The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 08.08.22

Posted on | August 9, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.08.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Wendell’s cousin Lipton.

357 Magnum: What’s The Carbon Footprint Of An Apartment Fire?
EBL: Lived Because Of Hiroshima, Biggest Loser, and Olivia Newton-John, RIP
Twitchy: “A Disgrace!”, also, THIS Is An Actual Threat To Democracy
Louder With Crowder: Billion-dollar MegaMillions winner gets harsh lesson in taxes, Elon Musk challenges Parag Agrawal to debate about fake Twitter accounts, and Chris Pratt gets last laugh on woke critics of his new show 
Vox Popoli: The Daily Kabuki, Natural Immunity FTW, An Absence of Sanctions, and The Fall of NATO

American Conservative: Hey Viktor, What Time Is It?, also, The Torn-Apart Land
American Greatness: Nancy Pelosi’s Childlike Diplomacy Mirrors America’s Childlike Posture Toward China, also, Wyoming Voters ‘Upset’ After Liz Cheney’s Campaign Sends Out Absentee Ballot Request Forms To Their Homes
American Power: Despite Climate Bill, Electric Cars Will Remain Out of Reach for Many, also, Unmask Alice Cracks Open Story of Wildly Successful Literary Hoax
American Thinker: Increasing The IRS Annual Budget By Seven Times Doesn’t Add Up, also, The TWA 800 Whistleblower Is Legit
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday (Number 400! Woo!)
Babalu Blog: Hundreds of Cubans stage public protest over power blackouts in Cienfuegos, As anti-government sentiment grows in Cuba, anti-Díaz-Canel graffiti pops up everywhere, Cuban military is recruiting and training squadron leaders for repression of imminent popular uprising, and Cuba fire update: Third oil storage tank collapses, firefighters still missing
BattleSwarm: Top Chinese Chip Executives Arrested, also, Ukraine Export Deal: Too Little, Too Late
Behind The Black: FCC decides to expand its power in space, India’s new SSLV rocket fails on first launch attempt, and Today’s blacklisted American: Doctor jailed for entering Capitol on Jan 6 and expressing opinions
Cafe Hayek: National Conservatives Should Learn Some Economics, More on the Dangers of National Conservatism, and Calling Mark Perry
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday, also, China’s Decade to Win with Jim Fanell – on Midrats
Chicago Boyz: Speaking of Resilience and Renewal
Da Tech Guy: We Interrupt My planned Post Today to Second Stacy McCain’s call for people to give Lisa Grass a hand with her Cancer Treatments, The Navy’s poor poker face on manpower, and The Biden/Soros Left Finds the Solution to Illegal Immigration Crisis
Don Surber: To regain trust, ditch the editorial page, NPR, that was the plan, and Civil rights did not flip the South
First Street Journal: Telling the unvarnished truth about #Monkeypox verboten!, also, No sense letting this guy plead down; he obviously likes jail!
Gates Of Vienna: Heap Big Trouble for Those WAYCIST Germans, Nice Non-Work If You Can Get It, Do Not Be One of the Kulaks of the Great Reset!, and China Won’t Be Here for Long
The Geller Report: Jabbed Athletes Die Suddenly, Gestapo-Style FBI ‘Raided and Occupied’ Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Resort and Home, Broke Into Safe, Parents File ‘Blockbuster Lawsuit’ for ‘Moral Corruption of Children’ Against Virginia’s Loudoun County Schools, and BREAKING: Crowds Arrive at Mar-a-Lago In Support For President Trump After News Broke of FBI’s Raid On Him
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, The Little Gem Nebula, and Science Deniers
Hollywood In Toto: They/Them – Scare-Free Horror Triples Down on Woke, Can Woke Hollywood Survive Biden’s Recession?, and Louis C.K.’s Fourth of July Delivers First-Rate Dysfunction
The Lid: Indianapolis Homeowner Fatally Shoots Intruder: “If You Come and Take It, There’s Consequences”
Legal Insurrection: Debunking Critical Race Theory – The False Claim that “Racism is Ordinary”, Lawyer Marc Elias Shows the Mar-a-Lago Raid is All About Disqualifying Trump in 2024, ADL’s SCOTUS Brief: Harvard’s Discriminatory Admissions Policies OK Because College Meant Well, and This is a provocation. They are trying to get a reaction that allows a further crackdown.
Nebraska Energy Observer: Change is good, The Road to Freedom, and It’s Not About Trump
Outkick: Jon Gruden’s Agent Believes Former Coach’s Emails Being Leaked Was A Hit Job, LA Times Also Ridiculously Tries to Make Brittney Griner Arrest About ‘Equal Pay’ For WNBA Players, Cleveland, Home Of Deshaun Watson, Will Host National Massage Therapists Convention, and Pete Rose Sends Twitter Into Frenzy By Dismissing Statutory Rape Question, Calling A Reporter ‘Babe’ After Standing Ovation
Power Line: The Coming War on Agriculture, What’s Behind the Democrats’ IRS Expansion?, David McCullough, RIP, and Cheney Versus Cheney
Shark Tank: DeSantis Says Trump Raid An Example Of Federal Agencies Being Weaponized, also, Loomer – Illegal Immigration Needs To Be Addressed
Shot In The Dark: Conversations I’d Like To Have, also, Empty
STUMP: Meep Hits the Road and Plays the Oldies: Today – Silly(ish) Mortality Posts!
The Political Hat: Arrested For Doubleplusungood Causing Of Anxiety
This Ain’t Hell: Republican dispute over Afghanistan rescue claimed by State Department, Help is on the way for Russia in Ukraine, NK may deploy 100k troops, Ft. Hood thief gets 18 months jail, 2 years probation for $2.1M theft, and Marine Apologizes for Lying About Military Service
Transterrestrial Musings: Recession Or Not?, About That new study On Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria, and “A Niche Part Of The Market”
Victory Girls: Transgenderism Trend May Be Killing Our Kids, Bernie Rails Against Inflation Reduction Act, Votes For It Anyway, and Biden’s Afghanistan Debacle One Year Later
Volokh Conspiracy: No, 18 U.S.C. § 2071 Cannot Disqualify Trump From The Presidency, also, Three Prosecutors Who Are Investigating Their Political Opponents
Watts Up With That: Sorry, CNN, Great Barrier Reef Is Setting Records, Fearmongering Won’t Work, Pacific Typhoons Defy Climate Experts’ Dire Forecasts…Trending Downward 70 Years!, and “Don’t Pay UK” Green Energy Bill Strike Gathers Momentum
Weasel Zippers: WH Says Busing Illegal Immigrants To Cities Is A “Stunt”, As The World Burns – Biden Taxes Small Businesses And Middle Income People To Pay For Their Own Destruction, 53 Shot In Dem-Run Chicago Over Weekend, and Democrats To Strip Iowa Of Its First In The Nation Primary Slot To Showcase “States With Fewer White Men”
The Federalist: Ron DeSantis Puts ‘Woke Banking’ On Notice That Political Discrimination Won’t Be Tolerated, The FBI And DOJ Criminalizing Opposition To The Regime Is How The Republic Ends, and There Is Nothing Anti-Semitic About Criticizing George Soros
Mark Steyn: Calling Barranca: Howard Hawks and Only Angels Have Wings, For Whom Bell Tolls, and Georgy Girl

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Watching The Herd Stampede

Posted on | August 9, 2022 | Comments Off on Watching The Herd Stampede

— by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

IRS headquarters in Mordor-on-the-Potomac

This weekend the Senate passed, and Slow Joe signed, the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act”, and today the right side of the blogosphere was full of folks screaming about the part where the IRS will get funding for 87,000 new agents, which certainly seems to fit the complaint memorably issued by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence:

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.

I first caught sight of this on Dana Loesch’s Instagram, and left the comment that as far as I was concerned this was no big deal. The IRS’ staffing problems are of long standing, and much of the problem boils down to the fact that very few accountants want to work for one of the most hated agencies of the Federal government when they can earn a lot more money and a lot less enmity signing up with Deloitte, KPMG, or some smaller accounting shop. The IRS was desperate enough to make me an offer this spring (almost a year after I filed an application with them while I was on unemployment last year) and I don’t even have an accounting degree. I do have fifteen years of seasonal experience preparing taxes, especially small business Schedule Cs, and I think that was what led them to make me an offer. Unfortunately for the IRS, the offer was for a position in Ogden, Utah, which is a long way from my current burrow in rural Nevada, and the pay for a GS-5 Step 1 is not much more than I’m earning from disability and my tax season work with H&R Block, so I turned them down. But think on it – they are so desperate for bodies they were seriously considering hiring a 62-year-old semi-retired tax professional who hadn’t held a full-time job sine 2009. Would they be doing that if they could find freshly-minted accounting majors from…anywhere?

Coming at this from a slightly different angle, there was no shortage of people in the comments to Dana’s post harrumphing “Well, they don’t need accountants, they just need activists to harass Republicans!” Yeah, sure, they’ll be issuing the brown shirts and Democrat Party brassards right after these people fill out their Standard Form 86. People need to tighten their tinfoil hats and consider that 1) nothing gets done quickly by the Feds, especially in the hiring process, and 2) the IRS can’t just hire unqualified schmucks to stand around and menace the taxpayers. I would be extremely surprised if the IRS managed to get the job requirements for the new meat done before the end of the calendar year/beginning of tax season, much less hire more than a few hundred agents. By then, assuming everyone on the Right has been out doing the necessary field work, the Red Tsunami should have swept a lot of Democrats out of Congress, and even if McCarthy & O’Connell can’t manage to outright repeal this shameful bill, they should be able to slice here, trim there, and tie up the IRS personnel bureaucrats long enough to keep anywhere near 87,000 agents from getting hired.

Finally, there’s no guarantee the IRS is going to use those agents the way the Democrats want them used. Right now the staffing crunch is so bad that a lot of paper returns filed in 2021 haven’t even been looked at, much less processed, and if they haven’t finished 2021, what do you think their stack of 2022 returns looks like? The IRS very badly wants those returns finished, because every one that doesn’t get done in a timely fashion means that either the IRS owes interest on the refunds or they aren’t collecting the debts owed by people with balances due. I suspect a lot of the 87,000 new chums are going to be handed a desk, a banker’s box full of returns, and told “I don’t want to see your face until these are done. You have until Friday – and don’t forget you’re on six-month probation, rookie.”

So be of good cheer. Maybe some of the crazies on the left want to use these new T-men to be goon squads in the service of the Great Reset, but I don’t think it’s going to work out that way.

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Late Night With Rule 5 Sunday: Komi Shuuko

Posted on | August 8, 2022 | Comments Off on Late Night With Rule 5 Sunday: Komi Shuuko

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Komi’s mom has got it going on. This is some fan art of her from her high school days, from r/Komi-san or someplace like it.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.
NINETY MILES FROM TYRANNY: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1799, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns

ANIMAL MAGNETISM: Rule Five Relative Power Levels Friday, and the Saturday Gingermageddon

EBL: MAGA (Liz) Cheney, Britney GrinerDark Winds, You Know It’s Bad When…, Joe Pickett, Carole King, RIP Nichelle Nichols, George Carlin’s American Dream, and Happy Birthday George Jetson!

A VIEW FROM THE BEACHKornelija Slunjski – She’s Got ‘Em and Doesn’t Care if You KnowFish Pic Friday – Allie RudThursday TanlinesSalmon in the Bay?The Wednesday WetnessTattoo TuesdayMore Random Celebrity NewsThe Monday Morning StimulusUhura Signs OffBiden Gets WuFlu Rebound and Palm Sunday

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

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Fantasy & Other Annoyances

Posted on | August 8, 2022 | Comments Off on Fantasy & Other Annoyances

— compiled by Wombat-socho

You can’t please everybody.

Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.
As a general rule, I don’t care for fantasy. Far too much of it is derivative elf & dwarf crap, written by people trying to rip off Tolkien for a quick buck while having all the grounding in the other classics of your average D&D player who hasn’t read Appendix N. Feh, I say. Feh! Fortunately, a lot of really good writers have been writing fantasy lately that has nothing to do with Tolkien or (thank God) soft-core porn with werecritters, or “paranormal romance”, as Amazon would have it. One of the more notable such folks is former political blogger Moe Lane,  who has been spinning tales of a post-apocalyptic America in which magic works, and that hasn’t turned out to be a good thing. So far there’s three novels, Frozen Dreams, Tinsel Rain, and Morgan Barod, as well as the collection Tales From The Fermi Resolution. The first two novels are weird variations on your standard noir detective tales, in which our hero, Tom Vargas, the resident Shamus of Cin City (where there are no magicians, just very talented stagehands & cleaning ladies) Closes Cases. Morgan Barod is a wee bit different.  It’s set in the same universe as Vargas’ adventures, but on the other end of the continent in New Jersey…or what used to be New Jersey before everything changed. Barod wakes in a hospital, and very soon his medievalist predilections come in very handy as he has to fight his way past a whole mess of strange critters before reaching safety with the local outpost of the Federal Militia. So begins his journey home to the coast, but this is no post-apocalyptic barbarian we’re talking here – Barod uses his brain and his broadsword in equal measure to take care of problems along the way home, and boy, are there a lot of problems that need sorting. All of these are available on Kindle Unlimited if you want to check and see if these are your cup of tea; I personally enjoy Moe’s sense of humor, so I picked up all four. 

On the other hand, we have Larry Correia’s Servants of War, co-written by Steve Diamond, which is so grimdark it makes Warhammer 40k look like My Little Pony in comparison. Set during a horrific century-long war between the Empire of Kolakolvia (a combination of the worst features of Tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union) and Almacia (somewhat like Imperial Germany), it follows the former peasant Illarion Glaskov, who gets drafted into the Tsar’s army and sent to join The Wall – a unit of elite soldiers piloting crude mecha made from the parts of broken golems. While everything else seems to be on roughly a World War I tech level, there is magic, and there are gods, horrible unearthly monsters, and strong hints that this isn’t Earth. Not only does Glaskov have to contend with the Almacians trying to kill him, he also has to cope with backstage political skulduggery, commissars alert for wrongthink, and one of the Three Goddesses who has taken a hostile interest in him. Recommended.

I signed up for the Kickstarter to fund the graphic novel version of John Ringo’s Black Tide Rising, which is the only series of zombie novels I have ever liked, and I have to say that Chuck Dixon & company did an great job of translating Under A Graveyard Sky into a decent comic. Hopefully they’ll release an electronic version for folks who missed out on the crowdfunding effort.

Finally, we have Battle Brick Road, by Eric Weathers and Zeb Hatfield, which is a post-apocalyptic high-tech version of The Wizard of Oz. (Weird that there haven’t been more riffs on the classic series.) The Midwest is a dust bowl far worse than the calamitous drought-stricken region in the Depression, and Thea Gale is searching for her scientist father, lost somewhere in it. Her faithful robot TOTO (half air-ball, half Eyebot) at her side, she crashes into Oz – an island of fertility amidst all the desert wasteland. The first three chapters describe Thea’s arrival in Oz and her first steps on the Yellow Brick Road, but this is a much more violent tale than Frank Baum’s children’s tale. There is also a short story, “Meet Me In St. Louis”, whose art is not nearly as good as the first three chapters. So far there are copies available on Eric Weathers’ website, linked above. 


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We Were Told This Would Never Happen

Posted on | August 7, 2022 | Comments Off on We Were Told This Would Never Happen

Your beliefs, opinions and concerns have been derided as homophobic. But it turns out that facts are also homophobic:

A Georgia couple has been charged with using their two adopted children to record child pornography, police said.
Walton County Sheriff’s Office raided a home in Loganville July 27 on reports that a man there was downloading child porn.
After interviewing the suspect, who was not identified, police said they learned there was another suspect in the county who was “producing homemade child sexual abuse material with at least one child who lived in the home,” the sheriff’s office said Thursday.
Around 11:30 p.m. that same night, executed a search warrant in Oxford at the home of William Dale Zulock, 32, and Zachary Jacoby Zulock, 35.
Walton County’s Division of Family and Child Services joined deputies in responding to the home to help protect the two brothers who lived there.
During their search, deputies found evidence the pair, who were the children’s adoptive fathers, “were engaging in sexually abusive acts and video documenting this abuse,” the sheriff’s office said.
Early the next morning, the Zulocks were both booked at the Walton County Jail.
Both men were charged with aggravated child molestation, sexual exploitation of a child and enticing a child for indecent purposes, WSBTV reported. William Zulock was additionally charged with child molestation.

This reminds me of the infamous Australian case of Peter Truong and Mark Newton, who abused a boy they adopted as an infant:

Police believe the pair had adopted the boy ‘‘for the sole purpose of exploitation’’. The abuse began just days after his birth and over six years the couple travelled the world, offering him up for sex with at least eight men, recording the abuse and uploading the footage to an international syndicate known as the Boy Lovers Network.

Yes, an “international syndicate” of gay pedophiles — two words that journalists never use together in the same sentence, you might have noticed, because gay pedophile describes a category that we are supposed to believe does not exist. The mere fact that someone identifies as homosexual means they cannot be a pedophile, we are expected to believe, because in the media lexicon, “gay” is a synonym for good

Liberals claim to be open-minded, but on close examination, we discover their mental rigidity, their categorical prejudices, and the astonishing lack of balance in their thinking about such issues as this. Having convinced themselves that gay people everywhere are victims of homophobia — hateful bigotry based upon ignorant stereotypes — liberals then mindlessly confine themselves to certain rigid beliefs, which are never subjected to critical examination. Seeing themselves as heroic opponents of “hate,” liberals make negative assumptions about anyone who doesn’t share their enthusiasm for “diversity” and “inclusion.” Disagree with a liberal, and you are automatically judged guilty of “hate” (despite the fact that liberals claim to be against “judgmentalism”).

For the record — it shouldn’t even be necessary to say this, but welcome to 2022 — I do not believe most gay men are pedophiles, and while I’ve seen some studies that suggest that gay men are more likely than straight men to commit such crimes, even such a statistic (if true) wouldn’t change the obvious fact that girls are more likely than boys to be victims of sexual abuse, simply because heterosexual men outnumber gay men at least 19-to-1. This disclaimer, as I say,shouldn’t be necessary, but the point must be emphasized that I have no interest in promoting false stereotypes intended as some kind of broad-brush anti-gay smear.

What I am interested in is balance in journalism, because the liberal media have assumed such a completely unbalanced attitude toward what is nowadays called “the LGBTQ community.” This see-no-evil mentality (e.g., ignoring or downplaying the role of gay orgies in spreading monkeypox) is an example of how identity politics warps American journalism, so that reporters and editors act as volunteer P.R. agents who see their task as guarding the “community” against homophobia. Because the reality of reckless promiscuity among gay men doesn’t advance the 100% positive image of the “community” which liberal journalists are committed to promoting, therefore one cannot expect to find relevant facts because reporters do not even ask the relevant questions: “Just how common is the behavior that led to this monkeypox outbreak? What is the average number of different sex partners annually for gay men ages 18-24,” etc.? That is to say, could we get some quantification — a bit of actual data — on the behavioral patterns involved? Because it is obvious that a certain segment of the “community” is having sex with a lot more partners than almost any heterosexual person ever does. Perhaps a prostitute trafficked in a roadside brothel somewhere is having this many partners, and maybe some professional athletes are getting jiggy with a dozen or more different women a month. However, these are statistical outliers whose behavior hasn’t yet produced the kind of pandemic we are witnessing with gay men and monkeypox. But I digress . . .

The liberal media will now be entirely silent about this gay pedophile scandal, because only by ignoring it can they maintain the politically correct fiction that there is no such thing as a gay pedophile. Did you know, however, that Zachary Jacoby Zulock had an Instagram account — still active, as of noon today — where he described himself in his profile as an “activist,” and proudly posted such photos as these?

At the Atlanta Gay Pride Parade in 2017

The Zulocks on their wedding day

Zachary at the HRC headquarters in 2019

Perhaps you see my point: While the media wishes to pretend that there is no such thing as a gay pedophile — if you are gay, you cannot be a pedophile, and vice-versa — the Zulocks were very proud to identify themselves as part of the “LGBTQ community.” And I consider it my duty to make sure nobody ever forgets about this. Because balance matters.


FMJRA 2.0: Eternity Sunrise

Posted on | August 7, 2022 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Eternity Sunrise

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Our long national nightmare is over – the Senators took two games from the New York Day Traders at RFK today, ending a miserable ten-game losing streak. Outfielder Pat Kelly, acquired from Pete’s Pilots along with southpaw Ron Bryant and a couple of draft picks for former franchise player Frank Howard, was a big contributor in helping set the table for Orlando “Baby Bull” Cepeda, who did not disappoint in his new role of cleanup hitter. All three games were close – the initial loss was 7-6 in twelve innings, the second was a 3-2 pitcher’s duel with Larry Dierker outdueling Hall of Famer Tom Seaver, and the third was an 11-10 slugfest won in the bottom of the 10th by Del Unser, who drove in utilityman Hal Lanier from second. In other trade news, the Senators acquired rookie third baseman Steve Garvey and a 5th round pick from the Dodgers in exchange for our first round pick; manager Ted Williams says young Garvey has a lot of potential and looks forward to having him in the lineup.
I don’t often talk about music, but I feel I should put in a special mention for today’s artist, John Foxx, who doesn’t get nearly enough credit for his influence on goth, electropop, synthpop, and a bunch of related genres. As main composer and lead singer of Ultravox on their first three albums, including Systems of Romance, he changed the band from raucous proto-homocore to a smoother, dreamy, surreal sound which led him to go solo. Gary Numan in particular cites him as an inspiration.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Late Night With Rule 5 Sunday: Olga Alberti
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

All Neighborhoods Are Not Created Equal
The DaleyGator
The First Street Journal
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 08.01.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 08.02.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Patrick Mahomes: Victim of Racism?
The DaleyGator
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Joe Biden Has COVID — AGAIN!
A View From The Beach
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FMJRA 2.0: Velvet Voyage
A View From The Beach

Lena Dunham Is Totally Triggered About Abortion Rights (Even Though She Had a Hysterectomy More Than Four Years Ago)
The DaleyGator
357 Magnum

Give War a Chance?
357 Magnum

America Needs More Patriotism

Is @MaxBlumenthal on the Kremlin Payroll? (And Other Ukraine Questions) 
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 08.04.22 (Afternoon Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

BOOM! America’s Best Governor Suspends Rogue Tampa Prosecutor
The DaleyGator
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 8.04.22 (Evening Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 08.05.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending August 5:

  1.  EBL (15)
  2.  357 Magnum (12)
  3.  Okrahead (10)
  4.  A View From The Beach (9)
  5.  Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for the links!

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He’s Not Making This Up, You Know

Posted on | August 6, 2022 | Comments Off on He’s Not Making This Up, You Know

My podcast partner John Hoge calls attention to this story:

A Baltimore ex-gang member who uses graffiti to designate ‘no shoot zones’ to discourage gun violence around the city was shot in his back, neck and jaw on Wednesday.
‘I was shot three times,’ Tyree Moorehead, 46, told reporters on Wednesday. ‘A bullet went through my jaw, my neck and one is still in my back.’
He is known for creating over 250 ‘no shoot zones’ across Baltimore in places where someone was shot and killed to raise awareness for the issue.
A former gang member himself, Moorehead has admitted to shooting up to 20 people as a teenager before serving 11 years in jail following a shootout with police at age 15.
In a video posted to what appears to be Moorehead’s Instagram page, he said he was shot near Monument Street while going to the store in central Baltimore.
Moorehead apparently made it home after the shooting before police arrived, and the injured 46-year-old can be heard saying to medics ‘I’ve been shot in my neck and my back, I think.’ . . .
Moorehead was then taken to hospital before leaving without being discharged. A video recorded by Fox45 showed him walking down a Baltimore street in hospital scrubs and a blue hair net.
He told a reporter he was ‘good,’ and also said ‘nothing went wrong, you just have someone that’s trying to protect a community that obviously doesn’t want to be protected.’

There may be cities in America that are worse than Baltimore, but it’s a damned short list. Be sure to tune in to The Other Podcast for more.


Lisa Graas Needs Help, Y’all

Posted on | August 6, 2022 | Comments Off on Lisa Graas Needs Help, Y’all

Lisa Graas (right) and her daughters with Rick Santorum


Lisa Graas has been diagnosed with cancer, and it’s very serious.

Longtime readers will recognize Lisa from 10 years ago when she was a leading online supporter of Sen. Rick Santorum’s primary campaign for the Republican nomination. When I was covering the Louisiana primary, and got busted in the notorious speed trap town of Livonia — they towed my rental car! — it was Lisa who drove all the way down from Kentucky to Louisiana to bring me back home. This also enabled her to be at the Santorum victory party in Harahan.

Lisa is a devout Catholic who is still blogging at Pierced Hearts which has a page with various ways you can contribute to support her. Lisa’s diagnosis sounds very serious and her chemo treatments will cost $10,000-$20,000 per month, some of which should be covered by insurance, but still this is an ordeal for her. Lisa helped me in my hour of need, so everything y’all could do for her would be greatly appreciated.


UPDATE: Lisa informs me that you guys contributed more than $1,500, for which she is very grateful. I’ll leave this post stickied to the top of the page until Tuesday morning, just in case anyone previously overlooked it.


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