The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Power of Political Tribalism

Posted on | September 27, 2021 | Comments Off on The Power of Political Tribalism

Ed McGinty is in the news again. The 72-year-old Democrat has made himself obnoxious to his neighbors in The Villages of Florida by riding around in his golf cart plastered with anti-Trump signs.

Last week, McGinty was arrested and charged with stalking after he accosted a woman at the neighborhood swimming pool who was wearing a T-shirt with the slogan “Joe Biden Sucks.” The details of that incident are less important than what Ed McGinty’s obnoxiousness teaches us about political tribalism. If you’re looking for a way to explain why a grown man would act the way that McGinty does, it was revealed in a Washington Post profile last year which mentioned that McGinty, a retired real estate broker and Philadelphia native, “has always been a Democrat, just like his parents before him.”

In other words, McGinty inherited his partisan loyalty to the Democratic Party and, until he moved to The Villages a few years ago, he had lived inside a bubble where such loyalty was commonplace, especially among Irish Catholics like himself. In 1960, when young Ed was 11, America elected its first Irish Catholic president, John F. Kennedy, who got 68% of the vote in Philadelphia. For the son of an Irish Catholic family in Philadelphia in those days, being a Democrat was as natural — just “the way things were” — as it was for me, growing up in Georgia during the “Solid South” days when there was no Republican Party to speak of in the state. (Kennedy got 69% of the vote in Douglas County, where I was a 1-year-old at the time.) I remained a Democratic Party loyalist until the mid-1990s, when Bill Clinton’s policies (particularly the so-called “assault weapons” ban) drove me out of the party. Probably I was like a lot of my fellow Georgians during that era. We had remained loyal Democrats until Clinton’s presidency convinced us that the party no longer shared our values, and that our loyalty was not reciprocated.

It’s difficult to believe that someone like Ed McGinty, who proudly boasts of his Catholicism and mentions attending Cardinal Dougherty High School, never reconsidered his political loyalty, given how the Democratic Party has gone all-in for abortion since 1972. But recall that he’s from Philadelphia, which went for Obama by 83% in 2008 and 85% in 2012, and which went for Hillary Clinton by 83% in 2016. In communities where partisan affiliation is so one-sided, dissent is seldom heard, and is viewed as disloyalty to the community. This is why, for example, black Republicans are so rare — more than 90% of black people vote Democrat, and a black person who speaks out against the party’s liberal agenda is denounced as a traitorous “Uncle Tom” sellout.

The Villages is in Sumter County, Florida, which is not quite as solidly Republican in the way Philadelphia is solidly Democrat. However, 68% of voters in Sumter County voted to reelect Donald Trump, and probably the percentage was even higher in The Villages, an affluent (and nearly all-white) retirement community. Somehow, Ed McGinty can’t figure out why anyone would vote Republican, so he plasters his golf cart with signs denouncing his Republican neighbors as “racist,” etc.:

“I’m proud that I’m standing up for what’s right,” he said. “There’s never been a doubt in my mind that what I’m doing is right.”

Never a doubt in his mind, you see. That’s what tribalism looks like.


Rule 5 Sunday: Gwen Verdon

Posted on | September 27, 2021 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Gwen Verdon

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I think my first encounter with the hit Broadway play Damn Yankees was on an easy listening station in DC which used to run a program called “Matinees At One” on Sunday afternoons. They’d play the soundtrack from a Broadway show, and in between songs the announcer would recount the plot of the play. Not having lost interest in baseball yet, I wound up checking out the book the play was based on, Douglas Wallop’s The Year The Yankees Lost The Pennant, and years later I actually got to see the movie. Boy howdy, they sure made the right call casting Gwen Verdon as the demonic temptress Lola for both the play and the movie. Yow.
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Poster for the 1958 movie.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1484, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Done With Democrats Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: The Bangles, Beloe Zlato, Keri Russell, Cry Macho, Amy Phan West, Krysten Sinema, Foundation, Natalie Imbruglia, Ted Lasso, and MAGA Saturday.

A View From The Beach: Amy ShiFish Pic Friday – EgracForget It Jake, It’s Baltimore – So BYOBOregon, My Oregon, Carolina in My MindMaryland Otters Get the JabWednesday Wetness – Let it be Known There is a FountainFarm Bureaus Happy to Help Launder $3/4 Billion in Farm DollarsTattoo TuesdayThe Monday Morning Stimulus, and Palm Sunday.

Brian J. Noggle: Linda Ronstadt

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

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Manhunt for Florida Cop-Killer

Posted on | September 26, 2021 | Comments Off on Manhunt for Florida Cop-Killer

Patrick Rene McDowell is like a “rabid animal,” according to the Florida sheriff whose deputy was fatally shot by the suspect Friday. The manhunt for McDowell is now in its third day.

“This guy is dangerous,” Nassau County Sheriff Bill Leeper said Saturday. “If you’re in a home and he breaks into your home and you have a gun, blow him out the door cause he’s like a rabid animal. He will kill you with his mindset. What he did to that deputy, was uncalled for, unnecessary and he needs to pay for it.”

An ex-Marine with a drug habit and a criminal record, McDowell was driving a Chrysler minivan with a female passenger about 2:30 a.m. Friday when he was pulled over by Deputy Josh Moyers. McDowell didn’t have a license and gave the deputy a false name. When Moyers learned that the name didn’t match the vehicle’s owner, he asked McDowell to step out, at which point McDowell shot Moyers in the face with a pistol, then shot him again in the back after the deputy hit the ground. McDowell went into a nearby wooded area, and authorities believe he shot a police dog that was tracking him Friday.

“We never know what’s going to happen when we leave home in the morning,” Sheriff Leeper said Saturday. “This was just a traffic stop and it turned out to be a murder of the deputy.”

Nassau County, on the Georgia border north of Jacksonville, Florida, is largely rural, and authorities believe McDowell is still in the area.

McDowell was active duty in the Marine Corps from 2005 to 2009, and was deployed to Iraq. He was in the Marine Reserves until 2013. For a while after he returned from Iraq, McDowell worked as a security guard in the Jacksonville area, but in recent years turned to drugs and crime:

He has previously been arrested for giving a false name to law enforcement and aggravated possession of stolen firearms, according to Nassau County Sheriff’s Office. McDowell was arrested in April 27, 2021 by the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office for failure to appear for several charges stemming back to 2019, according to arrest documents. Those charges include possession of cocaine and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was also arrested in September 2018 by the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office for driving with a suspended license and attaching a license plate or sticker not assigned. McDowell was arrested in 2019 for forging checks from his grandfather’s account as well. He has a criminal past in Illinois and Indiana too. Charges there range from burglary, to theft, to carrying a handgun without a license and leaving the scene of an accident, as well as driving while intoxicated endangering a person. Some of those charges were reduced or dismissed. . . .
Deputies say Patrick McDowell has previously been [involuntarily committed for psychiatric treatment under the Baker Act] and has been noted to suffer from depression, seizures, and PTSD.

Why was this guy out on the street? Less than six months ago, they had him under arrest in Jacksonville, but turned him loose. Now a deputy is dead, and McDowell is being hunted “like a rabid animal.”


FMJRA 2.0: Draft Weekend

Posted on | September 26, 2021 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Draft Weekend

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Spent pretty much all of yesterday drafting players for my ’69 Senators, after which I had just about enough energy to make some soup and change my bandages before bedtime. Slept for 12 hours and still felt like crap when I got up this morning for the 1000 part of the draft, but fortunately a large mug of coffee and some Claritin-D helped with that. Didn’t get all the players I wanted, but the ones I did get were good, and of course we’re not nearly done yet since we have 35-man rosters to pick.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Rule 5 Sunday: Late Night With The Alabama Cheer Squad
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Joy Reid Is…Right?
First Street Journal
Bacon Time
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

‘Family Demands Answers’
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The Soul of Politics
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FMJRA 2.0: Take Me Out To The (Virtual) Ballgame
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Fake ‘Right-Wing Rally’ in D.C. Attracts Mainly Media, Undercover FBI Agents
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In The Mailbox: 09.20.21
A View From The Beach
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Proof Positive

Hey, New England: Roll, Tide!

In The Mailbox: 09.21.21
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Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 09.22.21
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Everybody Loves the $3.5 Trillion Boondoggle, Says Nancy Pelosi’s Pollster
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 09.23.21
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Proof Positive

Seattle: Mecca of White Guilt Syndrome

In The Mailbox: 09.24.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending September 24:

  1.  EBL (16)
  2.  357 Magnum (10)
  3.  A View From The Beach (9)
  4.  Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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The Biden Administration’s Blame Game and the Sad Fate of #NeverTrump

Posted on | September 25, 2021 | Comments Off on The Biden Administration’s Blame Game and the Sad Fate of #NeverTrump

My colleague John Hoge points out that, no matter what goes wrong in the Biden administration, it’s never their fault. It is psychologically unhealthy to think of oneself as a victim of forces beyond one’s control. Good mental health requires a sense of agency — the belief that we are masters of our own fate, able to obtain success and happiness by our own efforts — and the opposite of this is the victimhood mentality, the belief that we are doomed to misery, because we are being sabotaged and betrayed by an evil “them.” The tendency of the Biden administration toward the victimhood mentality was observed by Jonah Goldberg, who seems to be sobering up from his five-year binge of Trump Derangement Syndrome, experiencing “buyer’s remorse” over the Biden presidency he helped foist upon the nation. Brett Baier had Jonah on Thursday:

BAIER: Jonah, I have to commend this piece that you wrote for “The Dispatch” about Joe Biden and the passive voice, and that is the portrayal that this is somehow passively happening to him as opposed to decisions that Biden is making and the consequences of them.
GOLDBERG: Yes. We heard this just tonight, the clip you had from Jen Psaki earlier in the show, where she says we are weathering storms. No, when you are weathering storms, you are not responsible for the weather. Storms are things that happen to you. Joe Biden says events in Afghanistan unfolded, events at the border have unfolded, as if he has no agency and no responsibility for these things. He has made choices, and we are seeing the consequences of his choices on a whole bunch of fronts. And the way the media and the way the White House spin it, it’s like poor Joe Biden is like Charlie Brown being followed by a rain cloud, and he has no responsibility for what the predicaments that his White House is in.

Go ahead, spit on the ground and curse Jonah Goldberg, but he is correct about this passive-voice tendency in the Biden administrations — events unfolded, they are weathering storms and facing challenges, always victims of forces beyond their control. Nothing that goes wrong is ever their fault, according to them, because they are incapable of admitting error. The whole point of the Biden presidency — their existential purpose, their raison d’être — is to be Not Trump, the antithesis of Trumpism, doing everything the opposite of what Trump did.

Now they are shocked by the discovery that this approach doesn’t work.

Why? Because, however much you hate Trump, the fact is that his policies worked. Prior to the arrival of the Wuhan vicus, Trump’s policies had the U.S. economy in overdrive, with record-low unemployment, and it was his administration that initiated “Operation Warp Speed,” which yielded the COVID-19 vaccines that Biden now wants to make mandatory. This is where Jonah Goldberg needs his own confrontation with reality. What was the point of “Never Trump” conservatism if, as we now can all see plainly, reversing Trump’s policies produces disaster?

Goldberg now bemoans the passive-voice victimhood mentality of the Biden administration, but what about you, Jonah? Do you and your #NeverTrump comrades bear no responsibility in this failure?

Last time I checked the official numbers, Biden was elected because he beat Trump in four states by a combined margin of ~60,000 votes. Is it possible that such narrow margins might have gone the other way had it not been for the constant attacks on Trump from Goldberg, et al.?

Unlike so many others on what Kurt Schlichter dubbed the “Ahoy” crew — Jen Rubin, David French, Charlie Sykes — Jonah Goldberg does not seem content merely to parrot the daily DNC talking-points. One gets the idea that Goldberg may be nostalgic for the days when people didn’t spit on the ground and curse the very mention of his name, as every decent and patriotic American must now do. But he could rectify this, merely by titling the name of next book, I Was Wrong.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for that confession of error, though.

By the way, am I the only one who noticed the weirdly ritualistic way in which Biden administration officials used the word “horrific” to describe the photos of Border Patrol on horseback rounding up Haitian illegal immigrants? What was so “horrific” about these images? You cross the border illegally, the Border Patrol catches you — this happens every day. Is it merely because these illegals happened to be black?

In making such an issue of this, obviously in an effort to quell outrage among the BLM crowd, I doubt the Biden administration has thought about how the Hispanic community might view the situation. Imagine you’re a Hispanic resident of Arizona or Florida, and you see the Biden administration jumping up and down to denounce the Border Patrol for rounding up Haitian illegals. Wouldn’t you be tempted to say, “Wait a minute — where was this hyperventilating outrage during all the decades when it was Mexicans being rounded up at the border?” Isn’t it possible that this will cost Biden some Hispanic support? I think so.

Joe Biden is about as popular as herpes nowadays, so of course he is lashing out at scapegoats, promising to punish them:

President Joe Biden berated American border patrol agents for using horses to confront migrants crossing into the United States on the Southern border, vowing they would be punished.
“To see people treated like they did, horses running them over and people getting strapped, it’s outrageous I promise you those people will pay,” Biden said, despite no publicly available evidence to back up his claims.

“Those people will pay” — the people who are enforcing the law are wrong, according to Biden, but as for the foreign invaders trying to violate U.S. law by crossing the border? Oh, nothing wrong with that.


Aspiring Rapper Update

Posted on | September 25, 2021 | Comments Off on Aspiring Rapper Update

Readers may have forgotten Timothy Nathaniel Leeks, but last November, the 22-year-old was arrested in the fatal shooting of rapper Dayvon Bennett, a/k/a “King Von,” outside an Atlanta hookah bar.

It’s been two months since our last Aspiring Rapper Update, and I know that many of our readership may have been disappointed in the dearth of recent news about violence affecting the hiphop community.

Such readers will no doubt be interested to learn that Timothy “Lil Tim” Leeks has not been idle since being busted for shooting King Von. It seems that the original charge of murder was reduced to manslaughter, perhaps because video of the incident showed that King Von was the aggressor in the fight that ended with him being fatally shot. So in March, after twice being denied bail, Leeks was released on $100,000 bond and immediately resumed his peaceful, law-abiding civilian life.

That was sarcasm, OK?

Timothy Leeks is a lifelong thug and a menace to society, and it was no surprise to learn that he got busted Wednesday on 11 different charges after leading police on a high-speed chase in Chatham County, Georgia.

A search of Savannah-area media turned up no coverage of the arrest — apparently high-speed pursuits aren’t deemed newsworthy in Savannah — but as the website HipHopDX says, you can find Leeks in the Chatham County jail database. Meanwhile, the “aspiring rapper” motif has become an international phenomenon, e.g., Ontario, Canada:

An aspiring Scarborough rapper has been arrested for the shooting murders of two young women at a Fort Erie Airbnb in January.
On Thursday [Aug. 26], Niagara Regional Police confirmed that with the assistance of Toronto Police, 22-year-old Christopher Lucas — who cops said was also known as ‘El Plaga,’ was arrested and charged with the shocking deaths.
He faces two counts of first-degree murder and was to appear for a video bail hearing in St. Catharines on Thursday.
On Jan. 19, during a birthday bash at a chalet-styled home along the Niagara Parkway, 20-year-old Windsor resident Juliana Pannunzio and 18-year-old Christine Crooks, of Toronto, were shot.
Someone called 911 and police arrived to find the women dead.
Detectives previously released video surveillance images of the party in an attempt to identify some of the unknown guests who attended.
A $100,0000 reward was also offered for information leading to the arrests of the perpetrator.

There’s a birthday party. Two women get shot to death. Everybody leaves the party before cops show up. An aspiring rapper is arrested.

You will perhaps not be surprised to learn that Christopher Lucas had previously been arrested in 2016 for attempted murder and 22 other charges including assault with a weapon, robbery with a firearm and possession of crack cocaine. Meanwhile, in Colchester, England:

Two men who launched a vicious knife attack on an aspiring rapper and young father after smashing down his front door have been convicted of murder.
Alinjavwa Siwale, 22, was stabbed and died in the kitchen of his Colchester home while his younger brother Suwi frantically cried out for help.
Chelmsford Crown Court heard Phoenix Lee, 20, and Sheldon McKay, 25, carried out a swift attack “lasting less than two minutes” shortly after midnight on December 11 last year.
CCTV footage captured the pair approaching the front of the house the Siwale brothers shared in Affleck Road, on Colchester’s Greenstead estate.
Lee took a short run up before kicking in the front door, before the pair entered the home.

Sometimes the aspiring rapper is the victim, sometimes the perpetrator, but seldom far from the scene of the crime.



In The Mailbox: 09.24.21

Posted on | September 25, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.24.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual weekend deadlines for the usual weekend posts.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

357 Magnum: The State Of Education In NYC
EBL: Foundation
Twitchy: “They Said…”, also, Maricopa County Responds To Trump & Others On Leaked Audit Report
Louder With Crowder: Brits Heckle Nancy Pelosi – “Go Back To Epstein’s Pedo Island”
Vox Popoli: Suvorov Was Right, also, How To Beat COVID
According To Hoyt: Disjointed Observations, also, Spoiled Children
Monster Hunter Nation: WriterDojo Episode 6 – Genre
Stoic Observations: My Pronoun

Adam Piggott: Is There One Godly Priest In Melbourne?
American Conservative: The COVID Vaccine Pass Slippery Slope
American Greatness: An American Horror Story, also, Arizona Audit Finds Over 50,000 Illegal Votes
American Thinker: The Killing Fields Of Utopia, also, The Fraud Behind “Missing White Woman Syndrome”
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Done With Democrats Friday
Babalu Blog: Cuban Province With The Most Cows Produces Only Eight Liters Of Milk Per Cow, also, AMLO’s Love & Affection For The Cuban Communist Regime Not Felt By All Mexicans
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For September 24
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Union Lobbyists Want To Influence Biden Against Non-Union SpaceX
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Draft Day Thoughts Under The Fedora
Don Surber: Lose The War, Lose The Presidency, Media Won’t Call Them Peaceful Protests This Time, and “Vaccinated Up The Wazoo” Two On The View Get COVID
First Street Journal: Something The Credentialed Media Don’t Seem To Like, also, Killadelphia
The Geller Report: Muslim Tries To Storm Cockpit On Jet Blue Flight, also, Jew-Hating Occasional Cortex Cries After House Overwhelmingly Votes For Iron Dome Funding
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, An Einstein Ring, and Forget It Jake, It’s Maryland
Hollywood In Toto: Failing Up – Low-Rated Full Frontal With Samantha Bee Gets Renewed, also, Dear Evan Hansen Crushes Broadway Show’s Spirit
The Lid: Marco Rubio Introduces Bill To Hold Companies Accountable For Woke Policies
Legal Insurrection: Administration Still Pushing Whip Lie To Distract From Disastrous Border Policy Failure, also, 
White Male Students In “Multicultural Space” Told Their Presence Is Offensive
Nebraska Energy Observer: Friday, Finally, And Some Maybe Good News
Outkick: Early Numbers Suggest First Take Viewers Not Keen On Kellerman Getting The Boot, also, LSU Star Stingley Questionable For SEC Opener
Power Line: Joe Biden, Tax Evader? also, Who’s Whippin’ Who – Tentative Finale
Shark Tank: Murphy Votes for “Womens’ Health Protection Act”
Shot In The Dark: Innumeracy, also, Coattails 
The Political Hat: When Your Gender Both Is & Isn’t Fluid, also, Firing Line Friday – Are Public Schools Necessary?
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, also, Local Pastor Touches Boy At Bus Stop – Boy’s Father “Renders Judgment”
Victory Girls: 1/6 Committee Subpoenas Trump Allies, also, Chris Cuomo Now On Harassment Hot Seat
Volokh Conspiracy: Can Cooper v. Aaron Save Roe v. Wade?
Weasel Zippers: “Life Is Always Full Of Tough Choices”, also, “We Don’t Use The Term ‘Illegal Immigrants'”
The Federalist: Biden’s Border Policy Is Sheer Horses**t, also, DeSantis Scores 3,000 More COVID Treatments For Florida After Biden Cuts Allocations To Red States
Mark Steyn: We Have Met The Enemy, Part XXI

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Seattle: Mecca of White Guilt Syndrome

Posted on | September 24, 2021 | Comments Off on Seattle: Mecca of White Guilt Syndrome

Why is Primila Jayapal a member of Congress?

Radical Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) broke “into tears” Wednesday while pleading with President Biden to include amnesty into the $3.5 trillion reconciliation package.
During Biden’s attempt to resolve the Democrat infighting over the his tax and spend measures, Jayapal cried in front of the President of the United States to sway his emotions towards allowing millions of illegal immigrants amnesty. Jayapal used her story as a “selling point,” Jayapal’s spokesperson Chris Evans confirmed to Politico.
“She said, ‘I’m the first South Asian woman ever elected to the House … and one of only two dozen immigrants in Congress … as an immigrant woman of color, I just want to share my perspective,” Evans explained. “She has a unique story as an immigrant — but also coming at 16, and to be sitting at the White House delivering what would be a transformational investment in social programs, it will be a moment she will remember forever.”
Unfortunately for Jayapal’s sob story, the Senate parliamentarian ruled Senate precedent would not allow amnesty measures to be included in the reconciliation package. The parliamentarian stated a number of non-fiscal impacts would result from including amnesty into the giant package, which opposes the budgetary purpose of using the tactic of reconciliation in the first place.
“Senate rules never contemplated a majority circumventing the filibuster by pretending that sweeping and transformational new policies were mere budgetary changes,” Sen. Mitch McConnell wrote in a statement after the ruling.

You see that Jayapal’s agenda is about destroying all American institutions and traditions, and what does she care about the filibuster?

When I first saw the headline about Jayapal’s tearful plea for amnesty, the question occurred: What district does she represent? She was elected in 2016 to replace retiring Democratic Rep. Jim McDermott in the 7th District of Washington state, which includes Seattle. According to Wikipedia, the 7th District “is the most Democratic district in the Pacific Northwest and the most Democratic district on the West Coast outside the San Francisco Bay Area or Los Angeles. It is also the most Democratic majority-white district in the United States” (emphasis added).

Three-quarters of the residents of the 7th District are white, but such is their liberal guilt about their whiteness that they felt only an immigrant woman could be qualified to represent them in Congress.

The politics of White Guilt Syndrome have always fascinated me, simply because I have no such guilt plaguing my conscience. All this progressive chatter about “white privilege” does nothing except inspire me to sarcastic laughter, knowing that I’m but one generation removed from the ubiquitous poverty of Depression-era rural Alabama. And certainly it’s not as if I’m living in the lap of luxury today. One must be higher up the socioeconomic ladder (or perhaps, further down the long slope of degeneracy) to be the kind of guilt-stricken white liberal who thinks congressional seats should be filled on the basis of affirmative action.

White Guilt Syndrome is a luxury, a status display marker, by which wealthy white people exhibit their presumed moral superiority. The median household income in Seattle is $92,263, so I reckon they can afford this 21st-century noblesse oblige, but it’s out of my price range.


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