The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Harvey Weinstein, Ashley Judd and the Democrat Party’s Doubtful Future

Posted on | October 8, 2017 | 3 Comments

Harvey Weinstein in 1997 (left); Ashley Judd in Kiss the Girls (right.

In 1997, 29-year-old Ashley Judd was one of Hollywood’s hottest young actresses, and 45-year-old Harvey Weinstein was one of the most powerful movie producers in the world. His company, Miramax Films, had been bought by Disney for $60 million in 1993, and the company’s film The English Patient had won the 1997 Oscar for Best Picture. Photos from the 1997 Oscar party show Weinstein standing next to Judd holding her hand, while her date, Vince Vaughn, hovers in the background.

At the time, Judd was working on Kiss the Girls, a detective thriller for Paramount, and Weinstein was very eager to work with her, IYKWIMAITYD. “I was sexually harassed by one of our industry’s most famous, admired-slash-reviled bosses,” Judd told Variety in a 2015 interview which did not name Weinstein as the boss in question:

I was making “Kiss the Girls” at the time, and here I was, a declared feminist. I had completed a minor in what was then called women’s studies, which we now call gender studies. And yet I did not recognize at the time what was happening to me. It took years before I could evaluate that incident and realize that there was something incredibly wrong and illegal about it. . . .
When I kept saying no to everything, there was a huge asymmetry of power and control in that room.
This will be familiar to all the women to whom this has happened. . . .
The ultimate thing when I was weaseling out of everything else was, “Will you watch me take a shower?” And all the other women, sitting around this table with me, said, “Oh my god — that’s what he said to me too.” In that moment, I told him something like, “When I win an Academy Award in one of your movies.” He said, “No, when you get nominated.” I said, “No, no, when I win an Academy Award.” That was a small moment of power when I was able to contradict him and hold to my reality. And then I got out of there. And by the way, I’ve never been offered a movie by that studio. Ever.

You can read the whole thing. What did it mean, in 1997, for Ashley Judd to be “a declared feminist”? If you’re old enough to remember the 1990s, you know that this meant primarily (a) commitment to defending the abortion industry and (b) fanatical devotion to the Democrat Party. After the Lewinsky scandal made headlines in 1998, feminist Nina Burleigh declared: “I would be happy to give [Bill Clinton] a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion legal. I think American women should be lining up with their Presidential kneepads on to show their gratitude for keeping the theocracy off our backs.” The “theocracy,” you see, is liberal codespeak for the Republican Party’s Christian conservative constituency, which opposes abortion. And this was the kind of feminism that Ashley Judd embraced as a young actress in the 1990s.

Well, guess what? Harvey Weinstein is down for that agenda, too.

“We need to defend Planned Parenthood and women’s rights.”
Harvey Weinstein, Feb. 26, 2017

If you’ve ever read Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer, you understand how easily some people can be deceived and manipulated by advocates for trendy political causes. There is a line in Animal House, where the Deltas are on their way to pick up girls at a liberal women’s college:

FLOUNDER: I hear Dickinson girls are fast. What should l say?
OTTER: Just mention modern art, civil rights or folk music, and you’re in like Flynn.

It’s the same thing with feminists and abortion. Ann Coulter once observed that abortion is the holy sacrament of the Church of Liberalism, and this total commitment to promoting abortion has been profoundly harmful to the Democrat Party. Anyone with a shred of human decency knows that abortion is wrong, and the Democrats’ pro-abortion stance has the effect of driving decent people away from their party, while simultaneously attracting dangerous perverts to the party.


Say what you will, it was obviously no accident that Democrat Anthony Weiner was married to Hillary Clinton’s assistant Huma Abedin. The Clintons have always surrounded themselves with corrupt and immoral people, because no honest or moral person would support them — at least, not once they realized who the Clintons really are. It is always better to be an enemy of such people than to be their allies. Christopher Hitchens famously chronicled Bill Clinton’s betrayals of his liberal supporters in a book aptly titled, No One Left to Lie To.

Does anyone really believe, as Harvey Weinstein said, that support for the abortion industry is synonymous with “women’s rights”?

Cui bono? Who actually benefits from the abortion industry’s grisly trade? Isn’t it true that the main effect of legalized abortion, and the Contraceptive Culture in general, is to enable irresponsible men to pursue hedonistic sexual activity without being bothered by the potential burden of caring for children? And how is it in the best interest of women to be treated as “pump-and-dump” sexual commodities?

Years ago, I remarked that many Democrats go into politics for the same reason teenage boys learn to play guitar. And in 2013, after Anthony Weiner was caught in his second “sexting” scandal, I described Democrats as “The Pervert Party”:

What we know of Weiner’s latest shame is that, in the wake of his 2011 scandal, the married Democrat began an online correspondence with an Indiana girl, identified by BuzzFeed as Sydney Leathers, who says she worked on President Obama’s re-election campaign. To give you an idea of Ms. Leather’s partisan and ideological commitments, after a maniac’s shooting rampage in Tucson, Arizona, she created an online petition that blamed this deadly crime on Sarah Palin, whom Ms. Leathers condemned for “inciting violence.” (In fact, the Tucson gunman was a schizophrenic inspired by a leftwing conspiracy “documentary.”) Only a liberal girl could admire a creep like Weiner.

Being the pro-abortion party makes Democrats so profoundly immoral that we are scarcely surprised by their dishonesty, corruption and scandalous personal misconduct. And, with a nod toward some of my #NeverTrump Republican friends, this is also a danger to the GOP. The degradation of public morality, in which Democrats have been enthusiastically complicit, has not been without it harmful effects on Republicans. Confronted by a corrupt Democrat machine (including their dishonest party “operatives with bylines” in the media), some in the GOP figure they can play by the same rules. If Democrats were willing to defend Bill Clinton, who was plausibly accused of rape, after all, how can they condemn Donald Trump’s boorish behavior? And so the blatant immorality of Democrats tends to erode moral standards among Republicans as well. This danger cannot be ignored.


The fate of Democrats in recent years should be a warning to any Republican who is tempted to emulate them. Whatever selfish gains the Clintons derived from their corruption has come at a painful cost to the Democrat Party’s political influence, as I recently explained:

Democrats have lost power at every level, as Republicans not only control the White House and both houses of Congress, but also hold the governorships of 33 states, and 68 of 99 state legislative chambers. In 32 states, which are home to 61% of the U.S. population, the GOP controls both houses of the state legislature. Hillary Clinton’s supporters like to point out she won the popular vote, with 66 million votes to Trump’s 63 million, yet nearly a quarter of her total — more than 16 million votes — were concentrated in just three states: California, New York and Illinois. Lacking effective leadership, Democrats have become deranged and desperate, and are being attracted to lunatic fringe movements.

Of course, it is possible — likely, even — that an anti-Trump backlash will reduce some of that GOP advantage in next month’s off-year elections, but the long-term trend over the past 25 years will probably continue: No matter how much Democrats increase their margins in big cities and the coastal states, these gains are more than offset by Republican gains among suburban and rural Middle American voters. Consider these three data points from Wisconsin exit polls:


“Family values” still matter. When push comes to shove, marriage and religion are decisive influences in electoral politics. When we look at these factors in Wisconsin — a state that Trump won by a narrow margin — the only demographic groups that went for Clinton were (a) unmarried women and (b) those who never attend religious services.

Once you begin extrapolating from those data points — and if you understand the selection effects involved — you see why the pro-abortion feminism of Ashley Judd must ultimately be fatal to the Democrats.


Ashley Judd doesn’t have any children. Indeed, if you look at the four women featured on the cover of Ms. magazine in 2003 — “This Is What a Feminist Looks Like” — you find that two of them (Camryn Manheim and Whoopi Goldberg) have one child each, while Judd and Margaret Cho have zero, so that their average is 0.5 children per woman. Because feminist ideology is anti-marriage, anti-motherhood and anti-religion, the Democrat Party’s embrace of feminism creates a long-term problem for the party. And the rising feminist resentment toward hypocritical male “allies” like Harvey Weinstein will only exacerbate this problem.

There was a time when liberal feminism attracted males whose idea of “women’s rights” were similar to Weinstein’s, but in the wake of Hillary Clinton’s feminist-themed campaign, an angry anti-male radicalism has taken hold among women on the Left. The “male feminist” type of left-wing man is now openly mocked and scorned for his attempts to get laid by spewing talking-points about women’s “empowerment,” etc.




If a young man is interested in politics, is there any reason he should support a Democrat Party controlled by enraged man-hating feminists? After the defeat of Hillary Clinton in 2016, which ought to have been seen as a lesson in why feminism fails, Democrats are instead doubling down. They are talking about nominating Sen. Kamala Harris in 2020, reinforcing the message that men are no longer welcome in the Democrat Party. Taking a look at exit polls in Ohio — where Trump won male voters by a 23-point margin — it’s clear that this message is already well understood, the same way the “Black Lives Matter” movement made clear that Democrats are against white people. All signs indicate that the Democrat Party’s agenda will become even more extreme, as they embrace the radical “Resistance” movement. And who can forget Ashley Judd’s “Nasty Woman” rant at the Women’s March on Washington?


Yes — that is what a feminist looks like, and that’s also what the future of the Democrat Party looks like, if they have a future at all.



FMJRA 2.0: Birthday Weekend

Posted on | October 7, 2017 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Happy birthday to Smitty!

Late Night With Rule 5 Monday:
Coffee, Please
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Nation-Building President Ain’t Got Time For Backstabbery

Feminism 2017: @Rose_Resistance — Communist Lesbians Against America
The Political Hat

Transgender Social Contagion Reminds School Counselor of Salem in 1692
The Pirate’s Cove
Adam Piggott
A View From The Beach

Mass Shooting in Las Vegas
The Political Hat
A View From The Beach

CBS Executive Fired After Saying No Sympathy for Victims in Las Vegas

In The Mailbox: 10.02.17
Proof Positive

Munchausen Moms: @LizFraserRM, Feminism and Gender Dysphoria
Welcome To My Playpen
A View From The Beach

‘High-Risk Sex Offender’ Using Transgender Identity to Pursue Teens?
A View From The Beach

FMJRA 2.0: This Space Deliberately Left Blank
A View From The Beach

Putting Homicide in Perspective vs. the Media’s ‘Atrocity Narrative’ Propaganda
Darkness Over The Land

In The Mailbox: 10.03.17
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 10.04.17
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 10.05.17
Proof Positive

Harvey Weinstein Is a Democrat and a Pervert, But I Repeat Myself
Blackmailers Don’t Shoot
Adam Piggott
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 10.06.17
Proof Positive

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (14)
  2. A View From The Beach (7)
  3. Proof Positive (6)

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Prime Movie Deals – $4.99 And Up

In The Mailbox: 10.06.17

Posted on | October 6, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.06.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Happy birthday, Stacy!

EBL: She Was Lonely, So She Made Her Boyfriend Out Of Clay
Twitchy: Frank Rich Questions Why Obamas Let Malia Work For Harvey Weinstein, Gets Dragged By Fellow Liberals
Louder With Crowder: Jimmy Kimmel’s Ratings Dropping Fast
According To Hoyt: Alien Nation
Monster Hunter Nation: On Sale Now – The Monster Hunter Files
Vox Popoli: The Filthy Fat Man

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links, The Nautical Edition
American Power: “Lefties Are Full Of Hate. It’s Their Animating Spirit…”, also, Stefan Molyneux, The Art Of The Argument
American Thinker: Hugh Hefner’s Real Legacy – Disease, Despair, and Death
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Close Air Support Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For October 6
Bring The HEAT: F-16s, F-18, And B-1 To Overfly SoCal October 13
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Don’t Get Complacent About The Dems’ Leftward Lurch, also, No Love From The FDA
Don Surber: Fearless Girl Is Underpaid
Dustbury: The Grievance of Airing
The Geller Report: California Becomes “Sanctuary State” With Gov. Brown’s Signature
Hogewash: Programming Announcement, also, Do Something!
Joe For America: Mike Rowe’s Post-Vegas Massacre Response
JustOneMinute: Perfidious Liberals
Legal Insurrection: Sheriff Joe’s Pardon Upheld By Court
Power Line: Thoughts From The Ammo Line
Shark Tank: Rubio Clowns Around With Maduro
Shot In The Dark: Of Goals And Means
STUMP: Soda Tax – Here He Comes To Save The Day!
The Jawa Report: Where’s Vinnie? 2048 Edition
The Political Hat: Climate Inquisition Comes To Canada
This Ain’t Hell: SFC Alicia Hofman Saving The World, also, Media Expects Bergdahl To Plead Guilty
Weasel Zippers: Dems Call For Pelosi To Step Down, also, Militant Public School Teacher Took Students To Antifa Protests, Lied About Absences
Megan McArdle: Debt Alone Won’t Crush Puerto Rico – Depopulation Is The Curse
Mark Steyn: Best Not To Mention It, also, Theory Of The Case

Back To School Education Supplies
Today’s Digital Deals
Amazon Renewed Deals

Harvey Weinstein Is a Democrat and a Pervert, But I Repeat Myself

Posted on | October 5, 2017 | 1 Comment


How much money has film producer Harvey Weinstein donated to Democrats over the past 25 years? Thousands upon thousands, and you can add it up yourself. But now Democrats are being urged to shun Weinstein’s money because, well, he keeps acting like a Democrat:

An investigation by The New York Times found previously undisclosed allegations against Mr. Weinstein stretching over nearly three decades, documented through interviews with current and former employees and film industry workers, as well as legal records, emails and internal documents from the businesses he has run, Miramax and the Weinstein Company. . . .
During that time, after being confronted with allegations including sexual harassment and unwanted physical contact, Mr. Weinstein has reached at least eight settlements with women, according to two company officials speaking on the condition of anonymity. Among the recipients, The Times found, were a young assistant in New York in 1990, an actress in 1997, an assistant in London in 1998, an Italian model in 2015 and Ms. O’Connor shortly after, according to records and those familiar with the agreements. . . .

You can read the whole thing. Among the women Weinstein reportedly harassed were actresses Ashley Judd and Rose McGowan. And I say “reportedly,” because Weinstein is threatening to sue the New York Times for libel. Here’s an interesting headline:

Former Obama Adviser Anita Dunn Helped
Harvey Weinstein Strategize Before New York Times Story

Democrats help Democrats, you see. In his response to the allegations, Weinstein says: “I came of age in the 60’s and 70’s, when all the rules about behavior and workplaces were different. That was the culture then.” Ann Althouse calls this the “Roman Polanski excuse.”

As Ace of Spades remarks, many people in the media must have known about Weinstein’s (alleged) misbehavior, but he’s a Hollywood big shot and a liberal, so they didn’t blow the whistle on him — the same way they covered for Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton and Anthony Weiner.

Well, the Clinton era is over, and it’s not the 1960s anymore and, amid the current climate of feminist jihad, Democrats are going to find it more difficult to get away with their customary shenanigans.

More from Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.

ADDENDUM: Permit me to note, in regard to Weinstein’s defense that he “came of age in the 60’s and 70’s,” that he seems to have made a made a mistake common among high-profile sexual harassers, i.e., he stayed in the game too long. Back when Weinstein was a young man promoting rock concerts in the 1970s, yeah, “all the rules about behavior and workplaces were different.” There were basically no rules at all in the world of rock music back then, nor were there any such rules in Hollywood when Weinstein started making movies. But the main problem is that Harvey Weinstein kept chasing skirts when he was in his 40s and 50s, and even as recently as 2015, he was reportedly still at it.

Guys, don’t do this. At age 45 or 50, you may want to believe you’ve still got it, but you don’t. No matter how much success you had with the ladies when you were 20 or 25, you’re going to look ridiculous if you’re still trying to play the same game when you reach your 40s.

UPDATE: Rebecca Traister of New York magazine recounts her own confrontation with Weinstein’s violent abusive behavior — her called her an epithet and shoved her boyfriend down the steps at a party in 2000. She tries to explain why Weinstein’s behavior was never previously reported, including the fact that “there were so many journalists on his payroll, working as consultants on movie projects, or screenwriters, or for his magazine.” Talk magazine, with Tina Brown as editor, was published 1999-2002: “The cover story of the debut issue was an interview with Hillary Clinton.” In less than three years, Talk lost an estimated $50 million. This was simply another aspect of Weinstein’s power. He was willing to throw away money on a slick magazine with a big-name editor in order to buy influence among journalists. And guess what? It worked. Contrary to their own smug opinions of themselves, the journalistic elite aren’t the most ethical people on the planet.


In The Mailbox: 10.05.17

Posted on | October 5, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.05.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #35
EBL: Harvey Weinstein And The NYT Go To War?
Twitchy: SCHLONGED! Conservative Twitter Copies Miley Cyrus, Sends Their Own #HillaryThankYouNotes
Louder With Crowder: Man Demonstrates How AR-15 Shoots 70,000 Rounds Per Minute!

Adam Piggott: The Art Of Ceremony – Taking Your Sweet Time
American Power: Richard J. Evans, The Coming Of The Third Reich, also, Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
American Thinker: Don’t Tell The Left – More Guns Means Fewer Homicides
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Forced Pedestrian News
BattleSwarm: Gun Control As Charlie Brown’s Football
Bring The HEAT: A Little More On 2LT Spenser Rapone
Da Tech Guy: The Red Summit At St. Anselm College – Photos And Interviews
Don Surber: Every Black Adult Male Should Buy A Rifle
Dustbury: In Sickness And In, Um, More Sickness
The Geller Report: Muslim Murderer Of Lee Rigby to Sue Prison For “Gross Affront To His Personal Dignity”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Nancy Sinatra – “The Murderous Members of the NRA Should Face A Firing Squad”
Joe For America: While Celebs Lose Their Minds On Gun Control, One Pop Star Tells Hard Truth
JustOneMinute: Back In Korea…
Legal Insurrection: Beleaguered Rep. Murphy Resigns From Congress, also, GOP Lawmakers Join Democrats To Ban Bump Stocks
Power Line: Our Moronic News Media, Part 12176, also, Harry Reid’s Role In The Menendez Scandal
Shark Tank: Republican Congressman Apparently Not Brown Enough To Join House Hispanic Caucus
Shot In The Dark: The Time To Mock And Taunt The Star Tribune’s Editorial Board For Being Unthinking Stenographers For Big Left Is Now. Right Now.
STUMP: Illinois, Be Seein’ Ya!
The Political Hat: Intersectional Faith, Instersectional Liberation, Intersectional Pilgrimages
This Ain’t Hell: Stop Blaming Guns For What People Do, also, Lieutenant Rapone At West Point
Weasel Zippers: NYT Falsely Reports Trump Blocked Puerto Ricans From Buying Hot Meals With Food Stamps, also, Bump Stock Devices Greenlighted By ATF During Obama Administration
Megan McArdle: In Defense Of Adjustable-Rate Mortgages
Mark Steyn: The Empty Paddock, Continued

Today’s Digital Deals
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‘High-Risk Sex Offender’ Using Transgender Identity to Pursue Teens?

Posted on | October 5, 2017 | 2 Comments


Another setback for the Transgender Victimhood Narrative:

Riley Byerly is a transwoman who authors the website ‘My Transgender Life: Sharing My Life One Moment At A Time’.
He also goes by the name Riley Lilian Grace Byerly. He is 27. His legal name is Brynner Phoenix Rennecke. . . .
Before his arrest at the age of 15, this transwoman had raped or sexually assaulted at least five children. From ages 18 to 26 he was confined under civil commitment in the state hospital in Jamestown, North Dakota as a sexual offender at high risk to re-offend. He was released last year.
Upon his release, he immediately began pursuing more child victims. He keeps a Flickr account here where he posts stolen facebook photos of his desired victims: Young boys and boyish looking young transgender females (FTM).

You can read the whole thing. Rennecke/“Byerly” was arrested last week on a charge of unlawful presence of a sexual offender near schools.

Like I keep saying, people need to wake the hell up.




Munchausen Moms: @LizFraserRM, Feminism and Gender Dysphoria

Posted on | October 5, 2017 | 2 Comments


What is causing the epidemic of sexual confusion among young people? Because I’ve been researching radical feminism for more than three years, I am deeply familiar with the feminist opposition to the transgender cult, and have frequently cited blogs like 4th Wave Now, which are critical of this phenomenon. The problem of “social contagion” as a factor in encouraging transgender identification, and so-called “rapid onset gender dysphoria,” are issues where radical feminists have led the way in describing and analyzing the sources of this growing trend of confusion among young people. However, it is apparent that feminism itself is part of the problem, because the movement’s attack “traditional gender norms” inevitably tends to destabilize identity. Indeed, anyone who has carefully studied the theory promoted by Professor Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble — the social construction of the gender binary within the heterosexual matrix — must expect confusion to result from feminism’s “success.” Because feminism is an anti-male ideology, and because schools are now controlled by women, it is common for teachers to punish boys for masculine behavior. Yet the same traits that schools punish in boys — e.g., aggression and competitiveness — are encouraged in girls in the name of feminist “empowerment.”

Beyond the anti-male regime within the education system, however, there is the problem of “feminist motherhood” — an oxymoronic concept, given the feminist movement’s fanatical pro-abortion activism. Nevertheless, there are feminists who have children, and they are committed to raising their offspring in accordance with the movement’s ideology, and this means discouraging their sons from being masculine. Canadian feminist Liz Fraser unloaded this Twitter lecture last month:

“If you’re advocating for girls to have access to masculinity
but not for boys to have access to femininity,
you’re reinforcing patriarchy.”





“I mean that we are increasingly comfortable encouraging girls to play traditionally masculine roles, be ‘bossy,’ enjoy sports, etc, which is good and important and we should keep doing it, but we’re much less comfortable encouraging boys to express their feelings, crylike ‘pretty’ things, or adopt other traditionally feminine roles and behaviours. That reinforces the idea that masculinity is good and femininity is undesirable. Universal masculinity isn’t a solution to patriarchy, it’s another form of oppression.”

This is so absurdly misguided that only a feminist could possibly believe it. Encouraging your son to behave in the ways Ms. Fraser describes will result in him (a) being unable to fit in comfortably with his male peers as “one of the guys” and thus (b) being less successful as an adult male.

The most likely outcome, of course, is that by encouraging her son to embrace “traditionally feminine roles and behaviours,” Ms. Fraser will lead him either to be homosexual or to identify as transgender — and she must almost certainly be aware of this likelihood. It appears that some mothers now actively promote LGBT identity for their children:

Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy is a pattern in which a parent “fabricates, exaggerates, or induces mental or physical health problems” in their child “usually to gain attention or sympathy from others.” . . .
Toxic moms . . . have decided that having a Special Snowflake Rainbow Unicorn Child™ is a way “to gain attention or sympathy from others.” All it takes is to grab hold of some therapeutic jargon (“gender dysphoria”) and claim your kid is a victim of prejudice and — abracadabra! — you’ve changed your situation from (a) being the parent of a pathetic loser to (b) being the leader of a progressive social movement.

These “Munchausen moms” are clearly a factor in children now being labeled transgender in kindergarten or earlier, and the media celebrates this trend. Vanessa Ford announced that her 4-year-old son was her “daughter” (named “Ellie”) and got herself feartured in a Katie Couric interview. With both the news media and public schools encouraging this trend, we can expect that other narcissistic mothers will turn their children into freaks for the sake of attention.


Imagine that — deliberately dressing her son in a style that provokes people to think he’s a girl, while taking a “wait and see” attitude as to whether he is actually male. If gender is “socially constructed,” it would seem, Ms. Fraser is doing her best to ensure that her Special Snowflake Rainbow Unicorn Child™ does not become one of those dreadfully masculine heterosexual males that feminists so despise.


In The Mailbox: 10.04.17

Posted on | October 4, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Only The Good Die Young
Twitchy: Tariq Nasheed Warns Us Not To Fall For White Supremacist Outrage Over Cam Newton’s “Women” Comment
Louder With Crowder: Pat Sajak Slams Dumbass Celebrities With One Clever Tweet

Adam Piggott: Podcast #58 – The Old Man Episode
American Power: The New Democratic Party, also, Neil Stephenson, Quicksilver
American Thinker: The Time Factor And Active Shooter Incidents
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Paglia on Hugh Hefner And Modern Feminism
CDR Salamander: More Admiral Nelson, Less Quartermaster Bloomfield
Da Tech Guy: Pure Relief, also, Cause & Effect – American Balkanization & Crime
Don Surber: Trumping The Welfare State
Dustbury: Happy Birthday, Little Flyer
The Geller Report: Belgium Moves To Expel Egyptian Imam, Citing Security Threat
Hogewash: I’m Not Making This Up, You Know, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Joe For America: Anheuser-Busch Considers Dropping NFL – Here’s How You Can Vote
JustOneMinute: Free Speech At William & Mary
Legal Insurrection: Drexel University Prof Blames Las Vegas Shooting On “Trumpism” And White Men
Michelle Malkin: We Need Fallacy Control Now!
Power Line: Friendship A La Menendez, also, Democrats Threaten To Regulate Twitter
Shark Tank: US Expels Fifteen Cuban Diplomats From Washington
Shot In The Dark: Lie First, Lie Always – A Tale Of Two Tims
STUMP: 80% Pension Funding Hall Of Shame – 2017 Third Quarter Update
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler Travel Advisory – Visit Exciting, Exotic Karachi Pakistan!, also, Meanwhile In Africa
The Political Hat: Arizona Supreme Court Orders Denial of Objective Biological Science And Presumption Of The Impossible
This Ain’t Hell: I Used To Think Gun Control Was The Answer – My Research Told Me Otherwise, also, Marine Veteran Taylor Winston Saving The World
Weasel Zippers: Ohio Restaurant Owner Who Refuses To Show NFL Games Sees Sales Increase 200-300%, also, Trump Tried To Make Peace With San Juan Mayor, But She’s Got A New T-Shirt
Mark Steyn: If I Were A Richman…, also, Go Big Or Go Home

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