The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Sunday: OUTRAGE!

Posted on | August 20, 2017 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Not going to lie: the BS on full display in the media over the last couple of weeks has got my Irish up, and for the last day or so I’ve been dithering between Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS or a random hot babe in a Confederate bikini because I couldn’t decide which would be more attractive while simultaneously offensive to leftards with no sense of humor. So, I’m leaving it up to you Rule 5 aficionados: do we go with the luscious Dyanne Thorne in Nazi drag, or a wholesome Southern cutie in a bikini suitable for sending Our Moral Superiors to the fainting couch? Vote in the comments, please.
Meanwhile, it’s still summer, and our appetizer this week is Carrie Underwood in her Daisy Dukes and boots. As usual, many of the following links are to pics generally considered NSFW; the management is not responsible for any ill effects arising from your failure to exercise discretion in the clicking.

From a video shoot in the Mojave

Back after a brief absence, Ninety Miles From Tyranny returns with Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress – Can I Pick You A Flower?, and Girls With Guns, followed by Goodstuff with “famous spicy hot Korean chicks” and Animal Magnetism with Rule 5 Japan Resurgent Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s herd this week includes The Magnificent Seven…of Westeros, Beverly Hillbillies “The South Shall Rise Again” Rule 5, Taylor Swift, more Beverly Hillbillies, “I Want Candy”, Hope Hicks, Diana Rigg, Iron Maiden/Ozzy Eclipse Rule 5, and Game of Thrones Spoilers.

A View From The Beach brings us Samantha HoopesThe ‘Game of Thrones’ EffectFish Pic Friday – HogfishTanline Thursday in the News!Taylor Swift Wins the LotteryIt’s All Part of the Rock ‘n Roll FantasyWatermen Want Catfish Regulation ReformKnow Your Place, Woman! and Taylor Swift: Case Dismissed.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Danay Garcia, his Vintage Babe is Jane Birkin, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Calvin Klein. At Dustbury, it’s Dorothy Mackaill and Rebecca Black.

Thanks to everyone for all the linkagery!

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FMJRA 2.0: Thousand Mile Stare

Posted on | August 19, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Monday: Taylor On Top
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

The #Charlottesville Madness
Adam Piggott

FMJRA 2.0: Sorcerer
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

#Charlottesville: The Left Unexpectedly Falls in Love With the Word ‘Terrorism’

In The Mailbox: 08.14.17
Proof Positive

Insanity Is Hereditary: Transgender Parents Raising ‘Gender-Fluid’ Child

In The Mailbox: 08.15.17
Proof Positive

Google vs. Science, Feminists vs. Babies, Commies vs. History, Ad Infinitum
Adam Piggott

In The Mailbox: 08.16.17
Proof Positive

Thoughts For Accusers On Twitter

NY Times Editor Claims Incompetence Led Him to Libel Sarah Palin
A View From The Beach

Neo-Nazi Alt-Right Trump Supporter Commits Racist Terrorism in … SPAIN?

Top Democrat Leader’s Aide Indicted
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 08.17.17
Proof Positive

A View From The Beach

Top linkers this week:

  1.  EBL (14)
  2.  (tie) A View From The Beach and Proof Positive (5)

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

Today’s Digital Deals
Amazon Warehouse Deals

What Does It Mean to ‘Care’?

Posted on | August 19, 2017 | Comments Off on What Does It Mean to ‘Care’?


Kayla Chadwick is an alumna of elite private Hebron Academy ($57,200 a year for boarding students), who got her bachelor’s degree from elite private Trinity College ($66,440 a year, including room and board) before getting her master’s degree from elite private Syracuse University ($60,239 a year including room and board). If you guessed her Daddy’s rich, uh . . . guess again, but like most rich kids nowadays, she’s the kind of “progressive” who considers herself obligated to tell the rest of us what to think. If your Daddy can’t afford the tuition at Trinity, obviously, you are inferior to Kayla Chadwick, and you should be grateful she has condescended to tutor you about your moral and intellectual failings.

I Don’t Know How To Explain To You
That You Should Care About Other People

That’s the headline on a Huffington Post column that Kayla Chadwick published in June, but which I didn’t encounter until today, and immediately took umbrage at Ms. Chadwick’s elitist condescension. Elliott Hamilton of Daily Wire said of Ms. Chadwick’s column that it “reaches peak virtue signaling while simultaneously expressing the sanctimonious nature of the political Left.” As a parody of snooty liberal know-it-all-ism, Ms. Chadwick’s argument is impeccable and if anybody wants to know How Your Get More Trump, she’s a perfect example.


She’s white, she’s privileged, and she wants you to know that her Emmy Award (for video editing) qualifies her to tell you what to think:

I don’t know how to explain to someone why they should care about other people.
Personally, I’m happy to pay an extra 4.3 percent for my fast food burger if it means the person making it for me can afford to feed their own family. If you aren’t willing to fork over an extra 17 cents for a Big Mac, you’re a fundamentally different person than I am.
I’m perfectly content to pay taxes that go toward public schools, even though I’m childless and intend to stay that way, because all children deserve a quality, free education. If this seems unfair or unreasonable to you, we are never going to see eye to eye.
If I have to pay a little more with each paycheck to ensure my fellow Americans can access health care? SIGN ME UP. Poverty should not be a death sentence in the richest country in the world. If you’re okay with thousands of people dying of treatable diseases just so the wealthiest among us can hoard still more wealth, there is a divide between our worldviews that can never be bridged.
I don’t know how to convince someone how to experience the basic human emotion of empathy. . . .

You can read the rest, but I think you see what it was about Kayla Chadwick’s argument that most offended me. Whereas my wife and I care so much about “other people” that we’ve raised a family of six children, Ms. Chadwick — the elite-educated beneficiary of wealth and privilege — is so self-centered she can’t be bothered. Like most young feminists, she’s childless because she’s too selfish to “care about other people,” except insofar as this involves (a) outsourcing the obligations of “empathy” to the government, and (b) urging people to vote Democrat.

Liberals care so much about the poor, for example, they insist that taxpayers should fund Planned Parenthood to give poor people abortions, and if that isn’t your definition of “empathy,” then obviously you didn’t get the kind of elite education Kayla Chadwick got at all those swanky private schools she attended. You’re probably part of those “hordes of selfish, cruel people” who don’t know “how to be a good person.” You voted Republican, and Kayla Chadwick has no empathy for you because you’re probably a heterosexual man, anyway . . .



Hating males for being male, hating white people for being white, hating heterosexuals for being heterosexual — this is “empathy,” according to the Democrat Party, and this is how you get more Trump.



In The Mailbox: 08.19.17
Early Morning Weekend Edition

Posted on | August 19, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Out all day yesterday dealing with the VA and Social Security. Better late than never, right?
Also, I’m taking a break from the Book of Feces and Twatter for a month. Maybe longer.

Pagan Vigil: This Last Week In Free Speech
EBL: Is Steve Bannon Finished?
Twitchy: Charles Barkley Brings Voice Of Reason To Monument Debate
Louder With Crowder: Al Sharpton Angry Over His Taxes Going To Jefferson Monument. Yeah, About That…
According To Hoyt: No More White Knights
Vox Popoli: Unintended Consequences

Adam Piggott: Hawt Chicks & Links – But No Nazis, also, Podcast #53 – The Charlottesville Episode
American Power: Paul Joseph Watson Demonetized At YouTube, also, Richard Miles, Carthage Must Be Destroyed
American Thinker: Charlottesville And Its Aftermath – What If It Was A Setup?
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Japan Resurgent Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For August 18
Bring The HEAT: And Now, Turku
Da Tech Guy: Of Gibson Guitars And A.J. Delgado, also, Wise Words From The Young
Don Surber: Change The Sheets And Kiss The Byrd Statue Goodbye, West Virginia
Dustbury: Ethical Treatment
The Geller Report: CNN Says Barcelona Jihad Attack May Be “Copycat” Of Charlottesville
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Legal LULZ Du Jour
Jammie Wearing Fools: A Warning From George Orwell On The “Monument Wars”
Joe For America: White House To Pardon Sheriff Joe?
JustOneMinute: Trump Pushes Antifa Onto The Front Page
Power Line: Apple Funds Left-Wing Hate Group, also, Statue Of Limitations (2)
Shark Tank: Why Didn’t Pelosi Take Down Confederate-Era Statues When She Was Speaker?
Shot In The Dark: Yet Another One Of Those Incidents That Never, Ever Happens
STUMP: Cook County Soda Tax – Look Who’s Come To Save The Day!
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – Make History, Don’t Erase History, also, Islamic State Of Losers Attack Finland
This Ain’t Hell: Yes, They Are Paid To Protest, also, Saturday Morning Feelgood Stories
Weasel Zippers: New Orleans’ Joan of Arc Statue Vandalized, also, Montana City To Remove Confederate Monument After Native American Complaints
Megan McArdle: You Don’t Need A Thermomix, But You Should Want One
Mark Steyn: Umbrellas In The Rain, also, Dieppe 75 Years On

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The Media Blame-Game Routine

Posted on | August 19, 2017 | 2 Comments

James Alex Fields Jr., Random Idiot of the Month.

Ramming a car into a crowd of protesters is a bad idea, and I’m against it. Because I have not advocated political violence, I cannot be blamed for it, and I refuse to play along with the liberal guilt-trip game where conservatives are expected to deny, denounce and repudiate their beliefs because some random idiot did something wrong and stupid.

Da Tech Guy offers two laws of media outrage:

  1. The level of Outrage or interest of the media and their allies on the left concerning any insult or prevarication concerning a person or thing will routinely be equal to the inverse of the degree of the political distance between said media / leftists and and the target of said insult or prevarication at the time it is made.
  2. The level of acceptance of the positions and/or actions of any group or organization by the left and media is directly proportional to their current or potential value in electing liberal Democrats.

The media ignore (or in some cases, celebrate) political violence by the Left, as for example the riots in Ferguson, Baltimore and Charlotte that were incited by the Black Lives Movement. Liberal journalists were OK with student radicals using violence (or the threat thereof) to disrupt or prevent campus appearances by Milo Yiannopoulos, Charles Murray, Ann Coulter and Heather Mac Donald. And whatever violence “antifa” protesters inflicted on attendees at the “Alt-Right” rally in Charlottesville is also acceptable to the mainstream media.


However, when the Random Idiot decided to plow his Dodge Challenger into the “antifa” mob, suddenly the media decided that political violence was a bad thing, and the Republican Party was to blame for it.

As to the “issue” that the media would have us believe that the Random Idiot’s crime symbolizes, Professor Glenn Reynolds nails it:

When Democrats’ national position depended on unwavering support from “the Solid South,” we got lots of pro-Southern propaganda: the Lost Cause, Gone With The Wind, Disneyfied Uncle Remus, etc. As a vital Democrat constituency group, southerners, even practical neo-Confederates, were absolved of all sins as long as they stayed in line.
Now the South isn’t “solid” anymore — or, more accurate, it’s becoming pretty solidly Republican — so rather than receiving cultural dispensations, it now gets targeted for cultural warfare.
That’s all that’s going on here.

Democrat operatives with bylines,” indeed. If a majority of gay people ever started voting Republican, suddenly the liberal media would find a way to argue that homosexuality is a threat to progressive values.



Posted on | August 18, 2017 | 1 Comment


“Dance with the one that brung ya,” is always good advice in politics. Elected officials must represent the people who elected them, and the guy whose mission it was to speak for those people inside the Trump White House was Steve Bannon. It was Bannon’s self-chosen task to fight what he called “the Deep State,” the entrenched political interests in Washington opposed to any fundamental change in U.S. policy. Bannon understood, better than almost anyone in D.C., that the kind of voters who made the difference for Trump in last year’s election — swinging formerly “blue” states like Pennsylvania and Michigan into the GOP column for the first time in nearly 30 years — wanted a drastic change to the status quo. Bannon spoke of “economic nationalism” as the basis of Trump’s appeal to disaffected white working-class voters, and he understood that the liberal media — determined to defend the bipartisan globalist/welfare-state policy agenda — would wage an all-out war against the Trump administration. It was therefore perhaps inevitable that Bannon would become a casualty in that war:

Steve Bannon, President Trump’s chief strategist, will leave his position at the White House after eight months on the job, the White House said on Friday.
The announcement came on his last day in the administration, the White House noted, announcing that Trump and chief of staff John Kelly had jointly arrived at the decision. They decided his last day would be today, according to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders.
Bannon’s exit will cap off a period of upheaval for the West Wing that has already seen the ouster of Trump’s chief of staff, press secretary, communications director, and several national security staffers.
As the former head of Breitbart, a fiery news outlet, Bannon had long drawn the ire of Democrats who viewed him as sympathetic to the “alt-right” movement. Calls for his resignation grew louder in the wake of racially motivated violence in Charlottesville, Va., over the weekend.
Kelly, who took over from Reince Priebus last month, bristled at Bannon’s unorthodox style from the beginning, sources familiar with the situation have said. Kelly suspected Bannon was responsible for a series of negative stories about national security adviser H.R. McMaster, with whom Bannon had feuded over ideological differences.
Those sources have also said Bannon’s position as chief strategist came with an ill-defined portfolio that likely left his job duties unclear to Kelly.

Reports are that Bannon will return to and “go ‘thermonuclear’ against ‘globalists’ that Bannon and his friends believe are ruining the Trump administration, and by extension, America.” This is good news, insofar as Bannon will be more effective outside the White House than inside an administration where he had reportedly been “marginalized” by his enemies, but it is a bad omen for Trump’s prospects of keeping his promise to “Make America Great Again.”

The media’s smear against Bannon as a proponent of “white supremacy” or “white nationalism” is easily refuted. David Horowitz mourned Bannon’s departure from the White House as a “sad day” and, if you know anything about Horowitz, you know how much he loathes racism.

Like Bannon, Horowitz understands that politics is a war of ideas, and only because the Democrats deliberately foment identity-group hostility do we have incidents like what happened in Charlottesville. Horowitz is correct that the Left is “the biggest hate movement in America,” and he knows that Steve Bannon understands this as well.


In The Mailbox: 08.17.17

Posted on | August 17, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.17.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Total Eclipse – Iron Maiden With Bonus Bark At The Moon
Twitchy: Glenn Beck Suggests Lefties Tear Down This Living Monument Dedicated To White Supremacy
Louder With Crowder: Antifa Vandalizes “Confederate” Monument – Actually, Statue Was About Unity

Adam Piggott: It’s Time To Correctly Label Nazis
American Power: Barcelona Truck Jihad Massacre, also, Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon
American Thinker: Take Down The Statues Of Robert Byrd
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Too Many Voters News
BattleSwarm: Another Crop Of Dan Backer Scam PACs
Bring The HEAT: USNS Puller To Be Commissioned As USS Puller
Da Tech Guy: How Weak Is Antifa’s Ideology If They Can’t Out-Argue Nazis?, also, Why Do The Media Insist On Distorting The Political Spectrum?
Don Surber: NYT Tries To Lie Its Way Out Of Libeling Palin, also, No, Civil Rights Did Not Give Republicans The South
Dustbury: In Lieu Of Actual Improvements
Fred On Everything: Heah Come Cognitive Dissonance! Run Like Hell!
The Geller Report: PayPal Cuts Ties With Anti-Semitic Groups – Well, Some Of Them
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, RICO Remnant News
Jammie Wearing Fools: Irony Alert – Charlottesville Candlelight Vigil Features Song From Racist Son Of Klansman
Joe For America: Why Was “Crowds On Demand” Recruiting In Charlotte, NC Last Week?
JustOneMinute: Why Did We Bother?, also, Civil War?
Power Line: Dana Milbank Reveals The Game, also, Statue Of Lincoln Defaced In Chicago
Shark Tank: Republican Candidates Lining Up To Take On Wasserman-Schultz
Shot In The Dark: Unclear On The Concept
STUMP: Cook County Soda Tax – Dear Lord, It’s Not Dead Yet
The Jawa Report: We’re Saved!, also, Attention Twitter Luser @NT_Sabiq
The Political Hat: Shaping The New “New Soviet” Person, Political Litmus Tests, Unlearning, And Safe Spaces Of Censorship
This Ain’t Hell: Something Stinks About Charlottesville, also, McAuliffe’s Lies
Weasel Zippers: More Arrested In Toppling Of Confederate Statue In Durham, also, Pelosi To Call For Removal Of “Reprehensible” DemocratConfederate Statues From Capitol
Megan McArdle: Trump Disgusts Republicans. What Are They Going To Do About It?
Mark Steyn: The Man Who Invented Elvis, also, Less Speech Leads To More Violence

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Top Democrat Leader’s Aide Indicted

Posted on | August 17, 2017 | Comments Off on Top Democrat Leader’s Aide Indicted

Democrat aide Imran Awan (left); Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (right).

Here’s a huge scandal that CNN will pretend doesn’t matter:

FOX News reports former IT aide for Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Imran Awan, has been indicted on four counts. In July, Awan was arrested at Dulles airport while trying to flee the United States.

More details from Fox News:

Imran Awan, a former IT aide for Democratic Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, was indicted Thursday on four counts including bank fraud and making false statements.
The indictment also includes his wife Hina Alvi.
The grand jury decision in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia comes roughly a month after Awan was arrested at Dulles airport in Virginia trying to board a plane to Pakistan, where his family is from.
Awan and other IT aides for House Democrats have been on investigators’ radar for months over concerns of possible double-billing, alleged equipment theft, and access to sensitive computer systems. Most lawmakers fired Awan in February, but Schultz had kept him on until his arrest in July.
The indictment itself, which merely represents formal charges and is not a finding of guilt, addresses separate allegations that Awan and his wife engaged in a conspiracy to obtain home equity lines of credit from the Congressional Federal Credit Union by giving false information about two properties — and then sending the proceeds to individuals in Pakistan.
The case has put renewed scrutiny on Wasserman Schultz for keeping Awan on the payroll for months, even after a criminal investigation was revealed and he was barred from the House IT network. 

(Hat-tip: Memeorandum.) We expect CNN to blame this on Russian hackers, just as soon as they finish blaming the Barcelona attack on Confederate monuments. Must! Defend! The Narrative!


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