The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: For Whom The Bell Tolls

Posted on | January 24, 2021 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: For Whom The Bell Tolls

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Rule 5 Sunday: Julie Strain, RIP
Harsh Brutus
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

John Weaver: ‘The Truth Is I’m Gay’
Bacon Time

Democrats and the Media (But I Repeat Myself) Are Trying to Destroy America
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

FMJRA 2.0: Too Much Too Young
A View From The Beach

The Other Podcast Rides Again

Modern Motherhood, Florida-Style
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 01.19.21 (Early Morning Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Don’t Worry, I Haven’t Been Captured by Our Alien Reptilian Overlords..Yet

FNC Fires Scapegoat Chris Stirewalt — and Their VP for News ‘Retires’
357 Magnum

Sports News From Wokeville, USA
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 01.19.21 (Evening Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 01.20.21
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

The TV Show You Didn’t Watch
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

‘Resident Biden
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 01.21.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Is It Over Yet?
The Pirate’s Cove

In The Mailbox: 01.22.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending January 22:

  1.  EBL (17)
  2.  357 Magnum (10)
  3.  A View From The Beach (9)
  4.  Proof Positive (5)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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The Sanhedrin

Posted on | January 23, 2021 | Comments Off on The Sanhedrin

by Smitty

We knew there was a Deep State, but the Sanhedrin atop that Deep State had been on the down-low.

Until they came out and decreed that Barabbas would become the anointed ‘Resident last week, and the other guy would be (rhetorically) crucified for daring to treat the first three words of the Constitution as meaningful. In this telling, the High Priest of the Sanhedrin is George Soros, who, of course, works for the distant Emperor, Xi. Theological note: nothing theological is ascribed to Donald Trump here.

But, as the ‘Resident FICUS immediately showed last week, we are a conquered people. The economic havoc to unfold will take your breath and your retirement away. I’m ready to blame the victim. Ten years ago, there were Tea Parties, and we let the Deep State burn them. Five years ago, Trump descended the escalator, and the Deep State is in the process of rhetorically crucifying and burning him.

It’s my sense, based upon the Trump/Pence body language, that striking a defiant pose in the court of public opinion while playing a clean hand with the Constitutional process was the optimal approach. No sane nose thinks the 2020 election results pass the smell test. The nose knows, but the eye makes the call, and is easily fooled by the Sanhedrin. Trump has not had his day in court, where an eye exam is possible. Hopefully that occurs.

We all expect that, shifting to pagan metaphor, Trump will rise from the ashes like a phoenix. It will be great if he can, and I hope he does. But, if we’re relying on one Indispensable Man, we’re doing “We The People” wrong. We need more than a single point of success, or we won’t escape the Reagan Penalty Box of being a great leader, only to hand over a bunch of great effort to the Deep State for further molestation.

Should Trump start a political party? Only if he seriously thinks he has figured out how to escape the Perot Penalty Box. A fresh organization would be a tactical loser, even if a strategic success. The knowledge to do the cost/benefit analysis is far beyond my skillset. And funding capability.

What matters, though, is that we fundamentally change the context of our government. Trump couldn’t drain the swamp in one term, and two terms is unlikely to succeed. It’s a Good Thing that Trump drove the Sanhedrin out of hiding, and made their anti-American attacks on our election integrity come into focus. We know where to begin. But even **IF** we can puzzle out how Covid-19 was used in a complex attack on our election system in a half-dozen weak states with pliable election officials, that isn’t a solution.

Maybe having Trump do combination rally/ballot harvesting events would be a good way to break the Sanhedrin’s perfidy off where they sit. The rest of the chain of custody would have to be considered. But if you essentially conduct the election in advance of Election Day, you could probably break the New Rules off right where the Sandhedrin sits.

Mar a Lago is in a Democrat district in Florida. I’d love to see Trump run for the House in 2022, become Speaker, and have a veto-override majority, for two years of de facto Presidency ahead of a second term in 2024. Not going to happen, sure, but a hilarious mental image nonetheless.

But what we really need to do that is bigger than Trump, and can mitigate much of the Sanhedrin’s grip, is a Convention of States. Where neither the Tea Parties nor Trump alone could affect the Deep State or the Sanhedrin in any substantive way, the trifecta of Trump, backed by Tea Parties, and driving toward a Convention of States could work. If we demand it and protect it from hijacking.

So that’s the call to action: support the CoS and let’s target our 2037 anniversary of 250 years of American Exceptionalism for a triumphal, re-ratified rebirth. I want power, not wealth redistributed; I want Commies laughed out of office for their nonsensical “multiracial whiteness” garbage; and I want a country where I can dote on some grandchildren with a secure future before them.

Let’s do it.

Why Are National Guard Still in D.C.?

Posted on | January 23, 2021 | Comments Off on Why Are National Guard Still in D.C.?

The people who rioted at the Capitol on Jan. 6 have been arrested on federal charges. Some of them may still be fugitives at large, but insofar as the riot was ever a threat to “our democracy” (a phrase endlessly repeated on CNN), the threat is long since ended. Yet Washington, D.C., was turned into an armed camp for Joe Biden’s inauguration, and tens of thousands of National Guard troops are still deployed. Why?

“Nothing says, ‘This was a perfectly normal election,
and now it’s time to come together as a united nation,’
like having your swearing-in behind 12-foot-high razor wire
surrounded by 25,000 troops whose loyalty you doubt.”

From the rest of Professor Reynolds’ column:

Having filled the nation’s capital with enough soldiers to invade a small country, the Democrats went further and suggested that the National Guard troops might not be trustworthy.
Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) observed, “The [National] Guard is 90 some-odd percent male; and only about 20 percent of white males voted for Biden. . . . There are probably not more than 25 percent of the people there protecting us that voted for Biden.” This meant, he said, 75 percent of them might be of the class that would be inclined to “do something.”
Many of the Guard deployed around Washington were given unloaded rifles. The FBI rushed in to “vet” the troops for disloyalty, and still more damage was done. Never before, to my knowledge, has the US government openly demonstrated a lack of trust in its own military. . . .
The division of the armed forces into “loyal” versus “suspect” units is a hallmark of a dictatorship. What’s next for America, a “Democratic Guard,” made up of ethnicities that Steve Cohen considers reliable?

We have been assured that Joe Biden is the Most Popular President Ever. He got 81 million votes, the media tell us. Yet the Guard is still deployed to D.C., and what do the polls say about Biden’s popularity?

President Biden’s opening approval rating isn’t much to cheer about, coming in below that of his two predecessors.
In Rasmussen Reports’ first Presidential Daily Tracking Poll of likely voters, the new Democratic president starts at 48% approving and 45% disapproving. . . .
Trump opened with a 56% approval rating. Just 44% disapproved. It was one of his highest ratings of his four years.
Obama started at 67% approval, 32% disapprove, which is also one of his highest ratings.

Far be it from me to promote any baseless “conspiracy theories,” but what would a stolen election look like? Just sayin’ . . .



In The Mailbox: 01.22.21

Posted on | January 22, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.22.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual deadlines are in effect for the usual weekend posts. I may also have a book post as useful distraction from the news, which is depressing when it’s not being annoying.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Sometimes you get tired of smashing and shielding and just want to be alone.

357 Magnum: The End of The Constitution
Proof Positive: Joe Biden’s Fourth Reich
EBL: Hank Aaron, RIP
Twitchy: NYT Writer Shaken By What He Saw During His 1600-Mile Drive Through Middle America
Louder With Crowder: Kid Rock Sends Clear Message To Leftists On Where To Stick Their “Deprogramming”, also, Barstool Sports Celebrates The Five Worst “Woke A**hole” Tweets From Inauguration Day
Vox Popoli: The Monster Hunter Abandons Facebook, also, War is Back On The Menu

American Conservative: The Cool Kids Are Back In Town!
American Greatness: Trump Offers To Let Guardsmen Stay At Trump Hotel After Parking Garage Outrage, also, Let The Senate’s Show Trial Begin
American Power: Baseball Legend Hank Aaron Has Died
American Thinker: Industrial-Scale Election Fraud – Did It Happen?
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Paranormal Economics Friday
Babalu Blog: Communist Cuba Has Ten Times As Many Police Cars Than Ambulances
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For January 22
Behind The Black: Northrop Grumman Successfully Tests Solid Rocket Booster For ULA’s Vulcan, also, Today’s Blacklisted American – Laura Loomer
Cafe Hayek: The Great Thomas Sowell
Da Tech Guy: Day One Of America’s “Bad Luck”, also, DaTechGuy Off DaRadio Podcast – Ranking Trump & The Theater Of The Absurd Swamp
Don Surber: The Donald Was Their Final Warning
First Street Journal: In Killadelphia, The Beat Goes On! also, The Biden Administration Has No Idea What Poverty Is Like
The Geller Report: Joe Biden’s “Salute The Marines” Blunder, also, FBI Singles Out CDC Critic Dr. Simone Gold For Arrest Following Her Attendance At Capitol Protest
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Rules Are For The Little People
Hollywood In Toto: Earnest No Man’s Land Avoids Open Border Lectures, also, Reborn Wrong Turn Franchise Should Have Stayed Dead
The Lid: The Left’s Attack On The First Amendment – Without Free Speech, There Is No Other Freedom
Legal Insurrection: Texas AG Sues Biden Administration Over Deportation Freeze, also, National Guardsmen Sent To Sleep In Parking Garage After Protecting Biden Inauguration
Nebraska Energy Observer: Poetry Friday
Power Line: The Real Joe Biden, also, 1776 Commission, We Hardly Knew Ye
Shark Tank: “Pro-Life” Charlie Crist Proud To Support Abortion, also, DeSantis Orders FL National Guardsmen Home After Parking Garage Outrage
Shot In The Dark: On The Offensive 
The Political Hat: Looking Back On The Life Of Margaret Thatcher
This Ain’t Hell: You Can’t Go Home But You Can’t Stay Here, Says Congress, also, Three Pilots Die In NY Guard Helo Crash
Transterrestrial Musings: O’Neill Cylinders, also, Lockdowns Kill
Victory Girls: Unity & Healing Low Priority For Biden & The Media
Volokh Conspiracy: No Copyright Or Defamation Liability for Bulk Move Of Social Network To New Site
Weasel Zippers: Tucker Carlson Points Out That CNN Has 86’d Its COVID Tracker, also, Chuck U. Schumer Accuses Trump Of “Inciting An Erection” 
The Federalist: Biden & Harris Release Statement Celebrating Abortion, also, Mitch McConnell Needs To Go
Mark Steyn: A Statue Still Stands, also, Great-Power Theme-Park

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Is It Over Yet?

Posted on | January 22, 2021 | Comments Off on Is It Over Yet?

As we approach the end of Day Three of the Joe Biden presidency, I’m wondering how many voters are already experiencing buyer’s remorse:

President Joe Biden’s first day in office may have been historic in more ways than one: he may have set a single-day record for the number of jobs killed by an American president.
Biden revoked the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline
, as promised. In so doing, he killed some 11,000 direct jobs that the pipeline’s construction was to have created, and an estimated 60,000 indirect jobs in secondary, related industries.
Over 1,000 workers already on the job — mostly union workers — will be laid off as a result of the decision, even if it is litigated, as many expect it will be, in the courts.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) confronted Secretary of Transportation nominee Pete Buttigieg over the Keystone XL decision on Thursday morning, during Buttigieg’s confirmation hearing. If the administration was serious about infrastructure, Cruz asked, why was it killing an infrastructure project with “good, paying union jobs”?
When Buttigieg said the idea was that “net” jobs created in more climate-friendly industries would be positive, Cruz retorted that that was little comfort to the Keystone XL workers who were being laid off: “So for those workers, the answer is somebody else will get a job?”
The Association of Oil Pipe Lines complained, as did the United Association of Union Plumbers and Pipefitters — though the union may only have itself to blame: it endorsed Biden in August, after he had promised to kill the pipeline in May.
Biden also halted the construction of the border wall on the U.S.-Mexico boundary on Wednesday. While the projections for jobs there are somewhat unclear, one analysis (by an opponent of the wall) in 2017 estimated that the wall, if fully constructed, would create 10,500 jobs.
Moreover, on Thursday, the Biden Administration announced that it had suspended oil and gas permits on federal land Wednesday. It is unclear how many jobs that will cost — but the outlook is not good.
Most presidents promise to create jobs. Biden killed up to 70,000 jobs in his first 24 hours — and the true total may be even higher.

What were people thinking? I mean, if we assume that people who vote for Democrats are capable of thinking at all. We know that the Democrats were engaged in “vote harvesting,” rounding up mail-in ballots by any means possible, so that if your grandma was comatose in a nursing home in Arizona, Georgia or Wisconsin, she probably “voted” for Biden. You’re not allowed to talk about how mail-in voting enabled this kind of fraud, even though everybody knows how Democrats operate. It’s not a secret that Democrats steal elections. They’ve been doing it for decades, but occasionally Republicans actually manage to win by margins large enough to cancel out the votes fraudulently obtained by Democrats, and then Democrats scream “RAAAAACISM!” But I digress . . .

Beyond the manufactured fake ballots, and votes cast by people who’ve been dead for 20 years, there were actual flesh-and-blood human beings who voted for Joe Biden, and why? Because they hate Trump? Because they watch CNN and don’t actually know anything about Joe Biden?

What policies were they voting for? Did these dimwit Democrat voters think Biden actually had some kind of plan?

President Joe Biden on Friday lowered expectations of his administration’s ability to affect the ongoing coronavirus pandemic in the coming months.
Biden made the remark during a press conference addressing the signage of two more executive orders: one aimed at increasing food stamp benefits and the other for workers’ rights.
“If we fail to act, there will be a wave of evictions and foreclosures in the coming months as this pandemic rages on,” Biden said. “There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months.” . . .
Earlier Wednesday, Biden said, “Wearing masks isn’t a partisan issue — it’s a patriotic act that can save countless lives.” When asked Thursday why the Biden family went maskless for a photo, White House press secretary Jen Psaki replied dismissively.
“He was surrounded by his family, we take a number of precautions but I think we have bigger issues to worry about at this moment in time,” Psaki explained. “I think he was celebrating in the evening of a historic day in our country and certainly he signed the mask mandate because it’s a way to send a message to the American public about the importance of wearing masks.”
When pressed on why Biden did not lead by the “power of his example” regarding masks, Paski shot back, “The power of his example is also the message he sends by signing 25 executive orders, including almost half of them related to COVID.”

See? He signed 25 executive orders! Problem solved!

If you think that’s not good enough, it’s probably because you’re a white supremacist who hates democracy. You’re banned from everything!

We only have to endure another 1,457 days of this.


In The Mailbox: 01.21.21

Posted on | January 21, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.21.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Regular deadlines for the usual weekend posts are in effect. The first busy part of tax season starts next week, and I badly need to stay in a regular groove if I want to keep the posts flowing. (Yes, I know this is a day early.)
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

h/t Amie Gibbons, from today’s post at According To Hoyt

357 Magnum: Carjacking Is Off To A Great Start In Chicago
EBL: Joe Biden Got All The Best Endorsements
Twitchy: Drew Holden Rounds Up The Usual Suspects Who Passed Along CNN’s Story About There Being No Vaccination Plan
Louder With Crowder: Jordan Peterson Slams Kamala Harris’ Claim That America Is United 
Vox Popoli: If They Want Hopium & Copium, also, Waking Up From Libertarianism
According To Hoyt: Not Today! (Guest Post By Amie Gibbons)
Monster Hunter Nation: Book Giveaway From Seven Different Authors, also, A Farewell To Facebook

American Greatness: Federal Court Blocks Obamacare Mandate Requiring Doctors To Perform Transgender Surgeries
American Power: Biden Inauguration Brings Back “American Carnage”
American Thinker: Now We’ve Got Them Right Where We Want Them
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily White Pill News
Babalu Blog: Cuba’s Dissident San Isidro Movement Calls On Canada To Support Freedom
BattleSwarm: Change!
Behind The Black: The Slowly Disappearing Dry Ice Cap At Mars’ South Pole, also, Today’s Blacklisted Conservative
Cafe Hayek: Jerry Ellig, RIP, also, Thought Experiments About The Minimum Wage
CDR Salamander: Africa – Let The Pictures Give You The Answer
Da Tech Guy: The Perfect Starting Metaphor For An Illegitimate Administration, also, The United States Is No Longer A Constitutional Republic
Don Surber: Primary & Purge
First Street Journal: Speaking Truth To Power Means Telling The Truth, also, Gauleiter Beshear Vetoes Bills Limiting His Power
The Geller Report: President Pedo Declares Little Girls Have To Share Their Bathrooms With Boys, also, KY Republicans Censure Mitch McConnell After His Attack On President Trump
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, LARPing At Leadership
Hollywood In Toto: How Night Of The Creeps Leans Into Its B-Movie Roots
The Lid: Antifa Riots In Portland & Seattle On Inauguration Day
Legal Insurrection: Mexican President Says Trump Helped Mexico, also, Biden’s Transgender EO Could Doom Womens’ Sports
Nebraska Energy Observer: Rowan’s Way – 7 Evensong, also, Losing A Friend
Power Line: A Note On The Inauguration, also, “Multiracial Whiteness”
Shark Tank: Will Puerto Rico Gain Statehood Under Biden?
Shot In The Dark: Let The Orgy Of Overreach Begin! also, President Of Convenience
STUMP: Mortality Nuggets
The Political Hat: Green Totalitarianism – Gaia Jugend, Climate Emergency As Medicine, Slave Labor For Gaia
This Ain’t Hell: I Am Spartacus & I Am Still Living The Dream, also, What Do You Do When You Expect An Insurrection & Nobody Shows Up?
Transterrestrial Musings: Words Of Division
Victory Girls: Amazon Plays Political Games With Vaccine
Volokh Conspiracy: New Administration “Moving In Laser-Like Fashion” To Uncover “Even Libertarians” In “An Unholy Alliance”
Weasel Zippers: Buttigieg – Keystone XL Workers “Will Just Have To Get New Jobs”, also, Joe Biden – “Salute The Marines”
The Federalist: Twitter Fumes Over Biden EO With #BidenErasesWomen, also, Google-Funded “Conservative” Groups Tell Congress To Leave Big Tech Alone
Mark Steyn: President Harris & Her Sidekick Joe, also, Hate Week Highlights

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‘Resident Biden

Posted on | January 21, 2021 | Comments Off on ‘Resident Biden

by Smitty

I’ve been calling him Purported President Potted Plant for a while, but he has received a FICUS upgrade, as provided by Victory Girls. Click the photo and read the whole thing.
Confirmation of our utter degradation was provided immdiately. Again, click the image and read the whole thing.
It’s not to my taste to wish harm on anyone, but this year’s total economic crash is going to be precisely what the country has deserved. Hopefully we repent and reclaim our elections from the Commies.

The TV Show You Didn’t Watch

Posted on | January 21, 2021 | Comments Off on The TV Show You Didn’t Watch

Yesterday my brother and I went to Denney’s for a late breakfast. They have TV screens around the restaurant, and the Biden inauguration was on every screen, but without sound. So you could say I watched the ceremony — that is to say, I glanced up and saw Joe raise his right hand with his left hand on the Bible — but mainly, I ignored it.

“Few people in our nation’s history have been more challenged or found a time more challenging or difficult than the time we are in now. . . .
“The cry for survival comes from the planet itself. A cry that can’t be any more desperate or any more clear. And now a rise of political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront and we will defeat. . . .
“We need all of our strength to persevere through this dark winter. We are entering what may be the toughest and deadliest period of the virus. . . .
“We face an attack on our democracy and on truth, a raging virus, growing inequity, the sting of systemic racism, a climate in crisis.”

So it’s a “crisis,” which will be used to justify whatever Democrats want to do, and anyone who disagrees with Biden’s agenda will be accused of “political extremism, white supremacy [and] domestic terrorism.”

The Great Amnesia has begun. Everything that was said or done in the past four years will be shoved down the Memory Hole, lest anyone should be able to compare and contrast the actions of Biden’s administration with what actually happened during Trump’s presidency. Likewise, liberals will now demand respect for all the institutions we were told — just a few short months ago — were instruments of “systemic racism”:

It is with great pleasure that we can report that the national anthem is apparently no longer controversial.
As Lady Gaga belted out our nation’s song with some theatrics but relatively few deviations from the traditional anthem performance, a look at the assembled crowd showed something very interesting, no one appeared to be kneeling.
One of the main features of anthem performances over the last four years was kneeling. A protest that began with the NFL’s Colin Kaepernick as a statement against police violence, but then seemingly transformed into a general protest against the state of the country that was copied by entertainers, politicians, and others.
However, with a change in regime in Washington, it appears that “patriotism” is back in style. . . .
Vice President Kamala Harris, an Oakland native and supporter of Colin Kaepernick and the anthem protests he began, once said that the “backlash” against Kaepernick’s protests was the fault of “Russian bots.”
Harris also said that the anthem protests were an act of “free speech” and meant to draw attention to “racial injustice.”

Pretend you don’t notice these things. That’s the main challenge of the next four years, to ignore all these deliberate insults to our intelligence.

Also, whatever you do, don’t mention that our new Democrat overlords are shape-shifting alien reptiles. We’re not supposed to notice that.


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