The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

I Wonder How Uncle Jimbo Really Feels About Rep. Lynne Woolsey

by Smitty Uncle Jimbo at BlackFive: Good lord there are far too many dim-witted buffoons in Congress to actually catalog, but Rep. Lynne Woolsey wins the Daily Douchebag award for this asininity. “General Petraeus is giving us the Charlie Sheen counter-insurgency strategy, which is to give exclusive interviews to every major network, and to keep […]

The Afghanistan Analysts Network: What The Netty-Tubes Are For

by Smitty Now and then you find a trove of genuinely useful references on the Internet. As I sit in Bagram at the Green Bean, surrounded by stunning mountains, wondering what the place will be like in a few decades, it’s good to encounter something actually helpful in understanding the situation. Those interested in learning […]

Bin Laden Tells France to Surrender

As if they needed to be told: Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden called on France to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan in exchange for releasing French hostages being held by affiliates of the extremist group, according to a new audio message broadcast on an Arabic news channel Friday. “The exit of your hostages out of […]

Worst Scandal Imaginable

A Texas company gets billions in taxpayer money to train police in Afghanistan and, it appears, provides services of a very multicultural sort. I’m not even going to quote the story or describe it. It’s bad. Very, very bad. More at Memeorandum and Outside the Beltway.

BREAKING: Rumored Secret U.S. Weapon Causes Taliban Surrender

Shocking news from Afghanistan: KABUL — Thousands of Taliban fighters have surrendered to Allied forces after rumors spread among the militants in Afghanistan that the United States was prepared to deploy a devastating new secret weapon, NATO commanders said Saturday. As frightened former members of the Afghan insurgency streamed into Allied encampments, tearfully pleading to […]

‘And the War, Tragically, Continues’

Frank Rich’s latest idiotic idea is that Fox News coverage of the Ground Zero Mosque controversy has thwarted U.S. anti-insurgency efforts in Afghanistan. No, seriously. He actually devoted 1,572 words to making that absurd argument. This inspired Rob Long to script a scenario: I can see it now: the flickering firelight in a dark cave […]

Brilliant: U.S. Gives Pakistan $1 Billion; Pakistan Helps Our Enemies Kill Us

That’s the bottom line on the Wikileaks document dump, which shows that U.S. aid to Pakistan isn’t buying us any love: Americans fighting the war in Afghanistan have long harbored strong suspicions that Pakistan’s military spy service has guided the Afghan insurgency with a hidden hand, even as Pakistan receives more than $1 billion a […]

Defeatist Peaceniks Upset That Obama Isn’t Losing Afghanistan War Fast Enough

That’s not the headline on the Politico story, but it could be: The president and congressional critics, long on a collision course over the war in Afghanistan, are hurtling ever faster toward each other since the ouster of Gen. Stanley McChrystal, and doves on Capitol Hill are feeling a little tougher right now. The anti-war […]

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