The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

AG William Barr Tells The Truth, and Liberals Are Losing Their Minds

Posted on | November 18, 2019 | 1 Comment


Mike LaChance at Legal Insurrection:

Attorney General William Barr gave a speech at the Federalist Society this weekend in which he called out Democrats and the so-called “resistance” for their constant obstruction of Trump. . . .
The speech has set off a bit of a firestorm on the left and the right for the frank manner in which Barr characterizes the left’s “dangerous” approach. . . .
From the Department of Justice website:

As I have said, the Framers fully expected intense pulling and hauling between the Congress and the President. Unfortunately, just in the past few years, we have seen these conflicts take on an entirely new character.
Immediately after President Trump won election, opponents inaugurated what they called “The Resistance,” and they rallied around an explicit strategy of using every tool and maneuver available to sabotage the functioning of his Administration. Now, “resistance” is the language used to describe insurgency against rule imposed by an occupying military power. It obviously connotes that the government is not legitimate. This is a very dangerous – indeed incendiary – notion to import into the politics of a democratic republic. What it means is that, instead of viewing themselves as the “loyal opposition,” as opposing parties have done in the past, they essentially see themselves as engaged in a war to cripple, by any means necessary, a duly elected government. . . .
The fact of the matter is that, in waging a scorched earth, no-holds-barred war of “Resistance” against this Administration, it is the Left that is engaged in the systematic shredding of norms and the undermining of the rule of law. This highlights a basic disadvantage that conservatives have always had in contesting the political issues of the day. It was adverted to by the old, curmudgeonly Federalist, Fisher Ames, in an essay during the early years of the Republic.
In any age, the so-called progressives treat politics as their religion. Their holy mission is to use the coercive power of the State to remake man and society in their own image, according to an abstract ideal of perfection. Whatever means they use are therefore justified because, by definition, they are a virtuous people pursing a deific end. They are willing to use any means necessary to gain momentary advantage in achieving their end, regardless of collateral consequences and the systemic implications. They never ask whether the actions they take could be justified as a general rule of conduct, equally applicable to all sides.

The Obama administration used a bogus “Russian collusion” conspiracy theory as a pretext to engage in illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign, and then tried to conceal their crimes by doubling-down on that narrative. The firing of James Comey at the FBI was then turned into an excuse for the Mueller investigation and, when that failed to provide any evidence of “collusion,” next Democrats turned to this “Ukrainegate” scam. If this fails, they’ll find something else.

All of this is simply a way for Democrats to portray the Trump presidency as illegitimate, as if the 62.9 million Americans who voted for Trump were of no account, because ORANGE MAN BAD!


The Secret of Liberal ‘Success’

Posted on | November 18, 2019 | Comments Off on The Secret of Liberal ‘Success’

Readers will please excuse last week’s paucity of blog content, as I’ve gotten sucked into The Dreaded Research Vortex again, and at some point you have to commit to 48 hours’ worth of ideological spelunking in a 72-hour span. Add in a few hassles in so-called “real life,” including a trip to the Veteran’s Administration and some baby-sitting duty with a grandchild, and a few hours of nightmare-lashed sleep, you can blow most of a week rather easily this way. Fear not, however, because if I can ever pull this story together, it might be a new book — or maybe another reason for the Southern Poverty Law Center to use me as a “extremist” bogeyman to scare old liberals out of their money. But I digress . . .

The Great Impeachment Witch Hunt has continued, and you didn’t need me to point out the obvious flaws in Chairman Schiff’s show-trial proceedings, because there is always Ace of Spades. God bless that man, who can inform us and laugh out loud at the same time:

Schiff has made up New Rules — unilaterally — that the only Republicans permitted to ask questions are Devin Nunes and a staffer who I think is named Castor. A source says Castor is a good lawyer, but people are telling me he’s coming off as a real blank on TV.
And Schiff made up a rule saying that he would be one of the only twp people to question “Masha” Yavonovich, the former Obama-holdover ambassador to Ukraine fired by Trump.
Of course Trump is permitted to fire her; but the media and Democrats have decided — as they last decided during the Bush presidency, when they declared it was an abuse of office for Bush to fire all of Clinton’s US Attorneys — that Republicans must always retain the political appointees that a Democrat president has hired.
When Nunes moved to yield his time to Ellie Stafanovic, Adam Schiff and his Ten Inch Neck started banging the gavel to shut her up.

No fair-minded person fully informed about this situation would believe that President Trump had done anything wrong (or unconstitutional) in urging Ukraine’s newly-elected president to investigate corruption that appears linked to the “Russian collusion”/MuellerGate attack. Therefore, liberals seek to win by ensuring that the people are not fully informed, but instead are subjected to a nonstop stream of anti-Trump propaganda from CNN and other anti-Trump media outlets. Any fact that contradict the Democrat-dictated narrative are dismissed as “Fox News right-wing conspiracy-theory Republican talking points” or whatever.

At some point, however, the ability of the Democrat-Media Complex to generate a plausible alternative reality is strained beyond its power. Prissy puritanical Chairman Schiff makes a poor “face” for the Democrats, whose base is largely female and/or non-white (and not actually concerned much about U.S. foreign policy). It remains to be seen what will become of this witch-hunt, but the propaganda strategy behind it is obvious. It’s a smear — character assassination — intended to demonize the President, and erode his support.


Rule Five Sunday: Black Widow

Posted on | November 17, 2019 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Has it really been two weeks since the last Rule 5 Sunday? Ugh. Well, nothing for it but to


Yes! Candidate for this week’s appetizer was going to be Scarlett Johannson as Black Widow, but since she’s whining about having been shamelessly exploited for her luscious body as opposed to being shamelessly exploited for her amazing acting talents, I think we’ll cut out the middlewoman and bring the character direct to you, courtesy of comics artist extraordinary & champion Amish rake fighter Frank Cho.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: (last week) Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #797, and Girls With Guns; (this week) Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #804, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Civil War Friday, Saturday Gingermageddon #264, Rule Five Taxation Is Theft Friday, and the current week’s Saturday Gingermageddon.

Evil Blogger Lady: Harriet Tubman, Ruth Wilson, Women Of Parasite, Natalie Portman, Patty Loveless, Movie Tropes, Ashley Bianco, Lady Lucan, LSU & Alabama, Midway Mandy Moore, OK Boomer, Haley Reinhart Rozzi Craze, Westworld Season 3, Sugarland & Sara Bareilles, Elise Stefanik, Alexa Davalos, and Ford v. Ferrari.

A View From The Beach (Week 1): The Reign of the Neighbour – Caitlin Stasey, Just One Word: Plastic!Fish Pic Friday – Triggerfish, I Got Those Old Ukrainian Blues, Tanlines and Tattoos ThursdayBlue Catfish Range Extended to Most of BayASMFC Sets Striper Goals#Free the Nipple, MLB Edition,Gone Fishin’!Humans, Robots Converging, Inside Palm Sunday. (Week Two) Nikki SandersonFish Pic Friday – BarramundiTime to Fertilize Your Lawn!What an Ass!I Hope it Doesn’t Hurt the Top Water BiteAnother Wet Shirt WednesdayTanlines TuesdayRussiagate: Impeachment a Slow Train Coming“The Knife” and Palm Sunday.

Proof Positive’s Vintage Babes of the Week were Anna Maria Alberghetti and Delta Burke.

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious linkagery!

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FMJRA 2.0: The Things That We’ve Learnt Are No Longer Enough

Posted on | November 17, 2019 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: The Things That We’ve Learnt Are No Longer Enough

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Apologies for not replying to the link submission e-mails over the last week or so, and hope everyone understands why.

Rally for the Wombat!
357 Magnum
Animal Magnetism
Pushing Rubber Downhill
Dark Brightness
A View From The Beach

Why Wasn’t Ibraheem Yazeed in Jail?
Proof Positive

The ‘Historic’ Impeachment
Dark Brightness
A View From The Beach

Politics Is About Getting The Last Word
Dark Brightness
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

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A Work In Progress

Posted on | November 17, 2019 | 1 Comment

— by Wombat-socho

I want to start by thanking all the people who responded to Stacy’s post last week and sent badly needed cash, either to my PayPal account or to the GoFundMe. Now that the stress of the eviction and moving is done, I’m in transitional housing north of downtown Las Vegas, and I’m finally done with the course of Cipro my wound care nurse put me on, I’m feeling a lot better, and ready to get back in the blogging saddle. It’s been a very difficult couple of weeks, and there’s no question that your kind words and prayers helped as much as the donations.

The VA came through for me and got me into the previously mentioned transitional housing, which those of you who have served in the military would immediately recognize as a civilian version of a transit barracks – someplace to stay while the organization running it works with you to find someplace more permanent, and on finding income streams to support you. In my case, that means sorting out the problem with Social Security that’s holding up my SSDI, starting the paperwork to claim VA disability pay, and ditto for a small VA pension, which I am entitled to as a side effect of being poor & qualified for SSDI.

Unfortunately, none of those are going to show up soon, and tax season doesn’t start until January, and even though I don’t have to pay rent any more, I still have bills to pay. If you can afford to hit the tip jar or donate to the GoFundMe, it would be very much appreciated; if not, please consider buying stuff through the Amazon links on my posts. Again, heartfelt thanks to all of you in the commentariat who have been kind enough to do so already.

Amazon Warehouse Deals

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Posted on | November 15, 2019 | Comments Off on Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty

I loved you, Earl
Though but a girl
Until that fateful day
When hatred came
With gun of blame
And took your life away

Oh how we dreamed
In innocence
Those nights under the stars
Of shoes and ships
Of global trips
How adventure would be ours

Now years have passed
Since day your last
And again I here take breath
With heart a lump
As tears I dump
Where then you met your death

Lord rest your soul
As on I roll
And may He grant resolve
To emulate
Yours of that date
A life laid down in love

via Darleen

Politics Is About Getting The Last Word

Posted on | November 15, 2019 | 3 Comments

by Smitty

A couple of books ago Coulter wrote “Demonic”, which pointed to Gustav Le Bon’s “The Crowd”. That book seems to inform much about how the Left is trying to unwind our liberty.

Among his points was not only that the populace is a big piece of meat, only capable of holding one crudely-drawn thought at a time; but that, as a result, the crowd lives in the present tense. There is no collective memory. Whatever the latest flap is in the news cycle is what matters. Who really remembers that Epstein didn’t kill himself?

Hence the myopic rush to “control the news cycle”. Whoever gets to scrawl the refrigerator art in crayon for the crowd controls the Holy Narrative. So the theory goes. Until Al Gore begat the internet, and suddenly the crowd had some means of collective recollection. This also explains why Google is so keen on controlling how that collective recollection is managed in terms of searchability.

Which brings us to impeachment.

One point no one seems to be making about the ‘Historic’ Impeachment fracas is that it’s one side of the Deep State coin since BHO “fundamentally transform[ed] the United States of America”:

We have the DoJ investigation(s) on the one hand, and the Ukrainapalooza circus on the other. The latter resembles a cabal of un-elected homo bureaucratus specimens trying to replace our Constitutional procedure for choosing leaders with something “managed”, what amounts to (if you consider Russiagate and the Kavanaugh flaps as connected episodes) a four-year-long collective Democrat fart.

Aside: the last 20 years, since Al Gore came within a dangling chad of succeeding Bubba Love Muffin as POTUS, seems a complement to our system’s general robustness. Lurch couldn’t win in 2004, but #OccupiedResoluteDesk did in 2008. Not to get cocky, but the fact that there remained a shred of a chance that Trump could win in 2016 is both a complement and a chance to dodge the bullet of human history. We are not required to collapse into some authoritarian hell a la Venezuela or China, though we remain in danger of such. All we have to do is continue to have Democrats in power.

Which is why they the Democrats are so furiously trying to flog a dead horse down to glue and use it to stick something, anything to Trump. With their Deep State shenanigans about to be laid bare by the DoJ, there has to be a rebuttal.

I hope that Trump and others are good diarists, so that we can eventually read memoirs of what was afoot in these weird times. Whoever is advising Trump (if anyone) to hold his peace while the Democrats beclown themselves is both a genius and a master of patience. In letting the DoJ reports transform into a Sword of Damocles. The Democrats have to keep saying something while the pages and details and grand juries keep grinding on.

But we understand that, while no saint, there really isn’t any substantial, actionable, impeachable basis to attack Trump. Ever since Trump University never amounted to anything during the 2016 campaign, DJT has seemed the Teflon Don. I am told that his skirt chasing and potty mouth in the past render it some sort of moral failing if I don’t join the #Resistance. (yawn)

The most substantial argument the #NeverTrump weenies have is that hero worship is a genuinely bad thing. Fair Point. But is it worth being bossed around by the aforementioned un-elected pencil necks who natter on about being Experts? Hardly.

And so natter on the Deep State does. An aspect of Le Bon’s theory, presaging the Postmodernism that followed him by a few decades, is that the content of the crude drawings held before the crowd doesn’t matter: those in control can create a narrative on the fly and make it stick, if it’s in monosyllables and repeated endlessly. Orange Man Bad.

But the Narrative is a highly tactical tool in the Information Age. There are enough outlets beyond the control of the Deep State which can connect the dots in ways that stymie efforts to set the narrative and control the news cycle.

Trump’s strategy seems to be to let the Deep State bloviators exhaust themselves. How many nameless whistle-blowers having fourth-hand evidence of a phone call that triggered their irritable bowel syndrome can we endure before somebody’s AI engine correlates and exposes the actual whistle-blower, Mr. Wickles?

After all that, the IG reports. These are the arguments. The judges are the voters, and the case is tried at the ballot box. For God and your liberty’s sake, don’t let the Democrats prevail.

The ‘Historic’ Impeachment

Posted on | November 13, 2019 | 1 Comment



Readers will excuse the lack of blogging the past couple of days, but I got trapped in a research vortex that chewed up countless hours but has yet to yield an actual story. Also, Alabama lost to LSU, and recovering from that trauma involved a 7 Stages of Grief cycle, but I digress . . .

The morning Drudge headline stack:

SCHIFF: Impeachable Offenses Include 'Bribery'...
Dems' lead lawyer known for prosecuting mobsters, swindlers ...
Republican senator: All comes down to motive...
Trump Considered Firing Intel Inspector General...
In private speech, Bolton says some of President's policy decisions guided by personal interest...
Napolitano emerges as top critic...
FACEBOOK Sued for Censoring Posts Naming Whistleblower...
Death Threats Increase...
Aides counseling Trump not to fire Mulvaney...
Senate trial to last 6 WEEKS?

What to make of all this? It’s all a giant pile of bat guano craziness. Our Constitution grants the President nearly unlimited authority to conduct diplomacy, which was what President Trump was doing on that call to the newly-elected president of Ukraine. Somehow — and I swear, I can’t fathom it — Democrats have convinced themselves that urging President Zelensky to take a look into Hunter Biden’s Burisma hustle, etc., amounted to “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Because no further psychiatric damage was possible after the Tide lost Saturday, I decided to switch the TV in my bunker office over to CNN. Yes, lets attempt that Gonzo voodoo channeling of the Ghost of Impeachments Past to try to understand exactly how in the Hell they’re rationalizing this delusion.

“McCain’s lost it,” the readers will mutter in the comments. “He finally pushed it too close to The Edge and freaked out.”

No, ma’am. Your concern is appreciated, but despite three-days of binge-watch CNN’s round-the-clock Impeachment Wank-a-Thon, I’m still clinging to reality. Certainly, suspicions of that bipolar hypomanic “high” are justified, but I’m OK. Honest. No need for Thorazine yet.

Students of psychology are aware, of course, that one of the symptoms of a full-blown manic episode is a certain . . . impulsive approach to financial matters. If the tip jar hitters wanted to provide some therapy — rattle, rattle, rattle — I might drive down to D.C. and if my coverage of The Historic Impeachment involved an all-night binge at the $2 poker table, that might be for the best. Much better than watching the CNN personalities express their orgasmic pleasure in The Great Trump-Hunt. If hating Don Lemon is wrong, I don’t want to be right.

As I type this, Wolf Blitzer is anchoring the morning coverage with the sort of urgency and gravitas you’d expect if viewers were watching a live telecast of the first manned mission to Mars. I’ve had too much coffee already today, and might not be able to sleep until Thursday. But did I mention that Christmas shopping season at Amazon means that readers can buy all the decorations and gifts they want and, because we are an Amazon Associates program, I get a small commission, at no extra cost to you. Guess what gift I’ll be giving my kids for Christmas? Ho! Ho! Ho!


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