The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 12.06.19 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | December 6, 2019 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: The Vatican’s Minecraft Server Gets Hacked
EBL: Marcus Tullius Cicero – The Catiline Oration
Twitchy: Watch As Comfortably Smug Calls Up The Minions To Go After MMFA – MMFA And The Media Blink
Louder With Crowder: Jeremy Clarkson Unloads On “Stupid Idiot” Greta Thunberg
According To Hoyt: Are You In The Path Of The Steamroller?
Monster Hunter Nation: Target Rich Environment 2 Out Today!
Vox Popoli: The Fake Billionaires, also, Corporate Cancer Is Everywhere

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – We Care About Your Privacy Edition
American Greatness: Impeachment Is Trump’s Punishment For Questioning The Intelligence Committee
American Thinker: Democrats Are Pushing America Into Civil War
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Climate Apocalypse Friday
Babalu Blog: Florida Democrats Distance Themselves From Candidate Who Openly Admires Castro Regime
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For December 6
Cafe Hayek: Reaping A Strong Dollar’s Benefits
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Legal Scholars Bubble Life
Don Surber: Americans Defy Experts By Thriving
First Street Journal: Do The Left Have Anything In Their Hearts Besides Bitterness & Bile?
The Geller Report: Terror In Pensacola, also, PA Muslim Democrat Stole More Than $500,000 From Mental Illness Charity
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Who’s Next
Hollywood In Toto: Taylor Swift’s Woke Journey Targeted For Netflix Doc
Joe For America: Watch Farmer Spray Poop On Emma Thompson For Protesting On His Property
JustOneMinute: Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, or, It’s The Economy, Stupid
Legal Insurrection: Dem Rep Tlaib Headlines “American Muslims For Palestine” Conference Devoted To Jihad Against Israel, also, Trump Won’t Participate In Monday’s Impeachment Hearing
The PanAm Post: Moral Depravity – FARC Blocks Bill To Punish Rapists
Power Line: Mandarin Media Not Even Trying To Hide Their Bias Anymore, also, The Obama Labor Department, Year 11
Shot In The Dark: Soft Targets
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday – The Jesus Movement
This Ain’t Hell: Nancy Pelosi Plays The Catholic Card, also, Bad Day For The Navy
Victory Girls: Food Stamp Reform Triggers The Usual Leftist Lies
Volokh Conspiracy: New On Lawfare – Defining A Theory of “Bribery” For Impeachment
Weasel Zippers: Democratic Rep On Impeachment Rush – We Can’t “Wait For An Election” to Decide Who Is President, also, Biden – I Got My Education In The Black Church
Mark Steyn: Nancy With The Praying Face, also, Too Stupid To Survive (Continued)

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In The Mailbox: 12.06.19 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | December 6, 2019 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.06.19 (Afternoon Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Bacon Time: The Bongino Report, Because Drudge Sucks
EBL: Shonen Knife – Space Christmas
Twitchy: Dana Loesch Takes Down Mob Of Angry & Stupid, Including “Charlotte” Clymer & Andy Richter, In Gun Debate
Louder With Crowder: Voter Confronts Biden On Son’s Ukraine Involvement, Biden Flips Out

Adam Piggott: Enact Our Carbon Emission Targets Or We’ll Invade You
American Greatness: Tranny Teen School Shooter To Be Tried As Adult
American Thinker: We Are All George Zimmerman Now
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Prescription Spectacles News
Babalu Blog: Protest Banner Of The Day – The Hypocrisy Of Latin America’s Socialists
BattleSwarm: Peak Woke
Cafe Hayek: Who’d A-Thunk It?
CDR Salamander: A Design For Maintaining Maritime Superiority
Da Tech Guy: Democrats Weaponize FLOTUS Against Them, also, Angela Merkel v. Rob Schneider On Free Speech
Don Surber: Hospitals Sue The Administration To Hide Their Prices
First Street Journal: Black Friday Traffic Tieup As Tesla Drivers Have To Wait In Long Lines To Recharge Cars
The Geller Report: EU Council Head Seen Making Pointing Gun Gestures At Trump’s Back, also, Destroying The USA Is The Democrats’ Agenda
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, About Those Phone Records
Hollywood In Toto: Cage, Grammer Team For Underwhelming Grand Isle
Joe For America: Dem Rep Al Green Says Democrats Can Impeach Trump Repeatedly
JustOneMinute: On To Impeachment!
Legal Insurrection: Email Sent To GWU Law Deans Demands Jonathan Turley’s Removal, also, Math Prof At UC Davis Under Fire For Opposing “Diversity Statements”
The PanAm Post: AMLO & The “Fourth Transformation” In Mexico
Power Line: Democrats Gone Wild, also, Kaepernick Workout Leads To Redskins Job
Shot In The Dark: The Plan
STUMP: Visualizing U.S. Union Membership, 1983-2018
The Political Hat: Sexual Dimorphic – Brains, Testosterone, & AI
This Ain’t Hell: Thursdays Are For Cooking, also, MilitaryPhony Is Up!
Victory Girls: The Farce Continues – Pelosi Announces Articles Of Impeachment
Volokh Conspiracy: Can The House Impeach A Former President?
Weasel Zippers: The View Hag Complains Kamala Harris’ Failure The Result of “Unprecedented Racism & Sexism”, also,  Joe Biden Says He Won’t Voluntarily Testify If Called By Senate For Impeachment Trial
Megan McArdle: When Exciting Education Results Are In The News, Be Skeptical
Mark Steyn: Running The Number, also, The Men Who Walked Away

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His Name Was Mohammed Alshamrani

Posted on | December 6, 2019 | 1 Comment


If I had to guess, I’d say he’s probably from Belgium:

Four people are dead including the suspect after an active shooting incident at a naval base in Pensacola, Florida, police said.
The shooter was identified as Mohammed Alshamrani, a Saudi national [oops, I guessed wrong — RSM] and member of the country’s air force who was in the U.S. for flight training, law enforcement officials familiar with the investigation told ABC News. Investigators are trying to determine whether the shooting was terror-related, the officials said.
Authorities responded to reports of a shooting at Naval Air Station Pensacola at 6:51 a.m. on Friday, officials said. ATF and FBI also responded to the scene.
The shooting took place at one of the classroom buildings on the base, officials said. Officers with the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office arrived on the scene and fatally shot the suspect after exchanging gunfire.
Three people, including the shooter, were pronounced dead on scene, police said. One victim was taken to the hospital and died from injuries.
Eight others injured in the shooting were transported to Baptist Hospital, police said. . . .
During his roundtable on small business and red tape reduction accomplishments on Friday, President Donald Trump sent his condolences to families of the “warriors” killed and spoke about his call with the King of Saudi Arabia.
“I can tell you it’s a horrible thing that took place and we’re getting to the bottom on it,” Trump said. “All of the investigators are there now and they’re studying it very closely and terrible thing, and our condolences to the families.”

Y’know, if this shooter had been some kind of white nationalist alt-right extremist, CNN would be 24/7 on this story all weekend, and every liberal blog would be blaming Trump for this terrorist act. Instead what you will see is that the mainstream media and liberal bloggers will quickly bury this story, except perhaps to call out “right-wingers” as “racists” for daring to suggest that some Muslims might be dangerous.


Aniah Blanchard Murder Suspect Blames His Victim: Teenager ‘Went for the Gun’

Posted on | December 6, 2019 | Comments Off on Aniah Blanchard Murder Suspect Blames His Victim: Teenager ‘Went for the Gun’


This should make everyone extremely angry:

Alabama college student Aniah Blanchard apparently fought back against accused killer Ibraheem Yazeed, according to court records made public Wednesday.
Capital murder charges against Yazeed were announced last week and in an affidavit supporting those charges, an investigator said Yazeed told an acquaintance he shot Blanchard and she “went for the gun.”
Blanchard, 19, was abducted in October outside an Auburn convenience store and was found dead more than a month later in rural Macon County woods. The cause of Blanchard’s death was a gunshot wound, said Lee County District Attorney Brandon Hughes in announcing the upgraded charges against Yazeed. . . .
Blanchard was last seen by a family member on the evening of Oct. 23 at an Auburn residence. Her mother, Angela Harris, has said her daughter then stopped at the convenience store to buy potato chips.
Video evidence from the convenience store at 1599 South College Street put Blanchard and Yazeed there at the same time. A witness later told police he saw Yazeed interacting with Blanchard near her vehicle in front of the store and later forcing Blanchard into her vehicle against her will. . . .
Further video evidence from a separate gas station in Auburn showed Yazeed exiting the passenger side of Blanchard’s vehicle and later re-entering the vehicle. Her Honda CRV was last seen traveling south on South College Street toward the interstate.
Police recovered the teen’s black SUV from an apartment complex on the 6100 block of Boardwalk Boulevard in Montgomery around 6:15 p.m. the following evening . . .
Blood evidence was discovered in the passenger’s compartment of the vehicle and was “indicative of someone suffering a life-threatening injury.” The evidence was submitted to the Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences and confirmed to be that of Blanchard.
The affidavit said a person was located who told them Yazeed was next seen at a residence in Montgomery wearing only shorts, with a gun tucked into the shorts. That person said Yazeed was in possession of Blanchard’s vehicle, however, he did not see Blanchard.
“The subject further advised during a subsequent conversation with Yazeed, Yazeed admitted to shooting a girl and stated the girl ‘went for the gun,’’’ Det. Josh Mixon wrote.
Blanchard’s remains were found Monday, Nov. 25, during a search in the 38000 block of County Road 2 in Shorter. Authorities have not announced what led that to that area.
Yazeed was formally served with the capital murder warrants this week. Hughes said his office will seek the death penalty.

Look, I wouldn’t give $0.02 for the word of a career criminal like Ibrahim Yazeed. Every criminal should be presumed to be a liar, because if he was capable of honesty, he wouldn’t be a criminal. So the fact that Yazeed told someone that Blanchard “went for the gun” means nothing. He might have shot her execution-style and just made up this story as an excuse for his crime. But no one knowledgeable about criminal behavior would believe something like that, based solely on the perp’s word.

Aniah Blanchard (front center) with her family.

Yazeed has the kind of lengthy record of criminal violence that indicates he has never even tried to earn a living honestly, and the question is why authorities in Alabama failed to keep him incarcerated, since Yazeed was a known menace to public safety so long as he was on the streets.

Murderers usually do not begin their criminal careers with murder. That is to say, by the time a perpetrator’s violent tendencies escalate to murder, he has usually been involved in crime for many years. Over and over, we see the same story repeated: Small-time crook with an extensive record of arrests — drugs, burglary, car theft, sex offenses, etc. — plea bargains, probation, maybe a year or two in prison here or there, but always turned loose, and always re-offending. Somehow, no one in the system ever figures out that this lifelong criminal can never be reformed, and that the best interests of the public would be served by putting him in prison, if not for for life, at least until he’s too old to be an effective criminal. How much will it cost taxpayers to put Ibrahim Yazeed on trial? How many years, and how many appeals, will it take before he is finally put to death? Gosh, I wonder what would happen if jail officials were to put Yazeed in general population. Maybe one of his fellow inmates would decide to save the taxpayers a lot of money, time and trouble.

There’s no Supreme Court appeal for a shank under the fifth rib.




The Total Florida Woman Story

Posted on | December 6, 2019 | 1 Comment

Tory Ojedas and her four polyamorous partners.

Whenever you’re in search of weird news, Florida is always there:

A polyamorous woman has fallen pregnant by one of her four partners after they went away together — but says they will raise the baby as a ‘family’.
Tory Ojeda, 20, from Jacksonville, Florida, met one of her partners Marc, 18, in high school and then started a relationship with Travis, 23, two months later.
Their love story began three years ago and she has since announced her engagement to Travis in July.
She also found love with their long-term mutual friends Ethan, 22, and Christopher, 22. While seven months ago, Tory and Chris found out that they were pregnant with a baby girl.

OK, so just to make sure we’re clear here: Tory is engaged to Travis, but Christopher is (allegedly) the father of her child.

Tory says Christopher is the father of her baby.

Tory is engaged to Travis.

The two other geeks, Marc and Ethan, are apparently just there as pinch-hitters in the batting rotation, but let’s return to the pathetic story:

Despite being in an open relationship, Tory is currently the only one who has multiple romantic partners.
However she says that her boyfriends are ‘welcome’ to pursue other people if they wish to — she even encourages the idea. Tory said: ‘Honestly, I would love it if somebody found a second partner.
‘Dividing time and figuring out schedules between all five people and making sure everyone feels included, it’s kind of difficult.
I’d like to not be the only woman in the relationship. That would definitely be nice.’

Sweetheart, I’m looking at the quality of guys in your crew and not the least bit surprised that none of them can score any other action. You’re a regular angel of mercy, operating a sort of charity clinic for losers. You could probably qualify for 501(c)3 status, honestly. Anyway . . .

They all have their own bedrooms but her partners ‘swap in and out’ of her bed each night, making sure each of them gets an ‘equal turn’ in spending the night with Tory.
On the issue of jealousy, Ethan said: ‘There are a couple of healthy ways to deal with it. Primarily just talking to each other.’
Travis added: ‘There’s always going to be like little moments of jealousy, it does take a certain amount of restraint and just getting relaxed. I will say it helps if you know the person.’
Reflecting on his own experiences in his current relationship, he said: ‘Seeing [Tory] with Ethan was a lot easier because I was friends with him.
‘Her and Chris was a bit dicier at first, there was a lot more jealousy and I’ll openly admit that. The same goes for Marc because I’d never interacted with them.’
Seven months ago, Tory found out that she was pregnant with a baby girl who they will welcome into their unconventional family in February.
‘Chris is the biological father. We just know that because of timing and when the approximate conception date was,’ Tory explained.
‘Based off of the approximate conception day, we had been on vacation. So it was only us.
‘But as far as I guess, socially goes, we’re all raising the baby together, so everyone’s dad.
‘We’re all very, very excited to be raising a baby together.’ . . .
Tory said: ‘Most of my friends know all my partners and they love us and think that we’re cute and such. My family is kind of quiet about their disapproval. Polyamory is definitely an uncommon thing.
‘A lot of people have grown up in monogamy culture of, you don’t really love someone if you have eyes for somebody else.’
Christopher added: ‘My family is slowly coming around to the idea. The pregnancy has helped with that. But at the very beginning, I know my mother and father were hesitant about it.
‘Her main concern was that she didn’t like the idea of me having a partner who was not fulfilled with me alone.’
However Ethan’s family are ‘very active’ in their support, along with Tory’s older brother, Alistair.
Alistair said: ‘I will admit that since I’m her older brother, that I just have that tendency I suppose to be protective.
‘I’m more so concerned that she’s happy, that she is in a relationship where they both love each other mutually or in this case more people love each other mutually.
‘I don’t see anything wrong with Tory’s relationship.’

Sir, your sister is a whore. I don’t know how else to say it. Her behavior is disgraceful, a mark of shame on your entire family. Your parents didn’t raise you right. Do you have no self-respect at all? How can you approve of your sister shacking up with these subnormal perverts?

But oh, we’re supposed to be non-judgmental about this arrangement:

After having to overcome judgement in public spaces, Tory hopes that she will eventually see more acceptance of polyamory in wider society. ‘We definitely get weird looks,’ she said.
‘I’ve had people just say rude comments when we’ve just been hanging out at a fast food place. I’ve been called a hoe more than once.
Maybe in our future, we might see it become a common thing where people don’t bat an eye on it anymore at all. One can hope.’

See, once the Supreme Court decided (Lawrence v. Texas, 2003) that Americans have a constitutional “right” to homosexuality, it was certain that every other variety of sexual perversion would seek “more acceptance . . . in wider society.” If sodomy can be the basis of “marriage,” and everyone can be required to applaud homosexuality (you don’t dare disapprove, or they’ll sue you), who can object to four men and a woman?

They told us there was no “slippery slope,” but how did get here? Tory is taking turns with four different guys, engaged to one and pregnant by another, and she hopes “we might see it become a common thing,” as if this insanity could be the basis of a civilization.

Am I the only one who feels as if we’re living in a dystopian novel?


Four Dead After Florida Jewelry-Store Robbery Leads to High-Speed Pursuit

Posted on | December 6, 2019 | Comments Off on Four Dead After Florida Jewelry-Store Robbery Leads to High-Speed Pursuit

Just another typical day in Florida:

Four people were killed in South Florida after two armed jewelry thieves hijacked a UPS truck along with its driver and led cops on a high-speed pursuit that ended when the vehicle got stuck in traffic Thursday afternoon.
The chase began in Coral Gables and ended 25 miles away on a busy street in Miramar, where a shoot out erupted once the truck couldn’t go any further because of traffic.
As many as 19 officers descended on the truck once it was finally stopped, spraying the vehicle with possibly more than 200 rounds, a source tells WFOR.
Killed at the scene were the two suspects, the abducted UPS driver and a bystander who was inside an idle car near the mayhem.
The pursuit began shortly after a jewelry store in Coral Gables set off a silent alarm about 4.15pm, said Coral Gables Police Chief Ed Hudak.
Cops responded to Regent Jewelers on Mariana Avenue in less than two minutes to find that the suspects had exchanged gunfire with the store’s proprietor, Hudak said.
A female employee in the store was found to have been shot in the head after a gunman’s bullet ricocheted off the floor. She was later reportedly in stable condition.
One bullet was even found to have struck the Coral Gables City Hall. . . .
The suspects then made their escape in the hijacked UPS truck, taking its driver hostage and leading authorities on a high-speed pursuit. The chase was captured by news outlets and broadcast live as the drama unfolded. . . .
The UPS truck made its way up the Florida Turnpike, then on to Okeechobee Road and finally Interstate 75 into Broward County.
The suspects fired upon cops during the pursuit, the Miami Herald reports.
After several running several red lights and harrowing maneuvers made in an attempt to escape, the truck came to a stop on Miramar Parkway near Flamingo Road because of traffic around 5.30pm.
Motorists and bystanders watched as police officers frantically scrambled to stop the suspects.
Police in footage taken of the chase are then seen approaching the truck and opening fire into the vehicle, reports WPLG.
Gun shots are fired, and a man’s leg became visible in the truck’s passenger side door, followed by another man climbing over him who covered his head for protection from the spray of bullets.

What strikes me is that, many hours after the shoot-out ended, police still have not named the dead robbery suspects. Certainly, the identity of these criminals is known to police, so why not name them? Why not release their mug shots and tell us about their prior criminal records? Because you know doggone well that this was not their first time at the rodeo. You don’t begin your criminal career by robbing a jewelry store. No, these guys had almost certainly been perpetrating since they were teenagers, and when we finally learn their identities, we’ll discover that they had extensive criminal records and yet, for some reason, were not in prison. This is predictable, to anyone who pays attention to news about crime, and yet somehow our criminal justice system hasn’t figured out that it’s a bad idea to turn these animals loose.

People on Twitter are blaming the police for the UPS driver’s death:

Frank Ordonez was named by CBS Miami as the UPS driver who was killed during a wild police chase in Florida that unfolded after jewelry thieves hijacked his truck and took Ordonez hostage. Ordonez was a young father remembered for his work ethic, and serious questions remain about how he was slain.
Four people lay dead by the time the dust cleared; Ordonez, another innocent bystander (as yet not named), and the two robbers. Outrage flooded social media from people who watched the frightening police pursuit unfold live on television and who believe that law enforcement needlessly endangered – and maybe even took – Ordonez’s life. “The cops killed Frank Ordonez on live tv and endangered the lives of so many other bystanders over stolen jewelry,” wrote one angry woman on Twitter, echoing the thoughts of others. . . .
A co-worker told CBS that the day he died was Ordonez’s “first day alone on the job after having completed his training.” He had been at UPS for five years, however.
“The victim I’m told is Frank Ordonez, a beloved UPS driver who was just 27 yrs old,” journalist Amber Diaz wrote on Twitter.

Look, I don’t want to say the cops handled this situation perfectly, but if you want to blame someone, shouldn’t you focus on the criminals who kidnapped Ordonez and hijacked his truck? But no, liberals hate the police, so of course it’s all the cops’ fault.


When the NPC Asks, One Must Deliver

Posted on | December 5, 2019 | Comments Off on When the NPC Asks, One Must Deliver

by Smitty

In The Mailbox: 12.05.19

Posted on | December 5, 2019 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.05.19

— compiled by Wombat-socho

This would have been posted yesterday, but the library’s internet failed us.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #824
357 Magnum:  The Media Admits That A Court Order Isn’t A Magic Spell
EBL: Lesson Of London Bridge? Europe Needs More Poles & Fewer Pakistanis
Twitchy: Reaction To Rep. Gaetz’ Simple “Raise Your Hand If…” Request For Impeachment Witnesses Says It All
Louder With Crowder: Banker With Ties To Epstein Does From Apparent Suicide

Adam Piggott: Australia Begins The Persecution Of Christians, also, A Reflection On A Difficult Year
American Greatness: Democrat Impeachment “Witness” Takes A Cheap Shot At Barron Trump
American Power: Mary Grabar, Debunking Howard Zinn
American Thinker: Why Your Sons Refuse To Read
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: The War Against Democracy In Latin America
BattleSwarm: Let The Harris Campaign Postmortems Begin!
Cafe Hayek: Has “Neo-Liberalism” Failed?
Camp of the Saints:
CDR Salamander: Hughes, Howard, And The Passing Of Great Men
Da Tech Guy: Quick Thoughts
Don Surber: Democrat Race Politics Backfire
First Street Journal: For Our Friends On The Left, Trump Is The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
The Geller Report: Phone Records Show Schiff Spied On Giuliani, Nunes, And A Hill Reporter, also, NYC Muslim Gets 40 Years For Scouting Terror Attack Sites
Hogewash: Amazon Still Sells Books, also,  Well, He Does Have The Right To Remain Silent
Hollywood In Toto: Desus & Mero Fawn Over “Future President” Fauxcahontas
Joe For America: Livid First Mom Strikes Back At Law Prof Who Mocked Barron At Hearing
JustOneMinute: It’s A Slam Dunk!
Legal Insurrection: Democrats’ Star “Impeachment Witness” Mocks Barron Trump In Hearing; Furious FLOTUS Responds, also, Hillary Still Refuses To Rule Out Possible 2020 Presidential Bid
Michelle Malkin: Citizen Revolt – Resist Refugee Resettlement Dumps!
The PanAm Post: Colombian Military & Police  – Mourning The True Heroes
Power Line: Schiff Obtained Phone Records Of Nunes, Journalist, Others, also, Loose Ends
Shot In The Dark: It’s Good To be King
STUMP:  Can The Government Tell If You’re Dead Or Alive?
The Political Hat: Guidebook For Pushing Transgenderism On Children
This Ain’t Hell: Update On Fake SEAL charged With Defrauding VA, also, Is This More Russian Influence?
Victory Girls: Down The Democratic Rabbit Hole Of Impeachment
Volokh Conspiracy: Institute For Justice Takes Up Case Where Court Ruled Government Owes Nothing To Innocent Citizen Whose Home Was Destroyed By Police
Weasel Zippers: Check This One Pic Of How Egregious Media Bias Is, also, Jonathan Turley Destroys Democrat Claims Of An Impeachable Offense
Mark Steyn: Prince Andrew, Puke Of York, also, Return Of The One-Night-Only King Of Cable

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