The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Patriarchy Means Paying the Bills

Posted on | April 17, 2017 | Comments Off on Patriarchy Means Paying the Bills

My son Jim taking an Easter afternoon hike with his two sons.

Friday, I worked from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. with my 24-year-old son who does home-improvement contracting jobs with a side business mowing lawns. It was the latter enterprise where I’d volunteered to help, which meant riding around on a zero-turn lawnmower at six different locations. Let me tell you that doing a big lawn on a high-powered zero-turn mower is huge fun, compared to sitting in front of a computer yakking about politics. My wife has been nagging me about . . . uh, I mean, encouraging me to get out of the house more often, so with spring and the beginning of lawn-mowing season, I volunteered to help my son with his business. After we’d knocked out a half-dozen lawn jobs, then my son had to finish up a roofing job which required his specialized skills, so that my share of the work was mainly handing him tools and stuff for four hours. It was dark by the time that job was finished, then we went to dinner at Bennigan’s.

All in all, it was a fine day of honest work for honest money and also educational. Most of the work my son does is on “flips” — investors buy a house that’s been foreclosed then hire contractors to do improvements to the property so that it can be re-sold at a profit. You might be surprised at how many really nice houses end up in foreclosure. Certainly I was amazed to see these big homes in fine neighborhoods where, for some reason, the former owners stopped paying their mortgages and also, usually, let the property get into a deplorably run-down condition. Did the owners get hooked on meth? Was there a divorce? Mental illness? There’s time to wonder about things like that while you’re thundering across a gigantic lawn on a $6,000 mower.

One of the reasons I get so annoyed at people like Sarah Silverman claiming Donald Trump is an “emotional child” and a “superficial bully” is their apparent assumption that Trump’s success in the business world was easy. Whatever his flaws as a human being and his shortcomings as a political leader, it should be obvious that you don’t become a billionaire real-estate tycoon by being lazy or stupid. Trump had been working nearly a decade in his father’s real-estate business when, in 1978, he negotiated a deal to renovate the run-down Commodore Hotel which re-opened as the Grand Hyatt, and by 1983, he had completed his first skyscraper project, the Trump Tower. It was these successful development projects that made Trump something of celebrity in New York, and led to his book contract for The Art of the Deal. Trump started building his real-estate empire before Sarah Silverman was even born, and he was negotiating multimillion-dollar deals while she was still in elementary school. How is she qualified to criticize him?

Watching my son work Friday — that roofing job was a masterpiece of craftsmanship, I tell you — and seeing also how many excellent properties end up in foreclosure, I had occasion to reflect on the way some people always resent success. Plenty of business ventures fail, and lots of people who once lived in big houses somehow lose their homes to foreclosure, so when people actually succeed, they ought to be admired for their achievement, rather than becoming the objects of envious mockery.

Honest work for honest money is derided by the Left, which cares only about protests and other such destructive forms of “activism.” All these anarchist rioters in Berkeley — when have any of them done an honest day’s work, huh? Or how about the Michigan professor claiming “the English language is sexist”? What does she get paid to teach this nonsense, and why are Michigan taxpayers expected to foot the bill?

“Social justice” is nothing but a racket, a scam, a dishonest hustle. Consider what happens when someone turns feminism into a business:

On her LinkedIn profile, Chelsea Leibow calls herself a “Patriarchy-Smashing PR Priestess.” In a complaint filed last month with New York’s Human Rights Commission, however, Ms. Leibow calls herself a victim of sexual harassment. According to Ms. Leibow, while she was employed by the Manhattan-based firm Thinx, her boss “groped female underlings’ breasts, pranced around the office naked, and video-chatted workers from the toilet.”
The alleged perpetrator of these offenses was not the “patriarchy,” but rather Thinx CEO Miki Agrawal, a self-declared feminist whose company specialized in marketing blood-absorbing underwear for menstruating women. . . .

Read the whole thing at The Patriarch Tree. Given a choice between working for a feminist and mowing lawns, I know which one I’d choose.


In The Mailbox: 04.17.17

Posted on | April 17, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.17.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Just Another Day At Google
Twitchy: And The Award For Dumbest, Most Racist Tweet Of 2017 (So Far) Goes To…Talcum X
Louder With Crowder: NYPD Helps ICE Catch Illegals While Liberals Rage

Adam Piggott: Canberra – Your First World Holiday Destination
American Power: Trump Supporters Crush “Antifascists” In Berkeley
American Thinker: In Her Majesty’s Disservice
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BLACKFIVE: Alan Jacobson, The Darkness of Evil
Bring The HEAT: Fifty Years Ago Today – One Out From History
Da Tech Guy: Pat Austin – Mayor Landrieu’s Plot To Pull Down Monuments In The Dead Of Night Exposed
Don Surber: Why Trump Supporters Won’t Abandon Him
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries
The Geller Report: Berkeley Police Sit In Squad Car, Watching As Trump Supporters Attacked
Hogewash: Two Million Stars For Five Million Years
Jammie Wearing Fools: Police Cast Wide Net In Search For Cleveland Facebook Killing Suspect
Joe For America: US Preparing For Pre-Emptive Strike To Prevent Nork Nuke Detonation?
JustOneMinute: Chatting With Fish About Water
Power Line: Donald Trump Asks A Good Question
Shark Tank: Nork Missile Launch Fails
Shot In The Dark: Lie First, Lie always – When The DFL Does Polling, The Truth Dies A Little
The Jawa Report: Sharia Doc Arrested In Detroit, also, Jeff Halm Declared Sith Lord
The Lonely Conservative: My Witness
The Political Hat: Progressive Logic – How Racial Exclusion Begets Diversity
This Ain’t Hell: Geoff Millard – Valor Thief With Antifa In Berkeley
War Is Boring: Pacifist Military Trainer Says Kurdistan Should Be Like Israel
Weasel Zippers: Chicago Rings In Easter With At Least 34 Shot So Far, also, NBC Baseball Writer Outraged By “Political” American Flags At Sporting Events
Mark Steyn: The Incoming Roar, also, The War That Made The World We Live In

Today’s Digital Deals
H&R Block Tax Software With Refund Bonus Offer

FMJRA 2.0: Not Long Before The End

Posted on | April 17, 2017 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Not Long Before The End

— compiled by Wombat-socho

We are two days away from the end of tax season, and Lord, am I tired. Came back from Minnesota last Tuesday, went back to the tax mines on Wednesday, and with few exceptions I have done nothing but eat, sleep, excrete, and sit in my cube at work waiting for clients to show up and/or send me their stuff. So please pardon my lateness; these last few days I have been getting home, eating dinner, and then crashing – and that’s about it.

‘Hate’ as a Synonym for ‘Republican’
Watcher of Weasels
The Daley Gator
The Political Hat
A View From The Beach

Woman Explodes in Rant Against Kissing Couple, Achieves Unwanted Fame

Shortly Before The Detour
A View From The Beach

University Teacher @LarsMaischak Advocates Death for President Trump
The Political Hat
A View From The Beach

Obama Administration Let Illegal Alien Stay; Now the Girl He Raped Is Dead
The Pirate’s Cove
The Daley Gator
A View From The Beach

Muslims Murder Christians in Egypt

Fired for ‘Work Place Violence,’ Florida Man Does Exactly What You’d Expect

Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Conservative Atlas
Lunacy Is Contagious

Anti-Christian Terrorist Threatens Churches; Police Manhunt for Fugitive

Student Commits Suicide After LGBT Activists Use Title IX to Punish Him

Rolling Stone Settles With UVA Dean in Rape Hoax Defamation Lawsuit

In The Mailbox: 04.12.17
Proof Positive

Dear @EmmaWatson: You Are the ‘Goodwill Ambassador’ for a Rape Culture

In The Mailbox: 04.13.17
Proof Positive

Totalitarian Mobs Continue to Silence Dissent on University Campuses
A View From The Beach

Choate Hall Is Decadent and Depraved

Crazy Is as Crazy Does: ‘Illuminati’ Arrested for Disorderly Conduct in Florida

In The Mailbox: 04.14.2017
Proof Positive

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Top linkers this week:

  1.  EBL (20)
  2.  A View From The Beach (5)

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

Remember, @SarahKSilverman Speaks Officially for the Democrat Party

Posted on | April 16, 2017 | 3 Comments

“Hillary is our Democratic nominee, and I will proudly vote for her. It’s so inspiring.”
Sarah Silverman, July 25, 2016

Sarah Silverman is a Democrat. She spoke from the main stage at the 2016 Democratic National Convention, and may therefore be regarded as an official spokeswoman for the Democrat Party. It is important to keep this in mind when we consider what Ms. Silverman says:

Sarah Silverman joined in the anti-Donald Trump “Tax March” protest in New York City Saturday, where she demanded the president release his tax returns in a fiery speech.
“Show us your f*cking taxes, you emotional child,” the 46-year-old comedian and liberal addressed the president in comments delivered to the protesters.
“You like being a superficial bully? Here’s one for you: you are a three at best,” Silverman added, apparently referring to Trump’s appearance.

Yes, the President of the United States is an “emotional child” and a “superficial bully,” according to official Democrat Party spokeswoman Sarah Silverman, who has never held any job that involves adult responsibility. She has made a show-business career out of her own self-indulgent brand of “humor,” and has an estimated net worth of $3.5 million. This qualifies her to denounce Donald Trump, who made his own fortune in the demanding and competitive world of real-estate development. Maybe you don’t like Donald Trump. Perhaps you consider making wisecracks on TV to be a more socially valuable enterprise than building skyscrapers, but are Hollywood entertainers really the people best qualified to lecture us about superficiality and emotional maturity? Can you cite any particular personal achievement that would make Sarah Silverman a moral authority in such matters?


Yes, that’s official Democrat Party spokeswoman Sarah Silverman at Saturday’s protest, brandishing a sign which proclaims that the President of the United States “eats farts 4 dinner.” These are the utterances of someone who calls the President an “emotional child.” And you may recall some of Ms. Silverman’s previous official policy statements.


Yes, in February, Sarah Silverman demanded that the U.S. military “join the resistance” to “overthrow” our democratically elected government.

Why is it that elected Democrats are never asked to comment on what their official spokeswoman Sarah Silverman says? Contrast how the Democrats get a free pass with how reporters demand that Republicans respond every time Rush Limbaugh says something “controversial.” This is another example of the media’s partisan double-standard.

(Via Memeorandum.)


Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Posted on | April 14, 2017 | Comments Off on Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty

Looked like his car pulling up, headlights affording the room a sunburst before they grew more interested in the driveway.
She took a drag on her “medicinal” cigarette holder, pulling the smoke into her lungs deeply, glad for the source of calmness.
The motor stopped. The car door slammed. The gravel proclaimed each proud step toward the dark porch. The keyhole announced its violation, and the door opened on smooth hinges.
Her cue to cock the little .38 revolver that was all she had to say to him.
He burst into the study.
“There you are, you–”
She finalized him.

Thanks, Darleen

In The Mailbox: 04.14.2017

Posted on | April 14, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Chief Justice John Roberts Has The Sadz
Twitchy: There Can Be ONLY ONE! Wendy’s Nukes Hardee’s In Epic Twitter Battle
Louder With Crowder: Trump Signs Bill Allowing States To Defund Planned Parenthood Clinics
According To Hoyt: The First Stone
Monster Hunter Nation: Monster Hunter Files Anthology Cover Reveal
Vox Popoli:
The Hitler That Wasn’t

Adam Piggott: Podcast #44 – The United Airlines Episode, also, Good Friday Links And Beauty
American Power: Fresno State Professor Maischak Under Federal Investigation
American Thinker: A Tale Of Violence In Two Cities – Augusta And Biloxi
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Free Speech Friday
BLACKFIVE: Jeffrey Deaver, The Burial Hour
Da Tech Guy: Kaepernick And Sam Explained One More Time
Don Surber: Napolitano Vindicated – Britain Meddled In Our Election
Dustbury: Nothing More Than Feels
The Geller Report: University Student Slaughtered By Muslim Mob Over Blasphemy Allegations
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: Trump Does In Three Months For Brian Terry’s Family What Obama Didn’t In Six Years
Power Line: How Many Countries Conspired Against Trump?
Shark Tank: FL Governor Scott’s Approval Rating Higher Than Senator Nelson’s
Shot In The Dark: Challenge Accepted And Returned!
STUMP: Watching The Money Run Out – A Simulation With A Chicago Pension
The Jawa Report: Syrian Terrorists Murder Muslima For Red Handbag, also, War Porn! MOAB Strike Against ISIS In Afghanistan
The Political Hat: An Obvious Suggestion For Green Groups Wanting To Reduce CO2 Emissions, also, Birds Tomatoes And Sharks Oh My!
This Ain’t Hell: Friday Morning Feelgood Stories
War Is Boring: What Does An “America First” Foreign Policy Really Mean?
Weasel Zippers: GOP Navy SEAL Mulling Run Against Fauxcahontas, also, Salon Pimps Maxine Waters For President
Mark Steyn: I’ll Never Smile Again, also, The Conspiracy Deepens…

Today’s Digital Deals
H&R Block Tax Software With Refund Bonus Offer

Crazy Is as Crazy Does: ‘Illuminati’ Arrested for Disorderly Conduct in Florida

Posted on | April 14, 2017 | Comments Off on Crazy Is as Crazy Does: ‘Illuminati’ Arrested for Disorderly Conduct in Florida

George Davis (left) and Kristen Morrow (right).

The first rule of the Illuminati conspiracy is that you should never tell the cops about it, which could cause trouble for these two geniuses:

The Indian River County Sheriff’s Office received a call in Sebastian about a male and female subject lying under a blanket in the grass near the complainant’s home.
As the deputy arrived, he walked to the area to perform a welfare check.
The female was later identified as 37-year-old Kristen Morrow, and the male was identified as 25-year-old George Major Davis.
Morrow came out from under the blanket and started yelling.
“I am part of the Illuminati and free masons. You have no authority and I don’t have to leave,” Morrow said, according to the report.
The deputy was fifty feet away when Morrow started yelling these things. As he approached further, a male subject appeared from under the blanket.
Morrow continued to “yell at the top of her lungs even as I stood a few feet from her,” the report said.
“She continued to yell and rant that she was a famous music talent and she knew judges and her family would have my job,” the deputy said in the report.
Then Davis began to yell why he was being detained. The deputy advised that he was there to perform a welfare check and that there was no reason to yell.
“He continued to yell along with the female about free masons and their impending music record deal and the celebrities, judges, and power their family had,” according to the report. . . .
Morrow and Davis were arrested and transported to the Indian River County Jail where they were charged with disorderly conduct.

Someone needs to mention this to the Illuminati membership committee. A nefarious scheme for global domination must have standards.

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)


Choate Hall Is Decadent and Depraved

Posted on | April 14, 2017 | Comments Off on Choate Hall Is Decadent and Depraved

It costs $48,890 a year to send your kid to the elite Choate private school, and what do parents get for their money? Rape culture:

Choate Rosemary Hall, the elite Connecticut boarding school, said on Thursday that at least 12 former teachers had sexually molested — and, in at least one case, raped — students in a pattern of abuse dating to the 1960s.
The allegations in a report prepared by an investigator for the board of trustees include instances of “intimate kissing” and “intimate touching.”
The parents of a Choate student complained to the school in the early 1980s after their daughter contracted herpes from an English teacher. And in another case, the report describes a student’s rape on a school trip to Costa Rica.
None of the teachers’ actions were reported to the police. In some cases, teachers were allowed to resign after being confronted with evidence of misconduct, and administrators wrote letters of recommendations for teachers who were fired.

Hey, your daughter’s got herpes, but it’s elite herpes.

(Via Memeorandum.)


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