: Scandals & Outrage Won’t End Sexual Harassment
Mark Steyn: The Deserter Honored In The Rose Garden

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The Transgender Cult: Parents Speak Out About ‘Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria’

Posted on | October 18, 2017 | 1 Comment




“How can she decide she is not a woman when she hasn’t finished being a girl?” That was the comment of a mother in rural Ireland whose daughter got caught up in — but now seems to have escaped from — the online transgender cult. Her daughter’s sudden embrace of transgender identity led to counseling with the government’s Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), where she reports: “Both daughter and counsellor bullied me.” To put it bluntly, professional psychology has been captured by the transgender cult. Parents of teens find themselves tag-teamed, pressured into “acceptance” and “support” for “transition.”

What is apparent, from such first-hand accounts, is that transgender activists have created a narrative — a script — that is being promoted in the mental-health establishment, and the online transgender community then acts as Pied Pipers leading vulnerable youth toward “transition.” The Feudal Times blog offers advice to parents, e.g., “Avoid the arguments, they have rehearsed it in their head and come at you armed,” and “However much they sound authoritative they have learnt a script online. Hold on to your common sense and do not be bullied into what you do not believe to be true.” What is emerging, in these accounts from parents whose children have been recruited by the transgender cult, is an awareness of a definite pattern, and the more people become aware of what is actually happening, the more resources will be available to help common-sense parents fight back against this dangerous cult.

Last weekend, The Patriarch Tree unleashed a Twitter thread about this phenomenon that got a tremendous reaction. What inspired that discourse was a before-and-after photo posted to Instagram on “National Coming Out Day.” As I warn, you can’t unsee such a tragedy.

Chlanna nan con thigibh a so’s gheibh sibh feoil!

The dreaded war cry of Clan Cameron is not something I invoke lightly. You are summoned to join us in destroying the haughty foe. The battle is engaged, and our enemies shall be a feast for the hounds.