The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

NYPD to Combat Thought Crimes?

Posted on | March 18, 2021 | Comments Off on NYPD to Combat Thought Crimes?

Last year, New York City experienced a 45% increase in murders, and the number of shooting victims doubled. Despite the manifest inability of NYPD to prevent violent crime, however, Mayor Bill De Blasio now wants cops to have “an educating impact on people”:

“I assure you, if an NYPD officer calls you or shows up at your door to ask about something you did, that makes people think twice, and we need that. . . .
“Even if something is not a criminal case, a perpetrator being confronted by the city, whether it’s NYPD or another agency, and being told that what they’ve done was very hurtful to another person — and could, if ever repeated, lead to criminal charges — that’s another important piece of the puzzle,” de Blasio said.
De Blasio went on to say the NYPD was uniquely equipped to handle such a mission, adding, “One of the things officers are trained to do is to give warnings. If someone has done something wrong, but not rising to a criminal level, it’s perfectly appropriate for an NYPD officer to talk to them to say, ‘that was not appropriate, and if you did that on a higher level, that would be a crime.’ I think that has an educating impact on people, I think that has a sobering impact that we need.”

Hey, Mayor, you know what has an “educating impact on people”? Putting them in prison when they commit actual crimes. Maybe focus on that, instead of having cops warn people about being “hurtful.”

Your administration has made it a priority to turn criminals loose — because “social justice” or whatever — with the result that everybody who can afford to rent a U-Haul is leaving New York. You are unquestionably the worst mayor in the history of the city, having accomplished the impossible task of actually being worse than David Dinkins.

(Hat-tip: Ace of Spades.)


Wokies Ruin Everything

Posted on | March 18, 2021 | Comments Off on Wokies Ruin Everything

The U.S. military, for example, can’t win wars and its current strategic priorities are transgender troops, maternity flight suits and attacking Tucker Carlson (not necessarily in that order). Meanwhile . . .

“Apparently the concept of ‘take pictures of pretty women in swimsuits’ is now beyond the ability of the converged Sports Illustrated organization.”


Milwaukee: Sarah Hoyt’s Shocked Face Could Not Be Reached for Comment

Posted on | March 18, 2021 | Comments Off on Milwaukee: Sarah Hoyt’s Shocked Face Could Not Be Reached for Comment

Gosh, who could possibly have foreseen this?

A Milwaukee County Children’s Court judge and former president and CEO of the Cream City Foundation, which runs the city’s drag queen story hour program, has been arrested on seven counts of child pornography.
Brett Blomme, 38, was arrested on Tuesday for allegedly uploading 27 images and videos of children being sexually abused on the messaging app Kik.
Blomme was held overnight and released with a signature. He has been ordered to stay off social media and file-sharing services and is not allowed near any children except the two that he adopted with his husband.

More on the case against Judge Blomme:

A 44-page search warrant filed Friday by a DCI special agent said investigators found Blomme, using the name “dommasterbb,” uploaded 27 videos and images containing child pornography. Two of the files were uploaded at a Milwaukee County government building, the search warrant said.
The special agent sought permission to search Blomme’s courtroom, chambers, houses in Milwaukee and Dane counties and his 2017 Audi. Blomme is currently assigned to Milwaukee County Children’s Court. . . .
Blomme was elected to the court in the spring 2020 election, defeating incumbent Milwaukee County Circuit Judge Paul Dedinsky, an appointee of former Republican Gov. Scott Walker.
Before being elected, Blomme was the head of the board of zoning appeals for the City of Milwaukee, appointed to the post by Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, and head of the Cream City Foundation, which provides grant money to LGBTQ groups in the Milwaukee area.
A longtime LGBTQ activist, Blomme previously was director of major gifts at the AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin for 18 months, following a stint at the Madison City Attorney’s Office. . . .
He ran as a liberal challenger to a conservative Walker appointee.
“I’m the progressive alternative,” he said during the campaign.

We’ll see if Sarah Hoyt’s shocked face has any comment on this case.


In The Mailbox: 03.17.21 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | March 18, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.17.21 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I forgot to wear the traditional black & tan for St. Patrick’s Day. Welp.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

Vegas Vic says howdy!

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1294
EBL: Yaphet Kotto & James Levine, RIP
Twitchy: AP Reports Republicans Pouncing On Immigration With Surge In Border Crossings
Louder With Crowder: Media Blackout – Biden Orders Border Patrol To Deny All Press Requests
Vox Popoli: President Greenscreen, also, Another Magic Dirt Fail
Stoic Observations: Why Were Black People Cool?
Gab News: Why The Oligarchs Fear Christianity

American Conservative: Something Is Rotten In The GA SecState’s Office
American Greatness: Until Lambs Become Lions, also, Judge Rules MI Sec State’s Absentee Ballot Order Broke The Law
American Power: Media’s Entire Georgia Narrative Is Fraudulent
American Thinker: Mask Mandates Don’t Save Lives
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Protests In Bolivia As Socialist Government Imprisons Conservative Former Acting President, also, Dreaming Of Freedom In Communist Cuba
BattleSwarm: State Department Lead Investigator Says Flu Manchu Escaped From Chicom Lab
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans – In Iowa, The Oppressed Fight Back, also, Musk Conforms Goal Of Orbital Starship Flight This Year
Cafe Hayek: You Can’t Make Up Stuff Like This
CDR Salamander: War Horse Or Show Pony?
Da Tech Guy: Common Sense In South Dakota, also, Five Inconvenient Catholic Facts Under The Fedora
Don Surber: Why Are Democrat Women Such Wimps? also, Being President Cost Trump $700 Million
First Street Journal: Killadelphia, also, A Stunning Lack Of Perspective
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Collusion, News, & Truth
Hollywood In Toto: My Son Hunter – Is This The Movie Joe Biden Fears The Most? also, Sebastian Maniscalco Has The Perfect Question For Cancel Culture Scolds
The Lid: Biden’s Latest Illegal Alien Stance Sounds Just Like Trump’s “Inhumane” Policies
Legal Insurrection: DeSantis – FL Will Bar Critical Race Theory From Schools, also, 21 States Sue Over Biden EO Halting Keystone Pipeline
Nebraska Energy Observer: Rowan’s Way 15 – Unconquered
Outkick: Will Candace Owens Actually Take Legal Action Against Cardi B? Yes. also, Mark Levin Talks About Dan Bongino Moving Into Rush’s Old Time Slot, Says He Didn’t Want To Move
Power Line: Understanding The Military’s Attack On Tucker Carlson, also, Literal Fake News From Our Garbage Media
Shark Tank: State Senator Polsky Calls Green New Deal “Political”
Shot In The Dark: Facts Leaking Through, also, Hand To Hand Combat
The Political Hat: I Learned It From You, Leviathan! also, Making Babies Check Their White Privilege
This Ain’t Hell: Jessica Watkins – Decorated Vet With No NDSM? also, Army Promotes Brother Of Impeachment Witness Fired By White House
Transterrestrial Musings: To Kids Who “Identify As White”, also, SLS “Affordability”
Victory Girls: Biden’s Team Wants Trump To Speak After Silencing Him
Volokh Conspiracy: Ohio Challenges Constitutionality Of American Rescue Plan Act
Weasel Zippers: Is Joe Biden A Hologram? also, Russia Cuts Diplomatic Ties, Recalls Ambassador
The Federalist: CA Bill Proposes Removing Police Officers Who Express Religious Or Conservative Beliefs, also, Another Round Of New Baseball Rules Threatens The Game’s Rich History
Mark Steyn: Gabby But Tetchy, also, Fountains Of Woke

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‘This Case Is a Great Example of Why Our Deputies Wear Body Cameras’

Posted on | March 17, 2021 | Comments Off on ‘This Case Is a Great Example of Why Our Deputies Wear Body Cameras’

Say hello to Raymond Glass, the kind of criminal who makes you wish there were more police brutality in America. In 2015, a Florida man named Larkland Harris Jr. “with a long history of violence and who spent six years in state prison” was charged with stabbing Glass outside a Pizza Hut in Flagler County. The report of that crime noted that Glass himself had “an arrest record that includes charges for burglary, grand theft, drug charges, criminal mischief and probation violation.”

Glass survived being stabbed, in part because of life-saving efforts by a Flagler County sheriff’s deputy named Daniel Weaver. So the encounter between Glass and Weaver this week was a reunion of sorts. Weaver saw Glass walking with a woman who had a “no-contact” order against Glass, and pulled over to investigate:

Weaver was familiar with Glass’s history and knew he was on probation and not supposed to be in proximity of a woman Glass was near when the deputy saw him on U.S. 1. and East Palm Street in Bunnell. Weaver also had reports that Glass was living with the woman in a tent in the area, that the woman was 12 weeks pregnant with twins, and that Glass was preventing her from seeking medical treatment.
Glass was upset that Weaver called him over, claiming he was not near the woman. Weaver is disbelieving but courteous, having seen Glass walk with the woman side by side, then told him he’d be calling his probation officer.

Here, watch the video as Glass claims “police brutality”:


Glass: “You can’t tase me!”
Deputy: (Tases him.)

Glass was “charged with Battery on a Law Enforcement Officer, Assault on a Law Enforcement Officer, Threats to a Law Enforcement Officer, Criminal Mischief over $1,000, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, and two counts of Resisting Arrest. He was additionally charged with Violation of Probation for violating the no contact order. He is being held with no bond allowed.” The sheriff’s office issued this statement:

“Our deputies showed great restraint while dealing with this guy who was trying to fight them and continually threatened to kill them,” Sheriff Rick Staly said. “He even went so far as to bang his own head into the patrol car while screaming ‘police brutality.’ This case is a great example of why our deputies wear body cameras and why we are implementing dashboard cameras across our fleet of patrol vehicles. We have demonstrated transparency throughout my tenure and our well trained deputies have nothing to hide. It’s also a warning that if you resist you will still go to the Green Roof Inn but with many more charges.”

Nobody rioted. No hashtags. No CNN coverage. Even if the deputy had shot this worthless punk, nobody would have protested.


In The Mailbox: 03.17.21 (Morning Edition)

Posted on | March 17, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.17.21 (Morning Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I swear there’s going to be an evening edition tonight.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

About that stimulus…

357 Magnum: Media Bias? What Media Bias?
EBL: What’s Up With Cuomo?
Twitchy: U.S. Army Introduces Its Chief Diversity Officer
Louder With Crowder: Blue Checkmark Implies Bill Burr Has A “Minority Sex Servant”, Bill’s Wife Fires Back
Vox Popoli: You Will NOT Talk Back, also, You. Had. One. Job.
Gab News: Gab Is Too Big To Ignore

Adam Piggott: There Is No Ultimate Human Doctor Evil
American Conservative: Destroying What We Are Trying To Save
American Greatness: Capitol Investigation Seeks To Criminalize Political Dissent, also, Washington Post Exposed As Gossipy Tabloid Hacks Again
American Power: Biden, Harris, Bad Orange Woman, Other Top Staffers Afraid To Appear On Sunday Talk Shows
American Thinker: The Sovereign Crime Of Industrial Vote Fraud, also, President Cloward, VP Piven
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Contested Election News
Babalu Blog: Finger Amputated Due To Lack Of Antibiotics In Cuba
BattleSwarm: Texas Legislature Considers Statewide Camping Ban
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, also, Starship Update – Prototype #11 Could Fly Today
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
CDR Salamander: Did Some GOFO’s Wife Write This?
Da Tech Guy: Red China Fails Faster Than The USN At Shipbuilding, also, The NBA’s Vanderbilt Moment
Don Surber: Trump Supporters Need To Play Hardball
First Street Journal: The Truth? They Can’t handle The Truth! also, Philadelphia Inquirer Mourns Job Losses (By Women) Due To COVID
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, I’m So Old
Hollywood In Toto: Supa Modo Shows Power & Pitfalls Of Childlike Imagination, also, Grammys Silent On Kids In Cages Crisis
The Lid: Tucker Carlson is Reigning Cable Champ As MSNBC Ratings Crash
Legal Insurrection: Senate Democrats Want Biden To Issue EO Cancelling Student Debt, also, Congressman Brings National Guard To Confront Rep. Greene Over Guam Gaffe
Michelle Malkin: The “Anti-Semitism” Smear
Nebraska Energy Observer: I’ve Been Thinking
Outkick: Golden Rats Fire Rick Pitino, also, Eddie Van Halen’s Son Rips Lame Grammy Tribute
Power Line: Is America Doomed? (Part One), also, No Fireworks At Mount Rushmore?
Shark Tank: Rodrigues’ Pro-2A SB 1884 Passes Senate Committee
Shot In The Dark: Welcome Wagon
The Political Hat: Racial Struggle Sessions In Nevada Schools
This Ain’t Hell: NG Troops Not Really Wanted In WDC, also, Tucker Draws Military Ire Part II
Transterrestrial Musings: NASA & The Rise Of Commercial Space, also, David Hogg’s Pillow Factory
Victory Girls: Girls & Boys Are Biologically Different
Volokh Conspiracy: In Further Defense Of Law Reviews, More Or Less
Weasel Zippers: Audio Shows Washington Post Lied About Trump/Georgia Phone Call, also, Majority Of Signatures To Recall Gavin Newsom Are From Democrats
The Federalist: Sorry, Democrats, You Can’t Blame The Border Crisis On Trump, also, Alaska GOP Censures Sen. Murkowski, Pledges Support For Primary Challenge
Mark Steyn: A Fine Romance, also, The Very Model Of A Modish Loser General Staff

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Georgia Massage Parlor Massacre

Posted on | March 17, 2021 | Comments Off on Georgia Massage Parlor Massacre

Robert Aaron Long, 21, of Woodstock in Cherokee County poses in a jail booking photograph after he was taken into custody by the Crisp County Sheriff’s Office in Cordele, Georgia, U.S. March 16, 2021.

When my brother mentioned this story to me this morning, my reaction was: “Massage parlors? In Cherokee County? WTF?” I’m old enough to remember when that area was largely rural, and the idea that you would have Asian massage parlors there is just mind-boggling to me.

Cherokee County Sheriff Frank Reynolds just said at a press conference in Atlanta that the suspect in this case appeared to have “sexual addiction” problems and “may have frequented” some of the establishments where these shootings occurred. More on the suspect:

The 21-year-old man suspected of killing eight people — six of them Asian women — at three metro Atlanta massage parlors professed a passion for guns and God, according to a report.
Robert Aaron Long, of Woodstock, Georgia, was arrested without incident Tuesday night about 150 miles south of Atlanta and charged with murder, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.
Information about Long is sparse, but the Daily Beast reported that a tagline on an Instagram account that appeared to belong to the suspect — but was no longer active Wednesday morning — said: “Pizza, guns, drums, music, family, and God. This pretty much sums up my life. It’s a pretty good life.”
A student who graduated from Sequoyah High School with Long in 2017 told the news outlet on condition of anonymity: “He was very innocent seeming and wouldn’t even cuss.
“He was sorta nerdy and didn’t seem violent from what I remember. He was a hunter and his father was a youth minister or pastor. He was big into religion,” the former classmate added.

Some people have suggested this is an anti-Asian “hate crime,” but the sheriff’s comment would seem to contradict that belief. Police at the press conference emphasized that it’s still very early in the investigation, but what we have so far leads to one obvious conclusion:



‘15 Days to Slow the Spread’

Posted on | March 16, 2021 | Comments Off on ‘15 Days to Slow the Spread’

Yes, today is a memorable anniversary. Jim Geraghty reminds us:

On Monday, March 16, 2020, the White House advised all Americans to avoid gathering in groups of more than ten and urged older people to stay at home in a set of new guidelines designed to fight the coronavirus outbreak, labeling the effort “15 Days to Slow the Spread.”
That set of restrictions later was summarized as “two weeks to flatten the curve,” a slogan that grew more bitterly ironic as the pandemic and its quarantine restrictions dragged on and on — now for more than a year. That call for a voluntary avoidance of large groups quickly morphed into far-reaching restrictions upon the most basic rights and normal activities of American citizens: Forty-three governors issued orders directing residents to stay at home and nonessential businesses to close.

Read the whole thing. I was perfectly OK with 15 days, and it didn’t really bother me much when they extended that another month. After six weeks, though, I was like, “Let’s get back to business.”

Ah, but the “experts” (and the fear-stricken women who love to have “experts” tell them what to believe) wouldn’t let us get back to business. With a full year of data now available, what do we know?


If lockdowns were effective as disease prevention, the COVID-19 death rate in New York would be lower than Florida’s. Instead, Florida has been wide open for months — and mostly healthy — while New York is still locked down and Andrew Cuomo killed your granny. What happened is that everybody forgot the original rationale of “15 days to slow the spread,” i.e., governments, hospitals and medical personnel needed time to acquire the protective equipment (masks, etc.) to deal with this pandemic, and there were fears that a “surge” of patients would overwhelm hospitals, especially in terms of ICUs.

By instituting a preventive quarantine for a few weeks, we were buying time to “flatten the curve,” to prevent that drastic spike of cases that would flood hospitals with critical cases. That policy actually worked — with a few localized exceptions, our hospitals were never beyond capacity, and the dreaded ventilator shortage never happened.

What lockdowns could never do, however, was to completely eliminate risk of contagion, which is what the “Karen” mob of mask Nazis expect.

Do you see the difference between “slowing the spread” (the original goal) and eliminating risk altogether? One was feasible — and in fact, we did it — but the other is irrational, and especially so once (a) effective treatment protocols were developed, (b) widespread testing was available and (c) we discovered that almost no one under age 70 died from COVID-19.

But the fear-stricken women craved perfect safety:

The general lockdowns were never about protecting the general public.
They were only about protecting Karen.

All policies oriented toward the emotional needs of such people are bad.

How strange it is that the same dimwit women who demand the government shut down everything to protect them from germs are also generally in favor of open borders and “criminal justice reform.”


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