The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 03.17.23

Posted on | March 18, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.17.23

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Patron saint of Ireland

357 Magnum: The Woke Rewrite Literature Because They Can’t Write
EBL: St. Patrick’s Day Rule 5, Saint Patrick ??, and Happy Birthday Michael Caine
Twitchy: California Congressman Shows What Cali Is Doing With All That Stormwater, Stanford Red Guards Rage At Being Named & Shamed By Washington Free Beacon, and Misogynist Leftard Preacher John Pavlovitz Accuses Republican Women Of “Internalized Misogyny”, Gets Rekt
Louder With Crowder: Kamala Harris gets booed of out an Iowa arena when they showed her attempting to pander for March Madness
Vox Popoli: The World They Never Knew, Sigma Game, Checkmate, Putin, and Secular Blindness and Post-Ideology
According To Hoyt: In Praise Of Beauty, Your Lying Eyes, and SVB – A Guest Post by Francis Turner
Monster Hunter Nation: WriterDojo S4 E10: Profanity, also, Back to (Gun) School

American Conservative: Germany Lurches Toward Schism, also, Conservatives Should Hope
American Greatness: Biden Family Members Paid by Chinese Firm with Ties to CCP
American Thinker: Questioning the January 6 Aftermath, also, ESG Will Bankrupt You — Financially and Morally
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Mexican Drug Cartels Friday
Babalu Blog: Protests likely as Cuban dictatorship’s team arrives in Miami for World Baseball Classic, Cuban terrorists who murdered four American human rights activists should be brought to justice, Are you sure St. Patrick wasn’t Cuban?, and Cuban opposition leader says he’d rather remain imprisoned for life than stain his honor
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For March 17
Behind The Black: Rocket Lab and China launch satellites successfully, Astra asks for more time from Nasdaq before its stock is delisted, Starship launch still stalled by FAA, SpaceX launches another 52 Starlink satellites, and Pushback: Smithsonian ordered to no longer violate the First Amendment
Cafe Hayek: Difficult to Believe that Such An Essay Is Published In March 2023, also, On Hayek
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Chicago Boyz: Harrison Bergeroning
Da Tech Guy: Off to Maine To Continue the Lockdown Birthday Tradition
Don Surber: Libs Want A Trump-DeSantis War
First Street Journal: “I’ll take ‘Things you won’t find in the Inquirer’ for $200, Alex.”
Gates Of Vienna: Klaboosterbach Walks It Back… Sort Of, A Banner Day for Dutch Farmers, Imagine There’s No Migrants — It’s Easy if You Try, and BBB Won a (Useless) Landslide Victory
The Geller Report: BOMBSHELL Pfizer Confidential Documents: Pfizer Knew Its Covid ‘Vaccine’ Caused Myocarditis But Did Not Disclose, also, CDC Bought Phone Data To Monitor Americans’ Compliance With Lockdowns, Contracts Show
Hogewash:  Hubble and the Crab Nebula, I’m Not Making This Up, You Know, Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, and A Higher Authority Disagrees with Rep. Harris
Hollywood In Toto: Fox News’ Secret Weapon – Kamala Harris Impressionist Ester Paltielova, also, Rumble Goes All-In on Free Speech with Russell’s ‘Brandemic’
The Lid: Dept. of Defense is Wasting $50 Million/Year Doing Nothing With Trump’s Border Wall Materials
Legal Insurrection: Troy University Closes China-Sponsored Campus Confucius Institute, Boston Mayor Focuses on ‘Green’ Construction as City Struggles to Answer 911 Calls, Pennsylvania Democrat Outraged That Conservatives are Allowed to Speak on College Campuses, Woke Twitter Claims “Woke” Doesn’t Exist If You Can’t Precisely Define It, and Stanford Red Guard Screamed At Conservative Judge: “We hope your daughters get raped!”
Nebraska Energy Observer: Scattershot Friday
Outkick: The Bunny Ranch Welcomes Jimmy Garoppolo To Las Vegas, Invites Him To Pay Them A Visit, Olympic Pole Vaulter Alysha Newman Does Some Resting & Recovering In A Bikini In Miami, Viral Utah State Cheerleader Reacts To Crying During March Madness Loss: ‘Now I’m A Meme’, Double Whammy: Howard Players Endure Cringey Kamala Harris Post Game Speech After Losing To Kansas By 28 Points, and #1 Purdue Loses to #16 Fairleigh Dickinson In Historic Upset
Power Line: Minnesota Is In the News–For Craziness, Hallie Biden in family business, Inside Stanford’s disgrace, and Thoughts from the ammo line
Protein Wisdom Reborn: The Unbearable Lightness Of Being Charlie Sykes
Shark Tank: Diaz-Balart Calls For Investigation Into Exported Cuban Baseball Players
Shot In The Dark: One Morning In The Duchey Household, So Let’s Make Sure We’re Clear On This, Defining His Place, and Metaphor Alert
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday: Panama Debates and Crotchety Conservatives
This Ain’t Hell: I know you’re Fonda Jane, Bus hijacker Soldier to be chaptered out of the Army, The Department of Veterans Affairs to change its motto, and Valor Friday
Transterrestrial Musings: Hilarious Twitter Thread, also, Revisionism
Victory Girls: Banks Are Sound Says Yellen While Bank Execs Made Bank
Volokh Conspiracy: The Declining Political Significance of Irish-American Identity, also, The State-Created Danger Doctrine
Watts Up With That: Best Extinction Prevention Plan?  Quit Killing Them, also, Countdown To New York’s Rendezvous With Energy Impossibility
Weasel Zippers: 785 Days After Biden Took Office, WH Says “We’re Going To Secure The Border”, also, Kamala Harris Confirms Her Failed Vice Presidency Is Really An Episode Of Veep
The Federalist: Minnesota Could Be Third State To Adopt Ranked-Choice Voting, Following Alaska And Maine, DOD Pays Media-Rating Scammers To Create Propaganda And Censorship Tech For U.S. Government, San Francisco Moves Forward With $5 Million-Per-Person ‘Reparations’ Handouts While City Falls Apart, In Bemoaning What They ‘Won’t Teach Anymore,’ Educators Reveal 6 Ways They Indoctrinate Students, and ‘Woke’ Effectively Describes The Left’s Insanity, And That’s Why They Hate When You Say It
Mark Steyn: Live Around the Planet: Friday March 17th

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Journalists Against Journalism: Reporter in Crime-Ridden Philadelphia Criticized for Reporting About City’s Crime Wave

Posted on | March 17, 2023 | 1 Comment

If you live near Philadelphia, you almost certainly know Steve Keeley, one of the city’s most popular television reporters, who has been at WTXF-TV (Fox 29) for nearly three decades. The man is a local legend, and in recent years has been covering the outrageous epidemic of criminal violence that has plagued Philadelphia since Soros-backed Larry Krasner was elected the city’s district attorney. As recently as 2014, Philly had fewer than 250 homicides annually, but Krasner was elected DA in 2017 and the homicide rate began rising almost immediately: 353 in 2018 and the same number the next year. Then in 2020, the city well and truly earned the nickname “Killadelphia,” as there were 499 homicides, an astonishing 41% increase in a single year. But 2021 was even worse — indeed, the 562 homicides in 2021 were the most in the city’s history — and the next year, the total fell just slightly from that all-time record, as 516 were victims of homicide in “Killadelphia” in 2022. That’s just murders, you understand, and doesn’t take into account all the armed robberies, aggravated assaults, carjackings, etc. How bad is crime in Philadelphia? Literally worse than Chicago, at least on a per-capita basis.

Obviously, if your city suddenly turns into a chaotic slaughterhouse of lawless violence, that’s a pretty important story for a local journalist to cover, and Steve Keeley has been covering it relentlessly. Covering it so well, in fact, that a bunch of weenies and wusses in Philadelphia’s journalism hive are complaining that Keeley is covering too much crime:

Philadelphia magazine analyzed a study of the city’s media and concluded that Mr. Keeley’s station devoted far more stories to local crime than any other news outlet. In a follow-up piece in the magazine, several critics came forward with negative takes on Mr. Keeley, including some of his media colleagues.
Cherri Gregg, a longtime radio journalist in Philadelphia who now hosts a show for the city’s NPR-affiliated WHYY, told the magazine that Mr. Keeley’s work “definitely makes me cringe” and that “[c]rime coverage can be very harmful and scares people.”
She said she feared that minority communities, specifically men, could be hurt by such journalism. She did not express concern for people in those same communities who have been victimized by crime, nor did she say the reporting was inaccurate.
Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Jenice Armstrong chimed in as well, calling Mr. Keeley’s Twitter feed “disturbing,” but not because of the constant crime in the city.

Let the reader guess what Cherri Gregg and Jenice Armstrong have in common (I checked; your guess is correct), but beyond the obvious fact of their membership in the same demographic group that’s committing at least 80% of the violent crime in Philly, they have something else in common: Neither one of them is anywhere near as experienced as Steve Keeley in covering actual news, as opposed to engaging in the kind of thinly-disguised progressive activism that is considered “journalism” at liberal outlets like NPR and the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Dana Pico’s been on the “Killadelphia” beat for years and has a few thoughts on the anti-journalism tendencies of liberal journalists.



In The Mailbox: 03.16.23

Posted on | March 17, 2023 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: The End Of Free Speech In America
Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #2022
EBL: Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris, also, DeSantis Deemphasizes War, Urges Peace Between Ukraine and Russia
Twitchy: DeSantis Pudding Story May End His 2024 Presidential Bid, also, State Sen. Scott Wiener (Pedo-CA) Reveals Far Right Attempts To Incite Violence Against Him
Louder With Crowder:  A biological male, who competed for boys until this year, leads girl’s track team to state championship, also, New ETF does the exact opposite of what Jim Cramer recommends and it’s already beating the market
Vox Popoli: Star Wars is Dead, History is a Cycle, The Crisis of Empire, and The Problem, Not the Answer

American Conservative: America Doesn’t Need Ground-Based Nukes, also, Bishop Barron’s Bottom-Up Revival
American Greatness: Federal Court Rules Against NY Worker Fired for Refusing to Attend LGBTQ Training, also, Angry Taxpayers Respond to Latest Bank Bailouts
American Thinker: January 6 Doesn’t Shine a Candle to COVID, Elections Have Consequences; Stolen Elections Have Catastrophes, and The Communist Tortoise and the Communist Hare
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Air Traffic Control News
Babalu Blog: Castro State Security targets Cuban social media influencers and former prisoners of conscience, Cuba’s tobacco farmers starve while dictatorship enriches itself from cigar sales to foreigners, World’s top expert on the papacy sums up the political legacy of Pope Francis, and Huge protest sign drawn on Havana street
BattleSwarm: More On How SVB Screwed The Pooch
Behind The Black: Red China’s Long March 11 rocket launches classified Earth observation satellite, Student cubesat demonstrates how to use a solar sail for satellite deorbit, Virgin Orbit pauses operations; seeks funding, Endless ripple dunes in Mars’ third largest impact basin, and Today’s blacklisted American: Rhode Island school district blacklists Christian afterschool club because it is Christian
CDR Salamander: 12 Years – Untold Misery – No Accountability
Chicago Boyz: Behind the Banking Crisis, also, Book Review: The Year of the French
Da Tech Guy: Joe Biden issued another gun grabbing Executive Order, also, Some Catholic Thoughts Under the Fedora
Dana Loesch: Bank Collapses, EPA Failures, & Gun Control, Oh My!
Don Surber: The End of Banking?
First Street Journal: WW3 Watch: Neocons who never served are calling an Iraq war veteran “chicken” because he doesn’t want the US involved in Ukraine
Gates Of Vienna: Terror Alert for Churches in Vienna, also, Democratic Party in Italy Bombed by the Anarchists
The Geller Report: TRUMP VOWS TO IMPLEMENT FOUR-YEAR PLAN ‘TO GAIN TOTAL INDEPENDENCE FROM CHINA’, also, New Documents released by Oversight Committee Show Red China Paid Millions to Biden Crime Family
Hogewash:  Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, also,  An Irregular Dwarf
Hollywood In Toto: Angel Studios Goes to the Movies, Challenges Hollywood on Its Home Turf, also, Shazam! Fury of the Gods Keeps the Good Times Rolling
The Lid: The ‘Fact Checkers’ Lied Again: Biden Really IS Trying to Outlaw Gas Stoves
Legal Insurrection: Florida “Stop WOKE Act” Remains On Hold As Appeals Court Refuses To Lift Lower Court Injunction, Arizona Launches Hotline so Parents Can Report Critical Race Theory, Other Woke Subjects in Schools, House Weaponization Committee Investigating Air Force Records Leak to Democrat-Aligned Firm, Is Affirmative Action Hurting Black Students in Law Schools?, and House Hearing Held on Southern Border, Democrat Minority Boycotts
Nebraska Energy Observer: Disgusting
Outkick: Furman Basketball Sends Savage Message With Unintentionally (?) Explicit Chant At March Madness, Conor McGregor Drops F-Bomb During Sean Hannity Appearance, Donates $1 Million To Charity, Roll Madness: Just When You Thought We Could Move On To The NCAA Tournament, Alabama Stepped To The Podium Again, Paige Spiranac Is Fired Up For March Madness, and Deion Sanders Makes Coaches Run For Losing Drill, Kicks Player Out Of Weight Room For The Wrong Socks
Power Line: The Great Neocon Freakout, The Anti-DeSantis Emerges, and Nope, ‘Woke’ Is Not a Polite Way of Saying the N-Word
Shark Tank: DeSantis Blasts COVID “Experts” Over “Woke Virus” Lab Leak Coverup
Shot In The Dark: Primary Education, also, Sartre Was So Close
The Political Hat: Killer Canada – Executing Prisoners; Killing Without Parental Consent; Causing Despair To Encourage Suicide
This Ain’t Hell: Brent A HABETLER – Sir Lies-a-lot. – Stolen Valour Canada, also, Climate change called off
Transterrestrial Musings: The Byzantines, The Office Of Space Commerce, and How We Forgot Pol Pot
Victory Girls: DeSantis Organizing States to Push Back on ESG
Volokh Conspiracy: Ordinary Meaning as Last Resort, also, How Should Law Schools Handle Protests at Student Events?
Watts Up With That: Washington Post: We Must Change the Meaning of Wealth to Appreciate Climate Action, Renewable Fail: Britain to Now Class Nuclear Power as “Sustainable Energy”, and EU Takes Step to Force All Homes, Buildings to Meet Crushing Energy Efficiency Standards
Weasel Zippers: Report: Chinese Communist Party-Linked Company Funneled Over $1 Million To Biden Family Members
The Federalist: How The False Promises Of The Sexual Revolution Created A New Religion, PolitiFact Tries To ‘Fact-Check’ A Federalist Article On Democrats’ Dark Money Election Takeover And Fails Miserably, Republicans Can’t Beat Democrats’ Election-Industrial Complex By Adopting Its Strategies, Internal Memo Shows Biden Admin Wanted To Ban Gas Stoves Before Public Backlash, and N.J. Mom Sues Police & Military Officials For Labeling Her Post About School’s ‘Polysexual’ Poster A ‘Security Threat’
Mark Steyn: The Solitude Quotient

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Is Your Meme a Federal Felony?

Posted on | March 16, 2023 | 1 Comment

How would you like to spend 10 years in a federal penitentiary because of something you posted on Twitter? As strange as it seems, this could be the fate of “Ricky Vaughn,” the DOJ announced in January 2021:

A Florida man was arrested this morning on charges of conspiring with others in advance of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election to use various social media platforms to disseminate misinformation designed to deprive individuals of their constitutional right to vote.
Douglass Mackey, aka Ricky Vaughn, 31, of West Palm Beach, was charged by criminal complaint in the Eastern District of New York. . . .
“There is no place in public discourse for lies and misinformation to defraud citizens of their right to vote,” said Seth D. DuCharme, Acting U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York. “With Mackey’s arrest, we serve notice that those who would subvert the democratic process in this manner cannot rely on the cloak of Internet anonymity to evade responsibility for their crimes. They will be investigated, caught and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.” . . .
The complaint alleges that in 2016, Mackey established an audience on Twitter with approximately 58,000 followers. A February 2016 analysis by the MIT Media Lab ranked Mackey as the 107th most important influencer of the then-upcoming Election, ranking his account above outlets and individuals such as NBC News (#114), Stephen Colbert (#119) and Newt Gingrich (#141). . . .
For example, on Nov. 1, 2016, Mackey allegedly tweeted an image that featured an African American woman standing in front of an “African Americans for [the Candidate]” sign. The image included the following text: “Avoid the Line. Vote from Home. Text ‘[Candidate’s first name]’ to 59925[.] Vote for [the Candidate] and be a part of history.” The fine print at the bottom of the image stated: “Must be 18 or older to vote. One vote per person. Must be a legal citizen of the United States. Voting by text not available in Guam, Puerto Rico, Alaska or Hawaii. Paid for by [Candidate] for President 2016.”
The tweet included the typed hashtags “#Go [Candidate]” and another slogan frequently used by the Candidate. On or about and before Election Day 2016, at least 4,900 unique telephone numbers texted “[Candidate’s first name]” or some derivative to the 59925 text number, which was used in multiple deceptive campaign images tweeted by the defendant and his co-conspirators.

Thus answering the question: How dumb are Democrat voters?

Another question: How did the FBI figure out the identity of “Ricky Vaughn”? To which the answer is, they didn’t. “Ricky Vaughn” got doxxed in 2018 by a HuffPo writer named Luke O’Brien. Trial of “Ricky Vaughn” was scheduled to start this week, until Luke O’Brien popped up again:

Mackey’s trial was meant to commence on March 16 but was delayed at his counsel’s request due to a planned Southern Poverty Law Center article on the defense’s would-be expert witness, George Hawley, an associate professor of political science from the University of Alabama. . . .
While the article by freelance journalist Luke O’Brien has yet to be published, Mackey’s attorney, Andrew Frisch, claimed it “unfairly disparages” Hawley and is partially based on the professor’s “private emails.”
“Mr. O’Brien waited until the start of trial to submit written questions to Professor Hawley in an apparent attempt to paint him as an extremist, including questions based on private emails which Mr. O’Brien obtained, simultaneously asking Professor Hawley if his employer, the University of Alabama, is aware of his proffered testimony at Mr. Mackey’s trial,” Frisch wrote in a letter requesting to delay the trial by at least 14 days.
In response to the unpublished SPLC report, Frisch told U.S. District Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis that Hawley has requested to withdraw his name as a witness.
“For these reasons, I have no choice but to request a short adjournment of trial so that I may endeavor to identify a replacement expert witness,” Frisch wrote.

Will federal charges of obstructing justice be filed against Luke O’Brien? Isn’t doing this to a witness in a federal trial illegal? If not, shouldn’t it be? And if the trial goes forward now, doesn’t “Ricky Vaughn” have a ready-made grounds for appeal? But while we’re asking rhetorical questions, MEMES ARE A FEDERAL CRIME? MEMES? ARE YOU F***ING KIDDING ME WITH THIS?



Yellen’s Banking House of Cards

Posted on | March 16, 2023 | Comments Off on Yellen’s Banking House of Cards

Far be it from me to claim to be an expert in financial institutions. My knowledge of banking is no greater than the average SVB board member, which is to say I know nearly nothing about the subject. But judging from headlines in recent days, I have the distinct impression that Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is basically shuffling around piles of money from one troubled bank to another in a desperate attempt to stave off a complete collapse of the international financial system.

Did I mention U.S. banks are bailing out the Chicoms?

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admitted during a Thursday Congressional hearing that Chinese Communist Party-linked businesses that had deposits in Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) will be made whole by the American banking system.
Senator James Lankford (R., Okla.) pressed Yellen on the matter during a Senate Finance Committee hearing held days after Silicon Valley Bank collapsed.
“It has been reported publicly that SVB had a large number of Chinese investors that are there including some companies that were directly connected to the Chinese Communist Party,” Senator Lankford (R., Okla.) asked Yellen during Thursday afternoon’s hearing. “So what I’m asking is: will my banks in Oklahoma pay a special assessment to be able to make Chinese investors whole in Silicon Valley Bank?”
Secretary Yellen confirmed that they would.

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.) Meanwhile, in Switzerland:

Credit Suisse shares surged Thursday after the Swiss central bank agreed to loan the bank up to 50 billion francs ($54 billion) to bolster confidence in the country’s second-biggest lender following the collapse of two U.S. banks.
Credit Suisse announced the agreement before the Swiss stock market opened, sending shares up as much as 33% before they settled around a 17% gain, to 2 francs ($2.15), in late afternoon trading. That was a massive turnaround from a day earlier, when news that the bank’s biggest shareholder would not inject more money into Credit Suisse sent its shares tumbling 30%. The plunge in price dragged down other European banks and deepened concerns about the international financial system.

Prior to the intervention, there was an incipient panic emerging over Credit Suisse, and such financial brush fires keep popping up:

First Republic Bank, facing a crisis of confidence from investors and customers, is set to receive a $30 billion lifeline from a group of America’s largest banks.
“This show of support by a group of large banks is most welcome, and demonstrates the resilience of the banking system,” the Treasury Department said in a statement Thursday.
The major banks include JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citigroup and Truist.
The $30 billion infusion will give the struggling San Francisco lender much-needed cash to meet customer withdrawals and buttress confidence in the US banking system during a tumultuous moment for lenders. . . .
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Thursday met privately in Washington with JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon before 11 banks agreed to deposit $30 billion in First Republic Bank to stabilize the teetering lender, according to two people familiar with the matter.

So far, then, the system continues to function, but how much longer can this “crisis of confidence” situation continue, with one bank after another getting wobbly and crying out for Janet Yellen’s intervention?

Nothing to worry about, Secretary Yellen tells Congress:

Yellen touted the federal government’s “decisive and forceful” actions to shore up the banking sector while testifying before members of the Senate Finance Committee.
“I can reassure the members of the Committee that our banking system remains sound, and that Americans can feel confident that their deposits will be there when they need them,” Yellen said.
“This week’s actions demonstrate our resolute commitment to ensure that depositors’ savings remain safe,” she added.

Just like Joe Biden, repeatedly claiming that everything’s just hunky-dory thanks to his economic agenda, Yellen appears to believe that the banking crisis is basically a public-relations issue. As long as she can continue to convince everybody that there’s no underlying problem with the system, the crisis will be averted: “Americans can feel confident,” she says, as if feelings were the only thing that mattered, and never mind whether your bank has enough assets to meet its obligations.

Can she get away with this? Will her three-card monte game just keep rolling indefinitely? Chip Dillard could not be reached for comment.



In The Mailbox: 03.15.23 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | March 16, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.15.23 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

MN Lt. Gov. Flanagan: “When our children tell us who they are, it’s our job as grownups to listen and believe them.”

EBL: The Trad Wife Whisperer, also, The Murder of Julius Caesar
Twitchy: Socialist Party Beclowns Itself By Inventing Capitalism, Biden Declares Victory Over Big Pharma, and Bethany Mandel Owns Her “Brain Fart” On Wokeness, Making Woke Libs Even Madder
Louder With Crowder: ‘They Have Awakened A Sleeping Giant’, DeSantis strips Miami hotel of its liquor license for allowing kids to be exposed to sexually explicit Christmas show, and TikTok blonde nails why putting your pronouns on your resume disqualifies you for most employers
Vox Popoli: You Wanted Conan, Discernment and the Lack Thereof, Antisemitism, Han-style, and You Had One Job

American Conservative: ‘The World That We Will Live and Die In’
American Greatness: Claremont Institute Reveals Database to Track Corporate Funding of Black Lives Matter, Failed Banks Previously Lobbied to Loosen Banking Regulations, and Florida House Passes Bill to Ban Diversity Programs at Public Colleges
American Thinker: Biden – Worse than Jimmy Carter, The Democrat-Media Insurrection Myth, and The J6 Committee’s Obstruction of Justice
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Federal judge rules to enforce $2.79 billion judgment against Cuba’s dictatorship for murder and torture, Six out of every seven rooms in Cuba’s apartheid hotels were vacant last year, and Cuban state-run website takes down anti-gay speech by Fidel Castro
BattleSwarm: Important Safety Tip
Behind The Black: NASA agrees to Axiom’s third planned commercial passenger mission to ISS, Perseverance captures a movie of Ingenuity’s 47th flight on Mars, Firefly wins its second NASA contract to land payloads on the Moon, Geological evidence of past glacier found in Mars’ dry equatorial regions, and Pushback: Legal and public pressure forces California college to cancel plans to fire employees for not getting jab
CDR Salamander: Hendrix’s View from an Island Nation
Da Tech Guy: Quick Thoughts Under the Fedora
Don Surber: Newsless Papers
First Street Journal: Once again, the #woke credentialed media don’t want to cover the story
Gates Of Vienna: The Brutal Death of Luise
The Geller Report: New Body Cam J6 Footage Shows Police Inviting, Ushering Protesters Through Senate Chamber, Destroying Narrative Created By J6 Committee, also, Vermont Christian School Banned From All Future Tournaments After Forfeiting Game To Team With Male Player
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Einstein Rings, and Nothing to See Here. Move Along.
Hollywood In Toto: Sue Costello Sues Paramount Global, Demands Jury Trial for Breach of Contract, Follow the Dead Proves Smarter Than Your Average Zom-Comedy, and Why The Last of Us Is the Year’s Best (and Worst) TV Show
The Lid: Antifa Terrorists Violently Smash Windows Trying to Shut Down Charlie Kirk Event At UC Davis
Legal Insurrection: Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Admits Authoritarian Orders Were “More Than We Needed to Do”, Free Speech Talk at U. Denver’s College of Law Requires Security Guards and Threats of Discipline to Proceed, ‘I’m Back’: James O’Keefe Launches New Media Company After Project Veritas Ouster, Gov. Abbott Taking Over Houston Independent School District ‘After Years of Academic Failure’, and Full Audio Confirms Stanford Law School Students Shouted Down Conservative Judge In Violation Of Policy
Nebraska Energy Observer: A Brit’s view of the constitution of the United States of America (2)
Outkick: Jim Boeheim Offers Multiple Bonkers Suggestions For March Madness, Ja Morant Speaks With ESPN’s Jalen Rose, Says He Doesn’t Condone Violence And Denies Owning Strip Club Gun, Should Daniel Jones Sacrifice Money In The Name Of Lamar Jackson?, Aaron Rodgers To ESPN’s Adam Schefter: ‘Lose My Number’, and Scottie Scheffler’s Masters Champions Dinner Menu Is Pure America, And It’s Awesome
Power Line: Biggest Victim of SVB Collapse? The Climate, Of Course, The Week in Energy: News on New Nukes, and Old, and The tears of Tirien Steinbach
Shark Tank: Senators Seek To Prevent Confederate-era Statue Removal
Shot In The Dark: Public Service Announcement
The Political Hat: The Ides Of March, also, Happy Pi Day!
This Ain’t Hell: Black Sea Follies, also, Victim of a Marine Corps conspiracy to erase their identity, now sentenced to prison
Transterrestrial Musings: What Happened To SVB?, also, Woke Colleges
Victory Girls: Gas Stove Ban Environmental Group Hires Stacey Abrams, also, From the VG Bookshelf: Stolen Youth
Volokh Conspiracy: ChatGPT-4 Aces the Bar Exam, also, New Law School “Mismatch” Data from UCLA Lawprof Richard Sander
Watts Up With That: Climate Crisis? What Climate Crisis? Part One: The Evidence, A Fresh Approach to Energy Policy, and Germany’s Coming Green Energy “Economic Miracle”
Weasel Zippers: U.S Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz Admits We Do NOT Have Operational Control Of Our Borders, Biden’s Plans To Tax Unrealized Capital Gains Called “Blatanty Unconstitutional”, MSNBC Wants Baseball Moved Out of Florida Over DeSantis’ War On Woke, and Treasury Reports Show Biden Family Made Millions from Chinese Company After 2016
The Federalist: Kamala Harris’ Husband Claims The Holocaust And Going To A School Board Meeting Are ‘Interconnected’, Democrats Deserve Plenty Of Blame For The Bank Crisis, Democrat Activist To Resign From Voter Roll Operation After Pressure From GOP States, No, Age-Appropriate Library Restrictions Are Not ‘Book Bans’, and DeSantis Yanks Hyatt Regency Miami’s Liquor License For Hosting Holiday Drag Show With Kids Present
Mark Steyn: One Big Crazy College Campus


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In The Mailbox: 03.15.23 (Morning Edition)

Posted on | March 15, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.15.23 (Morning Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Happy Pi Day! Not too late to run out and grab a slice. Delayed until this morning thanks to carb overload on Pi Day.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: 3.14 = Pi Day, Also Albert Einstein’s Birthday
EBL: Next Exit, Gavin Strangelove Bombs The US Economy, and Donald J. Trump & The J6 Prison Choir
Twitchy: Tucker Carlson Masterfully Trolls The Left With New Twitter Bio, Rep. Anna Eskamani (D-FL) – “You’re Killing Our Trans Babies!”, and Here’s A Clip Of A Bison Calf Coming Out As Nonbinary In A Cartoon For Preschoolers
Louder With Crowder: ‘I’ll f*** a b*** up’: Avril Lavigne chucks topless protester off stage at award show, Whoopi Goldberg lashes out at her own audience for laughing at a joke about Pete Buttigieg, and Legend pranks school Board with explicit fake names, clueless official doesn’t realize what he’s saying
Vox Popoli: The SVB Death List, Systemic Risk Exception, The Internet is Forever, Shut Down Those Free Markets, and Anacyclosis in Action
Stoic Observations: The Washington Outsider

Adam Piggott: It’s got all the Fruit
American Conservative: The Gathering Storm
American Greatness: A ‘Spill’ of FBI Secrets, also, Silicon Valley Bank Doubled Down on Far-Left Policies Despite Hundreds of Millions in Losses
American Thinker: Failing Accountability Leads to Chaos, The Looming Reckoning for COVID Tyrants, and Where Is the American Church in All This?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily 2024 News
Babalu Blog: Venezuela sends 1.53 million barrels of oil to Cuba on tanker blacklisted by the U.S., Scientist who investigated ‘Havana Syndrome’ says U.S. intelligence report is ‘bullsh*t’, Inflation in Cuba more about hunger than economics, and Gay anti-communist activists in Spain put a skirt and lipstick on Che Guevara bust in Madrid
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Antifa State University: Charlie Kirk Sparks ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Riot at UC-Davis

Posted on | March 15, 2023 | 1 Comment

I just met you and this is crazy:
Charlie Kirk is a proponent of hate.
Call me maybe.

Or something like that. Could anything be more insane than the belief that Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk is some sort of right-wing extremist? He’s basically an Eisenhower Republican, definitely less conservative than, say, Ace of Spades, but reality doesn’t matter to California kids who have been taught that disagreement is “hate”:

Left-wing and LGBTQ activists at UC Davis were arrested after vandalizing university property on Tuesday during an event featuring Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk. The incident came just hours after UC Davis chancellor Gary S. May declared Kirk a “proponent of hate” and encouraged students to “neutralize and negate” TPUSA’s influence on campus.
Protestors carrying banners that read, “Queers Bash Back,” and, “Bash Fash,” were seen on video smashing glass windows while police officers tried to fend them off.
Additional footage showed police outside taking down masked protesters who appeared to be carrying spray paint cans.
Police also clashed with banner-wielding protesters who were chanting, “fight back!” as they tried to advance toward the building where the Turning Point USA event was being held.
A UC Davis campus police spokesperson told Breitbart News that “two people were arrested after spray painting the outside of the building.”
“I’m not sure what the exact charges are, but that’s what they were doing,” the spokesperson said.
The police spokesperson added that he did not have information on the identities of the individuals who were arrested and that, so far, no arrests have been made in connection to the smashed glass windows on the university’s campus doors.
The left-wing and LGBTQ activists were also seen carrying banners that read, “Protect Trans Kids,” and, “Fascists Off Campus.”

What a bizarre worldview: Men can be women, and vice-versa, and if you don’t agree, that makes you a “fascist.” And the chancellor of the university evidently shares these beliefs!

“Under UC policy, campuses may not prohibit student organizations, such as TPUSA, from inviting these speakers, even if the speaker’s intended speech is as loathsome and hurtful to me and to others in our campus community,” May said.
The chancellor also addressed alleged concerns related to “violence,” adding that while US Davis is allowed to deny a speaker if they “present a clear and present danger to the campus,” the school “carries a heavy burden in justifying such a denial under these circumstances.”
“While I abhor the inflammatory speech of this speaker, UC policy permits the student organization to invite the speaker,” May said, adding that university officials are “monitoring the event closely to determine if a threat or incitement develops that meets that threshold or violates other campus policies.”
“We can’t control how these groups operate, but we can work together to neutralize and negate their influence,” the chancellor added.

Once you start kowtowing to these precious darlings with their pronouns and whatnot, you’re basically inviting anarchy and chaos because their entire existence is based on being offended by everything.

When I was in college, my entire existence was based on getting drunk and trying to get laid. Life made more sense then, and nobody ever rioted.



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