The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

CNN ‘Stepped Up,’ Covered Avenatti Prison Sentence, MSNBC Didn’t

Posted on | July 10, 2021 | Comments Off on CNN ‘Stepped Up,’ Covered Avenatti Prison Sentence, MSNBC Didn’t

Credit where credit is due — the Media Research Center’s Curtis Houck notes that CNN covered the story of former Stormy Daniels attorney Michael Avenatti being sentenced to prison on extortion charges, while MSNBC continued to ignore Avenatti’s downfall. So CNN (where Avenatti made 122 appearances during his 2018 heyday as an anti-Trump hero) has more journalistic integrity than MSNBC (where Avenatti made 108 appearances). To describe a media organization as being “better than MSNBC” is to damn them with faint praise, of course. Still, it’s a tiny glimmer of encouragement that Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer show some measure of penance for their network’s shameful role in publicizing an obvious sleazeball like Avenatti, merely because he said bad things about Donald Trump. MSNBC appears to be without shame.


In The Mailbox: 07.09.21

Posted on | July 10, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.09.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual weekend deadlines for the usual weekend posts. 
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Today’s secret word is “elephant”. Baka.


357 Magnum: The Insanity Being Spewed By “Health Officers”
Red Pilled Jew: Unsettling Connections
EBL: Betty Gilpin
Twitchy: Iowahawk Ties The Viral Elephant Enema Video To Columbia U’s MFA Film Program
Louder With Crowder: JP Sears Illustrates Proper Technique For When Biden Sends Government “Door To Door”
Vox Popoli: Banks Not Tanks, also, The Destruction Of Literature
According To Hoyt: READ IT AND BE BRAVE, also, Everything All The Time
Monster Hunter Nation: The Family BusinessNew Mike Kupari Novel
Stoic Observations: Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea

Adam Piggott: Democracy & Communism Are Natural Bedfellows
American Conservative: A Coup Against The Constitution?
American Greatness: No Relief For Lego Man Or Other January 6 Detainees, also, Kamala Harris Announces DNC Will Spend $25 Million To Fight Voter Integrity
American Power: Biden Defends Afghanistan Withdrawal, also, White House Defends Hunter Biden’s Art Swindle
American Thinker: Three Hard Facts That Doom Woke Public Schooling
Animal Magnetism: Rule 5 Alberta Independence Friday
Babalu Blog: Russians Flock To Cuba’s Apartheid Resorts As Plague Rages, But Total Number Of Tourists Down 91%
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For July 9
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, NASA Tells Scientists SLS Won’t Be Ready For At Least A Decade
Cafe Hayek: I Anti-Trust These People
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: The Invisible Moors, Per DaTechGuy’s Third Law Of Media Outrage
Don Surber: Voter Reform Is Winning, also, Despite Media, Americans Blame Corona-chan On Red China
First Street Journal: More Poor Journalism From The Lexington Herald-Leader, also, For Some In Philadelphia, An “Anti-Racist Media System” Means A Propaganda System
Fred On Everything: New Mayan Discoveries Revolutionize Theories Of Mesoamerican Origins
The Geller Report: New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020 Results, also, Texas Judge Requires Sharia Oversight To Prevail In Divorce Case
Hogewash: History Vs, The Narrative, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Hollywood Reporter Repeats Lies About January 6, also, Amazon’s The Boys Curses Tucker Carlson, Mocks Mike Lindell
The Lid: Like The Vietnamese, Afghans Won’t Choose Their Future
Legal Insurrection: History Prof Under Attack From Peers for Opposing 1619 Project School Curriculum, also, Judge Withdraws Opinion In Boston ZIP Code Quota Plan Case – “I’ve Been Misled”
Nebraska Energy Observer: Friday Compendium
Outkick: NBA’s Need to Skew Ratings Shows Woke Damage Remains, also, Shaq Loses His Pants During Final Turner Broadcast of The Season
Power Line: Biden’s Decline Continues Apace, also, Thoughts From The Ammo Line
Shark Tank: Nikki Fried Urges Florida Supremes To Take Up Local Gun Law Case
Shot In The Dark: A “Good Field” On Which To Die, also, A Bit Of A Reach
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday – Contra Aid
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, also, Eric Graham, Phony Air Force PJ
Transterrestrial Musings: Fake Meat & Hydroponics, also, We Demand A Collectivist Space Program
Victory Girls: Cuomo – Pandemic Was “A Tremendous Personal Benefit”
Volokh Conspiracy: The First Amendment And Treating Social Media Platforms As Common Carriers
Weasel Zippers: Soros-Funded Groups Call On Biden To Ignore Red China’s Abuses, Fight Climate Change Instead, also, Biden Forgets Name Of His Own HHS Secretary
The Federalist: New Evidence Shows Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020 Results, also, Why The White house Is Probably Behind The Tucker Carlson/NSA Email Scandal
Mark Steyn: We Have Met The Enemy Part XI, also, Hell Hath No Fury Like A Deep State Scorned

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CNN’s ‘Hero’ Voter Is a Felon

Posted on | July 9, 2021 | Comments Off on CNN’s ‘Hero’ Voter Is a Felon

On “Super Tuesday” last year, CNN celebrated a Houston voter, Hervis Rogers, who stood in line for hours to vote in the Democratic primary:

“I figured like it was my duty to vote. I wanted to get my vote in to voice my opinion. And I wasn’t going to let nothing stop me. So I waited it out,” Hervis Rogers told CNN’s Ed Lavandera early Wednesday morning after casting his ballot at a polling center located at Texas Southern University, a historically black college in Houston.
Asked how long he had waited for to vote, Rogers said: “About six hours. A little bit over six hours.”
Rogers was among scores of voters who experienced long lines at some polling centers in Texas, where the state has shut down hundreds of polling sites in the last decade, contributing to the long lines at some of the remaining locations.

Notice that long lines at polling places are a crucial part of the liberal media’s “voter suppression” narrative, insinuating that this is some sinister conspiracy by Republican racists. Not even CNN, however, bothered to explain why those evil Texas racists would be “suppressing” votes in a Democratic primary, but CNN’s audience wouldn’t recognize sound logic if they ever saw it, which they seldom do. At any rate, what about this Hervis Rogers, who was so proud to do his “duty” by voting for Democrats? Have you got your shocked face ready?

Hervis Rogers is a convicted felon, who was on probation at the time he voted for Democrats last year — twice, once in the primary and then again in November — and Rogers was arrested this week for illegally voting, which is also a felony in Texas. Now, ask yourself this question: If convicted felons are prohibited from voting, then how was it that Hervis Rogers was on the list of registered voters in Houston?

If convicted felons were permitted to vote illegally in Houston, what about Atlanta? Milwaukee? Phoenix? Philadelphia? The point here, see, is that making sure election laws are enforced is a job of local officials, but because Democrats control all the election offices in major cities, we have no idea how many people are voting illegally in those cities, because Democrats have no interest in actually enforcing election laws.


In The Mailbox: 07.08.21

Posted on | July 8, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.08.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Thank you, farmers!

357 Magnum: How’s That Affordable Bail Working Out?
EBL: Gay Pride 2021 – We’ll Convert Your Children
Twitchy: Creepy Porn Lawyer Crying During Pre-Sentencing Speech Is Like Watching Karma In Real Time
Louder With Crowder: Hunter Biden Proposed Unionizing Prostitutes & Strippers
Vox Popoli: “We’ll Convert Your Children”, also, Remember The Yuma!

Adam Piggott: Holidays, Baby
American Greatness: Over 30 States File Antitrust Suits Against Google, also, HHS Secretary Becerra Claims “Absolutely The Government’s Business” To Know Your Vaccination Status
American Power: The Full Story On Rachel Nichols’ Comments, also, The Spike In Homocides
American Thinker: Are We Seeing A Cultural Realignment? 
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Big Business News
Babalu Blog: New Leader Of Colombia’s ELN Terrorists Has Long Enjoyed Cuban Protection
BattleSwarm: Texas Special Session Begins
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Problems With Blue Origin’s Engine Force More Delays For ULA’s New Vulcan Rocket
Cafe Hayek: Only Monopolists With Sinecures Can Get Away With Such Nonsense
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: Thomas Jefferson Tried To End Slavery When He Wrote The Declaration Of Independence, also, No Surprises From The NSA And Other Matters Under The Fedora
Don Surber: One Tax, One World, One Tyranny, also, The LEGO Insurrection
First Street Journal: Another Two Bite The Dust, also, Killadelphia
The Geller Report: Red China Threatens Japan For Vowing To Join U.S. In Protecting Taiwan, also, Machete-Wielding Minnesota Muslim Stabs Four Women, Is Released The Same Day
Hogewash: Gun Non-Violence, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: How Rob Reiner’s Stand By Me Saved Stephen King Movies, also, How The Comedy World Discriminates Against Straight White Men
The Lid: License to Monitor – National Strategies, The Capitol Police, & Tucker Carlson
Legal Insurrection: Some Medical School Programs At Tulane Put On Probation Over “Diversity Concerns”, also, Court Showdown Over Boston “ZIP Code Quota” Plan, Concealment Of Racist School Committee Tweets
Nebraska Energy Observer: Donald Rumsfeld & Other Matters, also, Do You Remember?
Outkick: Maria Taylor Suggests ESPN Drama Qualifies As “Dark Times”, also, LeBron James Leads All Other Athletes In Being Abused On Twitter
Power Line: More Evidence Of The Uselessness Of “Green” Energy, also, A Reminder Of How Stupid Our Media Is
Shark Tank: Murphy Lies About Bombs Being Planted At Capitol On January 6
Shot In The Dark: Let’s Cool Things Down, also, The Memory & Perception Holes
The Political Hat: Euthanasia – Killing Kids, Killing The Mentally Ill, & Killing The Senile, also, Struggle Sessions Come To Illinois Schools
This Ain’t Hell: Sandi Sturgeon, Fake Special Forces Sniper, also, You Thought Your Doctor Asking If You Had Guns Was Bad
Victory Girls: Who Unmasked Tucker Carlson? also, Objectively, No Such Thing As Trans
Volokh Conspiracy: The Case Against Imposing Common Carrier Restrictions On Social Media Sites
Weasel Zippers: Haitian President’s Assassins Captured, also, WaPo Writer Advocates Showing Kink To Kids At Pride Parades
The Federalist: Antifa Violently Attacked Christian Protesters In Broad Daylight As Uninterested Media Sought QAnon, also, I Might Pull My Kids From Public School This Fall For Teaching Them Racism
Mark Steyn: We Came, We Saw, We Left No Trace, also, Insurrection In Legoland

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The Ghost of Andrew Breitbart

Posted on | July 8, 2021 | Comments Off on The Ghost of Andrew Breitbart editor Joel Pollak calls attention to an article in the Federalist, explaining how it was that the late Andrew Breitbart made conservatives aware of Critical Race Theory:

Critical race theory has blossomed in the United States into a culture war between institutions and those they purport to serve. As usual, legacy media have colluded to delegitimize any objections by either minimizing the dogma, re-defining it, or denying its existence. Americans ought to consider the media’s frenzy to smear writers exposing CRT in 2012 when examining the reality of today.
After Andrew Breitbart indicated at the Conservative Political Action Conference that he had footage to substantiate that President Barack Obama maintained a relationship with a prominent critical race theorist, it led to a news storm.
Breitbart’s fiery speech led to a now all-too-familiar CRT battle between two opposing media forces. released footage of Obama speaking at a diversity protest in support of a professor named Derrick Bell, whom the outlet’s former editor Ben Shapiro referred to in an explainer column as “the father of Critical Race Theory (CRT).” Heritage Foundation fellow Mike Gonzalez told me in an email he is more like the “godfather” of CRT.
Bell, a Harvard University Law professor at the time, was overwhelmingly defended by left-leaning pundits, as was Obama. If you can picture it, and hopefully you can given how investigative journalist Christopher Rufo and others have been treated by media today, Breitbart’s writers were lambasted as conspiracy theorists.
Joel Pollak, the editor-in-chief at the time and now the current Breitbart editor-at-large, was implicitly called racist on CNN by host Soledad O’Brien, a “smear artist” in The New Yorker, and told in The Nation he was unreasonably rebuking “intellectual leaders in a long tradition of calling on America to address racial unfairness.” . . .

Read the whole thing. The point is that nine years ago — long before CRT was turning school-board meetings into riots — Breitbart saw in Obama’s defense of Derrick Bell an indicator of where the country was heading. And, as usual, the Democrat-Media Complex (as Breitbart called it) was spinning like crazy, trying to convince their audience that there was no real controversy. Andrew was truly prophetic in his vision.


Late Night With In The Mailbox: 07.07.21

Posted on | July 8, 2021 | Comments Off on Late Night With In The Mailbox: 07.07.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Waifu Wednesday part II

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1406
EBL: Michaela Kennedy-Cuomo, Demisexual
Twitchy: NYT Wonders Why Sex-Positive Teacher Of “Pornography Literacy” Was Suddenly “Pilloried” By Parents
Louder With Crowder: Donald Trump To File Class Action Lawsuit Against Big Tech
Vox Popoli: Freaking Midwits, also, What Did He Know About Hillary Clinton?

American Conservative: The Sexual Revolution Has Left The Left Behind
American Greatness: PA State Senator Mastriano Initiates Forensic Investigation Of 2020 Election
American Power: Rachel Nichols Won’t Be Working Sidelines For NBA Finals After Alleged “Racist” Comments
American Thinker: What If The 2020 Election Audits Show Trump Really Won?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Cubans Desperate Over Problems With Banco Metropolitano ATMs
BattleSwarm: Reimagining Austin Police – Absolute F***ing Lunacy
Behind The Black: What The Last Six Months Have Revealed, NOAA Struggles With Concept Of Letting Private Sector Build Its Satellites, also, Today’s Blacklisted American
Cafe Hayek: Antitrust & Innovation
CDR Salamander: You Are What You Allow
Da Tech Guy: A Fair Black For Black Trade, also, Biden’s Debacle In Afghanistan
Don Surber: Now They Call Being A Republican Treason, also, Trump Lawsuit Will Protect Lefties As Well As Conservatives
First Street Journal: Administration Stupidity On The Death Penalty, also, Joe Biden’s Solution To “Heat Inequality”
The Geller Report: Rudy Giuliani Offered FBI Proof Of Hunter Biden’s Child Porn, also, Democrats’ Teacher Union Threatens Lawsuits To Defend Critical Race Theory
Hogewash: OK, You’re Crazy, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Greg Ellis – “Eventually We’ll All Get Canceled”
The Lid: The Laptop From Hell
Legal Insurrection: Disturbing Reports From Troops & ROTC Cadets Of Woke Military Priorities, also, Bad Orange Woman Says Howard U. “Lucky” to have 1619 Project Fabulist
Nebraska Energy Observer: This Is Why
Outkick: City Of Champions Again – Tampa Bay Wins Second Straight Stanley Cup, also, Jemele Hill Calls Clay Travis An Idiot
Power Line: Tweet War of The Week, also, The Case Of Nikole Hannah-Jones
Shark Tank: Blogger Supports Comparison Of DeSantis’ Press Secretary To Dead Nazi
Shot In The Dark: Smack
STUMP: Mortality Basics With Meep
The Political Hat: The Florida “Transgender Sports Ban”
This Ain’t Hell: Haiti’s President Assassinated, also, Gov. Cuomo Declares “Gun Violence Disaster Emergency”
Transterrestrial Musings: If You Hate The Culture Wars, also, Engineered Cells
Victory Girls: Left Cult Still Pursuing Peak Stupidity
Volokh Conspiracy: Facebook Adds to Its “Hate Speech” Policy
Weasel Zippers: VICE News Whines That Its Reporters Have PTSD From January 6, also, Tucker Carlson Says NSA Leaked His Emails To Journalists
The Federalist: It’s Critical Race Theory That’s Un-American, Not The Laws Banning It, also, When Stores Close Due To Rising Crime, Urban Blight Is Back – And It’s Going To Get Worse
Mark Steyn: Science Silenced, also, Groveling At The Altar Of Wokeness

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In The Mailbox: 07.07.21 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | July 7, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.07.21 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

It’s Waifu Wednesday.

357 Magnum: Chicago Keeps Surpassing Expectations
EBL: The Tomorrow War
Twitchy: Joy Reid Claims Parents Taking On School Boards Over CRT Are Tied Up With QAnon
Louder With Crowder: Black Dad Hammers School District for Teaching His Mixed-Race Daughter Her White Mom Is Evil – And It Manages To Get WORSE
Vox Popoli: Thomas Wictor Is A Goofball, also, We Are Not Your Leaders

Adam Piggott: Husbands Must Not Unburden Themselves
American Conservative: The Latest Presidential Historians Survey Is A Mess
American Greatness: Twenty Questions For Nancy Pelosi About January 6
American Thinker: Are We Witnessing The Death Of America As A Democratic Republic?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Sinking California News
Babalu Blog: Cuban State Security Ejects Dissident Rapper & Her Baby From Their Home
BattleSwarm: Did Caffeine Create The Enlightenment?
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, First Images From Ingenuity’s 9th Flight
Cafe Hayek: Antitrust Replaces Knowledge With Ignorance
CDR Salamander: Are You Ready To Listen To Me Now?
Da Tech Guy: Notice The Use Of The Word “All” In This Declaration, also, DaTechGuy’s Two Generation Rule – We Demonize Police At Our Peril
Don Surber: With Trump Gone, Black Lives No Longer Matter To The Media, also, J.D. Vance Grows Up
First Street Journal: Charles Booker Is Running For The Senate, also, This May Not Be A Good Change
The Geller Report: Security Breach Of AZ Election Registration Servers Occurred On Nov. 3 – SecState Hobbs Kept It Hidden, also, Democrat Rep Cori Bush Is Evil & Stupid
Hogewash: A Man’s City’s Got To Know Its Limitations, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Are Politicized Awards The New Normal? also, How The Cable Guy Went From Flop To Jim Carrey Cult Classic
The Lid: The Systemic Antisemitism Of The Woke Left
Legal Insurrection: The Disciplinary Railroading Of Rudy Giuliani, also, National Geographic Suggests Independence Day Fireworks Are Racist
Michelle Malkin: The January 6 Video Coverup – The Case Of John Steven Anderson
Nebraska Energy Observer: The Best There Has Ever Been
Outkick: Former ESPN Insider – Woj “Put A Foot” On Black Careers, also, When Woke Collides With Woke, You Get The ESPN Mess
Power Line: Democrats – “We’re In Trouble”, also, Hannah-Jones Flips Off UNC
Shark Tank: Democrats Stick To Lie That Trump Called For Violence
Shot In The Dark: The Black Day, also, Left On The Table
The Political Hat: The Woke Aughebung
This Ain’t Hell: Dan Wall – Still Rocking The Lie, also, Marine Vet Cleared Of Urinating On Taliban
Transterrestrial Musings: S3x In Space, also, A Piece Of Work
Victory Girls: US Womens’ Soccer Team Disrespects Anthem Again
Volokh Conspiracy: SF Bookstore Sues Neighboring Hotel, Includes Comic Book Version Of Factual Allegations In Amended Complaint
Weasel Zippers: Jake Tapper’s Show Has Lost 75% Of Its Viewers Since Inauguration Day, also, Jimmy Carter Thinks Biden “Has Done Very Well”
The Federalist: California Stores Closing Early As Unpunished Theft Explodes, also, Whistleblowing Experts Band Together To Combat Elite Corruption
Mark Steyn: America The Beautiful, also, Independence & Tyranny

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Andrew Cuomo’s Weirdo Daughter

Posted on | July 7, 2021 | Comments Off on Andrew Cuomo’s Weirdo Daughter

“Demisexual” is one of those made-up words used in social-media profiles by young people with mental-health problems, who can now claim as their celebrity role model Michaela Kennedy-Cuomo, who is the youngest of the three daughters of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Kerry Kennedy (the daughter of Robert F. Kennedy).

Ace of Spades summarizes “demisexuality”:

But this is the game: To make everyone LGBT, they invent “queer” labels for straight girls to call themselves.
Shaming straight people — boring, conventional, lame sexual normies — is so vicious, especially to status- and identity-obsessed young girls, that they scramble to find any “LGBT” category to assign themselves to to avoid the stigma of being a mere breeder.
As you can see from her “identity shopping” — notice she never struck upon the possibility that, like 98% of women, she was just a run-of-the-mill straight girl who liked boys.
That was not a possibility — she could never be just that.
She had to have a “sexuality” that made her a star, someone the representatives of the ruling class in her school and in the media counted as interesting, virtuous, and special. . . .
I’ve mentioned this before, but I know (of course) people with high-school age kids, and, with girls especially: They all feel massively pressured to “come out” as some shade of gay or transexual.
Girls are especially susceptible to peer and media pressure, and when everyone in the regular media and on social media is telling you that to be straight is to be a kind of low-class, low-IQ pervert, many, many straight girls are going to decide they’re some kind of bisexual.
Or a “demisexual.”

The “sexuality” promoters encourage impressionable young people to believe that their identity is entirely about their feelings, which of course are wildly confused under a bombardment of sexual stimuli from various media, including the crap they’re watching on TikTok or whatever.

In order for “sexuality” to have any real meaning, however, it can only be as a description of behavior. That is to say, whatever your feelings may be — and what can I possibly know about how someone else feels? — only your sexual behavior has any objective reality. Some of us are old enough to remember that the “gay rights” movement began as part of the “sexual liberation” of the 1960s, when there were actual laws against sodomy — not laws against anyone’s feelings, but rather against behaviors.

Once the demanded “rights” were ceded, however, the militant advocates of sodomy did not cease their demands, but instead went hunting around for new grievances, so that here we are in 2021 — when nobody is stopping Michaela Kennedy-Cuomo from doing whatever it is she wants to do — and she’s deeply confused about the whole “sexuality” thing.

Well, here’s a clue, Ms. Kennedy-Cuomo: When your grandmother Ethel Kennedy was your age, she’d already been married more than a year and had given birth to the first of her seven children. That’s the kind of “sexuality” Americans practiced back in the Good Old Days, when your grandfather was working as an aide to Sen. Joe McCarthy.

Make America Great Again, if you get my drift.


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