The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 04.19.17

Posted on | April 19, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.19.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Hope everybody didn’t get bent over too badly by the IRS and/or their state revenooers. A belated Rule 5 Easter Double-Dip Wednesday should be up later today.

First Street Journal: Why Are Feminists Silent On Silicon Valley Domestic Abuse When It Involves An Immigrant?
EBL: Killing O’Reilly
Michelle Malkin: Chelsea Clinton’s Cheerleading Cult
Twitchy: Auburn Takes Berkeley To School As Antifas Unmasked Outside Richard B. Spencer Speech
Louder With Crowder: President Trump Increases Deportations Of Once Protected Dreamers

Adam Piggott: The Millennial Shit Sandwich
American Power: British PM Theresa May Calls General Election
American Thinker: Could North Korea Destroy The U.S.?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BLACKFIVE: Ed Henry, 42 Faith
Bring The HEAT: Happy Birthday To The Grumman A-6 Intruder
Da Tech Guy: Baldilocks – The Hard Way
Don Surber: Those Coal Jobs Ain’t Coming Back?
Dustbury: What Happened Yesterday
The Geller Report: Almost 5000 Somalis To Be Deported
Hogewash: As I Expected…
Jammie Wearing Fools: Hmmm…Andrew Cuomo Rakes In $783,000 In Royalties On Books That Sold 3200 Copies In 2016
Joe For America: Alyssa Milano Wants “Compassion” For ISIS
Power Line: Raise The Minimum Wage, Kill Companies And Jobs
Shark Tank: Florida Looms Large In The Ongoing Health Care Debate
Shot In The Dark: Only Complete Subjugation Will Do
STUMP: Illinois Finances – Budget? We Don’t Need No Steenking Budget!
The Jawa Report: Terrorist Attacks Catholic Church In Fresno, Kills Three
The Political Hat: All Your Healthcare Are Belong To California, also, The Gramscian March And The Suiciding Of The West
This Ain’t Hell: Congress Plans To Charge Vets For GI Bill
War Is Boring: The Paraguayan War – The Dumbest, Costliest War The Americas Ever Experienced
Weasel Zippers: Maxine Waters Officially Insane, Claims She Never Called For Trump’s Impeachment, also, Fox News Lets Bill O’Reilly Go
Megan McArdle: “Blame United”, “Blame Deregulation”, And Other Fantasies
Mark Steyn: Facing Up To It, also, May Seizes The Moment

Today’s Digital Deals

Democrats Spend $8 Million and Lose

Posted on | April 19, 2017 | 1 Comment

Jon Ossoff fell short of 50% in Tuesday’s special election in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District, and in June will face Karen Handel in a runoff to fill the seat vacated by Tom Price, who was appointed as President Trump’s Secretary of Health and Human Services. Ossoff failed despite the fact that Democrats had poured $8 million into his campaign in hope of taking advantage of anti-Trump backlash in a low-turnout election, where nearly a dozen Republican candidates were contending in the so-called “jungle primary.” So despite the spin from the liberal media (CNN calls it a “wake-up call” for Republicans), this was another disappointing loss for Democrats, and if the GOP unites behind Handel, it’s likely that the June runoff will end Ossoff’s congressional hopes.

Handel has a reputation as a moderate “establishment” Republican, but that’s Georgia, where Johnny Isaacson was considered a moderate until he was elected to the Senate and emerged as one of the most conservative members of the GOP caucus. Georgia is still a very conservative state and, no matter how “energized” Democrats are by their opposition to Trump, if they’re looking to Georgia for their future, they’re doomed.

Insofar as the GA-6 special election was a “wake-up call” for anyone, it’s Democrats who need to answer the phone. During the Obama era, the Democrat Party lost touch with mainstream America:

Unnoticed by their liberal leaders in Washington, Democrats have suffered what one embattled legislator called a “catastrophic” decline in their influence at the state level. “Since 2008, Republicans have taken nine hundred legislative districts from Democrats, securing control not just in the South, where many voters oppose President Obama, but in such diverse locales as Michigan and Maine,” Tennessee state Rep. Mike Stewart wrote [in December] in a column for the Hill. Republicans now control both legislative chambers in 32 states, and 33 states have Republican governors. This erosion of the Democratic Party’s political base may in large measure explain why the Clinton campaign was stunned by Trump’s victory in states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, which had incorrectly been assumed to be “safe” for Democrats.

Because they have the liberal media constantly telling them that they are “on the right side of history,” Democrats are able to ignore the reality of their own failures, and even interpret their defeats as victories. Now we can expect them to spend millions more in their effort to elect Jon Ossoff to Congress, and what will they do if they fail again?

(Via Memeorandum.)


Fresno Massacre: Three White Men Murdered by Kori Ali Muhammad

Posted on | April 18, 2017 | 1 Comment


The Fresno Bee reports:

Three people were shot and killed after a man went on a shooting spree Tuesday in Fresno, randomly shooting at four white men, killing three, before he was taken into custody, police Chief Jerry Dyer said.
The 39-year-old suspect, identified as Kori Ali Muhammad, is also suspected in the fatal shooting of a security guard outside a Motel 6 on Blackstone Avenue in central Fresno Thursday. He is facing four counts of murder and two counts of attempted murder, Dyer said. He said Muhammad had expressed dislike of whites in Facebook posts; all of the victims were white. Dyer called it a “random act of violence.”

The Los Angeles Times reports:

The suspect in a series of shootings in downtown Fresno wrote frequently about the conflict between whites and blacks and did not seem well in recent days, according to family members.
Kori Ali Muhammad, 39, has been arrested after a shooting spree killed three people. Police have not provided a motive in the attack. As he was taken into custody, he yelled out “Allahu Akbar,” Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer said. But officials stressed they are not sure whether this was an act of terrorism.
According to his grandmother, Kori Muhammad changed his name from Kori Taylor to Kori Ali Muhammad when he was between ages 14 and 16. . . .
In a span of a few minutes Tuesday morning, Muhammad, 39, fatally shot three white men he randomly encountered while walking through the streets of Fresno, police allege. The rampage was preceded by a deadly encounter Thursday night at a Motel 6, where police said Muhammad had killed . . . a security guard.
Together the killings were Muhammad’s contribution to a war he believed was ongoing between white and black men, his father, Vincent Taylor, said.
A Facebook profile page for a Kori Ali Muhammad from Fresno paid homage to black pride and black nationalism, with images of the red, green and black Pan-African flag and images of a raised fist. The page listed him as a “warrior” for RBG Nation, referencing red, black and green.
He posted numerous photos of himself in traditional African garments.

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The accused gunman has a criminal history. According to federal court records, Kori Muhammad, previously known as Kori Taylor, was arrested in 2005 on federal drug charges and pleaded guilty to possession of cocaine base with intent to distribute and possession of a firearm with a prior felony conviction. He received 110 months in prison, along with 92 months of supervised release, which ended early in September 2016.
One of the court documents included a motion for a psychiatric hearing because his attorney said he was suffering from hallucinations, paranoia and psychosis.

A violent criminal with a history of mental illness who hates white people — so he’s just a typical Democrat voter, really.


Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Posted on | April 18, 2017 | Comments Off on Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Kung Bik Cem was arrested last month in Indiana.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and we continue to highlight cases that feminists never seem to notice for some reason:

Indiana State Police stopped an attempted rape on the side of the interstate after a man said he intended to impregnate a woman he met online so that she would be forced to marry him.
According to ISP, 19-year-old Kung Bik Cem, from Tucker, Georgia, drove from Lifeway Baptist University in Jacksonville, Florida to Southport to attend a wedding on March 25. The victim in the case is a woman he met online that was also going to be attending the wedding.
Cem said he had become friends with her on Facebook until she decided she didn’t want a relationship with him. They had never met in person until he showed up at the wedding and sat next to her. She said she couldn’t get him to leave her alone and had been ignoring his calls and texts.
Investigators stated that he said he took her cell phone to try to find out why she didn’t want to be with him. When he had her phone, he was able to get her to get into his car. Once she was in the vehicle, he said he was going to drive them to Georgia to get married. Cem told investigators he was going to “steal” the victim and that this was allowed and customary in his culture.
Police said the victim repeatedly stated that she wanted out of the car, but that Cem told investigators that he couldn’t let her out because he was in love with her.
The victim said that she grabbed the steering wheel at one point and tried to put the vehicle into park. Cem stopped the vehicle around the 93 mile marker on southbound Interstate 65 in Johnson County. The victim tried to escape but was drug back into the car.
Cem then said he told the victim that he was going to impregnate her so that she couldn’t leave him. When an ISP trooper arrived around 3:30 p.m., he said that the pair were in the backseat of Cem’s 2015 Camaro. Cem’s pants and underwear were down. The victim’s underwear was down and her dress was pulled up around her stomach.
The victim got out of the car and crumpled on the side of the interstate. Cem was placed in handcuffs.

This might be that “rape culture” feminists keep telling us about.


In The Mailbox: 04.18.17

Posted on | April 18, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.18.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Proof Positive: The Elephants’ Graveyard Revisited
EBL:Democrat Matt McDermott Is The Lying Asshole Of The Day
Twitchy: Watch Dianne Feinstein’s No Good, Very Bad San Francisco Town Hall
Louder With Crowder: UW-Madison Giving Free Tampons…To Men?

Adam Piggott: Real Life Has A Habit Of Punching You In The Face
American Power: The Four Issues Driving Trump’s Populism
American Thinker: Why Were Foreign Intelligence Agencies Spying On Trump?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Nutbag Norks News
BLACKFIVE: M.J. Carter, The Devil’s Feast
Da Tech Guy: It’s Antifa’s Yarp Or Narp Moment
Don Surber: Oh No, Sessions is Doing What Trump Said He Would
Dustbury: Shutting The Fox Up
The Geller Report: Philippines – Saudi Woman Fleeing Her Abusers Forcibly Returned
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: Former Obama Officials Slam Him For Leaving “A More Dangerous World”
Power Line: Post-Brexit England Will Drop Renewable Energy Commitments
Shark Tank: Senator Nelson Running Scared For Re-election
Shot In The Dark: As Foretold
STUMP: Mortality Monday – Huge Heroin Death Increases
The Jawa Report: Cornhole Watch – Jonathan Beese and Kristin Sparks, also, Sandcrawler PSA – BOLO Steve Stephens (Update: He’s Dead, Jim!)
The Political Hat: Glaciers Are People Too
This Ain’t Hell: HuffPo Gets Punked, also, Bernath v. Sanity
War Is Boring: Why Can’t Aung San Suu Kyi End Burma’s Brutal Counterinsurgency?
Weasel Zippers: PuffHo Gushes – Obamas Are Everyone’s Parents On Vacation, also, Most Children Identifying As Transgender Are Faking It, Says Psychiatrist
Mark Steyn: Who Lost Turkey?, also, Pronoun Trouble

Today’s Digital Deals
H&R Block Tax Software With Refund Bonus Offer

Angelo Colon-Ortiz Charged in Case of Murdered 27-Year-Old Vanessa Marcotte

Posted on | April 18, 2017 | Comments Off on Angelo Colon-Ortiz Charged in Case of Murdered 27-Year-Old Vanessa Marcotte

Angelo Colon-Ortiz (left) and Vanessa Marcotte (right).

Vanessa Marcotte, 27, was jogging near her mother’s Massachusetts home in August 2016 when she disappeared. The young Google sales manager’s body was found. Police say she was murdered and sexually assaulted. She fought her killer, leaving DNA evidence on her hands. Laboratory analysis of the DNA indicated that her attacker was a Hispanic male. That information, as well as eyewitness reports of a vehicle seen in the vicinity at the time of Marcotte’s killing, eventually led police to Angelo Colon-Ortiz. A married 31-year-old Federal Express employee, Colon-Ortiz had only recently moved to Massachusetts from his native Puerto Rico.

Colon-Ortiz was arrested Saturday and arraigned this morning on charges of aggravated assault, aggravated assault and battery and assault with intent to rape. He is being held on $10 million bond. Officials say that they later expect to charge Colon-Ortiz with murder.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, but feminists haven’t mentioned the arrest of Angelo Colon-Ortiz, for some reason.


Child Pornography Arrest Exposes Australian TV Reporter’s Sordid Gay Life

Posted on | April 18, 2017 | Comments Off on Child Pornography Arrest Exposes Australian TV Reporter’s Sordid Gay Life


Ben McCormack was a famous Australian TV personality, a reporter for the Channel 9 tabloid news program A Current Affair. Earlier this month, however, police in Sydney arrested McCormack on child pornography charges, and his acquaintances have divulged that the popular journalist had a habit of chasing after “baby-faced” young men.

Reporters found his profile on the gay-dating app Grindr that showed McCormack, 42, specifically sought “young slim smooth” partners: “Short is hot.” McCormack’s co-workers knew of his preferences:

‘He’s always on Grindr and having dates with young-looking men,’ a colleague, who did not want to be named, told News Corp.
‘He would often show photos of guys he was seeing and they would always be baby-faced teens but a legal age.’ . . .
Daily Mail Australia revealed he directed a risque short film in the early 2000s where father-son incest in a gay bathhouse was a key plot line.

Despite his open homosexuality and his known preference for very young partners, some of McCormack’s journalistic colleagues were surprised by his arrest for allegedly transmitting child pornography:

Tracy Grimshaw prides herself on protecting the vulnerable, so it’s little wonder she’s shaken to the core after the Sex Crimes Squad raided ACA’s headquarters and arrested her long-time colleague Ben McCormack.
“This has been the worst week of my life,” she told close friends, who say she’s so devastated at the betrayal of someone she felt she knew, she can’t even bear to say his name.
“She won’t talk to anyone about it. This really is her worst nightmare.”
“To have someone she worked with and trusted for years arrested for child porn… she’s been staying at home, only leaving to do the show.” . . .
“She’s crusaded against paedophiles all her life, and Ben was the reporter who covered the child molestation case of [former Hey Dad..! star] Robert Hughes. It couldn’t get any worse.”

For those who don’t know, Robert Hughes is an actor who starred in a popular Australian TV situation comedy in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Subsequently, he was accused of having molested four different underage girls, including actress Sarah Monahan, who had played his daughter on TV. McCormack tracked down Hughes in Singapore for an exclusive interview in 2010. Hughes was later extradited to Australia to face charges and in 2014, he was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

After McCormack was arrested April 6 for child pornography charges, he was also suspended from a beach lifeguard association where he had volunteered training young boys in lifeguard classes.


Our Moral Superiors™

Posted on | April 17, 2017 | 1 Comment

One of the biases of the intellectual elite is their self-serving belief that college education is synonymous with moral superiority. To be an “educated” person is to be a better person, according to the elite, and therefore the more prestigious the school you attended — Obama at Columbia and Harvard Law, Hillary at Wellesley and Yale Law, etc. — the more you are qualified to pass judgment on those inferior slobs beneath you. This kind of credential-based snobbery allows rich kids (whose parents can afford $70,496 a year to send them to an “elite” school like Northwestern) to believe that the rest of us are obligated to listen in hushed reverence while they lecture us about what ignorant bigots we are.

Speaking of Northwestern University, a couple of months ago, feminists at the elite school worked themselves into what Michelle Malkin calls a “Category-5 frenzy over sexual assault allegations” at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. The problem was there was no evidence, and the whole thing appears to have been nothing but a hoax “based on anonymous phone calls,” Malkin explained:

When one brave student senator, who is an SAE fraternity member, stood up for the “rights of the accused” during debate over a resolution to condemn the “pervasive culture of sexual misconduct” on campus, he was chastised for his “privilege” and castigated for “victim-blaming.” . . .
After a “prompt and thorough” investigation, [the university’s Vice President for Student Affairs] Patricia Telles-Irvin revealed [in March], “(n)o disciplinary action or further investigative action related to the reports of sexual misconduct will be taken at this time.”

Remember, these people are Our Moral Superiors™ despite the gullibility that inspires them to hysterical witch-hunts over non-existent rapes. And incidents like this require us to believe that either:

A. Male students at our nation’s most elite educational institutions are complicit in a “pervasive culture of sexual misconduct”;
B. Feminists at our nation’s most elite educational institutions are a bunch of dishonest liars and credulous fools.

Neither explanation reflects well on Our Moral Superiors™.

Meanwhile, at $64,870-a-year Pomona College, three black students — Dray Denson, Avery Jonas and Shanaya Stephenson — wrote an open letter condemning the discovery of truth as an educational goal:

This construction is a myth and white supremacy, imperialism, colonization, capitalism, and the United States of America are all of its progeny. The idea that the truth is an entity for which we must search, in matters that endanger our abilities to exist in open spaces, is an attempt to silence oppressed peoples. … The idea that we must subject ourselves routinely to the hate speech of fascists who want for us not to exist plays on the same Eurocentric constructs that believed Black people to be impervious to pain and apathetic to the brutal and violent conditions of white supremacy.

Well, there you have it — there is no such thing as truth, and the belief that education is about searching for truth is white supremacy.

It takes big money to become one Our Moral Superiors™ and these kids at elite private Pomona College are obviously so much better than you and your kids, with your crappy state-school diplomas and your ignorant racist belief that “truth is an entity for which we must search.” You’re obviously trying to “silence oppressed peoples” whose parents pay $64,870 a year for them to go to college in sunny Southern California.

Oppression is becoming so expensive, only rich kids can afford it.


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