The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Dickie Rebellion’ Gets Fired

Posted on | June 2, 2018 | 2 Comments

Readers will please excuse the lack of blog content since Friday, but I found myself staring into the abyss — the utter desolation of all hope for the future of humanity, evidence that our society has descended so far into decadence and depravity that recovery is perhaps impossible.


The Grey Fox is a gay bar in St. Louis, and one of the producers of the club’s entertainment is a “drag king” (i.e., a female who performs in male persona) who goes by the stage name “Dickie Rebellion.” Tuesday night, there was an altercation outside the Grey Fox which is being investigated by St. Louis police. Apparently, a crew of “nonbinary queers” assaulted a 24-year-old lesbian feminist, calling her a “TERF bitch” because she had “misgendered” one of them. There is an account of this incident at Gender Trender blog, but a source tells me that account includes several errors of fact. While I was trying to piece together enough details to write a news article about this, however, my research turned up some information that left me shocked and demoralized.


“Dickie Rebellion” is, in fact, Natalie Elaine Welage (pictured above at right, with her girlfriend Katy). Ms. Welage’s biography is remarkable. She is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio. As a child, she was a ballerina whose dance performances included The Nutcracker and also an appearance at the 2012 Orange Bowl halftime. She attended a Catholic girls’ school, St. Ursula Academy, where she graduated with honors in 2012 and then enrolled at St. Louis University, a private Catholic school where the annual cost of attendance is $53,132, including room and board.


How does a young woman with that kind of education end up, two years after getting her bachelor’s degree, as a blue-haired “nonbinary queer” doing drag shows at a gay bar? How did her life go so horribly wrong?

Oh, but it’s even worse than that. In addition to working nights as “Dickie Rebellion” in drag shows, Ms. Welage had a day job, as a marketing coordinator for a mortage company. After Tuesday night’s incident, Ms. Welage took to Twitter boasting about the “TERF” beatdown.


Those are just a couple of screenshots from Ms. Welage’s now-deleted account. You see, the lesbian feminist “TERF bitch” who got beat up has a Tumblr blog and lots of friends, who raced into action to identify her assailants, make copies of their Twitter conversations about the incident, and several of them contacted Ms. Welage’s employer.


It seems that Ms. Welage violated company policy, which is why as of Thursday, she is an ex-employee of the mortage company. Beyond that, her reputation is irreparably damaged, and it is likely that the former Catholic schoolgirl will have serious difficulty in her future career. Not to mention, of course, that her girlfriend Katy (allegedly one of the ringleaders of the attack) could be subject to prosecution for assault.

Where did Natalie Welage go wrong? How has her life descended into a catastrophic tragedy of despair and shame? Researching this story, I came across two possible clues:

  1. She minored in Gender Studies; and
  2. She’s registered to vote as a Democrat.

Parents, wake up! Don’t let this happen to your kids!

Steer your children away from the road to ruin of nonbinary queerdom. Just say “no” to Gender Studies and the Democrat Party!



In The Mailbox: 06.01.18

Posted on | June 2, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.01.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Thanks to everyone who bought stuff through my Amazon links in May!

EBL: Why Hasn’t Scott Israel Been Fired?
Twitchy: “Little Rocket Man” Sends Comically Large Letter To White House
Louder With Crowder: John Goodman On Roseanne Cancellation – “I Wasn’t Winning An Emmy Anyway”
According To Hoyt: Coherence Evades Me
Monster Hunter Nation: Origins Sent Out Another Message About Me
Vox Popoli:Everyone Always Knows

American Thinker: Does Gun Control Lead To Genocide? also, Is “Sex Work” Pro-Woman?
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Progressive Utopia Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For June 1
BLACKFIVE: Clive Cussler & Robin Burcell, The Gray Ghost
CDR Salamander: The Drone Economy Of Scale, also, Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Why The Samantha Bee Thing Is Worse Than Roseanne In Three Sentences
Don Surber: “My God, I Thought. What Have We Become?”
Dustbury: To The Manner Born
The Geller Report: Valerie Jarrett Must Explain Her Clinton Foundation Coverups, also, Swedish Church Collects Money For Mosque Construction
Hogewash: Blogsmoke, also, National Doughnut Day, also also Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
JustOneMinute: The MAGA Jobs Report
Legal Insurrection: May Jobs Report – Unemployment hits 18-Year Low At 3.8%, also, Things Keep Getting Worse For MSNBC’s Joy Reid
Power Line: The Curious Case Of Mr. Downer, also, The Smearing Of Fred Fleitz
Shark Tank: President Trump’s “Yuge” America First Agenda
Shot In The Dark: Berg’s Seventh Law In The Headlines
STUMP: Around The Pension-O-Sphere
This Ain’t Hell: Samantha Bee Is The Feckless C***t Here, also, Assad Wants American Troops Out Of Syria, Threatens To Attack
Victory Girls: An Ex-Con Pedophile Is Running For Congress – You Can Thank Terry McAuliffe!
Volokh Conspiracy: Manning Loses Wikileaks First Amendment Appeal
Weasel Zippers: NY AG – Let’s Prosecute People Twice For The Same Crime, also, Susan Rice’s Son Is An Outspoken Pro-Trump Republican At Stanford
Mark Steyn: The Holmes Front

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TERF Wars: ‘Madness Takes Its Toll’

Posted on | June 1, 2018 | 4 Comments


The problem with explaining what’s going on with the transgender movement is this: When you try to explain craziness, you sound crazy. People look at you like you’ve lost your mind, because no sane person can imagine the arguments being made by these deranged activists.

Lesbian feminists are being attacked as “TERFs” (trans exclusive radical feminists) because they don’t want to date men in dresses, nor do they want to cede control of the feminist movement to men in dresses. Transgender activists are insulting lesbians as “vagina fetishists.”


“SJWs Always Project,” as Vox Day says, and who are the real “fetishists” here? Isn’t it the men playing make-believe as “women”? And isn’t the stark irrationality of their arguments symptomatic of their profound mental illness? Should sane people let these lunatics boss us around, accusing us of “hate” if we disagree with them?

Transgender ideology is a mirror-reverse of reality, an inversion of social norms, a direct attack on the moral order of civilization. It is an attempt by mentally defective men to obtain by deception both the courteous deference due to women in traditional culture, and the political authority which feminism seeks for women. The traditionalist and the feminist alike would object to men engaging in such public bullying toward women, yet by claiming to be “women,” transgender activists engage in this bullying behavior and call it “social justice.”

What was the point, after all, of liberal outrage over Donald Trump’s “grab ’em by the p–sy” comments, if liberals are going to demand that women submit to insults from transgender activists?

By the way, a conservative need not endorse homosexuality to believe that lesbians should not be insulted as “TERFs,” etc. What is at issue here is a matter of basic liberty. The First Amendment, which guarantees both freedom of speech and freedom of religion, likewise safeguards the principle of freedom of association. In guaranteeing “the right of the people peaceably to assemble,” our Constitution expresses this principle. A woman who chooses to avoid intimacy with men is exercising her basic liberty and, while we might lament her choice, the friends of liberty cannot in good conscience compel her to do otherwise. Forcing citizens to associate with others against their will is not “social justice.”

The Christian is as free to eschew association with non-believers as the homosexual is free to eschew the companionship of the opposite sex. For decades now, the Left has accused Christian conservatives of seeking to “impose their morality” on others. But what is it that transgender activists are attempting to do now? Aren’t they attempting to compel others to do their bidding, and to silence their critics?

It’s astounding.
Time is fleeting.
Madness takes its toll.

Those lyrics from The Rocky Horror Picture Show keep coming to mind as I contemplate the increasingly bizarre conflicts over “gender” and “sexuality” in 21st-century America. It is truly astounding to find myself defending lesbian feminists against transgender totalitarians.

Like I keep saying, people need to wake the hell up.



In The Mailbox: 05.31.18

Posted on | June 1, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.31.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

First Street Journal: Is The C Word The Equivalent Of The N Word?
EBL: An Important Announcement From Starbucks
Twitchy: Tammy Bruce Levels Sally Fields’ Tweet That Unwittingly Speaks Volumes About Hollywood
Louder With Crowder: Ted Cruz Calls Out Jimmy Kimmel, Challenges Him To Basketball

American Power: Pat Conroy, Beach Music, also, Democrats’ Double Standard On Celebrities In The White House
American Thinker: The Permanent Adolescence Of The American Left
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Knife Control News
BattleSwarm: Hey, Did You Notice That Israel/Hamas War?
BLACKFIVE: Carole Avriett, Coffin Corner Boys
CDR Salamander: Three Days Of The FREMM
Da Tech Guy: Twelve Years Ago Today At Instapundit, I Became A Villain To The Left
Don Surber: Obama Worked To Undermine Trump After The Election
Dustbury: My Phone Is Dumb
The Geller Report: Greeks Afraid To Leave Their Homes Due To Violent Muslim Migrants, also,  Jihad In The Netherlands
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: California Punishing Hospitals That Provide Too Much Care
Legal Insurrection: Samantha Bee Calls Ivanka A “Feckless C*nt* On Her TBS Show, Apologizes Under Fire, also, All The President’s Pardons
Michelle Malkin: Stop One To Stop False Accusations – Exposure
Power Line: Global Establishment Closes Ranks Against Tommy Robinson, also, Cindy McCain To Succeed Her Husband In The Senate?
Shark Tank: DeSantis Backs Trump On “Spy” Assumption
Shot In The Dark: The Juggernaut Strikes
STUMP:  Pew Pensions Report
The Political Hat: Thought Police Arrest Autistic Student For Crime Of Imaginary Gun Possession
This Ain’t Hell: Veterans Join Together For Gun Control, also, Taliban Fighters Wore U.S. Uniforms In Kabul Attack
Victory Girls: CNN Guest Says If You Voted For Trump, You’re Racist
Volokh Conspiracy: Liberty Comes To Liberty HS – “Trump Border Wall” T-Shirt Allowed
Weasel Zippers: Watchdog Group Discovers Hidden Iranian Missile Base, also, This Strike Could Bring Down Iran’s Mullahs, But Mainstream Media Ignore It
Mark Steyn: Where The Bee Sucks

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Why Freedom of Speech Matters (And Why ‘Hate Speech’ Is Protected, Too)

Posted on | May 31, 2018 | 1 Comment

“Truth is great, and will prevail if left to herself . . . [Truth] is the proper and sufficient antagonist to error, and has nothing to fear from the conflict, unless by human interposition disarmed of her natural weapons free argument and debate, errors ceasing to be dangerous when it is permitted freely to contradict them.”
Thomas Jefferson

When news of Tommy Robinson’s arrest in England made headlines, Americans were shocked. A judge had sentenced Robinson to 13 months in prison for attempting to publicize the trial of men accused of operation a criminal sex ring that trafficked underage girls in Leeds.

The case involved one of several so-called “grooming” gangs that have been exposed in England in recent years, the most notorious of which was The Rotherham Horror. Basically, lower-class white English girls are seduced (“groomed”) by young Muslim men, mostly the sons of Pakitani immigrants, and then gang-raped and/or pimped out as prostitutes. The racial aspect of this phenomenon obviously has the potential to inflame public opinion, especially since investigations have shown officials failed to act promptly in many cases because of political correctness.

Why was Robinson arrested?

The Contempt of Court Act 1981 lays down strict limitations on what can be reported in the press regarding active criminal proceedings. This is to prevent outside influences from affecting jurors, ensuring that the defendant has a fair trial based only on the evidence put before the court.
Robinson was already serving a suspended sentence for contempt of court concerning a 2017 case in Canterbury when he was arrested by police while live-streaming on Facebook outside a grooming trial in Leeds on Friday morning.
In the broadcast, played to the court, Robinson “got into a shouting match with several men who appeared to be defendants in the case”, Buzzfeed reports. He also read out the names and charges against the men, some of them inaccurate.
“No-one could possibly conclude that it would be anything other than highly prejudicial to the defendants in the trial,” said Judge Geoffrey Marson QC, presiding. . . .
A temporary order had been imposed by the court banning media coverage of Robinson’s trial and conviction while the Leeds grooming trial was ongoing over fears it could further publicise Robinson’s prejudicial broadcast.
“If the jurors in my present trial get to know of this video I will no doubt be faced with an application to discharge the jury,” Marson told Robinson on Friday, the Hull Daily Mail reports.
“If I have to do that it will mean a re-trial, costing hundreds and hundreds and thousands of pounds.”

Apparently, either (a) English courts do not have the authority to sequester the jury in high-profile trials, or (b) the courts are deliberately attempting to suppress public knowledge of the Leeds case. As an American unfamiliar with British law, I can’t say which is true, but I do know that there is a smoldering resentment among many Britons about the role of the “respectable” media in cases like these.

One sees Robinson described in headlines as a “far-right” figure, or an “anti-Muslim” activist, but who is to blame for this situation? When you examine the facts surrounding The Rotherham Horror and other such cases, it is apparent that the media was largely complicit — along with the police and other public officials — in permitting the problem of the so-called “grooming” gangs to flourish. Class prejudice was clearly a factor in this. Most British journalists are from the college-educated upper classes, while the girls being raped and pimped out by these Muslim gangs were mostly from a class that Americans would call “white trash.”

It’s not as if the “grooming” gangs were a big secret, after all. Young Pakistani men were parking their cars in front of schools to pick up their 14- and 15-year-old “girlfriends” and, because these girls were generally from the welfare-dependent lower classes, nobody seemed to care. Police, educators and social-service agencies ignored what was going on, and as for the media, well, they wouldn’t want to be accused of “racism” or “Islamophobia” for reporting on this phenomenon.

One of the first journalists to call attention to this problem was radical feminist Julie Bindel, who wrote a 2007 column in the Sunday Times of London about two men — Zulfqar Hussain, 46, and Qaiser Naveed, 32 — who had pleaded guilty to abduction, sexual activity with a child, and the supply of a controlled drug:

Blackburn, in common with many northern towns, is experiencing a huge upsurge in pimping, and it is an unpalatable truth for the authorities — and indeed the police — that many of the newest wave of pimps come from within the Asian community. . . .
The Mall in Blackburn is popular as a meeting place for the town’s young men and women. Set on two floors, with over 100 high-street stores, it is brightly lit and usually busy. It teems with young women with pushchairs, elderly people window-shopping, and teenagers meeting up with their friends. The crackle of security guards’ radios mingles with the cheesy piped music.
Not everyone is there to shop. Well-dressed Asian teenage boys can be found on the lookout for young white girls, following them around those stores that sell cheap jewellery and perfume. Meanwhile, older men sit on the benches, watching their workers and potential recruits in action. The older men are “employing” the boys to chat up the girls and eventually hand them over.
The Mall is widely known locally as the Lap because of the way young men and girls circle around the arcade, seeking each other out. The girls, keen to hook up with a boyfriend, call it “doing the Lap”. Young men stop to chat to the giggling girls, teasing and flirting. To many, they look like any other group of teenagers. One security guard, asked if the men are pimps, said he neither knew nor cared. “It’s the girls,” he says, “they love the Pakis. We can’t get a look in.” Nearby, a young man takes two of the girls into a shop, where he buys them make-up and perfume. Later on, the groups of men move on to the Vue cinema complex near Blackburn station. The younger men are on bicycles, the older ones in expensive-looking cars, sound systems blaring out bhangra and gangster rap. Girls begin to approach them, and are soon driven away in cars by the older men. It is possible that they are taken to “slag houses”, where they will be sold for sex.

“It’s the girls. They love the Pakis.”

One might think such a sentence, reported in the Sunday Times, would have caused responsible adults to raise an eyebrow and become curious as to what was happening with young girls in Blackburn, and in other communities in rundown post-industrial northern England. Oh, but these girls were just lower-class “slags” and, like the mall security guard, the upper classes who run England’s”respectable” media were indifferent to the fact that teenagers were being whored out by Pakistani pimps.

It was this attitude of class snobbery, compounded by concerns about inflaming “Islamophobia,” that created the vacuum into which Tommy Robinson and other “far-right” figures eagerly leaped, providing coverage of a phenomenon that the respectable media had deliberately ignored.

Is Tommy Robinson racist? Is he irresponsible? Were his efforts to call attention to the Leeds trial a species of “hate speech”?

British law is different than American law, where the First Amendment guarantees our rights to free speech and a free press. In America, our devotion to liberty is such that in 1977, neo-Nazis were permitted to march in Skokie, Illinois, a notorious decision mocked in a famous scene in the 1980 movie The Blues Brothers: “I hate Illinois Nazis.”


Yeah, Jake, we all hate Illinois Nazis, too. But what happens if, in our eagerness to suppress “hate speech,” we accidentally silence the truth?

This is a question that has consequences far beyond issues of neo-Nazis and “Islamophobia.” As Jefferson said, truth “is the proper and sufficient antagonist to error,” and a free people can tolerate even free speech for Nazis, as long as we are “permitted freely to contradict” them.

What has happened, however, is that our institutions of higher education have been taken over by soi-disant “progressives” who have taught a generation of young Americans to believe that certain facts are “hate speech.” This problem has concerned me ever since I began researching radical feminism four years ago, and discovered how far academia has gone to enshrine Third Wave feminist “gender theory” as an Official Truth which no one on campus is permitted to criticize.

According to this theory, there are no natural differences between men and women.  Instead, young people are now taught, all apparent male-female behavioral differences are produced by the social construction of the gender binary within the heterosexual matrix, to summarize the argument of Professor Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. For many years, Professor Butler’s book has been required reading for university students in Women’s Studies courses, which may explain the increasingly bizarre arguments emerging from the feminist movement. If the leading voices of feminism in politics and journalism have been indoctrinated with a particular theory of “gender,” and if critics of this theory are effectively prohibited from speaking on university campuses, is it any surprise that common-sense talk about human sexual behavior is now routinely denounced as “misogyny,” “rape culture,” “homophobia,” etc.?

The suppression of disagreement and criticism as “hate speech” on university campuses has had consequences far beyond academia. If major corporations are hiring “the best and brightest” from our universities, should we be surprised to see the regime of political correctness being imposed in companies like Google? When it is possible to be fired from the world’s most powerful information provider for daring to raise questions about their “diversity” policies — which is what happened to James Damore — shouldn’t we be concerned that truth is being “disarmed of her natural weapons,” as Jefferson warned?

It is perhaps not entirely coincidental that Julie Bindel, who courageously reported on Pakistani “grooming” gangs more than 10 years ago, has been “no-platformed” at British universities because she is also a critic of transgender activists. Bindel is a hard-core radical lesbian, and not someone that American conservatives would agree with on most issues, but she refuses to be bullied away from the important truth that male and female are meaningful biological categories. Maybe you don’t like radical lesbians any more than Jake liked Illinois Nazis, but friends of liberty must always defend “free argument and debate,” as Jefferson said, because we are confident that “truth is great and will prevail.”

It encouraged me to see Ben Shapiro speak up for Tommy Robinson. Shapiro has been whipsawed between competing camps of hatred in recent years. Whenever he shows up to speak on campus, the Left throws a riot. He has been smeared as an “alt-right” fascist while, at the same time, he is a target of Jew-haters in the “alt-right” ranks, and it’s remarkable how he’s maintained his sanity amid the Trump-era madness.

Shapiro calls Robinson “kooky” and “fringe,” even while arguing in defense of Robinson’s efforts to call attention to “grooming” cases. And this is an important point: You don’t have to like Tommy Robinson, or agree with 100% of everything he says and does, to be concerned about what his arrest means for the issue of free speech. Likewise, you may consider Julie Bindel a kooky fringe feminist and still believe it is wrong for universities to “no-platform” her because of her “transphobia.”

In a world where it is considered sane to look the other way while English girls are being raped and pimped out by Pakistani gangs, people will turn to the kooky fringe to find the truth. And if the truth is silenced as “hate speech,” then only liars will be permitted to speak.



In The Mailbox: 05.30.18

Posted on | May 30, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.30.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #271
First Street Journal: Christine Emba, The Washington Post, And Identity Politics
EBL: Sometimes You Need Some Cultural Appropriation
Twitchy:  Ben Rhodes Manages To Make Obama Sound Even More Inusfferably Arrogant
Louder With Crowder: Sarah Sanders Blasts The Media For Roseanne Hypocrisy

Adam Piggott: Moving House
American Power: Rep. Linda Sanchez Takes The Heat, also, Roseanne Cancelled After Stupid Tweets
American Thinker: Haven’t The Obamas Made Enough Money?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Twitter Suspends @GayPatriot For Pointing Out That Bradley Manning Is A Traitor
CDR Salamander: Dog Soup & Dragons – Is Venezuela The Next Place For Maritime Piracy?
Da Tech Guy: If Only Roseanne Had Hit The Appearance Of Sarah Palin Or Sarah Sanders Instead Of Valerie Jarrett
Don Surber: The Party Of Trump
Dustbury: So Far Away
The Geller Report: EU Unveils Plan To Punish Patriotic Eastern European Nations, also, Iranian Freedom Fighter Amil Imani – Pamela Geller Among “The Bravest Americans I Know”
Hogewash: Zooming In On The Tarantula Nebula, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: NYT Posts Pro-Conservative Op-Ed, Promotes Gay Adoption
JustOneMinute: The Maltese Phantom – Good One
Legal Insurrection: Trump – Where Is My Apology From Disney CEO? also, Tom Steyer Thinks His Effort To Impeach Trump Is Like the Civil Rights Movement
Power Line: More Evidence Of Mueller’s Overreach, also, Bureaucracy All The Way Down
Shark Tank: Senator Nelson Forgets Obama Was “Ripping Families Apart” In 2014
Shot In The Dark: The Part Big Left Missed…
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday – The IRS Sends A Shot Across The Bow, also, Wisconsin Wednesday
The Jawa Report: Captions For Fatwa, also, Ultimate Droning
The Political Hat: San Diego County’s War On…Popcorn
This Ain’t Hell: Asshat Charged With Defacing Mural Honoring Veterans, also, 379th AEW Bomber Hits Taliban Drug Facilities
Victory Girls: Back To Eden Bakery – Woke When Closed
Volokh Conspiracy: With “Friends” Like These
Weasel Zippers: Seven Men Accused Of Molesting Girls At California Water Park, also, Watch RNC’s First MS-13 Ad Starring Nancy Pelosi – It’s Brutal
Mark Steyn: Most People Want To Be Like Most People, also, Mac Attack

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Satanic Transgender SJW Wants to Control ‘Open Source’ Code Community

Posted on | May 30, 2018 | 1 Comment


Corey Dale “Coraline Ada” Ehmke is a software developer. At a 2013 conference, “Ehmke was among a group of people who announced the creation of a community for LGBT technologists called LGBTech. During this announcement, she also came out publicly as transgender.”

Ehmke has become a notorious SJW (“social justice warrior”) and habitually accuses his/“her” critics of “transphobia” and “misogyny.” One of the things that SJWs seek to prohibit as “hate speech,” for example, is the practice of “dead-naming,” i.e., referring to transgender people by their birth names. In many cases, however, this prohibition is intended to enable deception, particularly in terms of concealing possible important information about a person’s past. Convicted sex offenders may use a transgender identity in an attempt to conceal their criminal record.

In the case of Corey/“Coraline” Ehmke, however, perhaps his/“her” involvement in the occult is what he/“she” is trying to hide. Under the pseudonym “Corey Bantik,” Ehmke has spent 20 years promoting himself/”herself“ as a practitioner of “Egyptian Ritual Magick”:

The Reverend Doctor Corey Bantik has been actively pursuing his esoteric studies for almost twenty years. His earliest experiments involved what he called “natural magick”, but his interest soon turned to the study and practice of western esoteric traditions and ceremonial magick. He began the study of Qabala in 1989, investigating traditional Judaic sources as well as the more readily available European interpretations. Rev. Bantik founded and led a small Golden Dawn study group in the mountains of Virginia, and for several years thereafter immersed himself in the works of Aleister Crowley, A. E. Waite, Eliphas Levi and Kenneth Grant.
In the early 1990s, Rev. Bantik became an active member of the small but tight-knit community of online occultists that interacted through the alt.magick Usenet groups and IRC channels like #thelema. This is the community that pioneered such concepts as real-time multi-user virtual ritual spaces and later went on to create Nutmeg, the organization of occultists, mystics, and persons of “alternative spiritualities” organized to explore the community-building potential of the then-new Internet. Rev. Bantik served on the Board of Directors of Nutmeg for several years and helped coordinate the annual gathering of its members from across the world.

The historic association between the satanic Crowley and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is well-known. The reference by Ehmke/“Bantik” to creating “a small Golden Dawn study group in the mountains of Virginia” evidently refers to Ehmke’s time as a student at Radford University, where he dropped out after his freshman year.

Ehmke is a psychiatric basket case, on medication for “bipolar depression and anxiety.” However, his/“her” mental illness has not prevented Ehmke from trying to tell other people what they are allowed to think:

Ehmke is known for the creation of the “Contributor Covenant,” a list of behavioural rules intended to govern the behaviour of coders working on open source projects. Among the behaviours banned by the covenant are “insulting/derogatory comments,” “public or private harassment,” and “other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting.”
Crucially, contributors to open source projects — who are typically unpaid, freely volunteering their time and skills to improve open source software — are expected to follow the code within open-source communities and everywhere else on the web.
For example, if a coder makes an “insulting/derogatory comment” on Twitter that’s entirely unconnected to their coding work, they are still liable to be kicked out of their open source project if the project is governed by the Contributor Code. It’s a recipe for policing the behaviour of the entire open source community across the whole of the world wide web.

In other words, if you have an opinion that someone else deems “inappropriate” or “derogatory,” you can be banned from a project, even if the subject never comes up in the context of the project. You once said something “inappropriate” on Twitter? Banned!

To understand how this works, consider the so-called “Opalgate” case. Opal is a type of software and one its main developers is Elia Schito, who happens to be a Catholic living in Italy. In June 2015, Schito was talking on Twitter about plans by the Italian government to introduce lessons on “gender” to school students as a young as age 4. When he was criticized about this, Schito said these “gender teachings are purely ideological and detached from reality.” This discussion continued, and Schito said that “not accepting reality is the problem” with transgender ideology.

This caused Ehmke to write a complaint on the open-source site GitHub: “Transphobic maintainer should be removed from project.”

Keep in mind, Ehmke has never contributed anything to the development of this particular software, and Schito had never said anything to or about Ehmke, nor had Schito’s opinion on transgenderism been expressed within the Opal development project. Rather, as a father of two children living in Italy, Schito was complaining about the school curriculum there. Yet for some reason, Ehmke decided to stick his/“her” nose into the Opal development project and demand that Schito be “removed”!

This 2015 episode made Ehmke notorious among coders, but astonishingly, GitHub hired Ehmke a year later as senior engineer for their “Community and Safety” project. Guess how that went? Not well. Ehmke was assigned to a team of fellow diversity-quota token hires:

I was impressed by the social justice tone of some of the questions that I was asked in the non-technical interviews, and by the fact that the majority of people that I met with were women. A week later, I had a very generous offer in hand, which I happily accepted. My team was 5 women and one man: two of us trans, three women of color.


One of Ehmke’s ideas was suggesting “the implementation of a survey of GitHub users . . . that would shed light on participation in open source by otherwise uncounted marginalized people”:

One day a notification came to me that a repo for the open source developer survey had been created and that the survey questions were in progress. My director followed up with me to make sure that I was aware of the survey and asked me to review the questions. I worked my way through, and stopped short at one particular question: “What is your gender?” The multiple-choice options were “Male”, “Female”, and “Transgender”. I was very disappointed at this 101 mistake, and sadly opened an issue referencing the question. The body of my issue read:
“‘Transgender’ is not a gender. Transgender people may be male, female, gender queer, non-binary… If you want to know if a survey respondent is transgender, you need to explicitly ask that question.”
I left some other minor feedback on other questions, and resumed my regular work. The next day I got an urgent request for a call with my manager. She told me that the data scientist who had written the survey questions was very upset and had gone to her manager to complain about me. I asked my manager what had happened to upset her and was told that it was the feedback I provided on the gender question. . . . I was forbidden to interact any further with the author of the survey.

Hmmm. Being “forbidden to interact any further” with a co-worker? Keep in mind that, in the seven years prior to being hired at GitHub, Ehmke had worked for six different employers. Not exactly a stable work history, which suggests there is some underlying problem with Ehmke, who nevertheless claimed he/“she” was praised by his/“her” boss for “consistently shipping more code than anyone else on the team.” Then in April 2017, Ehmke got a bad annual performance review:

My overall review was a “Does Not Meet Expectations.” I was shocked and upset. A bad review out of the blue was not something that I had experienced before. I thought I had good rapport with my manager, and that if there was a problem that we would have been addressing it at our weekly meetings. In my mind this was a serious management failure, but there was apparently nothing I could do about it.
The same day that I had this review, I got some devastating personal news. I have bipolar depression and was already in a bad place mentally, so I found myself feeling crushed and hopeless. In an attempt to deal with things I ended up taking a dangerously high dose of my anti-anxiety medication. When I reached out to my therapist for help, she recommended that I go to the emergency room. This was the start of an eight day ordeal involving involuntary commitment to a mental health facility.

Being shipped to the looney bin for eight days of involuntary commitment after a bad performance review didn’t improve Ehmke’s career prospects at GitHub and he/“she” was fired in May 2017.

This high-profile failure has not stopped Ehmke from pursuing his/“her” crusade to impose speech codes on the open-source community. Recently, he/“she” published the “Post-Meritocracy Manifesto,” claiming that the idea of hiring and promoting people on the basis of merit “has consistently shown itself to mainly benefit those with privilege, to the exclusion of underrepresented people in technology”:

It is time that we as an industry abandon the notion that merit is something that can be measured, can be pursued on equal terms by every individual, and can ever be distributed fairly.

The word for this is insane.

While the speed and efficiency with which someone does their job may not be a measurement of their intrinsic value as a human being, this is the only reason they’re getting paid: Do your job, and do it well.

Quantitative measurements of performance are not always possible, but members of an engineering team know who’s pulling their weight on the team, and if somebody on the team is not getting the job done, the manager will lose respect if he doesn’t either (a) work to help improve the failing member’s performance, or (b) fire them. It’s that simple.

Imposing quotas on hiring to make “diversity” and “inclusion” more important than merit will predictably produce problems in the workplace. If one of your token hires can’t get the job done, what happens? Well, the former senior engineer Coraline Ada Ehmke couldn’t cope, and had a nervous breakdown, and got fired — then went out and publicly trashed his/“her” former employer. Which is typical, really.

Isn’t it apparent why imposing speech codes and imposing hiring quotas are related phenomena? The former is part of enforcing the latter, by protecting the beneficiaries of “inclusion” from criticism. If your company hires transgender people as part of a “diversity” initiative, and one of these quota hires isn’t productive, you’re likely to be accused of transphobia if you criticize them. Similarly, if a man doesn’t get along with a female co-worker, his complaints about her may be considered proof that he is a “sexist.” And speech codes have the effect of prohibiting any critical discussion of “diversity” policies, as such. James Damore was fired from Google and denounced as a misogynist for trying to explain the problems caused by Google’s “diversity” regime.

Remember what Elia Schito said about transgenderism? If “not accepting reality is the problem,” does it make sense to impose workplace rules designed to protect the feelings of delusional people?


It is painful to watch Coraline Ada Ehmke explain his/“her” delusion:

“I was male assigned at birth, but gender identity is not a physical thing. I knew from the outset that I was supposed to be a girl. I was socialized to conform to male gender norms, but I was really bad at it. There’s a constant tug-of-war between my body and my brain. My internal picture of who I was did not match my external appearance. . . . This is something that I would later come to know as dysphoria.”

This is a script, a rote recitation of a cult belief system.

The online transgender cult promotes “dysphoria” as the universal explanation for personal unhappiness of people like Corey/“Coraline” Ehmke, who are “really bad” at the performance of normal human social behavior. When Ehmke says he was “socialized to conform to male gender norms,” what does this even mean? It is true, of course, that the behavioral patterns called “gender” are to a great extent a matter of performance, and that some people find this more difficult than others. For example, athletic prowess is highly valued in males, and one suspects that young Corey Ehmke did not excel at baseball or basketball.

However, people who are incapable of achieving an ideal — e.g., the “Alpha male” as championship athlete — are usually able to console themselves by compensatory success in other areas of life. How much of human achievement can be attributed to the pursuit of such compensatory rewards? Ancient Greece celebrated athletic ability and military prowess, but not every man was naturally suited for such feats, and so they instead achieved fame as philosophers, poets, sculptors, etc.

Alas, despite our reliance on technology, our society does not heap praise upon the average computer geek. The nerds who have a natural aptitude for code are seldom athletic champions or beauty pageant winners. One of the most popular TV comedies of recent years, The Big Bang Theory, is premised on making fun of the stereotypical traits of scientific geniuses who are, to put it mildly, not exactly Alpha males. What gives rise to transgenderism, in many cases, is the false belief that those who, like Ehmke, are “really bad” at the performative aspects of “gender” can best achieve happiness by attempting to perform the opposite gender. And the online transgender cult encourages this delusion:

Critics of the transgender movement have described a phenomenon they call “rapid onset gender dysphoria,” in which young people develop a sudden belief that they were “born in the wrong body” and insist on seeking gender “transition” following a few weeks or months of intense immersion in the online transgender community. A remarkable increase in the number of adolescents calling themselves “non-binary” or “genderqueer” — labels unheard of a few years ago, but popularized via websites like Tumblr — further demonstrates how online communities are influencing the sexual attitudes and behaviors of young people.
Feminists and other critics accuse transgender activists of using online communities to promote a “cult” mentality among teenagers.




One of the scripts frequently heard from transgender activists is that the only alternative to “transition” is suicide, and it is therefore not surprising that Corey/“Coraline” opened his/“her” 30-minute lecture on transgenderism with an anecdote about his/“her” suicidal feelings:

“In October of 2012, I stood on a train platform . . . the wind of an oncoming train went through my trench coat. There were too things I wanted more than anything else in the world — a cigarette, and to step in front of the oncoming train. I literally had to grab hold of one of those pillars to keep myself from throwing myself down on the tracks to my death. . . . What had brought me to that place was the overwhelming sensation that something was terribly wrong with me. I was trying and failing to come to terms with being transgender.”

Ehmke delivers this startling confession in a bland monotone voice — it’s really disturbing to watch the way he/“she” says this on video — and it is not the least bit surprising to learn that, when he/“she” got a negative work review five years later, a suicidal crisis was the result. What happens when someone becomes convinced that “transition” is the solution to their unhappiness, and then discovers it doesn’t solve anything?

This is where Ehmke’s decades-long involvement in the occult is relevant. Creating a fictional online persona as the Reverend Doctor Corey Bantik, and presenting himself as an expert in “Egyptian Ritual Magick” could be seen as Ehmke’s effort to obtain social power, a high status that the college dropout did not enjoy in real life. Being “an active member of the small but tight-knit community of online occultists” in Usenet groups like alt.magick offered compensatory rewards for Ehmke’s low social status in real life. “The Reverend Doctor Corey Bantik” could presume to lecture the credulous believers in “magick,” and demand deference to his authority, exercising dominance over others in a way that was not available to him as a young computer geek working an obscure job.

And what is Ehmke’s “Contributor Covenant,” after all, except an instrument to exercise authority over others? Ehmke’s sadistic desire to punish people he/“she” doesn’t like (e.g., the popular Opal developer Elia Schito) is the essence of his/“her” SJW crusade to impose politically correct speech codes on the open-source software community.

A craving for power — to obtain authority over others — is typical of sociopathic personalities, whose frustration at their low-status condition in normal life inspires them with a desire to destroy the existing social order. SJWs denounce society as “unjust” because they are not on top of the social hierarchy. Their resentment of the success, happiness and popularity enjoyed by others is what motivates their pursuit of what they call “social justice,” but which in fact is personal revenge.

Corey Dale “Coraline Ada” Ehmke is a warped personality, afflicted with a spiritual deformity that manifests as psychiatric pathology. It would be a dangerous error to allow this sick individual to dictate policy to others. Eric Raymond has explained why hackers must oppose SJWs:

The SJWs talk ‘diversity’ but like all totalitarians they measure success only by total ideological surrender — repeating their duckspeak, denouncing others for insufficent political correctness, loving Big Brother. . . .
We must cast these would-be totalitarians out — refuse to admit them on any level except by evaluating on pure technical merit whatever code patches they submit. We must refuse to let them judge us, and learn to recognize their thought-stopping jargon and kafkatraps as a clue that there is no point in arguing with them and the only sane course is to disengage. We can’t fix what’s broken about the SJWs; we can, and must, refuse to let them break us.
