The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘An Extensive Criminal History’: Suspect Arrested in Ambush of LA Deputies

Posted on | September 30, 2020 | 3 Comments


Who hates cops? Criminals hate cops:

A man has been charged in connection with the ambush shooting of two Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies earlier this month in Compton.
Sheriff Alex Villanueva and L.A. County District Attorney Jackie Lacey announced the arrest of Deonte Lee Murray at a news conference Wednesday morning at LASD headquarters in downtown L.A.
The 36-year-old Murray has been charged with two counts each of premediated attempted murder of a peace officer and possession of a firearm by a felon. His photo is not being released to protect the ongoing investigation. He is being arraigned Wednesday.
Murray was arrested on Sept. 15, three days after the deputies were shot, but in connection with an unrelated carjacking and shooting which had occurred in Compton on Sept. 1, Lacey said. Forensic evidence later linked him to the shooting of the two deputies.
A ghost gun used in the shooting of the deputies was recovered by investigators, sheriff’s Capt. Kent Wegener told reporters.
Furthermore, Murray fled the scene of the deputies’ shooting in a black Mercedes Benz sedan, the same vehicle which Murray had carjacked on Sept. 1, Wegener revealed.
On the evening of Sept. 12, the two sheriff’s deputies who were shot in an unprovoked ambush while sitting in their patrol car in Compton.
The deputies were in their patrol vehicle parked outside the Metro Compton Blue Line station at Willowbrook Avenue and Elm Street when a lone suspect approached the front passenger side of the car and opened fire, wounding them both. . . .
In the Sept. 1 carjacking, which occurred on Bradfield Avenue in Compton, Murray shot a man in the leg with a high powered rifle and stole his Mercedes, Wegener disclosed. . . .
Murray was arrested Sept. 15 following a 10-hour standoff. At around 11:30 a.m. on Sept. 15, detectives located Murray, but he fled in a 2006 Toyota Solara. During the pursuit, he threw a pistol from the car.
He then ditched the car in the 3100 block of Carlin Avenue in Lynwood and ran. Law enforcement officers swarmed the area. Several hours later, just before 10 p.m., Murray was found hiding in some bushes and was apprehended, Wagener said.
Meanwhile, the stolen Mercedes Benz was also found nearby.
Wegener said that ballistic and forensic evidence from the scene of the deputy ambush linked it to the ghost gun which Murray had thrown from the car during the chase.
“It was determined through ballistic comparison, that the pistol recovered was the pistol used to shoot the deputies, additionally that pistol was conclusively linked through forensic testing to suspect Deonte Murray,” Wagener said Wednesday. . . .
Along with the charges in the ambush, Murray has also been charged with one count of attempted murder in connection with the Sept. 1 carjacking, along with second-degree robbery and assault with a semiautomatic firearm. He also faces allegations of association with a criminal street gang, discharging a rifle inflicting great bodily injury and personal use of a rifle.
Murray has an extensive criminal history that includes convictions for sales of narcotics, firearm possession by a felon, burglary and terrorist threats.

See? People don’t usually begin their criminal careers with murder. No, they start small — a robbery here, a burglary there — and cycle in and out of the criminal justice system for a few years until, one day, they commit a heinous atrocity. Then everybody looks at their arrest records and says, “Why wasn’t this monster already behind bars?”

Well, let’s hope Deonte Lee Murray never gets another chance.


Good-Bye, Zimbabwe, U.S.A.: Ben Shapiro Explains Why He’s Leaving California

Posted on | September 30, 2020 | 2 Comments

More than a decade ago, I began comparing California to the kleptocratic regime of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe:

The thievish, parasitical mentality of liberals, who view taxpayers only a source of plunder, eventually runs head-on into economic reality. Capital is portable, and predatory governments will eventually cause disinvestment, as investors seek opportunities elsewhere. As investment flees, private-sector employment stagnates and declines, and smart young people leave to find someplace where they have a chance to get ahead.

Once this trend reaches a tipping point — and Jerry Brown’s return to the governorship in 2011 seems to have been the straw that broke the camel’s back in California — the collapse accelerates. The decision of native Californian Ben Shapiro to leave for Tennessee, taking with him 75 employees of his Daily Wire website, is explained:

California is not on a trajectory toward recovery; it is on a trajectory toward oblivion. Taxpayers are moving out — now including my family and my company. In 2019, before the pandemic and the widespread rioting and looting, outmigration jumped 38%, rising for the seventh straight year. That number will increase again this year.

Read the whole thing.


Biden and the ‘White Supremacy’ Smear

Posted on | September 30, 2020 | 1 Comment


There is exactly zero evidence that Kyle Rittenhouse is a “white supremacist,” but the absence of evidence did not prevent the Joe Biden campaign from smearing the teenager who defended himself against an Antifa mob during the Kenosha riots.

Kyle Rittenhouse’s lawyer Lin Wood is not happy about this:

After last night’s debate, the Biden camp put together a video that they then tweeted out indicating President Trump and Kyle Rittenhouse are white nationalists. This is not true and now a defamation claim is being prepared against Joe Biden.
In last night’s debate the moderator and Joe Biden’s tag team member, Chris Wallace, pressed President Trump to condemn violence in American cities by white nationalists. The two cities where Wallace said white nationalists were active were Kenosha and Portland. President Trump responded by saying all the destruction over the past few months comes from the radical left. . . .
After the debate, candidate Biden used this exchange in an advertisement, wrongly accusing the President of being a white nationalist and indicating Kyle Rittenhouse was as well . . .
Now it looks like Biden has a lawsuit coming based on his defamation of the young 17 year old in Kenosha who was involved in the death of two men from the Antifa/BLM riots while acting in self defense.

You know who else got smeared last night? The Proud Boys:

The crucial moment in Tuesday night’s debate was near the end when Joe Biden invited President Trump to throw the Proud Boys under the bus, and the president refused to do it. The president was asked by moderator Chris Wallace “to condemn white supremacists and militia groups and to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities as we saw in Kenosha and as we’ve seen in Portland.” Trump replied, “Sure, I’m willing to do that,” but then added that “almost everything I see” in terms of violence “is from the left-wing, not from the right-wing. I’m willing to do anything.… I want to see peace.”
After further back-and-forth, Trump said, “Give me a name,” and Biden said, “Proud Boys.” To this, Trump replied: “Proud Boys, stand back and stand by, but I’ll tell you what, somebody’s gotta do something about Antifa and the Left, because this is not a right-wing problem, this is a left-wing problem.”
Because I personally know both Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes and the group’s current chairman Enrique Tarrio, I was pleased by that response. . . .

Read the rest of my latest column at The American Spectator.


In The Mailbox: 09.29.20

Posted on | September 30, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: What’s The Opposite Of Diversity?
EBL: Biden/Trump Presidential Debate 2020
Twitchy: Joe Biden Was For The Green New Deal Before He Was  – Very Quickly – Against It At The Debate
Louder With Crowder: Ilhan Omar’s Ballot Harvester Caught In The Act Paying For Someone’s Ballot
Vox Popoli: How’s That Postchristianity Working Out For You? also, A Little TOO Close To The Truth
Stoic Observations: The Rabbit

American Conservative: The Navy’s Plan For 530 Ships Is All Washed Up
American Greatness: Biden Campaign Won’t Allow Pre-Debate Ear Inspections, Calls Trump’s Request “Absurd”
American Power: Corey Lewandoski & David BossieTrump – America First
American Thinker: Joe Biden Is Unfit For Office
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Pinker Affair News
Babalu Blog: Woman Dies After Another Building Collapses In Old Havana
BattleSwarm: Trump Nominates Amy Coney Barrett To SCOTUS, Democrats Immediately Begin Meltdown, also, This Week In Democrat Voting Fraud
Cafe Hayek: Ridiculous Widespread Beliefs
CDR Salamander: The Most Important BILAT Exercise You’ve Never Heard Of
Da Tech Guy: The Grain Of Salt For Military Opinions, also, Democrats’ Barrett Dilemma – Approaching But Not Crossing The Loony Line
Don Surber: Colonizing Trump Country, also, Why The Media Will Get The Debate Wrong
First Street Journal: Karens Cry About College Students Acting Like College Students, also, Karens Crying Again
Fred On Everything: Big Orly’s Diary – Bulk-Lot Wisdom From Up The Holler
The Geller Report: New Declassified Docs Show Russiagate Was Hillary’s Plan – And The White House Knew, also, Biden Refuses To Say If He’d Pack The Supreme Court
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Not-So-Great Pretenders
Hollywood In Toto: Borat Sequel Gets Political, Targets “Mikhail Pence”, also, Analyst Slices Netflix Subscriber Prediction In Half Due To Cuties Outrage
JustOneMinute: Red Meat For The Debate Buffet
The Lid: Sen. Diane Feinstein Caught Maskless At Private Dulles Terminal
Legal Insurrection: Aussie Law Profs Give Trump His Third Peace Prize Nomination, also, “Anti-Racist” Ibrahim Kendi Tries To Discuss Racism Of Cross-Cultural Adoption, Fails Miserably
Michelle Malkin: Who’s Funding Shady Ballot Harvesting Schemes? What Is The “Center For Tech & Civic Life”?
The PanAm Post: Bolivia President Rebukes Argentina For Supporting Evo Morales, also, In Latin America, Corona-chan Threatens Promise Of Digital Economy
Power Line: Today In Russia Hoax News, also, Local Press Runs Interference On Vote Fraud
Shark Tank: Spalding Slams Wasserman-Schultz With “Corrupt Debbie” Campaign
Shot In The Dark: Subservient
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday – Trump’s (Supposed) Tax Returns
The Political Hat: Pimp Hand Of Social Justice
This Ain’t Hell: Politicians Are Now Involved In Marine Base Closure Discussions, also, Navy SEALS Making Effort To Be Gender-Neutral
Victory Girls: Debate Night 2020 – Slugfest On Stage
Volokh Conspiracy: Pitfalls Of Statutory Term Limits For Supreme Court Justices
Weasel Zippers: Turns Out Biden Debate Moves Worse Than Initially Reported, also, Disney Parks To Lay Off 28,000 – Blames California For Not Reopening Disneyland
The Federalist: Russia Believed Hillary Was Planning Anti-Trump Collusion Campaign In 2016 – And U.S. Officials Knew It, also, Media Gunning For Dr. Scott Atlas Because He Keeps Exposing Coronavirus Lies
Mark Steyn: “The Yellow Rose Of Texas”, also, Debate Night Live

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Biden: Incompetent AND Incontinent?

Posted on | September 29, 2020 | 1 Comment


Guess which candidate needs an extra potty break?

On Tuesday morning the Trump campaign requested a new rule for the first presidential debate: that a third party inspect both candidates for electronic devices or transmitters. President Trump had already consented to such an inspection, and the Biden campaign had reportedly agreed to this days ago, but Ebony Bowden of the New York Post reported moments ago that they are now declining.
The Trump campaign has since confirmed this flip-flop.
“Joe Biden’s handlers several days ago agreed to a pre-debate inspection for electronic earpieces but today abruptly reversed themselves and declined,” Tim Murtaugh, communications director for the Trump campaign, said in a statement. “Biden’s handlers have asked for multiple breaks during the debate, which President Trump doesn’t need, so we have rejected that request. On top of the refusal to take a drug test, it seems pretty obvious that the Biden team is looking for any safety net they can find in the hours leading up to the debate.”

“Allegedly,” I hasten to add. All this pre-debate drama will cease to matter once the game kicks off in about three hours:

The debate – the first of three between Biden and Trump — kicks off at 9 p.m. ET Tuesday and is being hosted by Case Western Reserve University and the Cleveland Clinic, in Cleveland, Ohio. The showdown’s being moderated by “Fox News Sunday” anchor Chris Wallace.

How will Biden do in the debate? Guess you could say, it Depends.


In The Mailbox: 09.28.20

Posted on | September 28, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Director Blue: MI/PA/WI Voter Fraud Update – Are Democrat House & Senate Candidates Trapped In A No-Win Situation?
357 Magnum: How Environmentalists Killed Forest Management
EBL: Did The New York Times Lie About Donald Trump?
Twitchy: Canadian CEO Tweets “Patriots Pay Taxes”, Gets Schooled In American History
Louder With Crowder: Ballot Harvesting Fraud Scam Tied To Rep. Ilhan Omar
Vox Popoli: Just Because I Am Cruel, also, The Psychopaths Of Silicon Valley
Monster Hunter Nation: No, You Idiots, That’s Not How Taxes Work – An Accountant’s Guide To Why You Are A Gullible Moron
Stoic Observations: The Truth About Black Conservatives

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The Ticket Edition
American Conservative: Re-Politicize The Supreme Court
American Greatness: Biden’s TX Political Director Implicated In Massive ballot Harvesting Scheme In Harris County
American Power: Fear & Loathing – The Election’s “Gonna Be Like War”
American Thinker: Seth Rich – The Murder DC Doesn’t Want Solved, also, Media’s WuFlu Lies Lengthen & Deepen
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Nearly Sixty Years After JFK Botched The Bay Of Pigs, Democrats Still Haven’t Figured Out Cuban-Americans
BattleSwarm: Dan Crenshaw & Texas GOP Drop This Year’s Coolest Campaign Ad, also, BidenWatch For September 28
Cafe Hayek: Human Gullibility
CDR Salamander: Pre-Fall Free For All
Da Tech Guy: Illinoisans – Vote NO On The Unfair Tax Amendment, also, Six Amy Coney Barrett Thoughts Under My Fedora
Don Surber: How Democrats Turned Ginsburg Into A Huge Loss, also, Media Exploits Tax Ignorance
First Street Journal: Why I Haven’t Subscribed To The Philadelphia Inquirer
The Geller Report: Trump Lands THIRD Nobel Peace Prize Nomination, also, Anti-Trump Postal Workers In GOP Neighborhoods Throw Mail-In Ballots In Garbage
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Violating Norm
Hollywood In Toto: Showtime’s Comey Rule Brings Gaslighting To A New, Frightening Level, also, Social Dilemma Reveals Why We Can’t Put Down Our Smart Phones
JustOneMinute: Trump’s Taxes
The Lid: Say No To Biden’s Dim Bulb Energy Schemes, also, CNN Pushes “Da Nang Dick” Blumenthal To Admit There’s Nothing Wrong With Barrett Nomination
Legal Insurrection: Trump Repeats Demand That Biden Take A Drug Test Before Debate, also, NYT Debunks Three Media Conspiracy Theories With Article On Trump’s Tax Returns
The PanAm Post: Trump Imposes New Restrictions On Cuba Tourism, also, Guyana & U.S. Agree To Corner Maduro In Drug War
Power Line: Systemic Voter Fraud In Minnesota? also, More On Trump’s Taxes
Shark Tank: House Democrats Thank DeSantis For His “Efforts To Protect Citizens Of Florida”
Shot In The Dark: October Not-Remotely-Surprising
The Political Hat: A Woke Boot Stamping On A Human Face Of Pallor – Forever, also, When Trying To Burn Books Is Anti-Racist
This Ain’t Hell: Pentagon Eyeing A 500-Ship Navy, also, An Unspeakable Act
Victory Girls: Amy Coney Barrett – Unyielding Loyalty To The Constitution
Volokh Conspiracy: Cancelling John Marshall
Weasel Zippers: No, Trump Didn’t Pay Just $750 Tax In 2016 & 2017, also, Seattle-Area Councilwoman Reminds Protesters Online To Use Molotov Cocktails
The Federalist: The Left Hates Judge Barrett Because She Disproves All Their Lies About Women, also, NYT’s Trump Tax Return Bombshell Is A Joke
Mark Steyn: Heiresses, also, Meet The Voter

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LOL: Trashy Ex-Gawker Link-Bait Peddler Libels Black Professor, Gets Sued

Posted on | September 28, 2020 | 3 Comments

Confession: I was tempted to use the phrase “media Jew” in the headline to describe Ashley Feinberg, just for the sake of cheap traffic from anti-Semites, because really, what’s the difference between that and the kind of link-bait “journalism” Feinberg does? She got her start at Gawker and specializes in mining the Internet for “exclusives,” e.g., “Family Values Activist Josh Duggar Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account.”

After years of trafficking in that kind of stuff, Feinberg evidently forgot how to avoid getting sued for libel. Recall that Gawker got shut down by losing a lawsuit to Hulk Hogan, and you might think an ex-Gawker writer would be conscious of such dangers, but alas, no:

A federal judge has refused to dismiss a Mississippi man’s defamation lawsuit against the news website HuffPost over a 2018 story on U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s days at Georgetown Prep school.
Gulfport professor and advocate Derrick Evans’ lawsuit was filed in August 2019 in U.S. District Court in Gulfport against and its former journalist, Ashley Feinberg.
The lawsuit said HuffPost and Feinberg repeatedly defamed Evans and friend Douglas Kennedy to a nationwide audience in September 2018 by falsely asserting they helped arrange the purchase and delivery of cocaine at Georgetown Prep that resulted in the April 1984 death of David Kennedy, Douglas’ brother and the son of the late U.S. attorney general and senator, Robert F. Kennedy.

“Make ’em pay,” says Professor Reynolds, and points out that Huffington Post tried to get the case moved to New York “where the courts are notoriously friendly to media defendants. Instead, it’s going ahead in Mississippi, where the plaintiff lives.” You see, that’s how Gawker went bankrupt — Hogan was able to sue them in Pinellas County, Florida, where the jury was full of patriotic red-blooded Americans who hate the media. So the jurisdictional claim in the Evans v. HuffPo lawsuit is really game, set, match. Oh, did I mention that Derrick Evans is black? Because that’s gonna matter a whole lot in Gulfport, Mississippi.

If you take a little time to research how Feinberg screwed this up, it’s because of the kind of laziness that affects media in an age where doing cut-and-paste from the Internet is considered “reporting.”

A few days after Christine Blasey Ford claimed that she had been assaulted by Kavanaugh at a party, Feinberg wrote an article about how Georgetown Prep was a wild party school in the 1980s. Feinberg quoted an anonymous former student: “Drugs everywhere. Partying everywhere. Drinking — just whatever we wanted to do. It was unbelievable, off the rails. And that’s just how it was.” Whether she actually interviewed anyone, I don’t pretend to know, but it’s widely acknowledged that Georgetown Prep boys were pretty rowdy back in the day.

It is not libelous to describe such a situation in general terms, but Feinberg made the mistake of getting very specific in her article:

In describing the culture of the school in those days, the former student pointed to the April 1984 overdose of 28-year-old David Kennedy, son of Robert F. Kennedy, who’d injected drugs into his groin, apparently to hide the needle marks. (Cocaine, Demerol and Mellaril were found in his system.) The former student spoke of Kennedy’s death as the end of the school’s free-for-all party scene and the catalyst for changes in Georgetown Prep culture.
Two Prep students — David’s brother Doug, and his friend Derrick Evans — had helped David Kennedy score the coke. Doug, class of ’86, had been at the center of Georgetown Prep social life, which the former student characterized as “weekly frat-style parties with the neighboring sister schools and other private schools,” often hosted by Kennedy at his family’s house in McLean, Virginia.
The death certainly registered on campus. The former student remembered the FBI showing up at Georgetown Prep one day and questioning a student.
“Everybody was like, ‘Oh s–t, what happened? How is this going to affect us?’” said the former student. “‘Were we involved? Did this happen with us?’ That kind of thing. It was never a situation where anybody told on anyone.”

On what basis did Feinberg make the flat assertion that Doug Kennedy and Derrick Evans “helped David Kennedy score the coke”? Did her anonymous source tell her that? No, she apparently picked it up from a 1984 New York Times story — except that’s not what the Times reported. My guess is Feinberg was just doing a cut-and-paste job and wrote what she considered a brief synopsis, without noticing the difference between the careful wording of the Times article (which cited a police affidavit as its source) and her unsubstantiated claim about who “helped . . . score the coke.” Nothing in the Times article points to Evans and Doug Kennedy (who were just high-school kids at the time) as doing anything to broker a transaction. Rather, Evans was cited as a witness in the police report of the case against the two men (Peter Marchant, 24, and Linwood Dorr, 31) who were accused of providing cocaine to David Kennedy.

Think about this: A 28-year-old man gets cocaine from two adult men who were employees of the Palm Beach hotel where the Kennedy brothers were staying that weekend while visiting Kennedy clan matriarch Rose Kennedy. Evidently, Doug Kennedy had brought along his prep-school friend Derrick Evans for the trip to Palm Beach. (You can imagine what a treat such a visit would have been for Evans, a poor kid from Mississippi who was attending Georgetown Prep on an academic scholarship.) Does it strike you as logical that David Kennedy would have needed the help of two teenagers to acquire cocaine? Did I mention that Dorr once worked for the Kennedy family? So why would Ashley Feinberg name two teenagers as brokers of this deal?

Here’s what the Times reported in 1984:

Much of the information in the state’s affidavit linking Mr. Kennedy to the two men arrested today appeared to rely on statements obtained from Derrick Evans, a prep school classmate of Douglas Kennedy, a younger brother of David. The brothers were among several family members visiting Mrs. Kennedy for the Easter holidays.
Mr. Evans was staying with Douglas Kennedy at the Brazilian Court in a room separate from that of David Kennedy.
The affidavit said the two men arrested today [i.e., Marchant and Dorr] met David Kennedy at the Brazilian Court on or about April 20 and were asked by him to obtain some cocaine for him.
The affidavit said Derrick Evans was present when the purchase of cocaine was discussed, when the two men [i.e., Marchant and Dorr] “called a person concerning arranging a purchase,” and on April 22 when David Kennedy was reported to have told Mr. Marchant and Mr. Dorr “that the cocaine they had obtained for him was of good quality.”

We may suppose that Feinberg simply misinterpreted the Times article. Instead of realizing that the reference to “two men” making a phone call to set up a cocaine buy referred to Marchant and Dorr, Feinberg may have mistaken this as a reference to Evans and Doug Kennedy.

By the way, incidentally, all of this happened a year after Brett Kavanaugh had graduated from Georgetown Prep. Whether or not Kavanaugh ever partied at the Kennedy home in McLean, Virginia, no one has ever accused Kavanaugh of using cocaine, nor is there any evidence that Kavanaugh was acquainted with Douglas Kennedy or Derrick Evans, who were two years younger than him. So this bit in Feinberg’s story about David Kennedy’s overdose in Palm Beach doesn’t have any direct bearing on Kavanaugh. It was just a gaudy detail thrown into the story and yet it has resulted in her and Huffington Post being sued for defamation. Evans’ lawsuit describes HuffPo’s clumsy effort to contain the damage — which only made it worse:

Upon information and belief, Ms. Feinberg and HuffPost chose not to speak with Derrick Evans, Douglas Kennedy or informed members of law enforcement about the circumstances surrounding David Kennedy’s death before publication of the Original Defamatory Article because they knew that such individuals with knowledge of the actual facts would expose the falsity of their narrative. . . .
On Friday, September 21, 2018, an officer of Fox News, where Douglas Kennedy works as a reporter, contacted HuffPost on Mr. Kennedy’s behalf, informed it in no uncertain terms that its article was false and defamatory, and had obviously been published without any fact-checking whatsoever.
The Fox News officer told HuffPost that the Original Defamatory Article was so deficient it should be removed in its entirety from HuffPost’s website.
Instead of pulling down the offending article, HuffPost doubled down on its defamatory campaign against Mr. Evans by posting a purported “correction” at 6:19 p.m. on September 21, 2018, which declared:

This article previously stated incorrectly that Doug Kennedy was involved in helping his brother to purchase drugs in 1984. Kennedy was only sharing a room with Derrick Evans, who helped David purchase the drugs, according to an affidavit obtained by the New York Times. We regret the error. . . .

Despite having been informed by Mr. Kennedy’s representatives that their original statements about how David Kennedy acquired the cocaine were false, Defendants did not contact Mr. Evans for comment before publishing the falsehood that Derrick Evans “helped David purchase the drugs.” . . .
HuffPost and Ms. Feinberg knew that there was no affidavit “obtained by the New York Times” reflecting that Mr. Evans helped David Kennedy purchase illegal drugs, and that Defendants had no such affidavit in their possession.
Prior to publication of the Defamatory Correction, neither Ms. Feinberg nor her editors at HuffPost ever read or saw the affidavit referenced in the Defamatory Correction.
HuffPost does not have in its possession a copy of the affidavit referenced in the Defamatory Correction.

It seems obvious that, at the time, neither Feinberg nor her editors at HuffPo had any idea who Derrick Evans is, nor did it occur to them that they might have to defend this story in a Mississippi courtroom.

We can expect this case to be settled for a handsome sum, and probably pretty quickly, because there’s no way the defendants want Evans’ lawyers to get discovery — just imagine what sloppiness the private communications between Feinberg and her editors might reveal.


Ilhan Omar Implicated in Election Fraud

Posted on | September 28, 2020 | 3 Comments


Has any “bombshell” story ever been less surprising?

A ballot-harvesting racket in Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Minneapolis district — where paid workers illegally gather absentee ballots from elderly Somali immigrants — appears to have been busted by undercover news organization Project Veritas.
One alleged ballot harvester, Liban Mohamed, the brother of Minneapolis city council member Jamal Osman, is shown in a bombshell Snapchat video rifling through piles of ballots strewn across his dashboard.
“Just today we got 300 for Jamal Osman,” says Mohamed, aka KingLiban1, in the video. “I have 300 ballots in my car right now . . .
“Numbers don’t lie. You can see my car is full. All these here are absentee ballots. . . . Look, all these are for Jamal Osman,” he says, displaying the white envelopes.
“Money is the king in this world . . . and a campaign is driven by money.”
The video, posted on July 1, was obtained by Project Veritas and included in a 17-minute video expose released Sunday night.
Under Minnesota law no individual can be the “designated agent” for more than three absentee voters. . . .
“Our investigation into this ballot harvesting ring demonstrates clearly how these unscrupulous operators exploit the elderly and immigrant communities” said James O’Keefe, founder and CEO of Project Veritas.
The alleged involvement of Ilhan Omar, a controversial member of the Squad, and frequent Trump target, is claimed on camera by two people in Veritas’ investigation, including whistleblower Omar Jamal, a Minneapolis community leader and chair of the city’s Somali Watchdog Group.
He claims Mohamed is “one of” Ilhan Omar’s “many people.”
“It’s an open secret. She will do anything that she can do to get elected and she has hundreds of people on the streets doing that,” he told Veritas in an on-camera interview last Tuesday.
“It’s not only her. It’s all this DFL [Democratic-Farmers-Labor] machine [that’s] in . . . the state of Minnesota . . .
“The regulations, if you ignore that and you let corruption and fraud become a daily business and then tough luck, the country will not exist as they [Americans] know it.” . . .

But don’t worry, we can trust Democrats counting the votes, right?


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