The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Sunday: Hyundai Race Queens

Posted on | April 23, 2017 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

It’s time again for our weekly break from politics and celebration of God’s creation, especially the part of it that’s young, female, and human. Since my Elantra got crunched Friday night in a hit & run, I’m on muscle relaxants and pain pills, and thinking about the next set of wheels, since this one is probably going to be totaled after the insurance adjusters get a look at it. Since Hyundai has built my last three cars (except for that Jeep my brother gave me) it’s only natural I’d be thinking about one of those, and since it’s Sunday, I’m also thinking about “race queens”, the good looking ladies Asian car makers have showing off their cars at various races and exhibitions. Today, our appetizer is Kim Ha Um, who as you can see works for Hyundai.
As usual, many of the following links are to pictures generally considered NSFW. The management is not responsible for any ill effects resulting from failure to click on these links at an appropriate time and place.

Kim Ha Um at the 2014 Korea Speed Festival. Look out for those curves…

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off this week with Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. Goodstuff follows with Spice Girls and SCIENCE! Animal Magnetism chips in with Rule Five Failed Imperial Power Grab Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s thundering herd this week includes Jodie Comer, Rhea Seehorn, Keely Smith, Katy Tur or Stacey Dash?, Yetide Badaki, Lizzy Fenton, Sarah Clarke, Paola Turbay, and Earth Day – RIP Helen Holly.

A View From The Beach adds Rule 5 Saturday Clickbait – Shannan ClickFish Pic Friday – Barracuda!Chesapeake Crabs Doing OK, SortaReason #5519-#5523 That Trump Was Elected“Boom Boom Boom”Gratuitous Kate UptonReason #5517 That Trump Was Elected“Cootie Pool”If It’s Monday, This Must Be Mexico, and Happy Easter!

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Gemma Chan, his Vintage Babe is Maureen O’Sullivan, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Lilli Ann. At Dustbury, it’s Ryan Destiny and Courtney Friel.

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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FMJRA 2.0: Better Living Through Chemistry

Posted on | April 23, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Remember, @SarahKSilverman Speaks Officially for the Democrat Party

FMJRA 2.0: Not Long Before The End
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 04.17.17
Proof Positive

Patriarchy Means Paying the Bills

Our Moral Superiors™

Child Pornography Arrest Exposes Australian TV Reporter’s Sordid Gay Life

Angelo Colon-Ortiz Charged in Case of Murdered 27-Year-Old Vanessa Marcotte

In The Mailbox: 04.18.17
Proof Positive

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Fresno Massacre: Three White Men Murdered by Kori Ali Muhammad
A View From The Beach

Democrats Spend $8 Million and Lose
The Pirate’s Cove

In The Mailbox: 04.19.17
Proof Positive

Regime Change

‘Anti-Fascist’ Louise Rosealma’s Real Name Is Emily Nauert and … Wow
A View From The Beach

Typical Democrat Voter

Rule Five Wednesday: Double-Dip Easter Edition
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Tad Cummins Arrested in California, Elizabeth Thomas Recovered Safely

In The Mailbox: 04.20.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Harvard Feminist @Nian_Hu Hates Men, Who ‘Will Always Be Oppressors’

Activists Claim Berkeley ‘Anti-Fascist’ Attacker Is College Instructor Eric Clanton
Proof Positive

How Bad Was the Hillary Campaign?

In The Mailbox: 04.21.17
Proof Positive

Faith Goldy Nails It

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Top linkers this week:

  1.  EBL (22)
  2.  Proof Positive (7)
  3.  A View From The Beach (5)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

An appropriate T-shirt

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Posted on | April 21, 2017 | Comments Off on Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty

Dad’s absence hung in the air like a cloud obscuring the sun on an otherwise glorious day. Halfway through the annual fishing trip, Grandpa had changed.

Finally, she couldn’t take it any longer. “Is it Daddy?” she ventured. Grandpa staggered visibly.

“He won’t be back from Syria, honey.”

“Mom and Grandma last year in the car wreck, now Daddy in the war? Grandpa, YOU’RE ALL I HAVE LEFT!” she wailed, dropping her pole.

He dropped his and moved to hug her. “Oh honey. We have to get ahold of your Aunt Jenny. You see, the doctor called, and it’s cancer.”

Thanks, Darlene!

Faith Goldy Nails It

Posted on | April 21, 2017 | Comments Off on Faith Goldy Nails It

by Smitty

I’m stunned by this 12 minute summary of everything wrong today:

The aspect that she doesn’t explore is the degree to which the GOP elite are in on this Commie crap. It’s worse that we know, I reckon. Why else the tone deafness toward the base?

In The Mailbox: 04.21.17

Posted on | April 21, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.21.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

BattleSwarm Blog: Texas v. California Update
EBL: Friday Unrequited Love – Lizzy Fenton
Twitchy: Rachel Maddow “Scoop” On Venezuela Too Insane For Words
Louder With Crowder: Ana Navarro Can’t Stop Whining About The Nuge, Palin, & Kid Rock Trolling Hillary Clinton
According To Hoyt: Such The Womb
Monster Hunter Nation: Two New Correia Collaborations
Vox Popoli: A Message To Antifa

Adam Piggott: Podcast #45 – The $800 Bottle Service Episode, also, It’s Friday Links And Hawtness!
American Power: Marine Le Pen’s Support Grows After Paris Terror Attack
American Thinker: A Stunning School Sex Scandal The Media Refuse To Notice
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Failed Imperial Power Grab Friday
BLACKFIVE: Lisa Scottoline, One Perfect Lie
Da Tech Guy: Ten Thoughts Under My Fedora
Don Surber: I Know When Democrats Will Win Again
Dustbury: Good Intentions Might Have Been Involved
The Geller Report: Life Insurance For Jihadi Murderers? America’s First Somali Legislator Says Yes!
Hogewash: Blognet
Jammie Wearing Fools: MSNBC – “Unrest In Venezuela Over Trump Donations”
Joe For America: Masked Terrorist Who Beat Trump Supporter Has Been Identified – Liberals Shocked!
Power Line: In Re O’Reilly, Part Four
Shark Tank: GOP Targets Senator Nelson’s Voting Record
Shot In The Dark: Today’s News, Ten Years Ago
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – Smoking Equals Freedom, also, Breaking! Jawa Report Outlasts O’Reilly Factor!
The Political Hat: Chris Matthews Goes Full Bolshevik
This Ain’t Hell: A Lesson In Democracy From Venezuela
War Is Boring: As Long As Reporters Have Covered War, They Have Glorified It
Weasel Zippers: University Students Want Free Tuition For Blacks As Reparations For Slavery, also, Wyoming MN Police Department Wins Internet With This 4/20 Tweet
Megan McArdle: Subway Sandwiches – Death By A Thousand Cold Cuts
Mark Steyn: Writing It Down

Today’s Digital Deals

How Bad Was the Hillary Campaign?

Posted on | April 21, 2017 | Comments Off on How Bad Was the Hillary Campaign?


Matt Taibbi is certainly not my favorite political journalist, and Rolling Stone was permanently disgraced by the UVA hoax, but nevertheless Taibbi’s brief review of the new Clinton campaign book, Shattered by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes, is very worthwhile reading. After recounting the comedic failure of Clinton insiders to figure out their campaign’s raison d’etre — why did Hillary want to be president? — Taibbi summarizes the problem briefly and accurately:

What Allen and Parnes captured in Shattered was a far more revealing portrait of the Democratic Party intelligentsia than, say, the WikiLeaks dumps. And while the book is profoundly unflattering to Hillary Clinton, the problem it describes really has nothing to do with Secretary Clinton.
The real protagonist of this book is a Washington political establishment that has lost the ability to explain itself or its motives to people outside the Beltway.

What is true of the “Washington political establishment” in the Democrat Party is similarly true for Republicans. There is a yawning chasm of misunderstanding between the voters and people who make their careers in politics, and Taibbi doesn’t want to admit that he and his employer are part of the problem. That is to say, the liberal bias of the media creates such a huge advantage for Democrats, easily worth 5% of the vote in national elections, as to create a sort of cushion against reality. Meanwhile, Republicans in Washington are apt to succumb to “Potomac fever,” betraying their conservative voters in pursuit of a “centrist” or “mainstream” image, which leads them into debacles like the “Gang of Eight” immigration plan. Journalists contribute to this problem — call it The Reality Gap — with reporting so one-sided as to be dishonest.

Is Matt Taibbi willing to admit that Rolling Stone published that UVA rape hoax story for partisan purposes? Isn’t it true that the “campus rape epidemic” hysteria of 2014 was part of a Clinton-friendly propaganda blitz to make feminism a central focus of the 2016 campaign? And isn’t it also true that the Black Lives Matter movement was similarly a Democrat Party propaganda operation intended to mobilize black voters?

Liberal journalists devote enormous effort to promoting narratives that portray Democrat Party core constituencies — women, racial minorities, gay people — as victims of systematic injustice, while demonizing Republicans as racist, sexist, homophobic villains. The media become so entranced by this victimhood narrative that, like the Clinton campaign insiders, they are stunned to discover American voters aren’t buying it.

This was the entirety of Hillary’s campaign logic — (a) she’s a woman, (b) women are victims, and therefore, (c) vote Democrat: “I’m With Her.”


If that’s the only argument you’ve got, you deserve to lose. And anyone who thinks Bernie Sanders would have done better is insane. Our national debt is now nearly $20 trillion — that’s trillion, with a “T,” $20,000,000,000,000 — and we cannot afford to pay for the massive federal welfare state we’ve already got, much less the outright socialism that the Bernie voters want. Go take a look at the disaster in Venezuela, if you want to see where the Bernie Sanders agenda leads. Unless and until Democrats are willing to confront the reality of socialism’s failure, and abandon the divisive Cultural Marxism of identity politics, they will continue to alienate the ordinary American voter.


Activists Claim Berkeley ‘Anti-Fascist’ Attacker Is College Instructor Eric Clanton

Posted on | April 20, 2017 | 6 Comments

Activists accuse Eric Clanton of attacking Trump supporters in Berkeley.

During the Saturday confrontation between Trump supporters and so-called “anti-fascist” protesters in Berkeley, California, a young man was assaulted by a masked protester who slammed him in the head with a bicycle padlock, drawing blood. Analysis of photos and videos taken during the violent protests at Berkeley led 4chan activists to identify the attacker as Eric Michael Clanton, 28, who teaches introductory philosophy classes at Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill, California.


After he was identified, Clanton apparently deleted his Twitter account. However, activists found Clanton’s online profile from the dating site OKCupid where he declared: “I’m interested in helping to precipitate the end of civil society.” Furthermore, on his website, Clanton described himself as “interested in feminist theory as well as critical and philosophical approaches to prisons and police enforcement.” At a 2013 conference, Clanton gave a presentation entitled “A Feminist Critique of Human Nature Essentialism.” It is reported that the victim of the Berkeley attack, Sean Stiles, intends to press charges, and the administration at Diablo Valley College has been informed of the allegations against Clanton. Based on the video, this could be at least an aggravated assault case, and arguably assault with a deadly weapon — very serious felony charges. Clanton might soon have a chance to discover how his “critical and philosophical approaches to prisons and police enforcement” work in practice. Not too well, I’d expect.

MORE: The Ralph Report, Gateway Pundit, Milo Yiannopoulos.


Harvard Feminist @Nian_Hu Hates Men, Who ‘Will Always Be Oppressors’

Posted on | April 20, 2017 | 1 Comment

Harvard feminist Nian Hu supported Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign.

Harvard Crimson columnist Nian Hu expressed her all-inclusive hatred of men in a column last month denouncing so-called “male feminists”:

“What these male feminists fail to realize is that,
as men, they will always be oppressors. . . .
Men, as a class, are culpable for misogyny,
and male allies are no different . . .
Feminism does not need men. . . .
Feminism is not supposed to be palatable
to men; it is supposed to be threatening.”

Merely being born male makes you an oppressor and “culpable for misogyny,” and Ms. Hu declares feminism is “supposed to be threatening” to all men, even those “male allies” who claim to support equality.

Some regular readers may remember Ms. Hu, who first called attention to herself with a 2015 column in which she declared: “I am a feminist. I believe in the equality of the sexes.” She explained that “feminism means freedom,” including “freedom to have as many sexual partners as I want without being looked down on.” As I said at the time, her assertion that no one is permitted to disapprove of promiscuity amounted to a claim that other people do not have a right to their own opinions.

Ms. Hu was just a freshman at the time, and seemed startled that anyone could disagree with her view of what feminist “freedom” means. Has she had “as many sexual partners as I want” since then? Evidence suggests the answer is “yes,” if her desired number of partners is zero.

In February 2016, for example, Ms. Hu published a column denouncing “Yellow Fever,” i.e., white men who find Asian women attractive. The apparent point of that column was to make clear that under no circumstance would Ms. Hu ever be interested in dating a white man.

A couple of weeks later, Ms. Hu unleashed a tirade in which she accused men of feeling “entitlement over women’s bodies,” an attitude she blamed for “brutal acts of violence,” concluding: “No woman owes a man anything — least of all her body.” In a column last September, Ms. Hu declared that men “view women as inferior, perceive sex as an act of conquest, and see violence as a way to establish dominance over others.” She demanded that “we must dismantle this toxic construct of masculinity” because “the patriarchy causes harm to everyone.” Yes, everyone, including girls whose parents pay $63,025 a year to send them to Harvard University.


Ms. Hu’s hatred of men is implacable and limitless, as she made clear in her denunciation of “male feminists,” whom she accused of “perpetuating the subordination of women” because “they continue to benefit from a system that establishes male dominance at the expense of women.” This is what she is learning at Harvard where she is pursuing a degree in Government and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. You might think that men at Harvard would be enlightened, but according to Ms. Hu, every man on the Cambridge campus is a misogynist oppressor:

Men from Harvard would sit down and argue with me about my articles, claiming that I was going too far and that “not all men” acted that way. I even heard through the grapevine that an all-male final club blacklisted me for my apparently “controversial” beliefs. . . .
It’s scary to be a feminist.
But, at the end of the day, it’s scary to even exist as a woman in this world. I am already afraid. I already live in fear when it’s late at night and a man is walking behind me closely, or when a car full of men drives by and they jeer at me and follow me down the street. Even when I am silent, I am afraid. Silence will not buy me safety.

Yes, “it’s scary even to exist as a women” at Harvard, where Nian Hu can’t go anywhere without a car full of men jeering at her as they follow her down the street. Why, some men even dare to argue with her!

This is elite education in 2017: Parents pay $63,025 a year to send their girls to Harvard University, where the faculty teach them to hate the boys whose parents pay $63,025 a year to send them to Harvard. It kind of makes me nostalgic for the good old days, when people hated each other without having to pay Ivy League professors to teach them how.


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