The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Deliberate Dishonesty: Biden Keeps Repeating Lies About the Economy

Posted on | June 3, 2022 | Comments Off on Deliberate Dishonesty: Biden Keeps Repeating Lies About the Economy

The constant refrain from Democrats is that Joe Biden is unpopular because the White House has a “messaging” problem. Nothing is actually going wrong in America, they seem believe, and certainly none of the problems we’re experiencing are the result of Biden’s policies. No, the real problem is that they’re not “getting their message out” effectively.

Keep in mind that practically every major news organization in America — ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Associated Press, etc. — is entirely in the tank for Democrats, no longer even pretending to be “objective,” but instead pumping out Democratic Party propaganda 24/7. How bad does your “messaging” operation have to be if, in such a friendly media environment, your approval rating is still 13 points underwater?

Despite this incongruity, Democrats remain committed to the belief that “messaging” — and not policy — explains Biden’s upopularity. And so, today, they sent the doddering septuagenarian out today to squint at his teleprompter while he read this astonishing script:

Good morning, everyone. With today’s excellent jobs report and unemployment remaining at a near-historic low of 3.6 percent, I want to speak very briefly today about our economy and what we’re doing to lower the costs for American families.
I know that even with today’s good news, a lot of Americans remain anxious, and I understand the feeling. I grew up in a family about 100 miles from here that if — where if the price of gas went up, you felt it. It was a discussion at the kitchen table.
And there is no denying that high prices, particularly around gasoline and food, are a real problem for people. . . .

Permit me to interrupt and say that today’s employment report was not “good news,” and it certainly was not “excellent.” Also, why was Biden giving this speech from his beach house in Rehoboth Beach? But never mind, his handlers wrote this bit about the “kitchen table” discussion of rising gas prices when he was growing up “about 100 miles from” Rehoboth Beach. Except of course, when Joe was growing up, there was no wild inflation of gas prices. In 1948, when Truman was president and Joe was 6 years old, the price of a gallon of gas was 26 cents. Ten years later, when Joe was 16 and ready to get his driver’s license, the price of a gallon of gas had increased to . . . 30 cents.

So this notion that Joe can totally relate to your problems with gas at $5 a gallon because of the circumstances of his childhood is bullshit, just like everything else Joe says:

But there is every reason for the American people to feel confident that we’ll meet these challenges. Because of the enormous progress we’ve made on the economy, the Americans can tackle inflation from a position of strength. . . .
That purpose that we’ve set out to accomplish and the progress we’ve made, I think, is critical.
At the time I took office, about 16 months ago, the economy had stalled and COVID was out of control.
Today, thanks to the economic plan and the vaccination plan that my administration put into action, America has achieved the most robust recovery in modern history just two years removed from the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. . . .

If you were watching that on TV, how could you possibly restrain your urge to throw something at the screen and curse a blue streak? The economy had not “stalled” in January 2021 and COVID was not “out of control.” The “vaccination plan” about which Biden tries to claim credit was actually begun by the Trump administration. The biggest problem in the economy, of course, was that Democrats had demanded complete lockdowns in response to COVID-19. While GOP-run states like Texas and Florida had been more or less open for business since mid-2020, states like California, New York and Illinois had imposed draconian shutdown orders that they kept in place more than a year after Floridians had ditched their masks and gone to back to work. Democrats think the rest of us are too stupid to know any of that, and so Biden (or rather, the people who wrote the script of this speech) supposes that all he has to do is say his administration has made “enormous progress . . . on the economy” and we’ll just nod along as if it were actually true.

Everything’s going just hunk-dory, we’re supposed to believe, and if not, why it’s that wicked Putin fellow’s fault:

The two challenges on the minds of most working families are prices at the pump and prices at the grocery store. Both of these challenges have been directly exacerbated by Putin’s war in Ukraine.
The price of gas is up $1.40 since the beginning of the year when Putin began amassing troops at the Ukrainian border. This is the “Putin price hike.”
Putin’s war has raised the price of food because Ukraine and Russia are two of the world’s major breadbaskets for wheat and corn — the basic product for so many foods around the world.
Ukraine has 20 million tons of grain in storage right now, and it’s been in storage since the last harvest. Normally, that would have already been exported into the world market. But because of Putin’s invasion and a blockade of the port at which they could take that grain out for the rest of the world, it’s not. It’s not.
And look, I understand that families who are struggling probably don’t care why the prices are up. They just want them to go down. “Joe, what are you going to do to bring them down?” But it’s important that we understand the root of the problem so we can take steps to solve it.
I’ve been up front with the American people from the outset that there would be a cost here at home of Putin’s decision to brutally and savagely invade a sovereign nation.
But as your President, I remain committed to doing everything in my power to blunt the impact on American families, and that’s exactly what I’m doing.
I led the world to coordinate the largest release of global oil reserves in history — 240 million barrels — to boost global supply and keep prices from rising even more.
I directed the sale of gasoline using homegrown biofuels this summer.
And I’m working closely with our European partners to get more of the grain locked in Ukraine right now out into the world market, which could help bring down prices. There’s ways to do that over land, which we could talk about at another time.
But actions have already helped to blunt that — what would have been an even larger Putin price hike.
And as I said, I’m going to continue to use every tool available to me to further blunt those price hikes as we move forward.
But the fact is this: There’s more than one way to solve this problem. If food and gas prices are going to be elevated by Putin’s price hike, one way we can make things a little better for families is by helping them save on other basic items their family needs on a monthly basis, like their utility bills, their Internet bills, their prescription drug bills, and other costs like housing.

You see here that “Putin price hike” got repeated three times in the span of about two minutes, as if there had been no inflation before Putin invaded Ukraine, and as if Biden’s own policy — i.e., doing everything he could to shut down domestic petroleum production — had nothing to do with the high price of gasoline. For that matter, would Putin have invaded Ukraine if Biden hadn’t signaled weakness by his botched retreat from Afghanistan? Nothing Biden did prior to the invasion had any deterrent effect on Putin for the simple reason that Biden’s incompetence is as obvious to Putin as it is to anyone else. Putin doesn’t respect Joe Biden, because nobody respects Joe Biden. Insofar as the Ukraine war has contributed to inflation, then, that’s Biden’s fault, too.

Of course, the people who write Joe’s speeches don’t think we’re smart enough to figure this out, so they stick “Putin’s price hike” in the script three times, figuring that if Joe repeats it often enough, we’re eventually going to start believing it’s actually true. Skipping ahead in Joe’s speech:

I’ve laid out a plan to lower the cost of everyday goods that move through our supply chains to stores and families’ doorsteps.
For example, at the State of the Union, I called on Congress to crack down on foreign-owned shipping companies that have raised their prices to transport goods by as much as 1,000 percent. One thousand percent. And that obviously raises the cost of the goods on those ships to consumers.
The Senate has passed legislation, and I am hopeful the House can do the same to send me legislation in the coming weeks to crack down on these companies and help lower overall costs.
And my plan does all this without raising a penny in taxes on people making less than $400,000 a year and without raising the deficit at all by taxing the super wealthy and big corporations, like the 55 major corporations that don’t pay a single penny in taxes, even though they had a — $40 billion in profits.

It was at around this point of the speech that I walked outside to smoke a cigarette and try to calm down. The idea that there is some vast amount of revenue to be gotten by “taxing the super wealthy and big corporations” is one of those pie-in-the-sky beliefs that Democrats cling to like a religion. In fact, if you hike the marginal rates on “the super wealthy,” they will just take their money out of the U.S. economy and put it somewhere with lower taxes. That is to say, confiscatory tax policies will encourage disinvestment and “capital flight” and — at a time when the shrewdest investment gurus are warning of an economic “hurricane” — this is not what you want to encourage, unless you’re a complete imbecile like Joe Biden. And, just incidentally, Biden’s proposal to punish foreign shipping companies is just a lot of ignorant noise. The price of shipping has gone up because the cost of shipping has gone up. If it were sheer greed that caused the price increase for shipping, don’t you think some eager shipping operators would take advantage of the situation by undercutting the competition to grab a greater market share?

Nobody has ever accused Joe Biden of understanding economics, and if there is anyone else in his administration who does understand economics, I’d like to know the name of this person, so I can ask them why the hell they haven’t quit in disgust by now. Certainly, no one who understands economics could be under the delusion that “messaging” is the core problem of Biden’s presidency. No matter what clever rhetoric they write for Biden to read from his teleprompter, the underlying reality is unchanged, and that reality is that Biden is the Worst President Ever.


Vox Day and Chairman Xi?

Posted on | June 3, 2022 | Comments Off on Vox Day and Chairman Xi?

In a Thursday press conference, China’s foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian declared the belief of the Chinese Communist Party: “The country is the people and the people are the country.”

Vox Day wonders why he gets called a Nazi for believing the same thing.


In The Mailbox: 06.02.22 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | June 3, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.02.22 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.
Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1735
EBL: Cuomo Chickens Out
Twitchy: Journalist Encourages Fathers To Take Kids To Pride Parades
Louder With Crowder: Jake Tapper Wrecks WH Advisor So Hard Over Baby Formula Crisis, The Camera “Suddenly” Falls Over
Vox Popoli: Brighter Than A Thousand Suns, Hit Piece Incoming, and A Portrait In Criminal Defamation

Adam Piggott: The Godless Australian Catholic Church
American Conservative: Courage Unto The Breach
American Greatness: Trumpology, also, The Biggest Threat To The Second Amendment Is RINOs
American Power: The Western Citizen Is Dying?
American Thinker: Challenging The Woke Financial Establishment, also, America Today – Liberals Did It
Animal Magnetism: Hump Day Bonus
Babalu Blog: Cuban Veteran Of Angola Commits Suicide After 4000 Peso Fine For Selling Produce W/O License, also, Venezuela Arrests 17 Cuban Slave Doctors Who Tried To Escape
BattleSwarm: Memorial Day – Remembering Samuel David Dealey, also, Administration Changes Rules To Get Graft Flowing To Leftwing Cronies Again
Behind The Black: Pushback – Neighbors Rally Against HOA Flag Removal Order, Hoist Own Flags, Blue Origin Reschedules Next New Shepard Flight, and Ursa Major Announces New Rocket Engine To Replace Russian-Made RD-180 & 181
Cafe Hayek: Just Speculating
CDR Salamander: Unfunded Priorities – Or A Deeper Story?
Chicago Boyz: Septoplasty Part Two
Da Tech Guy: Five Fast One-Liners Under The Fedora, The Difference Between The Left & Right In Two Sentences, and Report From Louisiana – Memorial Day 2022
Don Surber: Why I Am Rooting For Top Gun, PayPal Is Saving America, and How Biden Killed The Economy
First Street Journal: In Which I Tell You, Extremely Politically Incorrectly, How To Solve All Of Philadelphia’s Problems
Gates Of Vienna: Wir Schaffen Das! This Time With Ukrainians!, Lest We Forget, and Sweden Democrats Confronted By Scary Culture-Enricher In Norrtalje
The Geller Report: Scumbag Chuck U. Schumer Blocks GOP School Safety Bill, also, Chicago Mass Shootings – 52 Shot, Ten Killed Over Memorial Day Weekend
Hogewash: The Other Two Blue Planets, Why Have The Second Amendment? and Everything Is Proceeding As I Have Foreseen
Hollywood In Toto: Jon Stewart Can’t See The Damage Done By His Fellow Progressives, also, Jussie’s Back – What About Roseanne?
The Lid: HOA Demands Fallen Police Chief’s Father Take Down His Thin Blue Line Flag. They Lose. 
Legal Insurrection: California Gov Candidate Lashes Out At SF Mayor’s Plan To Tackle Only Trans Homelessness, Students & Alumni Protest Changes At W&L’s Lee Chapel, and Administration Reportedly Plans To Forgive $10,000 In Student Loans Per Borrower
Michelle Malkin: Twenty Years – The Murder Of LA County Sheriff’s Deputy David March
Nebraska Energy Observer: Consider This, also, Uvalde & Sussmann
Outkick: Former Pro Bowl Cowboys Running Back Found Dead At 38, Ukraine Soccer Team Beats Scotland, now One Game Away From Qualifying For World Cup, and Far-Left Nutjob Mark Jones Calling Game 7 Was A Bad Look For ESPN & NBA
Power Line: Another Dimension To The Russia “Collusion” Scandal
Shark Tank: “It’s Okay To Say Gay” Billboards Continue Popping Up In Florida
Shot In The Dark: Doooo Something also, “Nobody’s Coming For Your Guns”
STUMP: Misleading Gun Death Stats, Part II
The Political Hat: They Also Always Blame America First
This Ain’t Hell: Another Three Accounted For, Duckworth To Save The Military? and Dancers To Implore “Do Something!” 
Transterrestrial Musings: Americans, Excellent Lambs, and Arming Teachers
Victory Girls: Start Those Virtue Signal Engines! also, Unicorn Usurped By Ukraine’s LGBT Soldiers
Volokh Conspiracy: California Court Rules Bees Qualify As Fish Under State Endangered Species Act, also, OK Justice Barrett, I “Read The Opinion” In Netchoice LLC v. Paxton
Watts Up With That: New Findings Show Gulf Stream Has Strengthened Over Past Century, also, Clouds Haven’t Behaved The Way The IPCC Or The Models Say
Weasel Zippers: Sick Crackhead Hunter Biden Sent Pr0n To His Own Father, also, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
The Federalist: Federal Incompetence Responsible For NM’s Largest Wildfire, Churches That Bless Gay Marriage Victimize Children, and GOP Neocons Unclear On Where $40 Billion For Ukraine Will Come From
Mark Steyn: Aba Daba Honeymoon, The Swallows Skim And All Is Hushed, and The War On Everyone

Amazon Warehouse Deals

In The Mailbox: 06.02.22 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | June 2, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.02.22 (Afternoon Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Back in Vegas; the plan is to pick up my Kia tomorrow at Pep Boys and haul ass for Tonopah. Might get two posts up tomorrow, might not. In the meantime, thanks for everyone who bought stuff through my Amazon links this past month. It’s good to have some spare change to throw at Sonic – or Sheetz, depending on one’s location.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

The left seems fascinated by our penises. Jealousy?

EBL: Thomas Sowell – Common Sense In A Senseless World, also, Who Killed Fawn Leibowitz?
Twitchy: CNN Reports Slow Joe Employs More Than 70 Staffers To Handle Digital Content, also, Dana Loesch Drags TF Out Of Jerry Nadler For Mansplaining That Women Should Just Disarm
Louder With Crowder: “But You HAVE Pooped In It”, also, Top Gun: Maverick Takes Box Office By Storm
Vox Popoli: Staged Show In Texas?, Who Deceives Wins, and The Great Bifurcation Continues
Stoic Observations: The Brokenhearted Woman
Gab News: Talking Our Way Out Of Rocky Horror

Adam Piggott: Podcast #153 – The First World Episode
American Conservative: Hillary Was In On Russiagate, also, The DOJ Brings Back Obama-Era Slush Funds
American Greatness: FBI Has Maintained Secure Workspace Inside Democrat Law Firm Perkins Coie Since 2012, also, DOJ To Investigate Police Response To Uvalde Shooting
American Power: Serhii Plokny, Atoms & Ashes, also, Let The Pre-Criminations Begin
American Thinker: I Wish Our Government Understood Memorial Day, also, Biden’s Energy Inflation Is No Accident
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Electrical Grid News, also, Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Elections In Colombia – A Temporary Reprieve From CommunismCuba Has Sold Over $1.3 Billion In Blood & Human Organs To Other Countries, and The Prostitution Of Jose Marti By Cuba’s Dictatorship 
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For May 27, Are You A Woman? and These Are The Cope Cages
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, Engineers Rethinking Ingenuity Ops To Keep Him Alive Through Winter, and FAA Once Again Delays Starship Liftoff From Boca Chica
Cafe Hayek: Save Us From Such “Progress”, Oh My Gosh Canada, and Enough With Potted History
CDR Salamander: Keeping An Eye On The Long Game, Part XCIV
Chicago Boyz: A Farrago Of Fail
Da Tech Guy: Five Gun & School Thoughts Under The Fedora, Stop Pretending That Star Wars [Fandom] Hates Black People, and Leftists In Their Silo Created MiniTru, Ultra MAGA, and Chicago’s Summer Of Joy
Don Surber: Lefties Agree The House Will Flip Red, The Faces Of Gun Owners, and The Real Replacement
First Street Journal: But The Horse Identified As A Mare!, Update On A Lexington Killer, and Killadelphia
Gates Of Vienna: The Estrogen Revolution, The Cartelization Of Europe, and Nice Work If You Can Get It
The Geller Report: “He Wasn’t Bullied, HE WAS THE BULLY”, Wisconsin Voters Sue Democrat Cities Over Illegal Drop Boxes In 2020 Election, and Nancy Pelosi’s Allegedly Drunken Husband Reportedly Arrested For DUI
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, Tonight’s Sky For June 2022, and That’s About The Size Of It
Hollywood In Toto: Uncanceled – Gina Carano’s Terror On The Prairie Lands June Release, How First Blood Laps Its Populist Sequels, and Is Netflix CEO Ted Sarandos Getting Red-Pilled In Realtime?
The Lid: Jerusalem Day, also, Unity? Slow Joe Talks Of Tolerance While Lying That J6 Rioters Killed Police
Legal Insurrection: Gibson’s Bakery Seeks To Execute On $36 Million Appeal Bond Since Oberlin College Failed To Gain Stay Of Appeals Court Mandate, The Threat To America’s Bacon & Egg Breakfasts, and Boston U. Professor Claims Property Is Racist
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random…Music!, Abortion In The Early Church, and Memorial Day
Outkick: Former VT LB Isememen Etute Acquitted In Murder Of Trap, Detroit Tigers Funneling Money To Kids For Trans Surgeries, and Real Madrid Crowned Kings Of Europe For 14th Time After Beating Liverpool 1-0
Power Line: The Daily Beast Is Sorry, A Dirty Trick Foiled? and A Bumblebee Needs Fins…
Shark Tank: LGBTQ Catfight Erupts Between Christina Pushaw & Carlos Guillermo Smith
Shot In The Dark: Put Another, Uh, Dime, In The…Jukebox?, What A Difference Four Years Makes, and The Home Team
STUMP: Misleading Gun Death Stats Part I
The Political Hat: When One Of The Voices In Your Head Is Paint-Gendered
This Ain’t Hell: New BATF Chief Nominee, Occasional Cortex’s Grand Gesture, and Space Force – New Grooming Standards & More
Transterrestrial Musings: The Tour Of Starbase, Stuart Kirk, and The New Normal
Victory Girls: U.S, Forest Service Started Massive NM Blaze, Lockdown King Gavin Newsom Gets The Coof, and Flashcard Grooming Begins As Early As Pre-School
Volokh Conspiracy: A Response To The Latest Vilification Campaign Against The NRA, also, Private Gun Carriers’ Self-Defense Against Public Shooters
Watts Up With That: A Global ESG System Is Almost Here, Wind Park Destruction Of 1000-Year-Old Untouched German Forest Exposes “Absurdity Of Green Energies”, and MIT Weighs In On Energy Storage
Weasel Zippers: Joe Biden Makes Bizarre Claim About Naval Academy, Inconvenient Truth – Arctic Ice At 10-Year High, and SCOTUS Leak Hunt Heats Up
The Federalist: After Nixing 50 Million Gallon/Day Desalination Plant, California Demands Residents Use Less Water, Fairfax County Parents Rally Against Policy Punishing Their Middle-Schoolers For “Misgendering” Classmates, and Democrats Are Fooling Themselves On Guns
Mark Steyn: Start The Revolution Without Me, Texas Messed, and Lincoln Returns To Washington

Amazon Warehouse Deals

Important Updates

Posted on | June 2, 2022 | Comments Off on Important Updates

First of all, thanks to the generosity of our readers, my mother-in-law’s fundraiser for the Walk for Life to benefit Richland Pregnancy Services has nearly doubled its original goal of $500. With about 36 hours to go until Saturday’s event, if only someone gave $64, they’d be at $1,000.

Speaking of pregnancy, you may remember the shooting in Kansas City, where 26-year-old Leona Hale told police she was pregnant when they tried to arrest her for carjacking, and then she got shot by the cops. A witness claimed that Hale was unarmed, but now the prosecutor has released this image from a police officer’s body camera.

Is that a pistol in your hand, or are you just happy to see me? Hale has been charged with unlawful possession of a firearm, unlawful use of a weapon and a misdemeanor of resisting a lawful detention. And speaking of criminals who are going to prison . . .

Yes, former MSNBC/CNN star Michael Avenatti — whom Brian “Tater” Stelter promoted as a 2020 presidential candidate — is going to have lots of time to think about his future in the penitentiary:

Disgraced attorney Michael Avenatti was sentenced to four years in prison by a federal judge Thursday for stealing nearly $300,000 in book advance money from porn star Stormy Daniels.
A portion of his sentence will be served concurrent to time he’s already doing in a separate extortion case — but the fallen lawyer will have to serve 30 months of the new sentence after that, Manhattan federal Judge Jesse Furman ordered.
During the sentencing hearing, Avenatti, wearing beige jail fatigues, choked up at times as he addressed Furman, describing how his life had been upended since his arrests on a number of federal charges.
“I’ve brought embarrassment and ridicule upon myself and innocent third parties, including my family, my children, my friends and the legal profession,” he told Furman.
“I have destroyed my career, my relationships and my reputation and done collateral damage to my family and my life. There is serious doubt as to how or if I will recover any semblance of a normal life or peace,” Avenatti added.
The loudmouth lawyer, who rose to national fame during Donald Trump’s presidency by representing Daniels, stole two book advance payments from the porn star in 2018 that totaled nearly $300,000, a jury found at his trial earlier this year.

Maybe he could strike up a pen pal relationship with Amber Heard.

They seem to have so much in common . . .


‘New System’? Off-Season Excitement Has New England Patriots Fans Wondering

Posted on | June 2, 2022 | Comments Off on ‘New System’? Off-Season Excitement Has New England Patriots Fans Wondering

Let’s face it, this has been a stressful off-season for fans of the New England Patriots (of which I became one after they drafted Mac Jones). First, there was the demoralizing blowout loss to Buffalo in the wild card playoff game, then the departure of several veterans via free agency and trades, followed by some perplexing choices in the NFL draft. Oh, and I almost forgot — longtime offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels left to take the head coaching job at Las Vegas, taking with him several assistants and front-office people. No matter how deep your trust in Coach Bill Belichick, these events might have shaken your faith.

So today I’m lying down for a nap and scrolling YouTube when I see a “Patriots Beat” video with my favorite guys Evan Lazar and Alex Barth, with the provocative title, “Are the Pats Switching to Shanahan-Style Offense?” The gist of it is, based on what they’ve seen in OTAs (Organized Team Activities, which are voluntary spring drills) and a remark by wide receive Kendrick Bourne that the offense is switching to a “new system,” Lazar deduces that the Patriots are adopting the offensive style pioneered by Kyle Shanahan, who has been head coach at San Francisco since 2017.


What’s funny about this video is that, while Lazar is usually the overthinking worrywart of this duo, and Barth is more laidback, in this case the roles are reversed, with Lazar obviously optimistic about the “new system” on offense, while Barth is the one deeply worried.

Doing some research (i.e., a quick Google search and watching a YouTube video) has me on the optimistic side. Look, if your offensive coordinator leaves, isn’t that as good a time as any to change your offensive scheme? Also, isn’t it possible that (a) the Patriots had become too predictable on offense and (b) this new Shanahan-style offense might be better suited to the type of personnel the Patriots have now? From what I’ve seen, based on a quick scan of this system, it might be ideal for a running back like Damien Harris, who’s very good at making cutback runs. The Shanahan scheme uses “zone blocking” in the running game with the specific goal of creating the kind of seams that a back like Harris can exploit.

In the passing game, the Shanahan scheme uses a lot of pre-snap motion and play action to mislead defenders, and I could see how this would appeal to Belichick’s idea of what the Patriots can accomplish with quarterback Mac Jones and their current corps of receivers.

On the other hand, as my brother Kirby says, we must consider the possibility that “Evan Lazar is full of s***” and maybe the Patriots aren’t switching to the Shanahan-style offense. Then again . . .

If Bourne says it’s a whole new system, what is it? We are now 101 days from New England’s season opener against the Dolphins. So in less than 15 weeks, we’ll find out what it means. Can’t wait . . .


‘Actual Malice’: Jury Gives Johnny Depp Victory Against Lying Bitch Amber Heard

Posted on | June 1, 2022 | 1 Comment

Millions of dollars worth of justice:

The jury in a Fairfax County, Virginia, courthouse decided Wednesday that Johnny Depp and Amber Heard each wronged the other, though Depp was the more aggrieved party, in a defamation suit and counter-suit that captivated the country.
Depp sued Heard, his former wife, for a 2018 op-ed in the Washington Post that claimed she was a victim of domestic abuse. She did not name Depp directly, but it was clear from the context that she was accusing Depp of having abused her.
Depp sued Heard for $50 million. Heard filed a counterclaim for $100 million, complaining about statements his lawyers had made about her in answering her claims.
The trial lasted from April until early June, and featured sensational and shocking details their marriage. Depp’s side presented evidence that Heard had actually abused him, rather than the other way around, and refuted rumors that Depp had abused previous lovers, such as supermodel Kate Moss. Public opinion appeared to side with Depp.
The jury found for Depp on all three of his defamation claims regarding the op-ed, awarding him $10 million in compensatory damages and $5 million in punitive damages. Notably, the jury found that a statement accusing Depp of sexual violence and domestic abuse was defamatory.
The jury found for Heard on only one of her two claims, awarding her $2 million in compensatory damages but no punitive damages, sending a message that they found her more at fault.

The lying bitch is now the whining bitch:

“The disappointment I feel today is beyond words,” Heard’s team told The Post in a statement. “I’m heartbroken that the mountain of evidence still was not enough to stand up to the disproportionate power, influence and sway of my ex-husband.
“I’m even more disappointed with what this verdict means for other women. It is a setback. It sets back the clock to a time when a woman who spoke up and spoke out could be publicly shamed and humiliated. It sets back the idea that violence against women is to be taken seriously,” Heard’s statement continues. “I believe Johnny’s attorneys succeeded in getting the jury to overlook the key issue of Freedom of Speech and ignore evidence that was so conclusive that we won in the UK.
“I’m sad I lost this case,” Heard’s statement concluded. “But I am sadder still that I seem to have lost a right I thought I had as an American — to speak freely and openly.”

What America wants from Amber Heard now:

1. Shut up;
2. Go away.

The moral of the story: Never trust a bisexual.


Save Babies, Help Moms, Hit the Tip Jar!

Posted on | May 31, 2022 | Comments Off on Save Babies, Help Moms, Hit the Tip Jar!

It’s that time of year again — Saturday is the annual Walk for Life to raise money for Richland Pregnancy Services in Mansfield, Ohio.

Last year, we rattled the tip jar for this event because my wife’s mother, at 80 years old and having recently undergone knee replacement surgery, was doing this 5K walk. And she’s doing it again this year!


As I explained last year:

My mother-in-law is a very special woman, the mother of six children, she also adopted one of her nieces, and now has 24 grandchildren, as well as a growing number of great-grandchildren.

When we rattled the tip jar for her last year, it got a huge response, and I know everybody wants to help out again this year.


Let me tell you more about Saturday’s event:

Richland Pregnancy Services’ Walk for Life is just days away and they are inching closer to their fundraising goal of $35,000 dollars.
The Walk for Life steps off at North Lake Park on Saturday, June 4, 2022, at 10:00 a.m.
In addition to a leisurely stroll on the scenic B&O Bike Trail, walkers can win prizes from Cedar Point, Kings Island, Little Buckeye, Precision Lube, and the Cleveland Cavaliers to name a few.
Kids will have the opportunity to snap a photo with Captain America and Spider-Man. . . .
Richland Pregnancy Services provides services for women and men experiencing unplanned pregnancies. They offer free ultrasounds and STD testing, mentoring, parenting classes, and a baby boutique.

You can click here to find out more about Richland Pregnancy Services, but the main point is my 81-year-old mother-in-law is going to do a 5K!


So far, my mother-in-law’s church has raised $100 of their $500 goal for this year’s event, but I’m sure we can not only get them to $500, we can do better than that. Whatever you can give — $5, $10, $25 — will help.


Thanks in advance, on behalf of the babies whose lives you can save.


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