The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

This Tweet Wasn’t Intended To Insult Zep

Posted on | September 15, 2017 | 1 Comment

by Smitty

Is there anybody under the sun who isn’t responsible for The Royal Drubbing? I voted against Her Majesty, so it’s my fault, too. Even though the Royal Personage took the Commonwealth on the strength of Her lackey, Governor Spittoon.

In The Mailbox: 09.14.17

Posted on | September 14, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.14.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Is Trump Rolling Over For Pelosi And Schumer?
Twitchy: Ready To Rumble? Ben Shapiro Dumps More Cold Water On Snowflakes
Louder With Crowder: Flashback – Bernie Sanders Says Medicare For All Would “Bankrupt America”

Adam Piggott: Don’t Shoot The Fat Messenger
American Power: Black Sabbath, “Iron Man”
American Thinker: Swamp Thing Luis Gutierrez Doubles Down
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Burger-Bot News
BattleSwarm: JJ Watt – $33 Million. Four Networks & 130 Celebrities – $44 Million
Bring The HEAT: Space-X Has A Sense Of Humor
Da Tech Guy: I Was Wrong On Trump And DACA, also, Stacy McCain In Massachusetts Day 5 (Has links to all relevant posts, FYI)
Don Surber: What Trump Gets Out Of The Deal
Dustbury: Technical Distort
The Geller Report: Patent Office Approves Stop Islamicization Of America Trademark
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Antifa Terrorists Claim Violence Is Necessary, also, Dreamy! Sanctuary City Illegal Alien Runs Over Cyclists, Had BAC Of .266
JustOneMinute: Is This A Deal Or An Attempted Stampede? also, Share The Yawn
Power Line: The Franken Fallout, also, It’s Official – Democrats Now Socialist Party Of America
Shark Tank: Sports TV Anchor Says American Flag Stands For Racism
Shot In The Dark: What Could The Explanation Be?
The Jawa Report: And Now…Rocket Bloopers, also, He Doesn’t See Us Azzam
The Political Hat: The Totalitarian Vanguard, Crushing Free Speech, Slapping Into Wokefulness, and Die Geistesdammerung
This Ain’t Hell: Gutierrez Whines Kelly Is “Mean”, also, Bradley Manning Now A Scholar
Weasel Zippers: Pope Shills For Islam On 9/11 Anniversary, also, Defiant Hillary Tells Dems “I’m Not Going Anywhere”
Megan McArdle: Equifax Made Life Easier. Now We See The Cost.

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Transgender Cult Update: Woman, 60, Assaulted by Activists in London

Posted on | September 14, 2017 | 4 Comments


Maria MacLachlan, a 60-year-old woman, was attacked by transgender activists Wednesday evening at London’s Hyde Park, where feminists had gathered at Speakers’ Corner after the venue for their event, featuring Professor Julia Long, had been canceled due to “safety concerns.”

Feminist critics of the transgender movement have been accused of “hate,” labeled “TERFs” (trans-exclusive radical feminist) and “no-platformed” by universities throughout Great Britain. Online threats against “TERFs” are now commonplace, but Wednesday in Hyde Park, this escalated to actual violence. MacLachlan says young trans activists began chanting “TERFs attack, we fight back!” while she was recording video, “then suddenly some kid in a hoodie ran past me and tried to knock the camera out of my hand but it was attached to a loop round my wrist so he came back at me, I think trying to get my camera”:

I was determined not to let him get my camera and I was also terrified that my glasses were going to get broken because then I wouldn’t be able to see. I don’t remember much else except that somehow I ended up on the ground and it felt like a few of them were punching and kicking me and it seemed to last for ever but I guess it was just a few seconds. I did hear people telling them to stop and presumably trying to pull them off but I’ve no idea who these people were or if anyone was really trying to help. Anyway, they finally got my camera which went flying somewhere.

Witnesses posted videos of the incident in London to YouTube, but the videos were removed as violating “Content Guidelines” at YouTube. Meanwhile, as reports of the London attack spread on social media, transgender activists — including pornographer “Zinnia Jones,” a/k/a “Satana Kennedy” — began mocking the victim and justifying the attack.


Wednesday’s event in London was organized to discuss proposed changes to Britain’s 2004 Gender Recognition Act. Transgender activists complain that the current law “forces people to jump through hoops and undergo deeply personal and intimate examination of their life.” Julia Long has contributed to a recent anthology about the “erasure” of women by transgender activists. Professor Long’s presentation Wednesday was followed by Miranda Yardley, a transgender woman who is critical of the activist agenda. “The ideology we are being fed has no basis in science, equity or morality,” according to Yardley, who posted a transcript of her remarks. “Any hope of compromise goes out of the window when there is not a single glimpse of daylight between what we are told is a ‘trans woman’ and what we understand to be ‘female’. Our rights to freedom of speech, expression and thought are taken away.”

UPDATE: Brendan O’Neill of Spiked Online takes notice:

“Trans activism increasingly looks like misogyny in drag.” Exactly!





Campus Snowflakes Reduced to Tears After Being Confronted With Facts

Posted on | September 14, 2017 | 1 Comment


Christopher Rodgers, Dean of Students and Deputy Title IX Coordinator at Fordham University is under investigation after he showed a video to dorm RAs (resident assistants) debunking the “1-in-5” myth of campus sexual assault. During orientation training last month, Rodgers showed the video from Prager U that points out flawed methodology in surveys that have been used to support the claim that 20% of female college and universities students are victims of campus sexual assault:

The video explains that the controversial statistic was based on a study based on anonymous online resources from 5,000 women at two universities, none of whose claims were verified.
Based on their responses, the authors and not the participants defined that 1,000 of those women had been victims of some manner of “non-consensual or unwanted sexual contact,” prompting sensationalist claims of a thriving “rape culture” and “campus rape epidemic” on campuses across the United States.
Contrary to the popular statistic, more comprehensive data from the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics estimates that only 1 in 52.6 college women are victims of rape and sexual assault over a period of four years.

The “1-in-5” myth is a ten-fold exaggeration of the actual incidence of campus sexual assault. Federal data indicate that the rate of sexual assault has declined sharply since the 1990s, and female college students are actually less likely to be raped than non-college women ages 18-24.


Dean Rodgers showed the RAs both the Prager U video and an excerpt of the “rape culture” documentary The Hunting Ground, presenting these as examples of competing political agendas around the issue of campus sexual assault. The reaction? These RAs — who are supposed to be mature student leaders, supervising younger dorm students — broke down in emotional trauma. One of the RAs complained:

I sat through the presentation a little longer and then left the room. I went to the bathroom where I found at least 10 other female RAs, many of whom were in tears.
It is my personal opinion that Dean Rodgers is not fit to hold his position as the Deputy Title IX Coordinator. As a woman, as a student, and as a Resident Assistant I do not trust him to appropriately and sensitively handle cases of sexual misconduct. “Political context” has no place in discussions about sexual violence. . . .
If he cannot be trusted to take our emotional states into account and respect our opinions, criticisms, and views, why should I trust him to handle cases of sexual assault?

How about instead we just admit that coeducation is a failed experiment?

Fordham was originally founded as an all-male institution, but now 57% of undergraduates are female.The cost of sending your daughter to Fordham is $68,406 a year, including room and board. For that price, you might expect Fordham to acquaint the precious little darlings with facts and reality, but they can’t handle it. Why not just ban males from campus altogether? Turn it into a girls’ school, because the snowflakes are emotionally incapable of dealing with men, or with facts.

(Hat-tip: @TotesDeplorable on Twitter.)


In The Mailbox: 09.13.17

Posted on | September 14, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Hillary Clinton Continues On Her Healing Book Tour
Twitchy: What Happened? This Brutal Recap Of Election Night Is What Happened, And It’s Glorious
Louder With Crowder: Chainsaw-Wielding Nun Helps Miami-Dade With Hurricane Cleanup

Adam Piggott: Fighting The Wrong War
American Power: Mexican Pride! also, Jeremy Rabkin & John Yoo, Striking Power
American Thinker: Why The Democrats Oppose Economic Freedom
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Clinton Corruption Update For September 13, 2017
Bring The HEAT: Marine Corps AAV Immolates In California With Fifteen Marines Inside
Da Tech Guy: Stop Taxpayer Funding Of Abortion In Massachusetts, also, After Irma (Updated)
Don Surber: Democrats Too Politically Correct To See Their Problem
Dustbury: I Believe He Can Be Saved
The Geller Report: Facebook Doubles “Hate Speech” Sharia Police, Introduces “Tougher Rules”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Contractors Say Clinton’s State Department Silenced Them On Benghazi Security Lapses
Joe For America: Cleveland Rocks – Indians Set American League Record With 21st Straight Win
JustOneMinute: Wha’ Happened – Quotes From Beyond The Grave
Power Line: The Franken Factor, also, Democratic Party Smears Justice Gorsuch As A Bigot
Shark Tank: Antifa Group Defends Their Violence, Claims Self-Defense
Shot In The Dark: Telegraphing The Punch
STUMP: Soda Tax Follies – Choices Have Consequences
The Jawa Report: As-Sahab Media Can S*** It, also, Where’s Rusty? Never Tell Me The Odds Edition
The Political Hat: Devshirme Of Britain
This Ain’t Hell: Phil Haberman, GI Jerk, also, General Kelly Responds To Gutierrez
Weasel Zippers: Awans Allegedly Funneled Dems’ Data To Secret Server, Falsified Evidence To Cover It Up, also, NYC Muslim College Student Who Lied About Trump Supporters Subway Attack Pleads Guilty To Hoax
Megan McArdle: The Latest (Dim, Distant) Hope For Healthcare Reform
Mark Steyn: The Language Of Losing, also, Hillary Goes Looking For The Real Killers

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Hillary’s Delusional Reading of Classics

Posted on | September 13, 2017 | 3 Comments


Everyone is stunned by the self-deceptions and blame-shifting in Hillary Clinton’s campaign memoir What Happened, and Ace of Spades aggregates several of the most mind-blowing excerpts.

Most notably, as British socialist writer James Heartfield observes, Hillary claims that George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four is about the importance of trusting “our leaders, the press, experts” — a 180-degree reversal of Orwell’s actual meaning. A free society requires a citizenry distrustful of power, and not predisposed to accept whatever beliefs officially-approved “experts” advocate. Independent minds must be skeptical, for example, of the suggestion that we should reorganize our healthcare system according to what “leaders” and “experts” tell us.

Only her arrogance — imagining herself as the expert leader who deserves our unquestioning trust — could lead Hillary to reverse the lesson of a classic anti-totalitarian novel like Nineteen Eighty-Four.

However, Hillary also misinterprets Eric Hoffer’s 1951 classic The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements. This is a book that I have repeatedly recommended as a guide to understanding the kind of people who are attracted to radical ideologies like feminism:

. . . especially Part 2 (“Potential Converts”) and sections IV (“The Role of the Undesirables in Human Affairs”) and VI (“Misfits”). What Hoffer writes about the influence of “the inferior elements in a nation” (p. 24) and the “incurably frustrated” who have “an unfulfilled craving for creative work” (p 47) applies to many of the angry young men and unhappy young women who rush to join the mob of disgruntled “progressives.”

Being familiar with Hoffer’s ideas — The True Believer is sitting on my desk even now — it was mind-boggling to read Hillary’s warped view:

During the campaign, Bill and I both went back and reread The True Believer, Eric Hoffer’s 1951 explanation of the psychology behind fanaticism and mass movements, and I shared it with my senior staff. On the campaign trail, I offered ideas that I believed would address many of the underlying causes of discontent and help make life better for all Americans. But I couldn’t — and wouldn’t — compete to stoke people’s rage and resentment. I think that’s dangerous. It helps leaders who want to take advantage of that rage to hurt people rather than help them. Besides, it’s just not how I’m wired.

Really? A campaign that denounced Republican voters as “deplorables,” led by a candidate who promised among other things to destroy the jobs of coal miners (helping “make life better,” you see), who irresponsibly incited a phony campus “rape culture” hysteria and endorsed the racial violence of “Black Lives Matters,” was not about stoking rage?

It is easy to condemn the populism of Donald Trump (or Bernie Sanders) as a demagogic appeal to ressentiment, but populism flourishes only because elites are out of touch with the needs and interests of ordinary Americans. This is true in both Democrat and Republican parties, but because the educational system and the news media are both controlled by Democrat partisans, it is possible for someone like Hillary Clinton to exist within a liberal bubble where the grievances expressed by the populist Left seem legitimate in a way that the grievances of the populist Right do not. When she was sharing Eric Hoffer’s book “with my senior staff,” did Hillary ever suggest that its critique of fanaticism applied to them or to her own supporters? Isn’t it true that Hillary had her own True Believers, and that the Clinton campaign sought to harness the mentality of a “mass movement” — #ImWithHer — to win the election?

“Inside a cult, the only people who matter are Us, and your identity as one of Us requires you to buy into whatever ideology defines the cult. If you are not willing to constantly prove your loyalty to Us, you might be exiled and ostracized from the cult, becoming one of Them — and this, to the cult member, is a fate worse than death.”
Robert Stacy McCain, May 19, 2016

There was always a creepy totalitarian vibe surrounding the Hillary campaign, including a paranoid mentality that has expressed itself, since the election, as a search for scapegoats (“Bernie bros”) and conspiracies (Russian hackers) to explain how it was that The Maximum Leader was wrongly deprived of the victory she deserved. Indeed, one could invoke the works of Orwell and Hoffer to analyze the 2016 campaign, but the lessons are not flattering to Hillary. “SJWs Always Project,” as Vox Day says, and Hillary’s psychological projections are illustrative of What Happened, and more importantly Why It Happened.



The Scary Trump/Reagan Resemblance

Posted on | September 13, 2017 | Comments Off on The Scary Trump/Reagan Resemblance

by Smitty

Shapiro at NRO gives Trump the Full Freud. Read the whole thing, but note this:

The civil war that’s likely to occur over Trump, then, isn’t over Trumpism. It’s just about him. Those who wish to harness the power of Trump — the id of the movement — are mistaken if they think they can. The id and ego of the movement are one. And that means that wherever Trump leads, the movement will follow. That’s why Trump’s intellectual heresies in the eyes of both Bannon and Ryan will be frequent, but his emotional heresies in the eyes of the base will be minimal.

I’ve been vaguely OK with Trump so far. I realize him for a troll and a ratings whore, at least superficially. The antics won the election. There are also any number of vaguely positive things going on beneath the smoke screen. I want Trump to succeed in Making America Great Again (whatever that means at any given moment), in the same way I wanted Obama’s effort to “fundamentally transform” America to fail. The former seems vaguely good; the latter certainly sucked.

Peering past the wreckage scattered all over the countryside of all who try to shoot down the Orange Baron, one wonders: what are we doing after 2024? 1988 saw Bush41, a decent American and Deep Stater, relieve Reagan at the helm. Sensing that Bush41 was not cut of the same cloth, conservatives (and I was one) revolted, supporting Perot. Ross lacked the benefit of the Internet to get his proto-Tea Party to coalesce. We got Ahab. Fortunately, Trump spared us Jezebel.

Unfortunately, the ideological void of Reagan has never been filled. Despite personal regard for Mike Pence, I’m far from confident that he has any fire in the belly to pick up wherever Trump leaves off on the “drain the swamp” effort.

No, the fear gnaws: after Trump, we get the next Ahab. A Progressive, internationalist, anti-American twit whose idea of a vision is whatever Brussels is doing.

The only positive note I can end on here is that I’ve been pretty much wrong with every prediction I’ve ever offered. Or, as Instapundit notes, we might opt for an alternate culture.

In The Mailbox: 09.12.17

Posted on | September 12, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.12.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: How Is Democratic Senator Bob Menendez’ Corruption Trial Going?
Twitchy: Here’s How ESPN Is Handling Jemele Hill’s “White Supremacist” Smears
Louder With Crowder: American College Of Pediatricians Says Letting Children Transition Is Child Abuse

Adam Piggott: Hipster-Free Zone
American Power: Is America Still A Nation Of Ideas?
American Thinker: Your Beliefs Are No Longer Allowed
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Royal Loser News
BattleSwarm: Texas Gas Shortage Ends
BLACKFIVE: Marcia Clark, Snap Judgment
Bring The HEAT: Old School Approaches
Da Tech Guy: About The Weather, Man, also, Religion Is Alive And Well In Asia
Don Surber: “Chappaquiddick” – The Movie
Dustbury: Greens Gone Wild
The Geller Report: Pamela Geller To Speak At Milo’s Berkeley “Free Speech Week”
Hogewash: Well, That Was Quick, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Oops! Ted Cruz “Likes” A Porn Video On Twitter
Joe For America: Southern Poverty Law Center Classifies Veterans As Hate Group
JustOneMinute: Russians Help Swing Idaho To Trump!
Power Line: Victim Of The SPLC, also, ESPN Anchor Rails Against “White Supremacist” Trump
Shot In The Dark: When They Say “Voter Fraud Is Not An Issue”…
STUMP: Hey Amazon, Come To Hartford!
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – Run For Your Lives!, also, Attention Twitter Luser @habanalat23
The Political Hat: Fighting The Confederacy With Witchcraft
This Ain’t Hell: What About These Buffalo Soldiers’ Statues? also, Jerry Pournelle Passes
Weasel Zippers: Amazon, Walmart Slash Hillary’s Book 40% Before Tuesday Release, also, Cleveland State U Washes Away Students’ 9/11 Chalk Memorial
Megan McArdle: DC Needs Amazon, But Amazon Can Do Better
Mark Steyn: Live Around The Planet, also, What Changed?

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