The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Crazy People Are Dangerous: ‘Non-Binary’ LGBT Student Activist Shot Dead

Posted on | September 17, 2017 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous: ‘Non-Binary’ LGBT Student Activist Shot Dead


Scout Schultz, 21, was born male but “preferred ‘they’ and ‘them’ gender pronouns and identified as bisexual, non-binary and intersex,” according to his mother. Schultz was president of the Pride Alliance, a student LGBTQ organization at Georgia Tech, where police shot him dead Saturday night after Schultz refused to drop a knife:

The tense encounter was caught on camera — in which the student can be seen walking closer and closer to the police officers and shouting ‘shoot me.’
‘Nobody wants to hurt you,’ one of the officers can be heard saying.
Schultz was then shot once and immediately crumpled to the ground, screaming out in pain.
None of the police officers involved have been identified, and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation is currently looking into the shooting.
According to a press release from the bureau, the Georgia Tech campus police received a 911 call of a ‘person with a knife and a gun’ at 11.17pm Saturday night.
The release says Schultz was ‘not cooperative and would not comply with the officers commands.
‘Schultz continued to advance on the officers with a knife… Subsequently, one officer fired striking Schultz.’

“Suicide by cop,” apparently. In a statement on their Facebook page, the Pride Alliance continues the “they/their/them” pronoun charade, as if the delusions of a knife-wielding lunatic deserve respect. It never seems to occur to these activist types that acting as enablers to the mentally ill — and demanding that the rest of us play along with the “gender” game — actually makes them complicit in the deaths of such deranged people. Scout Schultz needed psychiatric treatment, not identity politics.

“When I said that the mentally ill should be in institutions, public universities weren’t the kind of institutions I had in mind.”

The counterfactual ideology of transgenderism is a formula for madness. As much as we might pity the sufferers of “gender dysphoria,” political correctness is no substitute for mental-health treatment.

The transgender community is full of nutjobs like “Natalie Reed,” a former junkie who claims to suffer from depression, anxiety and PTSD. To put it quite plainly he/“she” is crazy, and this kind of craziness (“comorbidity”) is commonplace among transgender people. Should we rearrange the social order to accommodate their irrational demands? Should we allow lunatic perverts to dictate our laws? And why are universities accommodating this maladaptive behavior?


Rule 5 Sunday: Not All That Obscure

Posted on | September 17, 2017 | 4 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

There are a lot of musicians who seem to be extremely talented but never have much in the way of a solo career. Not one-hit wonders, exactly, but people who seem to be better known for working with other, more famous musicians or groups. One of them was Bruce Hornsby, who had a few hits with his band The Range, but apparently spent most of his career playing in the Grateful Dead; another is Jennifer Warnes, who did a ton of work with Leonard Cohen, Joe Cocker, and others but never did much on her own. Which is a shame, because she had a really beautiful voice, as you can hear here.
As always, this post contains links to pics generally considered NSFW. The management is not responsible for any ill effects you suffer from being incautious with the time and place of your clicking.

On the Midnight Special, 1977.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns, followed by Animal Magnetism with Rule Five Politico Lies About Guns Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s herd this week includes Korey Lane, Bob’s Babes, Kate Mara in Chappaquiddick, Cat Scratch Fever, Julie Adams, Jennifer Lawrence, Evil Eye Rule 5, and the boob-phobic Brooke Baldwin.

A View From The Beach graces us with Tennis Anyone? – Genie Bouchard, the Chosen OneFish Pic Friday – Rainbow RunnerReason #5687 That Trump Was ElectedMelting Glaciers Reveal Lost CivilizationBikini Baristas Fight for the Right to UncoverWhen in Rome, Do Like the Romans; When in Egypt . . .Help, Help, She’s Being Suppressed!Reason #5679 That Trump Was Elected and Mexican Skull Pushes Back Date for Human Invasion of Western Hemisphere.

Proof Positive’s Friday night Babe is Ophelia Lovibond, his Vintage Babe is Sheree North, and Sex in Advertising this week is covered by Womankind. At Dustbury, it’s Debbie Gibson and Katie Melua.

Thanks to everyone for their links!
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Transgender Bullies Make Worldwide News After Attack in London’s Hyde Park

Posted on | September 17, 2017 | Comments Off on Transgender Bullies Make Worldwide News After Attack in London’s Hyde Park


Last week, I was among the first to report on transgender activists who attacked a 60-year-old woman Wednesday in London’s Hyde Park. This shocking story was quickly picked up by numerous news organizations.

Transgender Activist Assaults
60-Year-Old Woman At Gender Debate

Ian Miles Cheong, Daily Caller

WATCH: Trans Activist Men Attack,
Beat Dissenting 60-Year-Old Woman

Amanda Prestigiacomo, Daily Wire

Sixty-year-old woman is shoved to the ground as
fists fly in a punch-up between transgender activists
and their extreme feminist rivals in Hyde Park

Mark Wood and Sanchez Manning, Daily Mail

FEMINIST FIST FIGHT: Moment transgender
group and feminist activists clash in
extraordinary brawl in Hyde Park that
leaves one 60-year-old woman on the floor

Charlie Parker, The Sun

Woman injured as feminists and
transgender groups fight at Speakers’ Corner

Adam Smith, Metro

While some of these headlines are misleading, wrongly depicting this incident as a “fight” between two sides, when in fact it was an attack by transgender activists on a member of the feminist group, even inaccurate coverage is better than no coverage. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and the more attention that is focused on this issue, the more people will become aware of the hateful intolerance of transgender activists, who seek to silence their critics. Because facts and logic are against them, they resort to terroristic intimidation tactics against their opponents.

Basic freedoms and important matters of public policy are at stake in this debate, and it is obvious which side is trying to silence dissent by labeling disagreement as “hate.” People need to wake the hell up.


FMJRA 2.0: The Valley Road

Posted on | September 16, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Late Night With Rule 5 Monday:
Kate Upton Goes To Houston

Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

The Creepy Munchausen Moms Who Promote Childhood Transgenderism
Watcher Of Weasels
Welcome To My Playpen
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach

Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It
The Political Hat
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

FMJRA 2.0: Day Late & A Dollar Short
A View From The Beach

The Death of a Dishonest Feminist
Welcome To My Playpen

When Your Silly Haiku Tweet Turns Into An Impromptu Songwriting Session

In The Mailbox: 09.11.17
Proof Positive

Texas Attorney ‘Resigns’ from Firm After Rape Comment About Betsy DeVos
A View From The Beach

Fear and Loathing at Logan International: Massachusetts Is Depraved and Decadent

In The Mailbox: 09.12.17
Proof Positive

Hillary’s Delusional Reading of Classics
The Pirate’s Cove
The Daley Gator
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 09.13.17
Battleswarm Blog
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Campus Snowflakes Reduced to Tears After Being Confronted With Facts

Transgender Cult Update: Woman, 60, Assaulted by Activists in London
The Homoarchy
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 09.14.17
Proof Positive

This Tweet Wasn’t Intended To Insult Zep

Exactly How Did @BenShapiro Become Berkeley’s ‘Kazika the Mad Jap’?

In The Mailbox: 09.15.17
Proof Positive

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (16)
  2. A View From The Beach (8)
  3. Proof Positive (7)

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

Today’s Digital Deals
Amazon Warehouse Deals

The Wisdom of the Crapper
Updated: Important Announcement

Posted on | September 16, 2017 | 1 Comment

by Smitty

Because you didn’t ask for it: now you can follow 2D_ToiletSays on Twitter. Actually, I just got miffed at some Lefty who was trying to hijack the gag.

Feminist ‘Comes Out’ and Nobody Cares

Posted on | September 16, 2017 | 2 Comments

Charlotte Morabito is a Women’s Studies major and a queer feminist, but I repeat myself. She got her degree — actually a double major in Journalism and Media Studies and Women’s and Gender Studies — last year from Rutgers University, and now works for MSNBC.

Did I mention Charlotte Morabito is fat? Because her fatness is a subject Ms. Morabito has written quite a lot about, for example:

I was explaining to a friend and coworker how I experience fatphobia. I can tell when people have cast me aside because of my weight, I said. I can tell when people have judged me immediately based on my fatness. . . .
I’m talking about that disdain that fat people learn to spot quickly. I’m talking about that sense of superiority a lot of thin people have when they are interacting with a fat person. It’s that feeling we get when we can hear the disgust between each word they speak to us. It’s microaggression, and fat people learn to spot it as a mechanism to survive our daily lives.

Am I the only one annoyed by the sense of entitlement here? Ms. Morabito presumes to sit in judgment of other people’s preferences, condemning them for “fatphobia” and “microaggressions” if they in any way convey the impression that they don’t like her. You are morally obligated not to notice her rotundity, and are required to treat her as though she were as svelte as a supermodel, or else be condemned for your “disdain” and “disgust.” And she can tell, because fat people know you don’t like them, you thin people with your “sense of superiority”:

There’s a specific type of person that is most likely to engage in fatphobic microaggressions. They are the twenty-something, cisgender, middle class, white person. The women refer to themselves as fit — not thin (there’s apparently a huge difference). The men are preoccupied with lifting weights and eating enough protein. They judge fat people instantly.
They have taken on fitness and “health” as a part of their identity so when they see a fat person, they are conditioned to believe that this person just isn’t trying hard enough to change their body. The fat person in front of them becomes an affront to their deeply held worldviews. The fat person is offensive to them. And as much as they try to hide it?–?and some are better than others at hiding it?–?the offense seeps into that interaction and it is, at the very least, uncomfortable. At the very worst, unsafe.
These microaggressions are real.

She’s either clairvoyant or paranoid. Ms. Morabito’s mind-reading act — “I know you’re judging me, you skinny white cisgender people!” — is more than just a psychological projection, however. The obsession with “health” among yuppies was something Tom Wolfe commented on in Bonfire of the Vanities, describing the “social X-ray” women whose thinness was a form of status display, a visible expression of virtue.

The quest to obtain and maintain the perfect body is about sex, obviously. Talk about “health” all you want, but you can’t expect intelligent people to believe that you’re going to the gym five days a week and running three miles a day just because you want to be “healthy.” It’s about competing for partners in the mating market and, with the decline of marriage, the competition is remorseless. All those twenty-somethings on the treadmill at the gym are single, of course, and if fat people are “an affront to their deeply held worldviews,” as Ms. Morabito says, it’s because they can’t imagine why anyone wouldn’t try to be as sexually appealing as possible.

Beyond the value of an athletic body in the sexual marketplace, however, the “health” obsession functions as a marker of socioeconomic status. Like being vegan, for example. Dietary purity is virtue signalling, using food as a symbol of one’s social-justice “wokeness.” Whatever the actual health benefits of a meatless diet, the vegan is really showing her (and it’s almost always her) moral superiority to those slobs eating cheeseburgers from the drive-thru at McDonald’s. Being socially aware to the point of caring about “animal rights” is an elite attitude, almost exclusively found among college-educated liberals, in the same way that caring about “climate change” is typical of the elite class. But I digress . . .



Charlotte Morabito is a fat feminist and a queer feminist and, in an entirely predictable way, she’ll lecture us about the “intersectionality” of oppression between her fatness and her queerness:

I came out as fat to myself about five years ago. I also came out as bisexual to myself around the same time. Both were gradual and mutual processes.
“I think that there is a coming out process around being fat that is rarely discussed,” Dr. Carla Pfeffer, an Assistant Professor of Sociology and Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of South Carolina, wrote in an interview conducted over email. Dr. Pfeffer has done extensive research on the sociological implications of fatness and sexuality.
“People assume that since fatness is so visible, there is no need for fat people to come out as fat,” Dr. Pfeffer added. “But some people view coming out as fat as a way of taking back and reclaiming the discourse around fatness.”
According to sociologists Abigail Saguy and Anna Ward, “coming out as fat involves a person who is easily recognized as fat affirming to herself and others her fatness as a non-negotiable aspect of self, rather than as a temporary state to be remedied through weight loss.” . . .

(There’s a “discourse around fatness,” you see, and feminists are “reclaiming” it, one quart of Häagen-Dazs butter pecan at a time.)

A fat person admitting to themselves and others that their fatness is a part of their identity rather than something they have to change about themselves can be a radical act of self-love and acceptance. . . .

(Fatness is a “radical act” requiring “self-love and acceptance” and, of course, a steady supply of Häagen-Dazs butter pecan.)

Living in a fat body frequently complicates how a person experiences their sexuality and gender expression. “Because of the hateful and pervasive social messaging around fatness — that it is ugly, unhealthy, disgusting, unclean, and unattractive — many fat people often find it challenging to fully embrace sex and their sexuality,” Dr. Pfeffer said. . . .

(The thing about “sexuality” is that it proverbially takes two to tango. While it is possible to “fully embrace sex” alone, a life of masturbation is really rather pathetic, isn’t it? But just have another quart of Häagen-Dazs butter pecan, and try not to think about how sad your life is.)

Sexual erasure of fat people occurs whether the person in question is heterosexual or homosexual. The erasure becomes more difficult to navigate as the fat person’s sexuality or gender identity becomes more “deviant.” . . . Lesbian fat cis women must deal with the narrative that they chose lesbianism because their fat bodies make it impossible for any man to ever be attracted to them. . . .

(Gosh, where do these hateful stereotypes come from? Logic, perhaps?)

Like being publicly queer or trans, to be publicly and unapologetically fat is a political act. When a person is out as both unapologetically fat and unapologetically queer and/or trans, it requires an enormous amount of emotional labor that many thin, straight, and cis people take for granted. . . .

(In much the same way, sane people take their sanity for granted, and leave all the “emotional labor” to crazy Gender Studies majors.)

Bisexuality is frequently erased with the narrative that bisexual women are straight women who are “just experimenting.” . . .

(And the “experiment” proves bisexuals are crazy and desperate.)

Coming out as queer or trans is a political act. To come out means that a trans or queer person is insisting on being visible in a heteronormative society that wishes to erase their sexuality and gender identity. . . .
Having to defend oneself and one’s identity constantly is exhausting to the point that I wonder if coming out (as either fat or queer) to everyone I meet is really worth it. Does this mean I’m ashamed of who I am? No. It means I value my self-care.

To which America answers: “Who cares?”

Those of us old enough to remember the 1980s know that dramatic notions about the importance of “coming out” gained urgency from the AIDS crisis. Rock Hudson had been one of the greatest leading men in Hollywood history, and when he appeared on the cover of the National Enquirer, gaunt and emaciated, this was startling to many people who never in a million years would have guessed he was gay.

Rock Hudson with Elizabeth Taylor in 1956 (left) and in 1985 (right).

It is absurdly insulting for Charlotte Morabito to suppose that a college girl “coming out” as bisexual is a “political act” as significant as gay men coming out during the height of the AIDS epidemic 30 years ago. And as for her “coming out” as fat — well, this is just a bad joke.

Bisexuality has become so trendy among college girls that it seems almost de rigueur, as if “college girl” is just a slang synonym for queer.

As LGBT identities have become commonplace, and normalized in the culture, this has had the ironic effect of making perversion boring.

What was once taboo is now utterly ordinary. No one is shocked at a young feminist’s declaration of queer identity, because we assume that feminists are all queer to some extent, even the ones who aren’t fat.

Seriously — Feminism Is Queer is the title of a Women’s Studies textbook by Professor Mimi Marinucci of Eastern Washington University. Feminism in the 21st century is as contemptuous of heterosexuality as it is of capitalism, Christianity and the Republican Party. Heterosexual women are simply not welcome in the feminist movement anymore, and far be it from me to argue with Professor Marinucci about this.


Also, because beauty standards are “toxic,” as another queer feminist has argued, good-looking women don’t belong in feminism, either.

Fat women, ugly women, queer women — this is who feminism is for.

And they wonder why Hillary lost the election . . .


In The Mailbox: 09.15.17

Posted on | September 15, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.15.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Please submit your links for tomorrow’s FMJRA and Sunday’s Rule 5 post by noon tomorrow and noon Sunday, respectively. Your contributions are very much appreciated!

EBL: Mid-Century McMaster & Julie Adams
Michelle Malkin: Never Forget – Muslim Hate Crime Hoaxes
Twitchy: If True, CNN’s Response To Clay Travis’ “First Amendment And Boobs” Is Priceless
Louder With Crowder: #BenAtBerkeley – Watch Ben Murderize Left’s Argument For Abortion
According To Hoyt: Politics, Creativity, And Loudness
Monster Hunter Nation: MHI Bullets For Charity
Vox Popoli: Gab Belatedly Files Suit

Adam Piggott: Podcast #56 – The Weather Porn Episode, also, Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The “Whitey Is Racist!” Edition
American Power: Stunned Brooke Baldwin Ends Segment After Clay Travis Proclaims His Belief In “First Amendment And Boobs”, also, Lidia Yuknavitch, The Book Of Joan
American Thinker: Unapproved Thought Is Violence
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Politico Lies About Guns Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For September 15
Da Tech Guy: Let It Slide…Safe At Home, also, When Everything’s A Big Deal, Nothing’s A Big Deal
Don Surber: Scraping Bottom At NBC, also, Presidential Flocculation
Dustbury: A Miner For A Heart Of Zinc
Fred On Everything: Fred Declares Month Off – Earth Wobbles In Orbit, Kingdoms Fall
The Geller Report: 86 Hindus Killed In Rohingya Jihad Massacres, 200 Hindu Families Flee Burma
Hogewash: Blognet, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Failed Presidential Candidate Declares War On Facebook
Joe For America: Who’s Sick About Comedian Steve “Mudflap” McGrew?
JustOneMinute: How ‘Bout That Tribe? also, Is London Burning? How About Berkeley?
Power Line: Memo To CNN – They Don’t Call It The “Boob Tube” For Nothing, also, Sanders Admits His Health Plan Will Bankrupt America
Shark Tank: Governor Scott Rejects Call To Postpone Special Election In Miami
Shot In The Dark: For Once, Allahpundit Is The Pollyanna
The Jawa Report: Hamza Who? also, Pat Condell States The Obvious
The Political Hat: When Does A Drag Queen Achieve Peak Wokeness? Eight Years Old
This Ain’t Hell: Harvard Rescinds Fellowship Offer To Traitor, also, Eric Smith’s Silver Star Upgraded To Navy Cross
Weasel Zippers: Nork Peace Committee Says U.S. Should Be “Beaten To Death” Like Rabid Dog, also, Stacy’s Crazy Cousin John (D-AZ) Introduces Bipartisan Bill To Halt Trump Transgender Ban
Megan McArdle: Trump is Ready To Sell Out His Base
Mark Steyn: A Bargain At Only $250 Per Second, also, Everything But That

Today’s Digital Deals
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Exactly How Did @BenShapiro Become Berkeley’s ‘Kazika the Mad Jap’?

Posted on | September 15, 2017 | Comments Off on Exactly How Did @BenShapiro Become Berkeley’s ‘Kazika the Mad Jap’?

“As conservative radio host Ben Shapiro spoke at the University of California Berkeley, protesters swarmed outside chanting various slogans. . . . Berkeley police said there were no reported injuries due to violence and no reports of any damage to property Thursday, as the crowd swelled to nearly 1,000 people.”

Probably none of those Berkeley protesters would get the headline allusion to Hunter S. Thompson. Even if you explained it to them, they’d still be offended, because college students are offended by pretty much everything nowadays. Last night’s speech by Ben Shapiro didn’t provoke a riot in Berkeley, and some people are probably disappointed, considering the intensity of headline hype that preceded the event.

Berkeley braces for visit
by right-wing speaker Ben Shapiro

The University of California, Berkeley will seal off large parts of its campus like a fortress with a closed perimeter and a “very large” visible police presence Thursday, when the birthplace of America’s free speech movement faces its next potential clashes.
City and campus authorities anticipate demonstrations at a speech by conservative commentator Ben Shapiro, a former Breitbart editor, and are preparing for possible violence with a variety of new strategies and tightened security.
For the first time in two decades, officers will be armed with pepper spray after the city council modified a 1997 ban at an emergency meeting this week.
The tactics to boost security are the latest indication of growing frustrations in Berkeley and other liberal cities that have become targets of violent political protests since the election of President Donald Trump and battlegrounds for extremist groups that support and oppose him.
“We have seen extremists on the left and right in our city,” said Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin, a Democrat who backed the police request to use pepper spray. “We need to make sure violence is not allowed.”

This reminded me of the wrestling hype HST wrote in his youth:

There was a time, about ten years ago, when I could write like Grantland Rice. Not necessarily because I believed all that sporty bullshit, but because sportswriting was the only thing I could do that anybody was willing to pay for. And none of the people I wrote about seemed to give a hoot in hell what kind of lunatic gibberish I wrote about them, just as long as it moved. They wanted Action, Color, Speed, Violence…. At one point, in Florida, I was writing variations on the same demented themes for three competing papers at the same time, under three different names. I was a sports columnist for one paper in the morning, sports editor for another in the afternoon, and at night I worked for a pro wrestling promoter, writing incredibly twisted “press releases” that I would plant, the next day, in both papers.
It was a wonderful gig, in retrospect, and at times I wish I could go back to it — just punch a big hatpin through my frontal lobes and maybe regain that happy lost innocence that enabled me to write, without the slightest twinge of conscience, things like: “The entire Fort Walton Beach police force is gripped in a state of fear this week; all leaves have been canceled and Chief Bloor is said to be drilling his men for an Emergency Alert situation on Friday and Saturday nights — because those are the nights when ‘Kazika, The Mad Jap,’ a 440-pound sadist from the vile slums of Hiroshima, is scheduled to make his first — and no doubt his last — appearance in Fish-head Auditorium. Local wrestling impressario Lionel Olay is known to have spoken privately with Chief Bloor, urging him to have ‘every available officer’ on duty at ringside this weekend, because of the Mad Jap’s legendary temper and his invariably savage reaction to racial insults. Last week, in Detroit, Kazika ran amok and tore the spleens out of three ringside spectators, one of whom allegedly called him a ‘yellow devil.’”
“Kazika,” as I recall, was a big, half-bright Cuban who once played third-string tackle for Florida State University in Tallahassee, about 100 miles away — but on the fish-head circuit he had no trouble passing for a dangerous Jap strangler, and I soon learned that pro wrestling fans don’t give a f–k anyway.

Indeed, and like pro wrestling fans on the fish-head circuit, the naive young “progressives” at Berkeley don’t care whether Ben Shapiro is actually a “far-right” personality or not. He once worked for Breitbart, and because Breitbart is connected to Trump (via Steve Bannon), the Antifa dimwits figure Shapiro must be a dangerous white supremacist.

Or maybe they just don’t give a f–k whether this is true or not.

What matters to the Left, and to their cheerleaders in media, is the myth that Republicans are the suit-and-tie facade of a “far-right” movement determined to turn America into a vast concentration camp, a dystopia where everybody who doesn’t conform to some Eisenhower-era model of bourgeois suburban respectability lives in a state of perpetual fear.

This is a paranoid delusion. Even in the (alleged) Bad Old Days of “McCarthyism,” there were still plenty of beatniks, socialists, homosexuals and dope-addled jazz musicians living in urban bohemian enclaves like Greenwich Village and, of course, Berkeley. (Roger Kimball’s book The Long March: How the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s Changed America is the best introduction to the beatnik-era counterculture.) Because the Left now controls both the education establishment and the journalism industry, however, the Eisenhower era has been re-imagined as the Dark Night of Fascism in America, to which the “right-wing” extremists are forever scheming to return us — and they certainly will, if you don’t VOTE DEMOCRAT!

It’s really that simple.

All the fish-head circuit wrestling hype portraying Ben Shapiro as a Dangerous Right-Wing Menace is inspired by the crude partisanship of Democrat operatives with bylines, who wake up every morning, have a cup of coffee, then go to work making up lies about Republicans.

If only the demonized right-wingers would do something to justify all this fear-mongering! Ben Shapiro running amok, tearing the spleens out of ringside spectators who called him a “Zionist dog” — now that would be a spectacle worth the hundreds of thousands of dollars in extra security required to protect Shapiro in Berkeley. However, like the former Florida State tackle billed as a “dangerous Jap strangler,” Shapiro is scarcely the menace the Berkeley leftists imagine him to be. The paranoid fear-based ideology of the Left requires symbolic enemies who can serve as the focus of their hatred, and any conservative who comes within their field of vision will do. Shapiro turned it right back on them:

“Thanks to antifa and the supposed anti-fascist brigade for exposing what the radical left truly is,” Shapiro said in his speech, referring to anti-fascist, or “antifa,” activists.
“All of America is watching because you guys are so stupid. It’s horrifying, I am grateful, and you can all go to hell, you pathetic, lying, stupid jackasses,” he said.
Shapiro noted that campus officials had said increased security measures had cost the school more than $600,000.
“That is not due to me, it’s due to the antifa, hard-left morons who are out there breaking windows,” he said. . . .
Shapiro slammed protesters who had previously rioted when right-wing speakers visited the famously liberal campus and who had put up signs and posters condemning his speech Thursday, while praising law enforcement.
“These are the folks that stand between civilization and lawlessness,” Shapiro said of the police, saying “the only people who are standing between those ATMs and the antifa are the police, and all they get from the left is a bunch of crap.”

In the Trump Age, hyped-up fears of “fascism” and “white supremacy” lead to ridiculous behavior and rhetoric from the Left. Shapiro didn’t even vote for Donald Trump, and is against the so-called “alt-right.”

Facts don’t matter to Democrats. Their cult mentality (and liberal media bias) insulates them from reality. Obama’s presidency was, for them, an eight-year vacation which they expected to continue under Hillary. When Trump unexpectedly won, Democrats surrendered to Fear and Loathing, and their nightmare delusions of a Nazi revival are so deranged that they can imagine Ben Shapiro as Hitler in a yarmulke.




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