The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

ICE Seeks Fugitive Sex Trafficker

Posted on | July 29, 2018 | Comments Off on ICE Seeks Fugitive Sex Trafficker


A recent press release:

A documented associate of the brutal international gang MS-13 is at-large and wanted for his role in operating an interstate prostitution ring, which also included the trafficking of a known minor.
Ramon Raudel Campos Murillo, a native of Mexico, who sometimes also goes by Raudel or the alias “Chilango,” is charged with transporting a minor across state lines for prostitution in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia.
Court documents relevant to the fugitive’s known co-conspirators and associates state that for approximately three years between 2009 and 2012, Campos Murillo managed the operation of an interstate prostitution ring that trafficked multiple women and a known minor across state lines to engage in commercial sex acts. Many of these women were foreign nationals, brought in from all along the eastern seaboard from New York to Virginia. Once they had arrived at the Greyhound bus station in Washington, D.C., they were transported to an apartment in Riverdale, Maryland maintained by the enterprise as a brothel. This illicit operation prostituted more than 100 different women, and operated in multiple locations to include Manassas, Woodbridge, Falls Church, Fairfax, Alexandria, Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Newport News, Baltimore and Delaware. Campos Murillo’s operation typically charged clients $30.00 for 15 minutes of sexual intercourse with the trafficked women, garnering almost half a million dollars in illicit proceeds.
A minor victim was specifically exploited due to the minor’s age. The victim was advertised to clients of the prostitution ring as being under the age of 18-years-old. She was initially coerced into the prostitution ring in 2009 at the age of fifteen-years-old, and on the first day, was forced to have sexual relations with 17 customers all across the northern Virginia region to include Alexandria, Falls Church, and Tyson’s Corner.
A warrant was issued for Campos Murillo’s arrest on December 13, 2011, and he has been considered a fugitive since that time. Campos Murillo is a 40-year old male standing at five feet six inches tall and approximately 200 pounds with brown eyes and black hair, last believed to be living in either Maryland or Delaware. If you have information on Campos Murillo’s whereabouts, please contact U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Tip Line at 1-866-DHS-2ICE or

Remember that Democrats want to abolish ICE.


No, America, @JessicaValenti Doesn’t Want to Help Your Sons, She Hates Them

Posted on | July 28, 2018 | 1 Comment


It is difficult to exaggerate the evil of Jessica Valenti. Her “feminism” is, on the one hand, mostly partisan cheerleading for Democrats and, on the other hand, an excuse for her own destructive anti-social tendencies. Her recent memoir, Sex Object, is a “vengeful diatribe against heterosexual men,” including her own husband, Andrew Golis.

“Every time I see a dirty cup on the kitchen counter, my face gets red. The level of disrespect feels . . . as if Andrew has hopped on the counter, pulled down his pants, and taken a shit there for me to clean up. My husband is lovely. He is a feminist. . . .
“Our default mood is low-level annoyance toward each other with a propensity to turn into full-blown rage at the smallest thing. . . .
“I feel like I might hate him and I suspect he feels the same.”

Jessica Valenti, 2016

One might pity Mr. Golis, except for the fact that he’s a Harvard-educated elitist who works for the left-wing anti-American site Vox, so he deserves whatever misery his feminist wife inflicts on him.


Considering her hatred of men, and that her chief interest in children is celebrating abortion — killing babies before they are born — do Americans want Ms. Valenti’s advice on how to raise our sons?

Whether it’s misogynist terrorism, the rash of young men feeling sexually entitled to women or the persistent stereotype of “real men” as powerful and violent, it’s never been clearer that American boys are in desperate need of intervention. . . .
Feminist ideas can help men — be it the rejection of expectations that men be strong and stoic or ending the silence around male victims of sexual violence. But boys also need the same kind of culture we created for girls. . . .

You can read the rest of that worthless screed, which includes a dishonest attack on Professor Jordan Peterson. Consider the alternative to raising boys to be “strong and stoic.” Ms. Valenti seems to imagine that what America needs is more weak and whiny men (like her husband).

Having raised four sons — two of whom are already married with children of their own — I don’t need any advice from Ms. Valenti. If she wanted to have sons, maybe she shouldn’t have had two abortions, but as it is, she should stop telling the rest of us how to raise our sons.

Jessica Valenti is dishonest in pretending she wants to “help” boys. She hates your sons. She wants them to be as miserable as she is. Her ideas about “intervention” — a “feminist culture for boys” — are simply about teaching boys to cooperate in their own destruction.

How to Argue With a Feminist
Rule One: Never argue with a feminist.
This is the only rule you need. There is no point trying to persuade a feminist that she’s wrong. If she were intellectually honest (and thus capable of admitting error) she would not be a feminist.
Because feminists never argue in good faith, nothing is to be gained by engaging in a back-and-forth discussion with them. . . .
Feminists are essentially sociopaths. The feminist’s characteristic traits are selfishness, dishonesty, and cruelty. She lacks the capacity for empathy, she will tell any lie which suits her purpose, and the raison d’être of her career is to inflict the maximum damage on males.

By the way, tonight at 7 p.m. ET, I’ll be hosting The Other Podcast with John Hoge, and we might discuss this among other timely topics.


California Is a ‘No-Go Zone’: Trump Supporters Attacked by Democrat Thugs

Posted on | July 28, 2018 | 3 Comments

This week, a vandal destroyed President Trump’s star on the Hollywood “Walk of Fame.” Thursday night, Elijah Schaffer and Joy Villa were recording a video at the site (Schaffer hosts a YouTube channel called “Slightly Offensive”) when they were surrounded by an angry mob of Democrat thugs. Being a Republican is more or less considered a “hate crime” nowadays in California, and Schaffer was wearing a red-white-and-blue Trump jersey. The mob started chanting “F–k Donald Trump” and — because they’re Democrats, and therefore thieves — one of the thugs stole a $3,000 camera from Schaffer’s crew. This led to a brawl and police are now looking for two suspects.

Democrats have been encouraged by Rep. Maxine Waters to attack Trump supporters, as Ace of Spades points out. Democrats control California, which is a “sanctuary state” for illegal immigrants. Hillary Clinton got 71% of the vote in Los Angeles County, where violence is escalating out of control. An LAPD officer was wounded in a shootout Friday. Meanwhile, in the San Francisco Bay area, the mayor of Oakland incited a mob to attack suspected Trump supporters in a bar.

Democrats are turning California into a “no-go zone” for Republicans, and honest law-abiding citizens are leaving the state, which is suffering a net out-migration of more than 100,000 a year. What the Democrats have done to California — the sidewalks of San Francisco are littered with discarded hypodermic needles and human waste — is what they plan to do to the rest of America, if they win control of Congress in November.


In The Mailbox: 07.27.18

Posted on | July 27, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.27.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Friday Night Music – Psychedelic Furs
Twitchy: Dan Bongino Drops Joy Behar For Claiming Denmark Is Socialist, And It’s Hilarious
Louder With Crowder: #366 – The SJW Playbook Exposed – Guests Dinesh D’Souza & Nicole Arbour
According To Hoyt: Be Not Afraid
Monster Hunter Nation: My Official Comment On Worldcon 2018’s Social Justice Cannibal Feeding Frenzy
Vox Popoli: Hollywood Values At CBS, also, Bad Moonves Falling

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The Stupidity Bell Curve Edition
American Thinker: Obama’s Dying Vision – The Only Card In The Democrat Deck
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Fundamental Misunderstandings Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For July 27
CDR Salamander: Save The Surface Force For $64 Million? also, Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Jesus Explains Donald Trump’s Popularity Among Christians
Don Surber: Trump Promised 4% Growth. He Delivered. also, Twitter Joins Facebook In SJW Crash
Dustbury: Textile Analysis
First Street Journal: Under The House
The Geller Report: Obama Administration Granted Green Cards, Citizenship To Senior Iranian Regime Officials, also, Terror Wins – Philippines Surrenders To Jihadis, Grants Muslims Autonomous Terror State
Hogewash: Discovery, Depositions, & Dossiers, also, Team Kimberlin Post of the Dust
JustOneMinute: I’m Living In An Alternate Universe – Or They Are
Legal Insurrection: Socialist Ocasio-Cortez Struggles To Explain How She’ll Pay For Her Agenda, also, Intel Report – Number Of Islamists In Germany At Record High
The PanAm Post: In Brazil, Facebook Censors Pages & Profiles Of Libertarian Party
Power Line: How Dumb Are Socialists? also, Thoughts From The Ammo Line
Shot In The Dark: Swirl
STUMP: Actuarial Standards Of Practice For Pensions – ASOP 4 – Call For Comments
The Political Hat: The Left Are Obsessed With Childhood Sexuality
This Ain’t Hell: SFC Jonn Lilyea, RIP
Victory Girls: Norks Return Remains Of 55 Americans Killed In Korean War
Volokh Conspiracy: The Outrage Machine Claims A Victim – A Play In Seven Acts
Weasel Zippers: Man Who Destroyed Trump Star Praised By Hollywood, “I’m Real Proud Of Myself”, also, The Leaked Internal E-Mail That Exposes Brennan & Obama
Megan McArdle: Venezuela’s Inflation Will Hit One Million Per Cent – Thanks Socialism!

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Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Posted on | July 27, 2018 | Comments Off on Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty

He knew.
The dinner was torment. Every word said fraught with double entendre, silent condemnation beneath pleasantness.
He was a surf and turf man, washed down with cabernet sauvignon.
But for this dinner, in front of parents and children, it was chicken cordon bleu, a below-the-radar reference to her colleague, John Riesling.
As all professional women must, she managed her reaction flawlessly, never meeting his eyes, or letting her voice crack.
Later, her mother commented that Pete seemed happier and livlier than she had seen him in the last decade.
The papers from his lawyer arrived the next morning.

via Darleen

Death by ‘Gender’

Posted on | July 27, 2018 | 2 Comments


Katyana Elasia Haught was a young woman from Livermore, California, who in January 2017 began injecting testosterone. Eight months later, after changing her name to “Daine Faolan Grey,” she “came out” as a “gay” transgender male — in other words, a woman who wants to “transition” in order to have sex with gay men. The word for this is crazy.


What madness inspires these people? How much of a sense of failure as a woman do you need to believe you would be better off injecting synthetic hormones and undergoing surgery to become a fake “man”? Speculation about the etiology of transgender delusions has led many parents to become concerned about Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria and the influence of social contagion. If young people are part of a peer group (either at school, or among online “friends” via social media) where LGBT identities are normalized and celebrated, they are vulnerable to recruitment into The Trans Cult. It is not an exaggeration to say that transgender activists promote a cult mentality, an ideological echo chamber within which critical voices are prohibited as “hate.”

Whatever the cause of transgender delusions, the effects are dangerous. Gender dysphoria has high rates of co-morbidity with other mental illnesses, and “transition” is not a solution to problems like depression, anxiety, autism, schizophrenia or personality disorders.

Did anyone warn Katyana Haught about these potential hazards before she got her prescription for synthetic testosterone? Did any therapist suggest to this college girl, barely out of her teens, that perhaps her emotional trauma was a result of growing up in a dysfunctional family? On July 2, Katyana a/k/a “Daine Grey” committed suicide at age 22, and there was a controversy about her family’s failure to claim the body:

NBC News contacted Grey’s parents, Stephanie and Peter Haught, who are separated from each other and estranged. Stephanie Haught said she hadn’t talked to her son since he was 16 and only found out he was transgender through Facebook days before he died. She claimed Grey’s father told her he would claim their son’s body. Peter Haught declined to provide NBC News with an on-the-record comment.

What sort of mother doesn’t speak to her child for more than five years? Doesn’t this give us an insight into the kind of unloving environment Katyana/”Daine” probably experienced as a child? Doesn’t having your parents “separated from each other and estranged” tend to be a reliable predictor for many different social problems for young adults? And shouldn’t emotionally troubled young people be warned against believing that “gender transition” is a panacea for such problems?


Has anyone at the Queer Resources Center at City College of San Francisco ever considered that they may be complicit in this tragedy? That maybe providing “a center of education for and about the queer community . . . a safe space for queer and transgender students” might prove to be a magnet for profoundly troubled young people who would be better served by psychiatric treatment for their underlying issues?

Well, I’m a right-winger in the “basket of deplorables,” which means I’m not supposed to care about what happens to these weirdos. From a purely political perspective, if the entire “queer community” in San Francisco committed suicide by leaping en masse from the Golden Gate Bridge, my official statement would be, “Good riddance.” But there is more to life than politics, and perhaps there are even some people in San Francisco’s “queer community” who don’t think that every lonely teenage weirdo should be encouraged to pursue “gender transition” as a solution for their personal problems. That’s basically the issue highlighted by the suicide of Katyana Haught a/k/a “Daine Grey.” Young people are being encouraged to believe a lie, and to think the “cure” for mental illness is to force the rest of us to cooperate with their delusions.

Crazy People Are Dangerous, to themselves and others.


Facebook Loses Record $119 Billion

Posted on | July 27, 2018 | Comments Off on Facebook Loses Record $119 Billion


The wheels of karma never stop turning:

Facebook on Thursday posted the largest one-day loss in market value by any company in U.S. stock market history after releasing a disastrous quarterly report.
The social media giant’s market capitalization plummeted by $119 billion to $510 billion as its stock price plummeted by 19 percent. At Wednesday’s close, Facebook’s market cap had totaled nearly $630 billion, according to FactSet.
No company in the history of the U.S. stock market has ever lost $100 billion in market value in just one day, but two came close.
On Sept. 22, 2000, Intel shed $90.74 billion in market value as the dot-com bubble burst. Earlier that year, Microsoft lost $80 billion from its market cap in one day. . . .
Facebook’s enormous loss in value came a day after the company reported weaker-than-expected revenue for the second quarter as well as disappointing global daily active users, a key metric for Facebook. The company also said it expects its revenue growth rate to slow in the second half of this year.

What inspired this was not merely earnings:

Until Thursday, Facebook was enjoying enormous gains. The stock was up more than 23 per cent for the year, before it reported earnings after Wednesday’s close. By Thursday afternoon, all its gains for the year had vanished.
It was the details of Facebook’s report that seemed to spook investors. The company’s quarterly revenue fell slightly short of meeting the expectations of Wall Street analysts. And executives warned that the company would invest heavily in privacy and security, and that revenue growth would most likely slow in coming quarters. . . .
In March, the company’s handling of user data in the Cambridge Analytica scandal contributed to a backlash against the size and reach of the biggest tech businesses and raised concerns that regulators may soon crack down on these firms. Shares of Facebook fell 17 per cent in the days after news broke. By May, the company had erased those losses.

Facebook is a gigantic data-harvesting operation, by which people unwittingly forfeit their own privacy, providing information about themselves to Facebook, which then acts as a market broker. What the Cambridge Analytica story did was to give people a small glimpse into how information shared via Facebook can be exploited.

The fact that Facebook has sought to suppress conservative opinion on the site is also undoubtedly a contributing factor to their losses. The company has pandered to SJWs, and will pay a price.

“Get woke, go broke.”


In The Mailbox: 07.26.18

Posted on | July 26, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Fishing For False Albacore
Twitchy: SAD! Eve Peyser Writes For Rolling Stone About The “Haunting Emptiness” Of Owning The Libs
Louder With Crowder: Top Five Easy Solutions To Liberal “Problems”

Adam Piggott: The Afternoon Nap
American Power: Facebook Shares Tumble, Zuckerberg Hardest Hit, also, CNN’s Smirking Gimp Kaitlan Collins Booted From Rose Garden Press Event
American Thinker: A Poisonous String Of Thoughts – Is Anti-White Racism The New Anti-Semitism?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Martian News
BattleSwarm: EU Cries Uncle On Trade Tariffs
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: We Need To Step Up Our Defense Of The Free Market, also, Massachusetts Blows The Trump Boom Windfall
Don Surber: Facebook Fiasco Shows The Wisdom Of Free Speech
Dustbury: A Definite C Word
The Geller Report: Sharia UK – Rapist Who Fathered Three Children On His Own Daughter Gets Just Four Years In Jail, also, French Judge Protects Muslim Murderer Of Elderly Women From “Hostile” Jewish Community
Hogewash: The Need To Know, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
JustOneMinute: All He Was Saying Is “Give War A Chance”
Legal Insurrection: In Gaza, Palestinian Terrorists Used Children To Draw Israeli Troops Into Ambush, also, NYT & AP Seek Work E-Mails Of Brett Kavanaugh’s Wife
The PanAm Post: What Nicaragua Should Learn About Toppling A Tyrant
Power Line: More Mueller Madness, also, Wherein Mitch Dishes
Shark Tank: Rubio Warns Of Civil War In Nicaragua
Shot In The Dark: Food For Thought – But Not At Work
The Political Hat: Colonization – Decolonizing Indigenous Studies, Colonizing Medieval European Studies, & Second Thoughts On Colonialism
This Ain’t Hell: Another Navy Officer Faces Courtmartial Over Fitzgerald Collision, also, Thursday Morning Feelgood Stories
Victory Girls: Cory Booker Tries & Fails To Backpedal His Violent Rhetoric
Volokh Conspiracy: Does The 13th Amendment Ban On Slavery Give Congress The Power To Ban Hate Crimes?
Weasel Zippers: Man Tries To Throw Bomb At U.S. Embassy In Beijing, Blows Himself Up, also, ICE Arrests Illegal Alien Rapist Released by Orange County, NC Sheriff’s Office

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