The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 09.23.21

Posted on | September 23, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.23.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.
Red Pilled Jew: The Jab & Kids – Introducing PROJECT DREAD
McG’s Tally Book: The Rot
EBL: Al Harrington, RIP, also, Senate Wild Card – Krysten Sinema

Twitchy: A “Devastating Timeline Of Woke Nonsense,” also, “Your Hatred Of Jews Is Showing”
Louder With Crowder: Doocy Asks Bad Orange Woman – Why Should Texans Risk COVID From Illegals & Joe’s Border Crisis?
Vox Popoli: Is Plan B In Effect?, Angelo Codevilla RIP, and Comfort, Chaos, & Conservatives

Adam Piggott: Let America Die
American Conservative:
American Greatness: Soros-Funded Group Sends Letter To FCC Calling For Murder Of Republicans, also, Biden Regime Suspends Border Patrol Mounted Unit Over Already Debunked #FakeNews
American Power: Murder Rates Still Up In 2021, also, Biden’s (In)competence
American Thinker: The Great Reset & COVID, also, What Will Democrats Do About The Maricopa County 2020 Election Audit?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Wrong Way News
Babalu Blog: How The Cuban Regime Uses GAESA To Capture Remittances & Launder Money, also, Statues Of Fidel Castro & Che Guevara In Mexico Vandalized 
BattleSwarm: Could Red China’s House Of Cards Finally Collapse?
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, also, Fired Flight Director Accuses Virgin Galactic Of Lying About Problems On July Suborbital Flight
Cafe Hayek: Human Intolerance Is Never Far Below The Surface, also, What’s To Blame?
CDR Salamander: Want More VLS Cells West of Wake Before 2030? This Is The Way
Da Tech Guy: O’Toole Pulls A Romney & Loses In Canada, also, People Around The World Beginning To Rise Up Against COVID Restrictions & Jab Mandates
Don Surber: Pence! May Be The Next Jeb!, NYT Blames Trump For Biden’s Failure, and Biden’s Jab Mandate Cost Him Black Support
First Street Journal: Killadelphia, also, Journolism
The Geller Report: Now We Know Why Administration Hid 1/6 Videos From Americans, also, “Ballot Trafficking Will Soon Be Exposed On A Major Scale” In AZ, GA, MI, PA, & WI
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, Cui Bono? and An Infographic
Hollywood In Toto: Jeff Daniels Decries Systemic Racism While Ignoring Racist Attack On Larry Elder, also, Eleven Hilarious Responses To Late Night’s “Climate Night” Programming
The Lid: The Iron Dome Fight & Anti-Israel Democrats – It’s Not Just The Squad
Legal Insurrection: HHS Documents Reveal Unaccompanied Illegal Kids Suffered Sexual & Physical Abuse, also, Independent Voter Support For Biden Craters To 37% In New Gallup Poll
Nebraska Energy Observer: Come From Away
Outkick: Off The Top Rope! WWE Mocks Woke Mob With Controversial New Superstar, Former Buckeye Receiver Who Voted To Impeach Trump Won’t Run For Reelection, and In Mid-Season Form – Fired Up Nick Saban Snaps At Reporters
Power Line: Is Xi Reviving Maoism? also, Who’s Whippin’ Who, Cont’d
Shark Tank: Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith Abandons “Latinx” Label
Shot In The Dark: Darn Those Science-Denying Trumpkins! also, RIP Property Rights?
The Political Hat: Academic MiniTru – Decolonizing Curricula, Revising History, & Woke Propaganda
This Ain’t Hell: Stolen Valor By Super Bowl Ring Thief, Honorable Discharge For Military Jab Refusers Strongly Opposed, and Army’s Chief PAO Sacked After 97% Negative Climate Survey
Transterrestrial Musings: Dairy Fat, also, Defensive Gun Use
Victory Girls: Lawyers, Guns, & Money – How School Boards Wield Power Around Mask Mandates
Volokh Conspiracy: NYT Botches The History Of Budget Conflicts & Government Shutdowns
Weasel Zippers: Biden May Owe As Much As $500,000 In Back Taxes, Sinema May Leave Dems, Run As Independent, and Over 600,000 Illegals Released Into U.S. Since Biden Took Office
The Federalist: Packed College Football Stadiums Will End The Pandemic, also, The Labor Shortage Isn’t Just Closing Small Businesses, It’s Shattering Retirement Plans
Mark Steyn: #MeTooing The G-Spotters, also, Live Around The Planet

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Everybody Loves the $3.5 Trillion Boondoggle, Says Nancy Pelosi’s Pollster

Posted on | September 23, 2021 | Comments Off on Everybody Loves the $3.5 Trillion Boondoggle, Says Nancy Pelosi’s Pollster

Nancy Pelosi’s massive spending bill is very popular, according to no less an authority on public opinion than . . . Nancy Pelosi:

New Poll: Overwhelming Majority of Americans
Support Build Back Better Act

An overwhelming majority of Americans, independents, and even four-in-ten Republicans back President Biden and House Democrats’ plan to cut taxes for the middle class, lower costs for working families, create more jobs, and sustain economic growth for years to come.
New polling from Navigator Research shows high support for the Build Back Better Act with support from:

— 66 percent of Americans
— 61 percent of Independents
— 39 percent of Republicans

Democrats believe we face an urgent choice between keeping an economy that serves the wealthiest and biggest corporations – or finally give middle class families a fair shot. It turns out the American people agree.

Does anyone older than 12 actually believe this? Because it doesn’t take much effort to discover that this poll was published by something called “Navigator Research,” which describes itself thus:

In a world where the news cycle is the length of a tweet, our leaders often lack the real-time public-sentiment analysis to shape the best approaches to talking about the issues that matter the most. Navigator is designed to act as a consistent, flexible, responsive tool to inform policy debates by conducting research and reliable guidance to inform allies, elected leaders, and the press. Navigator is a project led by pollsters from Global Strategy Group and GBAO along with an advisory committee, including: Andrea Purse, progressive strategist; Arkadi Gerney, The Hub Project; Joel Payne, The Hub Project; Christina Reynolds, EMILY’s List; Delvone Michael, Working Families; Felicia Wong, Roosevelt Institute; Mike Podhorzer, AFL-CIO; Jesse Ferguson, progressive strategist; Navin Nayak, Center for American Progress Action Fund; Stephanie Valencia, EquisLabs; and Melanie Newman, Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

GBAO is a firm founded by four Democratic political operatives, while Global Strategy Group “began as a Democratic polling firm operating predominantly in the New York market.” To put it bluntly, everybody involved in this poll is a partisan hack, and here is the question on which the “overwhelming support” numbers are based:

As you may know, President Biden and Democrats have proposed new legislation to provide paid family and medical leave, establish a universal Pre-K program, expand Medicare coverage for seniors to include dental, vision, and hearing coverage, lower health care costs by allowing Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices, provide tax breaks for clean energy, and expand the Child Tax Credit for most families with children. Do you support or oppose this legislation?

In other words, “Do you want the government to give you a bunch of free stuff?” To which everybody answers, “Free stuff? Gimme! Gimme!”

You might get different answers if you asked other questions, such as:

  1. Do you have any fucking clue how much $3.5 trillion is?
  2. Where the hell are we going to get $3.5 trillion to pay for this?
  3. The U.S. national debt is currently $28 trillion. The most recent year the federal government had a balanced budget was 1998. This crazy pile of crap Nancy Pelosi is trying to ram through Congress will permanently bankrupt America. Do you support or oppose this?

Now, some would say that asking such questions might be somewhat biased, but is it any more biased than Nancy Pelosi’s poll asking people if they want a bunch of free stuff from the government, without even mentioning the disastrous fiscal consequences of this legislation?

Read that Pelosi poll question again — it doesn’t even mention the $3.5 trillion price tag. The idea that policy decisions should be made on the basis of such dishonest polling by partisan hacks is insane.


In The Mailbox: 09.22.21

Posted on | September 23, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.22.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Red Pilled Jew: Rome, Er, America
Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1483
357 Magnum: How Close Is Too Close With A Knife?
EBL: Cry Macho, also, Angelo Codevilla RIP
Twitchy: Judge Orders Prosecution To Release New Collection Of 1/6 Capitol Surveillance Videos, also, The New Yorker – “We Could Have Been Canada”
Louder With Crowder: Australian Construction Workers Rise Up Against Lockdown Restrictions
Vox Popoli: The Devil’s Children Fear Xi, They’re Not On Our Side, and A Belated Admission
Gab News: The Beginnings Of A New Parallel Economy On Gab

Adam Piggott: Is It Time To Break Zee Rules? (Asking For A Friend)
American Conservative: The GOP Needs To Stop Funding An Unaccountable Military, also, From Marshall To Milley
American Greatness: The Bidenization Of America, also, Zombie Sheep Masking Kids
American Power: Iowa Poll – Nearly Two-Thirds Can’t Stand Biden, also, Democrats In Danger
American Thinker: Repeal The 17th Amendment, also, Can Xi Jinping Defeat Biden-Led America?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Cuban Dissidents Planning Massive Peaceful Protest On 11/20, also, Ongoing Blackouts – The Story That Never Ends In Cuba
BattleSwarm: Is Austin Homeless Funding A Conduit For Democrat Party Graft?
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, NASA Reorganizing Manned Program Bureaucracy
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
CDR Salamander: Budget War Warning
Da Tech Guy: Stacy McCain Explains A Fact Of Life, Liberals Vs. The Left, and Why The GOP & Professional Conservatives Aren’t Down With The FJB Chants
Don Surber: How Republicans Could Take The Senate This Year, also, W Campaigns For Cheney’s Brat
First Street Journal: This Is Why We Need The First Amendment, also, When It Comes To Murder The Philadelphia Inquirer Is More Concerned About Cute Little White Girls
The Geller Report: GOP Reps File Articles Of Impeachment Against Biden, also, American Troops’ Rage At Their Leaders Grows 
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, A War Story, and It’s Never Their Fault
Hollywood In Toto: Media Wake Up, Realize That Comedy Is Crumbling In Our Woke Age, also, Was Monica Lewinsky The First Cancel Culture Victim?
The Lid: Hundreds Of Navy SEALs Threatened With Dismissal For Refusing The Jab
Legal Insurrection: Indian Tribe Wants Myles Standish’s Name Removed From Boston University Dorm, also, The Revolution Is Swarming But Can Be Defeated
Nebraska Energy Observer: Lupus Tenebrosus, Chapter 7
Outkick: COVID Rates Down Across The SEC Since College Football Season Started, Stephen A. Smith Still Kicking Max Kellerman While He’s Down, and CFP Expansion Discussions On Hold
Power Line: Biden’s Aides Won’t Let Him Speak, also, Life Imitates Clueless
Shark Tank: Gaetz Backs Luna, Brushes Off Makki
Shot In The Dark: More, Faster, also, Priorities
STUMP: Spanish Flu Vs. Corona-chan – Comparing The Numbers, Forgetting The Lessons 
The Political Hat: Clown Cop Cars
This Ain’t Hell: Space Force News – New Uniforms & Enlisted Insignia, FBI Director Seeks New Opportunity As Captain Obvious, and Student With 0.62 GPA Ranked 62nd Out Of 120 Graduating Students
Transterrestrial Musings: The Biden Administration
Victory Girls: Trump Sues, Niece, NYT Over Tax Records Story
Volokh Conspiracy: Things Are Getting Messy
Weasel Zippers: AOC & The Squad Force Pelosi To Cut $1 Billion For Israel’s Iron Dome From Spending Bill, also, Black Republican Running For Nevada Lt. Gov. Dragged Out Of COVID Meeting & Beaten
The Federalist: #BLM Threatens An “Uprising” Against “Racist” Jab Mandates, also, Remote Learning Killed The Myth Of Unsocialized Homeschooled Kids
Mark Steyn: Chimeras, Cleavage, & Bounced Czechs

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Joy Reid Is … Right?

Posted on | September 22, 2021 | Comments Off on Joy Reid Is … Right?

Nearly all my fellow conservatives are shrieking in anger at MSNBC’s Joy Reid for saying something that is actually true: There is such a thing as “Missing White Woman Syndrome,” and we ought to call it out when — as in the case of Gabby Petito — it dominates the news cycle:

MSNBC host Joy Reid turned to race Monday while discussing the media’s coverage of missing 22-year-old Gabby Petito, dismissing the focus on the case as “missing White woman syndrome.”
During a segment on her show “The ReidOut,” Reid said while Petito’s family deserved “answers and justice,” she felt the same media attention didn’t apply to non-White people when they go missing.
“It goes without saying that no family should ever have to endure that kind of pain. And the Petito family certainly deserves answers and justice,” Reid said. “But the way this story has captivated the nation has many wondering, why not the same media attention when people of color go missing?”
“Well, the answer actually has a name: Missing White woman syndrome. The term coined by the late and great Gwen Iffil to describe the media and public fascination with missing White women like Laci Peterson or Natalee Holloway, while ignoring cases involving missing people of color,” she added, referencing two well-known cases of missing women.

Yes — Natalee Holloway, whose disappearance gave Greta Van Susteren a permanent excuse to travel to Aruba for “reporting” the case.

Besides affording TV reporters a pretext for traveling to the Caribbean — “Oh, please, boss, don’t send me to that tropical island again!” — the Natalee Holloway case offered story elements that no elderly woman can resist (a) mystery and (b) a villain. Basically, it was an updated Agatha Christie novel, catnip for the post-menopausal audience that loves murder mysteries. Joran van der Sloot was the presumed villain of this tale, and all those suspicious little old ladies knew, deep in their lascivious little hearts, that the missing blonde teenager had been savagely RAPED before she was murdered by the Dutch villain.

That’s the thing about a Missing White Woman story — the damsel-in-distress angle only works, in terms of TV news ratings, if the missing woman is young and attractive, preferably blonde. Males can and do go missing, but those disappearances never dominate national news. It’s always a woman, and a young, attractive woman — if she’s old, fat or ugly, nobody cares if she goes missing. But the nubile blonde? Oh, yeah, that’s nationwide headline stuff, because she’s Prime Rape Bait, and sex is the secret ingredient in the Missing White Woman story.

Beyond the cynical calculations of ratings-hungry TV news producers, however, what’s really wrong with Missing White Woman Syndrome is not the kind of “social justice” concerns Joy Reid is talking about. No, what’s wrong is that it feeds the public’s distorted ideas about crime.

How many people are murdered in America annually? Nearly 14,000 in 2019, according to the FBI, and about 78% of the victims were male. In terms of statistical risk, then, males were nearly four times more likely to be murdered than women, but how many of those murdered men become national news? Not many. And how many murder victims are white? About 5,800 in 2019 — 42% of the total — whereas blacks were 54% of the total murders. There were 1,759 white women murdered in 2019 — 12.6% of the total, according to the FBI — compared to 6,446 black males, 46.3% of the total. So the death of Gabby Petito was anomalous, a comparative rarity in the overall crime situation in America.

A blonde, blue-eyed “social media influencer” is not typical of murder victims, who are disproportionately male and black. During the month of August, when Gabby and her boyfriend were on their excursion across the West, 87 people were killed and 424 were wounded in Chicago. Did any of those Chicago victims make national news? Well, about 83% of the victims in Chicago were black, and none were blonde, blue-eyed 22-year-old “social media influencers.” Not newsworthy, you see?

The selectivity of the news media in deciding which murders deserve national attention is a sort of bias that most people never notice. Why does the death of one black in police custody become a cause célèbre, while the vast majority of murdered black men — about 125 a week, on average — never get any national media attention? Because the death of George Floyd fit a specific political narrative. And why does the disappearance of a blonde girl with an Instagram account get hourly updates on the cable-news networks? Because it’s a convenient distraction from the disastrous failure of Joe Biden’s presidency.

Think about it. During the four years of Trump’s presidency, was there any case of a Missing White Woman that got this kind of attention?

Think of something else — what happened to all the black guys getting killed by cops? Did that just stop happening on January 20? It’s almost as if the media’s concern about black victims of police violence was just ginned up to help Democrats win the election. But that can’t be — these are professional journalists, after all, and we can trust them. Right?


In The Mailbox: 09.21.21

Posted on | September 22, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.21.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Another view of Saturday’s FBI fiasco

Red Pilled Jew: Monday Memes Impact of Recent Events On Ammunition Sales
357 Magnum: The Gun-hating Left Will Swear They Need more Gun Laws
EBL: Biden At The UN
Twitchy: “The Most Embarrassing Thing Anyone Has Ever Written For The New York Times, also, CBS News Reporter Says WH Aides Shouted Down Reporters’ Attempts To Ask Biden Questions
Louder With Crowder: No, The Border Patrol Didn’t Whip Migrants, But The Media Doesn’t Care
Vox Popoli: Evading The Obvious, HHS Whistleblower Vaccine Recordings, and China’s Lehman Bros.

Adam Piggott: Australian Construction Workers Riot
American Conservative: Thank God For Rednecks
American Greatness: Afghan Refugees Bringing Multiple Diseases To U.S., Including Measles, Malaria, & Tuberculosis
American Power: The Masking Of The Servant Class, also, Tax The Rich? How Much Is “Rich”?
American Thinker: The Great Reset Of Beef Consumption, also, Politics & The Politicization Of The U.S. Military
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Veggie MRE News
Babalu Blog: Enslavement Update – Imprisoned 7/11 Protesters Being Sent To Forced Labor Camps, also, A Warm Embrace In Mexico For Communist Cuba’s Assassin
BattleSwarm: Beto III – The Betoing, also, Have Texas Troopers Secured The Border At Del Rio?
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, NASA Reviewing A Dozen Commercial Proposals For Future Government Space Stations
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
CDR Salamander: The Terrible 20s Emerge From The Fog
Da Tech Guy: Report From Louisiana – Podcasts, also, Compare & Contrast, Pope Francis Edition
Don Surber: Why Red China’s Billionaires Stay Home, also, Washington, CCP
First Street Journal: A Picture Worth A Thousand Words, also, The Homicide Rate Ticks Up A Bit In Killadelphia
The Geller Report: Nearly 400,000 Voter Identities Processed In Arizona Have No Match In The Social Security System, also, “Government Doesn’t Want The Show The [COVID] Vaccine Is Full Of Sh*t”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Sonification – Messier 87
Hollywood In Toto: Have We Reached Peak Hollywood Hypocrisy? also, The Fisher King – Terry Gilliam’s Timeless Plea For Compassion
The Lid: Democrats Pull Funding For Israel’s Iron Dome System
Legal Insurrection: #FakeNews – Leftists, Media Push Narrative That Border Patrol Whipped Haitian Illegals, also, Lawsuit – NYS Vax Mandate Deliberately Ignores First Amendment Religious Freedom Protections
Michelle Malkin: The Manufactured Border Crisis
Nebraska Energy Observer: AUKUS – The Rise Of Oz, also, There Are Limits
Outkick: Manning-Cast Is Massive Ratings Win For ESPN, “Anyone Who Changes Indians To Guardians Shouldn’t Be Running [For Senate]”, and Cowboys Fans Beat Each Other Up Outside SoFi Stadium
Power Line: Angelo Codevilla, RIP, also, Did Biden’s Political Needs Lead To Tragically Mistaken Drone Strike?
Shark Tank: New State Surgeon General Says Florida Will “Reject Fear”
Shot In The Dark: Remember When, also, Anyone Have “Socialist Patrician Scofflaw” On Their Democrat Bingo Card?
The Political Hat: When Your Gender Is An Emoji, also, To Absolutely No-one’s Surprise, Google Pushes “Anti-Racism” Wokeness
This Ain’t Hell: DHS Chief “Horrified” & “Troubled” By Pics Of Horses Being Used Against Illegals, also, We Will Assimilate You
Transterrestrial Musings: California’s War On Bacon, also, Angelo Codevilla
Victory Girls: Athletic Aspirations Demand Child Sacrifice?
Volokh Conspiracy: The Eastman Memo – Poor Lawyering For A Disreputable Cause
Weasel Zippers: Biden Refuses To Answer Questions About Border Crisis, CNN Rips Mayorkas For Refusing To Say Border Is In Crisis, and Breaking News – Joy Reid Is Still a Gigantic Turd
The Federalist: Portland Quietly Walks Back Texas Boycott, also, The Administration Is Now Flat-Out Denying The Reality Of The Border Crisis
Mark Steyn: Return Of The Minority Mammy, The Long Term’s Express Check-In, and Don’t Scramble My Brain

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Hey, New England: Roll, Tide!

Posted on | September 21, 2021 | Comments Off on Hey, New England: Roll, Tide!

When the New England Patriots drafted Alabama quarterback Mac Jones, I decided to become a Patriots fan, but after Sunday’s game — when Jones led New England to a 25-6 victory over the New York Jets — I’m thinking y’all New Englanders should become Alabama fans.

Jones isn’t the only Crimson Tide player on the Patriots roster. There’s also running back Damien Harris, defensive tackle Christian Barmore, and linebackers Anfernee Jennings and Dont’a Hightower.

During Sunday’s victory, Jones completed 22 of 30 passes for 186 yards and zero interceptions — a stark contrast to Jets QB Zack Wilson, who threw four interceptions. Like Jones, Wilson is a rookie (out of BYU) who was a first-round draft pick. The Jets had the second pick in the draft, and Jones didn’t go until the 15th pick, meaning there are 14 other teams out there who passed him over. So he beat one of them Sunday, on his long campaign of vindication, and made Jets fans feel the pain:

Jones was everything the Jets wanted — and needed — Wilson to be on this day. He was poised and played essentially mistake-free in that he didn’t turn the ball over while Wilson gave it away four times on interceptions — two of which came on his first two throws in the game.
After the game, Jets coach Robert Saleh delivered the most telling and appropriate quote of the day when he said he told Wilson, “Sometimes, it’s OK to be boring.’’
Because you know what Jones was?
He was boring but efficient, completing 22 of 30 passes for 186 yards. Most importantly, though, Jones didn’t throw an interception or lose a fumble.
That’s the most important ingredient to winning in the NFL: Don’t beat yourself.
Patriots coach Bill Belichick has made a career out of forcing opposing teams into making mistakes and making them pay for them.
The two most memorable plays Jones made in the game, in fact, had nothing to do with him throwing the ball.
One came on New England running back Damien Harris’ 26-yard scoring run, on which he broke seven tackles and by the time he got near the goal line the entire Patriots offense was pushing him over the threshold — including the rookie quarterback who’d sprinted the 30 yards down the field to get into the fray.
Another came on an end-around by Kendrick Bourne when Jones threw a nice roll block on Jets defensive lineman Shaq Lawson, taking him to the ground.

Let’s see both of those plays on video:

Alabama: Where our quarterback blocks your defensive end.

Mac Jones is a team player. He waited three years for his shot at the starting QB job at Alabama, as backup first to Jalen Hurts (now with the Philadelphia Eagles) and then to Tua Tagovailoa (now with the Miami Dolphins, who beat New England in the season opener). He listens to his coaches, which is why he wasn’t throwing bombs Sunday. Apparently the game plan was for Mac to concentrate on completing short passes; his longest pass of the game was a picture-perfect strike down the middle.

The guy who caught that pass is Hunter Henry, a tight end from Arkansas who got picked up by the Patriots after four seasons with the Chargers. Henry was one of seven different receivers Jones connected with Sunday. His favorite target was veteran running back James White, whom he hit six times, including a 28-yarder. And then there was this razzle-dazzle:

Sweet! There were two negatives about Sunday’s game: First, Jones didn’t throw for a touchdown, and second, he got sacked three times. The sacks worry me most, because the one thing that could stop Jones from developing into — dare I say it? — the next Tom Brady is an injury. The Patriots’ offensive line needs to do a better job protecting their QB. Fortunately, Mac wasn’t hurt Sunday, so next up is a home game against New Orleans and then — well, it’s gonna be the next Tom Brady vs. the original Tom Brady when the Patriots play Tampa Bay on Oct. 3.


In The Mailbox: 09.20.21

Posted on | September 21, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.20.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: Three Justifiable Homicides In Just Over 36 Hours
EBL: FBI Believes Gabby Petito’s Body Has Been Found, also, Oh, Canada – Isn’t It Time To Give Justin Trudeau The Boot?
Twitchy: LA Department Of Health Explains Why Maskless Emmys Didn’t Violate Mask Mandate
Louder With Crowder: “F*** Joe Biden” Week Three In College Football, also, Nicki Minaj Exposes Media, Blasts Reporter Who Threatened To Dox Her Cousin
Vox Popoli: The World They Seek To Rebuild, Who Wants To Be The President, and The Devil’s Shot
Stoic Observations: Bad Black History
Gab News: Germany Wants To Force Gab To Censor. It’s Not Happening.

Adam Piggott: We’re Not Unvaccinated, We’re Purebloods
American Conservative: Do The Global Managers Want The Pandemic To End?
American Greatness: The Afghanistization Of America, also, Senate Parliamentarian Rejects Democrat Attempt To Include Amnesty In Reconciliation Bill
American Power: The Sharp U.S. Pivot To Asia Is Throwing Europe Off Balance, also, Biden’s Bad Day
American Thinker: What If The FBI Threw An Insurrection But Nobody Came? also, Is The Biden Administration Trying To Murder Its Political Opponents?
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Cuban Slave Mechanics In South Africa Earn $67 Million For The Regime, also, Twelfth Cuban General Dies Since 7/11 Protests
BattleSwarm: Round Rock ISD Arresting Critics, also, Is Australia Not Going To Take It Any More?
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, SpaceX Aiming For Six Commercial Manned Flights A Year 
Cafe Hayek: Socialism Must Lower – It Cannot Raise – Living Standards For The Masses
CDR Salamander: September Maritime Melee – On Midrats, also, Shippings Flock Of Swans
Da Tech Guy: The Navy Is Trending Toward Battleship, All Quiet Along The Potomac Last Night, and There Will be No Biden Reset
Don Surber: Why I Don’t Have Faith In John Durham, President FUBAR, and Democrats Turn On Biden & Harris
First Street Journal: Gee, She’s Dumb! also, The Catholic Church & The Right To Privacy
The Geller Report: Thousands Mass In Times Square To Protest Jab & Mask Mandates, also, U. Miami Muslim Professor Charged With Shipping Proscribed Gene Sequencer To Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, The Earth Seen From Space, and Nothing To See Here, Move Along
Hollywood In Toto: Comic – TikTok Censorship No Laughing Matter, also, Here’s Everything You Missed About John Carpenter’s Ghosts Of Mars
The Lid: Rewriting The History Of 9/11? Some Schools Are Trying, also, General Milley Often Went Rogue
Legal Insurrection: Beta O’Rourke Plans To Skateboard Into The Texas Governor’s Mansion, also, Tortilla Incident At High School Basketball Tournament Perpetrated By Leftist
Michelle Malkin:
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations, also, Video Game Music
Outkick: Cole Beasley Offers To Buy Tickets For Unvaxxed Fans Missing Bills Game, also, Did Mississippi State Get Screwed In Memphis?
Power Line: Haitians Moving Out From Under The Bridge, also, Will “Green” Energy Destroy Europe?
Shark Tank: Nikki Fried Poses With White Man Wearing Blackface
Shot In The Dark: What’s Up With The Japanese? also, Under The Table
The Political Hat: Praxis In The Schools
This Ain’t Hell: Milley’s Righteous Drone Shoot, What Passes For Education These Days, and Georgia WW2 Vet Given French Legion Of Honor For His Role In Helping Liberate France
Transterrestrial Musings: The Clinton Lawyer Indictment, The Jews, and The Real Human Exploration Of The Solar System 
Victory Girls: Mayor Breed Doesn’t Like The Fun Police, also, Pakistan PM Helps Evacuate Afghans When Blinken Won’t
Volokh Conspiracy: Horatio Hornblower With Dragons, also, Federal Court Rules Against “Public Health” Expulsion Of Illegals Under Title 42
Weasel Zippers: America Is Being Invaded, Someone Has To Stop It, American Stranded In Afghanistan Says She’s Been Abandoned By The Administration, and Biden Fires Downs Syndrome Advocate From Disability Board
The Federalist: Democrats Aim To Choke Off Arctic Drilling With Provision In Reconciliation Package, also, Denver Nursing Student Kicked From Program After School Reneges On Religious Exemption For Jab
Mark Steyn: Duality & Penitential Narcissism, Leave Them Wanting More, and Try A Little Tenderness

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Fake ‘Right-Wing Rally’ in D.C. Attracts Mainly Media, Undercover FBI Agents

Posted on | September 20, 2021 | Comments Off on Fake ‘Right-Wing Rally’ in D.C. Attracts Mainly Media, Undercover FBI Agents

Last week, I warned (“The Post-Afghanistan ‘Pivot,’ as Predicted,” Sept. 10) that because the Biden administration “desperately needs a distraction from their endless bungling,” people were justifiably suspicious that the “Justice for J6” rally was an entrapment scheme.

Most people seemed to get that message — indeed, Donald Trump himself warned it was a “setup” — and the presence of numerous plainclothes FBI agents was painfully obvious. I say “plainclothes,” because if these agents were supposed to be undercover, the FBI really needs some new training protocols on what “undercover” means.

As I said before, organizers of the “Justice for J6” rally may have been entirely sincere in their desire to call attention to how those arrested in the Capitol riot are basically “political prisoners.” But this does not mean that they weren’t being influenced by FBI informants or undercover operatives — agents provocateurs seeking to undermine the organization they are pretending to support. In the two weeks prior to Saturday’s rally, the mainstream media was sounding alarms about how this event showed the potential violent danger of right-wing extremism.

AP sources: Intel shows extremists
to attend Capitol rally

Associated Press, Sept. 2

As Sept. 18 rally approaches,
violent language ramps up online

Roll Call, Sept. 8

Washington ramps up security
ahead of Sept. 18 rally

The Hill, Sept. 13

DHS warns of potential for violence
surrounding the ‘Justice for J6’ rally
in intelligence brief

CNN, Sept. 16

Capitol, D.C. police say city
prepared in case of violence
connected to Justice for J6 rally

Washington Post, Sept. 17

All of these dire warnings from the media — and I’ve just cited a random few headlines from the dozens, if not hundreds of “news” articles sounding the alarm about this event — had about as much factual basis as, oh, I don’t know, the “Russian collusion” conspiracy theory.

Notice how the media’s errors, insofar as they confer any partisan advantage, always seem to work to the advantage of Democrats?

Do you think that’s merely a coincidence? Because I don’t think so.

I was born at night, but it wasn’t last night.


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