The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Democrats Celebrate Their Heritage

Posted on | June 18, 2020 | 1 Comment


And by “their heritage,” of course, I mean, slavery:

Tuesday at USA Today there was a fascinating “fact check” article covering that idiotic spectacle put on by Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and several other congressional Democrats last week in which they donned African kente cloth scarves and knelt on the floor of Emancipation Hall for some eight minutes and change in some sort of morbid tribute to George Floyd.
Because kente cloth, by the standard of this stupid moment in American history, is quite reminiscent of, and therefore pays homage to, the African slave trade. And therefore those wearing it also support the African slave trade . . .

Or so we must conclude, judging by contemporary standards. Many years ago, when I was first accused of “white supremacy” — !!! — my reaction was to wonder if words still have any meaning.

Whatever my Thought Crimes might have been, certainly I was not so foolish as to advocate, or even to imagine, resurrecting Jim Crow segregation or some other policy that might truly deserve to be called “white supremacy.” I have never endorsed any such policy, because it would be utter folly to do so. It is absurd to think that any sizeable percentage of Americans in the 21st century would support a return to segregation, or the disenfranchisement of racial minorities. For better or worse, we must live within the circumstances of political reality. Anyone who wants to go off into some kind of neo-Nazi fantasyland (“Wolves of Vinland”) is free to do so, but they are pursuing a delusion.

Because I am not a “white supremacist” in any meaningful sense of that phrase, I can laugh at my SPLC hate-list membership, and no intelligent person nowadays takes the SPLC seriously. They destroyed their own credibility by making such accusations so promiscuously and, while it is sometimes amusing to play this “gotcha” game against liberals, the whole point is to illustrate the absurdity of the game.

Refusing to kowtow to political correctness can get you in trouble, but the alternative — Pelosi and Schumer with their kente-cloth public ritual of self-abasement — requires a surrender of human dignity. I have nothing to say to any white person who imagines that such spectacles are the kind of help black people need, except seek psychiatric treatment.

Crazy people are dangerous, and progressive kooks are leading the Democratic Party down the road to perdition. There is no reason that the rest of us ought to follow them down that road, even if our refusal to join them means that we will be smeared as racists. It wasn’t me who hired Derek Chauvin as a cop. Minneapolis is more than 1,000 miles west of here, and I am not eligible to vote in Minnesota. So if the police hired by the Democrat-controlled government of Minneapolis engage in acts of racist brutality, certainly I cannot be blamed. The responsibility is not mine and, because no one in Minneapolis gives a damn about my opinion, I am not obligated to say anything about their problems. What I have said on the topic has mostly been about calling attention to certain facts that the liberal media don’t want us to notice.

At any rate, if the wearing of kente cloth is a celebration of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, what about old Beatles songs?

Did you know that Paul McCartney once wrote a song celebrating slavery? Well, neither did he. It took about half a century after “Penny Lane” was a hit for the Beatles before historians decided that this street in Liverpool was a legacy of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Sir Paul wrote the song as a nostalgic ode to Penny Lane as the scene of childhood happiness “beneath the blue suburban skies.” The Liverpool-born musician could not have known, while composing the cheerful tune in the mid-1960s, that scholars would one day conclude Penny Lane was probably named in honor of James Penny, a local mariner who made his fortune in the slave trade in the 1700s. Historians have not been able to prove this as a certainty, but the mere possibility was enough to inspire vandals to deface a sign in Liverpool with graffiti: “RACIST Lane.”
History is a horror show for liberals, who only look to the past in search of grievances they can exploit in their remorseless quest for political power. The liberal has a quasi-religious faith in Progress, which means that yesterday — another McCartney song title — was self-evidently worse than today. The past was a bad time, according to liberals, who see nothing there but oppression. Your nostalgia for the pleasant memories of childhood is almost certainly racist, and probably also sexist and homophobic. . . .

You can read the rest of my latest column at The American Spectator.


In The Mailbox: 06.17.20

Posted on | June 17, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.17.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Red Pilled Jew: Random Thoughts
357 Magnum: Free Speech? Not If The Left Has Anything To Say About It
Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1019
EBL: Sleepy Joe Biden Describes “Fine People” Who Display The Confederate Flag
Twitchy: Sounds Like That Walkout By Atlanta Police Is For Real
Louder With Crowder: Democratic Senator Tim Kaine Claims “America Invented Slavery”
Vox Popoli: We Are All Far Right Now, also, The Boy Scouts, Converged

Adam Piggott: Podcast #146 – The Quickie Episode
American Conservative: The Killing Of George Floyd Is America’s Dreyfus Affair
American Greatness: Progressive Racism And The Tulsa Massacre Of 1921
American Thinker: Every Drop Of Blood
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Star-Studded Petition Begs Nobel Committee To Grant Nobel Peace Prize To Cuba
BattleSwarm: Is #DefundThePolice Madness Receding?
Cafe Hayek: Misdiagnosing Externalities
CDR Salamander: 2020 Would Like To Draw Your Attention To The Koreans
Da Tech Guy: Woke & Stupid Sports, BLM Grifting, President Trump Biding His Time Under The Fedora
Don Surber: Conservative Pretends There’s Debate In America
First Street Journal: Philly’s “Leadership” Has Surrendered To The Mob
The Geller Report: NYC Mayor DiBlasio Threatens Jews, also, Savage Who Beat Elderly NYC Woman Arrested Over 100 Times
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Don’t Know Much About History
Hollywood In Toto: Sorry Howard, You Haven’t Changed At All, also, Mark Wahlberg Had The Perfect Response To Cancel Culture
JustOneMinute: Trouble In Paradise
Legal Insurrection: VT School Principal Placed On Leave For Criticizing #BlackLivesMatter, also, Anti-Intellectualism At Cornell Law
The PanAm Post: Should Citizenship Be A Birthright? also, Maduro Regime Financed Italy’s Ruling Party
Power Line: Nihilism In An Emblematic City, also, Why So Much Trouble Nominating Reliably Conservative Judges?
Shark Tank: Florida Dem Rep Lies That Police Have Killed 10,000 Blacks
Shot In The Dark: Steam
STUMP: States Under Fiscal Pressure – Connecticut
The Political Hat: So They Say They Want A Revolution
This Ain’t Hell: An Overview Of Lemmingism, also, Mayor Supports #BLM, Gets Vandalized By #BLM
Victory Girls: Democrats Trip Over Obama In Pushing Police Reform
Volokh Conspiracy: SCOTUS Declines To Hear Administration’s Appeal Of California “Sanctuary State” Case
Weasel Zippers: That Time In 2015 #BLM Chanted About Wanting Dead Cops, also, Quaker Oats Cancels The “Aunt Jemima” Brand
Mark Steyn: This Column Goes Against Our Community Standards, also, Un-Naming & De-Monetizing

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They’re Not ‘George Floyd Protests’

Posted on | June 17, 2020 | 1 Comment

Look at this sentence:

“NBC News is facing intense backlash for apparently influencing Google to punish two conservative news sites over what was deemed offensive coverage of the George Floyd protests.”

What “protests”? You mean the riots that destroyed millions of dollars of property? You mean the vandalism of public monuments? You mean the looting and arson of businesses? And what did this coast to coast spree of criminal violence — from Seattle to New York — have to do with George Floyd? How does tearing down a statue in Virginia or Ohio do anything to prevent police brutality in Minneapolis, or anywhere else?

One reason we cannot have civil discussion in this country is because our media so distort reality — by the abuse of language and other means — that words themselves begin to lose their meaning. What does the word “racist” mean? We are told that George Floyd was a victim of racism, simply because he was black and died at the hands of a white police officer, but where is the actual evidence of racism on the part of Officer Derek Chauvin or the other accused officers in the case? Officer Chauvin had been previously accused of misconduct, and there is some indication he may have had a personal grudge against Floyd — they evidently knew each other — but I have yet to see any evidence clearly proving that racism was the motive of Chauvin’s actions on May 25.

To ask for evidence, I suppose, is racist, because everything is racist. Merely being white is racist, so if you’re white, it’s probably just a matter of time until some activist notices your existence and decides to destroy you personally. Something you said or did was racist, or maybe you didn’t say anything, but silence is violence, so the mob will show up, the “unrest” will begin, and they’ll burn everything to the ground.

The next day’s headlines will describe a “mostly peaceful protest,” as if the attendant destruction and violence was trivial.


In The Mailbox: 06.17.20 (Morning Edition)

Posted on | June 17, 2020 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Red Pilled Jew: Stream Of Consciousness – Fertilizing
357 Magnum: Another Karen Goes Viral On Twitter
EBL: John Roberts – You Can’t Fire Me Because I Wear A Dress
Twitchy: Portland Police Urged To “Call The Cops” After Tweeting About “Demonstrators” Setting Fires, Looting The City
Louder With Crowder: Seattle Woman Delivers Excellent History Lesson On The True Racists – Democrats!
Vox Popoli: Inquiry From A Black Conservative, also, Cereal Is Racist

Adam Piggott: Goose VPN Affiliate Deal
American Conservative: Justice Gorsuch Just Opened Pandora’s Box
American Greatness: Who’s Standing Up For The Silent Majority?
American Power: Ryan James Girdusky & Harlan HillThey’re Not Listening
American Thinker: The Left’s Premature Revolution
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Machine Gun News
Babalu Blog: Cubano In Miami Cleans Statue Defaced With Communist Symbols
BattleSwarm: Video From War-Torn Minneapolis, also, “Ordered Signed Book, Received Live Spiders, Would Not Buy Again”
Cafe Hayek: John Cochrane Rightly Objects To Economist Mobthink Of Krugman, Wolfers, Yellen, Etc.
CDR Salamander: June Maritime Melee On Midrats
Da Tech Guy: Media Madness
Don Surber: Trump Ended The Fake Recession
First Street Journal: Media Bias Can Be Very, Very Subtle
The Geller Report: Twitter Takes Orders From Hard Left, Deplatforms Amy Mek For Truthtelling About Islam, also, Chelsea Handler Praises Vile, Racist Louis Farrakhan For “Powerful Rhetoric” On Race
Hogewash: Don’t Know Much About History, also, Don’t Know Much Biology
Hollywood In Toto: Tom Hardy’s Capone Is Terrible, But That’s Not The Point, also, Howard Stern Whines About His Blackface Scandal – “Team Trump Is Bullying Me”
JustOneMinute: Pick A Name
Legal Insurrection: Nashville Holocaust Memorial Vandalized With Antisemitic Messages, also, Media Silence On Armed Anti-Police Protestors & Private Guards Is Deafening
Michelle Malkin: The #WhiteSupremacist Lynching Hoax
The PanAm Post: Offended Generation Will End Up With Mass Executions
Power Line: Coronavirus In One State (Part 59), also, Media Access In One State – Notes On My Lawsuit
Shark Tank: Miami-Dade County Commissioner Daniella Levine Cava Asked To Resign
Shot In The Dark: Ripped From The Headlines Of Pure Fiction
The Political Hat: The Return Of Corona-Chan
This Ain’t Hell: SCOTUS Rules Civil Rights Law Protects LGBTQ Employees, also, Tienanmen Square
Victory Girls: Ford To Debut New Bronco On OJ’s Birthday
Volokh Conspiracy: Justice Thomas (Dissenting) Further Arguing Against Qualified Immunity
Weasel Zippers: Orthodox Jews Have Had Enough Of Mayor DiBlasio, also, Antifa Goon Smashes NM Guy In Head With Skateboard, Gets Shot
Mark Steyn: No Tea, No Sympathy, also, Era Of Trump – The First Half Decade

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We Found Another Joe Biden Voter

Posted on | June 16, 2020 | 2 Comments


Say hello to Rashid Brimmage, 31, a resident of New York City where, in 2016, Hillary Clinton got 87% of the vote. Manhattan is represented in Congress by three Democrats: Jerry Nadler, Carolyn Maloney, and Adriano Espaillat. Rashid Brimmage is typical of the kind of New Yorkers who elected Chuck Schumer to the Senate, which is to say, he is a criminal pervert:

The frequent offender has now been arrested 103 times since 2005 for petty crimes and sex offenses, sources said.
The creep was convicted of sexual misconduct in 2012, then arrested for two sex offenses in 2014, police sources said.
In May of that year, he was busted for exposing and fondling himself on an East Harlem street, the sources said.
Just months later, in July, he was arrested for grabbing a woman’s behind at a Third Avenue deli.
In 2017, he failed to notify authorities that he changed his address and had to register as a sex offender, state records show. . . .
He was arrested Feb. 17 for a misdemeanor assault and harassment charge for an incident that happened in The Bronx a week earlier, according to records. He was released without bail in the case.
He was busted in the borough again March 5 and slapped with trespassing summons, according to court records.
And most recently, he was arrested March 9 in Manhattan and hit with criminal possession of a controlled substance, assault and attempted assault charges.

You might expect that such a vicious criminal would be permanently locked up in prison, but remember this is New York, where they don’t lock up criminals, because criminals elect Democrats. Last week, Rashid Brimmage punched a 92-year-old woman in the head:

The 92-year-old woman who was shoved into a fire hydrant in a random attack on a Manhattan street last week told The Post Tuesday that the ambush has taken a psychological toll on her — and she now fears walking alone in her neighborhood.
“Mostly I’m shaken. My head still hurts where it was bleeding, where I hit the hydrant — or where he hit me, I don’t know,” elderly victim Geraldine said in an exclusive phone interview, asking that her last name be withheld for safety reasons.
“Mainly it’s psychological — just the fear of going out on the street,” she added.
Geraldine, a Bronx native who has lived in Manhattan for more than 50 years, said she was on her way to Duane Reade when 31-year-old Rashid Brimmage allegedly shoved her to the ground near Third Avenue and East 16th Street Gramercy Park last Friday afternoon.
Geraldine hit her head on a fire hydrant and started bleeding, she said. A passerby saw the assault, called 911 and an ambulance rushed her to nearby Beth Israel Hospital, she said.
The former teacher said her physical wounds were relatively minor and have since healed — but the mental toll has been much more severe.
“This damned guy put me in a state where I’m fearful to walk the streets alone. So my super’s trying to find somebody who will walk me to a park nearby or to the supermarket, that kind of thing. So that’s the problem,” she said.
Cops busted Brimmage for the caper Tuesday after investigators released footage of the attack.
Brimmage was busted by cops Tuesday and charged with assault after investigators recognized him from video footage of the attack, authorities said.


This is what you’re voting for when you elect Democrats. The recent riots were really just Joe Biden campaign rallies, Democratic voters getting together to do what Democrats do — vandalism, looting, arson, assault, etc. That’s why Rashid Brimmage was out on the streets, instead of behind bars, where he belongs, because Democrats support pro-criminal policies. Don’t worry about Rashid. He won’t be in jail long. They need him out in time to vote for Joe Biden in November.


How Much Did Her Life Matter?

Posted on | June 16, 2020 | 1 Comment


Tessa Majors made the mistake of attending Barnard College.

If your child ever expresses an interest in attending Barnard College, you probably should have them committed to a psychiatric institution, because you’d have to be crazy to go to Barnard, one of the worst colleges in America. The cost of attendance is $75,524 a year, including room and board, and also including the opportunity to be murdered.

That’s what happened to Tessa Majors. The 18-year-old, whose father is an English professor at James Madison University, was near the end of her first semester at Barnard in December 2019 when she made the mistake of going for a walk in a park near the college campus:

The teens charged with killing Barnard College freshman Tessa Majors targeted her as she walked alone down a set of stairs in a crime-ridden Harlem park, one of them told detectives in a video recording played in court [Dec. 20].
Zyairr Davis, 13, admitted that he was walking behind pals Rashaun Weaver and Luchiano Lewis, both 14, when they approached her on Dec. 11, the recording made the next day showed.
Davis said he “couldn’t hear too good what they said to her,” but thought that Weaver “was trying to get her phone.”
“She was probably refusing to give it to them, so they got mad at her,” he said.
Davis’ vivid blow-by-blow of the fatal violence included how, “I think Luchi grabbed her, like this” as he crossed his own arms.
“She’s trying to run away. She’s screaming,” he recalled to cops in the 26th Precinct stationhouse.
“The only thing I remember is her yelling for help.”
Davis added, “That’s when Rashaun stabbed her.”

“It ain’t look like poking. It was like — slash.”
Davis also described the suddenness and ferocity of the attack on Majors, 18, a musician and aspiring journalist from Charlottesville, Virginia.
“I didn’t see him take the knife out, but I see all the feathers coming out of her coat,” he said.

Don’t send your kids to Barnard, because it’s in New York City, where you can’t take a walk in the park without being knifed to death.

Guess how much time Zyairr Davis will serve?

A teenager involved in the fatal stabbing of Barnard student Tessa Majors in New York last December was sentenced to 18 months in the custody of the Administration for Children’s Services on Monday.
The now-14-year-old boy, whom CNN is not naming because he was not charged as an adult, has been in custody since December and pleaded guilty to first-degree robbery earlier this month.
He will serve a minimum of six months in a limited secure facility, according to the New York Law Department, which is handling the case. After that, ACS has the discretion to release him and monitor his progress in the community, and his placement may be extended until he turns 18, the department said. . . .
At his plea hearing, the teen told the court he went into Morningside Park with two friends, Rashaun Weaver and Lucci Lewis, intending to rob someone.
“After that, we saw Tessa Majors walking on the stairs inside the park. Rashaun went up to her and said something to her and Tessa yelled for help. Rashaun used the knife that I had handed to him to stab Tessa and I saw feathers coming out of her coat,” he said. . . .
In their impact statement, Majors’ parents said the teen “has shown a complete lack of remorse or contrition” for his role in their daughter’s death. The family also noted that the statement from Legal Aid avoided using the word “murder” and instead referred to Tessa’s death as “tragic.”
“Reading this description of events, some might wonder if perhaps Tess Majors was involved in an accident,” the statement read. “Tess Majors did not die in an accident. Tess Majors was murdered, plain and simple, and no amount of semantic gymnastics changes that fact.”

But it’s New York City. Your daughter’s life doesn’t matter there. Just more violence against women feminists won’t notice, for some reason.


In The Mailbox: 06.15.20

Posted on | June 15, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Red Pilled Jew: Candace Candace Candace
EBL: ABC News Exec Put On Leave For Racial Insensitivity
Twitchy: Hot Take – Conservatives Can’t Be Allowed To Be Coaches, Teachers, Cops, Doctors, Lawyers, Or Bosses Until Rehabilitated
Louder With Crowder: Watch Chris Cuomo Get Rekt By a Single TikTok Video
Vox Popoli: The Inevitable Divide, also, The People Of Color Revolution

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The Black Lives Don’t Matter Edition
American Conservative: Virtue-Signaling Maryland Officials Ignore Brutal Killing By Their Own Cops
American Greatness: Rapper/Warlord Raz Seen Handing Out AR-15s To Youths In “Autonomous Zone”, also, Class, Not Race, Divides America
American Power: Interactive Cover
American Thinker: The Coronavirus Mask Charade Continues, also, The Floyd Riots Mark A Century Of Communist Agitation
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: The 100 Million Victims Of Communism Must Never Be Forgotten, also, The Big Red Communist Machine Is Coming For You
BattleSwarm: Coronavirus In Walker County, also, BidenWatch For June 15
Cafe Hayek: Bad Use Of “Public Good”
CDR Salamander: China, India, & Ladakh – The Long Memory Of Frozen Conflicts
Da Tech Guy: The War On Statues May Never End, also, Report From Louisiana – Into The Mighty Mississippi
Don Surber: Experts Keep Getting COVID-19 Wrong, also, Poll Shows Trump Isn’t Down 14 Points – He’s Ahead
First Street Journal: The Abuse Of Power By The Public Education System
The Geller Report: German Muslims Declare Sharia Zone, Threaten To Kill Infidels & Cops, also, Leftist Arsonists Target Homes Flying American Flags
Hogewash: How It’s Done, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Hollywood Heroes Do About-Face, Cheer On Riots & Chaos, also, Fawlty Towers DVD Sales Soar After Woke Cancellation
JustOneMinute: Cornell Burning, Metaphorically
Legal Insurrection: NYPD To Eliminate Plainclothes Anti-Crime Units, also, Historic Alamo Being Protected By Volunteers From Violent Protesters
The PanAm Post: Chavismo Ready To Commit More Electoral Fraud In Venezuela
Power Line: Coronavirus Hysteria Is Over, also, Joe Biden – The American People Are Stupid
Shark Tank: Democrats Continue To Insist Pulse Shootings Weren’t Terror-Related
Shot In The Dark: Institutional Racism
STUMP: Public Pensions, Leverage, & Private Equity – CALPERS Goes Bold
The Political Hat: When “anti-Fascism” Means Opposing Abolitionists
This Ain’t Hell: Another Six Return, also, Robert E. Lee Statue Gets Makeover
Victory Girls: CHAZ Declares White People Must Pay Reparations
Volokh Conspiracy: SCOTUS Holds Title VII Prohibits Discrimination Based On Sexual Orientation Or Transgender Status
Weasel Zippers: ATF Offers $10,000 Reward For Couple Wanted In Connection With St. Paul Fires, also, NYC Welds Playground Gates Shut To Keep Jewish Kids From Having Fun Outside
Mark Steyn: Just Another Cop-Out Clip Show, also, Misty

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Silence Is Violence

Posted on | June 15, 2020 | 2 Comments

by Smitty

with apologies to Simon and Garfunkle

Hello silence, my old friend.
I cannot talk with you. Again.
Because the fascist, snotty, creeping
Leftists jerks, while I was sleeping,
Sowed division, and my Twitter account restrained.
(Crap for brains.)
The silence is violence.

In random tweets I joked alone,
Censors like a kidney stone.
‘Neath those haters’ propaganda grab,
I turned my browser to the feed of Gab,
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a righteous meme:
A Karen scene,

And in the wokest light I saw,
Ten thousand Karens maybe more.
NPCs talking without speaking;
Shrews rioting without listening;
Bots writing songs that voices never share.
Too woke to dare,
Disturb the silence of violence.

“Antifa,” said I, “You clearly show
“Violence, like a cancer, grows.
“Hear my words: stop sniffing Commie glue,
“Chewing Tide pods is so bad for you,”
But common sense and liberty,
Just makes them flee.
Into the silence of violence.

And the Lefties bowed and prayed,
To the god that Marcuse made.
That godless little Commie wipe
Polluted our land with divisive tripe,
So that now, a pack of useless Lefties has,
Some place called “CHAZ”,
And howl that “silence is violence”.

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