The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Crazy People Are Dangerous: No Motive Yet in Colorado Springs Shooting
UPDATE: Shooter Is ‘Non-Binary’?

Posted on | November 22, 2022 | 5 Comments

Alleged gunman Anderson Lee Aldrich in June 2021.

In June 2021, Anderson Lee Aldrich was in an armed standoff with police at his mother’s home in Colorado Springs. He was charged with multiple felonies, but for reasons as yet unknown, the charges were dropped and records in the case were sealed. Seventeen months later, Aldrich was wearing body armor when he stormed into a local gay bar with a rifle and a pistol, shooting multiple people, five of whom died in the shooting rampage before bar patrons — one of them a former Army officer — tackled and disarmed him. People have questions:

Ring doorbell video obtained by the AP shows Aldrich arriving at his mother’s front door with a big black bag the day of the 2021 bomb threat, telling her the police were nearby and adding, “This is where I stand. Today I die.”
Two squad cars and what appears to be a bomb squad vehicle later pull up to the house, and a barefooted Aldrich emerges with his hands up.
Leslie Bowman, who owns the house where the mother lived and alerted police that day, said she was angry they didn’t do more to monitor Aldrich after the incident.
“If the justice system had followed through with something, anything … he wouldn’t likely have had access to be able to get a weapon and five people wouldn’t have died,” Bowman said.

Meanwhile, people are angry at Tucker Carlson for pointing out that we don’t yet know what the gunman’s motive was. It is easy to guess that some kind of anti-gay bias may be involved — he shot up a gay bar, OK? — but speculation is not proof. Unlike some other mass shootings, there doesn’t seem to be any kind of “manifesto” associated with the Colorado Springs shootings, and if Aldrich left any kind of clues to his motive on his social media accounts, we haven’t seen that yet. And given how eager the media seem to be to portray this as a “hate crime,” don’t you think somebody would have found evidence of Aldrich’s “homophobia,” if such evidence were posted somewhere on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc.?

Meanwhile, we have some background on the killer:

Accused Colorado mass shooter Anderson Lee Aldrich had a troubled life growing up in California and Texas — one largely hidden by a complete name change before his 16th birthday.
Until he was 15, Anderson, now 22, was known by his birth name, Nicholas F. Brink, according to records obtained by the Washington Post. . . .
His parents, Aaron Brink and Laura Voepel, separated in July 2001 when he was still a baby, and he moved around between Orange, California, and San Antonio, Texas, before settling in Colorado, the records show.
His mom . . . also had several brushes with the law, including an arrest for arson in Texas in 2012, when her son was 12, the outlet noted. She also appears to have three outstanding warrants from earlier in California, according to the Gazette. . . .
When he was 15, Brink became a target of . . . “a particularly vicious bout of online bullying.” . . .
His grandparents also appear to have been central to his disturbing arrest in June last year when he livestreamed a four-hour standoff with police after being accused of threatening to blow up his neighborhood.
Relatives told the Gazette that Aldrich flipped after finding out that his grandparents planned to leave Colorado and settle in Florida.
In a livestream of the standoff — in which he threatened to “blow it to holy hell” — he also said, “This is the day I die. They don’t give a f–k about me anymore. Clearly,” the local outlet noted.

An emotionally volatile man-baby, it would seem. Which doesn’t mean he was not also a “homophobe,” but the real question is why he wasn’t prosecuted and sent to prison, instead of the charges being dropped.

Crazy People Are Dangerous.

UPDATE: Holy smokes!

“Nonbinary” is a synonym for crazy.


Disney Not Gay Enough Yet? New Plan: Get (More) Woke, Go (More) Broke

Posted on | November 22, 2022 | 2 Comments

When it was announced that Disney CEO Bob Chapek had been ousted in favor of a return to former CEO Bob Iger, a lot of conservatives started high-fiving on Twitter, erroneously assuming that this must signal some kind of admission by Disney that their left-wing cultural war agenda had failed as a business model. Ace of Spades was quick to throw cold water on that celebration, noting that it was Iger who had begun Disney’s seemingly irreversible descent into “woke”-ism.

And last night Ace pointed out (via Ed Morrissey at Hot Air) that Iger had hit Chapek from the left in this year’s controversy over Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law (HB 1557), which opponents misleadingly labeled the “Don’t Say ‘Gay’ Bill”:

Bob Chapek, Iger’s successor, initially opted not to speak out against the controversial law. But corporate executives should voice their opinions about ethical dilemmas, Iger recently told CNN+ host Chris Wallace.
“A lot of these issues are not necessarily political,” Iger told CNN+ host Chris Wallace. “It’s about right and wrong. So, I happen to feel and I tweeted an opinion about the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill in Florida. To me, it wasn’t about politics. It is about what is right and what is wrong, and that just seemed wrong. It seemed potentially harmful to kids.”

Ace lights him up:

That is, of course, the doctrinaire leftwing position, and leftwing corporatist media position: We’re not taking a political position, because this isn’t political. It’s just about right and wrong, and Republicans are just wrong.
We’re not politically biased, because none of the 600 strong political positions we’re taking on-air are political positions at all, they’re just ethical humane positions of goodness. There is no opposing position worth crediting as a “position” at all. The opposing position is not a political position; it’s just evil.
And that’s how they claim they’re not actually politically biased — by employing a definition of “political” that literally dehumanizes their opponents.

The Disney board ousted Bob Chapek because they felt he wasn’t fighting hard enough to advance the “woke” agenda. Let that sink in. After a midterm election in which Democrats in Florida suffered statewide humiliation, the response from Disney is to double-down in their war against Ron DeSantis (and Florida parents). Disney has such a cult-like devotion to promoting homosexuality and transgenderism for children that no amount of public opposition will deter them.

They would rather go broke than to stop being woke.

Disney has raised the black flag: “No quarter.” And the law of war is this — an enemy that will not surrender must be destroyed. It’s us or them.


In The Mailbox: 11.21.22

Posted on | November 22, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.21.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I haven’t decided yet whether I’m going to blog on Thanksgiving or not. Watch this space for updates.
Silicon Valley delenda est.
357 Magnum: Michigan Cops Have Trouble With Self-Defense
EBL: Lauren Boebert Wins In CO-3, also, The English 
Twitchy: Elon’s Graph Showing “All-Time High” This Week Might Trigger The #TwitterIsDying Crowd, also, NBC’s Ben Collins Salty That Nate Silver Called Mastodon “A Honeytrap For Hall Monitors”
Louder With Crowder: Elon Musk reinstates Trump on Twitter and the left’s having a hissyfit even before Trump’s first tweet back, Former Mumford & Sons guitarist explains what he learned from apologizing to an outrage mob: Don’t, and CBS News comes crawling back to Twitter in under 48 hours, no one is laughing at them harder than Elon Musk
Vox Popoli: The World Cup is Fake and Gay, Is it Time for Twitter to Go?, RIP Greg Bear, and Worse Than Unbelievers
Stoic Observations: About Metro Decisions & Web 3.0
Gab News: Building A Brighter Future

American Conservative: Balenciaga & The Pedobear, also, The Future Of Polish Catholicism
American Greatness: It’s Time to Speak the Truth About Ukraine  , Remember Why You Liked Trump In the First Place?, The Strange Morality of the Bay-Area Billionaire Left , and The ‘Insurrection!’ House of Cards Is Collapsing
American Power: The Great Teacher Resignation, How Caroline Ellison Found Herself at the Center of the FTX Crypto Collapse, and Special K Flails and Sputters
American Thinker: Lazy Voters Enable Democratic Fraud, Congressional Hearings — Do Them Right or Not at All, and Has the GOP Learned Anything After the Midterms?
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Biden’s policy on Cuba making it more difficult for democracy activists on the island, State-owned store in Cuba selling rotten yogurt to starving Cubans, Five Cuban refugees dead, 5 others missing after their homemade boat capsizes off the Florida Keys, Some Blockade! U.S. congressional delegation in Cuba to discuss agricultural trade, and Cuban protesters attacked by Communist thugs outside Cuban embassy in Mexico City
BattleSwarm: The Sky Warden: “An Up-Armored Crop Duster With Rocket Launchers”, also, Why You Can’t Trust Crime Statistics
Behind The Black: Lucy engineers again attempt to complete deployment of solar array, Chinese seize space debris being towed by Filipino sailors, InSight still alive, and New serious damage to Curiosity’s wheels?
Cafe Hayek: Focused Protection vs. Evil Straw Men, also, Trade Is Trade Is Trade
CDR Salamander: Pre-Thanksgiving Maritime and Natsec Feast – on Midrats, also, A Portuguese Man of … Curiosity?
Chicago Boyz: A Grand Puzzlement
Da Tech Guy: Elon Musk and Eyes on the Prize, So why did Jen Kiggans not make the news?, and Elon Musk Reinstates Trump and accidently demonstrates how “ballot harvesting” is used dishonestly by the left to win elections
Don Surber: Red-pilled writers, Trump 2024, and Musk, Trump and the capitalist revolution
First Street Journal: To Solomon Jones, black lives really don’t matter, also, Republicans take control of the House of Representatives; Vanity Fair writer waxes wroth
Gates Of Vienna: Italian Neo-Nazis Partner With the Azov Battalion, Update on the Lola Murder, The Blunder That Could’ve Cost John Fetterman the Election, and It’s Money for Nothing and Everything’s Free!
The Geller Report: Kevin McCarthy Says He Will Remove Jew-Hater Ilhan Omar from Committee Assignment, Arizona AG’s Office Officially Opens Inquiry Into Voter Election Irregularities, Legal Violations, & Voter Suppression, and Biden’s Taliban now has nearly $7.1 billion worth of US artillery, assault weapons, and choppers
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Hot Jupiters, M71, Messier 17, and In Re Donald Trump and Twitter
Hollywood In Toto: The Chosen Shocks Hollywood (Again), Nelson DeMille Calls Sensitivity Readers ‘Chilling,’ ‘Orwellian’, and Tips on Surviving Sensitivity Readers, Woke Gatekeepers
The Lid: Don’t Allow Wokism To Ruin Thanksgiving, also, The Deep State Has Armed More Federal Bureaucrats Than We Have U.S. Marines
Legal Insurrection: Female Molotov Cocktail Lawyer Sentenced To Only 15 Months in Jail, “Journalists” Melt Down As Twitter Survives Mass Wokester Walkouts, Musk Brings Back the Babylon Bee, Notre Dame College Democrats Accuse Republican Debater of Using ‘Hateful and Dangerous’ Rhetoric, Arizona Voters Approve Proposition to Give In-State Tuition to Undocumented Students, and Omar, Swalwell Snipe at McCarthy for His Promise to Keep Them Off House Commitees
Nebraska Energy Observer: Change is good – fun!, also, Orthodoxy and Tradition
Outkick: Lee Corso Makes Triumphant Return To College GameDay, Commanders Discipline Players For Hammering Beers, Bills Mafia Plows Snow, Shovels Driveways To Get Players To Buffalo Airport In Time For Flight To Detroit For Browns Game, Vanderbilt Fans Calmly ‘Storm’ Field In Single-File Line After Defeating Florida, and South Carolina Ends Tennessee’s Playoff Run With Shocking Upset, Causes Chaos In College Football Playoff
Power Line: Omar Gets the Boot [Updated], The EV Boondoggle, and CBS reports: Inside Hunter’s Biden’s laptop
Shark Tank: Brian Mast Looks To Revamp VA Home Loan Program
Shot In The Dark: Intentional Confusion, also, The Social Event Of The Season/Your Morning Piñata
STUMP: Some Public Pensions Take (Small) Losses from FTX Disaster… But What About Other Alt Messes to Come?
This Ain’t Hell: US Army Veteran killed in Ukraine fighting, Russian soldiers provide mundane details about the war in Ukraine and about the Russian Military, Russian soldiers resigning: Mercenaries or actual soldiers?, and GOP Discovers Woke Military
Transterrestrial Musings: Greg Bear, Beating Back Leftist Extremists, and What Elephant?
Victory Girls: College Loans And The People Who Won’t Pay Them, Misgendering Children is An Act Of Violence, Says Marxist, and Dave Portnoy Gets Ripped By NY Times Desperate For Relevance
Volokh Conspiracy: Comparing the Orders Appointing Special Counsel Mueller and Special Counsel Smith, also, The legal history of bans on firearms and Bowie knives before 1900
Watts Up With That: Scientist Rebellion Activist Arrested for Bothering David Attenborough, BBC: “Is the world ready for mass migration due to climate change?”, and Australia’s Green Energy Dream Sinking Under Royalty Demands, Tradie Shortages
Weasel Zippers: Michelle Obama: Americans Are So Racist I Couldn’t Wear Braids In The White House, Man Arrested On Attempted Murder Charges For Ramming Car Into Los Angeles Police Cadets, Flashback: Raphael Warnock Praises Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s “God Damn America” Sermon As A “Very Fine Homily”, Senate Democrats Try To Sic Biden’s Market Regulator On Elon Musk, and Occasional Cortex Blames Republicans For Colorado Springs Gay Club Shooting.
The Federalist: Republicans Lose Because They’re Fake Populists With No Real Policy Plans, John Fetterman Is The New Normal, Alabama Withdraws From Democrat Operative-Controlled Voter Registration Database, Elon Musk Fights Child Sex Abuse After Twitter’s Speech Police Refused For Years, and Losing Is Not Winning, No Matter What The Media’s Favorite ‘Conservatives’ Keep Saying
Mark Steyn: Live and On Screen: The Last Waltz, Urgh! A Music War and the Concert Movie, Free Speech at Sea, and Pharoahs, Caliphs and Emperors 

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Will the Media Ever Admit That Christine Blasey Ford Slandered Brett Kavanaugh?

Posted on | November 21, 2022 | Comments Off on Will the Media Ever Admit That Christine Blasey Ford Slandered Brett Kavanaugh?

Few recent episodes more perfectly capture the wretchedness of liberal media bias than the way journalists amplified the smears against Brett Kavanaugh. In my very first post about the subject (“Democrats Pull the Sleaziest Smear in Their Long History of Sleazy Smears,” Sept. 15, 2018), I said that the way Democrats pushed the accusation “stinks to high heaven and reeks of election-year desperation.” At that point, we had not yet learned the name Christine Blasey Ford, but I did notice this sentence in the very first article I read about the case: “Kavanaugh’s classmate said of the woman’s allegation, ‘I have no recollection of that.'”

It was subsequently reported that “Kanavaugh’s classmate” — accused of being an accomplice in the sexual assault of Blasey Ford — was conservative journalist Mark Judge. As he later discovered, a Democratic research operative had seized upon Judge’s 2005 memoir, God and Man at Georgetown Prep: How I Became a Catholic Despite 20 Years of Catholic Schooling, as a sort of roadmap for planning the smear against Kavanaugh. In his memoir, Judge had talked about the wild escapades that were unfortunately common for teenagers back when the legal drinking age was 18 in many states. This wasn’t just the behavior of a decadent handful of affluent students at swank prep schools, either. Growing up in the suburbs of Atlanta back in the 1970s . . .

Well, I could tell you a lot of stories that in retrospect might seem too wild to believe, but none of my high-school buddies got nominated to the Supreme Court, so I guess we can skip that digression. The point is that Democrats knew in advance that Kavanaugh was likely to be nominated for a Supreme Court seat, and because Mark Judge had been one of Kavanaugh’s buddies at Georgetown Prep, one of their research operatives latched onto Judge’s tales of teenage debauchery as the key to crafting a smear against Kavanaugh. Judge has now told the story of what he endured during that 2018 confirmation carnival in a new book, The Devil’s Triangle: Mark Judge vs the New American Stasi:

The actors in this malicious and cynical plot [against Kavanaugh] were an informal cabal of partisan reporters, Democrats in Congress, and shadowy opposition researchers: a “Devil’s Triangle” whom Judge aptly compares to the Stasi, the dreaded East German secret police who terrorized citizens during the Cold War.

In an excerpt of his book published in The Federalist, Judge observes:

The most shocking instance of journalistic malfeasance is the failure of the [WashingtonPost’s Emma Brown to include any reference to Leland Keyser in her initial story about the Ford memo. This was noticed right away thanks to the watchful eye of Kimberley Strassel [of The Wall Street Journal]. It should have been enough to get [Brown] fired, but apparently suppressing exculpatory facts in a high-profile confirmation hearing is not considered malpractice by current journalistic standards.

This is crucial: Blasey Ford had claimed that Keyser was present at the party where Blasey Ford was allegedly victimized, but Keyser said she had no memory of any such party and, although the Post was aware of this denial, they omitted it from their first story about the case.

What’s astonishing is how, even after most intelligent people concluded that Blasey Ford was a liar — probably motivated by pure partisanship — the media refused to confront the reality that they had promoted a perjurious false accuser to defame an innocent man. Instead, as Judge remarks, they doubled down, with Vanity Fair publishing a rehash of the smears in July 2019, months after Kavanaugh had been confirmed to the Supreme Court. The Vanity Fair article was written by Evgenia Peretz, daughter of Marty Peretz, longtime publisher of The New Republic. Evgenia’s mother was an heiress whose ancestors included the Confederate general (and Episcopal bishop) Leonidas Polk. The idea of Evgenia Peretz calling other people “privileged” may seem ridiculous, yet still she presumes to write an exposé of Georgetown Prep that, of necessity, borrows heavily from Judge’s memoir. The main purpose of Peretz’s article is to suggest that George Prep alumni are protected by a code of silence (omerta) among alumni, thus to make it impossible to know whether Kavanaugh actually did assault Blasey Ford.

Blasey Ford’s accusation simply did not withstand scrutiny, being contradicted by both of those she named (Keyser and Judge) as potentially having knowledge of the alleged party in question, to say nothing of the fact that Kavanaugh kept a calendar/diary of his senior year in high school, which likewise contradicted Blasey Ford’s claim. Yet the media refuse to admit this, continue to pretend that Blasey Ford’s accusation was credible, because otherwise, the media might have to confess their own wickedness in promoting this defamation.

Judge notes “this astonishing passage” in Peretz’s article:

“To many Americans, Kavanaugh didn’t seem like a sexual predator—but that wasn’t the point. The point was that he couldn’t give an inch of possible culpability. He couldn’t say, ‘I’m sorry for what I might have done.’”

Judge comments:

To anyone who has escaped a Communist country, that aside is deeply chilling. Why should a man apologize for something he insists he didn’t do? But it no longer matters if one is innocent or not. We are living in the age of the show trial and the forced apology. All that matters is that we submit to our liberal betters.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)


Rule 5 Sunday: USS McCall

Posted on | November 20, 2022 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Named for War of 1812 naval hero Edward McCall, this destroyer was part of the Gridley class, laid down in 1936, launched in 1937, and heavily involved in the Pacific War at Guadalcanal, Eniwetok, Yap, the Battle of the Philippine Sea, and the invasions of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, finishing the war with nine battle stars. In the game Azur Lane, she has the Double Torpedo skill, which makes her more like a Sakura Empire (IJN) destroyer than the rest of the Eagle Union (USN) DDs, which tend to be more optimized toward guns. Laconic and prone to daydreaming, McCall is nonetheless my favorite Eagle Union destroyer, because her torpedoes just don’t quit.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Torpedoes away, aye aye!

NINETY MILES FROM TYRANNY: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1904, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

ANIMAL MAGNETISM: Rule Five America Suffering Friday, and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: MAGA Trump Announcement Speech, Lauren Boebert Wins In CO-3, Bond Girls: Tomorrow Never Dies, Goldeneye, License To Kill, The Living Daylights, and Casino Royale (1967); The Inventor, Yellowstone Season 5, and The Unbearable Weight Of Massive Talent

A VIEW FROM THE BEACH: Lili SimmonsFish Pic Friday – Outdoors with Paige BauerChesapeake Dolphins on the MoveTrump STILL In, Ivanka Bails, Warnock Demands More TimeBittersweetThe Wednesday WetnessHouse Nears GOP Control, Dem Mega-Donor Goes Down, Lake LosesTattoo TuesdayA (Conservative) Star Is BornThe Monday Morning StimulusIt Happens Every YearPalm Sunday, and Birds of a Feather

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Payback Time: McCarthy Will Boot Infamous Jew-Hater From Committee

Posted on | November 20, 2022 | Comments Off on Payback Time: McCarthy Will Boot Infamous Jew-Hater From Committee

Sweet, sweet justice!

Incoming House Speaker Kevin McCarthy repeatedly promised over the past couple of years that, when the GOP regains control of the House, he would remove Reps. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), and Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from their respective committees.
It looks like he intends to follow through on that promise.
On Saturday, McCarthy spoke at a Republican Jewish Coalition event in Las Vegas, during which he announced he would follow through on his promise to boot the notorious anti-Semite, Rep. Omar, off the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
“I’m keeping that promise,”
he told them.
Sources close to McCarthy told The Washington Times that Reps. Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell can expect to be kicked off the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence as well. Schiff falsely claimed to have seen intelligence that Trump colluded with Russia, and he heavily promoted the debunked Steele Dossier. Swalwell’s relationship with a Chinese spy had many in the GOP calling for him to be removed, but the Democrat-led House refused.
Last year, House Democrats removed Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) from their committees. It was an unprecedented move, as the House majority had never before meddled with the minority party’s committee assignments.

Force them to play by their own rules.

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.)


FMJRA 2.0: If You Want Blood (You’ve Got It)

Posted on | November 20, 2022 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: If You Want Blood (You’ve Got It)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

A winning week for the Senators! We lost two of three to the Cardinals in St. Louis (the middle game was a 4-1 win with Marichal outdueling Bob Gibson) but beat the Red Sox in two games straight at Fenway, overcoming Jack Billingsley (we NEVER beat Jack Billingsley) and Phil Niekro. Jim Kaat won that second game thanks to the hitters, who pounded poor Phil and the Red Sox bullpen for ten runs en route to a 10-4 win. We’re still 20 games behind the Red Sox in the standings at 50-90, but the rosters have expanded and I think we’re going to win some more close ones over the remaining 22 games.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Fly the Curly W flag!

In The Mailbox: 11.16.22
Vulture Of Critique
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

The CEO Was a Tumblrina? How Did Somebody Overlook This Gigantic Red Flag in the FTX Catastrophe?
Nebraska Energy Observer
The DaleyGator
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

Crazy People Are Dangerous: ‘Transgender Influencer’ Arrested After Getting Naked, Causing Disturbance at Miami Hotel
The DaleyGator

‘… After Receiving a Call About a Suspicious Man in the Area …’
357 Magnum

FMJRA 2.0: Ludwig II Von Bayern
A View From The Beach

Sam Bankman-Fried: MIT-Educated Crypto Swindler Scammed Billions, Donated Millions to Democrats
357 Magnum

Why Vote-By-Mail Is The End Of The Republic
357 Magnum

Late Night With Rule 5 Sunday: IJN Uranami
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach

Further Proof the Washington Post Copy Desk Is Staffed by Incompetent Idiots
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 11.14.22
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Our Long National Nightmare Is Over: Republicans Win House Majority
The DaleyGator
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

DOJ to Rudy Giuliani: ‘Oops!’
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 11.15.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

The Ka-Bar Killer? ‘Edged Weapon’ Used to Kill 4 Idaho Students, Police Say
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 11.17.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Heckuva Job, Nancy Pelosi: Manager of the Decline of the Democratic Party
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 11.18.22
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending November 18:

  1.  EBL (17)
  2.  357 Magnum (14)
  3.  A View From The Beach (9)
  4.  Proof Positive (5)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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Orange Man (Still) Bad: Anti-Trump Witch Hunt Must Continue, Says Garland

Posted on | November 19, 2022 | 1 Comment

“Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime,” said Stalin’s notorious secret police chief Lavrentiy Beria, summarizing the method by which totalitarianism destroys its chosen enemies. Specious accusations of “Trotskyism” were enough to justify arrest and prosecution and, as Beria said, the NKVD could always discover (or rather, invent) “crimes” used to justify the summary execution of whatever “enemy of the people” (vrag naroda) had aroused Stalin’s paranoid fears. Likewise, with Merrick Garland in charge of the Department of Justice, the more or less permanent “investigation” of former President Donald Trump (who is, in the minds of Democrats, what Trotsky was in Stalin’s mind) must continue until the threat is completely destroyed:

Attorney General Merrick Garland on Friday announced plans to name a special counsel to oversee two criminal investigations into former president Donald Trump.
The special counsel, Jack Smith, will take over investigations surrounding the extent of Trump’s involvement in the events leading to the January 6 Capitol riot and his alleged mishandling of sensitive government documents, Garland said at a press conference.
Smith is a longtime Justice Department prosecutor who has served as chief prosecutor for the special court in The Hague since 2018, where he has investigated war crimes in Kosovo.

(I’ll have a thing or two to say about this.)

He will now be tasked with determining whether criminal charges should be filed against the former president. Garland said Smith will begin work right away and the appointment “will not slow” the investigations.

(Spoiler alert: Criminal charges will be filed.)

The announcement comes three days after Trump formally announced his plans to run for president again in 2024, complicating the investigations into the former president, who is now President Biden’s top political rival.
Garland cited Trump’s announcement and Biden’s “stated intention” to run in 2024 as reasons for the special counsel, saying he has “concluded that it is in the public interest.”

(Garland has a very flexible view of “the public interest.”)

The appointment of a semi-independent prosecutor allows the Justice Department to address concerns about potential conflicts of interest.
In July, Garland said the DOJ will prosecute anyone who was “criminally responsible for interfering with the peaceful transfer of power from one administration to another,” not ruling out the possibility of charging Trump in the department’s January 6 investigation.

(“January 6 now! January 6 tomorrow! January 6 forever!”)

Garland’s comments came during an interview with NBC News’ Lester Holt, in which the news anchor asked the attorney general if he would consider prosecuting Trump even if it could “tear the country apart.”
“Look, we pursue justice without fear or favor,” Garland said. “We intend to hold everyone, anyone who was criminally responsible for the events surrounding January 6, for any attempt to interfere with the lawful transfer of power from one administration to another, accountable, that’s what we do.”
Law enforcement is also investigating Trump for removal or destruction of records, obstruction of an investigation, and violating the Espionage Act, according to the search warrant for Trump’s residence at Mar-a-Lago from August.

(That case appears to be unraveling.)

After federal agents raided Trump’s home, Senator Josh Hawley (R., Mo.) said in August that Garland “must resign or be impeached.”
“The raid by Joe Biden’s FBI on the home of a former president who is also Biden’s chief political opponent is an unprecedented assault on democratic norms and the rule of law,” Hawley tweeted. “Biden has taken our republic into dangerous waters.”
“At a minimum, Garland must resign or be impeached,” he added. “The search warrant must be published. [FBI Director] Christoper Wray must be removed. And the FBI reformed top to bottom.”

Well, I promised you that I’d have a thing or two to say about the special counsel Jack Smith, and actually, it’s just two tweets by somebody else:

Do you see how this works? The endless “investigation” of Trump is not occurring in a vacuum, isolated from other events. It all goes back to the “Russian collusion” smear that Team Hillary launched against Trump in 2016 and “Crossfire Hurricane” as the “insurance policy,” as FBI agent Peter Strzok called it. From that point onward, Democrats seized on the idea that Trump must be guilty of some malfeasance, and therefore “investigation” was the method by which Trump would be destroyed in a Watergate-style scandal. This led to two impeachments of Trump — first for the ridiculous Vindman/Ukraine nonsense, and then for Trump’s alleged complicity in the J6 “insurrection.” Having devoted so much effort to demonizing Trump, and exploiting this demonized figure as their Emmanuel Goldstein — the “Two Minutes Hate” extended to six years — Democrats couldn’t simply let it go once Biden was installed in the White House, or once the the midterms had passed. No, the “investigation” of Trump must go on forever, like “The Song That Never Ends.”

And so, Republicans take control of the House of Representatives and immediately announce an investigation of the Biden family’s corrupt foreign “business” (i.e., bribery) misadventures, a key element of which was suppressed on orders of federal intelligence agents prior to the 2020 election. The White House denounces the congressional investigation as a “conspiracy theory,” and hey, let’s admit Democrats arre experts on the promotion of conspiracy theories, which are perfectly acceptable to them so long as Trump is the center of the conspiracy.


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