The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Skepticism and Silence: ‘Cancel Culture’ and America’s Growing Political Crisis

Posted on | January 2, 2021 | 1 Comment

One of the things that separates 21st-century Americans from previous generations is a loss of liberty that few acknowledge. In particular, Americans have abandoned their First Amendment right to express their opinions, due to fear of what has become known as “cancel culture.”

Consider, for example, how one-sided the public discussion has been about removing Confederate monuments. In Virginia, for example, a number of communities — including the former Confederate capital of Richmond — have voted to rename Jefferson Davis Highway. What is remarkable about this is the near-total lack of vocal opposition to such projects. Arguments against this destructive iconoclasm are not difficult to make, but people are so afraid of being called “racist” that they are silent; this silence creates the false impression of a unanimous consensus in support of the radical “Black Lives Matter” agenda.

Fear of reprisal — indeed, mob violence — has introduced into our public discourse an element of dishonesty and hypocrisy. The consequence is a loss of trust. When people are compelled to endorse beliefs that they do not actually believe, they become suspicious and skeptical about the sincerity of others. One reason the news media are so widely despised in America is because partisan prejudice so controls what is reported in the media that every intelligent person recognizes their dishonesty:

Most voters suspect the news media buried the Hunter Biden story until after the election and think there’s a good chance that new President Biden was involved in his son’s overseas dealings.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters think many news organizations ignored the Hunter Biden story to help his father’s presidential campaign. . . .
Fifty-six percent (56%) believe it is likely Joe Biden was consulted about and perhaps profited from his son’s overseas business deals including at least one involving a company in mainland China.

CNN broadcasts lies 24/7, but anyone who calls them out about their falsehoods is subject to denunciation as a “right-wing extremist.” To be identified as such can destroy your career — ask James Damore about his experience at Google — and therefore smart and ambitious young people learn to keep their mouths shut. Open dissent is nearly non-existent among the elite. What are the consequences of this regime?

In a recent paper titled “Keeping Your Mouth Shut: Spiraling Self-Censorship in the United States,” political scientists James L. Gibson and Joseph L. Sutherland reveal that self-censorship among Americans has soared.
In the 1950s, at the height of McCarthyism, 13.4 percent of Americans reported that they “felt less free to speak their mind than they used to.” In 1987, the figure reached 20 percent. By 2019, 40 percent of Americans reported that they didn’t feel free to speak their minds.
This isn’t a partisan issue. “The percentage of Democrats who are worried about speaking their mind is just about identical to the percentage of Republicans who self-censor: 39 percent and 40 percent, respectively,” Gibson and Sutherland report.
What are the consequences of this continuous self-censorship? In his book “The Great Terror,” the British historian Robert Conquest suggested one possible answer. In a passage about Soviet show trials, Conquest was troubled by something: Why did innocent people falsely confess to appalling crimes, even when most Soviet citizens themselves didn’t believe these people when they confessed?
Conquest’s chilling answer: Soviet citizens grew so used to lying that expressing one more falsehood was no big deal. People grew conditioned to accept the ever-changing standards and even to affirm support for them.

Read the whole thing. People are not merely afraid to express their opinions, but have become accustomed to ignoring actual facts.

What are the facts, after all, about police and the black community? Is it true that police racism is endangering black lives? No one has researched this issue more diligently than Heather Mac Donald:

In fact, fatal police shootings constitute a smaller fraction of black homicide deaths than they do white and Hispanic homicide deaths. Three percent of black homicide victims are killed by a cop, compared with 10 percent of white and Hispanic homicide victims killed by a cop. . . .
In the weeks immediately following the Floyd riots, homicides were up by 100 percent in Minneapolis, 200 percent in Seattle, 240 percent in Atlanta, and 182 percent in Chicago. The violence continued over the summer and into the fall. In a sample of 27 big cities, including Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Milwaukee, Nashville, and Louisville, homicide rates rose an average of 53 percent between June and August.

The facts are not on the side of Black Lives Matter activists. Their rhetoric — demonizing police and blaming white racism for every problem afflicting black Americans — is 180 degree contrary to truth.

“Most of the racial tension in America is fomented by journalists,” Glenn Reynolds sagely observes. Everyone who has paid attention realizes that the death of George Floyd — and Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks, etc. — cannot be blamed on “systemic racism.” Confederate monuments were not to blame, nor were statues of Abraham Lincoln, Christopher Columbus or Junipero Serra to blame. America endured a summer of riots, and has suffered a massive increase in violent crime, because CNN and other media organizations decided to incite racial hatred as a means of helping “energize the base” for Democrats in the election.

You might suppose that Republican politicians would notice this, and say something about it, but our GOP “leaders” are either hopelessly stupid or lacking in courage. Or perhaps both. Stupidity and cowardice manifest themselves as an unwillingness to speak the ugly truth, in the mistaken belief that there is safety in silence. Republican politicians seem to agree with Hillary Clinton that GOP voters are “deplorables,” and therefore Republicans will not speak up on behalf of the people who elected them.

Is it any wonder that 40% of Republican voters worry about another civil war? Our political system is breaking down because of the dishonesty of the media, and the cowardice and stupidity of our politicians.

We are expected to believe in the Liberal Myth of Social Progress, that America has become “a more perfect Union” as the result of enlightened progressive reform. Skepticism toward these claims is not permitted, and so we are all required to pretend we believe in “progress.”

But Jefferson Davis could not be reached for comment.


In The Mailbox: 01.01.21

Posted on | January 2, 2021 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Happy New Year!

357 Magnum: Apple Hates People Doing Security Research
EBL: Hypocrite Teachers Union Shill Sarah Chambers Busted For Traveling To Caribbean During COVID Lockdown
Twitchy: Chicago Doc’s Rage Tweet About A Party Next Door Gets The Twitter Treatment It Deserves
Louder With Crowder: Media Challenges Gov. DeSantis To Take Vaccine & He Responds Perfectly
Vox Popoli: “Bill Gates Is Going Down”, also, The Trotskyite Fraudster
According To Hoyt: When The King Comes Home, also, Happy New Year

American Conservative: The Official Whitewash Of Duncan Lemp’s Killing
American Greatness: Tearing Down The Great Emancipator, also, Doctors, Doctored Numbers, & Democracy
American Power: America Is Still Standing
American Thinker: What AG Barr’s Departure Means For Google, also, The Dangers Of Government Debt
Animal Magnetism: Holiday Totty V
Babalu Blog: The 2020 Economy In Communist Cuba – A Disastrous Year
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For January 1, also, Texas Supremes Also Tell Mayor Adler To Get Stuffed
Cafe Hayek: Some COVID Links
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: The Most Useful New Year’s Advice Post You’ll Read Today
Don Surber: Fighting To Close Schools So She Can Vacation In A COVID Hot Spot
Fred On Everything: The Nobility Of Savages
The Geller Report: Don’t Give Up On President Trump, also, Three Arrested For Brutal Beating & Torture Of Former GOP Senate Candidate
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, New Year’s Prediction For 2021
Hollywood In Toto: Why Freelancers Skipped Hollywood & Went Straight To The People
JustOneMinute: Happier New Year!
The Lid: Congress, Journalists Ranked Among The Worst Professions For Honesty & Ethics
Legal Insurrection: As Big Ben Chimes, UK Ends The EU Era, also, Minneapolis Police Shooting Sparks Protests, But Bodycam Footage Shows Suspect Shot First
Nebraska Energy Observer: Happy New Year
Power Line: How Much Voter Fraud Was There? also, NYT – Covering The Elites, Or Covering For The Elites?
Shark Tank: Blue Dogs Murphy & Crist Urge Biden To Focus On Bipartisanship
Shot In The Dark: Happy New Year!
The Political Hat: Happy New Year!
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, also, Military Ballots Allegedly Altered Into Biden Votes
Victory Girls: Selfish People Spread COVID? Yes, The Politicians Do
Volokh Conspiracy: “Diversity” Nonsense Cost Tens Of Thousands Of Lives
Weasel Zippers: Antifa Vandalizes Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco Home, also, You Couldn’t Go To Times Square For NYE, So Mayor & Mrs. Di Blasio Had It All To Themselves
The Federalist: Trump Admin Shuts Down FDA Attempt To Bill Distillers For Making Hand Sanitizer, also, The Worst Corporate Media Performances Of 2020
Mark Steyn: Happy New Year! also, Ave Atque Vale 2020

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In The Mailbox: 12.31.20

Posted on | December 31, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.31.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

The New Year’s Eve safety brief is being provided today by Overlord Manatee.

357 Magnum: Does Government Need To Regulate Everything?
Twitchy: Barbara Boxer Explains How Her Objecting To Election Certification in 2004 Is Not At All Like Josh Hawley’s Objection Now
Louder With Crowder: Marco Rubio Backs The Truck Over Dr. Fauci For Lying To The American People
Vox Popoli: AZ Attorney General Briefs Lawsuit, also, DOJ Reverses Course On Election Fraud
Stoic Obseervations: 2020 – A Stoic Retrospective

American Conservative: Lies, Damned Lies, & Insane Statistics
American Greatness: Racial Revenge Porn Comes For Your Kids, also, Is Trump Really A Spent Political Force?
American Power: Andrew Sullivan Detects Anti-Gay Bigotry
American Thinker: Hey, GOP – This Is Your Do Or Die Moment, also, Without Our Constitution, We’re Under Occupation
Animal Magnetism: Holiday Totty IV
Babalu Blog: Being An Independent Journalist In Cuba Without Dying In The Process
BattleSwarm: Red China Perfidy Update For December 31
Cafe Hayek: And A Presumption Of Government Failure Also
CDR Salamander: CNO Goes Salamander? also, Annus Horribilis’ Top 5
Da Tech Guy: Four Reminders For Republican Congressmen Before The January 6 Vote, also, At The Close Of 2020, Our Constitutional Republic Hangs In The Balance
Don Surber: Media Lies About Russia While Covering For Red China, also, Roger Ebert Reviews 2020
First Street Journal: C’mon Philly, You Can Do It! also, Will The KY General Assembly Stand Up For Our Rights?
The Geller Report: Senate Investigation Finds Obama Administration Knowingly Funded Al-Qaeda Group, also, Harris County – Multiple Ballots, Same Handwriting
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, That Was The Year That Was – Fits 10, 11, & 12
Hollywood In Toto: Why We Didn’t Need A New Cut Of Godfather Part III, also, Why Are Reporters Covering For Hilaria Baldwin’s Epic Con?
JustOneMinute: From Smoot-Hawley To Josh Hawley
The Lid: “National Teacher Of The Year” Awardee Calls For Violence Against Mitch McConnell
Legal Insurrection: Red China Covers Up Research On Coronavirus Origins, also, CDC Reports A Record Low For Positive Flu Tests
Michelle Malkin: 2020 – The Year “Expert” Credibility Died
Nebraska Energy Observer: New Year’s Eve, Finally
Power Line: “You Only Fang Twice”, also, New Years News You Can Use – In Pics!
Shark Tank: Charlie Crist To Challenge DeSantis In 2022?
Shot In The Dark: We’ve Got To Destroy Regular Everyday Life To Save Regular Everyday Life
This Ain’t Hell: First They Came For The Guns, Then They Came For The Fake Guns, also, Chicoms Putting A Bounty On Americans In Afghanistan?
Victory Girls: FDA Charges Craft Distilleries $14,000 For Making Desperately Needed Hand Sanitizer
Volokh Conspiracy: Federal Court Punts Repairman’s Libel Suit Against Twitter
Weasel Zippers: 140 House Republicans Ready To Vote Against Counting Electoral Votes, also, San Francisco Tax Revenue Down 43% Since Lockdowns
The Federalist: Donald Trump Has Been The Most Illuminating President In Decades, also, Democrats Whine That Hawley’s Objections Are “Coup Attempt” After Objecting To Nearly Every GOP Certification This Century
Mark Steyn: The Spanish Imitation, also, Farewell 2020

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Transgender Terrorism: Seattle Antifa Weirdo Charged in Firebombing

Posted on | December 31, 2020 | Comments Off on Transgender Terrorism: Seattle Antifa Weirdo Charged in Firebombing

Crazy People Are Dangerous:

A third militant Antifa has been arrested and charged with arson over a firebombing attack on a Seattle police station.
Jeremy Michael Haines, 34, of Bremerton, Wash., was arrested by Seattle police earlier this month and charged with attempted first-degree arson.
Haines, who is transsexual and is also known by the name “Naomi Cassandra Krell,” has been arrested multiple times this year at violent Antifa protests. But the latest serious felony charge makes her the third suspect arrested over a firebombing attack on an occupied Seattle police station in September.
Haines is accused by the State of Washington of being part of a mob who carried out an organized attempt to burn down the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct on Sept. 1. Ex-realtor Danielle Elizabeth McMillian and Jacob Bennet Greenburg, the two other identified suspects, were arrested and charged in October.
On the night of the attack, around 100 Antifa dressed in black bloc and riot gear gathered at Cal Anderson Park, the location of the previous “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” (CHAZ). They then marched to the adjacent police station where they proceeded to carry out a coordinated firebombing using Molotov cocktails.
According to the criminal complaint, Haines was armed with a baseball bat and used a large umbrella to shield McMillan while she lit the wick of a Molotov cocktail, which was thrown toward the police station but failed to ignite. Antifa use umbrellas to shield themselves and their comrades from CCTV cameras and journalists while in the act of preparing or carrying out criminal activities.
The complaint says that Haines next shielded Greenburg from view, who successfully threw an incendiary device at the East Precinct that ignited into flames.

Who says it’s crazy to believe in “lizard people”?

Compared to what Antifa believes in, that’s relatively sane.


In The Mailbox: 12.30.20 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | December 31, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.30.20 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: One Of The Earliest Recorded Hacks Of Government
EBL: The Art Of The Steal and Dawn Wells, RIP
Twitchy: Jake Tapper Just Wants To Go To Mars And Get Away From Earth & Its People, also,  Republicans Pounce!
Louder With Crowder: Mob Of NYC Teens Violently Attack SUV With Old Woman Inside
Vox Popoli: More Votes Than Voters, also, Gamergating Arizona
Stoic Observations: Spacey Music

American Conservative: New Year’s Resolution For Men – Read Virgil
American Greatness: DOJ Researcher Releases Study Showing Massive Election Fraud In Georgia & Pennsylvania
American Power: Is Substack The Media Future We Want?
American Thinker: A Call To Arms For All Patriots To Come To The Aid Of Their Country
Animal Magnetism: Holiday Totty III
Babalu Blog: The Stupidity Of “Latinx”
BattleSwarm: Thomas Sowell On White Liberals, also, Austin Mayor Orders No NYE for Bar Owners, Governor Abbott Says “In A Pig’s Eye You Do!”
Cafe Hayek: More On Lockdowns & The Presumption Of Liberty
CDR Salamander: Japan’s Slow Entry Into The Arms Market Begins At Sea
Da Tech Guy: Cowardice, Trump Unrestrained, & A Bad Move Under The Fedora, also, NYT Admits It Published “Fake News”
Don Surber: Why Trump Is The Most Admired Man In America, also, Why They Attack Lincoln
First Street Journal: Government “Remote Education” Orders Driving People To Private Schools
The Geller Report: Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) Says He’ll Object To Certification Process, also, McConnell & Pelosi Rumored To Cut Deal Blocking Members From Objecting To Biden
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, That Was The Year That Was – Fits 7, 8, & 9
Hollywood In Toto: The Best Movies Of 2020, also, Cyber Big Brother – Conservatives Silenced While Trump-Deranged Stars Given A Pass
JustOneMinute: The Nashville Bomber Was A Known Wolf?
The Lid: Thousands Of Sex Offenders Now Eligible For Early Parole Thanks To CA Supremes
Legal Insurrection: Gov. Cuomo Prioritizes Addicts Over Elderly For COVID Vaccine, also, Stacey Abrams’ Sister The Federal Judge Blocks Voter Purge In Two Georgia Counties
Nebraska Energy Observer: Thy Will Be Done
Power Line: You’re Talking To A Desperate Man, also, Inside The COVID Pork Bill
Shark Tank: Rep Ted Deutch Wrong About DeSantis’ Mass Vaccination Plan
Shot In The Dark: This Is A Test, also, Essential
STUMP: The Fifth Day Of Christmas 2020 – FIVE GOLDEN RINGS!
This Ain’t Hell: Atlanta City Council Members Seek Funding For Private Police Force, also, Marine Corps Starts Fielding 30,000 Suppressors To Combat Units
Victory Girls: COVID Red Flag Laws Coming To A State Near You
Volokh Conspiracy: Judge Robert Pratt Shoots Off His Mouth About Trump’s Pardons
Weasel Zippers: Bill Gates Says COVID Vaccine Might Not Work Now, also, NJ Had More Votes Than Eligible Voters
The Federalist: Teachers Unions Must Never Be Allowed To Ban Kids From An Education Again, also, After Walmart’s Twitter Account Attacks Sen. Hawley, #BoycottWalmart Begins Trending On Twitter
Mark Steyn: Quadrupling Down, also, Countdown To Georgia

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Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | December 30, 2020 | 1 Comment

Wow, talk about dropping the ball:

More than a year before Anthony Warner detonated a Christmas Day bomb in downtown Nashville, officers visited his home after his girlfriend told police he was building bombs in a recreational vehicle at his residence, according to documents. But they did not make contact with him, or see inside his RV.
Those revelations, contained in a newly disclosed 2019 incident report, put Nashville’s police chief on the defensive Wednesday as he said his officers did nothing wrong and that they had handled the situation properly. He added that other than a 1970s marijuana-related arrest, Warner was “squeaky clean.”
“I believe the officers did everything they could legally. Maybe they could have followed up more, hindsight is 20/20,” Metro Nashville Police Chief John Drake said at a news conference.
Officers were called to Pamela Perry’s Nashville home on Aug. 21, 2019, following a report from her attorney that she was making suicidal threats while sitting on her front porch with firearms, the police department said in a statement.
According to the incident report, when officers arrived, police said she had two unloaded pistols beside her on the porch. She told them the guns belonged to “Tony Warner” and she did not want them in the house any longer. Perry, then 62, was taken for a psychological evaluation after speaking to mental health professionals.
“During that visit, before leaving for the evaluation, Perry told police that her boyfriend was making bombs in an RV,” the report stated.
The report says police went to Warner’s home, about 1 and 1/2 miles (2.4 kilometers) away, but he didn’t answer the door when they knocked repeatedly. They saw the RV but it was in a fenced-off backyard and officers couldn’t see inside the vehicle. They also spotted several security cameras and wires attached to an alarm sign on a front door.
“They saw no evidence of a crime and had no authority to enter his home or fenced property,” the police statement said, adding supervisors and detectives were then notified.
“If we could have had more to go off of, it would have been good,” Drake said.
Law enforcement officials did not publicly release the report, which was obtained only after news outlets submitted public records requests. Later, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation announced that Warner’s only arrest was for a 1978 marijuana-related charge.
David Rausch, the TBI’s director, had told reporters earlier this week that Warner was not on their radar. Rausch was flanked by federal and state officials — including Drake — who did not object or amend the statement.
Drake later told reporters Wednesday he didn’t learn of the report until late Sunday evening, but said he believed his officers that they could not smell any explosives and that there was no probable cause for a search warrant.

You can almost — almost — see how this happened. Officers were called to a report that a woman was threatening suicide; she was taken for psychiatric evaluation. So all the police had to go on, in terms of suspicions about a bomb, was what a crazy woman told them. Imagine going to a judge to get a search warrant based on that.

Meanwhile, there’s the “lizard people” angle:

Investigators are exploring several conspiracy theories as potential motives behind the Christmas Day bombing outside an AT&T building in Nashville, Tennessee, including evidence that the bomber believed in lizard people and a so-called reptilian conspiracy, two senior law enforcement officials said Wednesday.
Investigators are expected to conclude their crime scene work this week, but it could take several more weeks until they determine the motive of the bomber, Anthony Quinn Warner, who died in the blast.
Since Saturday, authorities have been examining Warner’s digital devices — which an official said includes a significant trove of pictures, videos and writings — looking for any clues to what drove the man to set off a powerful bomb inside his recreational vehicle, which took down communications networks and injured several people in downtown Nashville.
Specifically, investigators are looking into the suspect’s previous trips to an undisclosed location in Tennessee where he would camp out in his recreational vehicle and, according to the suspect’s statements to others, hunt possible aliens, the officials said.
In addition, investigators are aware of statements the suspect made about an internet conspiracy that powerful politicians and Hollywood figures are actually lizards or other reptiles who have extraterrestrial origins and are taking over society, the officials said.

In terms of protecting Americans from terrorist threats, how do you deal with kooks who believe we’re being invaded by “lizard people”? Like, dealing with al-Qaeda or ISIS is certainly a national security challenge, but what are officials supposed to do when every random kook might go off on a deadly rampage? We are at the mercy of deranged nutjobs:

In the wake of an explosion that rocked Nashville last week, Americans are more concerned about domestic terrorism than foreign threats, and many believe the danger has increased during President Trump’s term in office.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 63% of Likely U.S. Voters say domestic terrorism is the greater threat to the United States, compared to 24% who say foreign terrorism is the greater threat.

To repeat what I have said so many times: Crazy People Are Dangerous.



In The Mailbox: 12.30.20 (Morning Edition)

Posted on | December 30, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.30.20 (Morning Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

I have admit, this is my reaction to 99% of the news these days.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1217
357 Magnum: A Quick Search For Wrong-Address Search Warrants
EBL: Project 86 – From December
Twitchy: Blue-Checked Lefty Trial Lawyer Crowned “King Shithead” For Monstrous Attack On Rep. Luke Letlow’s Death Drom COVID
Louder With Crowder: Alyssa Milano Compares Masks To AR-15s, And It’s All Kinds Of Stupid
Vox Popoli: The Greatest Showman, also, Stay Healthy – Take Vitamin D

American Conservative: The American System Is One Big Grift
American Greatness: PA GOP Says Election Numbers Don’t Add Up, Certification Of Presidential Results In Error
American Power: Is There Any Solution? also, Dead (Once-Treasured) Diners
American Thinker: Is Nothing Happening, Or Is Trump Channeling Sun Tzu?
Animal Magnetism: Holiday Totty II
Babalu Blog: Castro Regime Sentences Afro-Cuban Activist To Six Years In Prison
BattleSwarm: Dave Barry’s Year-End Review For 2020, also, San Diego Schools Declare War On Learning
Cafe Hayek: Lockdowns & The Presumption of Liberty
CDR Salamander: Having Trouble Seeing The Blog?
Da Tech Guy: When A Bomb Is About To Explode In Your Neighborhood, Do You Call The ACLU, Antifa, Or Black Lives Matter? also, Report From Louisiana – Wuhan Diary
Don Surber: Murdoch Stabs Trump In The Back, also, Biden – Godfather In Chief
First Street Journal: O, Their Precious Little Feelings Are Hurt Again! also, Congratulations, Philadelphia!
The Geller Report: Stacey Abrams’ Sister The Judge Blocks Georgia From Removing 4000 Voters From Election Rolls, also, Even Homer Gets Canceled By Leftist Mob
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, That Was The Year That Was – Fits 4, 5, & 6
Hollywood In Toto: Never Woke Enough – Critics Savage Soul, Wonder Woman 1984, also, Why Star Wars Made A Massive Mistake Hiring Patty Jenkins
JustOneMinute: What Was That All About?
The Lid: Camper Tells Of Abuse At Camp Run By Senate Hopeful Raphael Warnock, also, Iranians Protest Government’s Refusal To Buy COVID Vaccine
Legal Insurrection: MA School Allegedly Bans Homer’s Odyssey, also, WHO Warns Of “Super Gonorrhea”, More Pandemics
Nebraska Energy Observer: Innocents
Power Line: What Trump Gained By Delaying Coronavirus Relief, also, Get Ready For The “Climate Emergency”?
Shark Tank: Marco Rubio Slams Dr. Fauci For Lying About Masks, Herd Immunity
Shot In The Dark: Profiles In Courage, also, You Ain’t A Human Being
The Political Hat: Blogroll Cleanup 2020
This Ain’t Hell: Why Have Men Throughout History In All Cultures Fought To The End? also, Another Tuskegee Airman Passes
Victory Girls: U.S. Appeals Court Hands Cuomo Second Defeat On Religious Gatherings
Volokh Conspiracy: Latest Decision In Palin v. NY Times
Weasel Zippers: Disabled Vet Choked Out & Arrested By Police For Not Wearing Mask, also, Meme – Dancing Nurses Are Like Dancing At Funerals
The Federalist: What Big Tech Didn’t Want You To See On The Federalist In 2020, also, A National Popular Vote Won’t Fix The Electoral College, But Smaller Government Will
Mark Steyn: Such A Cold Finger, also, Lost In A Lost Year

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Wealthy Celebrities Flock to Georgia to Help Elect Two Left-Wing Democrats

Posted on | December 30, 2020 | 1 Comment

If you believe the polls, it’s neck-and-neck in the two Senate runoff elections next week in Georgia. Republican Sen. David Perdue appears to be holding his own against Joel Osoff while we are told that Raphael Warnock (D-Racist) is edging ahead of Kelly Loeffler. Of course, the polls are garbage and nobody trusts them, and Democrats are probably going to steal the thing with truckloads of phony mail-in ballots anyway.

Meanwhile, Hollywood is going all-in to turn Georgia blue:

Georgia is ground zero in the battle for the balance of power in Washington, DC, as control of the U.S. Senate now hinges on the outcome of the two Senate runoff races in the Peach State. With the Senate majority leadership within his reach, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) recently declared, “Now we take Georgia, and then we change America.”
More than 50 Hollywood celebrities have tried to make that a reality for Schumer, mobilizing to raise money and pump up enthusiasm for Democrat challengers Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock. Using their star power to attract donor dollars, they have put their Hollywood imprint on the Georgia races in the hopes of flipping the Senate on January 5.
The vast majority of these celebrities have never lived in Georgia and have no personal connection to the state — except for the TV or movie roles that require them to occasionally film there. As Breitbart News recently reported, Ossoff raised nearly six times more in California than he did in Georgia. . . .

Call me crazy, but I’m not sure Amy Schumer’s endorsement is going to move the needle much with swing voters in Georgia.


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