The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 10.27.21

Posted on | October 28, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.27.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

It would be fitting.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1518
Red Pilled Jew: Our Children Are The Hill To Die On A Distributed Capacity For Violence
357 Magnum: How’s That Bail Reform Working Out?
EBL: Mort Sahl, RIP
Twitchy: Florida Now Has America’s Lowest COVID Rate, Yahoo News Wants To Know If DeSantis Deserves Credit, also, Pinche Gordita Ana Navarro Says Black & Latina Women Know Sen. Sinema’s Denim Vest is Racist 
Louder With Crowder: Based Iranian Dad Returns, “Congratulates” Board For Graduating From “Disgraced” To “Pedophiles”, also, Watch Ted Cruz Eviscerate Merrick Garland Over Targeting Parents 
Vox Popoli: The Flight From Taiwan, U.S. Military Capacity – Weak, and Dead Boys In Britain
Gab News: Gab’s Statement On President Trump’s Social Network

Adam Piggott: Arguing The Existence of God
American Conservative: We Lost The School Fight Fifty Years Ago
American Greatness: Five Months After Indictment, Feds Finally Arrest Cameraman Who Threatened Rep. Gaetz With Murder, America Gone Mad, and The Left Is Everything They Hate
American Thinker: Democrats Are Actively Seeking To Destroy America’s Unique Culture, also, Why Democrats’ Scheme To Tax Unrealized Capitol Gains Should Terrify You
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Cuba’s Dictatorship Pressuring Imprisoned Dissidents To Accept Exile, Calls For Violence & Kidnapping To Intimidate Cubans Ahead of 11/15 March For Freedom, and Cuban Dictatorship Spreads Fear, Foments Violence, Mayhem, & Civil War
BattleSwarm: Fighting Critical Race Theory In Texas Schools, also, “NYC’s Homeless Problem Is A Giant Scam!”
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, Ingenuity Completes 14th Flight On Mars, and Curiosity Marches On Into The Mountains
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
CDR Salamander: Yes, For 20 Years The CCP Has Been In Our Communications Ecosystem
Da Tech Guy: Report From Louisiana – Ruberry Nailed It!, Voices Of EWTN – Father Leonard Mary In Fitchburg, and My Question For The Twitter Censors Regarding Rachel Levine
Don Surber: “A Penis Can Be A Female Sex Organ”, also, 59% say “F*** Joe Biden” Chant Is OK
First Street Journal: The Left Really, Really Don’t Understand Conservatives, also, Hold Them Accountable!
Gates Of Vienna: The EU Funds Jew-Hatred In Palestinian Schoolbooks, Jihad Jennifer Gets Ten Years For Her Crimes In Iraq, and Cracking Down On The Unvaxxed
The Geller Report: Harvard Prof Says Kids Should NOT Get The Jab, also, Email Shows Biden Ordered Evac Flights Be Filled With Unvetted Refugees
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Two Clusters & White Dwarfs
Hollywood In Toto: How Wahlberg’s Fear Captured A Parent’s Worst Nightmare, also, United States Of Insanity Nails FBI Overreach
The Lid: Leftist Archaeologists Find Revised Constitution Ratified In 1790 (Satire)
Legal Insurrection: Victor Davis Hanson Calls Higher Education “Ground Zero Of Woke”, also, Student’s Resignation Letter To Harvard Pre-Med Cites “Molecules Of White Supremacy Seeping From My Computer”
Michelle Malkin: Grant Napear’s Life Matters
Nebraska Energy Observer: Lupus Tenebrosus Chapter 12
Outkick: Roger Goodell Announces Why He’s Not Releasing WFT Investigation Findings; Cheerleaders Furious, Cleveland Guardians Roller Derby Team Sues Baseball Team To Stop Name Change, and MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred Defends Braves’ Tomahawk Chop
Power Line: Memo To Diversicrats – Here’s Some “Equity” For You, Tom Cotton Tears Into Merrick Garland, and The Case For Terry McAuliffe
Shark Tank: Wassermann-Schultz Calls DeSantis’ Plan To Hire Unvaxxed Cops “Threatening”
Shot In The Dark: A Long Train of Abuses & Usurpations, You May Or May Not Be Able To Fight City Hall, and Either Way
STUMP: Remembering Soviet Dissident Vladimir Bukovsky, 1942-2019
The Political Hat: Why American Public Schools Are A Joke
This Ain’t Hell: Pentagon Thinks We’re 6-12 Months Away From ISIS-K Being Able To Hit The U.S., The Difference Between AF & Navy Pilots, and NY State Releasing Cop-Killing Domestic Terrorist David Gilbert
Transterrestrial Musings: Immortal Data, also, “Transphobic” Lesbians
Victory Girls: Ray Epps, Jayden X, And The Insurrection, also, Roundup Time – Desperate Democrats & Their Panic
Volokh Conspiracy: “Is He A Criminal Lawyer? Yes, Very.”
Weasel Zippers: DOD Admits Over 400 Americans Still Stuck In Afghanistan, Idiot Joy Reid Claims DeSantis Wants To Import Unvaxxed Cops To Kill Seniors, and WaPo Says Parents Don’t Have The Right To Shape What Teachers Teach Their Kids
The Federalist: Why These Parents, Students, & Protesters Are Standing Up To The Loudoun County School Board, also, Biden’s FBI Joins Nancy Pelosi In Blocking Republicans From Investigating January 6
Mark Steyn: Coming Apart, also, Greatly Agitated

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— compiled by Wombat-socho

Virginia, Brace Yourselves

Posted on | October 27, 2021 | Comments Off on Virginia, Brace Yourselves

We’re now less than a week away from Election Day, with the Virginia gubernatorial race too close to call, and I want all my Virginia readers to prepare themselves psychologically for the nightmare ordeal of these final few days. The agonizing wait, constantly checking to see what new poll has been published, or what TV ad is rolling out — the last week of the campaign is always a nerve-wracking ordeal for political junkies.

Meanwhile, you’re being bombarded with Bidenism:

President Joe Biden leaned into Terry McAuliffe’s core campaign strategy to tie Republican Glenn Youngkin to former President Trump and nationalize Virginia’s toss-up gubernatorial race.
“I ran against Donald Trump. Terry is running against an acolyte of Donald Trump,” Biden said to a crowd of about 2,500 braving a chilly, windy night in Arlington.
Not long ago, McAuliffe warned that Biden being “unpopular” meant that Democrats would have to work harder through “headwinds from Washington,” and Biden’s approval ratings have dipped further since then.
But with recent gubernatorial race polls showing a dead heat between the former Democratic governor, who is seeking a second non-consecutive term, and Republican Glenn Youngkin, a former private equity firm co-CEO, McAuliffe turned to Biden to give him a boost with one week before Election Day.
“Talk about an oxymoron: Donald Trump and election integrity,” Biden said, appearing to refer to Youngkin’s election integrity platform that he pushed during the Republican primary. “I can’t believe he puts the words Trump and integrity in the same sentence.”
Much of his speech was not about Youngkin but was a response to Trump and a defense of his performance as president.
“Trump likes to boast the single best measure of the economy is the stock market. I never thought that. Well, if that’s true, take a look at the stock market now. It’s higher than it’s ever been,” Biden said.
Biden’s second appearance in Virginia for McAuliffe, despite coming only barely across the river and just a stone’s throw from the Pentagon, demonstrates a full-court press approach among national Democrats in fear of losing the race in an embarrassing upset. A loss in Virginia, where off-year state elections have historically been a barometer for midterm elections, would damage Biden’s image and Democratic enthusiasm.
The president is just the latest in a parade of Democrats coming to stump for McAuliffe in the critical final weeks of the toss-up campaign.
Former President Barack Obama campaigned with McAuliffe in Richmond over the weekend, and Vice President Kamala Harris campaigned for McAuliffe last week in addition to filming a “Souls to the Polls” ad to be played at black churches.

The best way to react to this is to ignore it. Just go vote, and encourage your neighbors to do the same, and do your best to tune out the frantic chatter from the desperate Democrats. Read a book. Watch a movie. Do whatever it takes to calm your mind amid the campaign madness.


In The Mailbox: 10.26.21

Posted on | October 27, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.26.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.
357 Magnum: Your ISP Is Spying On You
EBL: 15 Minutes Of Shame
Twitchy: “You Can Feel The Energy”, also, Jezebel Fact-Checks Chappelle’s Claim That Hannah Gadsby Isn’t Funny
Louder With Crowder: Unfunny Hannah Gadsby Lashes Out At Dave Chappelle, also, Every Reason To Fire Fauci Other Than Torturing Dogs
Vox Popoli: Seeing Through Shapiro, also, Red China Bets On Surrender

Adam Piggott: The Physical & Spiritual Fight
American Conservative: Five Simple Reforms For The Next Republican Administration
American Greatness: Wisc. Judge Says Men Shot By Kyle Rittenhouse May Be Called Rioters, Looters, Or Arsonists – But Not Victims, also, Loudoun County Parents Forced To Sign NDA To Read New Racist Curriculum
American Power: Astros Vs. Braves Is Rob Manfred’s Nightmare World Series
American Thinker: Children As Human Shields In Loudoun County, also, Why Pete Buttigieg Prefers Diapers
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Climate Change News
Babalu Blog: Pastor Arrested For Peacefully Protesting On 7/11 Sentenced To 10 Years In Prison, also, Cuban Priest Condemns Government’s Violent “Rapid Response Brigades”
BattleSwarm: Did Google Break The Law? also, Homelessness Is A Profit Center For The Democrats
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, Japan Launches GPS-Type Satellite, and How Deadly Is COVID-19, Really?
Cafe Hayek: Hey There, Comrade!
Da Tech Guy: Voices Of Life – Rebekah Hagen Of The Abortion Pill Reversal Network, Quick Under The Fedora Thoughts, and Pennsylvania – The Worst Of The Worst
Don Surber: 45% Of Americans Don’t Buy Global Warming Propaganda, Bollywood Can Replace Alec Baldwin & His Ilk, and No Prizes Awarded Because The Nominees Were White Men
First Street Journal: Let’s Go, Brandon! also, Heather Long Gets A Promotion
Gates Of Vienna: Yet Another Mentally Ill Mujahid, Pollyanna Please Come Home, and Empty Beds When RI Hospitals Were “Overwhelmed”
The Geller Report: Calif. Unemployment Claims Account For One-Third Of America’s Total, Israeli Muslim Murders His Mom Because She Converted To Christianity, and IAF Begins Training For Strike On Iranian Nuke Program
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, In A Galaxy Far Away, and Slow Blogging For A While
Hollywood In Toto: Did SNL Admit Biden’s Mental State Is In Question? also, Comic Book Creators Turn To NFTs
The Lid: Pelosi Tries Rallying Democrats Around Neutered Agenda – “Embrace The Suck”
Legal Insurrection: Black Student Senator At Berkeley Faces Recall For Refusing To Represent Whites, Mom Says School Safety Agents Should Stay With NYPD, and “Defund The Police” Advocate Ilhan Omar Blames Minneapolis Police For Crime Spike
Nebraska Energy Observer: For All The Saints, also, Two Old Friends
Outkick: Texas Restricts Transgender School Athletes To Participating As Gender Assigned At Birth, ESPN Employee Lies About Diversity, and Lane Kiffin Had No Idea Who’s Playing In The World Series
Power Line: Baseball Is No Morality Play, Certainly Not A Woke-Left One, Bordering On Insanity, and Our Scientific Overlords
Shark Tank: Simpson Whines About Ladapo’s “Unprofessional” Behavior
Shot In The Dark: Meet The Petard
The Political Hat: Critical Hand Theory, also, Bring Back The Monroe Doctrine
This Ain’t Hell: After 23 Kids Arrested For Brawling At School, Dads Step In, Watch Those Pronouns & Gender Assignments, and Pablo Would Be So Proud
Transterrestrial Musings: Another Commercial Space Station
Victory Girls: Puppy Killer, Explain Yourself, also, Enes Kanter Takes On Red China With Shoes & Tweets
Volokh Conspiracy: Court Allows Discovery Of Funding Sources For Nunes’ Family Farms Libel Lawsuit
Weasel Zippers: Now Democrats Hate Congress Too, Mass Shooting At Boise Mall, and Months Later, Pentagon Confirms Over 450 Americans Stranded In Afghanistan
The Federalist: How The “Rachel” Levine “Four-Star Admiral” Photo Op Damages U.S. Security, Before Having The IRS Snoop On All Americans’ Bank Accounts, It Needs To Audit Joe Biden, and Ohio’s School Board Association Latest To Leave NSBA
Mark Steyn: When Your Lover Has Gone, also, Melting General Lee

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Hypocrite Terry McAuliffe Does Not Send His Kids to Virginia Public Schools

Posted on | October 26, 2021 | Comments Off on Hypocrite Terry McAuliffe Does Not Send His Kids to Virginia Public Schools

Millionaire liberal Terry McAuliffe is not from Virginia. He’s from Syracuse, New York. He got his start in politics as campaign finance director for Jimmy Carter in 1980. He made $8 million from the Global Crossing scam. Trying to cash in on Obama’s “green energy” scam, McAuliffe “gave 32 wealthy Chinese nationals EB-5 visas in exchange for $560,000 investments into GreenTech Automotive,” which went bankrupt in 2018. There are all kinds of reasons not to vote for this sleazy swindling leftover from the Clinton era, but here’s the real deal-breaker: Terry McAuliffe is against school choice and he’s trying to send parents to prison for speaking out at public school board meetings, and yet NONE of his children have ever attended a Virginia public school.

Why would anyone ever vote for this corrupt hypocrite?


In The Mailbox: 10.25.21

Posted on | October 25, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.25.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Lot of folks sent in stuff over the weekend. Enjoy.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

Even the kids are getting into the act.

Bacon Time: Do You Trust Google?
McG’s Tally Book: Autumn Greetings
Red Pilled Jew: Concealed Data – My BS Meter Pegs Out
357 Magnum: Can You Gaslight An Entire State About A Politician?
EBL: The Chosen
Twitchy: “You Will Not Summon Me”, also, LCPS Rapist The Latest Victim Of Obama’s “Phony, Trumped-Up Culture Wars”
Louder With Crowder: Mission Statement – THIS Is Why We #FightLikeHell
Vox Popoli: Be Vigilant, Never Laugh At God, and Now It’s Their Turn
Stoic Observations: The Will To Be Persuaded & The Rationality Of Violent Conflict

Adam Piggott: Sunday Musings
American Conservative: The Admirals Who Killed The West, also, Taiwan Is Not About China
American Greatness: The Face Of American Despotism, also, Ground Zero Of Woke
American Thinker: The Often-Overlooked Facts About COVID-19, also, The Teachers’ Union’s Fumbled Play
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: The Broken Supply Chain That Has Always Affected Socialists, Independent Journalist’s Daughter Arrested & Raped By Castro’s Police, and Pope Francis Washes His Hands Of The Cuban People & Their Suffering
BattleSwarm: Joe Rogan & Michael Shellenberger Discuss When & Why San Francisco Turned Into A Shithole
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, Layered Glaciers In Mars’ Glacier Country, and Arianespace, Chicom Launches This Weekend
Cafe Hayek: Some “Historians” Do “History”, On Civilized Disagreement & Argument, and The Abuse & Misuse Of Science “Is Gross To Watch”
CDR Salamander: Red China’s Dangerous Decade – On Midrats, also, I’ll Take Sub Killing For 500
Da Tech Guy: Gen. Don Bolduc, GOP Candidate For Senate From NH, Go See Dune – In The Theater, and Nine Months That Shook The World – A List of Biden’s Failures
Don Surber: Firing Heroes Over The Jab Mandate, Speaking To Biden In A Language He Understands, and Democrats Retreat In The War On Parents
First Street Journal: The Cannibalism Of The Left, also, Two Capitol Kerflufflers Sentenced
Gates Of Vienna: The Not-So-Magic Bus, Austria Makes Life Difficult For The Unvaxxed, and Vexed Docs Nix The Vax
The Geller Report: WaPo Forced To Admit They Lied About “Let’s Go Brandon” Chant, Kerry Promises To Create Auto Jobs As Part Of Green New Deal – IN MEXICO, and ABSOLUTE CORRUPTION – Big Pharma Companies With Jabs Licensed For Emergency Use All Employ Former FDA Commissioners
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, Smog On Saturn, and Following The Science
Hollywood In Toto: Mass Is Simple, Spare, & Spellbinding, also, Why Something Wicked This Way Comes Deserves A Reboot
The Lid: SCOTUS Makes The Right Call On Qualified Immunity, also, Brooklyn Bridge Shut Down By First Responders’ Anti-Jab Protest
Legal Insurrection: Administration Admits There’s A Lot More Stranded Americans In Afghanistan, GOP Calls For Investigation & Firing Of Fauci After His Lies About Gain-Of-Function Research Exposed, and Parents Group Launches Database To Track “Equity” Consultants In The “Woke-Industrial Complex” 
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations Sunday Special, also, Random Observations
Outkick: Tennessee Won’t Be Intimidated By The Past As They Play Alabama, Ole Miss Returns LSU To Its Lost Season 34-17 On Eli Manning Day, and You Can Make $75 By Enduring The Pain Of “The Wendy Williams Show”
Power Line: Soros-Backed Virginia Prosecutor Loses Again, Facebook’s Political Maelstrom Exposed, and Sowell Vs. Obama
Shark Tank: Stephanie Murphy Introduces Bipartisan “No Clearance For Domestic Terrorists” Act
Shot In The Dark: They’re Always Loaded, Poetic Justice, and When He’s Right…
STUMP: Videos – Talking Actuaries & Data, The Poisoner’s Handbook, & An Update To Public Pension Projections
The Political Hat: Mandatory Pronouns In North Dakota
This Ain’t Hell: Stupid People Of The Week, Three More Return, and Nobody Saw This Coming? Really?
Transterrestrial Musings: Alec Baldwin’s Accident, Treating Type II Diabetes, and The Public School System
Victory Girls: It’s The Economy, Stupid, also, Obama Calls School Issues “Phony Trumped-Up Culture Wars”
Volokh Conspiracy: Anthony Downs, RIP, also, Americans Should Be Free To Express Their Opinions About Admirals
Weasel Zippers: WZ QUARTERLY DONATION DRIVE, Biden Has $500K Security Fence Built Around His Beach House After Shutting Down Border Wall Construction, and “Tell Biden We’re Coming!”
The Federalist: Columbia Law Prof Explains Why Public Schools Are Tearing America Apart, How Virginia Democrats Are Working To Make Elections Sloppy Again, and Biden Gave NSBA President Plum Political Appointment Two Days After She Penned Bogus “Domestic Terrorism” Letter
Mark Steyn: Goldfinger, Farewell My Lovely, Common Law & Common Sense

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Can the Patriots Make the Playoffs?

Posted on | October 25, 2021 | Comments Off on Can the Patriots Make the Playoffs?

In case you missed Sunday’s game, Mac Jones and the New England Patriots destroyed the New York Jets 54-13. The rookie quarterback from Alabama — Roll Tide! — was 24 for 36 for 307 yards passing, with two touchdowns, while running back Damien Harris — also Roll Tide! — racked up 106 yards rushing and two touchdowns on 14 carries.

Sunday’s victory brought New England’s record to 3-4 on the season and, given the evidence that the rebuilt Patriots are finally getting their act together, everybody has started asking if it’s possible that Coach Bill Belichick’s team can make it to the playoffs. And the obvious answer is, absolutely yes. The five AFC teams with the best records so far — Tennessee Titan, the Cincinnati Bengals, Baltimore Ravens, the Las Vegas Raiders, the Buffalo Bills and the Los Angeles Chargers — have each lost two games. The Patriots are currently second in the AFC East behind Buffalo (4-2). Seven teams in each conference (4 division winners plus 3 wild cards) make the playoffs. So there are two ways that the Patriots could make it to the playoffs, first by winning the AFC East division title, finishing ahead of the Bills, and second by qualifying for one of the three wild card spots. There are currently two AFC teams with six losses (Miami Dolphins and Houston Texans) and two with five loses (the Jets and the Jacksonville Jaguars), so the Patriots are ahead of those four teams in terms of the competition for a potential wild card playoff berth. There are three other teams (the Indianapolis Colts, the Kansas City Chiefs and the Denver Broncos) that equal the Patriots with four losses. And then there are two other teams (the Cleveland Browns and the Pittsburgh Steelers) that have only three losses.

At this point, the Patriots are in the third tier, with the Colts, Chiefs and Broncos, in terms of the playoff competition, behind the five first-tier teams, and just one game behind the second tier. If the Patriots could win their game Sunday against the Chargers, improving to 4-4, they would definitely be in the hunt, particularly when you consider that also on Sunday, the Browns play the Steelers (both second-tier) and the first-tier Titans play the third-tier Colts. So one of the second-tier teams will have a fourth loss on its record, and unless the Colts pull a shocking upset against the Titans, they’ll be knocked out of the third tier. Grant that the Patriots will be the underdog playing on the road against the 4-2 Chargers, an upset is not impossible. Dan Orlovsky sees a chance:


If the Patriots were to go on a four-game winning streak — which is certainly possible, if not likely — they would be 7-4 going into a Thanksgiving weekend home game against the Titans. OK, I don’t think New England can stop Derrick Henry (Roll Tide again), but even if they lose that one, taking a 7-5 record into December, I still think their playoff chances would be good. But first, they simply must beat the Chargers — next Sunday is going to be make-or-break for the Patriots’ season. Meanwhile, enjoy Damien Harris — Roll Tide!



Rule 5 Sunday: Queen Victoria Eugenie Of Spain

Posted on | October 25, 2021 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Queen Victoria Eugenie Of Spain

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.
Being royalty isn’t always a fairy tale life, but with the exception of the very unfortunate Romanovs, few royals had it harder than the Queen Consort of Spain, Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg, granddaughter of England’s Queen Victoria and first cousin to King George V. As the wife of King Alfonso XIII, she converted to Catholicism, but her reign began badly with an attempted assassination, and became worse when her son the Infante Alfonso proved to have inherited hemophilia from her. Estranged from the King, who embarrassed her with numerous affairs, she devoted herself to hospital work, education, service to the poor, and the reorganization of the Spanish Red Cross, for which she was decorated by the Pope (the first time an English princess had been so honored since the reign of Queen Mary I) and honored by having a number of landmarks in Madrid and San Sebastian named for her. Things got worse in 1931 when the royal family left the country after the municipal elections ushered in the Second Spanish Republic; Alfonso XIII hoped to avoid a civil war between his supporters and the Republicans. She remained in exile for the rest of her life, except for a brief return in 1968 for the baptism of her great-grandson the Infante Felipe, who would become king after the abdication of his father, King Juan Carlos. She died in Lausanne, Switzerland on April 15, 1969, 38 years to the day after going into exile, and her remains were eventually reburied in the Escorial outside Madrid next to her husband’s grave. This is a picture of her taken early in her reign.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1512, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns

Animal Magnetism: Rule 5 Useless UN News, and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: MAGA- Baldwin Karma & Jetpack Joe, Thank God It’s Friday, Dune 2021, Guns Don’t Kill People, Alec Baldwin Kills People, Counter-Protester’s Sign Is Triggering, I Am The Monarch Of The Sea, Tchaikovsky, Acapulco, and Mr. Smith Goes To Washington.

A View From The Beach: Jessica Chastain Demands ‘Equity’ in NudityVirginia Striper Recruitment Holding UpFish Pic Friday – Darlene GrattetMD Increases Bribe for Farmers to Protect StreamsElection 2020: Manchin to Bail from Democrats?Tattoo ThursdayGone FishingThe Wednesday WetnessLatin MoonMD Sets First Fish Consumption Advisory for PFASThe Annual Maryland Striped Bass YOY Index is InThe Monday Morning StimulusLesko Brandon!Palm Sunday and When You Hear Hoofbeats . . .

And to wrap up, Brian Noggle brings us Julie Newmar as a guest star in a couple of Route 66 episodes. 

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

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‘Ain’t Going Back to Jail’

Posted on | October 24, 2021 | Comments Off on ‘Ain’t Going Back to Jail’

Say hello to Christian Redwine and, while you’re at it, you can also say good-bye, because he got shot dead by a police officer in 2016.

Although he was only 17, Redwine already had an extensive criminal record in November 2016 when he decided to steal a car and go joyriding with two friends. Redwine “had a lengthy juvenile record, including an 18-month sentence in a youth development campus,” a federal judge wrote in a recent court ruling related to the case. “He had also recently been charged as an adult with first-degree burglary, spent two months in jail, and been released on bond less than a week before the shooting.”

Maybe releasing criminals from jail is a bad idea, but on the other hand, keeping them in jail is expensive, compared to the cost of buying 21 rounds of pistol ammunition for a police officer, who can thereby guarantee that the hoodlum won’t steal any more cars.

Since the #BlackLivesMatter riots last year, I’ve done a lot of blogging about crime and law enforcement, mainly in an effort to counterbalance the anti-police narrative whereby activists magically transform criminals into victims of injustice. Because most of the cases I’ve highlighted involve black suspects, it may seem racist — “RAAAAACIST!” — to defend police against charges of “excessive force,” so I am grateful for those occasions when white criminals get themselves shot by cops. This gives me the opportunity to point out that I have no sympathy for criminals of any race — I am pro-police even when cops are killing white people.

Certainly, Christian Redwine deserved to be shot, as did the two other teenagers who were his passengers that night in November 2016.

Hunter Tillis (left); Hannah Wuenschel (right)

Redwine had just gotten out of jail, and was back home in Columbus, Georgia, with his grandmother, who had raised him. His grandmother’s live-in boyfriend had a small business selling used cars, which he kept parked at the house. Redwine’s 19-year-old cousin, Hunter Tillis, came over and the two of them began a two-day drug binge of over-the-counter cold medication, Xanax, marijuana and cocaine. Redwine’s girlfriend was at the house babysitting for the infant child of 19-year-old Hannah Wuenschel, but then there was an argument, and the girlfriend left with Wuenschel’s baby. So when Wuenschel arrived, the grandmother drove them to the girlfriend’s house “where Wuenschel got her son and brought him back to [the grandmother’s] house. She put the child to bed and smoked marijuana with Tillis and Redwine.” About 11 p.m., Redwine’s grandmother and her boyfriend went to sleep, and then Redwine got the keys to a Pontiac G-6 belonging to the grandmother’s boyfriend. Redwine had no driver’s license and no permission to take the car, but he took it, with Tillis and Wuenschel along for the ride.

The teenagers then apparently broke into two cars, stealing jewelry, a purse and other items. About 3:30 a.m., 911 got a call from the grandmother’s boyfriend, reporting the Pontiac stolen and identifying the three teenagers, saying he wanted them arrested:

The teens were on Gentian Boulevard when Redwine stopped at a shopping plaza, turned off his headlights, and tried to call his girlfriend.
He’d chosen an area rife with business break-ins. At 4:25 a.m., police Capt. Bill Turner, driving an unmarked Chevrolet Impala, saw the Pontiac and followed when Redwine pulled away.
Tillis told Redwine police were behind him. When Redwine confirmed an officer was tailing him, he raced away to the neighborhood around Hardaway High School, speeding so recklessly he had to use the emergency brake to turn.
The 911 center informed officers the Pontiac was reported stolen.
Tillis and Wuenschel later said Redwine was desperate to escape because he’d just been released from jail and swore he would not go back.
Redwine led police down Talbotton Road to Veterans Parkway and briefly lost them near Ashley Station Apartments. He stopped there and told Tillis and Wuenschel to get out if they wanted. Both refused, and police soon were back on Redwine’s tail as he headed into downtown toward the 13th Street Bridge to Phenix City.
[Columbus Police Officer Allan] Brown was at the Public Safety Center on 10th Street when he heard the chase was close by. He joined it, and was the lead police car when Redwine crossed into Alabama, speeding up to 98 mph as he headed west to U.S. 280 and turned back toward Columbus on the J.R. Allen Parkway.
The Pontiac hit 107 mph before Redwine abruptly exited onto Riverchase Drive and ran off the road into bushes in a front yard, with Brown right behind him.

Did I mention that Redwine’s cousin, Hunter Tillis, also had a criminal record, including charges of arson and burglary? Probably neither one of them should have been out on the street, but there they were, flying down the road at over 100 mph, with a teen mom in the front passenger seat, and multiple cop cars in their rearview mirror. They’d crossed the Chattahoochee River into Alabama, then doubled back, exited the freeway and ran off the road. Officer Brown pulled his car up behind and to the right of the Pontiac, which seemed to be stuck on the side of the road. Inside the Pontiac, Redwine told Tillis, “I ain’t going back to jail”:

Brown thought the Pontiac was wrecked and the driver would run away, so he quickly got out, anticipating a foot chase.
Brown drew his .45-caliber semi-automatic. Redwine looked at Wuenschel and said, “It’s them or me,” though she pleaded with him to give up.
“Nah, f—k that,” Redwine said. “You can either jump out or stay the f—k in the car.”
He shifted to reverse. Brown said he saw the white reverse lights come on, and believing Redwine would run him over, started shooting, firing 11 shots in three seconds as the Pontiac passed by.
Having emptied the gun, he put in a fresh clip.
Two of the first shots killed Redwine as the Pontiac backed across the road. Brown said he was blinded by the headlights, and believed the driver would try to run him over again. He fired 10 more shots, leaving Redwine with multiple wounds. Wuenschel was wounded in the first barrage, and Tillis was hit in the second. Both were hospitalized and arrested upon their release.

Twenty-one shots, dead car thief. I score that a “win” for the good guys.


You watch the dashcam video, and you’ve got to say that reloading the weapon and firing an extra 10 shots seems . . . excessive. If any Georgia cop had done that to a black teenager, Ben Crump would have been on CNN 24/7, and the looting and arson would have gone on for days. However, because the dead car thief was white, nobody outside the Columbus area has ever even heard of Christian Redwine.

A grand jury cleared Officer Brown of wrongdoing, but there was a civil lawsuit and last month a federal appeals court ruled in favor of Officer Brown, so he’s now in the clear, legally. The court ruling could be considered a precedent, establishing that cops have the right to shoot white car thieves. But I’m not a lawyer, and maybe I’m misinterpreting it.

Americans should be grateful to Christian Redwine, who boasted, “I ain’t going back to jail.” No, son, you’re going to hell. Bon voyage.


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