The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 08.26.20

Posted on | August 27, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1090
357 Magnum: The Power Grid Is Failing In California
EBL: Day Two Of The GOP Convention
Twitchy: Lincoln Project Jerk Makes A Funny About Kayleigh McEnany’s Mastectomy & Jesus
Louder With Crowder: Nick Sandmann Delivers Scathing Rebuke To Media & Cancel Culture At RNC
Vox Popoli: Four More Years, also, Who Needs The Police?

Adam Piggott: This Halfway Life
American Conservative: Daniel Cameron, Breakout Star Of The RNC
American Greatness: Jacob Blake’s Mother Expresses Disgust With Kenosha Rioters, also, Seventeen Year Old Charged With Murder After Shooting Rioters In Kenosha
American Thinker: The Original Deep State, also, Parkland Dad Says Biden Jeopardizes Kids’ Lives
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Fidel Castro Claimed He Wasn’t A Communist Too
BattleSwarm: RNC – Video, Recaps, & Recaps Of Recaps
Cafe Hayek: And There’s The Rub
CDR Salamander: Deterring War, Conducting War, Ending War – What Seapower Does
Da Tech Guy: Report From Louisiana – Week One Done, also, Da Truth & Da Times
Don Surber: Melania Was Magnificent, also, The Election Is A Choice Between Capitalism & Communism
The Geller Report: Bloodbath In Kenosha, also, Seattle Rioters Try To Burn Police Alive
Hogewash: Looking At Neptune, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: HBO Max Preps West Wing Reunion For Farcical “Nonpartisan” Voter Drive, also, The Thrilling Animated Classic Hiding In Plain Sight On Disney+
The Lid: Watch The Most Truthful Ad About Democrats You’ll Ever See
Legal Insurrection: Don Lemon – “The Rioting Has Got To Stop, It’s Showing Up In The Polls”, also, Wisconsin Pizzeria Owner After #BLM Smashes His Windows – “Are They Trying To Get Trump Reelected?”
The PanAm Post: Guaido’s Resignation Is The First Step To End Maduro’s Regime
Power Line: DOJ Seeks Information On Coronavirus Orders That May Have Led To Deaths, also, More Riots & Looting In Minneapolis
Shark Tank: Democrats Call Jewish-American Laura Loomer Racist With Neo-Nazi Ties
Shot In The Dark: Just For Future Reference
The Political Hat: The Decline & Fall Of British Humour, also, The Challenge Of Marxism
This Ain’t Hell: New Graphic Novel Celebrates The Only Woman To Win The Medal Of Honor, also, Anti-Gun Projection Again
Victory Girls: HCQ & Lysenkoism 2.0
Volokh Conspiracy: Kamala Harris On The Second Amendment, also, The ACLU Defends The NRA
Weasel Zippers: MN Democrat Woman – RNC Gives Me Hope, also, Bette Midler’s Racist Mockery Of Melania Trump
The Federalist: NBA’s Milwaukee Bucks Boycott Playoff Game Over Jacob Blake Shooting, also, #BLM Doesn’t Just Want You To Raise Your Fist, They Want You To Submit
Mark Steyn: We Don’t Need Conservative Art, We Need Good Art, also, The Great Walkbackening

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Kenosha Riots Turn Deadly

Posted on | August 26, 2020 | 2 Comments


For the third consecutive night, Democratic voters ran wild in Kenosha, Wisconsin, engaging in vandalism, arson and assault. Two people were shot to death and a third seriously wounded in the mayhem, organized by #BlackLivesMatter as part of the Joe Biden presidential campaign.

Two people were killed and another was wounded as shots were fired late Tuesday in Kenosha during the third night of unrest in Wisconsin following the police shooting of black man Jacob Blake.
The shootings were reported at about 11.45pm after police drove away protesters from in front of a courthouse that has been the site of the main clashes between protesters and authorities.
Footage showed gunshots ringing out amid a scuffle in the street while bystanders screamed and fled in terror, with one person shot in the arm and another one hit in the chest.
Panic broke out as another man lay in agony ‘losing a lot of blood’ after he was shot in the head, with onlookers desperately trying to stem the wound and yelling that ‘we’ve got to keep him alive’.
Another man was helped to his feet by cops after bleeding heavily from a wound to his arm as law enforcement vehicles approached.
One of the victims was shot outside an auto garage, where the gunman was apparently caught on video saying ‘I’ve just killed somebody’ before he was pursued down the street carrying his rifle.
As the crowd gave chase, one pursuer took a flying kick at the gunman and another tried to grab his weapon before he started firing to disperse the crowd, hitting another two people. . . .

This is not “peaceful protest.” It has nothing to do with Jacob Blake.

This is the Democratic Party platform. This is Joe Biden’s agenda: Defund the police, destroy private property, turn loose violent mobs of criminal anarchists and racial gangs to terrorize citizens — it’s a live demonstration of the “progressive” ideology in action, and if you want this destructive chaos as the future of America, vote for Joe Biden.

UPDATE: Jack Murphy slowed down video of Tuesday night’s shooting incident. A guy with a rifle was being pursued by the mob. He fell down, and was attacked by a man wielding a skaeboard as a weapon (which is standard Antifa tactics). He shot the guy with the skateboard, and then was approached by a guy with a pistol, and shot him.

This is case-closed self-defense. Democrats allow mob violence to rule the streets. Americans have the right to defend themselves.


In The Mailbox: 08.25.20

Posted on | August 26, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.25.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Red Pilled Jew: Welcome To Tomorrowland
EBL: Day One Of The GOP Convention
Twitchy: PBS’ Yamiche Alcindor Triggered By Naturalization Ceremony At White House
Louder With Crowder: #BLM Assaults Kenosha Business Owner After Setting His Store On Fire
Monster Hunter Nation: Destroyer Of Worlds Audiobook Delayed
Vox Popoli: Big Bear Wins A Big One, also, Where Do All These Betrayers Come From?
Gab News: Will Big Tech Ban Trump?

American Conservative: Red China Leaves Russian Meddling In The Dust
American Greatness: Stars Attending VMAs Not Subject To NY Quarantine Mandate, also, Chicago Lawmakers Urge Emergency Declaration, National Guard Callup
American Thinker: The Story Behind Steve Bannon’s Arrest, also, What Will Replace The Police? Ten Historical Examples
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Convention Postmortem News
Babalu Blog: Maximo Alvarez Channels H.L. Mencken At The RNC
BattleSwarm: Is NYC Dead Forever? also, Red China Is Literally Murdering Babies
Cafe Hayek: Again Asking – If They’re So Smart…
CDR Salamander: The Fight For Baghdad
Da Tech Guy: Kneecapping AI To Maintain A Bloated Military Bureaucracy, also, Five One-Liners Under Other Bloggers’ Fedoras
Don Surber: 18 Holes Of Trumpenfreude, also, The Best Thing Trump Has Done
First Street Journal: Do Black Lives Really Matter?
The Geller Report: Unemployment Higher In Democrat-Controlled States, also, CNN Cuts Away From President’s RNC Speech – “Wrong, Misleading, & Outright Lies”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, The Important Question For The 2020 Elections
Hollywood In Toto: Showtime’s Comey Rule Teases Fake News Theatrics, also, Yes, God, Yes Could Make Stranger Things Actress A Star
The Lid: White Supremacist Richard Spencer Endorses Biden, also, Kenosha Burns, Talcum X Incites More Violence On Twitter, And Jack Does Nothing
Legal Insurrection: DC #BLM Mob Harasses White Diners, also, “There Is Nowhere Else To Go”
Michelle Malkin: #BLM’s Perpetual Fake Outrage Cycle
The PanAm Post: Former Colombian President Uribe Illegally Wiretapped
Power Line: #BLM Thugs Attack Journalist, also, Loose Ends
Shark Tank: Mooney Needs Miami-Dade To Carry Florida’s 120th District, But Can He Carry It?
Shot In The Dark: The Miracle Of The Vistula
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday – The Money Goes Away
The Political Hat: U.S. To Global Internationalists – Go Pound Sand (Or Worse)
This Ain’t Hell: Family Seeks Damages After Vet’s Suicide In VA Mental Health Unit, also, Should AG Barr Invoke The RICO Act?
Victory Girls: “Uncle Tom” Trends After Black Voices Are Heard At The DNC
Volokh Conspiracy: Justifying A Moral Duty To Vote Is A Lot Harder Than You Think
Weasel Zippers: Armed Militia Save Another Kenosha Business From Rioters, also, CSPAN Livestream – RNC Drawing 6x The Viewers As DNC
The Federalist: I Was Wrong About Trump – He Didn’t Destroy The GOP, He Saved It, also, Biden & Harris Own The Destruction In Kenosha
Mark Steyn: After The Ball, also, Parking Tickets As Policy

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Why Fast Food Isn’t Fast Anymore (and Other Serious Social Problems)

Posted on | August 25, 2020 | 6 Comments


She was an old lady — well along into her 70s, I’m sure — and I didn’t want to be mad at her, but she was causing a problem. Worse than that, however, is that she evidently did not realize how much of a problem she was causing, not only for me, but for the employees at McDonald’s and everyone in line behind me at the drive-thru.

My order was simple: Two McDoubles, small fries, large sweet tea.

Because I used to work in fast food, I understand how important it is for customers to keep it simple, to cooperate with the system, in order to maximize the speed of the service. By the time you reach the drive-thru speaker — or you arrive at the front counter, should you be ordering from inside the restaurant — you should have in mind exactly what you want to order. You’re not there to have a conversation. Don’t make special requests. Don’t mumble or ask questions about the menu — it’s right there in front of you, and if you can’t read the menu, perhaps you should consider going back to fifth grade. Speak slowly and clearly when placing your order. By the way, did I mention, no special requests?

Because I can’t possibly emphasize that enough. As a former fast-food worker, there is nothing that enrages me quite so much as seeing someone trying to get something from a fast-food restaurant that is not listed on the menu. Lady, this is not a-la-carte dining, it’s McDonald’s. Just order a Number 3 combo and get out of my way.

Keep it simple, that’s the secret of fast food, see? They have a limited number of items on the menu. If you don’t like what’s on the menu — served exactly the way they serve it — go somewhere else. Don’t ask McDonald’s to make you a Filet-o-Fish sandwich without tartar sauce or a cheeseburger with no onions. Just order what they’ve got, or just stay home for all I care, but stop slowing down the service with your idiot requests, because the rest of us in line behind you are hungry.

The reason I’m in the drive-thru at McDonald’s is because I want the standardized product that McDonald’s serves, and I want it fast. Therefore, I cooperate with the system. I follow the rules, rather than demanding special treatment by trying to turn a customer-service interaction into a Socratic dialogue about whether the items on the menu can be made differently, to suit my personal tastes and preferences.

Something else about the keep it simple approach to fast-food orders — if you make your order unnecessarily complicated, this increase the likelihood of error. So there I was . . .

What did the old lady order? I don’t know, but apparently they got her order wrong, because as I am approaching the first window — the one where you pay for your order — I see the car in front of me shift into reverse, and begin backing up. What the actual hell is this? Before I could say anything, she had backed up until she hit my bumper. Then she got out of her car and started knocking on the drive-thru window.

Leaning out my car window, I said, “Ma’am, what are you doing? You can’t back up in the drive-thru. You just hit my car.”

This didn’t seem to register. Of course, I drive an old junker, and it’s not as if I was going to call the cops, but still . . .

“Well you weren’t going anywhere,” she said.

What? Excuse me? Before I could figure out what she meant by this, the drive-thru window opened, and the lady began to talk to the employee about what was wrong with the order listed on the receipt.


Keep in mind, this was at the first window. She hadn’t even gotten her food yet, but somehow had time to look at the receipt and decide she needed to have an argument about her order with the cashier.

That’s not how this works. That’s not what you do if the get your order wrong in the drive-thru. Doesn’t everybody understand this? There is a procedure — a system — to follow in case of an error. You park your car and go inside, and they’ll straighten it out. The one thing you do not do, in the drive-thru, is to cause a scene that stops the flow.


This is just common sense, but in 2020, common sense is increasingly rare. Everywhere you look, there are people behaving in ways that are not merely inconsiderate of others, but downright dangerous.

For example, when a police officer asks to see your license, this is not an invitation to a discussion about your “rights.” If you are operating a motor vehicle, the law requires that you have a valid license, and while the cop may say “please” when he asks to see your license, it’s not a request, it’s a command. And never mind why he pulled you over, your failure to comply with his request is a violation of law.

Earlier this month, a four-second video clip went viral on social media, showing a black woman being pulled from a car. This clip circulated widely, with some people making false claims about what happened. So the police department released the entire video of the scene:

Aurora police on Sunday released dash cam video of an officer pulling a woman from a vehicle during a traffic stop in an attempt to correct “a false narrative” after a 4-second clip of it was shared on social media.
The video shows an officer pulling over a 20-year-old woman Thursday for allegedly driving a vehicle with plates that were not registered to the vehicle, police said.
The video shows the officer asking the woman several times to step out the vehicle, and then pulling her by her arm and pressing her against the side of the vehicle.
She was charged with misdemeanor count of obstructing a peace officer and citations regarding the license plate registration, police said.
Police explained that they released the video in an effort to explain the officer’s actions.
“In an effort to provide complete transparency to the community and tell the entire story, the Aurora Police Department is releasing the dash camera video of what happened and a lengthy narrative of the incident,” police said in a statement.
Police said that social media posts falsely claimed the woman did not get out of the vehicle because she could not walk and requires the use of braces, a wheelchair, and a walker. Police said the woman walks on her own and never told officers of any pre-existing conditions or injuries.

Watch the whole thing:


This woman was in the wrong the whole time. She knew damned well she was in the wrong, but when the cops busted her — driving an Acura SUV with tags registered to a Saturn sedan — she decided that she was not going to cooperate with the system, which led to her arrest.

Racism had nothing to do with this. Police now have equipment that automatically scans license plates and so the cops knew as soon as they saw this vehicle that the license plate was on the wrong car. Nine times out of 10, that means the car is stolen, which it wasn’t in this case, but the vehicle this woman was driving was not insured, so she apparently decided to switch plates with her mother’s car, thinking that would solve the problem, but instead it created another problem.

This is why we have rules, and laws, and customs. Like basic courtesy. The policeman was actually polite to this criminal, up until she decided to become non-compliant. Police are now trained to be polite this way, because you get better results that way. So he is saying “please,” and calling her “ma’am,” and otherwise treating her with a level of respect that she didn’t really deserve. She had committed a crime, and knew damned well she was guilty, but instead of cooperating with the officer, she decides she needs to be disrespectful, and as a result, finds herself forcibly dragged from the vehicle. Meanwhile . . .

I’m in the drive-thru line at McDonald’s and cannot believe what this old lady in front of me is doing. Cars are lined up behind us, because she’s got some kind of petty grievance over them getting her order wrong. What disturbed me most about this incident — and you can ask my brother how angry it made me — was that this woman seemed so completely oblivious to the fact that she was the problem. She never even acknowledged that she had bumped my car, let alone that she was delaying everybody behind her by her ridiculous behavior.


Why do I even have to explain this? But we live in an age of declining standards, and this old lady in the drive-thru was a symbol of everything that has gone wrong in America for the past half-century.

Everybody wants to blame somebody else for their problems. We have become entirely too tolerant of such attitudes. This lady in the drive-thru was focused on the McDonald’s employee having gotten her order wrong, and therefore as a victim of the employee’s wrongdoing, she was entitled to cause a scene and break the rules, without regard for the inconvenience she thereby caused for everybody in line behind her.

Fast food isn’t fast anymore, and the convenience store isn’t convenient, because there are so many customers like this who don’t understand the most basic rules of behavior. Like, suppose you’re a family of four out on the road, on your way to grandma’s house or whatever. You stop into the convenience store, and the kids want to get Cokes or whatever. Why does your entire family have to be in line at the cash register? Like, whoever is going to make the purchase — mom or dad — can get everyone’s stuff and go to the register. There is no need to have everybody stand in the cash register line and, now that I’m on a rant, why is everybody in your family so fat? It’s always fat people blocking up the aisle at the grocery store, or getting in the express line with more than 15 items in their cart.

The lady causing a scene at McDonald’s? Fat, of course.

Is there a connection here? Some cause-and-effect relationship? I’ll leave that to the sociologists to figure out. My point is that people who cause problems seldom never seem to realize that they are the cause of the problem. They are blind to their own responsibility, instead claiming victimhood while blaming others for the problem.

Believe it or not, there have been times in my own life when I have caused problems for others. And I felt ashamed of myself. When someone else is inconvenienced because of my carelessness, it causes me to experience feelings of remorse. I am a normal human being. I have a conscience, and therefore am capable of feeling shame. But this was not the case with the lady at the McDonald’s drive-thru. She evidently had no shame at all about the inconvenience she was inflicting on everyone else. No, her order was wrong, and therefore she was entitled to break the rules, and it didn’t matter who else had to suffer on her behalf. Meanwhile . . .

A “domestic dispute” erupted Sunday afternoon in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and before the day was over, the city was in flames:

Wisconsin’s governor summoned the National Guard for fear of another round of violent protests Monday after the police shooting of a Black man turned Kenosha into the nation’s latest flashpoint city in a summer of racial unrest.
Democratic Gov. Tony Evers said 125 members of the National Guard would be in Kenosha by night with responsibility for “guarding infrastructure and making sure our firefighters and others involved are protected.” County authorities also announced an 8 p.m. curfew.
The move came after protesters set cars on fire, smashed windows and clashed with officers in riot gear Sunday night over the wounding of 29-year-old Jacob Blake, who was hospitalized in serious condition. In a widely seen cellphone video made by an onlooker, he was shot, apparently in the back, as he leaned into his SUV while his three children sat in the vehicle.

Everybody with an Internet connection has seen that video, but what do we know about the cause of the “domestic dispute”? The situation that led to the police shooting did not begin with cops deciding, “Hey, let’s go down to the black part of town and kill somebody.” No, it began with a 911 call reporting an argument that had escalated to violence.

Who caused that escalation? Gosh, I have no idea:

Cell phone footage shows Jacob Blake entangled in a physical scuffle with police prior to being shot as he ignored officers’ warnings and reached inside his car.
The new video was published by the Daily Mail, which describes Blake “wrestling with at least two Kenosha officers” immediately before the shooting.
Local news in Wisconsin reports that Blake was charged by Kenosha County prosecutors prior to his altercation with the police on accusations of sexual assault, trespassing, and disorderly conduct in connection with domestic abuse.
An arrest warrant had been issued on July 7th, although it is unclear if the encounter with police officers that led to his shooting was linked to that warrant.
Blake had a history of resisting arrest, having previously done so when officers attempted to arrest him following an incident in which he pulled a gun on bar patrons in Racine, a town just north of Kenosha, in 2015.

Look, I’m not the one jumping to conclusions here; the people who burned down Kenosha, on the other hand, immediately decided that “racism” was to blame for this incident — and Joe Biden agrees.

But such an explanation ignores the chain of events before the shooting. If “racism” was the explanation, why didn’t cops shoot everybody on the scene? No, they shot the guy who had a history of criminal violence and why are we supposed to ignore that 2015 incident in Racine when Jacob Blake threatened people with a pistol?

Cooperate with the system. Follow the rules. Know your order before you arrive at the speaker in the McDonald’s drive-thru.

Just FYI, the old lady who caused the scene at the drive-thru was white. And maybe “white privilege” explains why nobody called 911 so that cops could show up and shoot her. Unfortunately.


In The Mailbox: 08.24.20

Posted on | August 25, 2020 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

OVER THE TRANSOM Woke Capitalism
357 Magnum: Chicago’s Continuing Slide Into Chaos
EBL: Kim Jong Un Reportedly Not Feeling So Good
Twitchy: Martha McCallum Hands Former Senator Jeff Flake His Ass Over Biden Endorsement
Louder With Crowder: Teacher Calls Joe Rogan “Biggest Threat” In The Last Decade
Vox Popoli: The Trumpslide Grows, also, Build Your Own Platforms

American Conservative: A Dewey-Beats-Truman Moment In The Offing?
American Greatness: From DNC Irony To Parody, also, Jemele Hill Declares U.S. As Bad As Nazi Germany
American Power: Golden State Killer Sentenced To 26 Life Terms
American Thinker: The Cold, Hard Truth About The Post Office, also, A Pandemic Of Socialism
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Sunday Was National Cuban Sandwich Day, also, Joe Biden Now Quoting Chicom Dictator Mao Tse-Tung
BattleSwarm: Denver’s Turn In The Riot Barrel, also, BidenWatch For August 24
Cafe Hayek: Do American Workers Need Labor Unions?
CDR Salamander: Russian Shipbuilders Making “Suitcases Without Handles” – Sounds Familiar
Da Tech Guy: Mayor Groot Thinks She Deserves Security On Her Block, Chicago Peasants Not So Much, also, Five One-Liners Under Other Bloggers’ Fedoras
Don Surber: Media Pushes Fake Republicans For Biden, also, They Can’t Stop Trump
First Street Journal: Joe Biden Threatens To Close Down The Economy
The Geller Report: Large Crowd Gathers In NYC Calling For DeBlasio To Step Down, also, #BLM Rioters Devastate Kenosha Wisconsin
Hogewash: A Brief Review Of Tonight’s Convention, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Why We Can’t Stop Loving The Beastmaster, also, Did Ellen 2.0 Happen Right Under Netflix’ Nose?
JustOneMinute: Trump Week!
The Lid: Team Biden Privately Grovels To Anti-Semite Linda Sarsour
Legal Insurrection: Howard Fineman Driven Mad By FLOTUS Rose Garden Redesign, also, CT Town To Rename Sewage Plant For John Oliver
The PanAm Post: Colombia President Says Maduro Buying Missiles From Iran
Power Line: The Case For HCQ, also, Plasma Treatment Evokes Political Response
Shark Tank: Wasserman-Schultz Praises #NeverTrumpers For Endorsing Biden
Shot In The Dark: Fictional People On A Fictional Golf Course
STUMP: Public Pensions Quicktake – Pension Underfunding vs. State GDP
The Political Hat: Sandia Struggle Sessions Revisited, also, The Philosophy Of Wokeness
This Ain’t Hell: Hong Kong Shows The World, also, Update On Missing Ft. Hood Sergeant
Victory Girls: Claudia Conway Hates Her Parents, And Twitter Giggles
Volokh Conspiracy: There Is No “Straight News” Any More, also, Is Solidified Pour-On Latex “Clothing”?
Weasel Zippers: Talcum X Calls For Mayhem, also, Postmaster General Debunks Dems’ USPS Conspiracy Theories In 30 Seconds
The Federalist: Planned Parenthood Staff Admit To Doing Illegal Abortions For Better Tissue Harvesting, also, Fact Checkers Admit Trump’s Pledge Claim Is True But Rate It “Mostly False”
Mark Steyn: The Ear, also, Hits From The Headlines

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‘Mostly Peaceful Protests’ After Cops Shoot Black Man in Kenosha, Wisconsin

Posted on | August 24, 2020 | 1 Comment

Let me assume that everybody with an Internet connection has already seen the video clip of police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, firing seven shots while attempting to detain a man identified as Jacob Blake:

Kenosha police shot a man Sunday evening, setting off unrest in the city after a video appeared to show the officer firing several shots at close range into the man’s back.
The shooting [victim] has been identified as Jacob Blake, a Black man, by Wisconsin officials.
Police had been called to a domestic incident in the 2800 block of 40th Street at 5:11 p.m. where the shooting later occurred.
Officers provided immediate aid to the shooting victim, who was taken by Flight for Life to Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee, Kenosha police reported.
The man was in serious condition at Froedtert.
“Tonight, Jacob Blake was shot in the back multiple times, in broad daylight,” Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers said in a statement. “While we do not have all of the details yet, what we know for certain is that he is not the first Black man or person to have been shot or injured or mercilessly killed at the hands of individuals in law enforcement in our state or our country.”
The Kenosha News reported that neighbors said Blake was trying to break up a fight between two women. Bystanders said he was Tased and then shot several times.
A video circulating on social media shows a man in a white shirt and black shorts walking to a gray van, followed by two male police officers with weapons drawn. The video does not show what happened before the man walked away from the officers, nor what was said, if anything.
As the man opens the door to get in, an officer grabs his shirt to hold him still, then appears to shoot him in the back at close range. Seven shots are heard, followed by a car horn, presumably from the man’s head falling forward. A woman who followed behind the police can be seen screaming and jumping up and down.

There is a lot we don’t know yet. Why was Blake trying to evade the officers? Did the cop think Blake was getting a gun from vehicle?

But of course it’s racist to ask questions like that, or just to wait until we find out the full story. Everybody must riot now!


Rule 5 Sunday: Kim Klacik

Posted on | August 24, 2020 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Kimberly Klacik is a nonprofit founder and mom who grabbed national attention with her video depicting how miserable life is for black folks trapped in Baltimore, which has been run by Democrats almost as long as Stacy and I have been alive. She’s got a tough fight ahead of her, running against longtime Democrat kleptocrat Kweisi Mfume, who wants to succeed recently deceased kleptocrat Elijah Cummings as the representative for Maryland’s 7th District. Kick in some cash if you can spare it.

Kim on the steps of what will hopefully be her new workplace in January.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1084, Morning Mistress, and Girls with Guns.

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five The More Things Change Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: Taylor Swift, Tosca, “Blueberries For Breakfast”, Francesca da Rimini, Yevgenii Onegin, Anna Paulina Luna, Un Ballo In Maschera, Kim Klasik, Joyce El-Khoury, Kathleen Battle, Emily Lloyd, and Hansel & Gretel.

A View From The Beach: A Joyous Rule 5 Saturday – Hélène JoyGone Fishin’A Strange Fish Pic FridayLost Colony FoundThursday TanlinesWednesday WetnessTattoo TuesdayForget it Jake, It’s BaltimoreI Have Noticed the Same ThingMasked for MondaySo You Wanna See a Pearl Necklace? and  Anything New with the WuFlu?

Red Pilled Jew: Gratuitous Rule Five Friday – Pretty Faces

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

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FMJRA 2.0: They’re Dying Over There

Posted on | August 23, 2020 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: They’re Dying Over There

— compiled by Wombat-socho

“The Battle for the Survival of the United States of America Is Upon Us”
Dark Brightness

Once More Into the Breach: We Return Again to the Podcast Airwaves

The ‘Post Office Crisis’ Has Become the New ‘Russian Collusion’ for Democrats

FMJRA 2.0: Waiting For The Electrician, Or Someone Like Him
A View From The Beach

Chicago: ‘Find Some Place to Loot’
The Political Hat

Rule 5 Sunday: Marina Watanabe
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

“Magnetic Kundalini” Arrested by Feds in Case of Missing Alabama Mom
Dark Brightness

Video: Man Unconscious, Kicked in Head by Antifa ‘Security’ Thug in Portland
357 Magnum
Dark Brightness
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 08.18.20 (Morning Edition)
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 08.18.20 (Evening Edition)
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

The War Against Judgment
Dark Brightness
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 08.19.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

New Joe Biden Campaign Ad Released
357 Magnum
Dark Brightness

In The Mailbox: 08.20.20
Proof Positive

Crazy People Are Dangerous
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 08.21.20
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach

Top linkers for the week ending August 21:

  1.  EBL (16)
  2.  357 Magnum (7)
  3.  A View From The Beach (6)
  4.  (tied) Dark Brightness & Proof Positive (5)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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