The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Sunday: Late Night With The Alabama Cheer Squad

Posted on | September 20, 2021 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Late Night With The Alabama Cheer Squad

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I should live so long. Here’s a pic of some lovely young Alabama ladies at what I assume is practice.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Roll Tide!

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1477, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns

Animal Magnetism: Rule 5 H.L. Mencken Friday, and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: Worth, Come From Away, Otherlife, Israeli Army Rule 5, Nicki Minaj, The Tangle, Army Of One, Aging Gracefully, Occasional Cortex Wants To Tax The Rich, Grateful Dead On Playboy After Dark, Destroying Movie Franchises, The Voyeurs, MAGA – Miss Me Yet?, The Morning Show, and Kesari

A View From The Beach: God Save the Queen – Anya Taylor-JoyFish Pic Friday – Just Victoria, No SecretWe Need to Kill the Oysters to Save ThemThursday TanlinesWednesday Wetness – The Golden SpiralElection 2021: California Votes to Recall NewsomeAs Chaos ConsumesElection 2021: Did Newsom’s Wife Attempt to Buy off Rose McGowan?The Monday Morning Stimulus and Palm Sunday

Brian Noggle: Girls of Route 66 – Arlene Martel & Susan Silo

Thanks to everyone for the luscious links!

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FMJRA 2.0: Take Me Out To The (Virtual) Ballgame

Posted on | September 19, 2021 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Take Me Out To The (Virtual) Ballgame

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Aside from the usual weekend sloth, this post is late because Da Tech Guy offered me the opportunity to experience once more the game that got me back into being interested in baseball after a twenty-year-long hiatus: like my father, who gave up on baseball after the Braves left Boston for Milwaukee in 1952, I lost interest in baseball after the Senators left Washington for Texas in 1972.* In 1989, one of my fellow soldiers in the Army Reserves invited me to join a Pursue the Pennant league, and after I signed up, the next thing I knew I was borrowing Bill James books from the library, buying new ones from the local bookstores, poring over a used copy of Total Baseball, and taking a part-time job scoring Twins games on the radio. I eventually dropped out of that league, and over the last few years baseball has been losing its charm thanks to its painfully woke commissioner, but I couldn’t resist the chance to take charge of my favorite Senators team ever, the 1969 squad that went 86-76 to finish fourth in the AL East, just one game behind the Red Sox. It’s been almost fifty years now, but I can still hear Shelby Whitfield exclaiming joyfully “Kiss it goodbye!” as Frank Howard blasted another massive home run into the upper deck at RFK. Anyway, I spent most of yesterday poring over Dynasty Baseball cards for 1969 baseball players in preparation for the coming weekend’s draft. 
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

My field of dreams – RFK Stadium in Washington DC

Rule 5 Sunday: Rabbit Season!
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

‘Evil Can Never Be Dead Enough’
357 Magnum
Bacon Time

Jacksonville State Stuns FSU 20-17 With Last-Second 59-Yard Touchdown Pass

Serial Inseminator Arrested in Knoxville

FMJRA 2.0: Day Late & A Dollar Short
A View From The Beach

Democrats: The ‘Free Money’ Party
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 09.14.21 (Afternoon Edition) 
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 09.14.21 (Evening Edition) 
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 09.15.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Journalism 2021: CNN Fact-Checks Rapper’s Claim About Testicles
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 09.16.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 09.17.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

‘Science’ Fact-Checks Biden Agenda: FDA Nixes Pfizer COVID-19 Booster Vax
The Pirate’s Cove

*So much so that when my wife asked me if I wanted to watch the 1987 World Series with her, I dismissively replied “What for? It’s baseball.” She was greatly amused a few years later when my obsession with the National Pastime rose from the dead.

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The Soul of Politics

Posted on | September 18, 2021 | Comments Off on The Soul of Politics

by Smitty
The Soul of Politics p.48:

In his essays and articles for the public, Jaffa made at least three significant contributions to American politics. First, by insisting on the centrality of the Declaration of Independence for understanding American constitutionalism, Jaffa was among the first and most influential writers to challenge the doctrine of judicial positivism and promote a natural law jurisprudence.

Second, in his scholarly and popular writings and through his many students, Jaffa promoted an explicitly political and practically focused application of classical political philosophy. Leo Strauss, virtually single-handedly, had revived the serious reading of the great authors of the Western canon, treating them as enduringly relevant rather than historical curiosities. But without Jaffa’s relentless efforts, this stupendous achievement might have settled into an effete sect of apolitical textualism.

Third, in part through his friendship with (and constant badgering of) William F. Buckley, Jaffa was largely responsible for pulling the modern conservative movement toward a more authentically American and pro-Lincoln stance, away from nostalgia for European throne-and-altar traditionalism or (worse) the old slaveholding South.

I’m really turning into a fan of this mode of thought, most readily captured online at American Mind.

Your attention is drawn to this for some clear thinking about where we are and how to correct the current decline. Maybe its distance from DC helps the Claremont Institute be less of a GOP toolbox.

‘Family Demands Answers’

Posted on | September 18, 2021 | Comments Off on ‘Family Demands Answers’

One of the most tedious consequences of the Black Lives Matter movement is that the news media have taken hold of the notion that any time a black person dies in an interaction with police, this calls into question the motives and tactics of police. There is now a journalistic cliché in which family members tearfully recount what a wonderful person their deceased relative was, and call into police conduct question: “Family Demands Answers” has become the standard headline:

Family demands answers after Tallahassee
officer-involved shooting in March

WTXL-TV, April 8, 2020

Family demands answers after police-involved
shooting that led to man’s death

June 5, 2020

Family demands answers
after Ohio deputy fatally shoots Black man

Dec. 7, 2020

Delaware family demands answers
after fatal police-involved shooting

Feb. 5, 2021

Family demands answers
after DeKalb man shot, killed by police

Atlanta Journal-Constitution, April 14, 2021

Family demands answers in fatal
Birmingham police shooting: ‘I just
want to see my baby,’ grieving mom says

Birmingham News, April 15, 2021

Family of man killed by D.C. police demands answers about what prompted officer to shoot
Washington Post, Sept. 2, 2021

Am I asserting that, in each of these cases, the police were entirely justified, and that all these complaints are illegitimate? No, of course not. One must examine each case in detail to determine whether or not police procedures were proper and lawful. My point is not about police procedures, but rather about the lazy cookie-cutter approach to journalism that yields such a predictable series of headlines. And, in case you’d care to click those headline links, you will discover that in every case, the person shot by police is black. We know, as a matter of statistical fact, that cops actually shoot more white suspects than black suspects, but when did you ever see a news story about a white family “demanding answers” in such a case? I can only think of one off the top of my head — a crazy woman in Tennessee who charged cops with a pickax — but I’m sure there must be others. In general, when a white person does something that causes cops to shoot them, most white people are like, “OK, we can understand that.” There’s no protest, no angry rhetoric about “injustice” or “oppression,” no white people looting Target.

Whatever their race, people who get killed by cops don’t become victims at random. In almost every case, there was a reason this person died in a hail of gunfire — they did something, and whether or not they were a criminal menace to society, their death was legally justified.

Not many people in America have watched as many dashcam/bodycam videos of police shootings as I have in the past year or so. What happened was, the 2020 presidential election campaign became such a brutal bummer — psychologically traumatic — that I needed something to get my mind off politics, in order to maintain my sanity. That’s when I discovered the Police Activity channel on YouTube and started binge-watching videos of police shootings and, also, police pursuits. There’s nothing like an exciting high-speed car chase, ending with a PIT maneuver and a spectacular crash, to alleviate stress. It’s therapeutic.

You want these people to die. Watch enough police chases, and you’ll develop a profound contempt for these fleeing motorists. Why did they decide to run for it, after all? Over and over, the suspects in these chases either (a) have drugs in the car, (b) have guns in the car, or (c) are wanted on felony warrants, but sometimes (d) all of the above. When an otherwise law-abiding citizen gets pulled over for speeding or some other traffic violation, it’s a bummer, but no big deal. You’re not going to take off at 120 mph because of a mere traffic ticket. And the longer you watch that dashcam video of the fleeing suspect endangering everyone’s life by their recklessness, the more you hope that the video ends with them plowing into a tree — or getting wiped out by a high-speed PIT maneuver like the one that ended the criminal career of Lakita Annette Davis.

Sometimes, however, innocent people are killed because of these chases. It’s an unfortunate fact that can’t really be avoided, because what are you going to do? Make a rule prohibiting chases, which would mean that car thieves, armed robbers and drug traffickers can get away any time they make a run for it? No, sorry — we can’t prohibit police pursuits, because doing so would unleash criminal mayhem on society. So the more criminals are inclined to attempt eluding cops in chases, the greater the risk to public safety, and sometimes the results are tragic. That was the case recently in Paulding County, Georgia, where 12-year-old Leden Boykins died when he was a passenger in a vehicle whose driver attempt to outrun a cop car, and got wrecked by a high-speed PIT maneuver:

The Georgia State Patrol said they pulled that car over for speeding on Bethel Church Road in Paulding County around 1 a.m. Friday. Charles Moore was behind the wheel. They said he didn’t lower his window, troopers tried to burst it open, and Moore drove off.
A more than eight-minute-long recording of the 911 calls documents the moments before the tragedy.
“The officers are telling me to tell you to pull over, they’re going to hit you if you don’t,” an operator told Moore during the pursuit.
“I wish he would have just pulled over, but that doesn’t give them the right to flip that car over knowing there were kids in it,” Leden’s father said.
“He’s on a dark road, two small children, trying to get home and the police are aggressive, a Black man with two little Black boys,” [family attorney Zenobia] Waters said. . . .
Charles Moore faces a long list of charges including DUI, open container in a motor vehicle, and driving with a suspended license.
Officials also note that he’s wanted out of the Henry County Sheriff’s Office and Covington Police Department for various charges

Did you catch that? Moore was drunk, driving with an open container of alcohol in the vehicle, with a suspended license, and had warrants for his arrest in two different counties. So why was there a 12-year-old boy in the vehicle with Moore at 1 a.m.? Here’s the sad answer:

His parents were in Michigan for a family funeral when he was killed. His grandmother, who was staying with Leden at the family’s Paulding County home, had given Leden permission this past Thursday to earn some money by accompanying a close friend and neighbor to his job, cleaning parking lots at night. The neighbor, who was driving, and his 14-year-old son went along for the ride.

(So it was grandma’s decision to let the boy go with Moore — the drunk driver with warrants in two counties — that was really to blame.)

On their way home, according to the Georgia State Patrol, troopers pulled him over for speeding. They said that he would not produce his driver’s license. Instead, according to the GSP, he drove off and began speeding again while driving recklessly, for three and a half miles along Highway 92, until troopers used a PIT maneuver to stop him. . . .
Leden’s father, Anthony, said the driver’s wife told him that he told the troopers he considered himself a “sovereign citizen” and would not roll down the windows while his 14-year-old son was calling 911.

Oh, no — a “sovereign citizen”!

If you never heard of the “sovereign citizen” movement, these are a species of kook who are, in fact, the domestic terrorist movement that most concerns law enforcement officers, because cops have to deal with these idiots who imagine themselves exempt from the law.
The “sovereign citizen” claims to be in possession of “rights” that have no basis in law, as for example they routinely claim that they don’t need drivers licenses and don’t have to comply with orders from the police.

This crackpot movement began with a fringe anti-tax protest movement in the 1970s led by an anti-Semite named William Potter Gale. So how did a movement started by a white supremacist end up with so many black devotees? Basically, blame the Internet. Various “black nationalist” types latched onto this anti-government conspiracy theory, putting their own Afrocentric spin on it, and it trickled out into the black community through fringe blogs, Facebook postings and YouTube videos.

“Family demands answers”? Well, there’s your answer: Charles Moore is a criminal, who apparently believed a dangerous conspiracy theory, and because grandma let this kid go off with Moore — who was drunk driving at 1 a.m. — now the little boy is dead. Don’t blame the cops.


‘Science’ Fact-Checks Biden Agenda: FDA Nixes Pfizer COVID-19 Booster Vax

Posted on | September 17, 2021 | Comments Off on ‘Science’ Fact-Checks Biden Agenda: FDA Nixes Pfizer COVID-19 Booster Vax

There is a huge backstory to what the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did Friday, but first the basic news:

A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel voted Friday afternoon to reject a plan to provide Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus booster vaccines for most Americans, due to a lack of data showing that the additional doses are safe and effective. However, the agency’s advisory committee said it may still approve the shots for older individuals.
The panel opposed the proposal by a vote of 16-12.
“I don’t think a booster dose is going to significantly contribute to controlling the pandemic,” Dr. Cody Meissner, Tufts University professor, said as panel members debate the requirement for a booster shot. “And I think it’s important that the main message we transmit is that we’ve got to get everyone two doses.”
“At this moment it is clear that the unvaccinated are driving transmission in the United States,” added Dr. Amanda Cohn of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Booster shots by Pfizer or Moderna have already been greenlighted for Americans who are immunocompromised.
The FDA panel’s overwhelming rejection came despite full-throated arguments about the need for boosters from both Pfizer and health officials from Israel, which began offering boosters to its citizens in July.

Pfizer is a multibillion-dollar enterprise and, like other companies marketing COVID-19 vaccines, they stand to profit handsomely from Biden’s plan to make vaccination mandatory. Guess what? Pfizer spends a lot of money on political contributions, ranking in the Top 200 of donors in the 2020 cycle, with more than $4 million in contributions, not to mention spending another $11 million on lobbying activity. Joe Biden repeatedly claimed that his COVID-19 policy would be based on science, but big money and political “optics” are clearly a factor. Last month, while Afghanistan was collapsing in chaos, Biden started talking up the idea of COVID-19 booster vaccinations, and two members of the FDA panel resigned in protest against the political pressure:

Joe Biden has said he would “follow the science” on coronavirus policy, but two Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials have just resigned in protest against what they claim is political pressure to push coronavirus booster shots.
According to Politico, the two top FDA vaccine regulators — Marion Gruber and Philip Krause — resigned from the agency over what they see as “uncomfortable similarities between the Biden team’s top-down booster plan and former President Donald Trump’s attempts to goad FDA into accelerating its initial authorization process for Covid-19 vaccines and push through unproven virus treatments.” . . .
In fact, as many as 11 current and former FDA officials told Politico that they have grown frustrated with the administration’s “disjointed process” regarding the booster shots. . . .
In August, the HHS released a joint statement with medical health officials announcing the release of coronavirus booster shots by September 20, but senior health officials told Politico that “political appointees within the White House largely steered” the statement instead of the FDA and other medical professionals.
“The tension within the administration plus open skepticism from outside experts has fueled finger-pointing and divisions among health agencies,” according to Politico. “Career scientists, in particular, have been confused and surprised by the process, multiple people involved in the talks said.”
FDA officials were also confused over the fact that Biden abruptly shifted from suggesting that boosters be recommended 8 months after the first shots to 5 months after the first shots. His suggestion allegedly came “after a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.”

About two-thirds of American adults (myself included) are fully vaccinated, and most of the unvaccinated people are just against it, period. So that means the end of Big Pharma’s government-funded vaccine profit bonanza is approaching quite soon. That’s the real reason (not “the science”) why the Biden administration is now trying to make vaccination mandatory, and also why they were trying to get booster shots approved. Big money is involved, see? And there’s also the narrative factor — Biden wants to be able to take credit as the Hero Who Defeated the Killer Virus, and he’s also desperate to distract from his debacle in Afghanistan and the mess he’s made on the U.S.-Mexico border.

That’s why Biden was ready to spend the next few weeks urging people who were already fully vaccinated to get booster shots, which would give him further opportunities to demonize Republicans (especially including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis) as being enemies of “science.” And it would’ve worked, too, if it weren’t for those damned FDA people!

Live by “the science,” die by “the science.”


In The Mailbox: 09.17.21

Posted on | September 17, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.17.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Everybody likes cheap/free books from excellent writers, right? Well, lookee here.
Hans Schantz, he say:

BasedCon survived a July deplatforming attempt. Currently underway in beautiful Norton Shores, Michigan, BasedCon has sold out and turned a profit in its debut outing. Celebrate this gathering for based authors and fans of science fiction and fantasy by topping off your library at a huge sale of based science fiction and fantasy books. Every one of well over a hundred books in the sale is $0.99 or free right now. The offerings include works by John C. Wright, Fenton Wood, Jon del Arroz, Tom Kratman, Mark Wandrey, Larry Correia, Francis Porretto, Mike Massa, David Weber, C.J. Carella, Brian Niemeier, Alexander Hellene, Jon Mollison, Hans G. Schantz, and many, many more. This is a killer deal, and you’re supporting authors who don’t hate you. Go check out the sale now!

Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

From Glorious Meme Commissary Of Proletariat.

357 Magnum: 3D Printed Guns In The Wild
EBL: Crooked Hillary’s Lawyer Michael Sussman Indicted By Grand Jury

Twitchy: Nicki Minaj Calls Out Reporters For Harassing Her Family, also, General Milley’s Sept. 1 Comments About Kabul Drone Strike Have Aged Terribly
Louder With Crowder: “In America, It’s ALWAYS About Freedom”, also, Ted Cruz Releases Video Of Biden’s Border Bungle – “This Is A Crisis”
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American Conservative: Who And What Is Tearing The United States Apart?
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American Power: Why Australia Bet The House On Lasting American Power In Asia, also, Company Documents Show Facebook Knows Instagram Is Toxic For Teen Girls
American Thinker: Warming Causes Cooling, Says Climate Scientist, also, Nicki Minaj Just Learned They Want Her Vote, Not Her Opinion 
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First Street Journal: Now First Responders In Oregon Are Fighting The #JabMandate, also, Will Bunch Wants To Cut Out Large Swaths Of America
Fred On Everything: I Say It Was Poltergeists
The Geller Report: Administration Bans News Drones From Showing Out Of Control Border Situation, also, Idaho Doctor Reports 2000% Increase In Cancer Among Vaccinated Patients
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, Still Up On Twitter, and An Interesting Defamation Case
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Outkick: Thom Brennaman Thinks He’s Ready For Comeback After Being Canceled, also, Washington Deadskins Score Game Winning FG Against NFC East Rival Giants
Power Line: Haitians Under The Bridge, also, Administration Admits Drone Strike Blunder
Shark Tank: FL Democrats In Massive Trouble After New Voter Registration Numbers Released
Shot In The Dark: What A Difference A Little Access To Power Makes, also, Urban Progressive Privilege – Someone Else’s Neighborhood
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday – Is England Still Influencing America?
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The Federalist: The NFL Shouldn’t Be Playing One Anthem For Black Americans And Another For Everyone Else, also, My Husband’s A Vaccinated Doctor. Here’s Why I’m Not Getting The Jab. 
Mark Steyn: We Have Met The Enemy Part XX, also, Hold Page 37, Foot Of Column 6

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In The Mailbox: 09.16.21

Posted on | September 17, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.16.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Happy Mexican Independence Day from Quetzalcoatl!

357 Magnum: The Left Will Somehow Blame The Inanimate Object
EBL: Nicki Minaj Takes On The COVID Industry Powers That Be
Twitchy: “Russiagate In A Nutshell”, also, “This Doesn’t Mean What CNN Thinks It Means”
Louder With Crowder: School Board Member Is So Happy She Can Force Your Kids Into Masks, She’s Dancing
Vox Popoli: India Defeated COVID With Ivermectin, also, Machiavelli On The Haters

Adam Piggott: It’s Time For You All To Step Up
American Conservative: First They Came For The Infants

American Greatness: “Science” They Said, also, Nobody Is Coming To Save California
American Power: Nicki Minaj Causes The Establishment To Go To DEFCON One
American Thinker: If Government Concern For Your Health Was Real & Not Political
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Recall News
Babalu Blog: Mattel Releases Celia Cruz Tribute Barbie, also, The Big White Dress
BattleSwarm: Biden Administration Blocking Monoclonal Antibody Supplies To Red States?
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, also, SpaceX Leases Several Large Buildings In Brownsville
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
Da Tech Guy: With The Vaxx Mandate The Biden Administration Has Now Become A Petty Dictatorship, also, Quick Thursday Food Shopping Thoughts Under The Fedora
Don Surber: Signs Point To Milley’s Exit, Americans Lose Faith In Elections, and Media, The Unindicted Co-Conspirators
First Street Journal: Faked Concern From Gov. Andy, also, Laughing Out Loud
The Geller Report: Pelosi Pressured Milley To Take Action Against Trump, also, New Drone Footage Shows Out Of Control Situation At Texas/Mexico Border
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, But That Was…Uh, Four Or Five Years Ago, and The Grand Jury Charges That…
Hollywood In Toto: Terrence K. Williams, Steve McGrew Hit The Road With Right-Leaning Laughs
The Lid: Pentagon Avoids Answering Questions About General Milley
Legal Insurrection: Army LTC Resigns Over Jab Mandate, Slams “Marxist Takeover of The Military”, also, NPR Caught Spreading #FakeNews About Hospital Bed Situation In Some Southern States
Michelle Malkin:
Nebraska Energy Observer: Conflicted
Outkick: Nationals Staffers Who Rejected Jab Threaten Lawsuit After Being Fired, also, Lane Kiffin Wants The Manning Bros To Cover Tennessee/Ole Miss Matchup
Power Line: Newest Democrat Idea? Subsidies For Newspapers! also, If You Don’t Believe In Critical Race Theory You Can’t Work
Shark Tank: Sabatini Attacks “RINO” Speaker Sprowls, Pushes “Open Carry”
Shot In The Dark: What The In Crowd Knows, also, Congratulations, Gavin Newsom
The Political Hat: Euthanasia – Killin’ In Canada, Killin’ In California, Killin’ In Hawaii
This Ain’t Hell: North Korea Launches Missiles At Japan
Victory Girls: It’s Not Normal To Call Out The National Guard Preemptively
Volokh Conspiracy: Today In Supreme Court History – September 16, 1787
Weasel Zippers: Retired General Rips Milley – Actions Fall Between Treason & Dereliction Of Duty, also, Capitol Police Whine To National Guard For Protection From 1/6 Protest
The Federalist: Labeling The Founding Documents “Offensive” Just The Beginning Of The National Archives’ Spiteful Plans, also, Clinton Campaign Lawyer Indicted For HIs Role In Peddling Russiagate Hoax To FBI
Mark Steyn: Live Around The Planet, also, Subbing Out

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Journalism 2021: CNN Fact-Checks Rapper’s Claim About Testicles

Posted on | September 16, 2021 | Comments Off on Journalism 2021: CNN Fact-Checks Rapper’s Claim About Testicles

Wow, I’m so old, I remember when CNN was actually a news organization, rather than a P.R. firm for the Democratic Party. In fact, I’m so old, I was old enough to be partying in discos when the first rap hit (“Rapper’s Delight” by Sugar Hill Gang) made it into the Top 40. Jimmy Carter was president, and the Ayatollah was holding Americans hostage in Tehran, but we were too busy partying to care. Is anyone else old enough to remember when most college kids were completely apathetic about politics? But enough about the Good Old Days . . .

Nicki Minaj is a 38-year-old hiphop star who was born in Trinidad and moved to Queens, N.Y., with her family as a child. When she was in her 20s, she was “discovered” by rapper Lil Wayne, and scored her breakthrough hit, “Pink Friday” in 2010. Her net worth is now estimated at $80 million, because America is a white supremacist country that oppresses women and people of color. Well, according to Democrats.

Minaj also has 22 million followers on Twitter, so when she told her tale about COVID-19 vaccine causing her cousin’s friend in Trinidad to experience testicular swelling and become impotent, this set off a panic among Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) who are trying to defend Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate. As Jim Geraghty writes, the establishment went to “DEFCON One”:

Do I believe that hip-hop star Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s friend in Trinidad received a COVID-19 vaccine and then developed swollen testicles and became impotent? Let’s just say I am going to wait for the full review in The Lancet medical journal before drawing any firm conclusions. I also might want a second opinions from the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, Nature, Harvard Medical School, the Mayo Clinic, Sloan-Kettering, and Dr. Ruth Westheimer.
But there is something spectacularly hilarious about this absurd turn in the national debate about COVID-19 vaccinations, where no less a figure than Dr. Anthony Fauci felt the need to go on national television and say, no, there is no evidence that the vaccine will make your testes blow up like a pair of balloons . . .
There is also something hysterical and ludicrous about the fact that media fact-checkers at places such as USA Today and PolitiFact felt the need to “fact check” a tweet from a hip-hop star . . .
The White House apparently felt the need to reach out to Minaj and offered to connect her with a doctor with expertise. MSNBC’s Joy Reid did a whole segment denouncing Minaj, and there have been critical pieces about Minaj at CNNVoxCNBC, the BBC, and elsewhere.

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.) Why this absurd journalistic panic over a rapper’s tweet about COVID-19 vaccine?

  1. She’s got what they call “clout” as a social-media influencer, particularly among young people. CNN’s audience is a tiny fraction of Nicki Minaj’s Twitter following, and so CNN’s “reporters” — who can’t be bothered to cover the disaster at the U.S.-Mexico border or the emerging hostage crisis in Afghanistan — found time to contact the health minister of Trinidad to deny anyone there experienced testicular inflammation as a result of the vaccine.
  2. The Biden administration has been lying through its teeth, blaming Republicans for the recent “surge” of COVID-19 infections. It’s not Trump voters who are responsible for spreading anti-vaccine “misinformation,” and Nicki Minaj’s tweet undermines the media narrative.

The fact is that vaccination “resistance” is a greater problem among blacks and Hispanics than among whites, but this is an inconvenient truth for the Biden administration (and its media apparatchiki), who are scapegoating Republicans as being “anti-science” on vaccines.

Why do Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) think they can get away with straight-up lying about the COVID-19 pandemic? Because they have been getting away with it right from the start. And they don’t plan to stop lying anytime soon. It’s their job description now, and if that means fact-checking testicle inflammation in Trinidad? So be it.


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