The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Democrats Debut New 2020 Campaign Slogan: ‘Reclaiming My Time!’

Posted on | July 29, 2020 | 2 Comments


Yesterday, while I was working on an American Spectator column, my office TV was tuned to the House Judiciary Committee hearing where Attorney General William Barr was testifying and the performance by the committee’s Democrats of a loathsome kabuki theatre. Every Democrat unloaded a sort of sermon accusing Barr of various malfeasances — treason, conspiracy, murder, etc. — and then, when Barr would begin to answer, his interrogator would interrupt: “Reclaiming my time!”

Barr remained calm during this abusive treatment. At one point, interrupted by California Democrat Lou Correa, Barr responded: “This is a hearing. I thought I was the one who was supposed to be heard?”

The Democrats’ complaints about having limited time to ask their questions was, of course, the fault of the committee chairman, Jerry Nadler, who had made the rule allotting five minutes to each member. This rule seemed to be intended to make sure each Democrat got a chance to stage a “gotcha” moment that might become a viral video clip on social media. Different members focused on different themes. Many wanted to talk about the Roger Stone sentencing recommendation, although the Attorney General’s intervention in that case became moot once President Trump exercised his authority to commute the sentence. Several members wanted to talk about the June 1 decision to clear protesters out of Lafayette Park. That incident happened after Antifa rioters set fire to historic St. John’s Episcopal Church.

Maryland Democrat Jamie Raskin asked Barr: “Are you aware that the director of the church that the Episcopal archbishop of Washington and the bishop of the Episcopal Church nationally along with the Catholic bishop of the Archdiocese of Washington, all denounced this police assault on the civil rights and civil liberties of the people?”

Barr answered: “Did they do that before or after the fire was put out?”

The Democrats on the committee seemed to have coordinated their strategy to use the hearing to attack Barr and “reclaiming my time” to interrupt his answers was probably a tactic planned in advance.


Ohio Republican Jim Jordan twice complained to Chairman Nadler about the Democrats’ abusive treatment of Barr:

“I don’t think we’ve ever had a hearing where the witness wasn’t allowed to respond to points made, questions asked, and attacks — attacks made. Not just in this hearing, not just in this committee, but in every committee I’ve been on,” Jordan said. “Particularly when you think about the fact that we have the attorney general of the United States here.”
He added, “I want the attorney general to be able to have enough time to respond to accusations and questions asked him, and you guys not cut him off.”
New York Rep. Jerry Nadler, the Democrat who is chairman of the committee, told Jordan that what he wanted was “irrelevant.”
A second clash between Nadler and Jordan happened later in the hearing.
“For months, you have tried to get the attorney general to come. He’s here. Why don’t you let him speak? Why don’t you let him answer the questions? Time after time. If you want the attorney general to come, at least let him answer the questions and the accusations made against him,” Jordan said.
Nadler said he would not allow Jordan to continue to speak, citing his “rudeness.”
“Rudeness is on the other side,” Jordan said. “Time after time, you refused to let the attorney general of the United States answer the questions posed to him.”


If you expected the hearing to be conducted in a civil manner — question asked, question answered — you don’t understand what the Democrats were actually doing. This was a campaign event for them, a chance to air their grievances against the Trump administration and depict Barr, a longtime public servant, as a corrupt tool of Orange Man Bad.

Ace of Spades calls it a “Stalinesque show trial,” but to be fair, it didn’t end with Barr being executed in the basement of the Lubyanka. The execution of dissenters won’t begin until after Biden is elected.


In The Mailbox: 07.28.20

Posted on | July 28, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.28.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Red Pilled Jew: The Virus As Simon Phoenix (Part 1 of 2)
357 Magnum: Security Cameras Don’t Make You Safe
EBL: Mike Adams, RIP
Twitchy: Too Good To Check? Protland Rioter Identified From Grandma’s Review Of The Vest She Bought Him
Louder With Crowder: 300 Kids Get Dropped Off At Memphis Mini-Golf & a Riot Ensues
Vox Popoli: RIP Laurie Bluedorn, also, The Myth Of A Free Nation

Adam Piggott: Doctors Be Like, How Many Likes Did My Selfie Get?
American Conservative: “American Stormtroopers” – A Bright Shining Lie
American Greatness: Rep. Jordan Begins Barr Hearing With Brutal Video Highlighting Antifa Violence, Looting, & Rioting
American Power: LA County Removes Homeless From Freeway Underpasses
American Thinker: The Seditious Among Us
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Fusion News
Babalu Blog: Biden VP Candidate Karen Bass Was Organizer For Veneceremos Brigades
Baldilocks: Some Blogging You May Have Missed More Than Once
BattleSwarm: Will Russia’s T-14 Armata Ever See The Battlefield? also, NVidia Surpasses Intel In Market Cap
Cafe Hayek: Compulsion Initiated Against Neighbors Isn’t Neighborly
CDR Salamander: We May Need An Intervention For Our Navy-USMC Team
Da Tech Guy: The Left’s Southern Article Of Faith Collides With The Data, also, Three Strikes And I’m Out
Don Surber: Biden Is In Trouble, also, Buffett Banks On A Trump Win
The Geller Report: Democrats Unanimously Vote Against Resolution Condemning Violence & Rioting, also, Barr Beats Back Bullying Dems
Hogewash: This Is Named For a Distant Cousin, also, They’re Only Kidding
Hollywood In Toto: Basement Biden Also MIA From Late Night
JustOneMinute: Biden’s VP Pick
The Lid: No Legal Knowledge Required To Be Attorney General, Because No Answers Allowed
Legal Insurrection: #BLM Roadblock Tactic Ambushes Drivers, Leading To Violent Confrontations, also, 1619 Project Creator Admits It’s Not A History
The PanAm Post: Murky Money From Iran Puts Pablo Iglesias In The Spanish Judiciary’s Crosshairs, also, Spanish Intellectuals Oppose Cancel Culture
Power Line: Who Is Behind The Anti-Police Campaign? also, Attorney General Barr Speaks
Shark Tank: Republican Congressional Lawn Signs Being Stolen, Damaged
Shot In The Dark: In Much The Same Way OJ Was Searching For The “Real Killers”
The Political Hat: An Example Of Actual Institutional Privilege
This Ain’t Hell: Stolen Valor Cases Rising Amidst Pandemic, also, Now That’s An ND!
Victory Girls: Dem Rep Hakeem Jeffries – Trump Only Cares About Himself
Volokh Conspiracy: E-Mails To Sen. McConnell Found Not Criminally Threatening
Weasel Zippers: Twitter Locks Donald Trump Jr’s Account For Sharing HCQ Video, also, Chicago Residents Say They Want Federal Troops
Mark Steyn: Christmas In July, also, Reindeer Games

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In The Mailbox: 07.27.20

Posted on | July 28, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: Chicago Continues Its Slide Into Chaos
EBL: Guy On a Buffalo & Hassie Harrison
Twitchy: NRCC Brings Knife To A Gunfight With Kurt Schlichter Over Their Annoying AF Text Messages
Louder With Crowder: Joe Rogan Makes It Official – LA Sucks, He’s Moving To Texas
Vox Popoli: Jason Whitlock Won’t Work On The SJW Plantation, also, Trump Will Take Minnesota

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The Grain of Salt Edition
American Conservative: How LGBT Nonprofits & Their Billionaire Patrons Are Reshaping The World
American Greatness: Gunfire, Arson, & Explosives At This Weekend’s Peaceful Protests, also, DHS Agent Desribes Portland Rioters As “Mentally Ill”, “Drug Abusers”, “Catatonic With Hate”
American Thinker: Fauci’s Lies & The Political Cowardice Of Mask Mandates, also, Are Fake News Polls Hiding A Potential Trump Landslide?
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday!
Babalu Blog: Supporters Of Cuba’s Murderous Dictatorship Find Kinship With #BLM, also, Cubana Country Music Artist Angie Rey One Step Closer To Her Dream
BattleSwarm: The Chieftain Talks Autoloaders, also, BidenWatch For July 27
Cafe Hayek: Hoping That Silicon Valley Moguls Stand Their Ground, also, Rising Costs? You Bet!
CDR Salamander: Military Power & Intellectual Property On Midrats, also, Iran’s Performative Art
Da Tech Guy: Why Ships Burn, also, After The Statues Are Gone The Leftists Will Come For The Parks
Don Surber: These Aren’t Protests, They’re A Show Of Force, also, Trump Flipping Nevada & New Mexico
First Street Journal: I Was Wrong, also, Mass At St. Elizabeth’s
The Geller Report: American Doctors Address COVID-19 Misinformation With SCOTUS Press Conference, also, Over 30 Shot, Ten Killed In NYC As Violence Surges In De Blasio’s Hellhole
Hogewash: Open Mouth, Insert Foot, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Late Night Gaslighting – Seth Meyers Ignores Portland Riots, also, Thirteen Box Office Sleepers That Shocked Film Experts
JustOneMinute: A Win For Trump!
The Lid: Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) Says Antifa Violence In Portland “A Myth”
Legal Insurrection: Mayor Groot Blames States With “Virtually No Gun Control” For Chicago Violence, also, Mainstream Media Oddly Silent As COVID-19 Cases Surge In Portland & Seattle
The PanAm Post: Red China Buys Half Of Africa, also, Venezuelans Stranded In U.S. Thanks To Maduro’s Draconian COVID-19 Restrictions
Power Line: 77% Of Americans Concerned About Urban Crime, also, Worst. White. Supremacists. Ever.
Shark Tank: Charlie Crist & Ted Deutch Accept Donations From Terrorist-Supporting CAIR
Shot In The Dark: The Second Amendment Freedom Activist’s Eternal Lament
STUMP: Bailouts, State Bankruptcies, & The Next COVID Bill
The Political Hat: Will The Suburbs Survive?
This Ain’t Hell: Occasional Cortex Wants To End Live Streaming Military Recruiting Efforts, also, U.S. Marines Trained To *GASP* Kill!
Victory Girls: Wall of Vets Joins Anarchy In Portland, also, About Those “Costumed Soldiers” In Portland
Volokh Conspiracy: “A Peaceful Demonstration Intensified”
Weasel Zippers: AP Reporters Embeds With Feds At Portland Courthouse, Redpilling Ensues, also, Radio Host Mocks Trump For Calling Seattle Violent – Then Antifa Torched His Apartment Building
Mark Steyn: Me & Julio Down In Hong Kong With The Boom-Ding-A-Diggi Blues, also, A Not So Happy Warrior

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The Usual Suspects

Posted on | July 27, 2020 | 2 Comments


There is no problem in the world that cannot be blamed on racism, and therefore we know how to solve all the world’s problems:

  1. Tear down statues of Christopher Columbus;
  2. Loot the local Walgreen’s during a “mostly peaceful” protest;
  3. Hold a CNN Town Hall with Greta Thunberg;
  4. Vote Democrat.

Perhaps you might criticize this solution as illogical, but that’s because you’re a racist and logic is a tool of white supremacy.

Anyone expecting facts and logic from the #BlackLivesMatter movement is doomed to be disappointed. What the movement is about — other than making the organizers rich from corporate contributions — is promoting a political narrative to help elect Democrats by appealing to raw emotion. On the one hand, affluent bien-pensant white women are able to assauge their sense of personal guilt by masochistic rituals of self-denunciation. On the other hand, black people are encouraged to vent their frustration, resentment and rage through “mostly peaceful” protests and (of course) voting for Democrats. As I’ve said before, these “protests” are actually Joe Biden campaign rallies, because outside the context of election-year politics, we wouldn’t be having all these suburban punk anarchists running wild in Portland and Seattle (which are, by the way, two of the whitest major cities in the United States). Because the media are so dedicated to the partisan project of preventing President Trump’s re-election, the public is being bombarded with atrocity propaganda, intended to “energize” Democrat voters by portraying black people as victims of “systemic racism.” If we do not push back against this propaganda, our silence implies that we agree with the Democratic Party’s message: White people are evil. Police are racist murderers.

And thus there is a need to talk about overlooked facts:

Racism did not kill Breonna Taylor. She did not die from prejudice or discrimination. Her death was not caused by Confederate monuments or statues of Christopher Columbus, nor could her death have been prevented by social-media hashtags. If you don’t know who Breonna Taylor was, the short version of the story is that the 26-year-old was shot to death March 13 by police in Louisville, Kentucky, during a drug raid. The long version of the story is rather more complicated, but Taylor’s death has been reduced to a slogan (“Justice for Breonna”) by the #BlackLivesMatter (BLM) protest movement.
Like so many other police shootings seized upon by this movement, BLM activists are interested in promoting a political narrative that ignores specific details of Taylor’s death. Most of the movement’s supporters have probably never looked past the slogan-sized condensed version of the story — an unarmed black woman killed in her own home by white cops — to ask whether racism had anything to do with her death. Certainly the national media have not sought to determine whether the facts of this cause célèbre support the BLM movement’s mythology of “systemic racism” as the one-size-fits-all explanation for police shootings. Fear of being targeted by “cancel culture” plays a role in silencing all criticism of the movement, and therefore no one (no, not even Tucker Carlson) has questioned the BLM narrative of Breonna Taylor’s death. . . .

Read the rest of my latest column at The American Spectator.


Rule 5 Sunday: Kate Upton To The Edge Of Madness

Posted on | July 27, 2020 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

But it’s the pelvic thrust
That really drives you insa-a-a-a-ane!
– “The Time Warp”, from The Rocky Horror Picture Show

We’re reasonably sure Mrs. Verlander hasn’t lost her mind, or even come close, but the recent stories about her doing what are apparently exceptional weights during her hip thrust workouts inevitably brought the old song to mind. Here she is on the weight bench, looking damn good for a woman who just had a baby not long ago.


Ninety Miles From Sunday: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1056, Morning Mistress, & Girls With Guns.

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Grand Theft Auto Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: Morgan Bullock, The Barber Of Seville, Amaryllis Fox, Tannhauser, Noah Cyrus, Macbeth, Kayleigh McEnany, Romeo et Juliette, Amadeus, “Sweet Summer Of July”, Michelle Malkin Calls Out Ben Shapiro, The Surfrajettes, Falstaff, Der Rosenkavalier, La Fanciulla Del West, and Redneck Saturday.

A View From The Beach: Ginger is the Newest Black – Natasha LyonneFish Pic Friday – Jaclynn CrooksVirginia Still Fighting Over Stinky FishTattoo ThursdayWednesday WetnessTanlines for TuesdayOregon, My OregonAnother Muggy, Muddy MondayWhat’s New With the WuFlu?Wait, What About My Divisive Symbols!  and Land Sharks Threaten Australian Isles.

Proof Positive’s Vintage Babe is Julie Newmar, Bacon Time finds a Random Redhead, and Red Pilled Jew has Women Dressed Up For Date Night.

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

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FMJRA 2.0: A Fistful of Yen

Posted on | July 27, 2020 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: A Fistful of Yen

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Toni McBride
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Chicago Mayor Solves City’s Crime Problem by Removing Columbus Statues
Dark Brightness
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

#BlackLivesMatter and the Political Mythology of ‘Systemic Racism’
Bacon Time

FMJRA 2.0: Live To Fly, Fly To Live
A View From The Beach

The Demonic Mobs of Antifa
Dark Brightness
Issues & Insights
Pushing Rubber Downhill

Death of a White Man
357 Magnum

Just a Coincidence, I’m Sure
357 Magnum
Animal Magnetism

A Little Chin Music for the NY Times
357 Magnum
Bacon Time
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 07.20.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 07.21.20
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Blame New York

Fat Lives Matter
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 07.22.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Crazy People Are Dangerous
357 Magnum

‘Supreme Gentleman’ Syndrome
357 Magnum
Pushing Rubber Downhill

In The Mailbox: 07.23.20
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 07.24.20
357 Magnum
A View from The Beach
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending July 24

  1.  EBL (17)
  2.  357 Magnum (10)
  3.  Proof Positive (7)
  4.  A View From The Beach (6)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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Origins of an Error

Posted on | July 26, 2020 | 3 Comments


Success does not need excuses, and the United States has been arguably the greatest success story in world history. Scarcely 150 years from the establishment of the first English colonies here, the American nation developed such strength as to be able to win its independence in a protacted war against the British empire which was at the time the greatest naval and military power on the planet.

Less than 150 years after winning our independence, the United States had grown into such a mighty nation as to make the decisive difference in the Allied victory in World War I, a feat repeated less than 30 years later in defeating the Axis powers in World War II. Scarcely had that conflict ended, however, than the United States found itself called to lead the free world in the “long twilight struggle” against Soviet communism in what became known as the Cold War. In this, too, America was triumphant, and by the early 1990s, what Reagan called the “evil empire” of Soviet tyranny collapsed into “the ash heap of history.”

Certainly, a nation that has accomplished such historic feats has every right to call itself successful, and to expect that its successes should elicit praise and admiration, both from its foreign allies and from its own citizens. And yet this is not what have seen in recent years.


Even now, we see riots in the streets by mobs who proclaim that America is uniquely guilty of “systemic racism.” These mobs are organized and led by activists who call themselves “trained Marxists,” i.e., adherents of the murderous ideology that Americans thought we had decisively defeated when the Soviet empire collapsed. Why do so many young people follow and support these communist agitators in their mission to destroy American society? What is the source of this destructive evil, and why is it flourishing like a poisonous weed? Obviously, I have some opinions in this matter, but it strikes me that readers may wish to share their own.


Arson, Shooting in ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Protests Against Police Brutality

Posted on | July 26, 2020 | 3 Comments


Don’t call them “riots.” They’re Joe Biden campaign rallies:

A Black Lives Matter protester has been shot dead during a march in Austin, as a youth detention center and police precinct have been torched in Seattle and demonstrators gather again in Portland amid stand-offs with Donald Trump’s federal agents.
One protester was shot and killed when gunshots were fired during a protest in downtown Austin, Texas, Saturday night.
Shocking footage showed people marching along the street holding banners demanding an end to police brutality and racism when loud shots rang out.
This comes as protests gathered steam across several US cities Saturday, two months on from the Memorial Day ‘murder’ of George Floyd and in a show of solidarity for Portland where demonstrators and federal agents have clashed ever since Trump sent federal troops in.
The president has so far deployed federal agents to Portland, Seattle and Chicago.
The streets of Seattle turned violent Saturday when protesters set fire to a youth detention center and a police precinct, leading cops to declare protests had turned into ‘riots’ that afternoon.
Portland geared up for its 59th night of unrest Saturday with swathes of demonstrators marching from the federal building to the Portland Marriott where they believe federal officers are staying, in the wake of a violent night Friday that ended with at least one person stabbed. . . .
Austin police confirmed that an adult male was shot and killed near an intersection in the city’s downtown around 9:52 p.m. during the protest Saturday night.
Social media footage shows demonstrators marching through the streets shouting ‘black lives’ and waving banners reading ‘BLM’ before several shots are fired. . . .
Initial reports indicate the victim was carrying a rifle and approached the suspect’s vehicle, who then opened fire fatally shooting the man. . . .
In Seattle, violence flared long before nightfall when people went on a rampage, torching buildings in the city, while a Wall of Moms and Vets took to the streets vowing to protect demonstrators from law enforcement.
Around 2,000 people descended on the city as protests that had tempered following the dismantling of the CHOP zone earlier this month inflamed once more, after Trump said he was sending in federal troops as part of his sweeping law and order takeover in cities across the nation.
Seattle police declared the protest in Seattle a ‘riot’ just before 4:30 p.m. local time Saturday afternoon as people vandalized the East Police Precinct, set a small fire and an explosive was let off inside the building. . . .
The construction site of the new King County Juvenile Detention Facility was also engulfed in flames after a group marched on the building demanding it be closed before setting fire to the area.
Firefighters fought to tackle the raging flames billowing out of the construction area at 12th Avenue and Jefferson Street.


This collection of rancid human debris is the Democratic Party “base.” These are Joe Biden’s core constituents. The question is, why would anyone want to surrender America to such vile scum?


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