The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Hey, Stop Raping Fat Chicks!

Posted on | March 27, 2014 | 122 Comments

Peter Paul Rubens, Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus (1618)

This public service announcement should not be necessary, but unfortunately there seems to be some confusion on the subject:

Rape culture is prevalent, insidious, and normalized in our culture. . . Fat women face an extra special facet of rape culture though — the fact that they should be grateful for it. You read that right — grateful for being raped. The logic goes that, of course, no one would want to touch a fat woman. We’re so gross, you know? So if someone was actually willing to have sex with us we should be on our knees with gratitude thanking that person for sharing their special snowflake of a dick with us. Some people even deny that it’s possible for fat women to be raped because, ew, who would want to have sex with a fattie? . . . Let’s be clear, while the reasons for rape are complicated and include a whole lot of things, dehumanization and objectification of women is at least one pretty large factor. And who doesn’t love to dehumanize and objectify fat women? Fat woman are simultaneously desexualized and oversexualized in our culture. Myths of fat women being always ready for sex, promiscuous, and never turning down sex abound. . . . Rape culture is where this desexualization and oversexualization intersect. No one could possibly want to have sex with you which is why you’re such a slut and sleep around and why you would be lucky if you get raped.

She’s arguing with the voices inside her head, projecting her own imaginary fears onto “our culture,” over-interpreting negative feedback, and seeking moral authority by striking a pose of outraged victimhood.

Which is to say, she’s a feminist.

Irrational screeds are impossible to refute, because logic cannot address a wild collection of anecdotes, subjective emotional responses and tendentious assertions, but let’s begin by acknowledging that (a) negative perceptions of fat people are widespread, however, (b) fat men are no less stigmatized than fat women, and (c) it is by no means evident that anti-fat bias is particularly implicated in “rape culture,” besides which (d) exactly what the hell does “rape culture” mean, anyway?

We were told that the Steubenville case was the pluperfect example of “rape culture” in action, but when all was said and done, the most obvious lesson of that saga was, drunk teenagers make very bad decisions, which is not exactly a startling revelation.

No responsible adult is in favor of teenage girls getting passed-out drunk at parties, nor are responsible adults in favor of drunk teenage boys taking advantage of passed-out teenage girls, but it seems that the teenagers in Steubenville weren’t under the supervision of responsible adults, and so something very bad happened. Except for the fact that evidence was captured in digital photos, videos and social-media messages produced by the perpetrators and their friends, there was nothing particularly significant about this crime.

Why, then, was Steubenville seized on as a drama about “rape culture”? Perhaps for the same reason that the death of Trayvon Martin became a drama about racism, or some people tried to turn the Kaitlyn Hunt case into a drama about homophobia.

There are activists and organizations with political agendas and, insofar as influential members of the media are sympathetic to those agendas, any conflict that dramatizes (or, at least, seems to dramatize) the activist agenda is ripe for exploitation. What is the result of this kind of journalistic activism? One result, predictable to any student of mass psychology, is that agenda-driven journalism spawns something akin to a copycat syndrome. Just as a highly publicized murder may be imitated by a “copycat killer,” likewise media publicity for victimhood dramas can inspire some people to say, “Me, too! I’m a victim! Help me!”

It is from this media-influenced copycat syndrome that fake “hate” hoaxes originate. Alec Torres at National Review provides a listing of recent hate hoaxes, including the infamous case of University of Wyoming feminist Meg Lanker-Simons, who fabricated Facebook threats to “hate-f**k” herself.

“I want to hatef–k Meg Lanker Simons so hard. That chick that runs her liberal mouth all the time and doesn’t care who knows it. I think its hot and it makes me angry. One night with me and shes gonna be a good Republican b–ch.”

Totally fake, and why? Well, the liberal media spent many months in 2012 promoting the phony “War on Women” meme, and the same media turned the Steubenville story into a “rape culture” drama, and if a lonely feminist in Laramie, Wyoming, was desperate for attention, what better way to get attention than to manufacture a Republican rape threat?

So here we are, in the spring of 2014, when some feminists are staging “Fat Justice” seminars on college campuses, while other feminists are declaring that all heterosexual intercourse is rape. Nobody therefore should be surprised that a plus-sized feminist would claim fat women are victims of “an extra special facet of rape culture” in the allegedly widespread belief that fat women should be “grateful for being raped.”

Do some people, in mocking feminist rhetoric about rape, express such an attitude? Certainly they do, but sarcastic mockery is one thing, and actual rape is another thing. And this is an important distinction the hysteria over “rape culture” is intended to obscure. Everybody agrees that rape is a crime that should be prosecuted; feminist rhetoric about “rape culture,” on the other hand, is a sort of consciousness-raising project that aims to change the way we talk about sex.

The “rape culture” campaign is about punishing speech — including innocuous jokes — and ultimately about silencing criticism of feminist ideology: “Shut up, because rape!

If the media are “uncritically fascinated” with rape culture, why? “Nothing catches an editor’s eye like a good rape,” as Hunter S. Thompson observed in Hell’s Angels. If a feminist crusade gives BuzzFeed a sneaky way to appeal to prurient interests, why not?

“Rape culture,” like slideshows of adorable kittens, is good for web traffic. But we ought not confuse BuzzFeed’s search-engine optimization strategies with reality, and if feminists and their liberal media friends are making fat women paranoid about rape, this is a problem entirely separate from actual rape. Mocking feminists and mocking the media are not the same thing as mocking rape or mocking fat women.

Besides, mockery is pretty much my full-time job.

Welcome to the Internet, fatso.

(Hat-tip: @UnknownNameDoe on Twitter.)



UPDATE: At least one commenter has noticed that I illustrated this post with a painting by the 17th-century master Rubens, from whose plump female figures we derive the term “Rubenesque” to describe a woman who is pleasantly plump.

So, you might ask, is the author of the feminist “fat rape” screed a Rubenesque figure? You can go see for yourself.

By the way, she has already been the subject of a Reddit thread.



122 Responses to “Hey, Stop Raping Fat Chicks!”

  1. pabarge
    March 27th, 2014 @ 2:25 pm

    Feminism is a culture of gender hate.

  2. scarymatt
    March 27th, 2014 @ 2:29 pm

    Local crime stories, a spotting guide:

    Fits leftist narrative – Big story with national implications. Conservatives and men mostly to blame.

    Doesn’t fit leftist narrative – Local crime story, not important. Conservatives and men trying to distract the nation from Doing Good.

  3. Dana
    March 27th, 2014 @ 2:36 pm

    You know, when I read stories about sexual assaults in The Philadelphia Inquirer — that’s the term they use; rape is not normally the word employed — I never see descriptions of the victim as obese, skinny, fat, average, blonde, scantily-clad or hottie; the Inquirer normally gives only the age of the victim and the location at which the assault took place. The problem isn’t who the victim was, but that there was a crime and a victim.

    The rape of a cute girl is neither less nor more important than the rape of an ugly one; the assault on a younger girl neither more nor less heinous than that of an older one. The author is responding to what are essentially crude comments, sometimes from police, but the crimes are all equally serious.

  4. bet0001970
    March 27th, 2014 @ 2:48 pm

    So, it wasn’t enough to post fat-porn in my twitter feed. You took it to a whole new level and posted fat rape feminist screed. Because one can never have enough fat rape feminist screed in their twitter feed.

    Why can’t we go back to those by-gone days where people posted pictures of their dogs, news links and sent each other death threats? What is wrong with this world?

  5. RS
    March 27th, 2014 @ 2:50 pm

    It takes a rare person to be able to argue that she is entitled to be included within the category “Victims of Rape Culture,” by virtue of the fact that no one wants to have sexher–consensual or otherwise. That the same person would find the ability to actually write it down and publish it, and that presumably other people would take the argument seriously, demonstrates how forgone our educational system has fallen.

  6. RS
    March 27th, 2014 @ 2:53 pm

    RSM seems to have gone all “Neocon” where the plumpers are concerned, going with Rubens painting to illustrate this post. Motto for The Other McCain: “Go for Baroque!”

  7. Anamika
    March 27th, 2014 @ 3:03 pm

    In the long history of the Gender Wars, both “sides” have committed atrocities against each other. I firmly believe that it is men who have done it first and worst. The miracle though, is that it does not necessarily mean atoning for all the previous male sins. For the most part, it is sufficient to just not keep committing them, unless you’re unlucky enough to associate with a woman who has been too wounded to see you as an individual. But you are not doing the necessary minimum yet. And sometimes that minimum is knowing when to stop. And certainly, it includes listening.

  8. Dana
    March 27th, 2014 @ 3:04 pm

    Perhaps you might recall our honored host’s post about Melissa Seidemann of the US women’s water polo team, plus this one, or even mine (you should all be reading The First Street Journal!), you’d recall that our host doesn’t exactly hate women with some actual meat on their bones.

  9. bet0001970
    March 27th, 2014 @ 3:07 pm

    And of course…Meg Wanker Simpleton is here. If fat rape is mentioned, she’s gotta be around. At least “theoretically”.

  10. robertstacymccain
    March 27th, 2014 @ 3:28 pm

    Thanks, Dana: I confess to being quite generically heterosexual. Unlike some men, who are conditionally heterosexual — capable of arousal only if a woman resembles a Playboy centerfold — I am more or less attracted to all women, which is a perplexing phenomenon to many people, including my wife.

  11. Did Robert Stacy McCain really post this for Dan Collins @vermontaigne ? | Batshit Crazy News
    March 27th, 2014 @ 3:31 pm

    […]  It’s confirmed, he had to do this for Collins!  Either that or he is a big fan of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.  Or maybe for […]

  12. robertstacymccain
    March 27th, 2014 @ 3:35 pm

    Lying feminists hate-hoaxers need love, too!

  13. Dana
    March 27th, 2014 @ 3:38 pm

    Yet you, like I, are more attracted to some ladies than to others.

    The new girl at the bagel shop where I get my morning breakfast on the way to work sure isn’t fat; she’s so emaciated that her skinny jeans hang in loose folds on her, and when she bends over and some bare lower back peeks out — yes, of course I look! — you can count vertebrae. I don’t find that particularly attractive.

  14. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    March 27th, 2014 @ 3:47 pm

    It is nice of RSM to think of Dan Collins with posts like this.

  15. Anamika
    March 27th, 2014 @ 4:01 pm

    I prefer a little padding on a body, be it muscle or blubber…and some
    height….hair optional, but after a point, fat doesn’t just look bad,
    it dictates what the body can do.

    There is something great about thinness.

    I mean, you can’t make yourself taller but you can make yourself thinner. You can’t make yourself much better looking, but you can always stay thin. You can’t make yourself much smarter, but you can make yourself much thinner. You can’t even make yourself be nice enough to please everybody, but you can be thin… no matter what else you have no control over body and mind and life wise, you can control your weight.

    You can always say to yourself when you’re feeling inferior: “Well, at least I’m not FAT!”

    It’s a blessing to be given this one little, no pun intended, thing in life to be able to control.

  16. GVK
    March 27th, 2014 @ 4:07 pm

    Oh yeah, the bigger the cushion, the better the pushin.

  17. daleyrocks
    March 27th, 2014 @ 4:08 pm

    Rape culture is a social, academic and political construct by unhappy grievance mongering feminists who are only happy when they are making the lives of other people unhappy. Stacy has done an excellent job of excerpting their misery, irrationality and hate over the course of the past year.

    I thank him for his service!

  18. GVK
    March 27th, 2014 @ 4:09 pm

    Wow, that’s heavy stuff.
    Almost emotional blackmailing, I’d say.
    While I honestly do not think McCain feels listened to.

  19. RS
    March 27th, 2014 @ 4:10 pm

    I’ve never been a fan of either end of the weigh spectrum. I like enough “stuff” to let me know the object of my affection is, indeed, female, but no so much that the Richter scale is involved when moving from place to place.

  20. jakee308
    March 27th, 2014 @ 4:11 pm

    They’re going to start keeping weight statistics on rape victims (and presumably the perp too.)?

    Isn’t that . . . sizist?

    I think that if fat women would just stop flaunting all that extra cushioning goodness in men’s faces, they wouldn’t have to worry.

    I mean let’s be fair any women walking down the street sporting a mega muffin top and a nice big ba donk a donk is just asking for trouble.

  21. Jeanette Victoria
    March 27th, 2014 @ 4:11 pm

    This person is also a militant vegan who is fine the the murder of unborn babies

    But killing animals for food well now THAT is murder. I can’t make up this kind of idiocy

  22. jakee308
    March 27th, 2014 @ 4:12 pm

    When Meg sits around the thread, she sits AROUND the thread.

  23. RS
    March 27th, 2014 @ 4:14 pm

    In the long history of the Gender Wars . . . ,

    . . . the received Wisdom is largely counterfactual. FIFY.

  24. GVK
    March 27th, 2014 @ 4:21 pm

    “There is something great about thinness.”

    A more +ve way of putting it 🙂

    “but you can always stay thin.”

    Many of us can probably relate to this. I can too but i believe there may be more to it than that. We probably all know people who were mistreated or abused in childhood, whose nervous systems and psychological baggage developed in such a way to make normal trust difficult, and panic and phobic reactions very easy. I believe that some disposition to fat may similarly be embedded in body and psychology in some people whose parents forced an unhealthy relationship with food on them.

    Put another way: appetites for food and sex are completely normal, default, but when these normal energies get saddled with inappropriate baggage, they get perverted, and can be difficult to set right. The energies must move somehow, must express, this is their nature, but if wrongly channeled from the beginning by parents with trips, the channels can be stuck in self-sabotaging ways.

  25. Sort-Of-Mad Max
    March 27th, 2014 @ 4:27 pm

    In the bad old days, women like her used to have to become mothers-in-law in order to make more than one man at a time completely miserable. Progress!

  26. Anamika
    March 27th, 2014 @ 4:32 pm

    Many of us can probably relate to this. I can too but i believe there may be more to it than that.

    Many of us can relate, sure, but it was written as sarcasm because they are perverse thoughts. The “more” might be part of the reason why.

  27. Anamika
    March 27th, 2014 @ 4:36 pm

    We probably all know people who were mistreated or abused in childhood, […]in some people whose parents forced an unhealthy relationship with food on them.

    Yes, everything we can think of does happen, or so I believe. My personal take on fat Americans is that Americans eat rich food, prepackaged food made up mostly of fat and sugar, and eat mass quantities because we can. Then after we notice some extra baggage and people waddling down the grocery isle, a light bulb turns on and we wonder why everyone is getting so fat.

    Unfortunately, it isn’t true that weight is that one thing we have control over for most people.
    Once fat, a normal amount of calories can maintain a constant weight. I know someone who just lost 40 Kilos and the effort it took was far, far more than any of us do who are normally active and try to watch what we eat.

  28. Anamika
    March 27th, 2014 @ 4:38 pm

    Just as in the issues of sex, once the idea that fat is bad but eating is just so good, you have your unhealthy obsession and obesity and anorexia together is the disease.

  29. Daniel O'Brien
    March 27th, 2014 @ 4:40 pm

    @UnknownNameDoe account is now suspended, Stacy. Too much publicity I guess. The shutuppery is strong here.

  30. Daniel O'Brien
    March 27th, 2014 @ 4:43 pm

    I have a definite cringe reflex when the backbone vertebrae are predominate. Dunno why, but it’s a visceral repulsion.

  31. Anamika
    March 27th, 2014 @ 4:44 pm

    Put another way: appetites for food and sex are completely normal, default, but when […] if wrongly channeled from the beginning by parents with trips, the channels can be stuck in self-sabotaging ways.

    “Parent” trips, imo, are less important to the overall issue than are societal trips. TV, movies, mags, books, and other public info puts out the template for the budding minds to try and fit into. These days, just as sex is sold equally as unwholesome and yet incredibly desirable, the pattern for food and body size in society is sold as rich food being irresistible but fat being repulsive, the ideal body size even much thinner than most of our parents and grandparents were.

    The insanity of unrealistic desires and expectations breeds obsession and there becomes cruelty in sex practices and cruelty in regards to eating, and where there is cruelty, there arise morbid conditions in wild extremes: either too fat or too thin to live well. Do we live in a sadistic culture, or are we just silly kids?

  32. Jeanette Victoria
    March 27th, 2014 @ 4:53 pm

    Have to agree with that my barnacle has stalked me all over twitter and now into my real life but I get suspended for abuse.

  33. Kirby McCain
    March 27th, 2014 @ 4:57 pm

    Save the whales, kill the kids.

  34. Jeanette Victoria
    March 27th, 2014 @ 5:01 pm

    Yeah it’s creepy and extremely evil

  35. Kirby McCain
    March 27th, 2014 @ 5:08 pm

    Which explains your fascination with Pelosi.

  36. Quartermaster
    March 27th, 2014 @ 6:03 pm

    She’s not Reubenesque. She’s just fat.

  37. Wombat_socho
    March 27th, 2014 @ 6:05 pm
  38. Daniel O'Brien
    March 27th, 2014 @ 6:08 pm

    Sorry about your stalker, Jeanette. Keep fighting the good fight!

  39. Esther Williams
    March 27th, 2014 @ 6:09 pm

    Liberalism is a mirage of illusions.

  40. Quartermaster
    March 27th, 2014 @ 6:09 pm

    Dan must have complained about teh lack of such posts lately.

  41. Jeanette Victoria
    March 27th, 2014 @ 6:18 pm

    Well, we live in evil times were evil is now preached as a moral good. Vile people are repulsed by truth and morality

  42. Anamika
    March 27th, 2014 @ 6:22 pm

    Nice!This is a classic

    Mercury had a turbo-power voice, fantastic.

  43. G Joubert
    March 27th, 2014 @ 6:24 pm

    Sometimes it helps to keep in mind Rush Limbaugh’s Undeniable Truth of Life #24: Feminism was established so that unattractive women could have easier access to the mainstream of society.

  44. Anamika
    March 27th, 2014 @ 6:55 pm

    Take a step back and you can see that the risks of being online, include being harassed by idiots.

    I am not saying this, to attempt to ameliorate any damage done, or any feelings hurt or sensibilities offended; I am pointing out, that realistically, such threats are very real and one can take any chosen steps to avoid them.

    I have seen the pervs and sociopaths swoop down for the kill on social networking sites; my attitude is forwarned and thus forearmed. I prefer nice and fun, but we have seen, in great abundance and in greatly prolonged agony for some of us with higher tastes and strong beliefs, safety is a matter of personal provenance, and is not guaranteed by the institution of online venues.

  45. Anamika
    March 27th, 2014 @ 7:06 pm

    Feminists are first, human Beings, and may suffer any vulnerability of the human, including harboring deep resentments, bitterness, and rage, and any other such possible consequence of living in our times as a woman or man.

    I think you know, that of the many categories of affiliation which people may choose to belong to, that a person can come into such association in a very wounded condition. Many young men who join martial arts clubs, bear major grudges against certain others; and that condition predates their decision to affiliate and identify as martial artist.

    Many of the feminists whom I have known, began avowing their affilliation only after many years of being abused and battered; and I can tell you, that some of them would do some very bad things if provoked, but not because of their affiliation with feminism.

  46. Rosalie
    March 27th, 2014 @ 7:31 pm

    We forgive others not for them but for ourselves. If anyone harbors “deep resentments, bitterness, and rage, they deserve to be miserable. The problem is they become feminists and make everyone else miserable.

  47. maniakmedic
    March 27th, 2014 @ 7:41 pm

    Yep. To a green freak/leftist, killing an unborn baby is getting rid of an unwanted clump of cells. But you crack an egg for an omelet and the holy wrath of Gaia will decend upon your head. Also, apparently abortion is a gift from God, according to some lefty dumbass who probably only believes in God as far as He is useful to invoke to shut up/piss off those horrible, vagina-stealing Christians. Truly, nobody can make these people up.

  48. K-Bob
    March 27th, 2014 @ 7:47 pm

    What’s wrong you ask? Too much of this:

  49. maniakmedic
    March 27th, 2014 @ 7:48 pm

    I wish I could say I don’t believe you, but I get to be around people who like to brag about their whoreish exploits and talk down to people who are more circumspect about what they do with their crotches.

    Now I await being told to pull my head out of my ass and that conservatives are going to die out by the resident IP jumping troll.

  50. gastorgrab
    March 27th, 2014 @ 7:54 pm

    When will left-handed dyslexics have their place in the sun? When will they have justice?

    Wait, what is the title of thread again?