The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 10.02.18

Posted on | October 2, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Let’s Confirm Kavanaugh
Twitchy: More Goalpost Moving – Sen. Booker Admits It’s Not About Judge Kavanaugh’s Guilt Or Innocence
Louder With Crowder: Tim Allen Skewers Perpetually Negative Cable News On Last Man Standing

Adam Piggott: Traveling
American Power: Have Democrats Any Decency? also, Out Today – Tucker Carlson, Ship of Fools
American Thinker: The Three Lies of Christine Blasey Ford
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Confirmation Vote News
CDR Salamander: Keep Your Eye On The Sky And Move Indoors
Da Tech Guy: Guilty Until Proven Innocent, also, Why Christine Ford Can’t Be Trusted In One Sentence For Young People
Don Surber: WaPo Swings At Trump, Hits Obama, also, Feinstein May Cost Manchin His Seat
Dustbury: And Yes, a Fine Girl
First Street Journal: What The Left Has Done In New Zealand, The Democrats Would Do Here
The Geller Report: Christine Ford Published 2008 Article On Self-Hypnosis Used To Retrieve And “Create Artificial Situations”, also, London & Birmingham Experience Multiple Knife Rampages #WarZone
Hogewash: The Lesser Of Two Weasels, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Legal Insurrection: Two Hospitalized After Exposure To White Powder In Ted Cruz’ Houston Campaign Office, also, GOP Rep Andy Harris Assaulted In His Office By Pro-Cannabis Group
The PanAm Post: Choice Between Bolsonaro & Haddad Like Choice Between Trump & Clinton
Power Line: The Case Against Ellison, also, Will the Democrats’ Shameful Treatment Of Judge Kavanaugh Increase Their Senate Majority?
Shark Tank: CVAA Backs DeSantis For Governor
Shot In The Dark: Get Woke, Go Broke
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday – Where Are The Highest Taxes?
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler BOLO – Cows!
The Political Hat: The European Digital Panopticon & The Silencing Of Dissent
This Ain’t Hell: SSG Ron Shurer II Receives The Medal Of Honor, also, Da Nang Blumenthal
Victory Girls: Bradley Manning – Still Delusional After All These Years
Volokh Conspiracy: Thoughts On The “Judicial Temperament” Criticism Of Judge Kavanaugh
Weasel Zippers: Rape Charges Against 4 CA Dentists Dismissed After Video Contradicts Woman’s Story, also, Marine Vet Responds To Call For Inclusion Of SJWs In “Veteran” Category
Mark Steyn: A Rattlesnake & A Bird, also, Ship Of Fools

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‘It Never Happened. Confirm Kavanaugh.’

Posted on | October 2, 2018 | 1 Comment

The last couple of days, liberals on Twitter have been raging because these pro-Kavanaugh ads from the Judicial Crisis Network have been airing on CNN and MSNBC:


“The accusations against Brett Kavanaugh are a smear. . . . It never happened. Confirm Kavanaugh.”

Liberals are used to living inside a media-created partisan bubble. Yesterday, I turned over and watched a few hours of CNN, and it was basically just a parade of Democrat senators and anti-Kavanaugh “experts” repeating the same talking points. Most conservatives watch Fox News, and have no idea how one-sided CNN’s coverage of this issue (and every other issue) has been. When people talk about how divided the country has become, it is in large measure because of this cable-news factor, where two networks (CNN and MSNBC) believe they have a patriotic duty to protect their viewers from any facts that might contradict the liberal narrative. Are viewers of Fox News similarly insulated? No, because they are seeing all the accusations made against Kavanaugh — including the pathetic liar Julie Swetnick, whose charges NBC frankly admits cannot be corroborated — even while they’re hearing the common-sense interpretation of these accusations, i.e., it’s all part of a flimsy partisan smear-job. Front page of the New York Times:

Kavanaugh Was Questioned by Police After Bar Fight in 1985

Democrats and their media propagandists have been reduced to this: Yale kids get rowdy in a New Haven bar — front page news!

Does anyone remember 2008? It was reported that Barack Obama had launched his political career in the home of Bill Ayers, who had notoriously led the terrorist Weather Underground in the 1970s. Oh, this was old news and irrelevant, we were assured by the liberal media — the same liberal media that now insists we should be alarmed that Brett Kavanaugh threw ice at some guy in a New Haven bar in 1985.

Back in the day, journalists were taught to be skeptical:

Something is wrong with Christine Blasey Ford’s story, and not just the fact that none of the people she named as witnesses to her alleged 1982 encounter with Brett Kavanaugh remember any such incident. There is a conspicuous hole in Professor Ford’s biography — some important details seem to be missing — and we don’t know what the missing elements might be. The FBI has been assigned to conduct an investigation, which may or may not fill in this unexplained void in Professor Ford’s biography, which has been bothering me ever since I read a Sept. 22 Washington Post article with the headline, “Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford moved 3,000 miles to reinvent her life. It wasn’t far enough.”
The implied premise of the Post article was that the reason young Miss Blasey left the D.C. area after high school and never returned, except to visit her family, because she was traumatized by the experience of being assaulted by Kavanaugh at a house party. But this doesn’t make sense at all. By the time she started her senior year at Holton-Arms School, Kavanaugh was a freshman at Yale University, some 300 miles away in Connecticut. Even if young Miss Blasey were eager to leave the D.C. region, why would she choose to attend the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill? UNC is a fine school, but there were and are many other equally good schools she could have chosen, and she’s never explained what it was specifically that led her to Chapel Hill. Of course, this choice may have no special significance or relevance to her recent accusations against Judge Kavanaugh, but if the explanation we’ve been given doesn’t make sense, shouldn’t we be curious what the real explanation is? And there are many similar questions that might cross the minds of Americans trying to figure out why she would tell this story which no one so far has been able to verify. . . .

Read the rest of my latest column at The American Spectator.


In The Mailbox: 10.01.18

Posted on | October 2, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: #MeToo – Bob Menendez May Be Too Corrupt Even For Hudson County NJ
Twitchy: Alyssa Milano’s Wish For Kanye Is Pretty Damn Racist
Louder With Crowder: EXPOSED – YouTube’s Latest Censorship Plot, also, Tim Allen’s Last Man Standing Returns With very Strong Ratings
The Camp Of The Saints: The Command Of The Totalitarians Was “Thou Shalt”

Adam Piggott: SJWs Always Double Down
American Power: David Horowitz, The Politics Of Bad Faith, also, Brigitte Gabriel, Rise
American Thinker: Should Professor Ford Be Applauded Or Prosecuted?
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday!
BattleSwarm: SDF Fight Against The Islamic State Update
CDR Salamander: European Naval Power With Jeffrey Stoehs On Midrats
Da Tech Guy: To My Liberal Friends – Yes, Conservatives Are Decent People, also, True Nature Of The War On Men
Don Surber: Kanye Wears MAGA Cap On SNL, also, Republicans Go On The Attack
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, SEC Scores Pound of Flesh
Fausta: Ashamed
First Street Journal: “Stolen Valor” Senator Blumenthal Claims Judge Kavanaugh’s A Liar
Fred On Everything: Kavanaugh Gang-Rapes Collie In Satanic Ritual; College Boys In Klan Robes Chant “Hitler! Hitler! Hitler!”
The Geller Report: Kavanaugh Accuser Referred For Prosecution For Lying About Allegations, also, Senator Feinstein To Be Investigated Over Leaked Ford Letter
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Weekend, also, The New Rules, also also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
JustOneMinute: Ready For The Weekend
Legal Insurrection: Senator Flake Now Wants More Thorough FBI Investigation Of Kavanaugh, also, Julie Swetnick’s Rape Train Allegations Against Judge Kavanaugh Crash & Burn In NBC Interview
The PanAm Post: A Frank & Sober Look At The Brazilian Presidential Election, also, Venezuela’s Lost 13% Of Its Population In The Mass Exodus From Socialism
Power Line: I’ll Drink To Confirmation, also, How Low Can They Go? [Updated]
Shark Tank: Bondi Blasts Democrats For Honoring Aramis Ayala
Shot In The Dark: Believe Accusers (Of Republicans)
STUMP: Actuarial Stuff – Mergers & Bootings & Secrecy, Oh My! also, Memory Monday – September/October 1918, The Spanish Flu Arrives 
The Jawa Report: Israeli Student Claims Harassment At Columbia U
The Political Hat: Censoring The Law?
This Ain’t Hell: Even Skunks Have Better Manners, also, Not Sure What The Packers Were Thinking Here
Victory Girls: Facebook Blackout – I’m A Traitor To My Gender Because I Won’t Participate In The Virtual Burka Protest
Volokh Conspiracy: Why Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings Should Be Treated As Job Interviews
Weasel Zippers: Dems Move Goalposts, Now Say FBI Investigation Not Enough, also, Internal Democrat Investigation Finds Ellison Accusations “Unsubstantiated”, also also, Senator McCaskill Falls Behind GOP Challenger After Coming Out Against Kavanaugh
Mark Steyn: The Turning Point, also, King Arthur

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Mitch: Kavanaugh Vote ‘This Week’

Posted on | October 1, 2018 | 1 Comment

The clock is officially ticking:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said the Senate will hold a vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination this week.
“The time for endless delay and obstruction has come to a close. Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination is out of committee. We’re considering it here on the floor and … we’ll be voting this week,” McConnell said.
McConnell’s comments, made during a Senate floor speech, comes as the FBI has to wrap up its investigation into multiple sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh by Friday.

OK, and Steve Bannon says it’s an all-or-nothing battle: “There’s no walking this thing back… You get Kavanaugh, you’re going to get turnout. You get turnout, you’re going to get victory. This is march or die.” As I previously reported, White House staff had said from the start Trump won’t back down, and if Senate Republicans can’t confirm Kavanaugh, there’s no saving the GOP in the midterms:

“[Kavanaugh is] too big to fail now,” said a senior source involved in the confirmation process. “Our base, our voters, our side, people are so mad,” the source continued. “There’s nowhere to go. We’re gonna make them f—ing vote.[Joe] Manchin in West Virginia, in those red states. Joe Donnelly? He said he’s a no? Fine, we’ll see how that goes. There will be a vote on him [Kavanaugh]. … It will be a slugfest of a week.”
“There’s no time before the [midterm] election to put up a new person,” a White House official close to the process told me.

(Via Allahpundit at Hot Air.)

Democrats spent two weeks begging for an FBI investigation of the sex accusation against Kavanaugh but, as soon as they flipped Jeff Flake on Friday and got what they’d been asking for, Democrats instantly began saying this wasn’t enough:

In the last 48 hours, immediately after Senate Republicans and President Trump agreed to Democratic demands that the FBI investigate the 1982 incident, the Kavanaugh goalposts have moved dramatically. Now, a key issue is Kavanaugh’s teenage drinking, and whether he testified truthfully to Congress about the amount of beer he consumed in high school and college more than three decades ago, and the effect it had on him. . . .

They’re moving the goal posts so far and so fast that they’re a distant blur, no longer visible with the naked eye.

To repeat: Never negotiate with sociopaths.


Scientist Offers Evidence That Men and Women Are Different, Gets Banned

Posted on | October 1, 2018 | 3 Comments

Professor Alessandro Strumia gives a presentation in 2013.

The European nuclear research center known as CERN has banned Professor Alessandro Strumia of Pisa University after he gave a slide presentation at a conference that discussed male/female differences in career outcomes in the field of physics. Professor Strumia’s presentation — which is archived here — was removed from CERN’s website, and the center issued a statement calling it “highly offensive” and “unacceptable.”

Professor Strumia had been invited to speak at the conference last week, which focused on “issues of gender and equal opportunities in the field” of “theoretical high energy physics and cosmology.”

“[E]ach day talks and panel discussions will be dedicated to research on gender in academia, with an aim to further the development and implementation of action plans to support women and other minorities in physics,” CERN said in announcing the conference. “Since any positive change needs the support of the whole community we encourage everyone, men and women, junior and senior scientists, to participate in this workshop.” Professor Strumia’s presentation, however, was apparently not what CERN officials had expected when they invited him.

Professor Strumia criticized the “mainstream” theory — i.e., that the lack of equality (“symmetry”) between men and women in the field of physics is due to sexist bias — calling it “cultural Marxism.” He cited evidence that, in attempting to create greater opportunities for women, the field has in recent years begun discriminating against male scientists. He cited research showing that apparently natural differences between men and women’s interests “play a critical role in gendered occupational choices and gender disparity in the STEM fields.”

The controversy surrounding the presentation was first noted by former Harvard professor Luboš Motl, who didn’t name Professor Strumia, but it has now been reported by the BBC:

A senior scientist has given what has been described as a “highly offensive” presentation about the role of women in physics, the BBC has learned.
At a workshop organised by Cern, Prof Alessandro Strumia of Pisa University said that “physics was invented and built by men, it’s not by invitation”. . . .
The centre, which discovered the Higgs Boson in 2012, has removed slides used in the talk from its website “in line with a code of conduct that does not tolerate personal attacks and insults”.
Prof Strumia, who regularly works at Cern, presented the results of a study of published research papers from an online library.
He told his audience of young, predominantly female physicists that his results “proved” that “physics is not sexist against women. However the truth does not matter, because it is part of a political battle coming from outside”. . . .
Dr Jessica Wade, a physicist at Imperial College London who was at the meeting, told BBC News that Prof Strumia’s analysis was simplistic, drawing on ideas that had “long been discredited”.
“It was really upsetting to those at the workshop,” she said.
“There were young women and men exchanging ideas and their experiences on how to encourage more women into the subject and to combat discrimination in their careers. Then this man gets up, saying all this horrible stuff.”
She added: “I don’t understand how such a forward thinking organisation like Cern, which does so much to promote diversity in research, could have invited him to speak to young people just starting off in their research careers when his ideas are so well known.”

Dr. Wade’s comments highlight the problem. Evidence of innate behavioral differences between men and women (i.e., in terms of group averages) has certainly not been “discredited.” Herrnstein and Murray have explained in The Bell Curve that average group differences are not predictive of any individual’s ability. However, when institutions start implementing “diversity” formulae based on numerical representation of groups, we discover that these differences matter very much. When activists complain that certain groups are “underrepresented” in some area, and turn this into a political grievance, the result is likely to be an erosion of standards and the use of deliberate discrimination to achieve a more “diverse” outcome. Institutions are hijacked for a political agenda, so that CERN — which presumably should be devoted to pursuing advancements in nuclear physics — is now instead expected to “encourage women” and “promote diversity.” This is similar to the mentality that produced the Atlanta public school cheating scandal.

It is not yet known what penalties Professor Strumia will suffer for publicly questioning the dogma of male/female “symmetry.” Professor Motl has compared Professor Strumia to Galileo, whose heliocentric “heresy” made him a target of the Inquisition. Why are these Italian scientists always causing so much trouble by questioning religious dogma? Because let’s face it, “gender equality” is a cult ideology.

By the way, I was tipped to this story by a Ph.D. physicist who wishes to remain anonymous. Heretics everywhere fear the Inquisition.


Rule 5 Sunday: Oktoberfest

Posted on | September 30, 2018 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I was seriously considering forgoing the appetizer this week and just posting links, because this week has been thoroughly depressing, but you Loyal Readers don’t deserve to suffer just because I am. Fortunately, it’s that time of year when Bavarian boobs and beer are on display, so enjoy this pic of a typical German gal in the traditional costume of her people.

Oh, wait, wrong girl.

That’s more like it.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny has the first round covered with Hot Pick Of The Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #391, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. Animal Magnetism serves up Rule Five Kangaroo Court Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s thundering herd this week includes Bunty Bailey, Annabel Scholey, National Coffee Day, National Drink Beer Day, Carole King, and Marty Balin’s Girls.

A View From The Beach reels in Tuuli ShipsterStone Age Men Had Their Priorities in OrderIn Honor of Today’s HearingsClothing Designer Suggests Improvement for WomenFinally, A Day for Me!Pennsylvania Saves Shad HatcheryJust Another Monday in MaltaFall is Here and Sunday Morning Butterflies.

At Dustbury, it’s Florence Foresti and Ri Sol-ju.

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

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FMJRA 2.0: Constant Bearing, Decreasing Range

Posted on | September 29, 2018 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

It’s National Coffee Day. Get some for your girl.

Rule 5 Sunday: Happy Birthday, Alysha Nett!
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

Parenting in the #MeToo Era

The Ramirez Smear Against Kavanaugh Exposes the Desperation of Democrats
Nation & State
Pushing Rubber Downhill

A Steaming Pile of Bad Journalism

Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It
Pushing Rubber Downhill

Late Night With In The Mailbox: 09.24.18
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

FMJRA 2.0: More Than A Feeling
A View From The Beach

Late Night With In The Mailbox: 09.25.18
Proof Positive

Your Tax Dollars at Work
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 09.26.18
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

The Big Day: Avenatti Client Discredited, Ford’s Accusation Now Collapsing

While Watching the #Kavanaugh Hearing

#Kavanaugh Hearing Update: A Few Thoughts on Prosecutorial Discretion

#Kavanaugh: Graham Emerges Heroic
Pushing Rubber Downhill

The Deeper Meaning of Kavanaughkampf

In The Mailbox: 09.28.18
Proof Positive

BREAKING: Kavanaugh’s One-Week FBI Investigator REVEALED!

Top linkers for the week ending September 28:

  1. EBL (15)
  2. Proof Positive (5)

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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Never Negotiate With Sociopaths: Liars, Democrats and the #Kavanaugh Smear

Posted on | September 29, 2018 | 2 Comments


There was a moment during Thursday’s hearing when Christine Blasey Ford was asked, “Was it communicated to you by your counsel or someone else, that the committee had asked to interview you and that — that they offered to come out to California to do so?”

At which point, her lawyer Michael Bromwich grabbed the microphone to interrupt: “We’re going to object, Mr. Chairman, to any call for privileged conversations between counsel and Dr. Ford.”

A poker player would call that a “tell.” Among the many things we learned from Thursday’s hearing was that the excuse given for delaying Professor Ford’s testimony was a lie. She wasn’t afraid of flying. She was a frequent flyer, traveling to vacations around the world and, in point of fact, at the time the Senate Judiciary Committee was offering to fly to California to interview her, Professor Ford was not in California. She was already in the D.C. area, having flown there to strategize with her lawyers, who were recommended to her by Sen. Dianne Feinstein. She had also flown to the D.C. area in August, when she took a polygraph test at the Hilton Hotel near Baltimore-Washington International Airport.


This was all a set-up, a carefully planned ambush by Democrats, calculated either to force Judge Kavanaugh to withdraw his name for the Supreme Court nomination, or else to delay the process past the midterm elections, turning the nomination into a campaign issue.

Once you understand this, the coordination between Senate Democrats and Professor Ford’s lawyers appears highly significant. Anyone could look at the calendar and see how long Feinstein, her Democrat colleagues and the media prepared this ambush. On June 27, Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement and, within a few days, Professor Ford contacted the Washington Post to share her 1982 tale about Judge Kavanaugh, who was widely reported to be on President Trump’s short list of candidates to replace Kennedy on the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh’s name was announced July 9, and days later, Profesor Ford met with her Democrat congresswoman, Rep. Anna Eshoo, who recommended that Professor Ford detail her accusations in a letter to Feinstein. That letter was hand-delivered to Feinstein on July 30. The next day, Aug. 1, in an interview on the Hugh Hewitt radio program, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said:

“If we could get this all done by October 1st when the Supreme Court starts its new fall session, [that] would be ideal. But I think we can get it done soon after that if we don’t get it done by October 1st.”

Grassley explained in that interview that the hearing would likely be delayed until after Labor Day, because August was already booked up with the Senate committee scheduled to consider a series of votes on President Trump’s lower-court appointees. The clock was ticking, however, and Professor Ford’s lawyers wasted no time getting to work. By Aug. 7, Professor Ford was being polygraphed — and Feinstein didn’t say a word about this accusation to her Republican colleagues on the committee. That’s a crucial fact to keep in mind, now that the vote on Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation has been delayed because Jeff Flake got harassed in an elevator by Soros-funded protesters.

The confirmation hearings for Judge Kavanaugh began Sept. 4. Feinstein had been in possession of Professor Ford’s letter for 36 days, and the accuser had been a client of the lawyers recommended by Feinstein for five weeks. Yet while Judge Kavanaugh sat for more than 30 hours of hearings in the Judiciary Committee, where Feinstein was the ranking Democrat member, she never asked a single question about this accusation and, most importantly, nobody on the Republican side of the aisle had any clue that Christine Blasey Ford existed, and was working with a team of lawyers hand-picked for her by Feinstein.

Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony ended Friday, Sept. 7, and the Judiciary Committee vote was already scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 20, allowing another week for the full Senate to debate the nomination and vote, thus to have the new appointee confirmed by the time the Supreme Court convened on Oct. 1. Feinstein, who had been holding onto Professor Ford’s letter since late July, waited until Thursday, Sept. 13, to go public with it, pretending that this delay was about protecting the accuser’s anonymity. Of course, the Washington Post had been talking to Professor Ford for more than two months by then, and they had a feature story ready to go for the front page of their Sunday edition on Sept. 16.

What happened here was all a result of Feinstein’s bad faith (mala fides) in handling the accusation from Professor Ford. She had an obligation to inform her Republican colleagues of this accusation, and her failure to do so in a timely manner is inexcusable. We have been repeatedly told, by Democrats and their allies in the media, that Professor Ford’s accusation is “credible,” and yet it was not until Sept. 13 — nine days after Judge Kavnaugh had begun testifying to the Senate Judiciary Committee, and a week before the committee was scheduled to vote on his nomination — that Feinstein dropped this bombshell. Judge Kavanaugh has testified that, when the accusation first became public, before Professor Ford discarded her mask of anonymity, he had no idea who could be making such a claim against him. Everyone named as a potential witness to this alleged incident has disclaimed any knowledge of it. Leland Keyser, the accuser’s “lifelong friend” whom she named as a witness, said she “does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.”

Professor Ford’s description of the party at which the alleged incident occurred, near the Columbia Country Club, has been suggested as indicating the home of Judge Kavanaugh’s friend Chris “Squi” Garrett, whom Professor Ford briefly dated. Yet she didn’t name Garrett as having been present at the party, and no one else named by her — Kavanaugh, his friend Mark Judge or P.J. Smyth — lived near the country club. However “credible” Professor Ford may seem to anyone, the known facts simply don’t match her story. Can the FBI unravel this?


During Friday’s meeting of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse focused on one date — July 1, 1982 — on the calendar that Judge Kavanaugh fortuitously had kept all these years. That entry indicates that Kavanaugh went to “Timmy” Gaudette’s house for a party where Judge, Smyth and Garrett were also in attendance. The problem, however, is that Gaudette lived 10 miles from the country club, and Professor Ford never mentioned him as being present at the party where this alleged incident occurred. Furthermore, as has been often noted, Professor Ford was 15 at the time — too young to drive — and the country club was some eight miles from her family’s home, but she has no memory of who drove her to this party, or who drove her home. If this is a “credible” story, what would an incredible story look like?

The discrepancies between Professor Ford’s account and the available facts, of course, were not known to Feinstein in July when this whole smear machinery against Judge Kavanaugh was set into motion. If Feinstein had informed her Republican colleagues prior to the Sept. 4 beginning of Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony before the committee, it would have been possible for committee staff to investigate this accusation, to obtain whatever evidence and testimony were available, and to have Judge Kavanaugh address the accusation during his four days of testimony. Why didn’t that happen?

Because Democrats didn’t want it to happen.

This was all a dishonest scheme orchestrated by sociopaths.

The identity politics factor — the #MeToo movement — has prevented any Republican from coming right out and calling Christine Blasey Ford a liar, and all the pundits on TV keep saying how “credible” she is, but I’ve had some personal experience dealing with sociopathic liars, and this situation seems uncomfortably familiar to me.

Dianne Feinstein’s bad-faith handling of this accusation succeeded in delaying the Judiciary Committee’s vote, originally scheduled for Sept 20, by eight days. The stunt pulled Friday, with two Soros-funded activists tag-teaming Jeff Flake in an elevator, led him to demand an FBI investigation that will add at least another week’s delay in the process. What this will mean, in practical terms, is that Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) will have another week to smear Judge Kavanaugh’s name while the FBI determines what everybody already knows: There is no evidence to support Professor Ford’s accusation, and much evidence that suggests she’s lying. What would be interesting to discover, however, is how this smear-job was coordinated. Let’s investigate, eh?


Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy:

Just like their other tactics throughout this confirmation process, Senate Democrats’ demands for an FBI investigation have never been about getting the facts or finding the truth.
If they were, they would have alerted law enforcement months ago, as soon as they learned of the claims. Instead, they waited until the last minute to leak them in order to delay the vote.
That is why any FBI investigation of the allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh should include potential coordination between the Democrat operatives and lawyers that assisted in bringing them forth.
What Senate Democrats really want is more time to smear Judge Kavanaugh, regardless of the toll it takes on his wife, his daughters, and our country.
Democrats will not suddenly require evidence to declare Judge Kavanaugh guilty of being the worst kind of criminal. They will not suddenly abandon their assumption that all accusations against Republicans are credible and to be believed.
If the FBI turns up nothing significant, they will say what Joe Biden said in 1991, that the FBI does not reach conclusions. They will say the FBI did not have enough time to conduct a thorough investigation.
What they will not do is admit they were wrong to accuse Judge Kavanaugh of being a gang rapist, or a rapist, or a sexual assaulter, or a drunk, or a perjurer, or a hothead unfit for the bench.
If the delay facilitates new allegations from Michael Avenatti or someone else, it will not matter how ludicrous they are. Democrats will instantly call them credible, demand more delays, more FBI resources, and more hearings. They will attack anyone who disagrees.
Delay, delay, delay. That’s all they want, because their goal is to do anything and everything to smear any nominee — anyone — and block Republicans from appointing another justice to the Supreme Court.
We cannot and should not let that happen.

It was a mistake for Republicans to agree to further delay in the confirmation process, to appease Democrats who have been acting in bad faith since July, when Dianne Feinstein failed to share Professor Ford’s letter with her GOP colleagues. You cannot appease totalitarians, as we should have learned at Munich in 1938, and the way Democrats have run this game is as dishonest as Hitler claiming that the Sudetenland was his last territorial demand in Europe. “Peace for our time,” indeed.

Don’t appease bullies, and never negotiate with sociopaths.

UPDATE: Great minds think alike:

Most notably, if the July 1 party were the event at which Ford claims she was assaulted, what about Timmy, Tom, Bernie, and Squi? They are, respectively, Kavanaugh high school friends Tim Gaudette, Tom Kane, Bernie McCarthy, and Chris Garrett. What might they know about what took place?
If the July 1 party were the event in question, the presence of Garrett would be especially noteworthy. In her testimony, Ford said she was going out with Garrett at that time in the summer of 1982. Today, she remembers him well. When Kavanaugh supporter Ed Whalen came up with a theory of mistaken identity, suggesting without evidence that Garrett, and not Kavanaugh, attacked Ford, Ford quickly said that there was no way she would mistake the two, and that she knew without doubt that Kavanaugh, not Garrett, was her attacker.
But if Garrett, who Ford has clear memories of, had been at the party, he would obviously be a witness in the matter, and someone the FBI would want to interview. His presence would also raise the question of why Ford has never mentioned him. She remembers a party from 36 years ago, remembers five people who were there, and doesn’t remember that the person she was closest to at the time was also there? . . .

Read the rest of that by Byron York. There is something definitely wrong with Professor Ford’s story, but we don’t know what it is. Neither the Democrats nor the media (but I repeat myself) seem to have any interest in examining her story critically. Maybe the FBI will.

UPDATE II: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


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