The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The NFL’s (Other) Race Problem

Posted on | October 31, 2021 | Comments Off on The NFL’s (Other) Race Problem

This morning I woke up at 6:30 a.m. and reached for my phone. I’d fallen asleep after watching YouTube videos of police chases, which I consider therapeutic — something to distract me from the insanity of politics. So I swiped the screen to get back to my YouTube home page, and one of the first videos I saw was titled, “NFL LIVE | Marcus Spears ‘believe’ Mac Jones lead Patriots beat Chargers in week 8,” an 8-minute clip from ESPN’s Friday broadcast. The algorithm has got me figured out. Ever since the New England Patriots drafted Alabama quarterback Mac Jones — Roll Tide! — I’ve become a Patriots fan and, leading up to this make-or-break game against the Los Angeles Chargers, I’ve been watching hours of videos about Jones and the Patriots. But after ae couple of minutes of trying to watch this “NFL LIVE” clip, I became so annoyed and distracted I switched it off. Diversity has run amok at ESPN.

The host is a 33-year-old former Florida beauty queen — Miss America 2013 — named Laura Rutledge. Now, I don’t know about you, but where I come from, football is a man’s game. As I’ve explained here before, I was a small-town newspaper sports editor for several years early in my career, and used to be a fairly enthusiastic sports fan, but since the 1990s, there has been a severe diminution of the amount of mental bandwidth available to pay attention to sports. As my journalism career went in a different direction, I simply didn’t have time or energy to devote to watching games the way I did in my 20s and 30s.

All of that is by way of explaining my mystification about ESPN having a woman host its morning NFL talk-show panel. Somehow, over the past 20 years or so, TV executives have decided that “diversity” requires them to have a quota for women in football coverage, which is crazy.


This is an indisputable fact, and until rather recently, football journalism was also a man’s business. Someone who has paid more attention than I have to sports broadcasting in recent decades will have to tell me when the “sideline girl” phenomenon began. Every football broadcast has a play-by-play announcer and a color commentator, and the addition of a sideline reporter, who reports on injuries, etc., is a recent development, and it appears that TV executives decided that this was the job where “diversity” should be applied, so that having girls reporting from the sidelines became a phenomenon that I suppose many younger viewers now take for granted. But football is still a man’s game, and it used to be that nearly all announcers were former football players themselves.

Who set the standard in this business? Legends like Pat Summerall, who played for 10 seasons in the NFL, where his career highlight was kicking a 49-yard game-winning field goal for the New York Giants under Coach Vince Lombardi. Then there was Frank Gifford, who scored 77 touchdowns during a dozen seasons with the Giants. You could go down the list of the most successful football broadcasters, and they were almost without exception former players. One of the rare exceptions was Howard Cosell, but a lot of fans always hated Cosell — indeed, his abrasiveness was part of his value on Monday Night Football, sort of like the villainous “heel” in pro wrestling. As part of the MNF team alongside Gifford and “Dandy” Don Meredith (who threw for 135 touchdowns and ran for another 15 TDs in nine seasons with the Dallas Cowboys), Cosell was a contrasting flavor — the extra spice in the recipe. What the original MNF crew provided, during the years when it was routinely the highest-rated show on television, was a sense of camaraderie. It was like watching football with your buddies at the bar, including that one know-it-all loudmouth (Cosell) who doesn’t know how to shut up.


Watching football is an occasion for male bonding, allowing men to celebrate the fraternal feeling of being “one of the guys.” It’s why guys turn their dens into “man caves” decorated with sports memorabilia, lounge chairs, a beer fridge and a gigantic TV. Adding female reporters to football broadcasts ruins the whole manly vibe of the ritual.

Why do you think ESPN’s ratings are in the tank? And it’s not just because they’ve got girls reporting football. Look at the lineup on the NFL LIVE panel — white female (Rutledge), black male (Marcus Spears), Asian female (Mina Kimes) and black male (Ryan Clark). Is it just accidental that ESPN doesn’t have any white males on this broadcast?

We may stipulate, arguendo, that there are practical considerations involved in certain aspects of the “diversity and inclusion” agenda that are not about politically correct “wokeness.” About 60% of NFL players are black, 25% are non-Hispanic white and 15% are some other ethnicity, and complaints that blacks are “underrepresented” (as the diversity consultants might say) among the broadcasters covering the league would be understandable. (And yes, there have been such complaints.) But when we consider that 100% of NFL players are men, what’s up with women being 50% of this NFL LIVE panel?

The regular rotation of panelists on this ESPN program also includes Dan Orlovsky (former QB for the Detroit Lions) so there’s your “token white guy,” I suppose, but if you think of sports broadcasting in terms of audience — which one imagines ESPN executives would — does it make sense to relegate white males to such a token role? And to do so by creating an apparent token role for Asian-American women? Not that I have any kind of personal animus against Mina Kimes, by the way. She is an actual journalist, who won awards for her business reporting before she joined ESPN in 2014. But why is she on NFL LIVE?


Excuse my repeated emphasis of this point, but it is my belief that part of what’s wrong with ESPN’s ratings (a problem affecting the NFL and sports broadcasting more generally) is the disrespect of the predominately male audience by trying to impose female broadcasters this way. Everybody knows — it is a fact notorious — that there is no real audience for women’s sports, e.g., the WNBA can’t fill an arena. Only because of government intervention via Title IX have women’s athletics reached something approaching “equality” in college sports, but there is no audience for these games, not like there is for men’s sports.

Perhaps even more damaging to the NFL’s value, from a marketing perspective, is the overrepresentation of black players, in comparison to the U.S. population, which is only 14% black. Far be it from me to argue for quotas in sports, the way liberals insist on racial quotas everywhere else, but whites are more than 60% of the U.S. population — the largest demographic, and thus the largest potential audience — so the fact that only 25% of NFL players are white can be considered a marketing problem for the league. And when you then factor in the way ESPN seems to be implementing a “No White Guys” policy on NFL Live in order to fill their “girls talking about football” quota, it’s scarcely surprising that the network’s ratings are in the toilet. It is in this context, then, that we must view the antics of Colin Kaepernick, who collected at least $3.8 million after getting drafted in the second round, had two good seasons, and then became a “social justice” activist after he got benched in 2016.

If you understand that the NFL is a profit-seeking business, dependent upon fan support and TV revenue, this kind of “woke” activism is obviously damaging to the brand, and adds to the marketing problems that the league already faces because of demographics.


The Stars Above

Posted on | October 30, 2021 | Comments Off on The Stars Above

— by Wombat-socho


Welcome back to the continued trashing of what may be the worst list of recommended SF not published on I’ve been noodling over this post for most of the week, cudgeling my brain for good space opera, because in contrast to Ryan & Finney, who broke their list into “A Place To Begin”, “Military Focused”, “Social Focused”, and “Mind Expanding”, I am keeping it relatively simple by denying that there is a difference between good combat SF and socially-focused SF, because as I said last week, the whole point of combat SF is to examine the effect of war on people and their societies, noting in passing that the “people” in question are not always human. There’s a rather famous Harry Turtledove story, “The Road Not Taken”, in which a bunch of aliens (who have developed anti-gravity and the stardrive but otherwise are stuck with 17th century technology) attempt an invasion of contemporary Earth, which fails horribly because muskets and pikes are no match for modern mechanized infantry, and their flyers are hopelessly outclassed by F-15s. 

So this week we’re going to look at combat SF that takes place in space, or as some folks like to call it, space opera. Like so many things in SF, space opera clearly begins with E.E. “Doc” Smith, and his two epic series. The Skylark novels begin as a kidnapped damsel in distress story and end with an apocalyptic war of oxygen-based life against chlorine-breathing aliens from a different galaxy in which psionic powers are used to teleport suns across millions of light years to trigger novae in the hostile aliens’ home systems. Along the way, we’re introduced to several alien races, most of them humanoid, and get a good look at their societies, which are inevitably changed (usually for the better) by the advent of our hero, Dr. Richard Seaton, and his friends. This gets expanded to a grander scale with the Lensman series, which begins with Triplanetary and really hits its stride when we meet Kimball Kinnison in First Lensman, which seems at first to be merely a tale of a galactic police agency fighting a war against a drug cartel, but turns out to be much more. 

Despite being heavily involved in the aerospace industry, Jerry Pournelle didn’t write about any space battles in the CoDominium/Empire of Man universe until The Mote In God’s Eye, but between him and Larry Niven, they turned in an outstanding example of the genre, especially if you include the deleted section later published as “Reflex”. Probably the only better such story set in that universe is Don Hawthorne’s “The Face Of The Enemy”, published in one of the War World anthologies, and in some ways a foreshadowing of our next subject.

Your fleet has been lured to the enemy’s home system under the pretext of peace talks, but during the talks the enemy executes the fleet’s senior leadership. The admiral commanding the fleet has left you in command, but you’ve just awakened from a century-long snooze in cold sleep aboard a survival pod. During that time your heroic last stand in the opening days of the war made you a hero to your people – their Arthur, their Holger Danske – and much of your fleet believes that you’ve been sent by the living stars to save them in this dark hour. What now, Captain Geary? So begins The Lost Fleet: Dauntless, the first of Jack Campbell’s excellent series about “Black Jack” Geary outthinking and outfighting the Syndic fleets as well as officers in his own Alliance fleet who don’t want to change the way they’ve learned to fight as the decades rolled on and things like fleet tactics were forgotten. There’s also a bigger problem (no, not the complicated relationship between Senator Rione, Captain Geary, and the skipper of the Dauntless, Captain Desjani, which does give our hero some serious migraines) that could spell the end of both the Alliance and the Syndic Worlds. Campbell does an outstanding job portraying the troubles involved in leading a fleet that initially acts more like a barbarian warband (as Raj Whitehall might say) than a coherent fleet, the headaches of logistics involved in operating behind enemy lines, and the feeling of desperately trying to get up to speed on a century’s worth of progress – and sometimes, all too often, regress. Highly recommended. 

No list of space opera would be complete without the Salamander. The tale of a far-future Horatio Hornblower begins with On Basilisk Station, Harrington’s first command and since then has expanded to fourteen books in the main sequence, two sets of prequels, and at least one other side series – forgive me, I pretty much lost interest and track of the Honorverse after Weber failed to kill her off like Lord Nelson at Trafalgar. So much the worse for me. Still, unlike Forester’s stories of the misanthropic Royal Navy captain, Weber gets heavily into the politics, not only of Harrington’s own Kingdom of Manticore but also her adopted world, the Protectorate of Grayson, on whose originally theocratic society she has a considerable impact. That having been said, while Forester rarely showed Hornblower in other than single-ship actions, Weber treats us to many, many scenes of squadrons, groups, wings, and fleets in combat described in loving detail, while describing in passing the effects of Manticoran and the Republic of Haven societies on their fleets. It honestly doesn’t get any better than this. 

Next week, we’ll talk about the groundpounders, tankers, Mobile Infantry, and suchlike people.

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Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | October 30, 2021 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous

Do you recognize those mug shots? All of them are the same guy — Walter Wallace Jr. of Philadelphia — who was 27 years old when his lifelong criminal career came to an abrupt end last October. Police were called to the Wallace family home for a domestic disturbance, and Walter was shot dead after he charged at the cops with an 8-inch knife:

Police were called dozens of times in recent months about problems at Walter Wallace Jr.’s home, and had responded twice on Monday to reports of disturbances at the West Philadelphia house before two officers answered a third call and shot him as he approached them with a knife, according to law enforcement sources.
What happened during those earlier visits — including which officers responded and how much they knew about Wallace’s mental health problems — remained unclear Tuesday. Asked at a news briefing, Commissioner Danielle Outlaw declined to offer details about any prior contact police had with Wallace, saying the incident remained under investigation.
But the confirmation of previous visits, by sources not authorized to publicly discuss them, raised questions about the police response to what Wallace’s relatives have described as a mental health crisis.

The death of Wallace was the subject of a blog post here (“Media Promotes BLM Lies in Philadelphia, as Rioting Continues for the Second Night”) as riots left dozens of police officers injured and millions of dollars in damages in the looting and vandalism that followed the shooting. And yet video of the incident clearly showed that the officers had no choice but to shoot the maniac who charged them.

Despite this, Philadelphia taxpayers will pay Wallace’s family:

The city of Philadelphia has agreed to settle a wrongful-death suit filed by the family of a Black man whose fatal shooting by the police last year was recorded on video and prompted widespread protests.
The man, Walter Wallace Jr., 27, had mental health issues and was holding a knife when he was shot by two Philadelphia police officers on Oct. 26, 2020.
The settlement between the city and Mr. Wallace’s family was finalized this week, according to Kevin Lessard, a city spokesman, who said the city was not releasing the figure “without a Right to Know request due to a direct request from attorneys representing the family.”
The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that the city agreed to pay the family $2.5 million. . . .


A city spokeswoman said on Friday that, in response to Mr. Wallace’s death, the city planned to equip and train all uniformed police officers with Tasers. The city this year budgeted $13.9 million to pay for the Tasers.
“In addition, Mr. Wallace Jr.’s death emphasized the urgent need for additional support for those with behavioral health challenges and their families,” Mr. Lessard said, adding that the city “can and will do better to address Philadelphia’s inequities in our criminal justice and health systems.”

So, in addition to paying $2.5 million — TWO-POINT-FIVE MILLION DOLLARS! — to the family of the knife-wielding maniac, Philadelphia taxpayers will also shell out nearly $14 million to equip the police with tasers, even though it is unlikely a taser would have stopped Wallace.

All of this, because the state of Pennsylvania somehow couldn’t find room for this dangerous lunatic who had been perpetrating violent crimes on a regular basis since he was arrested in 2006 for assaulting a teacher when he was only 13 years old. Saying he had “mental health issues” is a way for the media to pretend that Wallace was a helpless victim, rather than a lifelong criminal. What are police supposed to do?

More than 1 in 5 people fatally shot by police have mental illnesses, according to a Washington Post database of fatal U.S. shootings by on-duty police officers. Since 2015, when The Post launched its database, police have fatally shot more than 1,400 people with mental illnesses. . . .
Last month the journal Annals of Epidemiology said in an analysis that police are more likely to shoot and kill unarmed Black men who show signs of mental illness than white men who exhibit similar behaviors.


Excuse me if I seem a bit worked up. Maybe I should ignore the media. Otherwise, the news might drive me crazy and, as everybody knows . . .

Crazy People Are Dangerous.


The Accusatory Finger of Blame

Posted on | October 30, 2021 | Comments Off on The Accusatory Finger of Blame

Thomas Sowell’s The Vision of the Anointed is the best explanation of the psychology of liberalism, and it was Sowell’s insight that helped me understand an otherwise inexplicable phenomenon: White people who habitually accuse other white people of racism — “RAAAAACISM!”

This is an exercise in moral narcissism — the white accuser seeks to display his own moral superiority by pointing out the sins of others: “Not only am I not a racist, but I am endowed with the capacity to identify racism in my fellow white people, and the courage to speak out.”

And they expect to be applauded for their wisdom and courage.

The real problem with this, beyond the Salem witch-hunt mentality involved, is the blithe assumption that racism is the one-size-fits-all explanation for every woe afflicting racial minorities. Anyone familiar with Sowell’s work knows how dubious this assumption is. However widespread racial prejudice may be at any given time or in any particular place (and such prejudice is more or less a universal human trait), the prevalence of “racism” does not the define life chances of minorities, in America or anywhere else. So the paranoid mentality that seeks evidence of racism everywhere (and which generates “hate crime” hoaxes) is a waste of time and energy that functions as a political distraction from the real social problems that confront us. Christopher Rufo exposes the deployment of Critical Race Theory at AT&T:

AT&T Corporation has created a racial reeducation program that promotes the idea that “American racism is a uniquely white trait” and boosts left-wing causes such as “reparations,” “defund police,” and “trans activism.”
I have obtained a cache of internal documents about the company’s initiative, called Listen Understand Act, which is based on the core principles of critical race theory, including “intersectionality,” “systemic racism,” “white privilege,” and “white fragility.” CEO John Stankey launched the program last year and, subsequently, has told employees that private corporations such as AT&T have an “obligation to engage on this issue of racial injustice” and push for “systemic reforms in police departments across the country.”
According to a senior employee, who agreed to speak on condition of anonymity, managers at AT&T are now assessed annually on diversity issues, with mandatory participation in programs such as discussion groups, book clubs, mentorship programs, and race reeducation exercises. White employees, the source said, are tacitly expected to confess their complicity in “white privilege” and “systemic racism,” or they will be penalized in their performance reviews. As part of the overall initiative, employees are asked to sign a loyalty pledge to “keep pushing for change,” with suggested “intentions” such as “reading more about systemic racism” and “challenging others’ language that is hateful.” “If you don’t do it,” the senior employee says, “you’re [considered] a racist.” AT&T did not respond when asked for comment.
On the first page of AT&T’s Listen Understand Act internal portal, the company encourages employees to study a resource called “White America, if you want to know who’s responsible for racism, look in the mirror.” The article claims that the United States is a “racist society” and lays out its thesis plainly: “White people, you are the problem. Regardless of how much you say you detest racism, you are the sole reason it has flourished for centuries.” The author, Dahleen Glanton, writes that “American racism is a uniquely white trait” and that “Black people cannot be racist.” White women, she claims, “have been telling lies on black men since they were first brought to America in chains,” and, along with their white male counterparts, “enjoy the opportunities and privileges that white supremacy affords [them].”

Glanton published that column in the Chicago Tribune on May 31, 2020 — the same day the governor of Illinois sent the National Guard into Chicago after three days of looting and vandalism.

The 2020 riots in Chicago caused more than $100 million in damages, and have been followed by an unprecedented surge of gun violence. There were 769 homicides in Chicago in 2020, a 55% increase from 2019. By the end of September this year, Chicago had recorded 2,726 shootings and 616 homicides for the year, on track to eclipse even last year’s astonishing bloodshed. What does this suggest about the role of white racism in the problems affecting black Americans? If accusations of “racism” against police result in skyrocketing homicide rates in Chicago (where more than 80% of shooting victims are black), doesn’t this suggest that maybe “racism” is not the fundamental problem involved?

My point is not to begin a discussion of root causes, but merely to illustrate the futility of this witch hunt for “racism.” What good does it do, in terms of the quality of lives of black people, to have managers at AT&T go through a brainwashing program that includes this Chicago Tribune column about the ubiquitous guilt of white people?

Of course the CEO of AT&T is white. John Stankey is paid $20 million a year to run the company that owns CNN. You might think he would have better things to do with his time than to lecture his employees about their “obligation to engage on this issue of racial injustice” and promote “systemic reforms in police departments across the country.”

The cop risking his life for $45,000 a year is demonized as “racist” by this clown who gets paid $20 million a year to run AT&T. Exactly what does that do in terms of helping black people in America?


In The Mailbox: 10.29.21 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | October 30, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.29.21 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual weekend deadlines for the usual weekend posts, plus part II of the suggested replacements for this G*dawful list of SF, and an ongoing poll – should I keep doing catchup posts like the one I did earlier or not?
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

When your GF doesn’t read Monster Hunter Nation and is sadly unaware of dolphins’ vile habits.

357 Magnum: Portland Hits 1000 Shootings
EBL: Who’s A Cuomosexual Now? also, Biden Wants To Pay Illegal Aliens $500,000
Twitchy: Lincoln Project Takes Credit For The “White Nationalists” False Flag, also, Barstool’s Dave Portnoy Vs. Salon’s Zachary Petrizzo – Who You Got?
Louder With Crowder: About That Cheap “White Nationalist” Democrat Dirty Trick In Virginia (WITH UPDATE)
Vox Popoli: A Dangerous & Ineffective Strategy, Car Crashes & The Vaxxocaust, and Over The Target
According To Hoyt: Ming The Merciful, also, A Most Excellent Mystery
Monster Hunter Nation: WriterDojo S1E11 – Worldbuilding & Setting
Stoic Observations: Very Fine People
Gab News: The Fifth Great Awakening


American Conservative: Should Parents Get A Say In Education?
American Greatness: The Freakout Over Tucker Carlson’s 1/6 Documentary Begins, also, Wisc. Sheriff Presents Evidence That Election Board Committed Felony Fraud In 2020
American Thinker: Will Governments Survive The Coming Peasant Revolt?
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Power Grids Friday
Babalu Blog: Cuban Exiles Worldwide Organize 15-N Demonstrations In Fifty Cities, More Planned, also, Vatican’s Excuse For Banning Cubans From St. Peter’s Basilica Rings Hollow
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, Solid Dry Ice In The Moon’s Permanently Shadowed Craters?, and ABL Leases Space At Port Of Los Angeles
Cafe Hayek: Yes, Sometimes The Reductio Is An Appropriate Response
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Shades Of The Comics Code Tactics Vs. Vax Mandates In France
Don Surber: Biden’s Doo-Doo Economics, also, Unvaxxed Are The Scapegoats For COVID Failure
First Street Journal: This Is How Media Bias Works, How Does A Lie Become The Truth? and DC Chief Judge Admits Bias Against 1/6 Defendants
Gates Of Vienna: The Emptiness Of Silence, Och, The Puir Wee Bairns In Hospital!, and “Belgian” Terrorist Brought To Justice – In Absentia
The Geller Report: Poll – GOP’s Youngkin Leads Democrat Carpetbagger McAuliffe By 8, also, Top General Warns About Red China’s Military Progress, U.S. Problems – “We Have To Do Something”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, A Class X Solar Flare, and The Virginia Tiki Boyz
Hollywood In Toto: Antlers Delivers The Gore Between Muddled Messaging, also, Wes Craven’s Deadly Blessing Revealed A Filmmaker In Transition
The Lid: Judge’s Injunction Stops Firing Of Military & Civilian Employees Who Filed Religious Exemptions To The Jab Mandate
Legal Insurrection: Thank Parents If Youngkin Defeats McAuliffe In Virginia, Wichita State U Student Gov’t Denies Conservative Group Recognition, and Let’s Go Brandenburg!
Nebraska Energy Observer: Halloween, An Overly Short History
Outkick: Va. Tech Linebacker Indicted For Murdering Tinder Match In Mistaken Gender Identity Case, also, Roger Goodell Made An Insane Amount Of Money In Last Two Years
Power Line: How Deeply Have The Chicoms Penetrated Our Institutions?, Ground Zero In Loudoun County, and Supply Chain Woes Worsen After Biden’s Intervention
Shark Tank: Fried – Floridians Were Jailed Under Marijuana Crime Bills Crist Supported
Shot In The Dark: Urban Progressive Privilege – Chicago On The Mississippi, also, Not Invented Here
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday – The Economy
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, Afghan Vet Returns Home To Rescue Those In Danger, and Facebook Wants To Build A Megaverse
Transterrestrial Musings: COVID & Climate
Victory Girls: Consent No Longer Important To NYT, also, Pope Francis Calls Joe Biden A Good Catholic
Volokh Conspiracy: Review Of The New Dune
Weasel Zippers: White House Brings In Sharpton To Help With Biden’s Plummeting Approval, also, Va. Pushes Critical Race Theory Despite McAuliffe’s Repeated Denials
The Federalist: Wisc. Elections Commission “Shattered” Laws, How These Loudoun County Parents Reacted To Proof The School Board Lied To Them, and Four Indispensable Conditions For A Truly Free & Fair Election
Mark Steyn: Steyn Returns To UK Telly! also, Shipwrecked

Amazon Warehouse Deals

Fools and Their Money

Posted on | October 29, 2021 | Comments Off on Fools and Their Money

DK Metcalf (left); Tori Lynn (right)

DeKaylin Zecharius “DK” Metcalf is a 23-year-old wide receiver for the Seattle Seahawks, drafted in the second round out of Ole Miss in 2019, and the son of former Chicago Bears lineman Terry Metcalf. The younger Metcalf is also a fool, who seems to believe he can run around with trashy women without consequences, which is how he ended up being put “on blast,” as the kids say, this week. The lurid details:

Seahawks wide receiver DK Metcalf is a single man in Seattle just trying to live the life of a multi-millionaire NFL player and along comes some OnlyFans ‘model’ — using that loosely here — named Tori Lynn who comes along and outs the guy for how he’s been handling his relationship with the woman who charges $15 a month to see her content.
In a series of videos posted to social media and downloaded by Egotastic Sports, Tori Lynn explains how the Seahawks wide receiver, whom she has visited a time or two, recently summoned her to his place for a little quality time.
Tori, being a good teammate, got in her car and headed for DK’s house. At some point along her journey she gives DK her estimated time of arrival, but there’s a huge problem and DK tells her she might as well turn around.
Here’s what allegedly set off the OnlyFans model: DK was at the bar trying to land two other fish, then add Tori Lynn to the mix and have himself a foursome. DK’s doing the timing in his head and he’s busy working on two ladies while Tori Lynn’s on her way to his house. It’s a huge timing issue. He has multiple things running through his head.
DK’s trying to run the two-minute drill and Tori Lynn gets all offended.
Look here, Tori Lynn. DK Metcalf is a 23-year-old NFL wide receiver. The guy is clearly looking to live the NFL wide receiver lifestyle. That means there are nights where (alleged) foursomes might develop and there are nights when the guy might just be looking to settle in for a quiet night of steak and whatever else happens.
And here you go getting all offended when DK tells you he was trying to throw together a foursome. This is the N…F…L, babe. That stands for Not For Long, and it appears your days of visiting DK’s house for steak and Netflix are officially over.
Tori Lynn comes off as thinking her and DK are more than just a random hookup.

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In the grand narrative of The Collapse of Western Civilization, this is just a minor data point, but perhaps not insignificant. How is it that a professional athlete, who signed a four-year contract worth $4.5 million is hooking up with this trashy bimbo from OnlyFans who is nowhere near as attractive as one would think an NFL girlfriend should be.

But looks are only part of her problem, and not the worst part.

An OnlyFans “model,” sir? Trashy whores, all of them — herpes, bad tattoos, drug habits and mental illness. Any man who associates with such women is expressing his own lack of self-respect.

Where do these trashy whores come from? What trailer park did “Tori Lynn” crawl out of? And what has gone wrong in American culture that the Internet is now crammed full of such vile trash? Let’s be clear that nothing good every happens in the vicinity of such women, who attract only men of poor judgment and bad morals. If some day in the future we learn that “Tori Lynn” has been arrested on felony charges, we won’t be surprised, nor would it surprise us if her corpse were discovered in a cheap motel, dead from blunt force trauma. Bad things happen to bad people, and selling your nudes on OnlyFans? Yeah, you’re a bad person.

But who is buying those nudes? What kind of pathetic creep would pay $15 a month to see naked pictures of a trashy whore like “Tori Lynn”?

It’s a truth of economic that demand calls into existence supply. These whores wouldn’t be uploading nudes if there weren’t fools willing to pay for to see them, but why? What value do men obtain from such a transaction? It’s utterly mystifying, except by resort to the ancient proverb that a fool and his money are soon parted — which brings us back to DK Metcalf, he of the $4.5 million contract.

Very few NFL players stay in the league more than 10 years, mainly because injuries tend to take their toll. The fleet-footed receiver is just one twisted knee away from being a washed-up has-been. The kid who signs a multimillion-dollar contract fresh out of college has to know that the big money won’t last forever, and it behooves him to avoid the kind of problems that afflict wealthy men who associate with whores. So this story about DK Metcalf trying to pick up two girls in a bar, so he can go back to the crib and have a four-way with his OnlyFans girlfriend — well, it does not bode well for Metcalf’s future. A guy with lots of cash who rolls that way is apt to be blackmailed or ripped off or hit with a lawsuit by one of those money-hungry bimbos. Look at what a mess Deshaun Watson has made of his life, accused of sexual assault by 22 women.

Living amid The Collapse of Western Civilization, the smart thing to do is to avoid having any of the debris land on you. Stay away from drugs and whores and crime. Get yourself a wife and some kids and a tidy little home on a cul-de-sac, and learn to take pleasure in domesticity.


In The Mailbox: 10.29.21 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | October 29, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.29.21 (Afternoon Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Before I get into this, I have a question: is it worth it to the Loyal Commentariat for me to do these catch-up link dumps with day-old news and opinions, or should I just do the daily posts and if I miss one, I miss one? E-mail or comment with your opinion.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: Prosecutors Hate Self-Defense
EBL: How Are Things Between Jill & Kamala?
Twitchy: Adam Kinzinger’s Retirement From Congress Isn’t As Stunning & Brave As He Wants People To Think
Louder With Crowder: School Board Member Takes Kids On Field Trip To Gay Bar
Vox Popoli: “The Infernal Ideology”, They Are Monsters, and They Are Here To Destroy

American Conservative: Resurrect The Powell Doctrine
American Greatness: Is This The End Of The Republic?, The Ignoble Lie, and Va. Mom Says Federal Agents Infiltrated School Board Meeting
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Scold Me Closer, Terry Dancer

Posted on | October 28, 2021 | Comments Off on Scold Me Closer, Terry Dancer

by Smitty (with apologies to Elton John)

McAuliffe baby
VA shady
Greaser for the band
Pirate smile
Send police for the dads
You must’ve seen ‘im
Envelopes in hand
And now he’s in me
Always with me
Bogus answers for the land

Jesus freaks
Out in the street
Handing tickets out for God
Turning back
He just laughs
Bending ballots ain’t that bad
Biden man
He makes his stand
In the auditorium
Looking on
He sings the songs
The words he knows
The tune he hums

But oh, how it feels so real
Lying here, media near
All of you can hear me
When I say softly, slowly

Scold me closer, Terry dancer
Call me racist on the highway
Lay down bull sheets of lyin’
You had a busy day today

Scold me closer, Terry dancer
Call me racist on the highway
Lay down bull sheets of lyin’
You had a busy day today

. . .

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