The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Neo-Nazi Alt-Right Trump Supporter Commits Racist Terrorism in … SPAIN?

Posted on | August 17, 2017 | 1 Comment

Morocco native Driss Oukabir reportedly rented van used in attack.

In the wake of the pretzel-logic guilt-trip that blamed Republicans for Saturday’s deadly violence in Charlottesville, CNN will no doubt find some way to blame President Trump for the Barcelona attack:

Barcelona authorities released the identity of one of the terror suspects behind the deadly ISIS-inspired van attack. Driss Oukabir is suspected to have been involved in the attack amid reports a Spanish passport with an Arabic surname was found inside of the white van. . . .

More from the London Daily Mail:

At least 13 people have been killed and dozens injured in Barcelona after a van ploughed into pedestrians in a busy tourist street.
More than two hours after the atrocity a man was shot dead after driving through a roadblock in a Ford Focus and opening fire, injuring two police officers.
ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack, describing the killers as ‘soldiers of the Islamic state’. Terror police have arrested two suspects.
One of them is believed to be Driss Oukabir, a Catalan resident in his late 20s of Moroccan origin. It is unclear who the second detained suspect is, but reports in Spain have suggested Oukabir’s brother has been taken into custody.
Oukabir, who has reportedly served time in a Spanish prison, had earlier rented one of the vans used in the deadly attack. The suspect is being treated ‘as a terrorist’, police in Barcelona have confirmed.

Do they have any statues of Robert E. Lee in Barcelona? Because we’ve been informed by the media (and by every pundit on Twitter) that Confederate monuments are a major cause of terrorism.

UPDATE: The Republican Party Rush Limbaugh Sons of Confederate Veterans ISIS has now claimed responsibility for the Barcelona attack:

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack via its Amaq agency, according to the SITE Intelligence Group.
A spokesperson for the Guardia Civil, Spain’s national police force, told ABC News the man who rented the van has been identified as Driss Oukabir. It is unclear if he is connected to the attack.
An eyewitness told a Spanish television station that the suspect was running people over in his van for nearly 1,000 feet before fleeing into a nearby Turkish restaurant. . . .
According to police, a car hit a police checkpoint at Avinguda Diagonal, a popular shopping avenue in the city. The area was evacuated and police are investigating if the incident is connected to the Las Ramblas attack. Police confirmed that one person was shot and killed in that incident, but they have still not confirmed if there is any connection between this incident and the attack in Las Ramblas. Two police officers were injured in the checkpoint incident.
Las Ramblas is a popular tourist area in Spain’s second-largest city. . . .

These right-wing terrorist Trump supporters are everywhere!



NY Times Editor Claims Incompetence Led Him to Libel Sarah Palin

Posted on | August 17, 2017 | 2 Comments

Testifying at a hearing in Sarah Palin’s defamation lawsuit, the editorial page editor of the New York Times, James Bennet, suggested that it was an accident — rhetorical clumsiness — which led him to falsely blame Palin for “political incitement” in a 2011 mass murder:

“What I wasn’t trying to say was that there was a direct causal link between this map and the shooting,” Bennet said. “What I was concerned about was the overall climate of political incitement.”
He continued: “I didn’t mean to suggest that Loughner wasn’t responsible. … I did not think that Jared Loughner was acting because of this map.”
Bennet testified that he had not, in advance of publication, read specific pieces of reporting in the Times about a potential connection between the PAC ad and the shooting, and said he did not know at the time of publication whether Loughner had seen the map. He also said that he had not personally seen the map. “I was not reporting the editorial, your honor, I was editing it,” Bennet said.

Hot Air’s John Sexton quotes the editorial in question and, even if Bennet’s testimony can protect the Times from an “actual malice” finding, he’s more or less confessed to “reckless disregard for truth.” An editor is responsible for the changes he makes to copy and, if his changes result in the publication of a factual error, the distinction between reporting and editing is of no consequence in a libel case. The New York Times cannot claim that it was impossible for Bennet to know Jared Loughner’s motive, because this subject was extensively covered — by me, in a January 2011 article for American Spectator:

The two-hour video is anti-Christian, anti-American and anti-capitalist, and Jared Lee Loughner became obsessed with it. Zeitgeist, a conspiracy-theory documentary released in 2007, has spawned its own cult following. According to Loughner’s friends, the accused Tucson gunman was one of the cult’s most zealous converts. And many of Loughner’s otherwise inexplicable obsessions — from his fascination with currency to his rantings against illiteracy to his paranoid fears of “mind control” — parallel ideas promoted in Zeitgeist.
The first disclosure of the movie’s influence on the mass murder suspect’s beliefs came in an interview Wednesday with ABC News. “I really think that this Zeitgeist documentary had a profound impact upon Jared Loughner’s mindset and how he views the world that he lives in,” Zach Osler, 22, told ABC’s Ashleigh Banfield. Osler’s father confirmed that influence in an interview published Sunday by the Arizona Republic. “He wanted to watch [Zeitgeist] all the time,” George Osler told the Phoenix newspaper. “It was cool at first. But then it got weird. It was all he wanted to do.”
The Zeitgeist connection may be the most crucial clue to understanding the bizarre ideas that seemed to crowd Loughner’s disordered mind in months leading up to the Jan. 8 shootings that left six dead and 12 wounded in Arizona. . . .

You can read the whole thing. Jared Loughner wasn’t motivated by anything Sarah Palin did. Nor, contrary to James Bennet’s testimony, was the gunman motivated by an “overall climate of political incitement.” He was motivated by his own psychosis and by an anti-Christian conspiracy theory video that had no connection at all to Sarah Palin.

While I spent dozens of hours researching Zeitgeist, and the weird cult the video spawned, apparently no one at the New York Times cared enough about the truth to bother discovering Loughner’s actual motives. They’re not journalists, they are Democrat Party propagandists, which was why they published the libelous claim that the “target” map in a political ad had some connection to Loughner’s crime, six years after this propaganda claim had been conclusively proven false.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)


Thoughts For Accusers On Twitter

Posted on | August 16, 2017 | Comments Off on Thoughts For Accusers On Twitter

by Smitty

On twitter tonight, I replied to Rick Wilson’s quotation of Robert E. Lee’s descendants, and opened the floodgates:

  • I simply muted those calling me a Nazi almost immediately.
  • Then there were those who attempted to make this about Heather Heyer, the paralegal tragically killed.
  • Then there were those attempting to shame me for having “Christian” as the first word on my profile.

What a bunch of bullies. Sure: it was overwhelming, and I stepped away from the keyboard. Leave them their tactical victory.

It makes sense to compose a blog post at a distance. It’s more satisfying to reply at length to the accusers.

There is little hope that they will read it in an open-minded way (that one might have thought a ‘liberal’ would insist upon) though. If read at all, one anticipates that this will be cherry-picked for further insult-hurling.

Nevertheless, here are some points for consideration, Ye Peanut Gallery:

  1. Jesus of Nazareth has been the meaning of life for almost 40 years now to me. He died for every human being having the 23 chromosome pairs we all do at conception, when we are uniquely ourselves.
  2. About half that time was spent in the Navy, supporting and defending the Constitution. Also, the right of people to behave as ignorantly as they wish on free services like Twitter.
  3. If you support the Bill of Rights, you should recoil at efforts to adjudicate who is permitted to speak, irrespective of the boneheaded ugliness of the speech. Let us judge our own speech, and minimize offense, while accepting the right of even the most morally polluted to spill forth their ideas, within the bounds of the law.
  4. Thus, I cannot accept the Orwellian efforts to:
    • Privilege one foul group over another. The Alt-Right and Antifa are more similar than disparate.
    • Divide humanity into racial groups for purposes of denigrating others–Jesus personally, explicitly, rejected racism.

I forgive, in advance, anybody who refuses to accept these words at face value. I expect to stand accused of:

  • Lying outright.
  • Not meaning what I say.
  • Meaning what I say, but having some unfortunate psychological impairment where things I don’t consciously mean lurk beneath my words and somehow undermine them.

Again, I forgive my accusers. Lacking the concept of objective Truth, even an imperfect attempt at communicating some Truth to the accusers is doomed. As long as you understand that the accusers themselves are not the audience (God is) then this is not a big deal.

In The Mailbox: 08.16.17

Posted on | August 16, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.16.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: WH Communications Director Hope Hicks?
Michelle Malkin: Where Is Corporate Disavowal of Black Lives Matter?
Twitchy: Politico’s Marc Caputo Attacks Mollie Hemingway, Uses Gay Slur Against Gabe Malor
Louder With Crowder: Jennifer Lawrence Asks Internet Mob To Identify “White Supremacists”. What Could Go Wrong?

Adam Piggott: You Always Need A Potential Upside
American Power: The Real Race War, also, Steven Pressfield, Gates Of Fire
American Thinker: Big Changes Imminent At Fox News
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Speaker Straus Spikes Abbott’s Special Session By Adjourning Early
Bring The HEAT: Thoughts On Charlottesville And Civil Rights
Da Tech Guy: Inconvenient Truths, also, Back In Time
Don Surber: Judges Revive Professor’s Libel Suit Against NYT
Dustbury: Wendy, We Miss You
The Geller Report: Charlottesville “Unite The Right” Organizer Was Occutard, CNN Correspondent, And Obama Supporter
Hogewash: LOLSuit VIII News, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: “Protesters” Want To Disinter Democrat Confederate General
Joe For America: IHOP Leaving LA After Council Votes For $15 Minimum Wage
JustOneMinute: The Rise Of Authoritarianism In The US, also, Moral Equivalence
Power Line: A Monument Falls In Durham, also, Statues Of Limitation
Shark Tank: Democrats Want All Symbols of The Confederacy Removed From Public View
Shot In The Dark: Nope. Never Seen This Before.
The Jawa Report: Manchester Attack Intelligence Failure
The Political Hat: Gatekeepers Gonna Gatekeep
This Ain’t Hell: Marine Marvin Strombo Returns Japanese Flag To Family, also, Doxed
Weasel Zippers: As If On Cue, Multiple Media Types Compare Antifa To D-Day Soldiers, also, Dem Rep Gewn Moore Calls For “Removing” Trump From Office
Mark Steyn: Domestic Security Threats And Other Guests, also, Wichita Lineman

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Google vs. Science, Feminists vs. Babies, Commies vs. History, Ad Infinitum

Posted on | August 16, 2017 | 1 Comment


Toni Airaksinen of Campus Reform reports that Lee Jussim, a Rutgers University psychology professor, has defended Google “manifesto” author James Damore’s controversial statements about male-female differences. Damore “gets nearly all of the science and its implications exactly right,” Professor Jussim says, and suggests that Google has “created an authoritarian atmosphere that has stifled discussion of these issues by stigmatizing anyone who disagrees as a bigot.” The essence of this controversy, as I have explained, is average group differences.

The best guide to understanding this is The Bell Curve, and the Google controversy has inspired me to re-read the 1994 book by Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray. Sunday night, I turned to Chapter 15, “The Demography of Intelligence” (pp. 341-388), addressing the ways in which modern societies are afflicted by dysgenesis. The major influence involved in this problem is the tendency of highly educated women to delay motherhood and to have fewer children. “Fertility delayed is fertility denied,” as demographers say, and any intelligent person can examine the relevant data and see how this process works.

Not a high school graduate
Lifetime births (average) ….. 2.6
Childless ………………………….. 11.6%

Bachelor’s degree
Lifetime births (average) ….. 1.8
Childless ………………………….. 19.9%

As I summarized this data, “High-school dropouts, on average, had 44% more children than women who had college diplomas. Childlessness was 72% more common for college graduates than for high-school dropouts.” What does this mean? The future will be an increasingly stupid place.

Part of the problem is the willful ignorance enforced by liberal elites in academia and media who are ideologically hostile to the truth. Consider how the media distorted what James Damore wrote. The Google scientist was falsely accused of arguing that women are “genetically unsuited” (Washington Post) or “biologically unfit” (CNN) to work in high tech, which was not at all what he said. Yet liberals are so committed to defending the “patriarchal oppression” thesis of radical feminism that they will tell any lie necessary to prevent an honest examination of the facts (which is why SJWs Always Lie, as Vox Day says).

Character assassination is no substitute for facts or logic, but this is what the Left routinely does. Disagree with a liberal, and you will be branded a Thought Criminal — racist! sexist! homophobe! — because only by such dishonest smears can the failed policies of liberalism be defended.

“When [James Damore’s Google memo] went viral, thousands of journalists and bloggers transformed themselves overnight from not understanding evolutionary psychology at all to claiming enough expertise to criticize the whole scientific literature on biological sex differences.”
Professor Geoffrey Miller, University of New Mexico

What is missing from this discussion is a critical examination of radical feminism’s anti-motherhood bias. According to feminists, “mother” is a lowly occupation, unworthy of any intelligent woman’s talents. Adopting a quasi-Marxist analysis of men and women as hostile classes, locked into a zero-sum-game competition for socio-economic resources, feminists long ago committed themselves to the idea that the only meaningful measurements of “equality” are statistics comparing women to men in terms of high-status professional careers. This idolatry of careerism leads to a number of dubious beliefs, e.g., attributing the “gender gap” in income to sexist discrimination. Beyond such bogus claims, however, we must confront the basic anti-maternal bias of feminist thought. If a woman goes to college and becomes a preschool teacher, feminists count this as a win — a professional career! Yet if the same woman has children and decides to stay home and raise them herself, rather than dropping them off at the daycare center, feminists score this as a defeat, simply because the mother is devoting herself to the care of her own children, rather than earning wages to provide care to other people’s children.

This bias against motherhood is so inherent to feminist ideology that its practical consequences are seldom scrutinized in academia, since the professors of Women Studies are themselves fanatically devoted to the idolatry of careerism. As a result, university-educated women are often indoctrinated with the anti-maternal prejudices that prevail among feminist professors, and this in turn contributes to the problem of dysgenesis examined in Chapter 15 of The Bell Curve.

Those of us who have a real stake in America’s future — because this is the future in which our grandchildren will live — must do what we can to fight the perverse and destructive agenda of radical feminism.





Are my wife, my daughters and my daughters-in-law less deserving of admiration than the Democrat Party’s Crazy Cat Lady Caucus? Is motherhood such a despicable occupation that only stupid women should aspire to it? If Americans accept the prejudices of feminism, then my grandchildren — being the offspring of exceptionally intelligent parents — will have to adjust to life in a world populated by helpless morons.

And speaking of morons, Oregon Muse at AOSHQ calls attention to people who don’t seem to understand the concept of free speech, e.g.: “There are limits to free speech. You don’t get to advocate dispicable thoughts that have been soundly defeated.” Notice the idiot misspelled “despicable,” but beyond that, we must ask, which “thoughts . . . have been soundly defeated”? If he means Keynesian economics, I might be tempted to agree, but would that justify me punching Paul Krugman in the face? Does he mean that advocates of economic liberty should firebomb the offices of the New York Times? No, of course not. The author of that statement was arguing that Confederate defeat means that “their speech is not protected.” This principle would seem to require banning publication of, inter alia, Gen. Richard Taylor’s Destruction and Reconstruction: Personal Experiences of the Late War.

Taylor, the son of President Zachary Taylor, led a brigade under Stonewall Jackson during the famous Shenandoah Valley campaign of 1862, and his memoir is one of the finest literary works of its kind. Taylor’s father — “Old Rough and Ready,” the hero of Fort Harrison, the Black Hawk War, Palo Alto and Buena Vista — had a soldier’s disdain for politics, and was reluctantly persuaded to be the Whig Party’s presidential candidate in 1848, with a young Whig named Abraham Lincoln helping lead the campaign that elected Taylor to the White House. The younger Taylor, who had served as his father’s aide-de-camp in Mexico, opposed secession (as did Robert E. Lee, among others) but felt it his patriotic duty to fight for the South when events led to the war, despite his own efforts for peace. Confederate President Jefferson Davis, who had served under Zachary Taylor during the Black Hawk War, had married Richard Taylor’s sister, Sarah Knox Taylor, who died in an 1835 malaria outbreak three months after their wedding. Because of this tie of kinship to Davis, and because of his personal connection with various Republicans who had once been his father’s Whig supporters, Richard Taylor traveled to Washington after the war in an attempt to secure fair treatment for Davis, when the latter was imprisoned at Fort Monroe. Anyone who reads Destruction and Reconstruction might develop an opinion of these historic events that is at odds with the left-wing interpretation advocated by Larry Slobodzian, and therefore Taylor’s book ought to be banned along with Confederate memorials.


Aside from his insulting conflation of Confederates and Nazis — Judah P. Benjamin could not be reached for comment — Larry Slobodzian’s argument articulates a “might makes right” theory that would be entirely acceptable to Adolf Hitler or any other totalitarian. Does military conquest justify whatever belief the conqueror chooses to impose upon the vanquished? Did the Battle of Culloden permanently deprive the Scots of their national identity? Or did the Roman siege of Jerusalem forever destroy the right of Israel’s national existence? History gives many examples of conquered nations that have outlived their conquerors, not least of them the states of Eastern Europe (e.g., Poland) which were conquered first by the Nazis and then by the Soviets, both of which totalitarian powers have now crumbled into “the ash heap of history.”

If might makes right, as Larry Slobodzian would have us believe, what about ISIS? Islamic terrorists conquered parts of Syria and Iraq for their “caliphate” and, we may be certain, ISIS leaders would say of the Kurds and Yazidis that “their free speech is not protected.” Slobodzian and ISIS are kindred spirits, however, sharing the intolerant rage of the left-wing mob that toppled the Confederate monument in Durham, N.C. To condemn this mob, Slobodzian says, is to “advocate dispicable [sic] thoughts that have been soundly defeated.” And this brings us full-circle back around to Google’s firing of James Damore.

The triumph of feminism in Google’s corporate culture means that scientific evidence of male-female differences can be relegated to the category of “thoughts that have been soundly defeated.” James Damore can be silenced, and the scientific evidence suppressed, on the same principle that Larry Slobodzian has articulated vis-a-vis Confederate memorials. If a self-declared victim of oppression claims to be “offended” by something or someone, the target will be demonized in much the same way that the memory of Robert E. Lee has been demonized by the Left.

Because the Left now controls the public school system, the universities and the major media, most young people are entirely ignorant of history and unable to articulate a cogent argument against the rhetoric of this Thought Police regime. They are incapable of comprehending how the Google controversy is linked to the Charlottesville controversy, and do not perceive what consequences these dreadful omens likely portend.

Ask yourself why a conservative like me would defend lesbian YouTuber Arielle Scarcella against SJW transgender activists. It is not only that the SJWs are hostile to facts about sexual differences, but also that the accusation of “hate” — transphobia! — is being used to demonize those who dissent from the transgender movement’s ideology. If the SJWs prevail in this effort, can’t we expect in the not-too-distant future that the same brigades of leftist Thought Police commissars who got James Damore fired from Google will seek to disqualify from employment anyone who dares to dispute the claims of transgender activists?

Like I keep saying, people need to wake the hell up.

Also, as I keep saying, Hit the Freaking Tip Jar!



In The Mailbox: 08.15.17

Posted on | August 16, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

First Street Journal: President Trump’s “Deplorable” Foreign Policy Worked!
EBL: Is Donald Trump Right? Is George Washington Next?
Twitchy: Is It “Terribly Misleading” To Compare Alexandria Shooting To Charlottesville Coverage?
Louder With Crowder: Iceland Has Nearly Eliminated Down’s Syndrome – Through Abortion
Monster Hunter Nation: Look At All These People Having Fun Wrong

Adam Piggott: The Far Left Wants A War, But Not A Fair One
American Power: It’s Not Just Google – All of Silicon Valley Has A Trust Problem Now, also, Stephen Dando-Collins, Legions of Rome
American Thinker: Google Wars – You’re Next
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Charlottesville News
BattleSwarm: The Battle Of Raqqa Grinds On
BLACKFIVE: Karin Slaughter, The Good Daughter
Bring The HEAT: Ration Review – French RIE Ham Salad
Da Tech Guy: My Confederate Monument Opinion Is The Same As The Union Soldiers Who Were Shot At
Don Surber: The Deplorable Obama Plan
Dustbury: House Of No Blue Lights
The Geller Report: In Washington, Muslim With Sword Attacks Police Officer
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Anti-Trump “Activist” Executes his Republican Neighbor, Media Yawns
Joe For America: LGBT Publication Labels This 4-Year-Old A “Gay Icon”
JustOneMinute: This Just In – Conservatives have A Shared Agenda, also, David Brooks – Send Better Mush
Power Line: Trump Tells The Truth, And The Press Goes Crazy , also, Yesterday Charlottesville, Today Seattle
Shark Tank: Ingoglia Says Corcoran Did More Than Anyone Else To Get Trump Elected
Shot In The Dark: Ray Dehn – We’ve Got To Destroy Affordable Housing In Order To Save It
STUMP: Illinois Senate Bill 1 And The State Budget – What’s This About Pension Funding?
The Political Hat: The Transparent Facade Of Venezuelan Democracy
This Ain’t Hell: Two Paratroopers Killed In Artillery Accident, also, Norks Back Off Threats To Guam
Weasel Zippers: Virginia State Police Say They Weren’t Outgunned In Charlottesville, Contra McAuliffe, also, Durham Deputies Arrest Woman In Connection With Toppling of Confederate Memorial
Megan McArdle: The Shouters Win Town Hall Battles But Lose The War
Mark Steyn: Out Of The Past, also, When Statues Fall

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Rule 5 Monday: Taylor On Top

Posted on | August 15, 2017 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

In today’s news, it looks like Taylor Swift has won her sexual assault trial against a former Denver DJ who was dumb enough to sue the pop star after being fired for grabbing her butt during a meet and greet. Damages are just $1 (at Swift’s insistence) but now this fool has to come up with the money to pay his lawyers. Oops.
As usual, many of the following links are to pics generally considered NSFW. Hopefully you won’t lose your job for clicking on them in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Ms. Swift with her new cat, sporting some schoolgirl style.

Goodstuff leads off this week with hot tamales Magga Braco and Zuleyka Rivera Mendoza, and Animal Magnetism follows that up with Rule 5 Machine Gun Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s herd of heifers this week includes Rule 5 Zucchini, International Cat Day, Come On And Swim, Burning Man, “Total Eclipse Of The Heart”, Kayla Fitz, and Amazon Women On The Moon.

At A View From The Beach, it’s There Was a Young Lady of Perth – Olivia DeJongFish Pic Friday – RoosterfishIt’s Tanlines Thursday Again!California Repudiates Erin BrokovichFive Minus One Is. . . .?Maybe They Don’t Like Curry?Monday Morning in Jersey and “One Way or Another”.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Julie Benz, his Vintage Babe is Yvonne Romain, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Victoria’s Secret – The New Sexy. At Dustbury, it’s Alexandra Szwed and Paris Berelc.

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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Insanity Is Hereditary: Transgender Parents Raising ‘Gender-Fluid’ Child

Posted on | August 14, 2017 | Comments Off on Insanity Is Hereditary: Transgender Parents Raising ‘Gender-Fluid’ Child


London’s Metro tabloid reports:

This is Britain’s first gender-fluid family.
They are raising four-year-old Star Cloud as a ‘person’ and are telling him to ‘not get hung up’ on being a boy.
Parents Nikki and Louise Draven say they are ‘just ordinary’ and are being ‘who they want to be’.
Star calls Louise, 31, his mummy, but she is in fact his biological father and is transitioning to become a woman with hormone treatment.
Louise has felt she was a girl from the age of eight, and has been living as a woman since a year before Star’s birth.
While Star’s daddy is pansexual Nikki, 30, who was born a woman and is his biological mother.
Nikki will dress as a woman on some days and will dress as a man on others.
The parents want Star to be free to wear make-up, paint his nails, wear girls or boys clothes and play with dolls if he wants to.
In September, he will go to school for the first time and will wear a boy’s uniform, but with a pink vest and socks.
Nikki said: ‘We don’t want our child constrained by that either. We’re just an ordinary family being who we want to be.
‘We never tell Star he’s a boy, we tell him he can be whatever he wants. We don’t buy gender specific toys or clothes and we let him choose what he wears. Pink is one of his favourite colours.’

The problem with this idea is that the parents are deliberately depriving their son of the potential for success as an adult male. How many times must I explain the common-sense objections to the feminist T-shirt slogan “Raise Boys and Girls the Same Way”? This slogan “presumes that a gender-free androgynous childhood will eliminate inequality . . . by eliminating differences between men and women. Actually, what gender-free childhood will produce is failure.

No matter how “progressive” parents may be in their commitment to equality, what they want for their own children is success and happiness. Is the “gender-fluid” offspring of the Dravens likely to become a football star or otherwise attain the sort of masculine success that normal women find attractive and desirable in a romantic partner? Even before the Darwinian competition of mate selection begins in adolescence, however, ordinary social processes tend to marginalize children who in some way are misfits. The losers and weirdos don’t share the normal hobbies and interests of their peers and, of course, these hobbies and interests tend to be gender-specific. A boy must learn to be “one of the guys,” to fit in and get along with the other boys in school, or else he will be ostracized and ridiculed. No amount of school “anti-bullying” programs will protect the misfit against this natural tendency among children. Egalitarian ideologues will never be able to compel children to accept their “everybody-is-special” worldview, and it can therefore be predicted that “gender-neutral parenting” will produce children who are confused and relegated to the unpopular fringe by their peer groups. Tobias “Tobi” Hill-Meyer, the boy who was raised by a lesbian feminist couple and grew up to become a transgender pornographer, is an example of the kind of outcomes we can expect from “gender-neutral parenting.”

The liberal media and the public education system are uncritically promoting experimental parenting ideas based on Third Wave feminist theory, without any apparent concern for the likelihood of bad results.


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